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BMC Med Educ ; 24(1): 47, 2024 Jan 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38200477


BACKGROUND: Medical education has evolved based on the application of pedagogical actions that place the student as the protagonist of the learning process through the use of active teaching methodologies. Within this context, higher education teachers should use strategies that focus on the student and his/her context and avoid traditional teaching methods. Specifically in medical schools, there is an even greater challenge since the teaching methods of medical curricula differ from those used in previous schooling. Consequently, students acquire their own style of processing information that is often incompatible with the profile of medical schools. This may be one of the factors responsible for the lack of motivation among undergraduates. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to characterize the learning styles of students enrolled in a Brazilian medical school using the Felder-Soloman Index of Learning Styles (ILS). METHODS: This was a cross-sectional, descriptive, quantitative study that included students from the 1st to the 6th year of a Brazilian medical school. The students participating in this study voluntarily answered 44 questions about learning styles of the Felder-Silverman instrument validated in Brazil. The instrument was divided so that each domain consisted of 11 questions with two response options in which only one could be selected. For each domain, a score (1 point) was assigned to the selected option (a, b) of the question and the learning style category was determined as the difference between these values. For data collection and tabulation, we used the Learning Syle Platform (EdA Platform) developed based on Felder's studies since this system processes information about the dimension analyzed, the preferred style, and the most striking characteristics of each style. RESULTS: The results showed that sensing was the preferred learning style of the students, followed by the sequential and visual styles. It was not possible to determine whether gender or age influences the choice of learning methods because of the homogeneity of the results. CONCLUSIONS: The present data will enable teachers of the institution involved in this study to plan pedagogical actions that improve the students' self-awareness, as well as their teaching-learning skills, by choosing the most adequate active methodologies for the medical education programs considering the individuality of each student and class.

Estudantes de Medicina , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Brasil , Estudos Transversais , Aprendizagem , Escolaridade
Med Educ Online ; 28(1): 2173044, 2023 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36722612


BACKGROUND: Radiology is a useful tool for diagnosis and intervention in medical practice, and all the components within the teaching-learning process of this subject during undergraduate studies influence successful knowledge application. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to describe the level of knowledge in radiology of students in the last two years of medical school and curricular characteristics of their courses in seven Latin American countries. METHODS: A multicenter cross-sectional study was carried out on medical students of 7 Latin American countries (Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, and Peru) in their final two years of medical school, using an online questionnaire validated by experts and adapted for each country that assessed knowledge and curricular characteristics in radiology subject. Scores were assigned according to the number of correct answers for the knowledge test. The T-test, and regression analysis with one-way ANOVA were used to search for relationships between the level of knowledge and other variables. RESULTS: A total of 1514 medical students participated in this study. All countries had similar participation (n > 200); most participants were women 57.8%. The country with the highest knowledge score was Brazil. Male, sixth year (internship) and from public universities students had higher knowledge score (n < 0.05). Participants, who considered radiology more important, and who reported higher compliance with teaching staff with the proposed syllabus, and programmed classes, obtained better scores (n < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Latin American medical students included in this study have a regular overall level of knowledge of Radiology, apparently influenced by curricular differences such as class and academic program compliance. Efforts to better understand and improve academic training are indispensable. LIMITATIONS: The study was subject to selection bias determined by non-probability convenience sampling. The questionnaire assessed only theoretical knowledge and the evaluation system was designed by the investigators.

Radiologia , Estudantes de Medicina , Feminino , Masculino , Humanos , Estados Unidos , Estudos Transversais , América Latina , Colômbia
Psicol. esc. educ ; 27: e242419, 2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1521387


RESUMO Este artigo objetiva descrever estratégias de ensino e aprendizagem inovadoras empregadas nas disciplinas de Psicologia do Desenvolvimento I e II do curso de Psicologia de uma universidade federal do sul do Brasil, como parte de um projeto vinculado ao Programa de Iniciação à Docência (PID) dessa universidade. Atividades e técnicas diversificadas e adaptadas aos diferentes conteúdos têm sido propostas para garantir a participação e o engajamento dos discentes, tais como observação, criação de jogos educativos, desenvolvimento de mapas conceituais, análise de materiais audiovisuais e artísticos, criação narrativa e discussão de casos. A realização dessas atividades e técnicas tem se mostrado eficaz na promoção da integração teórico-prática, considerando a realidade dos estudantes, e na construção de um raciocínio psicológico para a compreensão dos múltiplos fenômenos associados ao desenvolvimento humano.

RESUMEN En este artículo se tiene por objetivo describir estrategias de enseñanza y aprendizaje innovadoras empleadas en las asignaturas de Psicología del Desarrollo I y II del curso de Psicología de una universidad federal del sur de Brasil, como parte de un proyecto vinculado al Programa de Iniciación a la Docencia (PID) de esa universidad. Actividades y técnicas diversificadas y adaptadas a los distintos contenidos han sido propuestas para garantizar la participación y el compromiso de los discentes, tales como observación, creación de juegos educativos, desarrollo de mapas conceptuales, análisis de materiales audiovisuales y artísticos, creación narrativa y discusión de casos. La realización de esas actividades y técnicas se ha mostrado eficaz en la promoción de la integración teórico-práctica, considerando la realidad de los estudiantes, y en la construcción de un raciocinio psicológico para la comprensión de los múltiples fenómenos asociados al desarrollo humano.

ABSTRACT This article aims to describe innovative teaching and learning strategies used in the disciplines of Developmental Psychology I and II of the Psychology course at a federal university in southern Brazil, as part of a project linked to the Programa de Iniciação à Docência (PID)2 of that university. Diversified activities and techniques adapted to the different contents have been proposed to ensure the participation and engagement of students, such as observation, creation of educational games, development of conceptual maps, analysis of audiovisual and artistic materials, narrative creation and discussion of cases. Carrying out these activities and techniques has proven to be effective in promoting theoretical-practical integration, considering the students' reality, and in building psychological reasoning for understanding the multiple phenomena associated with human development.

Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 47(1): e049, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431523


Resumo: Introdução: A redução da procura pelos Programas de Residência Médica em Nefrologia na última década é um assunto que vem ganhando relevância, notadamente nas discussões suscitadas pelas sociedades científicas e associações médicas por todo o mundo. Constata-se que há falta de interesse pela especialidade desencadeado por processos de ensino-aprendizagem inadequados no sentido de gerar interesse dos graduandos. Diante desse cenário, é fundamental compreender quais são os fatores que influenciam o processo de ensino-aprendizagem na nefrologia durante a graduação. Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar as estratégias de ensino-aprendizagem em nefrologia e seus resultados durante a graduação em Medicina. Método: Foi realizada uma revisão integrativa de artigos publicados em inglês, espanhol e português sobre o ensino de nefrologia na graduação em Medicina, com busca em quatro bases de dados (PubMed, ERIC, SciELO e Lilacs). Usamos as seguintes palavras-chave em nossas pesquisas: "educação médica", "estudantes de medicina", "nefrologia", "métodos de ensino" (em português), "medical education", "medical students", "nephrology" e "teaching methods" (em inglês) e "educación médica", "estudiantes de medicina", "nefrología" e "métodos de enseñanza" (em espanhol). Resultado: Observou-se um papel relevante do uso de metodologias ativas nos processos de ensino-aprendizagem como uma ferramenta promissora para ampliar o interesse dos estudantes pelo tema. Além disso, constatou-se que uma parcela dos educadores médicos envolvidos com o ensino da nefrologia é, na realidade, composta de não nefrologistas. Por fim, percebe-se um papel do uso de ferramentas on-line como estratégia para ampliar o interesse dos estudantes pela disciplina. Conclusão: Falta rigor no desenho dos estudos sobre a formação do estudante de Medicina em nefrologia, o que não permite aferir resultados precisos sobre o impacto das metodologias de ensino-aprendizagem. Estudos controlados randomizados bem desenhados, bem como o uso de estudos de coorte comparando metodologias de ensino-aprendizagem, são necessários para avaliar efetivamente as técnicas educacionais introduzidas nos currículos das escolas médicas.

Abstract: Introduction: The reduced demand for Medical Residency Programs in Nephrology in the last decade is a subject that has been gaining relevance, notably in discussions raised by scientific societies and medical associations around the world. It appears that there is a lack of interest in the specialty, triggered by teaching-learning processes that are inadequate to generate interest among undergraduates. Given this scenario, it is essential to understand which factors influence the teaching-learning process in Nephrology during undergraduate training. Objective: To analyze teaching-learning strategies in nephrology and their results during undergraduate medical training. Method: An integrative review of articles published in English, Spanish and Portuguese on teaching of nephrology in undergraduate medicine was carried out, searching four databases (PubMed, ERIC, SciELO and Lilacs). We used the following keywords in our searches: "medical education", "medical students", "nephrology", "teaching methods", "medical education", "medical students", "nephrology" and "teaching methods" (in English) and "educational medicine", "medicine students", "nephrology" and "metodos de enseñanza" (in Spanish). Results: A relevant role was observed in the use of active teaching-learning methodologies as a promising tool to increase student interest in the subject. In addition, it was found that a portion of medical educators involved in the teaching of Nephrology are, in fact, not nephrologists. Finally, there is a role for the use of online tools as a strategy to increase student interest in the discipline. Conclusion: There is a lack of rigor in the design of studies on the training of medical students in nephrology, which does not allow for accurate results on the impact of teaching-learning methodologies. Well-designed randomized controlled trials, as well as the use of cohort studies comparing teaching-learning methodologies, are needed to assess the effectiveness of educational techniques introduced in medical school curricula.

Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 47(1): e046, 2023. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1441243


Resumo: Introdução: O curso de graduação em Medicina da Universidade Estadual de Londrina foi o segundo do Brasil a adotar currículo integrado e Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas (PBL). Apesar de seu currículo inovador ter servido de referência a outras escolas, avaliações recentes mostraram a necessidade de reforma. Relato de experiência: As avaliações sistemáticas do curso indicaram os seguintes problemas: dificuldade de adaptação dos ingressantes à primeira série; desorganização da sequência de conteúdos ao longo do curso; falta de motivação docente para as atividades da primeira à quarta série; necessidade de incluir tópicos obrigatórios e novas tendências; e desgaste da metodologia (PBL) a partir da terceira série. Um amplo trabalho de reforma curricular foi iniciado, baseado na construção coletiva, culminando em mudanças, como: o desenho de uma primeira série mais acolhedora por meio da inclusão de nivelamento de ciências básicas e mentoria; a reorganização cronológica dos conteúdos; o redesenho dos módulos, agora organizados ao redor de grandes áreas ou especialidades afins; a adoção de metodologias ativas mais motivadoras; e a inclusão de novos conteúdos. Discussão: A adoção de novas metodologias ativas em substituição à PBL em alguns momentos apresenta vantagens estratégicas. A Aprendizagem Baseada em Equipes (TBL), mais estruturada que a PBL, pode ajudar na adaptação dos ingressantes à primeira série e facilitar a realização de metodologias ativas num contexto de escassez de docentes. A Aprendizagem Baseada em Casos (CBL) é mais motivadora e pode ser mais efetiva para desenvolver habilidades de raciocínio clínico nas séries pré-internato. Conclusão: O novo currículo, que incorpora as mudanças mencionadas, foi implantado em 2022. Novas avaliações mostrarão se as mudanças trarão melhorias ao curso em termos de adaptação, motivação e resultados de aprendizagem.

Abstract: Introduction: The undergraduate medical course of the State University of Londrina was the second in Brazil to adopt an integrated curriculum and Problem-Based Learning (PBL). Despite its innovative curriculum, which became a reference for other schools, new assessments showed the need to reform it. Experience Report: Systematic course evaluations showed some issues: difficulties in adaptation of new students attending the first year; disorganized sequence of contents throughout the course; teachers' lack of motivation for activities from first to the fourth years; need to include new contents; and deterioration of the methodology (PBL) in third and fourth years. A wide collective effort for curricular reform was initiated, which led to important changes, such as: a more welcoming first year, by including mentoring and activities for the leveling of basic knowledge; chronological reorganization of contents; redesign of modules around great areas of knowledge or related specialties; adoption of new and more motivating active learning and teaching methodologies, and the inclusion of new topics/trends. Discussion: The adoption of other active learning and teaching methodologies present strategic advantages in replacement for PBL. Team-Based Learning (TBL) is a more structured method than PBL, so it can help newcomers to adapt to the first year and make it easier to implement active methodologies in a context of teacher shortage. Case-Based Learning (CBL) generates higher motivation and can be more effective to foster the development of clinical reasoning skills in the preclinical years. Conclusion: The new curriculum, incorporating the changes described above, started in 2022. Further evaluations will show whether the changes will improve the course in terms of adaptability, motivation and learning outcomes.

J Educ Health Promot ; 11: 62, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35372611


BACKGROUND: The current pandemic associated with SARS-CoV-2 has negatively influenced several activities, including teaching in Operative Dentistry. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of knowledge in Operative Dentistry on undergraduate students' perception related to personal life and return to clinical practices classes during pandemic. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The present research was a cross-sectional, observational, and qualitative survey. The 16-item based questionnaire was sent to undergraduate students in 2020, which were divided into two groups, according to the Operative Dentistry knowledge: G1-not started clinical practice; G2-already started or completed clinical practice. Questions were focused on the impact of the pandemic in relation to their personal lives and return to clinical practice classes. Chi-square association test was performed using the SigmaPlot 12.0 software (P ≤ 0.05). RESULTS: The response rate was 55.5% for G1 and 44.4% for G2. Regarding the questions related to personal life, G1 demonstrated higher percentages of fear of contracting the virus during theoretical classes. Same observations were found when students answered about their fear of contracting coronavirus during the clinical practice classes. However, G2 presented the highest agreement responses for the preparedness feeling to return to theoretical classroom, clinical practice classes, and the possibility of applying online learning. CONCLUSIONS: In general, students' knowledge had little influence on perception of personal life. However, students who have more knowledge in operative dentistry presented more security about returning to clinical classes.

Odontology ; 110(2): 410-416, 2022 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34709454


This study evaluated Method 300, a complementary teaching methodology in Dentistry. Thirty participants were divided into 6 groups according to the scores obtained in a placement test ranging from 0 to 10. Students with scores lower than 6 were classified as having poor academic performance; students with scores equal to or greater than 6 were considered as having good academic performance. Each group included at least one student with good performance. Our methodology consisted of two application cycles, each including one different test; however, only students with low performance could undergo the second testing. Students held meetings twice a week for one hour and thirty minutes. Of the 54 students initially enrolled in the subject, 24 dropped out, leaving 30 students who completed all the proposed activities. In cycle 1, 24 (80%) students showed poor academic performance and 6 (20%) good. Students with poor performance in P1 significantly improved after P1 300 test application (P < 0.001). After cycle 1 activities, all 30 participants showed significant improvement. In cycle 2, the number of students with good performance tripled when compared to cycle 1, resulting in a decrease in the number of students with poor performance (P = 0.205). Results show that the Method 300 is an important teaching-learning resource in Dentistry, to be used as a complementary methodology to lectures.

Odontologia , Humanos
Psicol. esc. educ ; 26: e231651, 2022. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1422427


RESUMEN El estudio analizó el vínculo entre la didáctica de maestros y las habilidades cognoscitivas de atención, memoria, velocidad y fluidez verbal en estudiantes de primeros grados de un colegio público en Cúcuta-Colombia. Se propuso un diseño exploratorio concurrente con análisis cualitativo y recolección de datos de fuente mixta, con muestreo intencional de 22 estudiantes y 4 maestras. Se evaluaron habilidades cognoscitivas mediante pruebas neuropsicológicas estandarizadas para Colombia y la didáctica fue explorada mediante entrevista semiestructurada siguiendo categorías de enseñanza, aprendizaje y técnicas. Las habilidades cognoscitivas se analizaron mediante estadística descriptiva y las entrevistas por análisis de triangulación categorial, concluyendo en los niños sobresaliente memoria-velocidad y disminuida atención y fluidez verbal, hallazgos sobresalientes vinculados a didácticas basadas en uso de fichas de aprendizaje, repetición, mecanización, mientras que los resultados inferiores se asociaron al uso de video y pasatiempos.

RESUMO O estudo analisou a relação entre a didática de professores e as habilidades cognoscitivas de atenção, memória, velocidade e fluidez verbal em estudantes de primeiros anos de uma escola pública em Cúcuta - Colômbia. Utilizou-se um roteiro exploratório junto com análises qualitativa e levantamento de dados de fonte mista, com amostra intencional de 22 estudantes e 4 professores. Avaliaram-se habilidades cognoscitivas mediante testes neuropsicológicos normatizados para Colômbia e a didática foi explorada mediante entrevista semiestruturada seguindo categorias de ensino, aprendizagem e técnicas. As habilidades cognoscitivas foram analisadas mediante estatística descritiva e as entrevistas por análise de triangulação categorial, concluindo-se nas crianças importantes memória-velocidade e diminuída atenção e fluidez verbal, achados marcantes vinculados a didáticas baseadas no uso de fichas de aprendizagem, repetição, mecanização, enquanto os resultados inferiores foram associados ao uso de vídeo e passatempos.

ABSTRACT The study analyzed the relationship between teacher didactics and cognitive skills of attention, memory, speed and verbal fluidity in first-year students of a public school in Cúcuta-Colombia. An exploratory script was used, together with qualitative analysis and mixed-source data collection, with an intentional sample of 22 students and 4 teachers. Cognitive abilities were evaluated through neuropsychological tests standardized for Colombia, and didactics were explored through semi-structured interviews following categories of teaching, learning and techniques. Cognitive skills were analyzed using descriptive statistics and interviews by categorical triangulation analysis, concluding in important children memory-speed and reduced attention and verbal fluidity, remarkable findings linked to didactics based on the use of learning sheets, repetition, mechanization, while lower results were associated with the use of video and hobbies.

Conexões (Campinas, Online) ; 20: e022001, 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1369077


Introdução: O ensino da natação infantil tem priorizado a aprendizagem dos quatro nados competitivos. Embora tenham surgido nos últimos anos diversos métodos de ensino, a prática docente dos professores ainda está voltada ao ensino da técnica esportiva por meio de métodos tradicionais. O baixo número de publicações sobre essa temática dificulta o avanço da linha da "pedagogia da natação". Objetivo: Caracterizar os métodos utilizados por professores no ensino da natação infantil. Metodologia: Foi realizada uma pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa e de caráter descritivo, utilizando a técnica de observação não participante. As observações foram registradas com o auxílio de diários de campo. O contexto de investigação foi um estabelecimento no município de Brusque-SC. A seleção dos participantes foi de forma intencional não-probabilista e participaram três professores de natação infantil. Ao todo, foram observadas trinta aulas de quarenta e cinco minutos de duração. Os dados foram analisados através da técnica de análise de conteúdo, com as categorias determinadas a priori: atividades, instrução inicial e feedbacks. Resultados e discussão: Os resultados revelaram que os professores utilizaram a instrução por explicação, o baixo uso de feedback durantes as tarefas e predominaram as atividades técnicas/analíticas. Considerações Finais: Conclui-se que os professores observados priorizam o método de ensino analítico/tecnicista.

Introduction: The teaching of children's swimming has prioritized learning the four competitive swims. Although several teaching methods have emerged in recent years, the teaching practice of teachers is still focused on teaching sports technique through traditional methods. The low number of publications on this topic makes it difficult to advance the line of "swimming pedagogy". Objective: To characterize the methods used by teachers in teaching children's swimming. Methodology: A qualitative and descriptive research was carried out, using the technique of non-participant observation. Observations were recorded with the aid of field diaries. The research context was an establishment in the city of Brusque, Santa Catarina. The selection of participants was intentionally non-probabilistic and three children's swimming teachers participated. In all, thirty classes of forty-five minutes in length were observed. Data were analyzed using the content analysis technique, with the categories determined a priori: activities, initial instruction and feedback. Results and discussion: The results revealed that teachers used instruction by explanation, low use of feedback during tasks and technical/analytical activities predominated. Final Considerations: It is concluded that the observed teachers prioritize the analytical/technical teaching method.

Introducción: La enseñanza de la natación infantil ha priorizado el aprendizaje de los cuatro estilos competitivos. Aunque en los últimos años han surgido varios métodos de enseñanza, la práctica docente de los profesores sigue centrada en la enseñanza de la técnica deportiva a través de métodos tradicionales. El escaso número de publicaciones sobre este tema dificulta avanzar en la línea de la "pedagogía de la natación". Objetivo: Caracterizar los métodos utilizados por los profesores en la enseñanza de la natación infantil. Metodología: Se realizó una investigación cualitativa y descriptiva, utilizando la técnica de observación no participante. Las observaciones se registraron con la ayuda de diarios de campo. El contexto de la investigación fue un establecimiento en la ciudad de Brusque, Santa Catarina. La selección de los participantes fue intencionalmente no probabilística y participaron tres profesores de natación infantil. En total, se observaron treinta clases de cuarenta y cinco minutos de duración. Los datos se analizaron mediante la técnica de análisis de contenido, con las categorías determinadas a priori: actividades, instrucción inicial y retroalimentación. Resultados y discusión: Los resultados revelaron que los docentes utilizaron la instrucción por explicación, predominó el bajo uso de la retroalimentación durante las tareas y las actividades técnicas / analíticas. Consideraciones finales / Conclusión: Se concluye que los docentes observados priorizan el método de enseñanza analítico / técnico.

Humanos , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Esportes , Natação , Ensino , Aprendizagem , Métodos , Educação Física e Treinamento , Professores Escolares
Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 46(2): e088, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1387753


Resumo: Introdução: As atuais Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais (DCN) dos cursos de graduação em Medicina visam atualizar e transformar a escola médica brasileira incentivando currículos interdisciplinares e o uso de métodos ativos de ensino. O desafio de reduzir a adoção de aulas expositivas tende a impactar tanto discentes quanto docentes, que podem ser resistentes às mudanças quando estas não são apoiadas em pesquisas com a devida reflexão crítica. Desenvolvimento: Neste artigo, apresentamos um protocolo desenvolvido pela equipe do Núcleo de Apoio Pedagógico e Experiência Docente da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Brasília em que se utilizam dois questionários para a realização de estudos quali-quantitativos que visem avaliar a motivação e a percepção de docentes e discentes em relação aos distintos métodos de ensino e aprendizagem. O protocolo foi criado para auxiliar a compreensão da dinâmica, dos desafios e das expectativas acerca do processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Conclusão: Coletar, analisar, descrever, interpretar e divulgar dados sobre a motivação e a percepção de docentes e discentes relacionadas aos distintos métodos é importante para fundamentar ações que visem promover a melhoria do ensino. O protocolo apresentado neste artigo pode ser aplicado em cenários diversos e poderá contribuir para o processo de desenvolvimento de um ensino médico mais alinhado às DCN.

Abstract: Introduction: The latest Brazilian National Curriculum Guidelines (DCN) for the undergraduate medicine course aim to update and transform the country's medical training by encouraging interdisciplinary curricula and the use of active teaching methods. Reducing the focus on lectures and expanding learning through investigation is a challenge that can impact both students and teachers, who may be resistant to changes that are not supported by research and due critical analysis. Development: This study reflects on the importance of assessing how teachers and students view diverse teaching and learning methods. Furthermore, we share a protocol developed by the Pedagogical Support and Teaching Experience Team at the University of Brasília Medical School, which comprises the use of two questionnaires for conducting qualitative and quantitative studies. The protocol aims at understanding the dynamics, challenges and expectations regarding the teaching and learning process. Conclusion: Collecting, analyzing, describing, interpreting, and disseminating data on teacher and student views of the use of different methods is paramount to support teaching quality improvement actions. The protocol published in this article can be used in different settings and can contribute to the development of a medical education system that is more aligned with the DCN.

Indian J Pathol Microbiol ; 64(4): 746-751, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34673596


CONTEXT: Teaching methods in pathology for undergraduate medical students are not effective. AIMS: To document measures that can be adopted by individual teachers that can excite the interest, participation of the students and help them learn pathology in a clinical reasoning context. SETTINGS AND DESIGN: Medical students in a large international medical school with class sizes of 700-900 were taught the pathology course in a period of sixteen weeks for two cohorts of students each year over a period of twenty years. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Specific learning objectives were devised to achieve higher levels of cognitive domain including interpretation, analysis and problem solving of clinical data of patients related to the objectives. The teaching sessions were modified to provide for maximum active participation by students with effective feedback at multiple points. Additional learning tools like concept maps, clickers, modified essay questions, flipped classrooms, clinicopathological conferences, directed self-learning activities were included. Learning objectives and assessment tools for professional behavior and communication skills were included. RESULTS: The students actively participated in all the learning activities with enthusiasm and achieved the objectives as reflected in the performance in the in-house examinations and the USMLE step one examination which tests clinical vignette-based problem-solving principles of which around 70% are related to pathology. CONCLUSIONS: The teaching sessions in pathology were useful and effective with adaptation to interactive, clinical reasoning platforms for teaching and assessment.

Educação Médica/métodos , Patologia/educação , Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas/métodos , Estudantes de Medicina/psicologia , Estudantes de Medicina/estatística & dados numéricos , Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Adulto Jovem
Acta méd. colomb ; 46(2): 36-38, Jan.-June 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1349880


Abstract Teaching electrocardiography is a very important area in undergraduate student training. A constant concern of professors is for physicians in training to acquire competence in reading and interpreting electrocardiograms (EKGs). This study describes and explores how the didactic strat egy of peer teaching improves learning processes for second-year medical students. Evidence was found that peer teaching fosters significant learning of cardiac physiology and electrocardiograms, in particular, because it allows students to acquire abilities and skills in EKG reading, and improves the understanding and interpretation of this test. In addition, it promotes horizontal peer relationships which facilitate the development of autonomy, self-learning and teamwork. (Acta Med Colomb 2021; 46. DOI:

Resumen La enseñanza de la electrocardiografía es un área de gran importancia en la formación de los estudiantes de pregrado, para los docentes es una preocupación constante que los médicos en for mación adquieran las competencias para la lectura e interpretación del electrocardiograma (ECG). El presente estudio describe e indaga sobre cómo la estrategia didáctica de la enseñanza por pares mejora los procesos de aprendizaje de los estudiantes de segundo año de formación médica. Se halló evidencia de que la enseñanza por pares favorece el aprendizaje significativo de la fisiología cardiaca y del electrocardiograma, en particular, porque permite la adquisición de habilidades y destrezas a los estudiantes en la lectura del ECG y mejora la comprensión e interpretación de dicho examen; además, propicia relaciones horizontales entre pares que facilitan el desarrollo de la autonomía, el autoaprendizaje y el trabajo en equipo. (Acta Med Colomb 2021; 46.

J Sports Sci Med ; 20(1): 9-16, 2021 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33707981


In a time of instability caused by adolescence, sport may represent a resource to prevent future individual and social problems. Within the complex relationships developed in social sports contexts, the figure of the coach can be fundamental for the development of a beneficial environment. The objective of the research was to investigate the relationship between the teaching methods and leadership profile of the coach and outcomes on the perception of positive development of young people participating in an after school sports program. In total participated, 910 adolescents (14.0 ± 1.8 years) and 57 coaches (45.57 ± 7.25 years) in 37 public schools in the city of Curitiba, in the state of Paraná-Brazil. Ordinal logistic regression was used to verify the independent associations between the variables sex, category, sport, trainer methodology, perception of the coaches, and perception of the athletes with the tertiles of the scores of each developmental characteristic of the young athletes (personal and social skills, cognitive skills, goal setting, and initiative). Odds ratios (OR) were obtained with a 95% confidence interval (95%CI), adopting p < 0.05. The small sized games method were positively associated with cognitive skills and goal setting. Positive associations were also found between athletes' perceptions of the leadership profile of coaches with: personal and social skills (instructor, democratic behaviour, social support, and positive feedback), cognitive skills (instructor, democratic behaviour, and social support), goal setting (instructor, social support, and positive feedback), and initiative (instructor and positive feedback). In addition, the athletes' perception of the coaches' autocratic behaviour was inversely associated with personal and social skills and goal setting. For the evaluated program, the results suggest the choice, on the part of the coaches, of small sized games, combined with a democratic, affective, motivating leadership profile that provides instructions on technical skills and game strategies. The combination of the designated psych-pedagogical aspects is correlated to the positive development of young people through team sports.

Desenvolvimento do Adolescente , Liderança , Ensino/psicologia , Esportes de Equipe , Adolescente , Brasil , Criança , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto Jovem
Anat Sci Educ ; 14(1): 99-109, 2021 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32717118


This systematic review aimed to identify the level of impact of educational strategies for teaching tooth carving on the carving ability of undergraduate dental students. The PubMed-NCBI, Cochrane-CENTRAL, LILACS, Ibecs, BBO, Web of Science, and Scopus databases were searched in May 2019, for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and two-arm non-randomized studies of interventions (NRSI) addressing educational interventions toward the dental carving of undergraduate students. Studies from the year 2000 until the search date, written in English, Portuguese, and Spanish were included. Study screening and data extraction were performed in duplicate and blinded. The data were presented narratively, considering the dental carving ability of students the primary outcome. The risk of bias was assessed using the RoB tool 2.0 and ROBINS-I, and the level of evidence was determined with GRADE. Of 3,574 studies, 6 were included, with 3 RCTs and 3 NRSIs. Very low level of evidence was provided from the NRSIs that flipped classroom (1 study; n = 140) and a student-driven revised module (1 study; n = 264) improved the carving ability of students. Additionally, there was moderate evidence of online complementary material (1 RCT; n = 30) and reinforcement class improving the carving ability of students (1 RCT; n = 29). The replacement of traditional classes by an instructional DVD (1 RCT; n = 73) and assessment of carving projects through digital systems (1 NRSI; n = 79) did not enhance the carving ability of students. Study design, risk of bias, and imprecision downgraded the level of evidence. There was a very low to moderate evidence on the effectiveness of student-driven educational approaches and complementary classes of dental anatomy in improving the dental carving ability of students.

Anatomia , Dente , Anatomia/educação , Educação em Odontologia , Humanos , Reforço Psicológico , Estudantes de Odontologia
Cienc. act. fís. (Talca, En línea) ; 22(2): 1-12, 2021. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1361608


RESUMEN. La percepción de los estudiantes hacia la clase de Educación Física es de suma importancia para entender cómo mejorarla y lo que representa para ellos. En esta investigación se analizaron las percepciones de los estudiantes frente a la clase, sus preferencias, la importancia que le otorgan y el papel que juega el profesor en su gusto por la Educación Física. La metodología de la investigación fue cualitativa, específicamente un estudio de caso. Se utilizaron como estrategias de recolección de información el cuestionario y el buzón. La investigación se llevó a cabo en una institución educativa público-privada de Medellín (Colombia), con la participación de 43 estudiantes de décimo grado (15 y 17 años). Entre los principales hallazgos surgió que a la mayoría de los estudiantes les gusta la clase de Educación Física. Destacan su gusto por clases lúdicas y dinámicas con contenidos deportivos. Entre lo que más les gusta del profesor son sus cualidades: respetuoso, responsable, estricto y amable. Finalmente, le atribuyen la mejora de la salud, el estado físico, el conocimiento y funcionamiento de su propio cuerpo como los fines principales de la clase de Educación Física.

ABSTRACT. the class will improve and what it represents for them. In this research, it was analyzed the perceptions and preferences of students about their classes, the importance they give to Physical Education and the role that the teacher has in their liking for it. The research methodology was qualitative, specifically a case study. The questionnaire and the mailbox were used as information gathering strategies. The research was carried out in a public-private high school in Medellín (Colombia) with 43 students between 15 and 17 years old. Among the main findings, it was found that the majority of students like Physical Education class. They like playful and dynamic classes with sports content stands out. Among what they like most about the teacher are his qualities: respectful, responsible, strict and kind. Finally, students attribute to class the improvement of health, physical condition, knowledge and functioning of their own body as the main purposes of the Physical Education class.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Educação Física e Treinamento , Estudantes/psicologia , Percepção , Inquéritos e Questionários , Ensino Fundamental e Médio , Pesquisa Qualitativa
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1340287


Abstract Higher education can be offered by traditional or active teaching methodology, which can influence differently the study and learning strategies and the stress level of university students. This study aimed to investigate the study and learning strategies and the prevalence of stress among students of active and traditional teaching methodology and verify the influence of stress on using these strategies. 210 students in speech, language and hearing sciences from a Brazilian Federal University participated, divided into two groups, TMG (traditional methodology) and AMG (active methodology). They responded to Learning And Study Strategies Inventory and Lipp's Stress Symptom Inventory for Adults. The teaching methodology influenced the study and learning strategies, but not the stress. Stress interfered differently in the study and learning strategies depending on the teaching methodology.

Resumo O ensino superior pode ser oferecido por metodologia de ensino tradicional ou ativa, que podem influenciar de formas diferentes as estratégias de estudo e aprendizagem e o nível de estresse dos universitários. Este estudo teve por objetivo investigar as estratégias de estudo e aprendizagem e a prevalência de estresse entre estudantes de metodologia ativa e tradicional de ensino e verificar a influência do estresse no uso dessas estratégias. 210 estudantes de Fonoaudiologia de uma Universidade Federal brasileira, divididos em dois grupos, TMG (metodologia tradicional) e AMG (metodologia ativa), responderam o Learning And Study Strategies Inventory e o Inventário de Sintomas de Stress para Adultos de Lipp. A metodologia de ensino influenciou nas estratégias de estudo e aprendizagem, mas não no estresse. O estresse interferiu de forma diferente nas estratégias de estudo e aprendizagem a depender da metodologia de ensino.

Resumen La educación superior puede ofrecerse mediante una metodología de enseñanza tradicional o activa, que puede influir de manera distinta en las estrategias de estudio y aprendizaje y en el nivel de estrés de los estudiantes universitarios. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar las estrategias de estudio y aprendizaje, la prevalencia de estrés entre los estudiantes de metodología de enseñanza activa y tradicional, así como la influencia del estrés en el uso de estas estrategias. Participaron 210 estudiantes de fonoaudiología de una Universidad Federal de Brasil, divididos en dos grupos: TMG (metodología tradicional) y AMG (metodología activa), quienes respondieron al Inventario de Estrategias de Estudio y Aprendizaje y al Inventario de Síntomas de Estrés para Adultos de Lipp. La metodología de enseñanza influyó en las estrategias de estudio y aprendizaje, pero no en el estrés. El estrés interfirió de manera diferente en las estrategias de estudio y aprendizaje según la metodología de enseñanza.

Humanos , Estudantes , Ensino , Universidades , Aprendizagem
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1177069


AIMS: Small group teaching in Pharmacology offers an effective platform to encourage interaction amongst peers and self-directed learning. The present study is an attempt to assess and compare the effectiveness and perception of students on two different pedagogical methods: Crossword puzzles and Student Led Objective Tutorials (SLOT). METHODS: Second year undergraduate students who gave their informed consent were divided randomly into two groups: one which received crossword puzzle as a teaching learning method and the other had SLOT during which the students conducted an interactive quiz with multiple choice questions prepared by themselves. The students' perceptions were recorded using a self-administered questionnaire. One week later, a unit test was conducted for both the groups and the performance of the students was compared. Statistical analysis was done using independent Student's T test with SPSS version 15.0. RESULTS: Analyses revealed a statistical significant difference (P<0.001) between the mean marks obtained in the SLOT group (n= 74; 6.5±3.8) and the marks obtained in the crossword group (n= 87; 4.2±2.9), with the students in the tutorial group performing better. The students opined that SLOT sessions helped them to understand Pharmacology better whereas crossword sessions enabled them to memorize the names of the drugs. CONCLUSION: The present study revealed that SLOT sessions fared better compared to the crossword puzzles in terms of improving the students' test scores. It fostered teamwork, self-directed learning skills and critical thinking. Crossword puzzles make the session more student friendly as it is fun and engaging but a careful design is inevitable as it may fail to test in-depth learning in students.

OBJETIVOS: O ensino de farmacologia em pequenos grupos oferece uma plataforma eficaz para estimular a interação entre pares e a aprendizagem autodirigida. O presente estudo procurou avaliar e comparar a eficácia e percepção dos alunos em dois métodos pedagógicos diferentes: palavras cruzadas e tutoriais objetivos conduzido pelo aluno (SLOT). MÉTODOS: Alunos do segundo ano de graduação, que deram seu consentimento informado, foram divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos: um que recebeu palavras cruzadas como método de ensino-aprendizagem e o outro teve SLOT onde os alunos realizaram um questionário interativo com questões de múltipla escolha elaborado por si mesmos. As percepções dos alunos foram registradas por meio de um questionário autoaplicável. Uma semana depois, um teste foi realizado para ambos os grupos e o desempenho dos alunos foi comparado. A análise estatística foi feita usando o teste T de student de amostras independentes. RESULTADOS: As análises revelaram uma diferença estatisticamente significativa (P <0,001) entre as notas médias obtidas no grupo SLOT (n = 74; 6,5±3,8) e as notas obtidas no grupo de palavras cruzadas (n = 87; 4,2±2,9), com os alunos do grupo tutorial tendo melhor desempenho. Os alunos opinaram que as sessões de tutoria objetiva conduzida pelos alunos os ajudaram a entender melhor a Farmacologia, ao passo que as sessões de palavras cruzadas lhes permitiram memorizar os nomes dos medicamentos. CONCLUSÃO: O presente estudo revelou que as sessões do SLOT se saíram melhor comparativamente àquelas com as palavras cruzadas em termos de melhorar as pontuações dos alunos nos testes, assim como promoveu o trabalho em equipe, habilidades de aprendizagem autodirigida e pensamento crítico. As palavras cruzadas tornam a sessão mais amigável ao aluno, pois é divertida e envolvente, mas um design cuidadoso é inevitável, pois pode falhar em testar o aprendizado em profundidade nos alunos.

Educação de Graduação em Medicina , Ensino
Coluna/Columna ; 19(3): 223-227, July-Sept. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1133578


ABSTRACT Objective The objective of the study was the development of a low cost simulator of the endoscopic lumbar spine flavectomy technique for use as a teaching method in order to make endoscopic training more accessible. Methods The study was a descriptive research project conducted at the Orthopedic Skills Laboratory of the Health Sciences Department of the Federal University of Paraná. Easily accessible, low cost materials, such as a commercial-use mannequin, EVA plastic, PVC and copper tubing were used to develop the simulator.. Results At the end of the project, it was possible to build a simulator of the endoscopic lumbar spine flavectomy technique with a budget of approximately 464 BRL, or approximately 140 USD. Conclusions We concluded that it was possible to build an endoscopic lumbar spine flavectomy technique simulator on a budget of less than half a Brazilian minimum monthly wage, which makes training more accessible to academics, residents and surgeons. Level of Evidence V; Expert opinion.

RESUMO Objetivo O objetivo do estudo é o desenvolvimento de um simulador de baixo custo da técnica de flavectomia endoscópica da coluna lombar, para uso como método de ensino, com o propósito de tornar o treinamento endoscópico mais acessível. Métodos Trata-se de um projeto de pesquisa descritivo, desenvolvido no Laboratório de Habilidades em Ortopedia do Setor de Ciências da Saúde da Universidade Federal do Paraná. Para o desenvolvimento do simulador foram utilizados materiais de fácil acesso e baixo custo, como manequim de uso comercial, plástico EVA, canos de PVC e cobre. Resultados Ao fim do projeto, foi possível construir o simulador da técnica de flavectomia endoscópica da coluna lombar com orçamento aproximado de 464 reais, aproximadamente 140 dólares. Conclusões Concluímos que é possível construir um simulador da técnica de flavectomia endoscópica da coluna lombar com orçamento abaixo de meio salário mínimo, o que torna o treinamento mais acessível a acadêmicos, residentes e cirurgiões. Nível de evidência V; Opinião do especialista.

RESUMEN Objetivo El objetivo del estudio es el desarrollo de un simulador de bajo costo de la técnica de flavectomía endoscópica de la columna lumbar para uso como método de enseñanza, con el propósito de hacer que el entrenamiento endoscópico sea más accesible. Métodos Se trata de un proyecto de investigación descriptivo, desarrollado en el Laboratorio de Habilidades en Ortopedia del Sector de Ciencias de la Universidad Federal de Paraná. Para el desarrollo del simulador fueron usados materiales de fácil acceso y bajo costo, como maniquí de uso comercial, plástico EVA, caños de PVC y cobre. Resultados Al fin del proyecto, fue posible construir el simulador de la técnica de flavectomía endoscópica de la columna lumbar con presupuesto aproximado de 464 reales, aproximadamente 140 dólares. Conclusiones Concluimos que es posible construir un simulador de la técnica de flavectomía endoscópica de la coluna lumbar con presupuesto por debajo de medio salario mínimo, lo que hace que el entrenamiento sea más accesible para académicos, residentes y cirujanos. Nivel de evidencia V; Opinión del especialista.

Humanos , Coluna Vertebral , Ensino , Educação Médica , Endoscopia , Treinamento por Simulação
São Paulo med. j ; São Paulo med. j;138(3): 229-234, May-June 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, Sec. Est. Saúde SP | ID: biblio-1139692


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Musculoskeletal disorders account for up to one in four of general-practice consultations and almost one third of complaints in primary-care clinical practice. However, an insufficient amount of time and importance is given to their teaching in most medical schools. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the acquisition of musculoskeletal competences in our institution, in order to identify flaws and propose changes to correct and improve the musculoskeletal curriculum. DESIGN AND SETTING: Cross-sectional study conducted in São Paulo, Brazil. METHODS: First to fifth-year medical students were enrolled in a survey using the Freedman and Bernstein musculoskeletal examination, in order to evaluate the acquisition of musculoskeletal competencies. Categorical data were analyzed using the chi-square test. Continuous data were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The level of significance was set as P < 0.05. RESULTS: A total of 545 students completed the questionnaire: from year 2, 115/167 (29.6%); from year 3, 118/138 (30.4%); from year 4, 98/130 (25.3%); and from year 5, 57/110 (14.7%). None of the students achieved the pass mark (established as 70%). The level of confidence in performing musculoskeletal examination was very low (3.7 ± 2.2; n = 386) and bore no relationship to the percentage of correct answers in the questionnaire (r = 0.331; 95% confidence interval, CI: 0.239-0.417; P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Undergraduate teaching is the only exposure most general practitioners have to orthopedic problems. Universities are concerned about the adequacy of the musculoskeletal programs taught in their institutions. Student scores were found to be unsatisfactory in all the topics evaluated.

Humanos , Estudantes de Medicina , Educação de Graduação em Medicina , Brasil , Estudos Transversais , Inquéritos e Questionários , Competência Clínica , Currículo
Adv Physiol Educ ; 44(2): 124-130, 2020 Jun 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32108512


The search for more efficient teaching methodologies is a great challenge for Brazilian educators, since most classes are still traditional (theoretical) and have little student involvement during the learning process. Active learning methodologies, where students play a central role in the learning process, are proving to be more effective and interesting when it comes to acquiring knowledge. Thus we decided to develop an innovative technique for teaching Human Endocrine Physiology, called "Endocrine Circuit." The circuit consisted of eight stations in which students were asked to organize a scheme with cards to answer a specific question about a gland or tissue with endocrine relevance. The effectiveness of the developed activity was validated through a pretest-posttest design, in which the students had to answer a 10-question test. We found out that, after the Endocrine Circuit application, students showed an improvement in the percentage of correct answers for 7 out of 10 questions contained in the questionnaire (P ≤ 0.05). In addition, the activity showed positive outcomes regarding student's engagement in this study, besides showing to be more efficient than the Brazilian traditional theoretical classes.

Compreensão , Avaliação Educacional/métodos , Sistema Endócrino/fisiologia , Fisiologia/educação , Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas/métodos , Brasil , Humanos