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ZDM ; 55(1): 235-248, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36619685


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, educational institutions at all levels closed their doors and began to operate remotely. In this paper, we analyze the educational experiences of preservice mathematics teachers (PMTs) enrolled in mathematics teacher education programs from three South American universities, as the pandemic was unfolding. An exploratory study was conducted, based on an inductive and thematic qualitative text analysis of narratives written by 24 PMTs. Based on the study, we report on the following aspects: (1) experiences of PMTs in the passage to remote education (RE) mode (considering characteristics of remote classes-interactions, the rhythm of the class, teaching work-time management, home-classroom fusion, and physical and psychological discomfort), and (2) opportunities and limitation experienced by PMTs in relation to the use of technologies. The results of the study suggest the need to rethink teacher education programs regarding the integration of technologies in mathematics classes, the opportunities offered by hybrid education, and teacher education for distance teaching.

ZDM ; 55(1): 207-220, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36092535


Research literature on the role of mathematics teachers during the COVID-19 crisis shows that teacher preparation for emergency situations is required. In reporting on this exploratory study, we present and analyse lesson plans created by seven future teachers for mathematics classes during the pandemic. Data were collected between April and October 2021 from 16 four-hour class sessions in a Mathematics Degree Program at a public university in Medellín, Colombia. The notion of Humans-with-Media and the Learning by Expanding theory were used as frameworks to understand what roles prospective mathematics teacher (PMTs) assign to technologies for teaching in pandemic conditions. The PMTs' uses of technology for teaching mathematics during a pandemic were categorized. The results show that technology was used to reorganize and reproduce mathematics teaching practices. This report addresses the impact of technology on the activity system, and we conclude with a discussion of opportunities and limitations of students' conceptions about teaching and technology during a pandemic.

Rev. lasallista investig ; 16(1): 201-213, ene.-jun. 2019. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1094023


Resumen Introducción. En Colombia la Ley General de Educación dio la potestad a las instituciones educativas de organizar sus propios currículos acorde con los proyectos educativos institucionales. Con base en esta autonomía, algunas instituciones fragmentaron el área de matemáticas en asignaturas como estadística y geometría con distribución de tiempo semanal a cada una de ellas. Otras instituciones se organizan en temas y los desarrollan en momentos particulares del año escolar. En ese sentido, conocer los efectos que podrían tener una u otra organización en los procesos educativos representa un interés para profesores, investigadores e instituciones educativas. Objetivo. Determinar el efecto que la distribución de la intensidad horaria de la asignatura estadística podría tener en el desempeño de los estudiantes en la Prueba Saber 11° en instituciones educativas públicas de Medellín-Colombia. Materiales y métodos. Los datos se extrajeron de los resultados de Pruebas Saber 11. Se hizo ajuste de un modelo lineal con efectos mixtos. Resultados. Después de controlar el efecto institución, algunas variables específicas de los estudiantes sí inciden en los resultados obtenidos en matemáticas, pero la distribución de la intensidad horaria que se dedica a la enseñanza de la estadística no es un factor significativo. Conclusiones. La distribución del tiempo e intensidad horaria dedicada a la estadística no tiene un efecto automático ni inmediato en el desempeño de los estudiantes, las instituciones deben considerar estrategias para promover competencias de los estudiantes acordes con su condición económica y social.

Abstract Introduction. In Colombia, the General Education Law gave Educational Institutions the authority to organize their academic curricula according to their corresponding Educational Projects. Based on this institutional autonomy, some educational institutions have divided the area of mathematics into subjects such as statistics and geometry; also they have allocated a weekly time to each one of these subjects. In contrast, other institutions organize the area of mathematics by themes developed at specific times during the school year. In this sense, knowing the effects that one or another allocation could have on educational processes represents an interest for research and for teachers and educational institutions. Objective. Determine the effect that the allocation of teaching hours spent on the statistics subject could have on student performance on the Saber 11th Test in public educational institutions from Medellín-Colombia. Materials and Method. Data were extracted from the Saber 11-test results. A linear model was adjusted with mixed effects. Results. After controlling for the institution effect, it was found that some student-specific variables do impact the results in mathematics. However, allocation of teaching hours spent on statistics is not a significant factor. Conclusions. Time allocation and teaching hours spent on a statistics course do not have automatic or immediate impact on student performance. Every institution should consider strategies to promote student competencies according to their economic and social conditions.

Resumo Introdução. Na Colômbia a Lei Geral da Educação forneceu o poder às instituições educativas de organizar seus próprios currículos conforme com os projetos educativos institucionais. Com base nesta autonomia, algumas instituições fragmentaram a área de matemáticas em disciplinas como estatística e geometria com distribuição do tempo semanal em cada uma delas. Outras instituições organizam-se em temas e os desenvolvem em momentos particulares do ano escolar. Neste sentido, conhecer os efeitos que poderiam ter uma ou outra organização nos processos educativos representa um interesse para professores, pesquisadores e instituições educativas. Objetivo. Determinar o efeito que a distribuição da intensidade temporal da disciplina estatística poderia ter no desempenho dos estudantes nas Prova Saber 11° em instituições educativas públicas de Medellín-Colômbia. Materiais e Métodos. Os dados foram extraídos dos resultados das Provas Saber 11. Realizou-se o ajuste de um modelo lineal com efeitos misturados. Resultados. Depois de controlar o efeito instituição, algumas variáveis específicas dos estudantes sim incidiram nos resultados obtidos em matemáticas, mas a distribuição da intensidade temporal que se dedica ao ensino da estatística não é um fator significativo. Conclusões. A distribuição do tempo e intensidade temporal dedicada à estatística não tem um efeito automático e nem imediato no desempenho dos estudantes, as instituições devem considerar estratégias para promover habilidades dos estudantes acordes com sua condição econômica e social.