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Front Psychol ; 14: 1160466, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37287786


Stress is a public health disease that is increasing rapidly in the population worldwide, so it is necessary to take measures for detection and evaluation, through short scales. The purpose of the study was to analyze the psychometric properties of the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) in a sample made up of 752 people with an age range of 18 to 62 years (M = 30.18, DE = 10.175), of whom 44% (331) were women and 56% (421) men, from Lima, Peru. The results, by means of confirmatory factor analysis and the Rasch model, confirmed the global adjustment of a 12-item (PSS-12) version with the presence of two orthogonal factors independent of each other, and also demonstrated the metric equivalence according to gender and adequate internal consistency. These results allow us to recommend the use of the PSS-12 in the Peruvian population for the measurement of stress.

Suma psicol ; 30(1)jun. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536897


Introducción: El objetivo de esta investigación fue confirmar la estructura interna de la Environmental Reward Observation Scale (EROS) y recoger evidencias de su relación con otros constructos en una muestra colombiana de 902 adultos que consintieron participar voluntariamente. Método: Se realizaron análisis psicométricos con Teoría Clásica de los Test y el modelo de Rasch. Se recolectaron evidencias de validez de la estructura interna y de la relación de las puntuaciones con otras variables. Resultados: Se obtuvieron buenos índices en los coeficientes alfa y omega de McDonald, nueve de los 10 ítems tuvieron buenos ajustes en los índices infit y outfit, y el ítem ocho presentó DIF en el nivel educativo. Se confirmó la estructura unidimensional de la EROS y fue invariante respecto al sexo y nivel educativo. Los puntajes tuvieron correlaciones de magnitud alta con sintomatología emocional y variables afines a la Activación Conductual. Conclusiones: La EROS presentó altas calidades psicométricas para su uso en población colombiana; sin embargo, se recomienda su uso solo para evaluación de tamizaje, porque los niveles de información están centrados en un área reducida a lo largo de la métrica logit.

Introduction: The aim of this research was to confirm the internal structure of the Environmental Reward Observation Scale (EROS) and to collect evidence of its relationship with other constructs in a Colombian sample of 902 adults who voluntarily consented to participate. Method: Psychometric analyses were performed using Classical Test Theory and the Rasch model. Evidence of validity based on internal structure and relations of scores with other variables was collected. Results: Good indexes were obtained in McDonald's Alpha and Omega coefficients, 9 of the 10 items had good adjustments in the Infit and Outfit indexes, and item 8 presented DIF in the educational level. The unidimensional structure of the EROS was confirmed and was invariant with respect to sex and educational level. Scores had high magnitude correlations with emotional symptomatology and variables related to Behavioral Activation. Conclusions: The EROS presented high psychometric qualities for its use in the Colombian population; however, its use is recommended only for screening assessment because the levels of information are centered in a reduced area along the Logit scaling.

Front Psychol ; 13: 886769, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35910965


The detrimental effect of human behavior on the environment is undeniable. Attitudes are recognized as a predictor of the pro-environmental behavior; therefore, having good quality tools in Colombia to measure them is strategic to assess interventions. This study aims to establish psychometric indicators for the pro-environmental attitudes questionnaire (PEAQ) Colombian version to a sample of 415 volunteers (53% women and 47% men) aged 18-70 years (M = 40.28; SD = 14.06). We used the 28-item PEAQ already linguistically adapted for Colombia. We applied the following questionnaires: Environmental awareness (EA) (11 items), environmental values (EV) (4 items), and the pro-environmental at work questionnaire (PEWQ) (31 items). We used a one-parameter Rasch model and Winsteps program to assess the PEAQ's one-dimensionality and item statistics by gender, and estimated Spearman's rho coefficient between the PEAQ scores and the scales for concurrent validity. The PEAQ in this study has 24 items because 4 items did not fit into the Rasch model criteria. Its one-dimensionality was supported by an explained variance (43%) and the first residual variance (12%). The coefficients, α = 0.95 and Ω = 0.95; Rasch for persons = 0.90; and Rasch for items = 0.95. The correlation between the PEAQ and the EC, EV, and PEWQ scales were Spearman's rho coefficient = 0.859 (p ≤ 0.001), 0.795 (p ≤ 0.001), and 0.885 (p ≤ 0.001), respectively. Thus, the PEAQ Colombian version's psychometric indicators support it as a valid and reliable instrument to measure pro-environmental attitudes in this country.

Aval. psicol ; 21(2): 127-139, abr.-jun. 2022. il, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1447458


A Bateria de Provas de Raciocínio (BPR-5) é um instrumento bastante utilizado para avaliação da inteligência no Brasil, possuindo três formas: infantil (1º ao 6º ano do Ensino Fundamental), Forma A (7º ao 9º ano do Ensino Fundamental) e Forma B (Ensino Médio e Superior). Visando a possibilidade de comparar os resultados entre sujeitos que respondem a formas diferentes, o presente estudo objetivou: (a) calibrar os itens das três formas pelo modelo de Rasch, realizando a equalização por itens comuns de modo a obter uma escala equiparável para as três formas, (b) atualizar as normas expandindo a representatividade das amostras e produzindo-se normas para diferentes combinações de idade, escolaridade e sexo, (c) descrever padrões de desenvolvimento da inteligência a partir da escala, comum, produzida entre 6 e 52 anos. Dois estudos foram relatados, o primeiro sobre a calibração dos parâmetros segundo o modelo de Rasch indicando um bom ajuste ao modelo. O segundo estudo exemplificou a utilização de regressão múltipla para criação de normas para testes psicológicos, considerando as variáveis idade, escolaridade e sexo como preditoras dos escores na BPR-5. Essas três variáveis tiveram efeitos significativos explicando 8% (Raciocínio Abstrato), 13% (Raciocínio Verbal), 12% (Raciocínio Espacial), 8% (Raciocínio Numérico) e 22% (Raciocínio Mecânico).(AU)

The Reasoning Tests Battery (BPR-5) is widely used in Brazil for the assessment of intelligence. It has three different forms: children (1st to 6th grade of elementary school), Form A (7th to 9th grade of elementary school) and Form B (high school and higher education). This study describes the steps followed to create a common metric across the forms. It aimed to: (a) calibrate the items of the three forms using Rasch model, link items and equate subjects' scores across forms using the anchoring of common items method, (b) update the norms by expanding the representativeness of the samples by producing norms for different combinations of age, education and sex, and (c) describe the developmental patterns of the BPR-5 subtests across a wide age range, from 6 to 52 years. We present two studies, the first reporting the calibration of item and person parameters with the Rasch model and a good fit to the model. The second illustrated the use of multiple regression analysis to create norms for the psychological tests considering the variables age, education and gender as predictors of the BPR-5 scores. These three variables had significant effects explaining 8% (Abstract Reasoning), 13% (Verbal Reasoning), 12% (Spatial Reasoning), 8% (Numerical Reasoning) and 22% (Mechanical Reasoning) of the variance. (AU)

La Batería de Pruebas de Razonamiento (BPR-5) es un instrumento muy utilizado para la evaluación de la inteligencia en Brasil, disponiendo de tres formas: infantil (1° al 6° año de la Enseñanza Fundamental), Forma A (7° al 9° año de la Enseñanza Fundamental) y Forma B (Bachillerato y Educación Superior). Teniendo como finalidad la posibilidad de comparar los resultados entre sujetos que responden a diferentes versiones, el presente estudio tuvo como objetivo: (a) calibrar los ítems de las tres formas por el modelo de Rasch, realizando la igualación por ítems comunes a fin de obtener una escala equiparable para las tres formas, (b) actualizar las normas ampliando la representatividad de las muestras y produciendo normas para diferentes combinaciones de edad, escolarización y sexo, (c) describir patrones de desarrollo de la inteligencia a partir de la escala, común, producida entre los 6 y los 52 años. Dos estudios fueron reportados, el primer sobre la calibración de los parámetros de acuerdo con el modelo de Rasch, indicando un buen ajuste al modelo. El segundo estudio ejemplificó la utilización de regresión múltiple para crear normas para tests psicológicos, considerando las variables edad, educación y sexo como predictivos de los escores en el BPR-5. Esas tres variables tuvieron efectos significativos explicando 8% (Razonamiento Abstracto), 13% (Razonamiento Verbal), 12% (Razonamiento Espacial), 8% (Razonamiento Numérico), y 22% (Razonamiento Mecánico).(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto Jovem , Inteligência , Testes de Inteligência/normas , Psicometria , Calibragem/normas , Análise de Regressão , Escolaridade , Distribuição por Idade e Sexo
Eur J Investig Health Psychol Educ ; 11(2): 515-528, 2021 Jun 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34708828


The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on education included school closures and the implementation of virtual teaching and teleworking without the knowledge or resources needed to do so. This situation accentuated the inequality in accessing quality education and generated high rates of stress, anxiety, and general discomfort in teachers. This study aimed to explore the mental health of teachers who were forced to telework because of COVID-19, and to analyze the association with sociodemographic, teacher-related, and working conditions. The sample was 278 classroom teachers in Chile who teleworked more than 50% during the 2020 academic year. The participants were mostly women (82%) who entered the teaching profession at age 30 or younger (87%) and worked two or more unpaid overtime hours per day (67%). The dependent variable was mental health measured through the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12). The independent variables were sociodemographic, teacher-related, and work conditions. The internal structure of the mental health construct was evaluated using the Rasch model. Crude odds ratios (cORs) and adjusted odds ratios (aORs) were estimated using logistic regression models. A high rate of poor mental health was identified in teachers (58%). The variables associated with poor mental health were working in a private-subsidized school (aOR = 2.89; 95% CI: 1.16-7.22), working two or more unpaid overtime hours (aOR = 2.25; 95% CI: 1.11-4.59), and being absent due to sickness (aOR = 3.82; 95% CI: 1.53-9.58). These results provide evidence suggesting the need for actions to improve the working conditions of teachers who telework in order to improve their mental health, and thus have a positive impact on the entire educational community.

Interdisciplinaria ; 38(2): 103-115, jun. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1279210


Resumen Con el cambio en los patrones demográficos y las mejoras en los sistemas de salud, se espera un aumento de la población adulta mayor en el mundo y especialmente en América Latina. Esto genera un aumento en la prevalencia de enfermedades crónicas y degenerativas; una de ellas es la depresión. La depresión supone costos sociales y financieros que pueden causar trastornos a la salud y a la vida cotidiana de quien la padece y de quienes están alrededor, ya que conduce a una morbilidad y mortalidad altas. El presente estudio pretende proporcionar más evidencia psicométrica sobre la idoneidad dela Escala corta de Yessavage (GDS-15) como instrumento para identificar síntomas depresivos en varias poblaciones de adultos mayores, sin patologías específicas, de diferentes países de Latinoamérica. Se utilizaron los datos de los estudios de la Encuesta sobre Salud, Bienestar y Envejecimiento en América Latina y el Caribe (SABE) y Costa Rica, y el Estudio de Longevidad y Envejecimiento Saludable (CRELES). Se hizo uso de la teoría clásica de los tests y un modelo de Rasch. Se encontró que la escala presenta buenos indicadores de consistencia interna con Alphas de Cronbach superiores a .8 en la mayoría de los países. Cuando se evalúa con el modelo de Rasch se identifican varios ítems que no ajustan al modelo, lo que podría relacionarse con los contextos culturales o al hecho de ser población general, por lo que se sugiere que se evalúe el efecto de factores sociales, demográficos, culturales, educativos, roles de género y red de apoyo social en un modelo multinivel.

Abstract Changes in demographic patterns, as well as improvements in health systems, increase the elderly population in the world and especially in Latin America. These processes increase the prevalence of chronic and degenerative diseases such as depression. Depression involves social and financial costs that can cause disorders to the health and daily life of those who suffer from it and those around them, such as high morbidity and mortality. This study uses classical test theory and Rasch model to seek for psychometric evidence to support the suitability of Yesavage's short-scale questionnaire (GDS-15) as a suitable instrument to identify depressive symptoms in general older adult populations in Latin America. The unidimensionality of the scale in each country was validated by performing a factorial analysis of principal components with a tetrachoric correlation matrix. Cronbach's Alpha was also calculated as an indicator of the internal validity of the scale and in order to provide the values of this indicator and compare it with other studies. Using a Rasch model, this study evaluated whether there are items that present difficulties in being answered or, conversely, that do not contribute to the measurement of depression. The Rasch analysis is based on a mathematical model that describes the relationship between the probability of a correct response to an item and the difference between the ability of the respondent. This model allows the joint measurement of people and items in the same construct. By doing this, a person's interpretation of scores is richer than just ranking from percentiles. The Survey on Health, Well-Being, and Aging in Latin America and the Caribbean (Project SABE) was used, a cross-sectional study that examines health conditions and functional limitations of persons aged 60 and older in the countries of Argentina, Barbados, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Mexico, and Uruguay. This study also used the Costa Rican Longevity and Healthy Aging Study (CRELES), a set of nationally representative longitudinal surveys of health and life course experiences of older Costa Ricans. The scale shows good internal consistency. Cronbach's Alpha was 0.8 and more in most countries. Nevertheless, the Rasch model identified some items that do not fit the model. These items are: "Have you dropped or doing less of many of your activities and interests?", "Were you afraid that something bad was going to happened to you?", "Did you prefer to stay at home instead of going out and doing new things?", "Did you feel you have more problems with your memory that other people your age?", "Did you feel full of energy?", "Did you think that most people were better off than you?". It is important to mention that these items also present drafting problems. In the case of the item "Did you prefer to stay at home instead of going out and doing things?", it can be thought that in the case of some Latin American countries, the preference for staying at home could be more related to the social and political context in which you live with depression. On the other hand, these results also invite us to think about the existence of various dimensions on this scale. Lack of fit is related to cultural contexts or to the fact that the data refers to a general population. Social, demographic, cultural, educational factors, gender roles, and social support networks could be evaluated in a multilevel model.

Rev. CES psicol ; 14(1): 112-129, ene.-abr. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360753


Resumen El propósito de este estudio fue validar y evaluar la estructura factorial del instrumento de Medición de Actitudes hacia el Medio Ambiente mediante el análisis factorial y el modelo de Rasch politómico multidimensional. Participaron 595 estudiantes universitarios indonesios (293 hombres y 302 mujeres) con un rango de edad de 18-24 (edad media = 21,01, SD = 1,65). Los 22 ítems de la Medida de Actitudes Ambientales se administraron mediante encuestas en línea. Este estudio genera una estructura factorial tridimensional de actitudes ambientales en las muestras universitarias de Indonesia y respalda la base teórica de la escala original. Los resultados del análisis multidimensional del modelo politómico de Rasch muestran que las características psicométricas de este instrumento son excelentes y tienen una alta confiabilidad de separación, tanto por ítems como por persona. Los hallazgos de este estudio se pueden utilizar en investigaciones futuras para examinar la interrelación de las actitudes ambientales con otras variables en la muestra de Indonesia. También se discuten las limitaciones de este estudio.

Abstract The purpose of this study was to validate and evaluate the factor structure of the instrument for measuring attitudes towards the environment using factor analysis and multidimensional polytomous Rasch model. Participants in this study were 595 Indonesian university students (293 male and 302 female) with an age range of 18-24 (mean age = 21.01, SD = 1.65). The 22-items of Environmental Attitudes Measure were administered using online survey systems. This study generates a three-dimensional factor structure of environmental attitudes in the Indonesian college samples and supports the original scale's theoretical basis. The results of the multidimensional analysis of the polytomous Rasch model show that the psychometric characteristics of this instrument are excellent and have high separation reliability, both for items and person. The findings of this study can be used in future research to examine the interrelationship of environmental attitudes with other variables in the Indonesian sample. Limitations of this study are also discussed.

Psicol. teor. prát ; 23(1): 1-21, Jan.-Apr. 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1250545


In the 1930s, a group of scientists argued that the empirical concatenation of observable elements was not possible in the human and social sciences and was, thus, not feasible to obtain objective measurements similar to those found in physics. To address this issue, mathematical theories that do not require concatenation were proposed in the 1960s, including the Additive Conjoint Measurement Theory (ACMT). In the same decade, George Rasch developed the simple logistic model for dichotomous data as a probabilistic operationalization of the ACMT. This study investigates the possibility of developing a fundamental measure for the National Exam of Upper Secondary Education (ENEM) that applies Rasch's model to students' performance on the 2011 ENEM exam. The results indicate an adequate model fit, demonstrating the viability of a fundamental measure using ENEM data. Implications are discussed.

Nos anos 1930, um grupo de cientistas argumentou que a concatenação empírica de elementos observáveis não seria possível nas Ciências Humanas e Sociais e por isso era inviável obter medidas verdadeiras nesses campos do conhecimento científico. Para lidar com este problema, foram propostas teorias matemáticas nas quais a concatenação empírica não seria necessária, como a Teoria de Medidas Aditivas Conjuntas (TMAC). No mesmo período, George Rasch desenvolveu o modelo logístico simples para dados dicotômicos, uma operacionalização probabilística da TMAC que viabiliza a análise empírica de pressupostos da medida verdadeira. Em nosso estudo, investigamos o desenvolvimento de uma medida verdadeira para o Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (ENEM), aplicando o modelo logístico simples em dados referentes à performance dos participantes da edição de 2011 do ENEM. Os resultados indicaram um ajuste adequado do modelo, apontando para a viabilidade da construção de uma medida verdadeira para o ENEM. Implicações são discutidas.

En los años 1930, un grupo de científicos argumentó que la concatenación empírica de elementos observables no sería posible en Ciencias Humanas y Sociales y por consiguiente sería inviable obtener medidas verdaderas similares a las de Física. Para abordar este problema, a partir de los años 1960 se proponían teorías en las cuales la concatenación empírica no es necesaria, como la Teoría de Medidas Aditivas Conjuntas (TMAC). Al mismo período, George Rasch desarrolló el modelo logístico simple para datos dicotómicos, una operacionalización probabilista de la TMAC. Este estudio investigó la posibilidad de desarrollar una medida verdadera para el Examen Nacional de la Secundaria Superior (ENEM), aplicando el modelo logístico simple en los datos referentes a la performance de los participantes en la prueba de 2011 del ENEM. Los resultados indicaron adecuado ajuste del modelo, asi como la viabilidad de una medida verdadera para el ENEM. Implicaciones son discutidas.

Humanos , Conhecimento , Ensino Fundamental e Médio , Crescimento e Desenvolvimento , Avaliação Educacional , Ciências Sociais , Estudantes , Pesos e Medidas , Brasil , Modelos Logísticos , Ciências Humanas
Interdisciplinaria ; 37(1): 3-4, jun. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1124912


Resumen Si bien es común ver en la práctica clínica deficiencias en la motivación en usuarios de marihuana, no ha sido firmemente establecida la existencia de un posible síndrome amotivacional asociado con el consumo de esta droga, entre otras razones por la concurrencia de factores como la depresión que pueden llevar a generalizar inadecuadamente la situación de algunos usuarios de la sustancia. Esta investigación se orientó a obtener evidencia acerca de la existencia de deficiencias en la motivación en consumidores de marihuana. Se construyó una batería de preguntas a partir de una revisión y una consulta a expertos, que fue aplicada a una muestra de 1455 participantes, junto con otros instrumentos seleccionados para excluir del análisis a los participantes con depresión, síntomas prefrontales, trastornos por uso de alcohol, apatía y aplanamiento afectivo, que pudieran confundir los resultados. Se aplicaron métodos estadísticos y psicométricos basados en el modelo de Rasch, para establecer qué comportamientos serían más característicos de una deficiencia motivacional en consumidores habituales de marihuana. Se estimó que un 54.9 % de los participantes tendría un trastorno grave por uso de marihuana, un 54.0 %, síntomas de aplanamiento afectivo y un 60.9 % serían usuarios de marihuana con altos niveles de tetrahidrocannabinol (THC). La media de cigarrillos de marihuana consumidos al mes sería de 44.5. Mediante el modelo de Rasch se estableció que con el conjunto de preguntas construido era posible identificar una dimensión o factor coincidente con una deficiencia motivacional. Se encontró evidencia que sugiere la existencia de apatía emocional; retraimiento social; descuido de la imagen personal y enlentecimiento motor.

Abstract It is common to find marijuana users with alterations in motivation, in clinical practice. Several studies have found evidence about a possible amotivational syndrome in marijuana users, both from the analysis of behavior and from the neurological examination. However, the existence of such a syndrome associated with the use of marijuana has not been firmly established, among other reasons, due to the concurrence of factors such as depression and the use of other drugs that may lead to inadequate generalization of the situation of some consumers of the substance and due to methodological difficulties in research aimed at establishing whether or not there is a decrease in the general motivation associated with the use of marijuana. Likewise, the decrease in motivation could be the result of the disorder by substances rather than by the consumption of marijuana. Due to the growing use of marijuana in the world, the study of its consequences is of the greatest importance, for the design of better treatments for people with substance use disorders. The aim of this study was to obtain evidence about the existence or not of deficiencies in the motivation of marijuana users. In addition, we sought to establish which are the characteristic behaviors that show this possible reduction of motivation. A battery of questions was constructed from a systematic literature review in PubMed, Lilacs, MedLine, Cochrane library, Embase, Science Direct and Bibliomed, using as terms "amotivational syndrome", "amotivation cannabis", "amotivation marijuana", "comorbidity cannabis", "comorbidity marijuaba", "mental disorders and cannabis", "cannabis and mental consequences", "amotivation and drug use". Likewise, an expert consultation was done about behaviors that were indicative of a reduction in the motivation of marijuana users. From the review and consultation of experts, a set of 70 possible behaviors expressed in questions about probable deficiencies in motivation was extracted. These questions, along with other instruments selected to exclude from the analysis participants with depression, prefrontal symptoms, alcohol use disorders, apathy and affective flattening, which could confuse the results, were presented to a sample of 1455 participants. The Rasch model was applied to establish whether it was possible to identify a measurable and consistent dimension that corresponded to a deficiency in motivation, and to discern which behaviors would be most characteristic of a possible motivational deficiency in habitual marijuana users. In addition, an exploratory factor analysis was carried out to identify possible groupings of the characteristic symptoms of a reduction in motivation. Our Results and conclusions show that it was estimated that 54.9 % of the participants would have a serious disorder due to the use of marijuana; 54.0 % presented symptoms of affective flattening, and 60.9 % would be marijuana users with high levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The average number of cigarettes consumed per month would be 44.5. Using the Rasch model it was established that, with the constructed set of questions, it was possible to identify a dimension or factor coinciding with a motivational deficiency. Using the exploratory factor analysis, it was found that the characteristic behaviors could be grouped into four possible subdimensions: emotional apathy; social withdrawal; neglect of personal image and motor slowdown.

Ecol Food Nutr ; 58(2): 104-119, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30700153


Ecuador is the country that receives and integrates the largest amount of refugees and migrants of Latin America into its population and it has to have valid instruments for measuring and monitoring its food insecurity situation. A food security scale was applied to a sample of households in one rural area (n = 36), and another peri-urban one (n = 153). The validation was made following FAO recommendations. On applying the Raschse model it was observed that the theoretical severity of the questions was reflected similarly in the experiences of the households. The infit statistics for each item are placed in acceptable values (0.7-1.3). The results of the validated scale indicate that the study population finds itself in a serious food insecurity situation.

Emigrantes e Imigrantes , Abastecimento de Alimentos , Refugiados , População Rural , Inquéritos e Questionários , Migrantes , População Urbana , Adolescente , Adulto , Criança , Equador , Características da Família , Feminino , Humanos , América Latina , Masculino , Pobreza , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes
Salud Publica Mex ; 60(5): 510-519, 2018.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30550112


OBJECTIVE: To compare the psychometric characteristics of the Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES) and the grade of similitude or difference among Colombia, Guatemala, and Mexico during three years. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Psychometric comparison using the Rasch model to calculate the relative severity of each item in FIES, INFIT and contrast in the Differential Functioning of Items (c-DIF). RESULTS: The majority of items showed a relative severity corresponding to the theoretical construct and acceptably fit the model (INFIT=0.7-1.3). No c-DIF above 1.0 logit was observed in the comparison men vs women. In the comparison among countries by year 87% of the items showed c-DIF below 0.5 logit. CONCLUSIONS: The FIES presents psychometric characteristics corresponding to the theoretical construct of the tool. Future studies with the inclusion of more countries and more time points are essential to evaluate the relative severity, behavior and distribution of items.

OBJETIVO: Comparar las características psicométricas de la Escala de Experiencia de Inseguridad Alimentaria (FIES, en inglés Food Insecurity Experience Scale) y el grado de similitud o diferencias entre Colombia, Guatemala y México durante tres años. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Estudio de comparación psicométrica a través del modelo Rasch, calculando la severidad relativa, el ajuste próximo (INFIT) y funcionamiento diferencial (c-DIF) para cada ítem de la FIES. RESULTADOS: La mayoría de los ítems mostraron una severidad relativa correspondiente al constructo teórico y un ajuste aceptableal modelo (INFIT=0.7-1.3). No se observaron valores de c-DIF en la comparación hombres vs mujeres por encima de 1.0 logit; y en la comparación entre países por año, 87% de los ítems estuvieron por debajo del valor de 0.5 logit. CONCLUSIONES: La FIES presenta las características psi- cométricas correspondientes al constructo teórico de la herramienta. Futuros estudios, incluyendo más países y más puntos temporales, son esenciales para evaluar la severidad relativa, comportamiento y distribución de los ítems.

Abastecimento de Alimentos/estatística & dados numéricos , Autorrelato , Adolescente , Adulto , Colômbia , Feminino , Guatemala , Humanos , Masculino , México , Psicometria
Salud pública Méx ; 60(5): 510-519, sep.-oct. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1004669


Resumen: Objetivo: Comparar las características psicométricas de la Escala de Experiencia de Inseguridad Alimentaria (FIES, en inglés Food Insecurity Experience Scale) y el grado de similitud o diferencias entre Colombia, Guatemala y México durante tres años. Material y métodos: Estudio de comparación psicométrica a través del modelo Rasch, calculando la severidad relativa, el ajuste próximo (INFIT) y funcionamiento diferencial (c-DIF) para cada ítem de la FIES. Resultados: La mayoría de los ítems mostraron una severidad relativa correspondiente al constructo teórico y un ajuste aceptable al modelo (INFIT=0.7-1.3). No se observaron valores de c-DIF en la comparación hombres vs mujeres por encima de 1.0 logit; y en la comparación entre países por año, 87% de los ítems estuvieron por debajo del valor de 0.5 logit. Conclusiones: La FIES presenta las características psicométricas correspondientes al constructo teórico de la herramienta. Futuros estudios, incluyendo más países y más puntos temporales, son esenciales para evaluar la severidad relativa, comportamiento y distribución de los ítems.

Abstract: Objective: To compare the psychometric characteristics of the Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES) and the grade of similitude or difference among Colombia, Guatemala, and Mexico during three years. Materials and methods: Psychometric comparison using the Rasch model to calculate the relative severity of each item in FIES, INFIT and contrast in the Differential Functioning of Items (c-DIF). Results: The majority of items showed a relative severity corresponding to the theoretical construct and acceptably fit the model (INFIT=0.7-1.3). No c-DIF above 1.0 logit was observed in the comparison men vs women. In the comparison among countries by year 87% of the items showed c-DIF below 0.5 logit. Conclusion: The FIES presents psychometric characteristics corresponding to the theoretical construct of the tool. Future studies with the inclusion of more countries and more time points are essential to evaluate the relative severity, behavior and distribution of items.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Autorrelato , Abastecimento de Alimentos/estatística & dados numéricos , Psicometria , Colômbia , Guatemala , México
Interdisciplinaria ; 35(1): 7-34, jul. 2018. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-984530


En el marco de las políticas públicas en Colombia sobre calidad de la educación superior se encuentran los lineamientos para que el Estado reconozca los programas de pregrado como de alta calidad, entre tales lineamientos se consideran los sistemas de evaluación de los estudiantes basados en políticas institucionales claras y transparentes que propicien una identificación integral de las condiciones académicas y actitudinales de los estudiantes por lo que es imprescindible tecnificar y modernizar los procesos de evaluación para fortalecer la emisión de inferencias confiables sobre el logro académico. En este artículo se describe una aplicación de la Teoría de Grafos usando algunas de sus definiciones y teoremas básicos con la intención de potenciar su uso para el estudio del supuesto de unidimensionalidad de la Teoría de Respuesta al Ítem como alternativa para robustecer la evaluación. La unidimensional fue entendida en el sentido de la homogeneidad escalar y de criterio para las relaciones de orden definidas por la dominación tanto para ítems como para evaluados: para los ítems conforme al número de evaluados que los contestaron correctamente y a la dificultad; para los evaluados respecto al número de respuestas correctas y a la habilidad. Se aplicó la combinación de las dos teorías a un caso de estudio que contempla el instrumento de la prueba diagnóstica del Examen de Clasificación de Matemáticas Básicas en la Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, con esto se ofrece un valor agregado porque se evidencian los resultados de forma algorítmica y visual con ayuda de herramientas informáticas especializadas.

In Colombia, public policies about quality of higher education involve student assessment systems as a relevant characteristic. These systems should have clear and transparent institutional policies requiring comprehensive identification of attitudinal and academic conditions about examinee performance. Consequently, on the way of continuous improvement of academic services offered by institutions of higher education, an assessment process adequately technified allowing valid inferences about academic achievement is required. In this sense, the Rasch measurement model of Item Response Theory is a modern alternative to strengthen educational measurement estimating the ability of the student and the difficulty of the item on a comparable scale. Unidimensionality, local independence and internal consistency are assumptions made in Rasch measurement model. Unidimensionality assumption has several definitions, one of them is the occurrence of a dominant factor influencing test performance. Another definition is considered in the present study. Here, unidimensionality was interpreted as scalar and criterial homogeneity for the order relations defined by domination for items and assessed applicants. Graph Theory is an ideal mathematical modelling approach to this assumption inasmuch as represent intangible interactions as required. In order to achieve this, Graph Theory and Item Response Theory were combined to examine the qualifying test for the Basic Mathematics subject at Jorge Tadeo Lozano University as a case study. This test was composed by 45 items divided in three blocks. With several combinations of these blocks, three virtual booklets were obtained each one comprising 30 of them. From the application of June 2011, a test sample of 509 responses chains was obtained. Three data bases were processed one for each booklet, the first spanned 175 responses chains, the second 170 and the third one 164. To begin with the exmination on the Rasch measurement model, the parameters reliability, separation, Cronbach Alpha and item residual correlation were estimated to gauge and determine performance test for getting acceptable values in each booklet applied. Tatsuoka was followed to undertake the path to unidimensionality from Graph Theory gathering a real case experience processed with suitable software. Additionally, the sensitivity of the order relation was verified through: 1) ordering by number of correct responses per item (1I order) and items difficulty (2I order); 2) ordering by number of correct responses per applicant (1E order) and estimated ability (2E order). Furthermore, the linear models were obtained collating these orders. In like manner, three Guttman scales and their adjacency matrices were schematized one for each booklet. Subsequently, the respective graphs were processed and represented using Gephi just as a specialized tool that enables running some algorithms like Force Atlas. Afterwards, the second power of each adjacency matrix was found using Matlab 2014b and domination matrices were calculated for both items and applicants in the aforementioned orders for a total of 12 matrices. Consistency index developed by Cliff was computed for the domination matrices. As a result, moderate consistency was observed. Significant domination for the entries of these matrices was analyzed through McNemar test in order to have an asymmetric dominance relation. Moreover, a reachable matrix was calculated for each one of these significant domination matrices as a limit ofa sequence of boolean powers. Finally, dominance hierarchies were illustrated with vertex degrees and compared with student maps by the means of Winsteps 3.73. The combination of Graph Theory and Item Response Theory allowed a deeper comprehension of unidimensionality assumption. Thereupon, universities can optimize their resources offering to applicant differential academic options per individual position in the ability scale. The results can be used to outline advantages for the applicants who can evidence their position in the ability scale and identify the different areas to improve.

Qual Life Res ; 27(9): 2431-2441, 2018 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29748824


PURPOSE: Cross-national comparisons of patterns of population aging have emerged as comparable national micro-data have become available. This study creates a metric using Rasch analysis and determines the health of American and Mexican older adult populations. METHODS: Secondary data analysis using representative samples aged 50 and older from 2012 U.S. Health and Retirement Study (n = 20,554); 2012 Mexican Health and Aging Study (n = 14,448). We developed a function measurement scale using Rasch analysis of 22 daily tasks and physical function questions. We tested psychometrics of the scale including factor analysis, fit statistics, internal consistency, and item difficulty. We investigated differences in function using multiple linear regression controlling for demographics. Lastly, we conducted subgroup analyses for chronic conditions. RESULTS: The created common metric demonstrated a unidimensional structure with good item fit, an acceptable precision (person reliability = 0.78), and an item difficulty hierarchy. The American adults appeared less functional than adults in Mexico (ß = - 0.26, p < 0.0001) and across two chronic conditions (arthritis, ß = - 0.36; lung problems, ß = - 0.62; all p < 0.05). However, American adults with stroke were more functional than Mexican adults (ß = 0.46, p = 0.047). CONCLUSIONS: The Rasch model indicates that Mexican adults were more functional than Americans at the population level and across two chronic conditions (arthritis and lung problems). Future studies would need to elucidate other factors affecting the function differences between the two countries.

Comparação Transcultural , Qualidade de Vida/psicologia , Aposentadoria/normas , Idoso , Avaliação da Deficiência , Feminino , História do Século XXI , Humanos , Masculino , Americanos Mexicanos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Psicometria/métodos , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Estados Unidos
Psicol. teor. prát ; 20(1): 200-210, Jan.-Apr. 2018. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-895929


The aim of this research was to assess and to analyze the main writing difficulties presented by second to fifth graders of the elementary school, using Rasch model. Some 413 students from public schools participated, from which 227 (55%) were female. Participants were assessed with Writing Assessment Test, in the syllable, word and pseudoword subtests. Data were analyzed by the Rasch Model. It was verified that more complex structured syllables as consonant-consonant-vogal-consonant were the most difficult. The most difficult words had phonemes that could possibly be represented by more than one grapheme and had accent. In the more difficult pseudowords it was necessary to use well defined orthographic rules, like "m" before "p" and "b". Obtained results can help teachers to anticipate probable student difficulties and to plan differentiated educational strategies.

O objetivo da presente pesquisa foi avaliar e analisar as principais dificuldades de escrita apresentadas por alunos do 2ª ao 5ª ano do Ensino Fundamental, utilizando o modelo de Rasch. Participaram da pesquisa 413 alunos de escolas públicas, sendo 227 (55%) do sexo feminino. Os participantes foram avaliados com o Teste de Avaliação da Escrita, nos subtestes sílabas, palavras e pseudopalavras. Os dados foram analisados a partir do modelo de Rasch. Verificou-se que sílabas com estrutura mais complexa como consoante-consoante-vogal-consoante foram mais difíceis. As palavras mais difíceis apresentaram a possibilidade de um fonema ser representado por mais de um grafema e continham acento. Nas pseudopalavras mais difíceis era necessário empregar regras ortográficas bem definidas como o uso do "m" antes de "p" e "b". Os resultados obtidos podem auxiliar o professor a antecipar as prováveis dificuldades dos alunos e planejar estratégias pedagógicas diferenciadas.

El objetivo de la presente investigación fue evaluar y analizar las principales dificultades de escritura presentadas por alumnos del segundo al quinto curso de la Enseñanza Básica, mediante el uso del modelo de Rasch. Participaron 413 alumnos de escuelas públicas, siendo que 227 (55%) eran del sexo femenino. A los participantes seles evaluó con el Test de Evaluación de la Escritura, en los subtests de sílabas, palabras y pseudopalabras. Se verificó que las sílabas con estructura más compleja como consonante-consonante-vocal-consonante fueron las más difíciles. Las palabras más difíciles presentaron la posibilidad de un fonema ser representado por más de un grafema y contenían tilde. En las pseudopalabras más difíciles era necesario emplear el uso de reglas ortográficas bien definidas como el uso de la "m" antes de la "p" y "b". Los resultados obtenidos pueden auxiliar el profesor a anticipar las probables dificultades de los alumnos y planear estrategias pedagógicas diferenciadas.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Estudantes , Ensino Fundamental e Médio , Avaliação Educacional , Escrita Manual , Brasil
Front Psychol ; 8: 276, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28298898


Background: The aim of the study was to psychometrically characterize the Spanish Short Self-Regulation Questionnaire (SSSRQ) through Rasch analysis. Materials and Methods: 831 Spaniard university students (262 men), between 17 and 39 years of age and ranging from the first to the 5th year of studies, completed the SSSRQ questionnaire. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was carried out in order to establish structural adequacy. Afterward, by means of the Rasch model, a study of each sub scale was conducted to test for dimensionality, fit of the sample questions, functionality of the response categories, reliability and estimation of Differential Item Functioning by gender and course. Results: The four sub-scales comply with the unidimensionality criteria, the questions are in line with the model, the response categories operate properly and the reliability of the sample is acceptable. Nonetheless, the test could benefit from the inclusion of additional items of both high and low difficulty in order to increase construct validity, discrimination and reliability for the respondents. Several items with differences in gender and course were also identified. Discussion: The results evidence the need and adequacy of this complementary psychometric analysis strategy, in relation to the CFA to enhance the instrument.

Psychol. av. discip ; 10(2): 27-32, jul.-dic. 2016. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-956059


Resumen Reconocer y denominar expresiones emocionales son habilidades en cuyo estudio existe un creciente interés por parte de la psicología y las neurociencias; trastornos tales como el autismo, la esquizofrenia y la depresión se caracterizan por dificultades en reconocer las emociones ajenas. El hallazgo de diferencias a favor de las mujeres en Percepción Emocional (PE) ha sido replicado transculturalmente por lo que sirve como evidencia de validez. En esta investigación, de diseño instrumental, se construyeron 28 ítems y se pusieron a prueba mediante el modelo de Rasch (MR) en una muestra de población general española (102 varones y 102 mujeres; rango de edad=18-65). El ajuste datos-modelo fue suficiente. Las medidas de las personas muestran que el test resultó fácil (rango = -.60 a 4.14 logits). Se hallaron las diferencias sexuales predichas, d= -.36 (d con corrección de la atenuación= -.50); que ningún ítem mostrase funcionamiento diferencial (DIF) asociado al sexo y que la variable construida tenga propiedades intervalares añade confianza al valor estimado del tamaño del efecto. La construcción de una escala de intervalo en la que se localizan conjuntamente ítems y personas ofrece información cuantitativa y permite detectar patrones inesperados de respuesta que pueden ser de utilidad para el diagnóstico neuropsicológico.

Abstract Recognizing and labeling emotion expressions are abilities in whose study psychology and the neurosciences are increasingly interested; disorders such as autism, schizophrenia and depression are characterized by difficulties in recognizing others' emotions. The finding of sex differences favoring women in Emotion Perception (EP) has been replicated cross-culturally, and so it can be used as validity evidence. In this instrumental design study, some 28 items were constructed and tested by means of the Rasch model (RM) in a Spanish community sample (102males and 102 females; age range=18-65). Data-model fit was good enough. Person measures show that the test was easy (range = -.60 to 4.14 logits). Even so, the predicted sex differences favoring women were found, d= -.36 (disattenuated d= -.50). That no item showed sex-related Differential Item Functioning (DIF) and that the constructed variable has interval scale properties add confidence to the effect size estimated value. The construction of an interval scale on which EP items and persons are conjointly represented offers quantitative information and allows the discovery of unexpected response patterns.

Transtornos da Percepção , Percepção , Emoções , Expressão Facial , Aptidão , Caracteres Sexuais , Depressão , Diagnóstico
Actual. psicol. (Impr.) ; 30(120)jun. 2016.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1505561


El objetivo fue construir ítems de comprensión emocional desde la perspectiva del Modelo de Rasch, comparando mediante un experimento aleatorizado los formatos de respuesta verbal/imagen. Participaron 204 sujetos de población general. Se contrastó el efecto del formato (verbal/imagen) y del género en las medidas Rasch de comprensión de emociones de los participantes y se analizó el efecto de la distancia social (cerca/lejos) sobre la dificultad Rasch de los ítems. El formato de respuesta tuvo un efecto significativo sobre las medidas independientemente del género: el formato verbal resultó más fácil que el de imagen. El efecto del género fue significativo, favorable a las mujeres. Los ítems que describían situaciones con receptores cercanos resultaron más fáciles que los que incluían receptores lejanos.

The aim of this study was to construct emotion understanding items from the Rasch Model approach by experimenting through comparison between verbal /image response format. The participants were 204 subjects from a Spanish community sample. A randomized experiment was carried out to test the effect of response format (verbal/ image) and participants' gender on the emotion understanding Rasch measurements. The effect on item difficulty of the social distance (close/far) was also contrasted. No interaction effect was found. Response format had a significant effect on measurement regardless of gender: the verbal response format was easier than the image one. There were significant gender differences on emotion understanding favoring women. Items describing situations with close receivers were significantly easier than the items showing far recipients.

Psicol. reflex. crit ; 29: 38, 2016. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-910065


An effective reading comprehension measurement demands robust psychometric tools that allow teachers and researchers to evaluate the educational practices and track changes in students' performance. In this study, we illustrate how Rasch model can be used to attend such demands and improve reading comprehension measurement. We discuss the construction of two reading comprehension tests: TRC-n, with narrative texts, and TRC-e, with expository texts. Three vertically scaled forms were generated for each test (TRC-n-2, TRC-n-3, TRC-n-4; TRC-e-2, TRC-e-3 and TRC-e-4), each meant to assess Portuguese students in second, third and fourth grade of elementary school. The tests were constructed according to a nonequivalent groups with anchor test design and data were analyzed using the Rasch model. The results provided evidence for good psychometric qualities for each test form, including unidimensionality and local independence and adequate reliability. A critical view of this study and future researches are discussed. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Compreensão , Psicometria , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Avaliação Educacional
Psicol. reflex. crit ; 29: 35, 2016. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: lil-785088


Abstract This study aimed to construct and validate the Behavioral Intentions of Organizational Citizenship Scale (BISOC). Organizational citizenship consists of measures of voluntary behaviors, which are beneficial to organizations and are not explicit in employment contracts. To investigate the psychometric properties of BISOC, we selected 767 employees in different cities from the states of Bahia and Pernambuco (Brazil). The validation procedures adopted, which used techniques from both Classical Test Theory and Item Response Theory, showed that the BISOC has a unidimensional structure. From the initial set of 42 items, 35 items met the validation criteria. By presenting suitable psychometric parameters, BISOC is the first measure of organizational citizenship behaviors developed and validated to assess behavioral intentions. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Intenção , Cultura Organizacional , Psicometria , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Inquéritos e Questionários