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Heliyon ; 10(10): e31049, 2024 May 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38803977


Aim: To investigate the transgenerational effect of maternal hyperglycemia on oxidative stress markers, lipid profile, glycemia, pancreatic beta (ß)-cells, and reproductive outcomes in the F2 adult generation. Additionally, to expand the knowledge on transgenerational diabetes the F3 generation at birth will be evaluated. Methods: On day 5 of postnatal life female Sprague-Dawley rat newborns (F0 generation) were distributed into two groups: Diabetic (Streptozotocin-STZ, 70 mg/kg body weight, subcutaneous route) and Control rats. Adult female rats from the F0 generation and subsequently the F1 generation were mated to obtain the F2 generation, which was distributed into F2 generation (granddaughters) from control (F2_C) and diabetic (F2_D) rats. Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT), the area under the curve (AUC), blood biochemical analyses, and pancreatic morphology were analyzed before pregnancy. Reproductive outcomes were performed at the end of pregnancy. At birth, the glycemia and body weight of F3_C and F3_D rats were determined. p < 0.05 was considered significant. Results: F2_D had higher body weight, triglyceride levels, and percentage of insulin-immunostained cells, contributing to glucose intolerance, and insulin resistance before pregnancy. At day 21 of pregnancy, the F2_D showed increased embryonic losses before and after implantation (84.33 and 83.74 %, respectively). At birth, F3_D presented hyperglycemia, and 16.3 % of newborns were large for pregnancy age (LGA). Conclusion: Diabetes induction since the neonatal period in the first generation (F0) led to transgenerational (F2 and F3 generations) changes via the maternal lineage of female rats, confirming the relevance of control strictly the glycemia all the time.

Infect Dis Model ; 9(2): 314-328, 2024 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38371873


Since the COVID-19 pandemic was first reported in 2019, it has rapidly spread around the world. Many countries implemented several measures to try to control the virus spreading. The healthcare system and consequently the general quality of life population in the cities have all been significantly impacted by the Coronavirus pandemic. The different waves of contagious were responsible for the increase in the number of cases that, unfortunately, many times lead to death. In this paper, we aim to characterize the dynamics of the six waves of cases and deaths caused by COVID-19 in Rio de Janeiro city using techniques such as the Poincaré plot, approximate entropy, second-order difference plot, and central tendency measures. Our results reveal that by examining the structure and patterns of the time series, using a set of non-linear techniques we can gain a better understanding of the role of multiple waves of COVID-19, also, we can identify underlying dynamics of disease spreading and extract meaningful information about the dynamical behavior of epidemiological time series. Such findings can help to closely approximate the dynamics of virus spread and obtain a correlation between the different stages of the disease, allowing us to identify and categorize the stages due to different virus variants that are reflected in the time series.

Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538298


Introduction: the progression of SARS-CoV-2 highlighted the Americas region for the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths. In Brazil, the Southeast region was one of the most affected, especially the state of Rio de Janeiro, due to its cosmopolitan characteristics.Objective: to analyze temporal variations in the incidence, mortality and lethality of COVID-19 in the state of Rio de Janeiro from January 2020 to December 2022.Methods: ecological time-series study with publicly available data on COVID-19 cases and deaths. Crude incidence, mortality, and fatality rates, and estimates of percent daily change (DPC) were analyzed using Prais-Winsten linear regression. With calculation of crude rates were performed using Microsoft Excel 2019, and DPC estimates were performed using STATA MP 17.0 software.Results: 2.5 million cases and 76 thousand COVID-19 deaths were confirmed in the state of Rio de Janeiro from 2020 to 2022, with lethality declining from 4.89% to 0.60%. The highest lethality occurred in May 2020 (11.59%), October 2021 (9.13%) and March 2022 (6.78%), showing a stationary trend. In 2020, incidence and mortality rates peaked in December (797.76 per 100,000 inhabitants) and May (43.96 per 100,000 inhabitants), respectively, followed by subsequent declines. Incidence trend was increasing in 2020 and stationary in 2022, while mortality decreased in 2021 and 2022 after stability in 2020.Conclusion: The incidence of COVID-19 peaked in 2020 and subsequently declined, suggesting partial transmission control. Mortality stabilized after 2020, indicating evolution in health care. Lethality showed a stationary trend, indicating an improvement in hospital capacity. The divergent behavior of the epidemiological indicators reflected the complex dynamics of the pandemic in the analyzed state. There were 790 thousand deaths from COVID-19 in the State of Rio de Janeiro in the period from 2020 to 2022.

Introdução: a progressão do SARS-CoV-2 destacou a região das Américas pelo número de casos e óbitos de COVID-19. No Brasil, a região Sudeste foi uma das mais afetadas, em especial o estado do Rio de Janeiro, devido suas características cosmopolitas.Objetivo: analisar as variações temporais da incidência, mortalidade e letalidade da COVID-19 no estado do Rio de Janeiro no período de janeiro de 2020 a dezembro de 2022.Método: estudo ecológico de séries temporais com dados de acesso público de casos e óbitos de COVID-19. Analisou-se as taxas brutas de incidência, mortalidade e letalidade, e estimativas das taxas de variação percentual diária (DPC) utilizando a regressão linear de Prais-Winsten. Para o cálculo das taxas brutas usou-se o aplicativo Microsoft Excel 2019, e na estimativa da DPC o software STATA MP 17.0.Resultados: foram confirmados 2,5 milhões de casos e 76 mil óbitos por COVID-19 no estado do Rio de Janeiro, no período de 2020 a 2022, com letalidade declinando de 4,89% para 0,60%. A maior letalidade ocorreu em maio de 2020 (11,59%), outubro de 2021 (9,13%) e março de 2022 (6,78%), com tendência estacionária no período. Em 2020, as taxas de incidência e mortalidade, atingiu pico em dezembro (797,76/100 mil hab.), com posterior declínio e em maio (43,96/100 mil hab.), também com posterior queda, respectivamente. A tendência de incidência foi crescente em 2020 e estacionária em 2022, a mortalidade decresceu em 2021 e 2022, após estabilidade em 2020.Conclusão: a incidência de COVID-19 atingiu pico em 2020 e decresceu posteriormente, sugerindo controle parcial da transmissão. A mortalidade se estabilizou após 2020, indicando evolução da assistência à saúde. A letalidade apresentou tendência estacionária no período, sinalizando melhoria da capacidade hospitalar. O comportamento divergente dos indicadores epidemiológicos refletiu a complexa dinâmica da pandemia no estado do Rio de Janeiro. Houve 790 mil óbitos por COVID-19 no Estado do Rio de Janeiro no período de 2020 a 2022.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448712


Introducción: el Registro Cubano De malformaciones Congénitas (RECUMAC), es un programa de atención y vigilancia clínico-epidemiológico de las anomalías congénitas, el cual fue implementado en nuestro país en el año 1985, tiene un diseño de tipo caso-control, de base hospitalaria y alcance nacional, recogiendo información sobre la madre y el recién nacido, los productos de las terminaciones voluntarias de embarazo (TVE), así como factores ambientales y genéticos de interés. Objetivo: determinar la prevalencia al nacer y la frecuencia ajustada de defectos congénitos mayores. Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal, que implicó a los recién nacidos con defectos congénitos mayores de la provincia Granma en el período 2011-2018. Se calculó la prevalencia al nacer, la frecuencia ajustada y la tendencia de ambos, del total de los defectos estudiados para cada año, en cada municipio. Resultados: las frecuencias ajustadas de malformaciones congénitas se mantienen entre 14,4 y 15x1000 NV, excepto en los años 2012 y 2014 en que se elevó a 20 x1000 NV, los municipios Jiguaní, Yara, Bayamo, Cauto Cristo, Niquero y Buey Arriba fueron los de mayor frecuencia de anomalías congénitas, superando la media provincial, con frecuencias entre 16,13 y 23,2x1000 NV, el sistema de órganos con mayor FA de malformaciones congénitas fue el cardiovascular con 3,74x1000 NV, y según sistema de vigilancia internacional fue la hidrocefalia la malformación más frecuente con 0,92x1000 NV y 92% de TVE. Conclusiones: Las mayores tasas de malformaciones congénitas pertenecen en primer lugar al sistema cardiovascular seguidas del sistema genitourinario y el soma. El síndrome Down, la hidrocefalia, la Gastrosquisis, la Hipospadia y el labio leporino son las cinco malformaciones congénitas más frecuentes en nuestra provincia.

Introduction: the Cuban Registry of Congenital Malformations (RECUMAC), is a program of care and clinical-epidemiological surveillance of congenital anomalies, which was implemented in our country in 1985, has a case-control design, hospital-based and national scope, collecting information on the mother and newborn, the products of voluntary terminations of pregnancy (TVE), as well as environmental and genetic factors of interest. Objective: to determine the prevalence at birth and adjusted frequency of major birth defects. Methods: an observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted involving newborns with major congenital defects in Granma province in the period 2011-2018. The prevalence at birth, the adjusted frequency and the trend of both, of the total of the defects studied for each year, in each municipality were calculated. Results: the adjusted frequencies of congenital malformations remain between 14.4 and 15x1000 NV, except in the years 2012 and 2014 when it rose to 20 x1000 NV, the municipalities Jiguaní, Yara, Bayamo, Cauto Cristo, Niquero and Buey Arriba were the ones with the highest frequency of congenital anomalies, exceeding the provincial average, with frequencies between 16.13 and 23.2x1000 NV, the organ system with the highest AF of congenital malformations was the cardiovascular one with 3.74x1000 NV, and according to the international surveillance system, hydrocephalus was the most frequent malformation with 0.92x1000 NV and 92% of TVE. Conclusions: The highest rates of congenital malformations belong first to the cardiovascular system followed by the genitourinary system and the soma. Down syndrome, hydrocephalus, gastroschisis, hypospadia and cleft lip are the five most frequent congenital malformations in our province.

Introdução: o Registro Cubano de Malformações Congênitas (RECUMAC), é um programa de assistência e vigilância clínico-epidemiológica das anomalias congênitas, que foi implantado em nosso país em 1985, possui delineamento caso-controle, de âmbito hospitalar e nacional, coletando informações sobre a mãe e o recém-nascido, produtos de interrupções voluntárias da gravidez (TVE), bem como fatores ambientais e genéticos de interesse. Objetivo: determinar a prevalência ao nascer e a frequência ajustada dos principais defeitos congênitos. Métodos: foi realizado um estudo observacional, descritivo e transversal envolvendo recém-nascidos com defeitos congênitos maiores na província de Granma no período de 2011 a 2018. Foram calculadas a prevalência ao nascer, a frequência ajustada e a tendência de ambas, do total de defeitos estudados para cada ano, em cada município. Resultados: as frequências ajustadas de malformações congênitas permanecem entre 14,4 e 15x1000 NV, exceto nos anos de 2012 e 2014 quando subiu para 20 x1000 NV, os municípios de Jiguaní, Yara, Bayamo, Cauto Cristo, Niquero e Buey Arriba foram os que apresentaram maior frequência de anomalias congênitas, superando a média provincial, com frequências entre 16,13 e 23,2x1000 NV, o sistema orgânico com maior FA de malformações congênitas foi o cardiovascular com 3,74x1000 NV e, de acordo com o sistema de vigilância internacional, a hidrocefalia foi a malformação mais frequente com 0,92x1000 NV e 92% de TVE. Conclusões: As maior estaxas de malformações congênitas pertencem primeiro ao sistema cardiovascular, seguido pelo aparelho geniturinário e pelo soma. Síndrome de Down, hidrocefalia, gastrosquise, hipospádia e fenda labial são as cinco malformações congênitas mais frequentes em nossa província.

Colomb Med (Cali) ; 53(1): e2044920, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36415595


Objective: To describe cancer incidence and mortality trends in Manizales, Colombia, between 2008-2017. Methods: All incident cancer cases in Manizales collected by the Population-based Manizales Cancer Registry between January 1, 2008, and December 31, 2017, and all deaths caused by cancer in the same period, were included. The population at risk was obtained from the National Administrative Department of Statistics databases. Age-standardized incidence and mortality rates were calculated by sex and cancer site. Changes in trends were assessed using Joinpoint regression. Results: There were 11,188 incident cases, 56.7% in women. There were 4,996 cancer deaths, 52.6% in women. Breast, prostate, stomach, thyroid, lung, and colon cancers accounted for 50% of all incident cases. During this period, the incidence in women decreased and equaled that of men due to a significant decrease in cervical, stomach, and lung cancers, among others; likewise, mortality in women decreased slightly due to the reduction in deaths from cervical, stomach, esophagus, and connective tissue cancers. In contrast, in men, overall incidence and mortality remained unchanged. Conclusions: In Manizales, population aging has contributed to an increased burden of cancer. In terms of incidence and mortality, progress in the fight against this disease is still discrete. It is a priority to reinforce cancer control strategies with a differential approach by sex.

Objetivo: Describir las tendencias en incidencia y mortalidad por cáncer en Manizales, Colombia, entre 2008-2017. Métodos: Se incluyeron todos los casos incidentes de cáncer en Manizales captados por el Registro Poblacional de Cáncer de Manizales entre el 1º de enero de 2008 y el 31 de diciembre de 2017, así como todas las muertes causadas por cáncer en el mismo periodo. La población en riesgo se obtuvo de las estadísticas del DANE. Se calcularon tasas de incidencia y mortalidad ajustadas por edad según sexo y localización del cáncer. Se evaluaron cambios en las tendencias mediante una regresión Joinpoint. Resultados: Se registraron 11,188 casos incidentes, 56.7% en mujeres. Ocurrieron 4,996 muertes por cáncer, 52.6% en mujeres. Los cánceres de mama, próstata, estómago, tiroides, pulmón y colon, representaron el 50% de todos los casos incidentes. Durante este periodo, la incidencia en mujeres descendió y equiparó a la de los hombres, a partir de una disminución significativa en los cánceres de cérvix, estómago, y pulmón, entre otros; asimismo, la mortalidad en mujeres disminuyó levemente, debido a la reducción en muertes por cáncer de cérvix, estómago, esófago y tejidos blandos. En contraste, en hombres la incidencia y la mortalidad general no variaron. Conclusiones: El envejecimiento poblacional ha contribuido a una mayor carga de cáncer. En términos de incidencia y mortalidad, los avances en la lucha contra esta enfermedad aún son discretos. Es prioritario reforzar las estrategias para el control del cáncer con enfoque diferencial por sexo.

Neoplasias Pulmonares , Masculino , Humanos , Feminino , Incidência , Colômbia/epidemiologia
Colomb. med ; 53(1): e2044920, Jan.-Mar. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1384646


Abstract Objective: To describe cancer incidence and mortality trends in Manizales, Colombia, between 2008-2017. Methods: All incident cancer cases in Manizales collected by the Population-based Manizales Cancer Registry between January 1, 2008, and December 31, 2017, and all deaths caused by cancer in the same period, were included. The population at risk was obtained from the National Administrative Department of Statistics databases. Age-standardized incidence and mortality rates were calculated by sex and cancer site. Changes in trends were assessed using Joinpoint regression. Results: There were 11,188 incident cases, 56.7% in women. There were 4,996 cancer deaths, 52.6% in women. Breast, prostate, stomach, thyroid, lung, and colon cancers accounted for 50% of all incident cases. During this period, the incidence in women decreased and equaled that of men due to a significant decrease in cervical, stomach, and lung cancers, among others; likewise, mortality in women decreased slightly due to the reduction in deaths from cervical, stomach, esophagus, and connective tissue cancers. In contrast, in men, overall incidence and mortality remained unchanged. Conclusions: In Manizales, population aging has contributed to an increased burden of cancer. In terms of incidence and mortality, progress in the fight against this disease is still discrete. It is a priority to reinforce cancer control strategies with a differential approach by sex.

Resumen Objetivo: Describir las tendencias en incidencia y mortalidad por cáncer en Manizales, Colombia, entre 2008-2017. Métodos: Se incluyeron todos los casos incidentes de cáncer en Manizales captados por el Registro Poblacional de Cáncer de Manizales entre el 1º de enero de 2008 y el 31 de diciembre de 2017, así como todas las muertes causadas por cáncer en el mismo periodo. La población en riesgo se obtuvo de las estadísticas del DANE. Se calcularon tasas de incidencia y mortalidad ajustadas por edad según sexo y localización del cáncer. Se evaluaron cambios en las tendencias mediante una regresión Joinpoint. Resultados: Se registraron 11,188 casos incidentes, 56.7% en mujeres. Ocurrieron 4,996 muertes por cáncer, 52.6% en mujeres. Los cánceres de mama, próstata, estómago, tiroides, pulmón y colon, representaron el 50% de todos los casos incidentes. Durante este periodo, la incidencia en mujeres descendió y equiparó a la de los hombres, a partir de una disminución significativa en los cánceres de cérvix, estómago, y pulmón, entre otros; asimismo, la mortalidad en mujeres disminuyó levemente, debido a la reducción en muertes por cáncer de cérvix, estómago, esófago y tejidos blandos. En contraste, en hombres la incidencia y la mortalidad general no variaron. Conclusiones: El envejecimiento poblacional ha contribuido a una mayor carga de cáncer. En términos de incidencia y mortalidad, los avances en la lucha contra esta enfermedad aún son discretos. Es prioritario reforzar las estrategias para el control del cáncer con enfoque diferencial por sexo.

J Plant Res ; 135(2): 157-190, 2022 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35201522


Sapindales is a monophyletic order within the malvid clade of rosids. It represents an interesting group to address questions on floral structure and evolution due to a wide variation in reproductive traits. This review covers a detailed overview of gynoecium features, as well as a new structural study based on Trichilia pallens (Meliaceae), to provide characters to support systematic relationships and to recognize patterns of variations in gynoecium features in Sapindales. Several unique and shared characteristics are identified. Anacrostylous and basistylous carpels may have evolved multiple times in Sapindales, while ventrally bulging carpels are found in pseudomonomerous Anacardiaceae. Different from previous studies, similar gynoecium features, including degree of syncarpy, ontogenetic patterns, and PTTT structure, favors a closer phylogenetic proximity between Rutaceae and Simaroubaceae, or Rutaceae and Meliaceae. An apomorphic tendency for the order is that the floral apex is integrated in the syncarpous or apocarpous gynoecium, but with different length and shape among families. Nitrariaceae shares similar stigmatic features and PTTT structure with many Sapindaceae. As the current position of both families in Sapindales is uncertain, floral features should be investigated more extensively in future studies. Two different types of gynophore were identified in the order: either derived from intercalary growth below the gynoecium as a floral internode, or by extension of the base of the ovary locules as part of the gynoecium. Sapindales share a combination of gynoecial characters but variation is mostly caused by different degrees of development of the synascidiate part relative to the symplicate part of carpels, or the latter part is absent. Postgenital fusion of the upper part of the styles leads to a common stigma, while stylar lobes may be separate. Due to a wide variation in these features, a new terminology regarding fusion is proposed to describe the gynoecium of the order.

Anacardiaceae , Flores , Magnoliopsida , Meliaceae , Flores/anatomia & histologia , Flores/genética , Meliaceae/genética , Filogenia
Saúde Soc ; 31(3): e200484pt, 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1410118


Resumo Este ensaio tem como objetivo trazer reflexões acerca das contribuições da terapia ocupacional social com base nos estudos decoloniais latino-americanos, a fim de realizar um giro decolonial na área. O texto toma como hipótese que os debates e os referenciais teóricos e metodológicos constituídos por esse subcampo foram - e são - importantes para um movimento de desobediência epistêmica. Entende-se que a terapia ocupacional social se desenvolve como uma proposta contra-hegemônica dentro de um contexto profissional centralmente pautado em perspectivas anglo-saxônicas, que universalizam a experiência euro-norte-americana fincada em relações hierárquicas de colonialidade. Alguns elementos que evidenciam esse fato dizem respeito a uma práxis terapêutico-ocupacional social pautada nas compreensões dialéticas sobre indivíduo-coletivo e cotidiano-estrutura social. Assim, desenvolvemos esses elementos de maneira mais detalhada nos tópicos: (1) a questão social e o compromisso ético-político: articulador social para decolonizar; (2) descentrando referenciais: conhecimentos outros para decolonizar; (3) entre o macro e microssocial: articulação entre dimensão sócio-histórica e cultural, vida cotidiana e atividade para decolonizar; e (4) ação individual-coletiva e territorial-comunitária: superação de práticas individualizadas e individualizantes para decolonizar. Cabe destacar que a terapia ocupacional social ainda necessita de avanços nessa discussão para ser capaz de adensar esse debate dentro de sua complexidade histórica e contemporânea.

Abstract This essay reflects on the contributions brought about by social occupational therapy based on Latin American decolonial studies for the decolonial turn in the field, arguing that the debates and theoretical and methodological references carried out by this subfield were and are important for an epistemic disobedience. Social occupational therapy establishes itself as a counter-hegemonic proposal within a professional context centered on Anglo-Saxon perspectives, which universalizes the Euro-North American experience based on hierarchical relations of coloniality. Some of its elements refer to a social occupational-therapeutic praxis based on dialectical understandings of individual-collective and everyday life-social structure. Hence, the paper details these elements in the topics: (1) the social question and the ethical-political commitment: social articulator to decolonize; (2) decentering references: other knowledge to decolonize; (3) between the macro and microsocial: articulation between the socio-historical and cultural dimension, daily life and activity to decolonize; and (4) individual-collective and territorial-community action: overcoming individualized and individualizing practices to decolonize. Social occupational therapy still needs to further this discussions to deepen the debate within its historical and contemporary complexity.

Bioética , Colonialismo , Conhecimento
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1408630


Introducción: El conocimiento de las tendencias de mortalidad prematura en una población puede contribuir a realizar acciones que disminuyan los años de vida potencial perdidos por distintas causas. Objetivo: determinar la tendencia de mortalidad prematura por enfermedad de arterias, arteriolas y vasos, enfermedad cerebrovascular, infarto agudo del miocardio, diabetes mellitus, enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica y cáncer de mama, próstata, bucal, colon y cérvix en el policlínico 5 de septiembre de Consolación del Sur. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo del total de fallecidos prematuramente n = 313 por las causas seleccionadas, para ello se analizaron, a través de estadística descriptiva, los datos del Registro de Mortalidad de la Dirección Provincial de Salud Pública de Pinar del Río. Resultados: Existió correspondencia entre el incremento de la edad y el aumento de los fallecidos, los más afectados fueron el grupo etario 60-69 años, el sexo masculino y el color blanco de piel. Solo las enfermedades de arterias, arteriolas y vasos, la EPOC y la diabetes mellitus mostraron tendencia al ascenso. El mayor riesgo de morir prematuramente correspondió a los Grupos Básicos de Trabajo 2 y 4, y las causas de mayor tasa fueron la enfermedad cerebrovascular, infarto agudo de miocardio y EPOC. La población estudiada perdió 9,86 años de vida como promedio y el cáncer de cérvix fue la enfermedad que más aportó años de vida potencial perdidos. Conclusiones: Se apreció tendencia a la disminución de mortalidad prematura general por las enfermedades estudiadas(AU)

Introduction: Knowledge about tendencies of premature mortality in a population can contribute to carrying out actions that reduce the number of years of potential life lost due to different causes. Objective: To determine the tendency of premature mortality due to disease of the arteries, arterioles and vessels, cerebrovascular disease, acute myocardial infarction, diabetes mellitus, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), as well as breast, prostate, oral, colon and cervical cancer in 5 de Septiembre Polyclinic of Consolación del Sur Municipality. Methods: A retrospective and descriptive study was carried out with the total number of prematurely deceased (n=313) for the selected causes. For this purpose, the data from the Mortality Registry of the Provincial Directorate of Public Health of Pinar del Río were analyzed through descriptive statistics. Results: There was a correspondence between increase in age and increase in deaths; the most affected were those in age group 60-69 years, as well as the male sex and white skin color. Only diseases of the arteries, arterioles and vessels, COPD and diabetes mellitus showed an upward tendency. The highest risk for dying prematurely corresponded to the basic work groups 2 and 4, while the causes with the highest rate were cerebrovascular disease, acute myocardial infarction and COPD. The study population lost 9.86 years of life on average and cervical cancer was the disease that accounted for the highest amount of lost years of potential life. Conclusions: There was a tendency towards a decrease in general premature mortality due to the diseases studied(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Mortalidade Prematura/tendências , Doenças não Transmissíveis/mortalidade , Doenças não Transmissíveis/epidemiologia , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Estudos Retrospectivos , Expectativa de Vida/tendências
Behav Brain Res ; 407: 113262, 2021 06 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33775775


Judgment bias tests have become an important tool in the assessment of animals' affective states. Subjects are first trained to discriminate between two cues associated with a positive and a less-positive outcome. After successful training, they are confronted with an ambiguous cue, and responses are used for judgment bias assessment. In spatial settings, ambiguous cue presentation is typically linked with novelty, i.e. to yet unexplored areas or areas to which the animal has a low degree of habituation. We hypothesized that in such settings, responses to ambiguity might be biased by the animals' perception of novelty. We conducted judgment bias tests in mound-building mice phenotyped for their exploration tendency. After subjects had learned to distinguish between the positively and less-positively rewarded arms of a maze, a new ambiguous middle-arm was introduced. During the first test trial, more exploratory, less neophobic individuals displayed higher bidirectional locomotion in the ambiguous arm, indicating intensive exploration. Although this resulted in longer latencies to the reward in more exploratory animals, we conclude that this did not reflect a 'more pessimistic judgment of ambiguity'. Indeed, during the following two trials, with increasing habituation to the ambiguous arm, the direction of the association was inversed compared to the first trial, as more exploratory individuals showed relatively shorter approach latencies. We suggest that in spatial test settings associating the ambiguous cue to novel areas, results can be confounded by subjects' personality-dependent motivational conflict between exploration and reaching the reward. Findings obtained under such conditions should be interpreted with care.

Comportamento Animal/fisiologia , Comportamento Exploratório/fisiologia , Julgamento/fisiologia , Aprendizagem em Labirinto/fisiologia , Personalidade/fisiologia , Animais , Masculino
Sensors (Basel) ; 21(1)2021 Jan 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33401639


This paper analyzes 12 years of tropospheric ozone (O3) concentration measurements using robust techniques. The measurements were taken at an air quality monitoring station called Belisario, which is in Quito, Ecuador; the data collection time period was 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2019, and the measurements were carried out using photometric O3 analyzers. Here, the measurement results were used to build variables that represented hours, days, months, and years, and were then classified and categorized. The index of air quality (IAQ) of the city was used to make the classifications, and robust and nonrobust confidence intervals were used to make the categorizations. Furthermore, robust analysis methods were compared with classical methods, nonparametric methods, and bootstrap-based methods. The results showed that the analysis using robust methods is better than the analysis using nonrobust methods, which are not immune to the influence of extreme observations. Using all of the aforementioned methods, confidence intervals were used to both establish and quantify differences between categories of the groups of variables under study. In addition, the central tendency and variability of the O3 concentration at Belisario station were exhaustively analyzed, concluding that said concentration was stable for years, highly variable for months and hours, and slightly changing between the days of the week. Additionally, according to the criteria established by the IAQ, it was shown that in Quito, the O3 concentration levels during the study period were not harmful to human health.

Psicol. USP ; 32: e200178, 2021.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1340408


Resumos Segundo Winnicott, a tendência antissocial tem por etiologia uma deprivação que ocorre quando está se dando a fusão entre os elementos instintuais e motores. A desfusão desses elementos resulta num prejuízo no desenvolvimento criativo das relações objetais e na expressão da agressividade. A tendência antissocial se manifesta através de um transtorno no ambiente, por meio da mentira, do roubo e da destrutividade. Neste artigo, apresento um caso clínico em que surgiram comportamentos antissociais numa pessoa idosa e como se constituiu o setting terapêutico para seu tratamento. Por fim, o texto discute se a etapa da vida que se conhece por velhice, por se apresentar amiúde com decadência física e declínio instintual, não causaria nos indivíduos uma deprivação que se expressaria por meio de múltiplos transtornos, normalmente percebidos como manifestações da mera velhice e que, na verdade, poderiam ser mais bem entendidos como expressão de uma tendência antissocial.

Résumé Selon Winnicott, la tendance antisociale résulte d'une privation qui se produit au moment où s'opère la fusion entre les éléments instinctuels et moteurs. La défusion de ces éléments entraîne une perte dans le développement créatif des relations objectales et dans l'expression de l'agressivité. La tendance antisociale se manifeste par une perturbation de l'environnement, par le mensonge, le vol et la destruction. Cet article présente un cas clinique dans lequel des comportements antisociaux se sont apparu chez une personne âgée et comment s'est constitué le cadre thérapeutique de son traitement. Enfin, le texte propose une réflexion : cette étape de la vie, que l'on nomme vieillesse et qui se présente souvent comme une déchéance physique et un déclin instinctif, ne provoquerait-elle chez les individus une déprivation qui s'exprimerait par de multiples troubles, normalement perçus comme des manifestations de la simple vieillesse mais qui, en fait, pourraient être mieux compris comme l'expression d'une tendance antisociale ?

Resumen Según Winnicott, la tendencia antisocial tiene por etiología una deprivación, que ocurre cuando los elementos instintuales y motores se están fusionando. La escisión entre estos elementos tiene como resultado un perjuicio en el desarrollo creativo de las relaciones objetales y la expresión de agresividad. La tendencia antisocial se manifiesta como una perturbación en el entorno mediante la mentira, el robo y la destructividad. En este artículo se presenta un caso clínico en el que surgieron comportamientos antisociales en una persona mayor y cómo se constituyó el setting terapéutico. Por último, se discute si la etapa de la vida conocida como vejez, por su decadencia física y el deterioro instintual en general, no les causaría a los individuos una deprivación, la cual se expresaría en múltiples desórdenes de la vejez que podrían entenderse como la expresión de una tendencia antisocial.

Abstract According to Winnicott, antisocial tendency etiology is an experience of deprivation that occurs during the fusion between instinctual and motor elements. These elements defusion impairs creative development of object relations and leads to an expression of aggression. In this scenario, the antisocial tendency is expressed by an environmental disorder, through lies, stealing, and destructivity. This article presents a clinical case of antisocial behaviors in an older person, describing the therapeutic setting for the treatment of such condition. Considering that ageing often presents with physical decadence and instinctual decline, it also discusses the association between this life period and a deprivation expressed through multiple disorders that are usually understood as signs of mere senescence but could possibly signify the expression of an antisocial tendency.

Humanos , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Idoso/psicologia , Transtorno da Conduta/etiologia , Transtorno da Personalidade Antissocial/etiologia , Psicoterapia
Sensors (Basel) ; 20(17)2020 Sep 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32887227


This paper presents a robust analysis of carbon monoxide (CO) concentration measurements conducted at the Belisario air-quality monitoring station (Quito, Ecuador). For the analysis, the data collected from 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2019 were considered. Additionally, each of the twelve years analyzed was considered as a random variable, and robust location and scale estimators were used to estimate the central tendency and dispersion of the data. Furthermore, classic, nonparametric, bootstrap, and robust confidence intervals were used to group the variables into categories. Then, differences between categories were quantified using confidence intervals and it was shown that the trend of CO concentration at the Belisario station in the last twelve years is downward. The latter was proven with the precision provided by both nonparametric and robust statistical methods. The results of the research work robustly proved that the CO concentration at Belisario station in the last twelve years is not considered a health risk, according to the criteria established by the Quito Air Quality Index.

Saúde debate ; 43(spe3): 94-108, dez. 2019. graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1059050


RESUMO No Brasil, mais de 80% da população brasileira vive em cidades. Como consequência desse crescimento populacional, há impermeabilização do solo, ocupação das faixas marginais de proteção dos rios, desmatamentos, canalização de rios, quantidade crescente de resíduos sólidos que são jogados nesses corpos hídricos, dentre outras. Quando ocorre grande precipitação pluvial, os corpos hídricos transbordam provocando inundações com danos materiais, humanos, ambientais que impactam a saúde da população. No mundo, 20 milhões de pessoas sofrem anualmente com enchentes. O Brasil ocupa a 11ª colocação no ranking com 270 mil pessoas atingidas pelas inundações. Este artigo, pesquisa histórica, descritiva com pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, faz uma reflexão da evolução do processo de manejo de águas pluviais urbanas desde a fase da drenagem tradicional, com a implantação de medidas estruturais e não estruturais com o propósito de afastar as águas, passando pela drenagem sustentável, quando, com intuito de retardar o fluxo das águas são construídos reservatórios subterrâneos até a fase atual quando são propostas soluções baseadas ou em sintonia com a natureza, com estruturas cinzas e verdes. Deseja-se contribuir para a sensibilização de gestores e da população para que cada um cumpra o seu papel no consciente manejo adequado das águas pluviais urbanas.

ABSTRACT In Brazil, over 80% of the Brazilian population live in cities. As a consequence of that population growth, there is waterproofing of the soil, occupation of marginal river protection strips, deforestation, river channeling, increasing amount of solid waste that is thrown into these water bodies, among others. When great rainfall occurs, water bodies overflow and cause flooding with material, human and environmental damage impacting the health of the population. In the world, 20 million people suffer annually from floods. Brazil occupies the 11th place in the ranking with 270 thousand people being affected by the floods. This article, therefore, makes a critical analysis of the evolution of the process of urban rainwater management from the traditional drainage phase, with the implementation of structural and non-structural measures with the purpose of repelling water, including the use of sustainable drainage, with the purpose of delaying the flow of water by constructing underground reservoirs, to the present phase when solutions are proposed based on or in harmony with nature, with gray and green structures. We hope to contribute to raising the awareness of managers and of the population so that each one fulfills their role in the appropriate and conscious management of urban rainwater.

Med Eng Phys ; 74: 33-40, 2019 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31611180


Heart rate variability (HRV) is a non-invasive alternative to analyze the role of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) on heart functioning. Many tools have been developed to analyze collected cardiac data. Among them, the Central Tendency Measure (CTM) is a quantitative method for variability analysis of RR intervals. The values of the CTM must be between 0 and 1 (inclusive) for different radius, which follows the intrinsic characteristics of each time series. Using the conventional CTM, the successive differences of the time series may be calculated, and it can classify and differentiate the disturbances in the ANS involving HRV. This method was extended (e-CTM) to analyze the differences between RR interval time series. In this extension, a new parameter is added, which allows analysis of long time intervals, instead of successive and adjacent RR intervals. The ability of the e-CTM to differentiate the groups of the RR interval time series was verified with 145 RR interval time series divided into three groups: subjects with congestive heart failure, healthy subjects, and nurses during one hour of their workday. Results evidence that the new parameter added differentiates the group with pathology (and subsequent impairment of ANS) and group under stress at work (temporary impairment of ANS). These results suggest that the e-CTM is capable of detection long-term variations in the HRV according to the ANS impairment.

Eletrocardiografia , Frequência Cardíaca , Adulto , Idoso , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Processamento de Sinais Assistido por Computador , Fatores de Tempo
Medisan ; 23(3)mayo.-jun. 2019.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1091106


En el presente artículo se brinda un análisis histórico y pedagógico de la formación médica en Cuba a partir del triunfo revolucionario. Se identifican las tendencias pedagógicas por las que discurre dicha formación, lo que caracteriza el movimiento del proceso en cada etapa históricamente determinada por estos autores. Este análisis permitió revelar 3 etapas, a partir de los principales hitos en el proceso de formación en valores del médico después de la Reforma Universitaria de 1962 hasta 2018 en Cuba y se precisó en cada una de ellas la concepción del proceso formativo del profesional de la carrera de medicina, así como las limitaciones metodológicas y didácticas del valor responsabilidad en dicho proceso.

A historical and pedagogical analysis of the medical training in Cuba from the revolutionary victory on, is presented in this work. The pedagogical tendencies through which this training goes are identified, what characterizes the movement of the process in each historically determined stage by these authors. This analysis allowed to reveal 3 stages, from the main landmarks in the values training process after the University Reform of 1962 to 2018 in Cuba and it was stated in each of them the conception of the professional training process for the medicine career, as well as the methodological and didactic limitations of the value responsibility in this process.

Faculdades de Medicina , Estudantes de Medicina/história , Educação Médica/história
CCH, Correo cient. Holguín ; 23(1): 159-174, ene.-mar. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001627


RESUMEN Introducción: actualmente, el Accidente Cerebrovascular (ACV) produce importantes limitaciones, discapacidades y constituye una de las primeras causas de muerte a nivel mundial. La mortalidad hospitalaria es uno de los indicadores más utilizados para medir la calidad de la atención en los servicios de salud. Objetivo: determinar la tendencia de la mortalidad por ACV. Métodos: se realizó una investigación descriptiva de una serie de casos. El universo fueron 382 pacientes; el total de fallecidos con el diagnóstico clínico, tomográfico y/o necrológico de ACV, del 2012 hasta el 2017, en el Hospital Clínico-Quirúrgico Lucía Íñiguez Landín. Los datos recogidos fueron procesados estadísticamente. Resultados: en los años estudiados fallecieron por ACV, un promedio anual de 63 pacientes. El grupo etario de 71 a 80 años sobresalió con un promedio de 17,5 fallecidos. Llamó la atención la tendencia al aumento del grupo de 51 a 60 años. Predominó el sexo masculino con un promedio de 35,6 fallecidos; aunque la tendencia fue a igualarse. Prevalecieron las hemorragias intracerebrales con 34 fallecidos como promedio, y la hipertensión arterial acompañó a más del 50% de los fallecidos, en la mayoría de los años estudiados. Las causas directas de los fallecimientos fueron: el edema cerebral y la hipertensión endocraneana refractaria, principalmente durante las estadías hospitalarias cortas o intermedias. Conclusiones: la mortalidad por ACV tuvo un comportamiento similar en los diferentes años; pero con una tendencia a elevarse con el tiempo y aparecer en edades más tempranas.

ABSTRACT Introduction: nowadays, Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA) invalidantes patients and is one of the main mortality causes around the world. Hospital mortality is one of the most adequate indicators to measure the attention quality, in health services. Objective: to determine mortality tendency of CVA. Methods: a descriptive series of cases research, with the universe of the 382 deceased patients, diagnosed with tomographic and/or obituary of CVA, from 2012 to 2017, at the Clinical Surgical Hospital "Lucía Íñiguez Landín". Data were processed statistically. Results: during the years of study, an average of 62 patients perished for CVA. Age bracket from 71 to 80 stood out with 17.5 average. Tendency raised in the group from 51 to 60. Males prevailed with a mortality of 35.6 average; though it tend to become equal. Intracerebral Hemorrhages prevailed with a 34 average mortality, and arterial hypertension accompanied the 50% of dead patients, in most of the studied years. Mortality direct causes were the cerebral edema and intracraneal hypertension with refration, mainly when hospital stays were short or intermediates. Conclusions: CVA mortality behaved differently through the studied years; though it increased and appeared, more frequently, in premature ages.

Textos contextos (Porto Alegre) ; 18(1): 135-145, 2019.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1026610


O artigo, inicialmente, problematiza a ampla utilização nos estudos sobre pobreza desde uma perspectiva marxista da "Lei Geral da Acumulação Capitalista", apresentada por Marx no capítulo XXIII do Livro Primeiro de O Capital. Tais estudos parecem considerar que, nesse capítulo, o objetivo específico de Marx é discutir a questão da pobreza. Em seguida, o artigo sustenta que a rigor a Lei não consiste, como costuma ser lida, em uma "teoria da pauperização" desenvolvida por Marx. Com isso, revela, na sequência, que o seu objetivo é examinar a influência que o aumento do capital tem sobre a sorte da classe trabalhadora a partir da apresentação da lei tendencial característica da dinâmica do capitalismo. Destaca-se que na exposição realizada por Marx são colocadas em questão as condições vitais e de trabalho de forma ampla, não limitando a análise à preocupação com possíveis aumentos salariais ou melhoria da qualidade de vida como resultado de um maior acesso ao consumo no interior dessa forma de organização social.

The article initially discusses the wide use of the "General Law of Capitalist Accumulation" in studies on poverty from a Marxist perspective, presented by Marx in Chapter XXIII of Capital, vol. I. Such studies seem to consider that in this chapter the specific goal of Marx is to discuss the issue of poverty. Then, the article argues that the Law actually does not consist in a "theory of impoverishment" developed by Marx. In opposition to this rather usual interpretation, it sustains that, after the presentation of the tendency of the law characteristic of the dynamics of capitalism, Marx's goal in that chapter is to examine the influence that the increase of capital has on the fate of the working class. It should be emphasized that in the explanation put forward by Marx questions relative to life and working conditions are examines in broad terms, so that the analysis is not limited to the concern with possible wage increases or improvements in the quality of life as a result of greater access to consumption within this form of social organization.

Trabalho , Pobreza , Capitalismo
J. psicanal ; 51(95): 89-103, jul.-dez. 2018.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-984666


O objetivo do presente trabalho é sublinhar a relação histórica e conceitual entre a teoria dos fenômenos transicionais e a teoria da tendência antissocial, focalizando o uso pessoal e simbólico dos objetos inanimados. Winnicott (1956/2005) reconheceu que a deprivação, antes de ser o resultado de uma ruptura traumática do desenvolvimento emocional, é uma vivência corriqueira durante a maternagem e que o objeto transicional é indicador de que o bebê já alcançou, ou está em vias de alcançar, a capacidade de incomodar. Entretanto, quando traumática, a deprivação é seguida de um processo dissociativo em que o acesso à transicionalidade é, regressivamente, perdido e os objetos inanimados se tornam objetos impessoais. Uma reflexão decorrente desse tema é a do lugar dos objetos simbólicos e dos objetos impessoais em nosso cotidiano e seus efeitos no sofrimento psíquico da atualidade.

The objective of the present work is to emphasize the historical and conceptual relationship between the theory of transitional phenomena and the antisocial tendency theory, focusing on the personal and symbolic use of inanimate objects. Winnicott (1956/2005) acknowledged that deprivation, before being the result of a traumatic rupture of emotional development, is a common experience during mothering and that the transitional object is an indicator that the baby has already attained, or is about to reach, the ability to trouble. However, when traumatic, deprivation is followed by a dissociative process in which access to transitionality is regressively lost and inanimate objects become impersonal objects. A reflection derived from this theme is that of the place of the symbolic objects and the impersonal objects in our daily life and their effects in the psychic suffering of the present time.

El objetivo del presente trabajo es subrayar la relación histórica y conceptual entre la teoría de los fenómenos transicionales y la teoría de la tendencia antisocial, enfocando el uso personal y simbólico de los objetos inanimados. Winnicott (1956/2005) reconoció que la privación, antes de ser el resultado de una ruptura traumática del desarrollo emocional, es una vivencia ordinaria durante la maternidad y que el objeto transicional es un indicador de que el bebé ya alcanzó, o está en camino de alcanzar, la capacidad de incomodar. Sin embargo, cuando traumática, la privación es seguida de un proceso disociativo en que el acceso a la transicionalidad es, regresivamente, perdido y los objetos inanimados se vuelven objetos impersonales. Una reflexión resultante de este tema es la del lugar de los objetos simbólicos y de los objetos impersonales en nuestro cotidiano y sus efectos en el sufrimiento psíquico de la actualidad.

L'objectif de cette étude est de mettre l'accent sur la relation historique et conceptuelle entre la théorie de l'objet transitionnel et la théorie de la tendance antisociale, en se concentrant sur l'usage personnel et symbolique des objets matériels. Winnicott (1956/2005) a reconnu que la privation avant d'être le résultat d'une rupture traumatique du développement émotionnel est une expérience courante pour maternage et que l'objet transitionnel est un indicateur que le bébé a atteint, ou est sur le point d'atteindre, la capacité d'incommoder. Toutefois, lorsque la privation traumatique est suivie d'un processus dissociatif dans lequel l'accès à transitionnalité est en arrière, les objets inanimés deviennent des objets impersonnels. Une réflexion résultant de ce thème est le lieu des objets symboliques et des objets impersonnels dans notre vie quotidienne et ses effets sur la souffrance mentale d'aujourd'hui.

Horiz. sanitario (en linea) ; 17(3): 189-196, sep.-dic. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1002102


Abstract Objective: To analyze the purchasing behaviors in university students of the Mexican Republic and determine if there are differences between sexes that show the behavior provided is considered compulsive, following the model of Valence, d'Astous and Fortier. Materials and methods: We carried out a quantitative, descriptive, correlational and explanatory study, because it confirms the structure of the Valence d'Astous and Fortier compulsive buying scale, in the following factors: tendency to spend, reactive aspect and post-purchase guilt. The study involved 1,687 students of the millennials generation of 27 states of the Mexican Republic, composed of a 60 per cent of women and 40% men; the data collection was made via online with the software SurveyMonkey using a questionnaire of 16 items, in Likert scale. The statistical treatment used was the Pearson's Chi-square test, by the SPSS version 24. Results: The findings show that the purchasing behavior of the sample under study cannot be considered as compulsive disorder under the model of Valence, d'Astous And Fortier, although women in relation to men, had a tendency toward compulsive buying, this got on the results shown in the construct "tendency to spend". Conclusions: The results obtained by this research must be of great importance for companies; it is important to note that the subject of the compulsive buying should be a concern and the subject of further research for universities, authorities and practitioners of marketing. Today, thanks to studies on the subject, responsibles for developing the marketing strategies are becoming more aware of how they affect the decisions of consumers, we must not lose sight of the fact that the members of the millennial generation are the future of the country and the world, and they should have the opportunity to make more responsible consumption, of benefit to the current world and future generations.

Resumen Objetivo: Analizar los comportamientos de compra de los estudiantes universitarios de la República Mexicana y determinar si existen diferencias por sexo que muestren que el comportamiento presentado se considera compulsivo, siguiendo el modelo de Valence, dAstous y Fortier. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de tipo cuantitativo, descriptivo, correlacional y explicativa, porque confirma la estructura de la escala de las compras compulsivas de Valence, d'Astous y Fortier en los factores: tendencia a gastar, urgencia de comprar y sentimientos de culpabilidad. El estudio involucró a 1.687 estudiantes de la generación millenials de 27 estados de la República Mexicana, compuesta por un 60% de mujeres y 40% varones; el levantamiento de la información fue online con el software survey monkey mediante cuestionario de 16 ítems, en escala de Likert. El tratamiento estadístico utilizado fue la Prueba Chi cuadrada Pearson, usando el paquete SPSS versión 24. Resultados: Los hallazgos muestran que el comportamiento de compra de la muestra bajo estudio no puede ser considerado como compulsivo bajo el modelo de Valence, d'Astous y Fortier, aunque las mujeres, en relación con los hombres, presentan tendencia hacia la compra compulsiva por los resultados mostrados en el constructo "tendencia a gastar". Conclusiones: Los resultados obtenidos por la investigación deben ser de gran importancia para las empresas; es importante destacar que el tema de la compra compulsiva no debe dejar de ser una preocupación y tema de investigación permanente para universidades, autoridades y practicantes de la mercadotecnia. Hoy en día, gracias a los estudios realizados sobre el tema, los encargados de elaborar las estrategias mercadológicas están tomando más conciencia de la forma como afectan en las decisiones de los consumidores, no hay que perder de vista que los integrantes de la generación millennial son el futuro del país y del mundo, y ellos deben tener la oportunidad de realizar consumos más responsables, de beneficio para el mundo actual y las generaciones futuras.

Resumo Objetivo: Analisar os comportamentos de compras dos estudantes universitários da República Mexicana e determinar se há diferenças por sexo que mostram que o comportamento seja considerado compulsivo, seguindo o modelo de Valence, d'Astous e Fortier. Materiais e métodos: Realizou-se um estudo quantitativo, descritivo, correlacional e explicativo, confirmando a estrutura da escala de compras compulsivas de Valence, d'Astous e Fortier nos fatores: tendencia para gastar, o desejo de comprar e os sentimentos de culpa. O estudo envolveu 1.687 estudantes da "geração do milénio" dos 27 estados da República Mexicana, composto por 60% de mulheres e 40% de homens; o levantamento das informa9oes foi efetuado via on-line através do software survey monkey, com aplica9áo de um questionário com 16 itens, sob forma de escala Likert. O tratamento estatístico baseou-se na analise do Qui-quadrado, utilizando-se o programa SPSS versão 24. Resultados: Os dados mostram que o comportamento da amostra em estudo não pode ser considerada como tendo comortamentos compulsivos de compra com base no modelo de Valence, d'Astous e Fortier. Porém, as mulheres comparadas com os homens tem uma tendência para as compras compulsivas porque os resultados demonstram uma "tendência para o gasto". Conclusões: Os resultados obtidos são de importancia capital para as empresas; é importante destacar que o tema das compras compulsivas deve continuar a ser uma preocupação e objecto de estudo para as universidades, as autoridades e os profissionais de marketing. Hoje, graçãs aos estudos realizados sobre o tema, os decisores de politicas de marketing estão mais conscientes de como afetam as decisoes dos consumidores, e náo se pode de ter em atenção o fato de que os membros da "Geração do milénio" são o futuro do país e do mundo, devendo ter a oportunidade de realizar um consumo mais responsável, com benefícios para o mundo atual e futuras gerações.

Résumé Objectif: Analyser les comportements d'achat des étudiants universitaires mexicains selon le sexe et déterminer s'il existe un comportement considéré compulsif, d'après le modele de Valence, d'Astous et Fortier. Matériaux et méthode: L'étude réalisée est quantitative, descriptive, corrélationnelle et explicative, car elle confirme la structure de l'Échelle de mesure de l'achat compulsif de Valence, d'Astous et Fortier pour les facteurs suivants: tendance à dépenser, envie d'acheter et sentiment de culpabilité. L'échantillon a inclus 1.687 étudiants de la génération millénaire, de 27 États du Mexique, 60% de sexe féminin et 40% de sexe masculin. L'information a été recueillie en ligne avec le logiciel Survey Monkey grâce à un questionnaire de 16 items, de type échelle de Likert. Le traitement statistique a été réalisé au moyen du test du Chi-carré, avec le logiciel SPSS versión 24. Resultados: Les résultats montrent que le comportement d'achat de l'échantillon étudié ne peut être considéré compulsif d'après le modèle de Valence, d'Astous et Fortier; cependant, selon la section "tendance a dépenser", les femmes ont tendance à acheter plus compulsivement que les hommes. Conclusions: Les résultats obtenus dans cette recherche sont d'une grande importance pour les entreprises; il est important de souligner que la question de l'achat compulsif ne devrait pas cesser d'être une préoccupation et un thème de recherche permanent pour les universités, les autorités et les praticiens du marketing Aujourd'hui, grâce aux études sur ce sujet, les responsables du développement de stratégies de marketing sont de plus en plus conscients de leur impact sur les décisions des consommateurs. Nous ne devons pas perdre de vue que les membres de la génération millénaire sont l'avenir du pays et du monde; ils doivent avoir l'opportunité de consommer de façon plus responsable, pour bénéficier au monde actuel et aux générations futures.