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Meat Sci ; 75(1): 112-9, 2007 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22063418


Glycogen debranching enzyme (GDE) is together with glycogen phosphorylase responsible for the degradation of glycogen. The present study compares the post-mortem activity of GDE and breakdown of the glycogen pools in M. longissimus dorsi of RN(-) carrier pigs and in wild type animals. The activity of GDE (n=14) and pH (n=20) was measured 0.5, 3, 5, 24 and 48h post-mortem. The change in pro-glycogen and in macro-glycogen content (n=20) was followed until 216h post-mortem and the transcription level of GDE, glycogenin and glycogen synthase m-RNA (n=19) were measured 0.5h post-mortem. Both the activity of GDE and the transcription level of GDE were found to be similar in RN(-) carriers and wild type animals shortly after slaughter. However, the activity declined faster in wild type animals compared with RN(-) carriers with increasing time post-mortem. The contents of both pro-glycogen and macro-glycogen were higher in RN(-) carriers compared with wild type animals, and further, the proportion of macro-glycogen was higher in RN(-) carriers compared with wild type animals. During the post-mortem period, only degradation of pro-glycogen was observed in both genotypes. The decrease in pH was faster and the ultimate pH lower in RN(-) carriers than in wild type animals. It was suggested that the higher GDE activity in the late phase of the post-mortem period in muscles from RN(-) carriers renders the extended pH decrease in these muscles.

Meat Sci ; 72(3): 555-9, 2006 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22061740


To study whether pelvic suspension would improve tenderness in comparison with normal hanging from the achilles tendon, carcasses from 34 Swedish red and white young bulls were randomly selected at the slaughter line. The left sides of the carcasses were re-hanged by the pelvic bone before cooling whereas the right sides remained hanging from the achilles tendon. Quality characteristics and length and weight were studied for M. semimembranosus. Tenderness was measured by the Warner-Bratzler shear force method. Purge and cooking loss were determined and sarcomere length was measured. Pelvic suspension considerably affected the shape of M. semimembranosus; the length increased by 38% in comparison with achilles suspension. The elongation of the muscle was parallel with an increase in sarcomere length from 1.6 to 2.9µm. The water-holding capacity was improved because both purge and cooking loss were lower for pelvic suspended carcasses. Tenderness was improved and the coefficient of variation between animals for Warner-Bratzler shear force was reduced from 26% for achilles tendon suspension to 12% for pelvic suspension. Likewise, the within-animal variation for shear force decreased significantly from 13.3% to 10.0%. Therefore, pelvic suspension seems to be a reliable method to reduce texture variability in M. semimembranosus from young bulls.

Meat Sci ; 74(4): 746-55, 2006 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22063232


The effect of RN genotype on pH decline, ultimate pH, pigment content, blooming and colour stability during 6 days of display at 5°C was studied in two pig muscles, M. longissimus dorsi (LD) and M. semimembranosus (SM), and furthermore the effect of anaerobic storage time (2 days vs. 9 days of ageing) on the same parameters was examined. The postmortem pH decline was faster and the ultimate pH lower in LD and SM of the RN(-) genotype compared with corresponding muscles from the rn(+) genotype. Pork of the RN(-) genotype was initially lighter and more red and yellow than pork of the rn(+) genotype due to a higher degree of blooming, which might be explained by the faster pH decline and/or lower ultimate pH. The level of oxymyoglobin (MbO(2)) was decisive for the redness of both muscles during display in air despite a higher presence of metmyoglobin (MetMb). Pork of the RN(-) genotype was thus redder than that of the rn(+) genotype throughout display in air despite higher oxidation to MetMb. Ageing for 9 days in chill improved the blooming potential in pork of both genotypes compared with 2 days of ageing, resulting in superior meat colour. However, only in pork from the RN(-) genotype, the colour was not negatively affected by ageing time upon display in air.

Meat Sci ; 66(3): 609-19, 2004 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22060871


The effect of three alleles (RN(-), rn(+) and a second mutant allele V199I, denoted rn*) at the PRKAG3 (RN) locus on such meat quality traits as pH, internal reflectance (FOP), Warner-Bratzler shear force, water-holding capacity and cooking loss were studied. M. longissimus dorsi (LD) from a total of 334 crossbreed pigs, entire males and females, Hampshire (H) and Finnish Landrace (L) of three combinations H × LH, LH × H and LH × LH, were used. The PRKAG3 alleles were identified with a DNA test and all possible RN genotypes, RN(-)/RN(-) (23%), RN(-)/rn(+) (24%), RN(-)/rn* (33%), rn(+)/rn(+) (8%), rn(+)/rn* (9%) and rn*/rn* (2%), were found. Water, intramuscular fat, protein and glycogen contents were determined. All the three alleles at the RN locus affected the studied technological meat quality traits of pork loin, except for the internal reflectance 24 h post mortem and the shear force. The RN(-) allele was dominant over the other two alleles, rn(+) and rn*, in LD with regard to ultimate pH, water-holding capacity and cooking loss, giving lower ultimate pH and water-holding capacity and higher cooking loss. The rn* allele affected ultimate pH in LD of non-carriers of the RN(-) allele, giving higher ultimate pH. The RN(-) allele was also dominant over the other two alleles in residual glycogen content in entire male pigs, but not in female pigs, where the rn* allele had a glycogen-lowering effect. The water content was higher and the protein content lower in LD of all RN(-)/- animals compared with the other genotypes, while no significant differences were found with regard to IMF content. Water-holding capacity, cooking loss and shear force were higher in LD of entire males compared with females.

Meat Sci ; 66(3): 621-7, 2004 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22060872


Three alleles at the PRKAG3 (RN) locus that influence the glycogen content of pork were found to be segregating in Hampshire×Landrace crossbred pigs, RN(-), rn(+) as well as second mutant allele V 199I (here denoted rn*). The effect of these three alleles on ultimate pH, pigment content, internal reflectance (FOP), surface colour measured by tristimulus colorimetry (L*, a*, b*) and fractions of deoxymyoglobin (Mb), oxymyoglobin (MbO(2)) and metmyoglobin (MetMb) of pork loin was studied. Moreover, the effect of sex, entire male versus female pigs, on these traits was also analysed. The three PRKAG3 alleles affected ultimate pH, internal reflectance, colour and distribution of myoglobin derivatives of pork loin, while the pigment content was not influenced. Ultimate pH values of loins from the three genotypes were found to be in the order RN(-)/- genotypes rn(+)/rn(+) genotype=rn(+)/rn* genotype=rn*/rn* genotype. The RN(-) allele was dominant resulting in higher redness (a* value) and yellowness (b* value), while the rn* allele tended to result in lower redness and yellowness compared with the rn* allele. The RN(-) allele was dominant over the rn* allele in lightness (L* value) giving a lighter colour. Surface colour differences were mainly explained by differences in the distribution of the myoglobin derivatives. Finally, surface lightness was higher and pigment content, redness and fraction of MbO(2) lower in loin from entire males compared with females.

Meat Sci ; 65(4): 1341-51, 2003 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22063778


The eating quality of M. longissimus dorsi (LD) from RN(-) homozygotes, RN(-) heterozygotes and RN(-) non-carriers was investigated in a Swedish Hampshire×Finnish Landrace pig population. The recently identified new allele (V199I, here denoted rn*) at the RN locus was also detected among the pigs selected and included in the sensory evaluation. The number of animals varied from 10 to 15 in the five genotype groups; RN(-)/RN(-), RN(-)/rn+, RN(-)/rn*, rn+/rn+ and rn+/rn* (in total 59 pigs). In addition, one pig was determined to be rn*/rn* but was excluded from the analysis. The three genotypes in which the RN(-) allele was represented (RN(-)/RN(-), RN(-)/rn+ and RN(-)/rn*) had higher glycogen and lower protein contents as well as lower ultimate pH (measured 48 h post-mortem) in LD than the non-carriers (rn+/rn+ and rn+rn*). Of the sensory parameters evaluated (tenderness, chewing time, chewing residual, juiciness, meat flavour and acidity), the five RN genotypes only affected acidity significantly; the RN(-) allele contributing to a more acid taste in LD. The influence of the rn* allele resembled that of rn+ on the sensory parameters. When the material was divided into three groups (homozygous, heterozygous and non-carriers of the RN(-) allele) the juiciness was found to be significantly influenced by RN genotype, and LD from animals that were homozygous and heterozygous with respect to the RN(-) allele exhibited a higher juiciness than LD from non-carriers. The RN(-) allele also tended to contribute to greater tenderness, which was significantly higher in LD from heterozygous carriers than from non-carriers of the RN(-) allele. A more rapid decline in pH (measured as pH at 45 min and 3 h post-mortem) contributed to a greater tenderness in LD (according to a trained panel and Warner-Bratzler shear force). In addition to the RN genotype, the decline in pH was influenced by carcass weight, which varied between 71 and 97 kg, and by stunning procedure, which changed during the course of the study from individual to group stunning with CO(2). The individual stunning procedure contributed to a lower pH in the initial post-mortem phase (pH(45)), whereas a higher carcass weight and the RN(-) allele lowered the pH in the mid-post-mortem region (pH(3h) and pH(24h)), significantly (P⩽0.05). The pH continued to decline after 24 h post-mortem and the ultimate pH was not reached until 48 h post-mortem. The cooking loss, juiciness and acidity were related to the specific characteristics of the RN(-) carriers, such as higher glycogen content, lower protein content and lower ultimate pH (pH(48h)).