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Radiol Bras ; 57: e20230079en, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38993970


Objective: To evaluate the correlation between multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) findings and laboratory test results in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB). Materials and Methods: A total of 57 patients were evaluated. Patients with suspected PTB were divided into groups according to the final diagnosis (confirmed or excluded), and the groups were compared in terms of sociodemographic variables, clinical symptoms, tomography findings, and laboratory test results. Results: Among the patients with a confirmed diagnosis of PTB, small pulmonary nodules with a peribronchovascular distribution were significantly more common in the patients with a positive sputum smear microscopy result (47.4% vs. 8.3%; p = 0.046), as were a miliary pattern (36.8% vs. 0.0%; p = 0.026), septal thickening (84.2% vs. 41.7%; p = 0.021), and lymph node enlargement (52.6% vs. 8.3%; p = 0.020). Small pulmonary nodules with a centrilobular distribution were significantly more common among the culture-positive patients (75.0% vs. 35.7%; p = 0.045), as was a tree-in-bud pattern (91.7% vs. 42.9%; p = 0.014). A tree-in-bud pattern, one of the main tomography findings characteristic of PTB, had a sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of 71.0%, 73.1%, 75.9%, and 67.9%, respectively. Conclusion: MDCT presented reliable predictive values for the main tomography findings in the diagnosis of PTB, being a safe tool for the diagnosis of PTB in patients with clinical suspicion of the disease. It also appears to be a suitable tool for the selection of patients who are candidates for more complex, invasive examinations from among those with high clinical suspicion of PTB and a negative sputum smear microscopy result.

Objetivo: Avaliar a correlação entre os achados na tomografia computadorizada multidetectores (TCMD) comparativamente aos resultados laboratoriais em pacientes com tuberculose pulmonar (TBP). Materiais e Métodos: Amostra de 57 pacientes foi avaliada. Pacientes com suspeita clínica de TBP foram divididos de acordo com a positividade do diagnóstico, e as variáveis sociodemográficas, sintomas clínicos e achados tomográficos e laboratoriais foram comparados. Resultados: Nos pacientes com TBP e baciloscopia positiva, foram verificadas frequências significativas para pequenos nódulos pulmonares com distribuição peribroncovascular (47,4% vs. 8,3%; p = 0,046) e miliar (36,8% vs. 0,0%; p = 0,026), espessamento septal (84,2% vs. 41,7%; p = 0,021) e linfonodomegalias (52,6% vs. 8,3%; p = 0,020). Em relação à cultura, os pequenos nódulos pulmonares com distribuição centrolobular (75,0% vs. 35,7%; p = 0,045) e opacidades em árvore em brotamento (91,7% vs. 42,9%; p = 0,014) apresentaram frequências significativamente superiores. Medidas de sensibilidade, especificidade, valor preditivo positivo e valor preditivo negativo para árvore em brotamento, um dos principais achados tomográficos característicos da TBP, foram, respectivamente, 71.0%, 73,1%, 75,9% e 67,9%. Conclusão: A TCMD apresentou medidas preditivas confiáveis para os principais achados tomográficos no diagnóstico de TBP, sendo uma ferramenta segura para o diagnóstico da doença em pacientes com suspeita clínica. Também se mostrou adequada para selecionar os pacientes para exames mais complexos e invasivos entre os com alta suspeita clínica de TBP e baciloscopia negativa.

SciELO Preprints; jun. 2024.
Preprint en Inglés | SciELO Preprints | ID: pps-9034


Objective: Considering the lack of data on T. pallidum genotyping in Brazil, we aimed to study its strains and their resistance to macrolides in genital ulcers suggestive of syphilis.Methods: Men with genital ulcers suggestive of syphilis were invited to participate. Samples were collected with a dry cotton swab and immersed in a 0.9% NaCl solution. Detection was done by PCR amplification of 260 bp of the tpp47 gene. The PCR product was analyzed by electrophoresis in a 2% agarose gel containing 0.05% ethidium bromide. Positive PCR samples were analyzed by MLST (sequencing of chromosomal loci TP0136, TP0548, and TP0705). The A2058G and A2059G mutations in the 23S rRNA gene were evaluated by nested PCR. DNA sequencing was analyzed using Bioedit software (Tom Hall, USA). Genotyping was performed using the PubMLST online platform (Grillová scheme). Results: All subjects were residents of Porto Alegre and aged between 19 and 66 years. Of the 43 samples, 32 were positive for PCR for T. pallidum. Thirty strains were available for genotyping and belonged to the SS14-like (73.3%) or Nicholslike (20%) Clonal Complex. Three complete MLST profiles were identified (1.3.1; 9.7.3 and 28.7.3), and a new allele was identified in one sample (approved by pubMLST curators as TP0705-22). Only one sample did not present the 2058 mutation in the 23S rRNA gene.Conclusion: Our study identified genetic diversity in T. pallidum DNA using MLST with allelic variants for TP0136, TP0548, and TP0705, including a new allele. A single sample was characterized as genotypically susceptible to macrolides. All other samples (more than 95%) presented the A2058G mutation in the 23S rRNA gene, which causes resistance to macrolides. Improving understanding of the local epidemiology of T. pallidum with representative samples that allow cofactor analysis is crucial for prevention and care.

Objetivo: Considerando la falta de datos sobre el genotipado de T. pallidum en Brasil, nos propusimos estudiar sus cepas y su resistencia a macrólidos en úlceras genitales sugestivas de sífilis. Métodos: Se invitó a participar a hombres con úlceras genitales sugestivas de sífilis. Las muestras se recogieron con un hisopo de algodón seco y se sumergieron en una solución de NaCl al 0,9%. La detección se realizó mediante amplificación por PCR de 260 pb del gen tpp47. El producto de la PCR se analizó mediante electroforesis en un gel de agarosa al 2% que contenía bromuro de etidio al 0,05%. Las muestras de PCR positivas se analizaron mediante MLST (secuenciación de los loci cromosómicos TP0136, TP0548 y TP0705). Las mutaciones A2058G y A2059G en el gen 23S rRNA se evaluaron mediante PCR anidada. La secuenciación de ADN se analizó utilizando el software Bioedit (Tom Hall, EE. UU.). El genotipado se realizó utilizando la plataforma en línea PubMLST (esquema Grillová). Resultados: Todos los sujetos eran residentes de Porto Alegre y tenían edades comprendidas entre 19 y 66 años. De las 43 muestras, 32 resultaron positivas a la PCR para T. pallidum. Treinta cepas estaban disponibles para el genotipado y pertenecían al Complejo Clonal tipo SS14 (73,3%) o tipo Nichols (20%). Se identificaron tres perfiles MLST completos (1.3.1; 9.7.3 y 28.7.3) y se identificó un nuevo alelo en una muestra (aprobado por los curadores de pubMLST como TP0705-22). Sólo una muestra no presentó la mutación 2058 en el gen 23S rRNA. Conclusión: Nuestro estudio identificó diversidad genética en el ADN de T. pallidum utilizando MLST con variantes alélicas para TP0136, TP0548 y TP0705, incluido un nuevo alelo. Una sola muestra se caracterizó como genotípicamente susceptible a macrólidos. El resto de muestras (más del 95%) presentaron la mutación A2058G en el gen 23S rRNA, que provoca resistencia a los macrólidos. Mejorar la comprensión de la epidemiología local de T. pallidum con muestras representativas que permitan el análisis de cofactores es crucial para la prevención y la atención.

Objetivo: Considerando a ausência de dados sobre genotipagem de T. pallidum no Brasil, objetivamos estudar suas cepas e sua resistência aos macrolídeos em úlceras genitais sugestivas de sífilis.Métodos: Foram convidados a participar homens com úlceras genitais sugestivas de sífilis. As amostras foram coletadas com swab de algodão seco e imersas em solução de NaCl 0,9%. A detecção foi feita por amplificação por PCR de 260 pb do gene tpp47. O produto de PCR foi analisado por eletroforese em gel de agarose a 2% contendo brometo de etídio a 0,05%. Amostras de PCR positivas foram analisadas por MLST (sequenciamento dos loci cromossômicos TP0136, TP0548 e TP0705). As mutações A2058G e A2059G no gene 23S rRNA foram avaliadas por nested PCR. O sequenciamento de DNA foi analisado utilizando o software Bioedit (Tom Hall, EUA). A genotipagem foi realizada utilizando a plataforma online PubMLST (esquema Grillová).Resultados: Todos os sujeitos eram residentes de Porto Alegre e tinham idade entre 19 e 66 anos. Das 43 amostras, 32 foram positivas para PCR para T. pallidum. Trinta cepas estavam disponíveis para genotipagem e pertenciam ao Complexo Clonal SS14-like (73,3%) ou Nichols-like (20%). Três perfis completos de MLST foram identificados (1.3.1; 9.7.3 e 28.7.3), e um novo alelo foi identificado em uma amostra (aprovado pelos curadores do pubMLST como TP0705-22). Apenas uma amostra não apresentava a mutação 2058 no gene 23S rRNA.Conclusão: Nosso estudo identificou diversidade genética no DNA de T. pallidum usando MLST com variantes alélicas para TP0136, TP0548 e TP0705, incluindo um novo alelo. Uma única amostra foi caracterizada como genotípicamente suscetível a macrolídeos. Todas as demais amostras (mais de 95%) apresentaram a mutação A2058G no gene 23S rRNA, que causa resistência aos macrolídeos. Melhorar a compreensão da epidemiologia local do T. pallidum com amostragens representativas que permitam análise de cofatores é crucial para a prevenção e o cuidado.

Antibiotics (Basel) ; 13(6)2024 May 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38927163


The present study aimed to determine the genetic diversity of isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) from presumed drug-resistant tuberculosis patients from several states of Brazil. The isolates had been submitted to conventional drug susceptibility testing for first- and second-line drugs. Multidrug-resistant (MDR-TB) (54.8%) was the most frequent phenotypic resistance profile, in addition to an important high frequency of pre-extensive resistance (p-XDR-TB) (9.2%). Using whole-genome sequencing (WGS), we characterized 298 Mtb isolates from Brazil. Besides the analysis of genotype distribution and possible correlations between molecular and clinical data, we determined the performance of an in-house WGS pipeline with other online pipelines for Mtb lineages and drug resistance profile definitions. Sub-lineage 4.3 (52%) was the most frequent genotype, and the genomic approach revealed a p-XDR-TB level of 22.5%. We detected twenty novel mutations in three resistance genes, and six of these were observed in eight phenotypically resistant isolates. A cluster analysis of 170 isolates showed that 43.5% of the TB patients belonged to 24 genomic clusters, suggesting considerable ongoing transmission of DR-TB, including two interstate transmissions. The in-house WGS pipeline showed the best overall performance in drug resistance prediction, presenting the best accuracy values for five of the nine drugs tested. Significant associations were observed between suffering from fatal disease and genotypic p-XDR-TB (p = 0.03) and either phenotypic (p = 0.006) or genotypic (p = 0.0007) ethambutol resistance. The use of WGS analysis improved our understanding of the population structure of MTBC in Brazil and the genetic and clinical data correlations and demonstrated its utility for surveillance efforts regarding the spread of DR-TB, hopefully helping to avoid the emergence of even more resistant strains and to reduce TB incidence and mortality rates.

J Infect Dev Ctries ; 18(3): 420-426, 2024 Mar 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38635616


INTRODUCTION: Congenital syphilis (CS) has severe adverse outcomes, including abortion and death. Diagnosis of CS in asymptomatic newborns remains difficult. This study aims to evaluate an in-house polymerase chain reaction (PCR) on cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and blood samples (BS) to identify T. pallidum DNA in newborns. METHODOLOGY: We performed an exploratory cross-sectional study that included newborns exposed to syphilis during pregnancy (SEG) and non-exposed (SNEG) newborns, between 2019 and 2020. In-house conventional PCR for T. pallidum targeting the tpp47 gene was used to analyze CSFS and dried blood spots. RESULTS: BS was obtained from 54 newborns (33 SEG/21 SNEG) and CSF from 55 newborns (33 SEG/22 SNEG). Twenty-five (71.4%) SEG newborns had reactive BS rapid plasmatic reagins (RPR), and all of them had RPR titers less than or equal to the corresponding maternal titers. All RPR CSF tests were negative. PCR for T. pallidum DNA was positive in 19/33 (57.6%) BS, and in 22/33 CSF. The only SEG newborn with clinical signs of early CS had a positive CSF PCR and a negative BS PCR. Conversely, among SNEG newborns, PCR was positive in 2/21 BS and 5/22 (22.7%) CSF. CONCLUSIONS: T. pallidum DNA was identified using our PCR tests. The exposed group did not present abnormalities that would indicate CS. This prevented conclusions regarding sensitivity and specificity. Dried spot permitted bedside collection, easy transportation, and storage. Further research is needed to evaluate and improve the accuracy of CS low-cost PCR tests, especially for limited resource settings.

Complicaciones Infecciosas del Embarazo , Sífilis Congénita , Sífilis , Embarazo , Femenino , Recién Nacido , Humanos , Sífilis/diagnóstico , Treponema pallidum/genética , Estudios Transversales , Complicaciones Infecciosas del Embarazo/diagnóstico , Reacción en Cadena de la Polimerasa , Sífilis Congénita/diagnóstico
Rev Saude Publica ; 58: 03, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38381893


OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the performance of geneXpert MTB/Rif versus conventional methods (bacilloscopy and culture) in the diagnosis of tuberculosis in a Central Public Health Laboratory (LACEN, Tocantins), Northern Brazil. METHODS: Retrospective study, with information from 1,973 suspected cases of tuberculosis from patients treated from January 2015 to December 2020. RESULTS: From the culture (reference standard), the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and accuracy of the geneXpert MTB/Rif were 100%, 97%, 74%, 100%, and 97%, respectively, against 85%, 98%, 80%, 98%, and 97% of bacilloscopy. CONCLUSIONS: The geneXpert MTB/Rif performed similarly to culture and better than bacilloscopy. Although positive cases with negative culture should be evaluated with caution, its routine use is important for the early detection of tuberculosis.

Mycobacterium tuberculosis , Tuberculosis , Humanos , Mycobacterium tuberculosis/genética , Rifampin , Estudios Retrospectivos , Salud Pública , Sensibilidad y Especificidad , Esputo , Brasil , Tuberculosis/diagnóstico
Rev. saúde pública (Online) ; 58: 03, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536766


ABSTRACT OBJECTIVES To evaluate the performance of geneXpert MTB/Rif versus conventional methods (bacilloscopy and culture) in the diagnosis of tuberculosis in a Central Public Health Laboratory (LACEN, Tocantins), Northern Brazil. METHODS Retrospective study, with information from 1,973 suspected cases of tuberculosis from patients treated from January 2015 to December 2020. RESULTS From the culture (reference standard), the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and accuracy of the geneXpert MTB/Rif were 100%, 97%, 74%, 100%, and 97%, respectively, against 85%, 98%, 80%, 98%, and 97% of bacilloscopy. CONCLUSIONS The geneXpert MTB/Rif performed similarly to culture and better than bacilloscopy. Although positive cases with negative culture should be evaluated with caution, its routine use is important for the early detection of tuberculosis.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Tuberculosis , Técnicas de Laboratorio Clínico , Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Radiol. bras ; 57: e20230079en, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558823


Abstract Objective: To evaluate the correlation between multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) findings and laboratory test results in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB). Materials and Methods: A total of 57 patients were evaluated. Patients with suspected PTB were divided into groups according to the final diagnosis (confirmed or excluded), and the groups were compared in terms of sociodemographic variables, clinical symptoms, tomography findings, and laboratory test results. Results: Among the patients with a confirmed diagnosis of PTB, small pulmonary nodules with a peribronchovascular distribution were significantly more common in the patients with a positive sputum smear microscopy result (47.4% vs. 8.3%; p = 0.046), as were a miliary pattern (36.8% vs. 0.0%; p = 0.026), septal thickening (84.2% vs. 41.7%; p = 0.021), and lymph node enlargement (52.6% vs. 8.3%; p = 0.020). Small pulmonary nodules with a centrilobular distribution were significantly more common among the culture-positive patients (75.0% vs. 35.7%; p = 0.045), as was a tree-in-bud pattern (91.7% vs. 42.9%; p = 0.014). A tree-in-bud pattern, one of the main tomography findings characteristic of PTB, had a sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of 71.0%, 73.1%, 75.9%, and 67.9%, respectively. Conclusion: MDCT presented reliable predictive values for the main tomography findings in the diagnosis of PTB, being a safe tool for the diagnosis of PTB in patients with clinical suspicion of the disease. It also appears to be a suitable tool for the selection of patients who are candidates for more complex, invasive examinations from among those with high clinical suspicion of PTB and a negative sputum smear microscopy result.

Resumo Objetivo: Avaliar a correlação entre os achados na tomografia computadorizada multidetectores (TCMD) comparativamente aos resultados laboratoriais em pacientes com tuberculose pulmonar (TBP). Materiais e Métodos: Amostra de 57 pacientes foi avaliada. Pacientes com suspeita clínica de TBP foram divididos de acordo com a positividade do diagnóstico, e as variáveis sociodemográficas, sintomas clínicos e achados tomográficos e laboratoriais foram comparados. Resultados: Nos pacientes com TBP e baciloscopia positiva, foram verificadas frequências significativas para pequenos nódulos pulmonares com distribuição peribroncovascular (47,4% vs. 8,3%; p = 0,046) e miliar (36,8% vs. 0,0%; p = 0,026), espessamento septal (84,2% vs. 41,7%; p = 0,021) e linfonodomegalias (52,6% vs. 8,3%; p = 0,020). Em relação à cultura, os pequenos nódulos pulmonares com distribuição centrolobular (75,0% vs. 35,7%; p = 0,045) e opacidades em árvore em brotamento (91,7% vs. 42,9%; p = 0,014) apresentaram frequências significativamente superiores. Medidas de sensibilidade, especificidade, valor preditivo positivo e valor preditivo negativo para árvore em brotamento, um dos principais achados tomográficos característicos da TBP, foram, respectivamente, 71.0%, 73,1%, 75,9% e 67,9%. Conclusão: A TCMD apresentou medidas preditivas confiáveis para os principais achados tomográficos no diagnóstico de TBP, sendo uma ferramenta segura para o diagnóstico da doença em pacientes com suspeita clínica. Também se mostrou adequada para selecionar os pacientes para exames mais complexos e invasivos entre os com alta suspeita clínica de TBP e baciloscopia negativa.

Front Pharmacol ; 14: 1278720, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38035025


Introduction: Several polymorphisms altering the NAT2 activity have already been identified. The geographical distribution of NAT2 variants has been extensively studied and has been demonstrated to vary significantly among different ethnic population. Here, we describe the genetic variability of human N-acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2) gene and the predominant genotype-deduced acetylation profiles of Brazilians. Methods: A total of 964 individuals, from five geographical different regions, were genotyped for NAT2 by sequencing the entire coding exon. Results: Twenty-three previously described NAT2 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified, including the seven most common ones globally (c.191G>A, c.282C>T, c.341T>C, c.481C>T, c.590G>A, c.803A>G and c.857G>A). The main allelic groups were NAT2*5 (36%) and NAT2*6 (18.2%), followed to the reference allele NAT2*4 (20.4%). Combined into genotypes, the most prevalent allelic groups were NAT2*5/*5 (14.6%), NAT2*5/*6 (11.9%) and NAT2*6/*6 (6.2%). The genotype deduced NAT2 slow acetylation phenotype was predominant but showed significant variability between geographical regions. The prevalence of slow acetylation phenotype was higher in the Northeast, North and Midwest (51.3%, 45.5% and 41.5%, respectively) of the country. In the Southeast, the intermediate acetylation phenotype was the most prevalent (40.3%) and, in the South, the prevalence of rapid acetylation phenotype was significantly higher (36.7%), when compared to other Brazilian states (p < 0.0001). Comparison of the predicted acetylation profile among regions showed homogeneity among the North and Northeast but was significantly different when compared to the Southeast (p = 0.0396). The Southern region was significantly different from all other regions (p < 0.0001). Discussion: This study contributes not only to current knowledge of the NAT2 population genetic diversity in different geographical regions of Brazil, but also to the reconstruction of a more accurate phenotypic picture of NAT2 acetylator profiles in those regions.

Front Pharmacol ; 13: 931089, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36278220


CYP21A2 deficiency represents 95% of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) cases, a group of genetic disorders that affect steroid biosynthesis. The genetic and functional analysis provide critical tools to elucidate complex CAH cases. One of the most accessible tools to infer the pathogenicity of new variants is in silico prediction. Here, we analyzed the performance of in silico prediction tools to categorize missense single nucleotide variants (SNVs) of CYP21A2. SNVs of CYP21A2 characterized in vitro by functional assays were selected to assess the performance of online single and meta predictors. SNVs were tested separately or in combination with the related phenotype (severe or mild CAH form). In total, 103 SNVs of CYP21A2 (90 pathogenic and 13 neutral) were used to test the performance of 13 single-predictors and four meta-predictors. All SNVs associated with the severe phenotypes were well categorized by all tools, with an accuracy of between 0.69 (PredictSNP2) and 0.97 (CADD), and Matthews' correlation coefficient (MCC) between 0.49 (PoredicSNP2) and 0.90 (CADD). However, SNVs related to the mild phenotype had more variation, with the accuracy between 0.47 (S3Ds&GO and MAPP) and 0.88 (CADD), and MCC between 0.18 (MAPP) and 0.71 (CADD). From our analysis, we identified four predictors of CYP21A2 variant pathogenicity with good performance, CADD, ConSurf, DANN, and PolyPhen2. These results can be used for future analysis to infer the impact of uncharacterized SNVs in CYP21A2.

Rev Soc Bras Med Trop ; 55: e0613, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35946635


BACKGROUND: In recent years, the prevalence of nontuberculous mycobacterial (NTM) infections has increased in different regions of the world. The American Thoracic Society (ATS) recommends standardized identification criteria, reinforcing the need for faster and less complicated clinical and laboratory techniques. METHODS: In this retrospective study, NTM species isolated from pulmonary, extrapulmonary, and disseminated samples from patients treated at a TB/HIV reference unit in the State of Amazonas from 2011 to 2014 were identified through a combination of molecular techniques. RESULTS: To identify the molecular technique, 50 cryopreserved NTM cultures were recovered and subcultivated in culture medium. The potentially pathogenic NTM species identified were M. avium, M. intracellulare, M. kansasii, M. chelonae, M. abscessus, M. fortuitum, and M. peregrinum. Results of GenoType® showed moderate agreement with those of genomic sequencing (kappa = 0.60), whereas the results obtained by the PRA-hsp65 technique disagreed with the results obtained by sequencing (kappa = 0.49). CONCLUSIONS: Our findings highlight that GenoType CM is a good method for the identification of NTM, as well as the need for the application of standardized criteria, such as those set forth by the ATS.

Infecciones por VIH , Infecciones por Mycobacterium no Tuberculosas , Tuberculosis , Brasil/epidemiología , Humanos , Infecciones por Mycobacterium no Tuberculosas/diagnóstico , Infecciones por Mycobacterium no Tuberculosas/epidemiología , Infecciones por Mycobacterium no Tuberculosas/microbiología , Micobacterias no Tuberculosas/genética , Estudios Retrospectivos
Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz ; 117: e220031, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35920498


BACKGROUND: Non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTMs) cause diseases known as mycobacteriosis and are an important cause of morbidity and mortality. The diagnosis of pulmonary disease caused by NTM is hampered by its clinical similarity with tuberculosis (TB) and by the lack of an accurate and rapid laboratory diagnosis. OBJECTIVES: Detect DNA from NTMs directly from lung samples using real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) for amplification of 16S rRNA. Additionally, DNA sequencing (hsp65 and rpoB genes) was used to identify the species of MNTs. METHODS: A total of 68 sputum samples (54 with suspected NTMs and 14 with TB) from patients treated at a referral hospital were used. FINDINGS: Of these, 27/54 (50%) were qPCR positive for NTMs and 14/14 TB patients (controls) were qPCR negative with an almost perfect concordance (Kappa of 0.93) with the Mycobacterium spp. culture. Sequencing confirmed the presence of NTM in all positive samples. The most common species was Mycobacterium gordonae (33%), followed by Mycobacterium abscessus (26%), Mycobacterium fortuitum (22%), Mycobacterium avium (15%) and Mycobacterium peregrinum (4%). MAIN CONCLUSIONS: The qPCR technique for detecting NTMs targeting 16S rRNA has the potential to detect NTMs and rapidly differentiate from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. However, it is necessary to identify the species to help in the differential diagnosis between disease and contamination, and to guide the choice of the therapeutic scheme.

Infecciones por Mycobacterium no Tuberculosas , Mycobacterium tuberculosis , Tuberculosis , Humanos , Pulmón , Infecciones por Mycobacterium no Tuberculosas/diagnóstico , Infecciones por Mycobacterium no Tuberculosas/microbiología , Mycobacterium tuberculosis/genética , Micobacterias no Tuberculosas/genética , ARN Ribosómico 16S/genética , Reacción en Cadena en Tiempo Real de la Polimerasa
J Microbiol Methods ; 192: 106383, 2022 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34826521


Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by Treponema pallidum. DNA amplification methods have started to be used to facilitate diagnosis at different stages of the disease. The success of such methodologies depends on obtaining DNA from clinical samples in adequate quantity and quality for molecular reactions. There are many DNA extraction kits, but often the molecular analysis process is unfeasible due to its cost and access to imported products. Thus, this study aimed to analyze three methods of extracting DNA from Treponema pallidum from ulcers of patients investigated for syphilis. The three methods, an in house one (sonication) and two commercial ones (LGC, Brazil) and the PureLink Genomic DNA Mini Kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA) were compared to the sequencing of these samples, which were used as a reference. Each method was evaluated based on the detection of T. pallidum by PCR using the tpp47 gene as a target for amplification, DNA quantification and method execution time. When compared to the sequencing, the sensitivity and agreement of the PureLink, sonication and LGC methods to extracted DNA were 100% (K = 1.0), 96.5% (K = 0.96) and 72.4% (K = 0.694), respectively. Specificity was 100% with the three methods. The sonication method was the closest in concentration of DNA to the PureLink method with a similar degree of purity, besides having the lowest cost-benefit ratio. It can be an interesting option for laboratories that work with reduced costs, since it is much more financially viable.

Lipoproteínas/genética , Técnicas de Amplificación de Ácido Nucleico/métodos , Sífilis/diagnóstico , Treponema pallidum/genética , Treponema pallidum/aislamiento & purificación , Secuencia de Bases , ADN Bacteriano/genética , Humanos , Masculino , Sensibilidad y Especificidad , Análisis de Secuencia de ADN
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 55: e0613, 2022. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1387533


ABSTRACT Background: In recent years, the prevalence of nontuberculous mycobacterial (NTM) infections has increased in different regions of the world. The American Thoracic Society (ATS) recommends standardized identification criteria, reinforcing the need for faster and less complicated clinical and laboratory techniques. Methods: In this retrospective study, NTM species isolated from pulmonary, extrapulmonary, and disseminated samples from patients treated at a TB/HIV reference unit in the State of Amazonas from 2011 to 2014 were identified through a combination of molecular techniques. Results: To identify the molecular technique, 50 cryopreserved NTM cultures were recovered and subcultivated in culture medium. The potentially pathogenic NTM species identified were M. avium, M. intracellulare, M. kansasii, M. chelonae, M. abscessus, M. fortuitum, and M. peregrinum. Results of GenoType® showed moderate agreement with those of genomic sequencing (kappa = 0.60), whereas the results obtained by the PRA-hsp65 technique disagreed with the results obtained by sequencing (kappa = 0.49). Conclusions: Our findings highlight that GenoType CM is a good method for the identification of NTM, as well as the need for the application of standardized criteria, such as those set forth by the ATS.

Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 117: e220031, 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1386342


BACKGROUND Non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTMs) cause diseases known as mycobacteriosis and are an important cause of morbidity and mortality. The diagnosis of pulmonary disease caused by NTM is hampered by its clinical similarity with tuberculosis (TB) and by the lack of an accurate and rapid laboratory diagnosis. OBJECTIVES Detect DNA from NTMs directly from lung samples using real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) for amplification of 16S rRNA. Additionally, DNA sequencing (hsp65 and rpoB genes) was used to identify the species of MNTs. METHODS A total of 68 sputum samples (54 with suspected NTMs and 14 with TB) from patients treated at a referral hospital were used. FINDINGS Of these, 27/54 (50%) were qPCR positive for NTMs and 14/14 TB patients (controls) were qPCR negative with an almost perfect concordance (Kappa of 0.93) with the Mycobacterium spp. culture. Sequencing confirmed the presence of NTM in all positive samples. The most common species was Mycobacterium gordonae (33%), followed by Mycobacterium abscessus (26%), Mycobacterium fortuitum (22%), Mycobacterium avium (15%) and Mycobacterium peregrinum (4%). MAIN CONCLUSIONS The qPCR technique for detecting NTMs targeting 16S rRNA has the potential to detect NTMs and rapidly differentiate from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. However, it is necessary to identify the species to help in the differential diagnosis between disease and contamination, and to guide the choice of the therapeutic scheme.

Biomed Res Int ; 2021: 5262000, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34901273


Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an autosomal recessive disorder, caused by diverse genetic variants for the CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) protein. Among these, p.Phe508del is the most prevalent variant. The effects of this variant on the physiology of each tissue remains unknown. This study is aimed at predicting cell signaling pathways present in different tissues of fibrocystic patients, homozygous for p.Phe508del. The study involved analysis of two microarray datasets, E-GEOD-15568 and E-MTAB-360 corresponding to the rectal and bronchial epithelium, respectively, obtained from the ArrayExpress repository. Particularly, differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were predicted, protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks were designed, and centrality and functional interaction networks were analyzed. The study reported that p.Phe508del-mutated CFTR-allele in homozygous state influenced the whole gene expression in each tissue differently. Interestingly, gene ontology (GO) term enrichment analysis revealed that only "neutrophil activation" was shared between both tissues; however, nonshared DEGs were grouped into the same GO term. For further verification, functional interaction networks were generated, wherein no shared nodes were reported between these tissues. These results suggested that the p.Phe508del-mutated CFTR-allele in homozygous state promoted tissue-specific pathways in fibrocystic patients. The generated data might further assist in prediction diagnosis to define biomarkers or devising therapeutic strategies.

Fibrosis Quística/genética , Transducción de Señal/genética , Alelos , Biomarcadores/metabolismo , Epitelio/fisiología , Expresión Génica/genética , Homocigoto , Humanos , Mutación/genética , Mapas de Interacción de Proteínas/genética , Biología de Sistemas/métodos
Tuberculosis (Edinb) ; 131: 102137, 2021 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34673379


Treatment of drug-resistant tuberculosis requires extended use of more toxic and less effective drugs and may result in retreatment cases due to failure, abandonment or disease recurrence. It is therefore important to understand the evolutionary process of drug resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. We here in describe the microevolution of drug resistance in serial isolates from six previously treated patients. Drug resistance was initially investigated through phenotypic methods, followed by genotypic approaches. The use of whole-genome sequencing allowed the identification of mutations in the katG, rpsL and rpoB genes associated with drug resistance, including the detection of rare mutations in katG and mixed populations of strains. Molecular docking simulation studies of the impact of observed mutations on isoniazid binding were also performed. Whole-genome sequencing detected 266 single nucleotide polymorphisms between two isolates obtained from one patient, suggesting a case of exogenous reinfection. In conclusion, sequencing technologies can detect rare mutations related to drug resistance, identify subpopulations of resistant strains, and identify diverse populations of strains due to exogenous reinfection, thus improving tuberculosis control by guiding early implementation of appropriate clinical and therapeutic interventions.

Resistencia a Medicamentos/genética , Estudio de Asociación del Genoma Completo/estadística & datos numéricos , Mycobacterium tuberculosis/efectos de los fármacos , Brasil , Resistencia a Medicamentos/inmunología , Estudio de Asociación del Genoma Completo/métodos , Humanos , Pruebas de Sensibilidad Microbiana/métodos , Pruebas de Sensibilidad Microbiana/estadística & datos numéricos , Mycobacterium tuberculosis/inmunología , Mycobacterium tuberculosis/aislamiento & purificación , Tuberculosis Resistente a Múltiples Medicamentos/microbiología
Int J Antimicrob Agents ; 58(4): 106401, 2021 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34289403


Genomic-based surveillance on the occurrence of drug resistance and its transmission dynamics has emerged as a powerful tool for the control of tuberculosis (TB). A whole-genome sequencing approach, phenotypic testing and clinical-epidemiological investigation were used to undertake a retrospective population-based study on drug-resistant (DR)-TB in Rio Grande do Sul, the largest state in Southern Brazil. The analysis included 305 resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains sampled statewide from 2011 to 2014, and covered 75.7% of all DR-TB cases identified in this period. Lineage 4 was found to be predominant (99.3%), with high sublineage-level diversity composed mainly of [Latin American and Mediterranean (LAM)/RD174], 4.3.3 (LAM/RD115) and (Haarlem/RD182) sublineages. Genomic diversity was also reflected in resistance of the variants to first-line drugs. A large number of distinct resistance-conferring mutations, including variants that have not been reported previously in any other setting worldwide, and 22 isoniazid-monoresistant strains with mutations described as disputed in the rpoB gene but causing rifampicin resistance generally missed by automated phenotypic tests as BACTEC MGIT. Using a cut-off of five single nucleotide polymorphisms, the estimated recent transmission rate was 55.1%, with 168 strains grouped into 28 genomic clusters. The most worrying fact concerns multi-drug-resistant (MDR) strains, of which 73.4% were clustered. Different resistance profiles and acquisition of novel mutations intraclusters revealed important amplification of resistance in the region. This study described the diversity of M. tuberculosis strains, the basis of drug resistance, and ongoing transmission dynamics across the largest state in Southern Brazil, stressing the urgent need for MDR-TB transmission control state-wide.

Antibióticos Antituberculosos/uso terapéutico , Proteínas Bacterianas/genética , ARN Polimerasas Dirigidas por ADN/genética , Farmacorresistencia Bacteriana Múltiple/genética , Mycobacterium tuberculosis/efectos de los fármacos , Tuberculosis Resistente a Múltiples Medicamentos/genética , Tuberculosis Resistente a Múltiples Medicamentos/transmisión , Adolescente , Adulto , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Antituberculosos/uso terapéutico , Brasil/epidemiología , Perfilación de la Expresión Génica , Genoma Bacteriano/genética , Humanos , Isoniazida/uso terapéutico , Pruebas de Sensibilidad Microbiana , Persona de Mediana Edad , Mycobacterium tuberculosis/genética , Polimorfismo de Nucleótido Simple/genética , Estudios Retrospectivos , Rifampin/uso terapéutico , Tuberculosis Resistente a Múltiples Medicamentos/epidemiología , Secuenciación Completa del Genoma , Adulto Joven
Infection ; 49(3): 457-461, 2021 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33385298


PURPOSE: The establishment of candidate genetic determinants associated with tuberculosis (TB) is a challenge, considering the divergent frequencies among populations. The objective of this study was to evaluate the association between MIF - 794 CATT 5-8 polymorphism and susceptibility to TB. METHODS: Case-control study. Patients > 18 years, with pulmonary TB were included. The control group consisted of blood donors and household contacts, not relatives, healthy and > 18 years. MIF - 794 CATT 5-8 were genotyped using sequencing of PCR and capillary electrophoresis. RESULTS: 126 patients and 119 controls were included. The genotype 5/5 was more frequent among cases (15.1%) than in controls (5.9%) (p = 0.019). Cases had more frequently the allele 5 (29.4%) as compared with controls (19.3%) (p = 0.010). Prevalence of 7/X + 8/X genotypes was not different between cases and controls (p = 0.821). There was no difference between patients with alleles 7 and 8 and those with alleles 5 and 6 (p = 0.608). CONCLUSIONS: The genotype 5/5 and the allele 5 of MIF - 794 CATT 5-8 were more frequent among TB patients than in controls.

Predisposición Genética a la Enfermedad , Factores Inhibidores de la Migración de Macrófagos , Tuberculosis , Estudios de Casos y Controles , Frecuencia de los Genes , Genotipo , Humanos , Oxidorreductasas Intramoleculares , Factores Inhibidores de la Migración de Macrófagos/genética , Repeticiones de Microsatélite , Polimorfismo de Nucleótido Simple , Tuberculosis/genética
PLoS One ; 15(12): e0242408, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33315885


We sought to develop a smooth and low cost sample preparation and DNA extraction protocol, streamlined with a ready-to-use qPCR in a portable instrument to overcome some of the existing hurdles. Several solutions were evaluated as to their ability to liquefy a mucin-based matrix. Each liquefied matrix, supplemented with either Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) H37Rv strain DNA or intact cells, was aliquoted onto a filter paper embedded with solubilizing agents, and was subsequently dried up. Most of the nucleic acids, including genomic DNA from the bacilli and the host, binds to the filter paper. Next, several protocols were evaluated to elute the DNA from the paper, using qPCR to detect the insertion sequence IS6110, a M. tuberculosis complex genomic marker. The limit of detection (LOD) of the best protocol was then evaluated using parallel seeding and colony counting. The protocol was also evaluated using seventeen sputum samples, previously characterized by the GeneXpert or culture. Two instruments (the ABI7500 Standard and the Q3-Plus system) and two reagents storage formats (frozen or ready-to-use) were evaluated. Solutions containing guanidine isothiocyanate exerted the best liquefying effect on the mucin-based matrix extracted from one 6-mm punches, followed by a brief incubation at 95°C. The resulting DNA contained impurities, but a simple 1:10 dilution elicited the detection of MTB and human genomic targets. The described protocol presented an apparent LOD of 02 CFU/mL of MTB. Challenging the protocol with previously characterized samples showed substantial agreement with GeneXpert MTB/RIF results (sensitivity of 90%, agreement of 88.9%, kappa coefficient of 0.77), and moderate agreement with culture results (sensitivity of 100%, agreement of 78.9%, kappa coefficient of 0.58). This work presents a sensitive proof-of-concept protocol for sputum liquefaction and decontamination followed by a simple DNA extraction procedure, in which the extraction steps are streamlined with a ready-to-use qPCR in a portable instrument that can be employed in low infrastructure settings.

Tamizaje Masivo/métodos , Mycobacterium tuberculosis/aislamiento & purificación , Sistemas de Atención de Punto , Manejo de Especímenes/métodos , Tuberculosis Pulmonar/diagnóstico , Brasil , ADN Bacteriano/aislamiento & purificación , Humanos , Límite de Detección , Tamizaje Masivo/economía , Tamizaje Masivo/instrumentación , Mycobacterium tuberculosis/genética , Prueba de Estudio Conceptual , Reacción en Cadena en Tiempo Real de la Polimerasa/economía , Reacción en Cadena en Tiempo Real de la Polimerasa/instrumentación , Reacción en Cadena en Tiempo Real de la Polimerasa/métodos , Manejo de Especímenes/economía , Esputo/microbiología , Tuberculosis Pulmonar/microbiología
Tuberculosis (Edinb) ; 125: 102015, 2020 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33137698


Here we described phenotypical, molecular and epidemiological features of a highly rifampicin-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis strain emerging in Southern Brazil, that carries an uncommon insertion of 12 nucleotides at the codon 435 in the rpoB gene. Employing a whole-genome sequencing-based study on drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains, we identified this emergent strain in 16 (9.19%) from 174 rifampicin-resistant clinical strains, all of them belonging to LAM RD115 sublineage. Nine of these 16 strains were available to minimum inhibitory concentration determination and for all of them was found a high rifampicin-resistance level (≥to 32 mg/L). This high resistance level could be explained by structural changes into the RIF binding site of RNA polymerase caused by the insertions, and consequent low-affinity interaction with rifampicin complex confirmed through protein modeling and molecular docking simulations. Epidemiological investigation showed that most of the individuals (56.25%) infected by the studied strains were prison inmate individuals or that spent some time in prison. The phylogenomic approach revealed that strains carrying on insertion belonged to same genomic cluster, evidencing a communal transmission chain involving inmate individuals and community. We stress the importance of tuberculosis genomic surveillance and introduction of measures to interrupt Mycobacterium tuberculosis transmission chain in this region.

ADN Bacteriano/genética , Mutación , Mycobacterium tuberculosis/genética , Rifampin/farmacología , Tuberculosis Resistente a Múltiples Medicamentos/microbiología , Antituberculosos/farmacología , Proteínas Bacterianas/genética , Brasil/epidemiología , Análisis Mutacional de ADN , Humanos , Mycobacterium tuberculosis/efectos de los fármacos , Mycobacterium tuberculosis/aislamiento & purificación , Estudios Retrospectivos , Tuberculosis Resistente a Múltiples Medicamentos/tratamiento farmacológico , Tuberculosis Resistente a Múltiples Medicamentos/epidemiología