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Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535342


Objective: To explore the training and use of auditory perceptual evaluation of the voice reported by Colombian speech-language pathologists. Study Design: Cross-sectional observational research with a quantitative approach. Methods: A digital questionnaire was designed and distributed to gather information regarding professionals' training process and implementation of auditory-perceptual evaluation procedures. Descriptive statistics were applied, and several generalized linear models were adjusted to determine the influence of certain variables on others. Results: The survey received responses from 40 speech-language pathologists, revealing that the most used scales for training and evaluating vocal quality within this group are direct magnitude estimations (82.5% and 77.5%). Similarly, in this group, the tasks most frequently used to train and use as an evaluation strategy are vowel assessments (38%) followed by spontaneous speech (30%). Practitioners of this group were mostly trained using a conceptual framework involving multiple exposures to rating (42.5%). The use of direct magnitude estimation in training with a normal voice showed significance (p = 0.015), as did the use of the vowel /i/ in training with an equal-appearing interval (p = 0.013). The statistical models relating the scale used to the scale on which participants were trained were also significant (p < 0.05). Conclusions: The GRBAS scale is the training tool most used by the group of speech-language pathologists of the study group in Colombia. Future efforts should focus on improving training practices for auditory-perceptual evaluation, exploring alternative conceptual frameworks, and incorporating external references to enhance validity and reliability.

Objetivo: Explorar los reportes de fonoaudiólogos colombianos acerca del entrenamiento y uso de la evaluación perceptual auditiva de la voz. Diseño de estudio: Se eligió un diseño de investigación observacional transversal con un enfoque cuantitativo. Metodología: Se diseñó y distribuyó un cuestionario digital para recopilar información sobre el proceso de formación de los profesionales y la implementación de procedimientos de evaluación perceptual auditiva. Se aplicaron estadísticas descriptivas y se ajustaron varios modelos lineales generalizados para determinar la influencia de ciertas variables en otras. Resultados: La encuesta recibió respuestas de 40 fonoaudiólogos, revelando que las escalas más utilizadas para la formación y la evaluación de la calidad vocal en el grupo son las estimaciones de magnitud directa (82.5% y 77.5%). Del mismo modo, en este grupo las tareas más frecuentemente utilizadas para la formación y el uso como estrategia de evaluación son las vocales (38%), seguidas por el habla espontánea (30%). La mayoría de los profesionales del grupo fueron formados utilizando un marco conceptual que involucra múltiples exposiciones a la calificación (42.5%). El uso de la estimación de magnitud directa en la formación con una voz normal mostró significancia (p = 0.015), al igual que el uso de la vocal /i/ en la formación con intervalos de igual apariencia (p = 0.013). Los modelos estadísticos que relacionan la escala utilizada con la escala en la que los participantes fueron entrenados también fueron significativos (p < 0.05). Conclusiones: La escala GRBAS es la herramienta de formación más utilizada por el grupo de fonoaudiólogos del estudio. Los esfuerzos futuros deberían centrarse en mejorar las prácticas de formación para la evaluación perceptual auditiva, explorar marcos conceptuales alternativos e incorporar referencias externas para mejorar la validez y la confiabilidad.

PeerJ Comput Sci ; 9: e1225, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37346696


Immaterial damage compensation is a controversial matter in the judicial practice of several law systems. Due to a lack of criteria for its assessment, the judge is free to establish the value based on his/her conviction. Our research motivation is that knowing the estimated amount of immaterial damage compensation at the initial stage of a lawsuit can encourage an agreement between the parties. We thus investigate text regression techniques to predict the compensation value from legal judgments in which consumers had problems with airlines and claim for immaterial damage. We start from a simple pipeline and create others by adding some natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) techniques, which we call adjustments. The adjustments include N-Grams Extraction, Feature Selection, Overfitting Avoidance, Cross-Validation and Outliers Removal. An special adjustment, Addition of Attributes Extracted by the Legal Expert (AELE), is proposed as a complementary input to the case text. We evaluate the impact of adding these adjustments in the pipeline in terms of prediction quality and execution time. N-Grams Extraction and Addition of AELE have the biggest impact on the prediction quality. In terms of execution time, Feature Selection and Overfitting Avoidance have significant importance. Moreover, we notice the existence of pipelines with subsets of adjustments that achieved better prediction quality than a pipeline with them all. The result is promising since the prediction error of the best pipeline is acceptable in the legal environment. Consequently, the predictions will likely be helpful in a legal environment.

Psychol Rep ; : 332941231178466, 2023 May 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37248960


Some perceptual manipulations, such as font size or bolding, can affect the estimations of future memorability (i.e., judgments of learning or JOLs). In two experiments, we studied the effect on JOLs of another perceptual manipulation: the interletter spacing. Spacing may decrease JOLs via beliefs on the effect of spacing on memory, or it may increase JOLs via feelings of processing fluency. In Experiment 1, we found that people do not hold any particular belief on the effect of spacing on memory for a list of words. In Experiment 2, we found that letter spacing did not affect JOLs. We also replicated the results that participants believe that words in large font size will be better remembered and that they rate words in large font size with higher JOLs. In sum, this research showed that not all the perceptual characteristics are used as cues to metamemory.

Front Psychol ; 13: 772346, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35668989


The role of academic satisfaction (AS) on persistence and successful academic behavior has been the focus of research for decades. Nevertheless, driven by positive educational psychology, subjective well-being has been highlighted as another central feature in the academic path of students. Studies aimed at identifying the variables that contribute to explain different aspects of academic performance have been widely investigated, although studies aimed at identifying the determinants of subjective well-being are still limited. The present paper examined the contribution of AS judgments on subjective well-being (SWB). To this end, it was hypothesized that SWB levels depend on the balance between positive/negative emotions and life satisfaction judgments. Furthermore, it was stipulated that AS has an indirect contribution on SWB, through life satisfaction, whereas the balance of emotions influences both AS judgments and life satisfaction. Using an analysis strategy based on structural equation modeling, the results indicated that the model fitted satisfactorily, explaining 32% of the variance of SWB. Particularly, it was observed that AS judgments contributed to life satisfaction judgments (ß = 0.34). Although no direct contribution of AS on SWB was reported, a total contribution partially mediated by life satisfaction judgments was revealed (total ß = 0.19). These findings support the importance of academic satisfaction judgments, not only because of their importance in academic terms, but also because of their impact on university students' subjective well-being and health.

Rev. CES psicol ; 14(2): 179-208, mayo-ago. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365376


Abstract (Gutierrez et al., 2016) conducted an experiment that provided evidence for the existence of two distinct factors in metacognitive monitoring: general accuracy and general error. They found level-1 domain-specific accuracy and error factors which loaded on second-order domain-general accuracy and error factors, which then loaded on a third-order general monitoring factor. In the present study, that experiment was repeated with 170 different participants from the same population. The present study confirmed the original findings. Both studies suggest that metacognitive monitoring consists of two different types of cognitive processes: one that is associated with accurate monitoring judgments and one that is associated with error in monitoring judgments. In addition, both studies suggest domain-specific accuracy and error factors which load onto second-order domain-general accuracy and error factors. Furthermore, in this study we devised an experiment in which general accuracy and general error are treated as separate latent dimensions and found that subjects employ the same resources they use to develop accurate judgments as a "baseline" for calibrating resources necessary in erroneous judgments, but not vice-versa. This finding supports and extends previous findings which suggests that the processes involved in managing metacognitive accuracy are different from those involved in contending with metacognitive error. Future instructional interventions in metacognitive monitoring will be better focused by concentrating on improving accuracy or reducing error, but not both concurrently.

Resumen (Gutiérrez et al., 2016) realizaron un experimento que proporcionó evidencia de la existencia de dos factores distintos en el monitoreo metacognitivo: precisión general y error general. Encontraron factores de error y precisión específicos de dominio de nivel 1 que se cargaron en factores de error y precisión general de dominio de segundo orden, que luego se cargaron en un factor de monitoreo general de tercer orden. En el presente estudio, ese experimento se repitió con 170 participantes diferentes de la misma población. El presente estudio confirmó los hallazgos originales. Ambos estudios sugieren que el monitoreo metacognitivo consiste en dos tipos diferentes de procesos cognitivos: uno que está asociado con juicios de monitoreo precisos y otro que está asociado con errores en los juicios de monitoreo. Además, ambos estudios sugieren que factores de precisión y error específico de dominio se cargan en factores de error y precisión general de dominio de segundo orden. Además, en este estudio diseñamos un experimento en el que la precisión general y el error general se tratan como dimensiones latentes separadas y descubrimos que los sujetos emplean los mismos recursos que utilizan para desarrollar juicios precisos como una "base" para calibrar los recursos necesarios en juicios erróneos, pero no viceversa. Este hallazgo respalda y amplía hallazgos anteriores que sugieren que los procesos involucrados en el manejo de la precisión metacognitiva son diferentes de los involucrados en la lucha contra el error metacognitivo. Es conveniente enfocar las futuras intervenciones de instrucción en la monitorización metacognitiva en mejorar la precisión o reducir el error, pero no ambas al mismo tiempo.

Int J Psychol Res (Medellin) ; 14(2): 82-92, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35096358


INTRODUCTION: Recent cases of unethical behavior in organizations indicate the need to carry out empirical research about it. OBJECTIVE: Determine the existence of a relationship between ethics and leadership, demanded by society and prescribed by various academic theories.Method: For this reason, through the conduction of non-experimental, cross-sectional, quantitative research, it is sought to make a process of falsification of the theoretical proposals in the context of a municipal mayoralty. In the development of the research, the responses of 219 leaders were satisfactorily received, answering questions from two psychometric instruments of wide recognition and academic validity, the Ethics Position Questionnaire and the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire. They were carried out both through an exploratory data analysis and a confirmatory factor analysis, and a model of structural equations that tested the existence of a relation between the ethical position and the styles of leadership. RESULTS: It was also possible to identify the influence exerted by the different ethical positions in each one of the styles of leadership in a local public administration. CONCLUSIONS: These findings facilitate the identification of ethical leadership models in local public organizations and contribute towards the empirical demonstration of the current discussion on the relationship between ethics and leadership in organizations.

INTRODUCCIÓN: Aunque la sociedad y las principales teorías sobre liderazgo postulan de manera normativa una relación existente entre la ética y el ejercicio de liderazgo, recientes casos de comportamientos no éticos indican la necesidad latente sobre la realización de estudios que los profundicen. OBJETIVO: Determinar si los principios y juicios morales tienen relación con el liderazgo en las organizaciones, y en específico en aquellas pertenecientes al sector público. MÉTODO: A partir de un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales, se logró probar la existencia de una relación entre la posición ética, medida a partir del Ethical Position Questionnaire, y los estilos de liderazgo, medidos con la aplicación del Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire, en una administración pública de orden local y determinar el sentido de esa relación. RESULTADOS: Los resultados obtenidos proponen que aquellos que se orientan al reconocimiento de la existencia de principios morales universales prefieren el uso de comportamiento de liderazgo diferentes a aquellos que creen en que los comportamientos éticos se pueden relativizar según las circunstancias individuales o el contexto. CONCLUSIÓN: Los hallazgos permitirán avanzar en el estudio que permita dar respuesta al cómo liderar el cumplimiento de metas organizacionales a partir de la aplicación de principios éticos que procuren el bienestar de toda la sociedad.

Pensam. psicol ; 17(1): 45-60, ene.-jun. 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1020101


Resumen Objetivo. Los juicios morales se basan en decisiones que toman en cuenta la representación de las normas y la ley, los valores, la funcionalidad y la situación en sí. La moral se ha estudiado con "dilemas morales hipotéticos" para identificar el tipo de resultado y el proceso detrás del razonamiento moral. No obstante, los juicios en sí mismos no son suficientes para establecer diferencias en el tipo de resolución o la relación con otros procesos cognitivos. Por lo anterior, el presente estudio buscó comparar el desempeño en tareas de maximización de la utilidad, control cognitivo y juicios morales, teniendo en cuenta el sexo y otras variables sociodemográficas. Método. Participaron 73 estudiantes universitarios (50 mujeres, 20 hombres y 3 con sexo no reportado, la edad promedio fue 19.53 años (DE = 1.68 años). El Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) se utilizó para identificar comportamientos de maximización de la utilidad. Además, el estudio empleó la prueba de cambios de tarea y la aplicación web Máquina Moral. Resultados. Se encontró una diferencia entre las variables de IGT, sin observar diferencias en la prueba de cambios de tarea. Conclusión. En cuanto al juicio moral, los hombres dieron más valor al cumplimiento de normas que las mujeres. Algunas variables de la tarea IGT apoyan las diferencias entre los sexos. Los resultados son congruentes con las diferencias mostradas por la literatura.

Abstract Objective. Moral judgments are based on decisions that take into account the representation of norms and law, values, functionality and situations themselves. Morality has been studied with "hypothetic moral dilemmas", in order to identify the type of outcome and the process behind moral reasoning. But judgments by themselves are not enough to establish differences in the type of resolution or the relationship with other cognitive processes. The present paper aimed to compare performance in tasks of utility maximization, cognitive control, and moral judgments, taking into account sex and other sociodemographic variables. Method. Seventy-three university students participated (50 women, 20 men and 3 with unreported gender, the average age was 19.53 years (SD = 1.68 years). The Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) was used to identify behaviors of utility maximization. In addition, we used the switch costs and the web application of moral machine tasks. Results. A difference between variables of the IGT, but no differences in the switch costs task were found. Conclusion. Regarding moral judgment, males gave more value to respect norms than females. Some variables of the IGT task support outcomes related to differences between sexes. Results are congruent with differences shown in existing literature.

Resumo Escopo. Os juízos morais estão baseados em decisões que levam em conta a representação das normas e a lei, os valores, a funcionalidade e a situação concreta. A moral tem se estudado com "dilemas morais hipotéticos" para identificar o tipo de resultado e o processo detrás do razoamento moral. Mas os juízos em si não são suficientes para estabelecer diferencias no tipo de resolução ou a relação com outros processos cognitivos. Por tanto, o escopo de este estudo foi comparar o desempenho em tarefas de maximização da utilidade, controle cognitivo e juízos morais, levando em conta o sexo e outras variáveis sócio demográficas. Metodologia. Participaram 73 estudantes universitários (50 mulheres, 20 homens e 3 com sexo não reportado, a idade de média foi de19.3 anos, (DE = 1.68 anos). O Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) foi utilizado para identificar comportamentos de maximização da utilidade. Além, o estudo empregou a prova de mudança de tarefa e a aplicação web Máquina Moral. Resultados. Foi achada uma diferencia entre as variáveis de IGT, mas não há diferencias na prova de mudança de tarefa. Em quanto ao juízo moral, os homens deram mais valor ao cumprimento de normas que as mulheres. Algumas variáveis da tarefa IGT apoiam as diferencias entre os sexos. Conclusão. Os resultados são congruentes com as diferencias mostradas na literatura.

Humanos , Adulto Jovem , Princípios Morais , Mulheres , Teoria Ética , Julgamento , Homens
J Voice ; 31(3): 391.e7-391.e18, 2017 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27866691


OBJECTIVE: The study aimed to compare and correlate perceptual-auditory analysis of vocal parameters and self-perception in individuals with adductor spasmodic dysphonia before and after the application of botulinum toxin. STUDY DESIGN: This is a prospective cohort study. METHODS: Sixteen individuals with a diagnosis of adductor spasmodic dysphonia were submitted to the application of botulinum toxin in the thyroarytenoid muscle, to the recording of a voice signal, and to the Voice Handicap Index (VHI) questionnaire before the application and at two time points after application. Two judges performed a perceptual-auditory analysis of eight vocal parameters with the aid of the Praat software for the visualization of narrow band spectrography, pitch, and intensity contour. RESULTS: Comparison of the vocal parameters before toxin application and on the first return revealed a reduction of oscillation intensity (P = 0.002), voice breaks (P = 0.002), and vocal tremor (P = 0.002). The same parameters increased on the second return. The degree of severity, strained-strangled voice, roughness, breathiness, and asthenia was unchanged. The total score and the emotional domain score of the VHI were reduced on the first return. There was a moderate correlation between the degree of voice severity and the total VHI score before application and on the second return, and a weak correlation on the first return. CONCLUSIONS: Perceptual-auditory analysis and self-perception proved to be efficient in the recognition of vocal changes and of the vocal impact on individuals with adductor spasmodic dysphonia under treatment with botulinum toxin, permitting the quantitation of changes along time.

Acústica , Percepção Auditiva , Disfonia/fisiopatologia , Disfonia/psicologia , Músculos Laríngeos/fisiopatologia , Fonação , Autoimagem , Qualidade da Voz , Inibidores da Liberação da Acetilcolina/administração & dosagem , Adulto , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Toxinas Botulínicas/administração & dosagem , Avaliação da Deficiência , Disfonia/diagnóstico , Disfonia/tratamento farmacológico , Emoções , Feminino , Humanos , Julgamento , Músculos Laríngeos/efeitos dos fármacos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Variações Dependentes do Observador , Fonação/efeitos dos fármacos , Valor Preditivo dos Testes , Estudos Prospectivos , Processamento de Sinais Assistido por Computador , Software , Espectrografia do Som , Inquéritos e Questionários , Resultado do Tratamento , Qualidade da Voz/efeitos dos fármacos
Interdisciplinaria ; 33(2): 337-353, Dec. 2016. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-841058


Los compuestos verbo-nombre del español presentan la particularidad de carecer de un núcleo que aporte los rasgos morfológicos, de categoría o semántico-referenciales. El acceso al significado depende entonces de la relación que mantienen los constituyentes entre sí y no a partir de la identificación de un elemento nuclear, como ocurre en compuestos que poseen un lexema referencial (telaraña, bocacalle). Dentro del compuesto verbo-nombre, la relación semántica que se establece entre los constituyentes no es única. Si bien la estructura semántica prototípica responde al patrón agente-paciente (cortacésped), existen otras posibilidades argumentales, como las relaciones locativas (pasacalle). El estudio realizado tuvo como objetivo determinar hasta qué punto la estructura argumental proyectada por el verbo tiene una influencia en el procesamiento cognitivo de estas unidades. Primeramente, se llevó a cabo un juicio de aceptabilidad para asegurar que los estímulos se correspondieran con la realidad lingüística de los participantes del estudio experimental. A continuación, se administró una prueba de decisión léxica con compuestos que poseían distintos tipos de estructura argumental: (1) agente / paciente (algo que V a N, abrelatas), (2) agente / paciente menos prototípica (procesos metafóricos, chupasangre) y (3) locativos (lugar donde x hace V a N, guardamuebles). Los resultados muestran que los tiempos de decisión (respuesta) ante compuestos locativos fueron significativamente mayores que ante los prototípicos. Este resultado no puede ser explicado por diferencias en longitud o frecuencia de los compuestos o sus constituyentes, por lo que parecen apoyar la hipótesis de que la estructura argumental juega un rol central en el procesamiento de estas palabras.

Research on the processing of compound words offers important insights on how the mental lexicon is organized. It is a current topic in psycholinguistics if compound words are represented and processed as unitary lexical units (full-listing models) or only as individual constituents analyzed via acombinatorial mechanism (full-parsing models). There is enough experimental evidence that both mechanisms are involved (dual-route models). Several characteristics of the stimuli, like length, morphological family size, frequency of compounds and their constituents are important factors to determine how they are processed. Compound words are meaningful units that contain smaller meaningful units. Therefore, in the domain of compounds' studies, several hypotheses have been proposed to explain how only one interpretation is achieved from two independent meanings. Models that describe the construction of lexical semantic features in compound words, like APPLE - Automatic Progressive Parsing and Lexical Excitation (Libben 1994,1998) or CARIN - Competition Among Relations in Nominals (Gagné, 2000), are based on the notion of a morphological head. According to these theories the recognition of the head would trigger an interpretation of the whole word. In noun-noun compounds (pez espada, 'swordfish', telaraña 'spiderweb'), in which the head has the referential features, the identification of this head and the posterior clarification of the relationship with the non-head lexeme is the way to interpret the whole compound (pez 'fish' and tela 'web', respectively). However, not every compound has a head with the referential attributes inside. Verb-noun compounding is an extremely productive word-formation process in Romance languages. Spanish verb-noun compounds have the particularity of being exocentric: these constructions do not present a categorical, morphological or semantic head. Therefore, access to the meaning depends on the relationship between both of their constituent lexemes. For these units, the traditional distinction between semantically transparent and semantically opaque compounds is not suitable, because it doesn't take under consideration the projection of the argument structure by the verbal constituent. The semantic relationship established between the lexemes within a compound is not unique. While the prototypical semantic structure responds to the agent-patient pattern (cortacésped), there are other semantic possibilities, such as locative relationships (pasacalle). The present study addresses the issue of the comprehension of Spanish verb-noun compounds in order to provide evidence about the role of the argument structure projected by the first lexeme in the whole-word meaning. It is proposed that the argument structure of the verbal constituent has a cognitive influence on the processing and comprehension of these units. Firstly, an acceptability judgment test was administrated in order to identify a group of verb-noun compounds that were adequate for the Argentinean Spanish lexicon. Secondly, a lexical decision task was conducted with the stimuli selected as acceptable. Thirty native speakers (20 females), ranged in age from 19 to 34 years old, with at least 12 years of schooling, participated in the experiment. The lexical decision task included three types of compounds according to their argument structure: (1) Agent / patient (abrelatas), (2) Agent / patient with less prototypical features or metaphorical processes (chupasangre), and (3) locatives (guardamuebles). Stimuli were matched according to the whole-word and constituent frequency and length. For the statistical analysis, ANOVAs were calculated for error rates and response times (RTs) for each condition. Results show that reaction times (answers) to locative compounds were significantly higher than to agent-patient compounds. This contrast cannot be explained by differences in frequency or length, of the compounds or their constituents. Consequently, the present results seem to support the hypothesis that argument structure plays a central role in the processing of these words.

Univ. psychol ; 15(3): 1-6, jul.-set. 2016. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-963181


We synthesize the main findings from two studies that examined moral judgement abilities in people with autism, and in people with Down syndrome. In both studies, the way these people mentally combine information about the intent of a harmful act and the severity of its consequences when attributing blame to an offender was compared with that of typically developing controls. Adolescents and adults with autism or with Down syndrome were, practically to the same extent as controls, able to take into account both information pieces for attributing blame. It would be an exaggeration to imply that adolescents and adults with either autism or Down syndrome are severely immature in moral judgement based on the fact that they are usually not able to explain or justify their judgements with sophisticated philosophical arguments. By contrast, children with autism blame attribution appeared to be essentially based on consequence information. The finding that adolescents and adults with autism or Down syndrome are able to make moral judgements in a way that is not very different from adolescents and adults of the same age could influence the way these people are perceived, cared for, and attributed basic rights.

Sintetizamos las principales conclusiones de dos estudios que examinaron la capacidad de juicio moral en personas con autismo y en personas con síndrome de Down. En ambos estudios, la forma en que estas personas combinan mentalmente la información acerca de la intención que puede haber en un acto perjudicial y la gravedad de sus consecuencias cuando se atribuye la culpa a un delincuente, se comparó con la de un grupo control (con desarrollo normal). Adolescentes y adultos con autismo o con síndrome de Down fueron, prácticamente de la misma medida que los del grupo control, capaces de tener en cuenta ambas piezas de información para atribuir la culpa. Sería una exageración asegurar que los adolescentes y los adultos, ya sea con autismo o síndrome de Down son severamente inmaduros en sus juicios morales basado en el hecho de que por lo general no son capaces de explicar o justificar sus juicios con argumentos filosóficos sofisticados. Por el contrario, los niños con autismo que realizaron atribución de culpa parecían basarse esencialmente en la información sobre la consecuencia. El hallazgo de que los adolescentes y adultos con autismo o síndrome de Down son capaces de hacer juicios morales de una manera que no es muy diferente a la de los adolescentes y los adultos de la misma edad podría influir en la forma en que estas personas son perciben, cuidadas, y valoradas en sus derechos básicos.

Rev. crim ; 58(2): 123-140, may.-ago. 2016. ilus, graf, mapas, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-797416


El objetivo fue identificar los criterios de orden legal y científico en el derecho probatorio del sistema penal que incidieron en el proferimiento de sentencias de los enjuiciados por delitos sexuales entre el 2009-2010 en dos municipios del Valle del Cauca. El método utilizado consistió en el estudio de casos en 21 fallos entre el 2009-2010, con aplicación de variables sociodemográficas, médicolegales/ científico-forenses utilizadas para la descripción de los casos. En los análisis realizados en SPSS, se calcularon medidas de tendencia central, posición y dispersión a los datos cuantitativos, y a los cualitativos se les calcularon proporciones y razones. Se usó el test de chi cuadrado y un valor de p ≤=0,05 fue considerado como significante. Los resultados obtenidos evidenciaron que las mujeres entre 5-14 años fueron las más afectadas, y sus agresores, prevalentes familiares. La mayoría de los casos fueron actos sexuales abusivos, dos de acto sexual agravado en concurso homogéneo y heterogéneo. El informe médico-legal estuvo en todas las sentencias, y le siguió, en orden de frecuencia, el de psicología forense. Los ausentes en su mayor proporción fueron los de biología o genética forense. La investigación realizada permitió concluir que es tarea de los jueces garantizar la integridad de los menores víctimas de abuso sexual; no obstante, para ello cuentan con poco acervo probatorio científico-forense.

The objective was to identify criteria of legal and scientific nature in the probative law of the criminal system having influenced the delivery of judgments and the passing of sentences for those having been prosecuted or tried for sexual crimes over 2009-2010 in two Valle del Cauca municipalities. The method used involved case studies in 21 court decisions taking place from 2009 through 2010 with the application of socio-demographic, medical-legal/scientific forensic variables used in the respective descriptions. In analyses conducted with SPSS, central trend measures, position and dispersion were calculated for quantitative data, and proportions and rations for those of qualitative nature. The Chi-square test was used, and a p ≤=0.05 value was deemed significant. The results obtained evidenced that females between the ages of 5 through 14 were the most aff ected, aggressors being often family members. Most cases referred to abusive sexual acts, two of them aggravated, in multiple and concomitant combination. In order of frequency, in all judgments there were medicallegal and forensic psychology reports. In a larger proportion, reports concerning biology or forensic-genetics were not available. Research carried out helped conclude that judges should be in charge of ensuring the integrity of minors having been victims of any form of sexual abuse; notwithstanding this responsibility, their probatory material and scientific-forensic evidence on hand are very poor.

O objetivo foi identificar os critérios de ordem legal e científica no dereito probatório do sistema de justiça criminal que afetaram a proferimento das sentenças dos processados por crimes sexuais entre 2009-2010 em dois municípios de Valle del Cauca. O método utilizado foi o estudo de casos em 21 senteças entre 2009-2010, com aplicação de variáveis sociodemográficas médico-legais / científico-forenses, utilizadas na descrição dos casos. Nas análises realizadas no SPSS, as medidas de tendência central, posição e dispersão foram calculadas aos dados quantitativos e proporções e razões foram calculadas aos qualitativos. O teste de qui-quadrado e um valor p ≤=0,05 foi usado e foi considerado como significativo. Os resultados mostraram que as mulheres com idade entre 5-14 anos foram as mais afetadas, e seus agressores, prevalentes parentes. A maioria dos casos foram atos sexuais abusivos, dois de ato sexual agravado em concurso homogêneo e heterogêneo. O relatório médico-legal estave em todas as senteças, e seguido, em ordem de freqüência, um de psicologia forense. Os ausentes em maior proporção foram os de biologia ou genética forense. A pesquisa levou à conclusão de que é a tarefa dos juízes garantir a integridade das crianças vítimas de abuso sexual; no entanto, para isso têm pouca evidência forense científica.

Direito Penal , Colômbia , Prova Pericial , Exame Físico
Estud. pesqui. psicol. (Impr.) ; 16(2): 401-413, maio-ago. 2016.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-913575


Em contextos sociais, quando ocorre uma falha, frequentemente usam-se as mais diversas justificativas. A questão que emerge desse contexto é quão desculpável a justificativa se apresenta a depender de sua causa (externa, interna controlável ou interna incontrolável) e da hierarquia social de quem a pede. Esta pesquisa investigou efeitos de pedidos de desculpas, feitos por pessoas de hierarquias diferentes, entre três diferentes alvos de avaliação ­ auto (eu) e hetero (meus amigos e outros). Trezentos participantes responderam a cenários em que alguém (ora um professor, ora um aluno) se atrasa para um compromisso e oferece três tipos de desculpas que deveriam ser respondidas em três alvos de avaliação. Os resultados corroboraram o modelo de Weiner (2006), mostrando que desculpas com causas externas foram mais aceitáveis que as internas incontroláveis, seguidas das internas controláveis. Pedidos de desculpas feitos pelo professor, no entanto, foram menos aceitos. Na comparação entre auto e hetero-avaliação, confirmou-se o viés de falsa-unicidade, já que os respondentes julgaram aceitar mais os pedidos feitos a eles do que as outras pessoas aceitariam. Discutem-se aplicações para o contexto escolar, em especial para o gerenciamento de impressão em situações de hierarquia definida. (AU)

In social contexts, when a fail occurs, people usually use different justifications. This raises a question that concerns how much acceptable is this excuse, depending on its cause (external, internal controllable or internal uncontrollable) and the social status of those who use it. The present research investigated the effects of excuses given by people from different hierarchy levels considering three different targets ­ self and others (friends and other people). Three hundred participants judged how acceptable three excuses were in scenarios in which a person (either a teacher or a student) is coming late to an appointment. Results supported Weiner´s attributional model (2006), by showing that excuses with external causes were regarded as more acceptable than those with uncontrollable internal causes, followed by controllable internal ones. Also, excuses given by professors were less accepted. When comparing different evaluations, a false uniqueness bias was confirmed, as participants judged themselves as more benevolent than others. Applications for educational context are discussed, especially for impression management in clearly defined hierarchical settings. (AU)

En contextos sociales, cuando se comete una falla, las personas empleán diferentes justificaciones. Esto plantea una pregunta que se refiere a quan aceptable es la excusa, dependiendo de su causa (externa, interna incontrolable o interna controlable) y el tipo de situación social. En el presente estudio se investigó los efectos de las excusas dadas por personas de diferentes niveles de jerarquía, considerando tres diferentes actores sociales: la persona, sus amigos y las otras personas en general). Trescientos participantes juzgaron cuanto aceptables tres excusas estaban en escenarios en los que una persona (un profesor o un estudiante) está llegando tarde a una cita. Los resultados apoyaron lo modelo atribucional de Weiner (2006), mostrando que las excusas con causas externas fueron consideradas como más aceptables que las que tienen causas internas incontrolables, seguidas de las internas controlables. Además, excusas dadas por los profesores fueran menos aceptadas. Al comparar las evaluaciones acerca de los diferentes actores sociales, se confirmó el efecto de falsa singularidad, ya que los participantes juzgaban a sí mismos como más benevolentes que los otros. Se discuten los problemas de contexto educativo, especialmente para la gestión de las impresiones en contextos jerárquicos con relaciones claramente definidas. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto Jovem , Relações Interpessoais , Hierarquia Social , Julgamento/ética , Percepção Social
Cognition ; 146: 377-86, 2016 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26513356


We examine which aspects of the confidence distributions - its shape, its bias toward higher or lower values, and its ability to distinguish correct from erred trials - are idiosyncratic of the who (individual specificity), the when (variability across days) and the what (task specificity). Measuring confidence across different sessions of four different perceptual tasks we show that: (1) Confidence distributions are virtually identical when measured in different days for the same subject and the same task, constituting a subjective fingerprint, (2) The capacity of confidence reports to distinguish correct from incorrect responses is only modestly (but significantly) correlated when compared across tasks, (3) Confidence distributions are very similar for tasks that involve different sensory modalities but have similar structure, (4) Confidence accuracy is independent of the mean and width of the confidence distribution, (5) The mean of the confidence distribution (an individual's confidence bias) constitutes the most efficient indicator to infer a subject's identity from confidence reports and (6) Confidence bias measured in simple perceptual decisions correlates with an individual's optimism bias measured with standard questionnaire.

Julgamento/fisiologia , Metacognição/fisiologia , Percepção/fisiologia , Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Adulto Jovem
Rev. saúde pública Mato Grosso Sul ; 6(1-2): 58-67, 2016. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Português | Coleciona SUS, CONASS, SES-MS | ID: biblio-1222402


O direito constitucional à saúde preconizado pela Carta de 1988 não tem sido suficiente para garantir a efetividade e equidade aos usuários do sistema de saúde pública. Diante disso, o número de demandas judiciais na saúde aumentaram muito nos últimos anos, inclusive para internação hospitalar. Objetivos: Caracterizar o processo de judicialização na saúde, por meio da verificação dos casos de solicitação de internação hospitalar pelo SUS e do conhecimento do perfil dos pacientes que solicitaram judicialmente leitos de internação, no período de março a setembro de 2015 no município de Dourados. Material e métodos: Estudo exploratório descritivo através de uma análise documental de dispositivos jurídicos encaminhados à Procuradoria Municipal de Saúde e Central de Regulação de Leitos de Dourados. Resultados: Predominaram demandas para internações psiquiátricas e UTI-adulto. Os pacientes do sexo masculino apresentaram maior número de casos 28 (62,2%), feminino 17 (37,8%). Prevaleceram a faixa etária de 60 a 79 anos. A microrregião de Dourados foi responsável pela maior parte das solicitações (55,5%). Em 36 (80%) casos, os pacientes encontravam-se hospitalizados no ato da judicialização. Observou-se, que os pacientes procuraram primeiramente as defensorias públicas, seguidos dos ministérios públicos para pleitear seus direitos. O judiciário manifestou-se principalmente em forma de liminar (73,3 %) e ofício (24,4%). As doenças crônicas não transmissíveis (DCNT) foram as principais responsáveis pelas solicitações, entre elas, destacou-se os transtornos psiquiátricos e as doenças cardiovasculares. Conclusão: O estudo possibilitou conhecer os casos e caracterizar o processo de judicialização no município. Observou-se que Dourados não tem conseguido organizar suas ações de saúde entre oferta e demanda de serviços, sem que haja a intervenção do judiciário e o crescente número de judicialização para internação hospitalar, tem ocasionado grande impacto no orçamento público do município. No entanto, faz-se necessário o desenvolvimento de novos estudos para aprofundar o tema.

The health constitutional law advocated by the Constitution of 1988 has not been sufficient to ensure the effectiveness and fairness to the users of the public health system. Thus, the number of lawsuits on health has increased in recent years, including hospitalization. Objectives: To characterize the legalization process in health, through the verification of cases of hospitalization request by SUS and the profile of the knowledge of the patients who requested court hospital beds in the period from March to September 2015 in the city of Dourados. Methods: A descriptive exploratory study through a documentary analysis of legal provisions referred to the Municipal Attorney of Health and Dourados beds of Regulation Center. Results: There was a predominance demands for psychiatric hospitalizations and ICU-adult. The males showed a higher number of cases 28 (62.2%), female 17 (37.8%). Prevailed the age group 60-79 years. The micro-region of Dourados was responsible for most of the requests (55.5%). In 36 (80%) cases, patients were hospitalized at the time of legalization. It was observed that patients first sought public defenders, followed by public prosecutors to plead their rights. The judiciary has manifested itself mainly in the form of an injunction (73.3%) and trade (24.4%). Chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) were the main responsible for requests, among them stood out psychiatric disorders and cardiovascular disease. Conclusion: The study made it possible to know the cases and characterize the legalization process in the municipality. It was noted that Golden has not been able to organize their health actions between supply and demand for services, without the intervention of the judiciary and the growing number of legalization for hospitalization has caused great impact on the public budget of the municipality. However, the development is necessary for further studies to examine the subject.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Adulto Jovem , Sistema Único de Saúde , Judicialização da Saúde , Hospitalização/legislação & jurisprudência , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Análise de Dados
Cad. Ibero Am. Direito Sanit. (Impr.) ; 4(3): 116-127, jul.-set. 2015.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-831812


O direito à saúde, garantido constitucionalmente, abriu a possibilidade de sua tutela judicial pelo cidadão, fazendo crescer o número de ações judiciais e gerando o fenômeno da judicialização da saúde. A pesquisa discutiu as causas de pedir verificadas nos acórdãos do Tribunal de Justiça do Distrito Federal e Territórios (TJDFT), relativos às ações impetradas contra a Secretaria de Saúde do Distrito Federal (SES/DF) para o fornecimento de medicamentos, e identificou os medicamentos pleiteados, bem como suas classes terapêuticas. Tratou-se de estudo transversal e retrospectivo de abordagem qualiquantitativa abrangendo os anos de 2010 a 2012. A amostra selecionada foi de 359 acórdãos. Foi verificado que 37,0 % das ações demandavam medicamentos não elencados em listas oficiais; 24,2 % motivaram-se pela falta do medicamento na SES/DF e 13,4% por interrupção no fornecimento. As classes terapêuticas mais demandadas foram: 22,8% de antineoplásicos e imunomoduladores; 22,7% para o sistema nervoso e 12% de cardiovasculares. Apesar dos esforços do Estado previstos nas políticas públicas, verificou-se que atos administrativos dos gestores do SUS impactaram diretamente na judicialização da assistência farmacêutica, resultando nas demandas judiciais por medicamento contra a SES/DF.

The right to health, constitutionally guaranteed, opened the possibility of judicial protection for the citizen, growing the number of lawsuits and generating the Health Judicialization phenomenon. The research discussed the causes of action observed in the judgments of the Court of Justice of the Federal District and Territories (TJDFT) related to lawsuits filed against the Federal District Health Department (SES / DF) for the supply of medicines, and identified medicines pleaded, as well as its therapeutic classes. This was cross-sectional retrospective study of qualitative and quantitative approach covering the years 2010 to 2012. The selected sample of 359 cases. It was found that 37.0% of the shares demanded drugs not listed on official lists; 24,2% were motivated by the lack of medicine in the SES / DF and 13.4% for disruption in supply. The highest demanded therapeutic classes were: 22.8% of antineoplastic and immunomodulating agents; 22.7% to 12% nervous system and cardiovascular. Despite the efforts of the planned public policy of the state, it was found that administrative acts of SUS managers had impact directly on the judicialization of pharmaceutical care, resulting in lawsuits by drug against SES / DF.

El derecho a la salud, garantizado por la Constitución, se abrió la posibilidad de la protección judicial de los ciudadanos, al crecer el número de demandas y la generación de la legalización del fenómeno salud. La investigación analizó las causas de acción que se observan en el Tribunal de Justicia del Distrito Federal y Territorios (TJDFT) relacionados con demandas presentadas contra el Departamento de Salud del Distrito Federal (SES / DF) para el suministro de medicamentos y medicamentos identificados declarado, así como sus clases terapéuticas. Este fue un estudio retrospectivo transversal del enfoque cualitativo y cuantitativo para los años 2010 y 2012. La muestra seleccionada de 359 casos. Se encontró que 37,0% de las acciones exigió drogas no mencionadas en las listas oficiales; 24,2% motivado por la falta de medicamentos en el SES / DF y el 13,4% para la interrupción en el suministro. Las más altas clases terapéuticas de demanda fueron: 22,8% de los agentes antineoplásicos e inmunomoduladores; 22,7% a 12% del sistema nervioso y cardiovascular. A pesar de la política pública prevista de los esfuerzos estatales, se encontró que los actos administrativos de los gestores del SUS impactados directamente sobre la legalización de la atención farmacéutica, lo que resulta en demandas por drogas contra SES / DF.

Univ. psychol ; 14(1): 57-66, ene.-mar. 2015.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-765704


En esta investigación, se pretendió averiguar la influencia de la mnemotecnia de la palabra clave en el recuerdo y en los juicios metamnemónicos: juicios de facilidad de aprendizaje (EOL), juicios de aprendizaje (JOL) y juicios de confianza (CL), tanto en una lista corta de 16 palabras latinas (Experimento 1) como en una lista larga de 32 palabras latinas (Experimento 2). Tanto en el Experimento 1 como en el Experimento 2 se efectuó un diseño experimental de dos grupos independientes. En el Experimento 1 participaron 88 mujeres, con una media de edad de 74.34 años. En el 2, participó un grupo de 84 mujeres, de una edad similar al anterior. En ambos experimentos se realizó una prueba t de Student para muestras independientes. En el Experimento 1, se encontró que el método de la palabra clave fue superior al método de repetición en el recuerdo y en los juicios de confianza en la respuesta (CL). En el Experimento 2, se halló que el método de la palabra clave fue significativamente superior al método de repetición en el recuerdo y en todos los juicios metamnemónicos estudiados. El método de la palabra clave fue más eficaz que el método de repetición.

This study consisted of two experiments designed to assess the efficacy of the keyword mnemonic technique on recall and the following mnemonic judgments: ease of learning (EOL), judgments of learning (JOL), and confidence level (CL) using a short word list i.e., 16 Latin words (Experiment 1), or a long word list, 32 Latin words (Experiment 2). In Experiment 1 an experimental design with two independent groups was performed, involving 88 women, mean age 74.34 years, a Student's t-test for independent groups was performed and the keyword method was found to be more efficacious than the rote learning method on recall and confidence level judgments (CL). In Experiment 2 an experimental design with two independent groups was performed, involving 84 women of similar age, a Student's t-test for independent groups was performed, and the keyword method was significantly more efficacious than the rote learning method on recall and all of the mnemonic judgments under study. The keyword method was more effective than the rote learning method.

Idoso , Metacognição , Aprendizagem
Lang Cogn Neurosci ; 30(10): 1273-1290, 2015 Dec 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27110578


During reading, word-to-text integration processes proceed quickly and incrementally through both prospective (predictive) and retrospective (memory) processes. Across a sentence boundary, where prediction may be less functional, memorial processes may be especially important. We tested predictive and memory mechanisms with event-related potentials (ERPs) recorded on the first content word across a sentence boundary by manipulating the direction of association between this word and one from the preceding sentence. For comparison with this text comprehension (TC) task, we tested these same word pairs in a word meaning judgment (MJ) task. In both tasks we found reduced N400 amplitudes over central scalp electrodes when the two words were either forward-associated (FA) or backward-associated (BA), relative to task-specific baseline conditions. In the MJ task, FA pairs produced a greater reduction in the N400 reduction than BA pairs over right parietal areas. However, in the TC task, BA pairs produced a greater N400 reduction than FA pairs over left parietal electrodes. A temporal principal component analysis of TC and MJ data showed a component reflecting the central N400. Additional components from TC data reflected FA-BA differences during early (N200) and late (parietal N400 and LPC) phases of processing. Comprehension skill predicted association effects in the MJ task, especially FA, and the BA central N400 effects in the TC task. The results demonstrate that, beyond N400 indicators of prediction effects, ERPs reflect the role of memory processes in word-to-text integration across sentences, part of a dynamic interplay between anticipatory and memorial processes that support comprehension.

Psicopedagogia ; 31(94): 21-34, 2014. tab
Artigo em Português | Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: psi-62093


Refletindo sobre a importância das virtudes no desenvolvimento moral, nosso objetivo foi investigar as concepções das crianças sobre o amor. Entrevistamos, individualmente, 40 crianças, de 6 e 9 anos, em uma escola particular de Vila Velha-ES, de acordo com o método clínico proposto por Piaget. Solicitamos que cada criança mencionasse exemplos de experiência de amor e, posteriormente, justificasse suas respostas. Os exemplos mais citados foram 'ações de amor para outrem' (como ajudar e cuidar) e 'amor por determinada(s) pessoa(s)' (pessoas da família e amigos, entre outros), que aumentaram com a idade; e 'ações com amor' (como brincar e beijar), que apresentaram um decréscimo. As justificativas ressaltaram, principalmente, a consequência positiva que o exemplo de amor propiciaria, especialmente, a si próprio, ou seja, um interesse próprio que aumentou com a idade. Salientamos que o sentimento foi mencionado tanto como exemplo de amor, como justificativa. Verificamos que a concepção que as crianças têm do amor é ampla, sendo importante, portanto, darmos ênfase no processo de formação dessa virtude, uma vez que o amor auxilia na formação moral. Assim, esperamos incentivar outros trabalhos e discussões sobre o amor, contribuindo para propostas de educação e auxiliando na formação moral das crianças.(AU)

Reflecting on the importance of virtues in moral development, our aim was to investigate children's concepts about love. We individually interviewed 40 children, 6 and 9 years old, in a private school in Vila Velha-ES, according to the clinical method proposed by Piaget. We asked each child to mention examples of experiences of love, and then later, to justify their answers. The examples cited were 'giving love to others' (such as helping and caring) and 'love for (a) particular person/ people' (family members and friends, among others), which increased with age, and 'actions with love' (like playing and kissing), which showed a decrease. The reasons pointed out, especially, the positive result that an example of love would provide, especially to them, that is, an interest in oneself that increased with age. We underline that the feeling was mentioned both as an example of love and as a justification. It was verified that the concept children have of love is wide, so it is important, therefore, to give emphasis on the process of formation of this virtue, since love helps in the moral formation. Thus, hopefully we encourage other works and discussions about love, contributing to proposals for education and assisting in the moral formation of children.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Moral , Valores Sociais , Amor , Criança
Psicopedagogia ; 31(94): 21-34, 2014. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-720283


Refletindo sobre a importância das virtudes no desenvolvimento moral, nosso objetivo foi investigar as concepções das crianças sobre o amor. Entrevistamos, individualmente, 40 crianças, de 6 e 9 anos, em uma escola particular de Vila Velha-ES, de acordo com o método clínico proposto por Piaget. Solicitamos que cada criança mencionasse exemplos de experiência de amor e, posteriormente, justificasse suas respostas. Os exemplos mais citados foram 'ações de amor para outrem' (como ajudar e cuidar) e 'amor por determinada(s) pessoa(s)' (pessoas da família e amigos, entre outros), que aumentaram com a idade; e 'ações com amor' (como brincar e beijar), que apresentaram um decréscimo. As justificativas ressaltaram, principalmente, a consequência positiva que o exemplo de amor propiciaria, especialmente, a si próprio, ou seja, um interesse próprio que aumentou com a idade. Salientamos que o sentimento foi mencionado tanto como exemplo de amor, como justificativa. Verificamos que a concepção que as crianças têm do amor é ampla, sendo importante, portanto, darmos ênfase no processo de formação dessa virtude, uma vez que o amor auxilia na formação moral. Assim, esperamos incentivar outros trabalhos e discussões sobre o amor, contribuindo para propostas de educação e auxiliando na formação moral das crianças...

Reflecting on the importance of virtues in moral development, our aim was to investigate children's concepts about love. We individually interviewed 40 children, 6 and 9 years old, in a private school in Vila Velha-ES, according to the clinical method proposed by Piaget. We asked each child to mention examples of experiences of love, and then later, to justify their answers. The examples cited were 'giving love to others' (such as helping and caring) and 'love for (a) particular person/ people' (family members and friends, among others), which increased with age, and 'actions with love' (like playing and kissing), which showed a decrease. The reasons pointed out, especially, the positive result that an example of love would provide, especially to them, that is, an interest in oneself that increased with age. We underline that the feeling was mentioned both as an example of love and as a justification. It was verified that the concept children have of love is wide, so it is important, therefore, to give emphasis on the process of formation of this virtue, since love helps in the moral formation. Thus, hopefully we encourage other works and discussions about love, contributing to proposals for education and assisting in the moral formation of children...

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Criança , Amor , Moral , Valores Sociais
Rev. bras. eng. biomed ; 29(4): 343-352, dez. 2013. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-697281


INTRODUCTION: The aim of this work is to present a physical implementation of a noninvasive methodology to analyze the directional sensitivity of human auditory system. A computer controlled experiment set-up has been designed and developed to study the behavior of human subjects under the presentation of interaural time delays and interaural amplitude differences for several sensation levels. METHODS: The proposed methodology comprises: the application of trains of low-pass filtered narrow pulses as acoustic binaural stimuli; the automatic, simultaneous and random variation of interaural time delays and interaural amplitude differences; the absence of human interference along the experimental sessions, except for the decision of the listener under test; the minimization of adaptation effects. RESULTS: Numerous lateralization judgments have been accomplished in order to investigate the transduction mechanism which allows deciding which side of subjects medial plane the source of binaural acoustic stimuli is located in. The behavior of decision time with the order of judgment, the sensation levels and the interaural differences in time and amplitudes has been analyzed. CONCLUSION: The noninvasive, reliable and automatic approach here presented allows obtaining psychophysical responses associated to the neuro-physiological phenomena underneath lateralization capability.