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Appl Opt ; 63(6): 1618-1627, 2024 Feb 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38437377


We developed a broadband two-layer anti-reflection (AR) coating for use on a sapphire half-wave plate (HWP) and an alumina infrared (IR) filter for the cosmic microwave background (CMB) polarimetry. Measuring the faint CMB B-mode signals requires maximizing the number of photons reaching the detectors and minimizing spurious polarization due to reflection with an off-axis incident angle. Sapphire and alumina have high refractive indices of 3.1 and are highly reflective without an AR coating. This paper presents the design, fabrication, quality control, and measured performance of an AR coating using thermally sprayed mullite and Duroid 5880LZ. This technology enables large optical elements with diameters of 600 mm. We also present a thermography-based nondestructive quality control technique, which is key to assuring good adhesion and preventing delamination when thermal cycling. We demonstrate the average reflectance of about 2.6% (0.9%) for two observing bands centered at 90/150 (220/280) GHz. At room temperature, the average transmittance of a 105 mm square test sample at 220/280 GHz is 83%, and it will increase to 90% at 100 K, attributed to reduced absorption losses. Therefore, our developed layering technique has proved effective for 220/280 GHz applications, particularly in addressing dielectric loss concerns. This AR coating technology has been deployed in the cryogenic HWP and IR filters of the Simons Array and the Simons observatory experiments and applies to future experiments such as CMB-S4.

Appl Opt ; 62(16): 4334-4341, 2023 Jun 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37706925


Telescopes measuring cosmic microwave background (CMB) polarization on large angular scales require exquisite control of systematic errors to ensure the fidelity of the cosmological results. In particular, far-sidelobe contamination from wide angle scattering is a potentially prominent source of systematic error for large aperture microwave telescopes. Here we describe and demonstrate a ray-tracing-based modeling technique to predict far sidelobes for a three mirror anastigmat telescope designed to observe the CMB from the South Pole. Those sidelobes are produced by light scattered in the receiver optics subsequently interacting with the walls of the surrounding telescope enclosure. After comparing simulated sidelobe maps and angular power spectra for different enclosure wall treatments, we propose a highly scattering surface that would provide more than an order of magnitude reduction in the degree-scale far-sidelobe contrast compared to a typical reflective surface. We conclude by discussing the fabrication of a prototype scattering wall panel and presenting measurements of its angular scattering profile.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 93(5): 055106, 2022 May 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35649759


We present the design and measured performance of a new carbon fiber strut design that is used in a cryogenically cooled truss for the Simons Observatory small aperture telescope. The truss consists of two aluminum 6061 rings separated by 24 struts. Each strut consists of a central carbon fiber tube fitted with two aluminum end caps. We tested the performance of the strut and truss by (i) cryogenically cycling and destructively pull-testing strut samples, (ii) non-destructively pull-testing the final truss, and (iii) measuring the thermal conductivity of the carbon fiber tubes. We found that the strut strength is limited by the mounting fasteners and the strut end caps, not the epoxy adhesive or the carbon fiber tube. This result is consistent with our numerical predictions. Our thermal measurements suggest that the conductive heat load through the struts (from 4 to 1 K) will be less than 1 mW. This strut design may be a promising candidate for use in other cryogenic support structures.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 93(2): 024503, 2022 Feb 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35232133


A study investigating the physical properties and use of the SiAl composite Controlled Expansion 7 (CE7) for the packaging of silicon bolometric detectors for millimeter-wave astrophysical applications at cryogenic temperatures is presented. The existing interfaces to such detectors are typically made of either ductile metals or micro-machined silicon. As a composite of Si and Al, we find that CE7 exhibits properties of both in ways that may be advantageous for this application. This exploration of the physical properties of CE7 reveals: (a) superconductivity below a critical transition temperature, Tc ∼ 1.2 K; (b) a thermal contraction profile much closer to Si than metal substrates; (c) the relatively low thermal conductivity anticipated for a superconductor, which can be improved by Au-plating; and (d) the feasibility of machining mechanical features with tolerances of ∼25 µm. We further discuss the use of CE7 in the cosmology large angular scale surveyor telescope array, which deployed CE7 in several of its detector focal planes.

Appl Opt ; 61(34): 10309-10319, 2022 Dec 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36606797


We present near-field radio holography measurements of the Simons Observatory Large Aperture Telescope Receiver optics. These measurements demonstrate that radio holography of complex millimeter-wave optical systems comprising cryogenic lenses, filters, and feed horns can provide detailed characterization of wave propagation before deployment. We used the measured amplitude and phase, at 4 K, of the receiver near-field beam pattern to predict two key performance parameters: 1) the amount of scattered light that will spill past the telescope to 300 K and 2) the beam pattern expected from the receiver when fielded on the telescope. These cryogenic measurements informed the removal of a filter, which led to improved optical efficiency and reduced sidelobes at the exit of the receiver. Holography measurements of this system suggest that the spilled power past the telescope mirrors will be less than 1%, and the main beam with its near sidelobes are consistent with the nominal telescope design. This is the first time such parameters have been confirmed in the lab prior to deployment of a new receiver. This approach is broadly applicable to millimeter and submillimeter instruments.

Appl Opt ; 61(30): 8904-8911, 2022 Oct 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36607016


We present the design, fabrication, and measured performance of metamaterial antireflection cuttings (ARCs) for large-format alumina filters operating over more than an octave of bandwidth to be deployed at the Simons Observatory (SO). The ARC consists of subwavelength features diced into the optic's surface using a custom dicing saw with near-micrometer accuracy. The designs achieve percent-level control over reflections at angles of incidence up to 20∘. The ARCs were demonstrated on four 42 cm diameter filters covering the 75 to 170 GHz band and a 50 mm diameter prototype covering the 200 to 300 GHz band. The reflection and transmission of these samples were measured using a broadband coherent source that covers frequencies from 20 GHz to 1.2 THz. These measurements demonstrate percent-level control over reflectance across the targeted pass-bands and a rapid reduction in transmission as the wavelength approaches the length scale of the metamaterial structure where scattering dominates the optical response. The latter behavior enables use of the metamaterial ARC as a scattering filter in this limit.

Appl Opt ; 60(29): 9029-9035, 2021 Oct 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34623982


Near-field radio holography is a common method for measuring and aligning mirror surfaces for millimeter and sub-millimeter telescopes. In instruments with more than a single mirror, degeneracies arise in the holography measurement, requiring multiple measurements and new fitting methods. We present HoloSim-ML, a Python code for beam simulation and analysis of radio holography data from complex optical systems. This code uses machine learning to efficiently determine the position of hundreds of mirror adjusters on multiple mirrors with few micrometer accuracy. We apply this approach to the example of the Simons Observatory 6 m telescope.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 92(3): 035111, 2021 Mar 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33820033


Measuring the faint polarization signal of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) not only requires high optical throughput and instrument sensitivity but also control over systematic effects. Polarimetric cameras or receivers used in this setting often employ dielectric vacuum windows, filters, or lenses to appropriately prepare light for detection by cooled sensor arrays. These elements in the optical chain are typically designed to minimize reflective losses and hence improve sensitivity while minimizing potential imaging artifacts such as glint and ghosting. The Primordial Inflation Polarization ExploreR (PIPER) is a balloon-borne instrument designed to measure the polarization of the CMB radiation at the largest angular scales and characterize astrophysical dust foregrounds. PIPER's twin telescopes and detector systems are submerged in an open-aperture liquid helium bucket dewar. A fused-silica window anti-reflection (AR) coated with polytetrafluoroethylene is installed on the vacuum cryostat that houses the cryogenic detector arrays. Light passes from the skyward portions of the telescope to the detector arrays through this window, which utilizes an indium seal to prevent superfluid helium leaks into the vacuum cryostat volume. The AR coating implemented reduces reflections from each interface to <1% compared to ∼10% from an uncoated window surface. The AR coating procedure and room temperature optical measurements of the window are presented. The indium vacuum sealing process is also described in detail, and test results characterizing its integrity to superfluid helium leaks are provided.

Appl Opt ; 60(4): 823-837, 2021 Feb 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33690389


We present geometrical and physical optics simulation results for the Simons Observatory Large Aperture Telescope. This work was developed as part of the general design process for the telescope, allowing us to evaluate the impact of various design choices on performance metrics and potential systematic effects. The primary goal of the simulations was to evaluate the final design of the reflectors and the cold optics that are now being built. We describe nonsequential ray tracing used to inform the design of the cold optics, including absorbers internal to each optics tube. We discuss ray tracing simulations of the telescope structure that allow us to determine geometries that minimize detector loading and mitigate spurious near-field effects that have not been resolved by the internal baffling. We also describe physical optics simulations, performed over a range of frequencies and field locations, that produce estimates of monochromatic far-field beam patterns, which in turn are used to gauge general optical performance. Finally, we describe simulations that shed light on beam sidelobes from panel gap diffraction.

Appl Opt ; 60(4): 864-874, 2021 Feb 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33690402


Controlling stray light at millimeter wavelengths requires special optical design and selection of absorptive materials that should be compatible with cryogenic operating environments. While a wide selection of absorptive materials exists, these typically exhibit high indices of refraction and reflect/scatter a significant fraction of light before absorption. For many lower index materials such as commercial microwave absorbers, their applications in cryogenic environments are challenging. In this paper, we present a new tool to control stray light: metamaterial microwave absorber tiles. These tiles comprise an outer metamaterial layer that approximates a lossy gradient index anti-reflection coating. They are fabricated via injection molding commercially available carbon-loaded polyurethane (25% by mass). The injection molding technology enables mass production at low cost. The design of these tiles is presented, along with thermal tests to 1 K. Room temperature optical measurements verify their control of reflectance to less than 1% up to 65∘ angles of incidence, and control of wide angle scattering below 0.01%. The dielectric properties of the bulk carbon-loaded material used in the tiles is also measured at different temperatures, confirming that the material maintains similar dielectric properties down to 3 K.

Opt Lett ; 45(17): 4935-4938, 2020 Sep 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32870894


High-purity silicon is a readily available material of utility in realizing a variety of long-wavelength optical and guided wave components. The transmittance of uncompensated for silicon is measured in the far- and mid-infrared regimes at room and cryogenic temperatures. The experimental and analysis techniques used to extract the refractive index from 100-1000cm-1 (100-10 µm) are presented, and the results are compared to the literature. An average refractive index below 300cm-1, n^(300K)=3.417+i8.9×10-5, which transitions in cooling to n^(10K)=3.389+i4.9×10-6, is observed.

Opt Lett ; 45(3): 780-783, 2020 Feb 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32004310


Cyclic olefin copolymer (COC) is an amorphous thermoplastic with desirable dielectric and mechanical characteristics for optical applications. In particular, its low refractive index, overall mechanical strength, and absence of strong absorption features make it a promising substrate material for far-infrared applications, which include frequency-selective surfaces, scattering filters, and windows. The dielectric properties of selected COC formulations are surveyed from $ \approx 10 - 700\,\, {{\rm cm}^{ - 1}} $≈10-700cm-1 ($ 1000 - 14\,\, \unicode{x00B5} {\rm m} $1000-14µm), and representative usage as a thin film membrane structure in optical filters is presented.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 90(2): 024701, 2019 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30831757


We present the design, manufacturing technique, and characterization of a 3D-printed broadband graded index millimeter wave absorber. The absorber is additively manufactured using a fused filament fabrication 3D printer out of a carbon-loaded high impact polystyrene filament and is designed using a space-filling curve to optimize manufacturability using the said process. The absorber's reflectivity is measured from 63 GHz to 115 GHz and from 140 GHz to 215 GHz and is compared to electromagnetic simulations. The intended application is for terminating stray light in cosmic microwave background telescopes, and the absorber has been shown to survive cryogenic thermal cycling.

Opt Lett ; 43(21): 5303-5306, 2018 Nov 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30382993


The dielectric properties of selected conductively-loaded polyimide samples are characterized in the microwave through far-infrared wavebands. These materials, belonging to the Vespel family, are more readily formed by direct machining than their ceramic-loaded epoxy counterparts and present an interesting solution for realizing absorptive optical control structures. Measurements spanning a spectral range from 1 to 600 cm-1 (0.03-18 THz) were performed and used in parametrization of the media's dielectric function at frequencies below ≈3 THz.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30220829


Strategies are explored to reduce the electromagnetic simulation time of electrically large superconducting transmission line structures while retaining model accuracy. The complex surface reactance of an infinite thin-film superconducting sheet is evaluated with the BCS (Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer) theory and used as an input to model the phase velocity and characteristic impedance of finite width transmission line structures. Commercially available electromagnetic simulation software are employed for the calculations and the results are compared with limiting analytic forms from the literature. The influences of line width, metallization thickness, and substrate height on microstrip transmission line propagation are considered in detail and a scaling approach is presented to compensate for the leading order effect in numerical simulations. These findings are particularly important near the energy gap of the superconductor due to the influence of the kinetic inductance on the transmission line dispersion.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 88(10): 104501, 2017 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29092463


We describe the design, fabrication, and validation of a cryogenically compatible quasioptical thermal source for characterization of detector arrays. The source is constructed using a graphite-loaded epoxy mixture that is molded into a tiled pyramidal structure. The mold is fabricated using a hardened steel template produced via a wire electron discharge machining process. The absorptive mixture is bonded to a copper backplate enabling thermalization of the entire structure and measurement of the source temperature. Measurements indicate that the reflectance of the source is <0.001 across a spectral band extending from 75 to 330 GHz.

Appl Opt ; 56(10): 2796-2803, 2017 Apr 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28375244


Refractive optical elements are widely used in millimeter and sub-millimeter (sub-mm) astronomical telescopes. High-resistivity silicon is an excellent material for dielectric lenses given its low loss tangent, high thermal conductivity, and high index of refraction. The high index of refraction of silicon causes a large Fresnel reflectance at the vacuum-silicon interface (up to 30%), which can be reduced with an anti-reflection (AR) coating. In this work, we report techniques for efficiently AR coating silicon at sub-mm wavelengths using deep reactive ion etching (DRIE) and bonding the coated silicon to another silicon optic. Silicon wafers of 100 mm diameter (1 mm thick) were coated and bonded using the silicon direct bonding technique at high temperature (1100°C). No glue is used in this process. Optical tests using a Fourier transform spectrometer show sub-percent reflections for a single-layer DRIE AR coating designed for use at 320 µm on a single wafer. Cryogenic (10 K) measurements of a bonded pair of AR-coated wafers also reached sub-percent reflections. A prototype two-layer DRIE AR coating to reduce reflections and increase bandwidth is presented, and plans for extending this approach are discussed.

J Vis Exp ; (111)2016 05 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27284966


Superconducting microwave resonators are of interest for a wide range of applications, including for their use as microwave kinetic inductance detectors (MKIDs) for the detection of faint astrophysical signatures, as well as for quantum computing applications and materials characterization. In this paper, procedures are presented for the fabrication and characterization of thin-film superconducting microwave resonators. The fabrication methodology allows for the realization of superconducting transmission-line resonators with features on both sides of an atomically smooth single-crystal silicon dielectric. This work describes the procedure for the installation of resonator devices into a cryogenic microwave testbed and for cool-down below the superconducting transition temperature. The set-up of the cryogenic microwave testbed allows one to do careful measurements of the complex microwave transmission of these resonator devices, enabling the extraction of the properties of the superconducting lines and dielectric substrate (e.g., internal quality factors, loss and kinetic inductance fractions), which are important for device design and performance.

Diseño de Equipo , Microondas , Silicio
Opt Lett ; 41(7): 1364-7, 2016 Apr 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27192237


Silicon oxide thin films play an important role in the realization of optical coatings and high-performance electrical circuits. Estimates of the dielectric function in the far- and mid-infrared regime are derived from the observed transmittance spectrum for a commonly employed low-stress silicon oxide formulation. The experimental, modeling, and numerical methods used to extract the dielectric function are presented.

Phys Rev Lett ; 114(15): 151302, 2015 Apr 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25933304


We present evidence of the gravitational lensing of the cosmic microwave background by 10(13) solar mass dark matter halos. Lensing convergence maps from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope Polarimeter (ACTPol) are stacked at the positions of around 12 000 optically selected CMASS galaxies from the SDSS-III/BOSS survey. The mean lensing signal is consistent with simulated dark matter halo profiles and is favored over a null signal at 3.2σ significance. This result demonstrates the potential of microwave background lensing to probe the dark matter distribution in galaxy group and galaxy cluster halos.