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Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536543


(analítico) Explicar y comprender la forma en que jóvenes escolarizados que han pasado por situaciones de ciberacoso sexual construyen su experiencia social requiere de investigaciones diseñadas desde perspectivas comprensivas. Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación cualitativa que incluyó la revisión de fuentes documentales oficiales y de prensa y la aplicación de técnicas mixtas como cuestionarios, entrevistas y el uso de un modelo de investigación acción participativa con estudiantes de educación básica y media de tres colegios públicos de Bogotá ubicados en localidades reportadas con altos índices de acoso escolar. Como hallazgos se resalta la construcción heterogénea de experiencias con estrategias diversas para hacer frente al acoso y tensiones en el ejercicio de derechos. Finalmente, se proponen acciones de prevención desde diferentes subsistemas para hacer frente a estas realidades.

(analytical) Explaining and understanding how school-educated youth who have gone through sexual cyberbullying situations construct their social experience requires research designed from comprehensive perspectives. This article presents the results of a qualitative research that included the review of official and press documentary sources and the application of mixed techniques such as questionnaires, interviews, and the use of a participatory action research model with students of basic and secondary education of three public schools in Bogotá located in localities reported with high rates of bullying. As findings, the heterogeneous construction of experiences with diverse strategies to deal with harassment and tensions in the exercise of rights is highlighted. Finally, prevention actions are proposed from different subsystems to face these realities.

(analítico) Explicar e entender como jovens educados na escola que passaram por situações de cyberbullying sexual constroem sua experiência social requer pesquisas projetadas a partir de perspectivas abrangentes. Este artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa qualitativa que incluiu a revisão de fontes documentais oficiais e de imprensa e a aplicação de técnicas mistas como questionários, entrevistas e o uso de um modelo de pesquisa de ação participativa com alunos do ensino fundamental e médio de três escolas públicas de Bogotá localizadas em localidades relatadas com altos índices de bullying. Como constatação, destaca-se a construção heterogênea de experiências com diversas estratégias para lidar com o assédio e as tensões no exercício dos direitos. Por fim, são propostas ações de prevenção a partir de diferentes subsistemas para enfrentar essas realidades.

Front Neuroanat ; 16: 987229, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36189119


Prairie voles are a socially monogamous species that, after cohabitation with mating, form enduring pair bonds. The plastic mechanisms involved in this social behavior are not well-understood. Neurogenesis in adult rodents is a plastic neural process induced in specific brain areas like the olfactory bulbs (OB) and dentate gyrus (DG) of the hippocampus. However, it is unknown how cell survival is modulated by social or sexual experience in prairie voles. This study aimed to evaluate if cohabitation with mating and/or social exposure to a vole of the opposite sex increased the survival of the new cells in the main and accessory OB and DG. To identify the new cells and evaluate their survival, voles were injected with the DNA synthesis marker 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU) and were randomly distributed into one of the following groups: (A) Control (C), voles that did not receive any sexual stimulation and were placed alone during the behavioral test. (B) Social exposure (SE), voles were individually placed in a cage equally divided into two compartments by an acrylic screen with small holes. One male and one female were placed in opposite compartments. (C) Social cohabitation with mating (SCM), animals mated freely. Our findings demonstrated that SCM females had increases in the number of new cells (BrdU-positive cells) in the main olfactory bulb and new mature neurons (BrdU/NeuN-positive cells) in the glomerular layer (GlL). In contrast, these new cells decrease in males in the SE and SCM conditions. In the granular cell layer (GrL), SCM females had more new cells and neurons than the SE group. In the accessory olfactory bulb, in the anterior GlL, SCM decreased the number of new cells and neurons in females. On the other hand, in the DG, SCM and SE increase the number of new cells in the suprapyramidal blade in female voles. Males from SCM express more new cells and neurons in the infrapyramidal blade compared with SE group. Comparison between male and females showed that new cells/neurons survival was sex dependent. These results suggest that social interaction and sexual behavior modulate cell survival and influence the neuronal fate in a sex-dependent manner, in the OB and DG. This study will contribute to understand neural mechanisms of complex social and pair bond behaviors in the prairie voles; supporting adult neurogenesis as a plastic mechanism potentially involved in social monogamous strategy.

Dev Psychobiol ; 64(7): e22316, 2022 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36282737


To investigate whether mother and sibling interactions during the preweaning period influence the histological and electrophysiological characteristics of the sensory sural nerve (SUn) in the adult rat, litters composed of 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12 male pups (P) were formed and the pups routinely weighed until postnatal day 60 (PND60). At PND9, 3P and 6P litters showed greater body weight than pups without siblings or from 9P or 12P litters, and such differences in weight were maintained until adulthood. Analysis of maternal licking at PND8 and 9 showed that pups from large litters received fewer licks than pups from small size litters. At PND60, SUn of rats from 6P and 9P litters had greater compound action potential (CAP) amplitude and a higher proportion of axons with large myelin thickness than nerves from rats of 1P, 3P, or 12P litters. SUn of heaviest rats from 9P and 12P litters had greater CAP area and myelination than the lightest rats from the same litters. We propose that a complex interplay of sensory, social, and nutritional factors arising from mother and littermate interactions during the preweaning period influence myelination and the propagation of action potentials in the SUn of adult rats.

Irmãos , Nervo Sural , Feminino , Animais , Ratos , Masculino , Humanos , Nervo Sural/patologia , Mães , Comportamento Animal , Peso Corporal , Animais Recém-Nascidos
Sex., salud soc. (Rio J.) ; (29): 313-339, mayo-ago. 2018.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-979349


Resumo: Este artigo discute as mudanças e as continuidades na experiência social da homossexualidade masculina e da epidemia de HIV-aids no Brasil a partir da noção de geração. Privilegio dois marcos temporais: dos que vivenciaram a emergência da aids nos anos 1980 e dos que com ela se defrontaram a partir da implementação das terapias antirretrovirais, da segunda metade dos anos 1990 em diante. Para caracterizar o conjunto geracional mais velho, valho-me de resultados de pesquisas qualitativas junto a pessoas que se identificam como "gays" e compartilham uma situação de classe média, com escolaridade elevada, majoritariamente brancos, na faixa etária dos 50 aos 70 anos. Para o conjunto mais jovem, lido com dados de pesquisas com jovens sobre prevenção da AIDS e trago resultados preliminares de uma pesquisa exploratória sobre perfis de soropositivos encontrados em aplicativos de busca por parceiros sexuais. A discussão problematiza a crescente responsabilização individual pela gestão dos riscos e dos cuidados relacionados ao HIV-aids, num contexto de recuo das ações públicas de prevenção e educação.

Abstract: This article discusses changes and continuities in the social experience of male homosexuality and the HIV-AIDS epidemic in Brazil from a perspective of generation. Two timeframes are privileged: those who experienced the emergence of AIDS in the1980s and those who faced it since the implementation of antiretroviral therapies, from the middle of the 1990s onward. To characterize the older generation, I use qualitative research results obtained from people who identify as "gay" and share a middle-class situation, with a high level of schooling, mostly white, between the ages of 50 and 70. For the younger generation, results of researches with young men regarding AIDS prevention and preliminary results of an exploratory research on dating apps profiles are used. The discussion problematizes the increasing role of individual responsibility in the management of risks and care related to HIV-AIDS in a context where prevention and education public actions are retreating.

Resumen: Este artículo discute cambios y continuidades en la experiencia social de la homosexualidad masculina y de la epidemia de VIH-sida, en Brasil, a partir de la noción de generación. Se privilegian dos marcos temporales: los que vivenciaron la emergencia del Sida en los años 1980 y los que con ella se enfrentaban a partir de la implementación de las terapias antirretrovirales, de la segunda mitad de los años 1990 en adelante. Para caracterizar el conjunto generacional más viejo, me valgo de resultados de investigaciones cualitativas junto a personas que se identifican como "gays" y comparten una situación de clase media, con escolaridad elevada, mayoritariamente blancos, en el grupo de edad de los 50 a los 70 años. Para el conjunto más joven, leído con datos de investigaciones con jóvenes sobre prevención del SIDA y traigo resultados preliminares de una investigación exploratoria sobre perfiles de seropositivos encontrados en aplicaciones de búsqueda por parejas sexuales. La discusión problematiza la creciente responsabilización individual por la gestión de los riesgos y cuidados relacionados con el VIH-Sida, en un contexto de retroceso de las acciones públicas de prevención y educación.

Humanos , Masculino , Mudança Social , HIV , Homossexualidade Masculina , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Epidemias , Brasil , Soropositividade para HIV
Sex., salud soc. (Rio J.) ; (8): 131-148, ago. 2011.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-597838


Este artículo presenta evidencias empíricas y elementos conceptuales para construir la noción de "gaycidad", entendida como una experiencia social distinguible de la experiencia social homosexual. La hipótesis principal sostiene que la gaycidad es heredera de procesos de des-diferenciación social que posibilitan procesos diferenciadores al interior del mundo gay. Si bien está referida a la ciudad argentina de Buenos Aires, aporta reflexiones tendientes a la comparación con otros grandes centros metropolitanos de la región latinoamericana.

Este artigo apresenta evidências empíricas e elementos conceituais para construir a noção de "gaycidade", entendida como uma experiência social distinta da experiência social homossexual. A hipótese principal sustenta que a "gaycidade" é herdeira de processos de desdiferenciação social que possibilitam processos diferenciadores no interior do mundo gay. Embora esteja referida à cidade argentina de Buenos Aires, contribui com reflexões que tendem à comparação com outros grandes centros metropolitanos da região latino-americana.

This article presents empirical evidence and conceptual elements to develop a notion of 'gayness,' understood as a social experience distinct from the 'homosexual' one. The main hypothesis holds that gayness is heir to de-differentiation processes that, in turn, enable differentiating processes within the gay world. Although referred to the city of Buenos Aires, in Argentina, this reflection is aimed at comparing the case to other large metropolitan centers in Latin America.

Humanos , Homossexualidade , Fatores Sociológicos , Minorias Sexuais e de Gênero , Argentina
Cad. CEDES ; 31(83): 103-125, jan.-abr. 2011.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-595874


RESÚMEN: Este artículo presenta resultados parciales de una investigación – realizada en el marco de mi tesis doctoral – sobre las lógicas de acción que priorizan los directores escolares de instituciones que atienden a sectores pobres, entendiendo que la dirección escolar es un factor clave en las posibilidades de revertir o perpetuar las situaciones de exclusión y vulnerabilidad de los alumnos. Dicha investigación se centra en la reconstrucción de las experiencias profesionales de los directores del mismo nivel educativo, desde la perspectiva de las teorías de la acción, y profundiza una línea de indagación previa referida a los estilos de gestión escolar en el Tercer Ciclo de la Educación General Básica (EGB3), en el marco de la reforma educativa impulsada durante los años ’90.

Argentina , Educação , Gestão da Qualidade Total , Administração Financeira , Instituições Acadêmicas , Vulnerabilidade Social , Estudantes
Acta colomb. psicol ; 9(2): 57-73, jul.-dic. 2006. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-635152


Las teorías clásicas propuestas para explicar las preferencias sexuales han hecho énfasis en los determinantes genéticos; consideran que las preferencias de las hembras y los rasgos sexuales de los machos coevolucionan, porque los rasgos son un indicador confiable de "buenos genes" que favorecen la supervivencia de los hijos. Una hipótesis alternativa explica las preferencias sexuales mediante un mecanismo de aprendizaje; un ejemplo de este enfoque es el aprendizaje por impronta propuesto por Konrad Lorenz. El presente experimento se propuso evaluar los efectos de diferentes prácticas de crianza temprana sobre las preferencias de pareja. Para este propósito, se seleccionaron 35 pollitos de codorniz, de 15 días de nacidos, y se dividieron en cuatro grupos: (1) un grupo de 9 pollitos machos criados cada uno en compañía de una hembra adulta de tres meses;(2) un grupo de 9 pollitos hembras criadas cada una en compañía de un macho adulto de tres meses; (3) un grupo de 9 pollitos machos criados en jaulas individuales y sin contacto visual con otros de su especie, y (4) un grupo de 8 pollitos hembras criadas en jaulas individuales y sin contacto visual con otros de su especie. Estas condiciones se mantuvieron por tres meses, al cabo de los cuales cada uno de los animales fue sometido a una prueba de preferencia de pareja y se midió el tiempo que el animal dedicaba a observar a una pareja potencial (la pareja con la que se había criado y una pareja distinta) en ensayos de 10 minutos, durante 10 días. Los resultados muestran que el 50 por ciento de los 18 pollitos que conformaron los grupos de machos y hembras criados en pareja, presentaron diferencias significativas (23 por ciento a favor de la pareja de crianza y 27 por ciento a favor de una pareja distinta); y de los 17 pollitos que conformaron los grupos de crianza individualizada, sólo el 12 por ciento del grupo de machos mostró diferencias significativas en sus preferencias de pareja. Al ...

Current theories that attempt to explain mating preferences have placed particular emphasis on genetic determinants. They state that sexual preferences of females and sexual features of males evolve concurrently given the fact that male features are a reliable indicator of the presence of "good genes" which favor offspring survival. An alternative hypothesis explains mating preferences by means of a learning mechanism. An example of this approach is the theory of learning by imprinting proposed by Konrad Lorenz. This experiment aimed to evaluate the effects of different types of early breeding practices on later mating preferences. For this purpose, 35 quail chicks, 15 days old, were selected and split into four groups: (1) a group of 9 male chicks which were individually raised in the company of a mature three months old female; (2) a group of 9 female chicks which were individually raised in the company of a mature three months old male; (3) a group of 9 male chicks, which were raised alone in individual cages and without visual contact with other members of their species; and (4) a group of 8 female chicks which were raised alone in individual cages and without visual contact with others of their species. Subjects were exposed to these conditions for a period of three months. Later, each one of the animals underwent a mating preference test where the time that an animal spent observing a potential partner (the partner the chick had been raised with and a different partner) was measured during a 10minutes trial for10 days. Results show that 50 percent of the18 chicks that formed the groups of males and females raised in a pair fashion, presented significant differences in mating preferences (23 percent in favor of the breeding partner and 27 percent in favor of a different partner). But in the group of 17 chicks that were placed in the condition of individualized breeding, only 12 percent of the male chicks showed significant differences in their preference for a specific partner. When comparing the various rearing conditions by means of an ANOVA, significant differences were obtained between them: F (7, 663) = 2,072, P <0, 05. The results of this experiment suggest that rearing conditions have a differential effect on males and females in terms of mating preferences and seem to have a greater impact on females.

Animais , Pré-Seleção do Sexo , Aprendizagem Baseada em Problemas , Impressão Molecular