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Vaccimonitor (La Habana, Print) ; 29(1)ene.-abr. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1094637


Para el control y prevención del cólera humano se han llevado a cabo diferentes estrategias, entre las cuales, la vacunación es una de las medidas más eficaces. La evaluación preclínica de candidatos vacunales requiere de la demostración de la seguridad de los mismos, para lo cual los estudios toxicológicos son determinantes, al ser obligatorios y altamente regulados. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo demostrar la relevancia de las ratas Sprague Dawley como biomodelo a través de su respuesta inmunológica al candidato vacunal contra el cólera, vax-COLER®, utilizando la técnica de determinación de anticuerpos vibriocidas. Además, evaluar los efectos toxicológicos locales y sistémicos por la administración de una dosis de vax-COLER® a través de la evaluación de síntomas, del consumo de agua y alimentos, el peso corporal y estudios anatomopatológicos. La vacuna vax-COLER® resultó inmunogénica y no evidenció síntomas ni muertes, no hubo cambios en el peso corporal y los consumos de agua y alimentos se comportaron de forma similar entre todos los grupos. Los estudios anatomopatológicos solo mostraron cambios a nivel histológico en los ganglios linfáticos mesentéricos y placas de Peyer de los animales vacunados, con presencia de hiperplasia de los folículos secundarios subcapsulares, hallazgo que difirió significativamente con el resto de los grupos. Se concluye que la vacuna vax-COLER® es inmunogénica en ratas Sprague Dawley, demostrando la relevancia del biomodelo para la evaluación de la seguridad preclínica y que la aplicación de una dosis no produjo efectos tóxicos agudos generales ni locales(AU)

Different strategies have been carried out for the control and prevention of human cholera. Vaccination is one of the most effective strategies. Preclinical evaluation of vaccines needs to prove their safety; whereby toxicological studies are decisive. They are mandatory and highly regulated. This study was aimed to demonstrate the relevance of Sprague Dawley rats as a biomodel, through the immunological response to vax-COLER® cholera vaccine, using the technique of determination of vibriocidal antibodies. In addition, local and systemic toxicological effects were evaluated after administration of a dose of vax-COLER®; through the evaluation of symptoms, water and food consumption, body weight and anatomopathological studies. The vax-COLER® vaccine was immunogenic and showed no symptoms or deaths. No changes in body weight were detected, and food and water consumption were similar among all groups. The anatomopathological studies showed histological changes in the mesenteric lymph nodes and Peyer's patches of the vaccinated animals, with hyperplasia of the subcapsular secondary follicles, finding that differed significantly from the rest of the groups. It is concluded that vax-COLER® vaccine is immunogenic in Sprague-Dawley rats, demonstrating the relevance of the biomodel for the evaluation of preclinical safety, as well as that the application of a single dose did not produce acute general or local toxic effects(AU)

Animais , Ratos , Cólera/prevenção & controle , Medicamentos de Referência , Imunogenicidade da Vacina
Rev. cuba. med. trop ; 64(3): 290-303, jul.-sep. 2012.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-653847


Introducción: los niveles de ADN viral en muestras de suero son un marcador útil para monitorear la progresión de la enfermedad y la respuesta al tratamiento en pacientes con hepatitis B crónica; de ahí que se comercialicen estuches diagnósticos para esta función, con la desventaja de ser costosos. Objetivos: desarrollar y evaluar el desempeño analítico de un sistema de reacción en cadena de la polimerasa en tiempo real para la cuantificación del ADN del virus de la hepatitis B. Métodos: se utilizaron cebadores que amplifican un fragmento del gen C y sonda de hidrólisis en el equipo LightCycler 1.5. Se construyó una curva estándar y se evaluó su eficiencia. Se utilizaron 272 muestras de suero para ensayos de especificidad analítica y clínica, especificidad y exactitud genotípica, coeficientes de variación intraensayo e interensayo, comparación con un estuche comercial y con la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa cualitativa para el virus de la hepatitis B. Resultados: la curva estándar mostró excelente correlación lineal (r= -1) y valores muy bajos de error a lo largo de varias magnitudes de concentración de ADN diana. La especificidad analítica y clínica fue de 100 %, en tanto que al evaluar la especificidad y exactitud genotípica, se obtuvo que las diferencias entre los Log10 del valor obtenido y el de referencia eran inferiores a 0,5 Log10. El límite de detección por análisis de Probit se estimó en 16,41 UI/µL con un rango dinámico de cuantificación de hasta 10(8) UI/mL. El sistema mostró bajos coeficientes de variación intraensayo (0,16 a 1,45 %) e interensayo (0,9 a 2,62 %). La comparación con el estuche comercial artus HBV LC PCR kit mostró una correlación de r= 0,964 y r²= 0,929; con la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa cualitativa se confirmó la mayor sensibilidad y ventajas de la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa en tiempo real. Conclusiones: el ensayo cumple con los requisitos para la cuantificación del ADN del virus de la hepatitis B, que demuestra ser específico, sensible y reproducible. Su aplicación permitirá un mejor diagnóstico y seguimiento de los pacientes con hepatitis B crónica en Cuba.

Introduction: viral DNA levels in serum samples are a useful marker to monitor the disease progression and the treatment response in patients with chronic hepatitis B. Commercial kits for this purpose are available, but they are considerably expensive. Objectives: to evaluate the analytical performance of a real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay for Hepatitis B virus DNA quantification. Methods: specific primers to the gene C and TaqMan chemistry in a LightCycler 1.5 equipment was used. A standard curve was made and evaluated. Two hundred and seventy-two serum samples were used to assess the clinical and analytical specificity, the genotypic accuracy and specificity, the intra-assay and interassay coefficients of variation and the comparison with a commercial assay and with the qualitative PCR. Results: the standard curve showed a strong linear correlation (r= -1) and low error values in the tested target DNA concentration. Analytical and clinical specificities were 100 %. Genotype accuracy and specificity showed that the differences between the results obtained by RT-PCR assay and those of the reference assay were less than 0.5 Log10. The 95% HBV DNA detection end-point assessed by Probit analysis was 16.41 IU/µL with a dynamic range of quantification of 10(8) IU/mL. Intra-assay and interassay coefficients of variation ranged from 0.16 to 1.45 % and 0.9 to 2.62 % respectively. The RT-PCR assay correlated well with those from a commercial assay (r= 0.964 and r²= 0.929) and with the HBV qualitative PCR, thus confirming its better sensitivity and advantages. Conclusions: the RT-PCR assay is well suited to monitoring HBV DNA levels showing to be sensitive, specific and reproducible. Its application in the clinical practice ensures a better diagnosis and management of patients with chronic hepatitis B in Cuba.

Humanos , DNA Viral/análise , Vírus da Hepatite B/genética , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase em Tempo Real
Rev Cubana Med Trop ; 64(3): 290-303, 2012.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23424805


INTRODUCTION: viral DNA levels in serum samples are a useful marker to monitor the disease progression and the treatment response in patients with chronic hepatitis B. Commercial kits for this purpose are available, but they are considerably expensive. OBJECTIVES: to evaluate the analytical performance of a real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay for Hepatitis B virus DNA quantification. METHODS: specific primers to the gene C and TaqMan chemistry in a LightCycler 1.5 equipment was used. A standard curve was made and evaluated. Two hundred and seventy-two serum samples were used to assess the clinical and analytical specificity, the genotypic accuracy and specificity, the intra-assay and interassay coefficients of variation and the comparison with a commercial assay and with the qualitative PCR. RESULTS: the standard curve showed a strong linear correlation (r= -1) and low error values in the tested target DNA concentration. Analytical and clinical specificities were 100 %. Genotype accuracy and specificity showed that the differences between the results obtained by RT-PCR assay and those of the reference assay were less than 0.5 Log10. The 95% HBV DNA detection end-point assessed by Probit analysis was 16.41 IU/microL with a dynamic range of quantification of 10(8) IU/mL. Intra-assay and interassay coefficients of variation ranged from 0.16 to 1.45 % and 0.9 to 2.62 % respectively. The RT-PCR assay correlated well with those from a commercial assay (r= 0.964 and r2= 0.929) and with the HBV qualitative PCR, thus confirming its better sensitivity and advantages. CONCLUSIONS: the RT-PCR assay is well suited to monitoring HBV DNA levels showing to be sensitive, specific and reproducible. Its application in the clinical practice ensures a better diagnosis and management of patients with chronic hepatitis B in Cuba.

DNA Viral/análise , Vírus da Hepatite B/genética , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase em Tempo Real , Humanos
Rev. cuba. med. trop ; 61(3): 275-281, sep.-dic. 2009.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-629367


INTRODUCCIÓN: el cólera continúa siendo problema de salud, principalmente en las zonas más pobres. La mayoría de los aislamientos que se realizan al nivel mundial pertenecen a Vibrio cholerae O1 biotipo El Tor serotipo Ogawa, aunque se han reportado brotes causados por el serotipo Inaba, por lo que se aconseja que una vacuna efectiva contra la enfermedad deberá contener células o antígenos de ambos serotipos. OBJETIVO: describir las características de la cepa de V. cholerae O1 El Tor Inaba C6706 como posible cepa para la obtención de vacunas inactivadas contra el cólera. MÉTODOS: se elaboró un lote de siembra de trabajo crioconservado a - 70 ºC, se evaluó su identidad, pureza y viabilidad. La cepa fue cultivada en caldo triptona soya y su inactivación se realizó a 56 ºC durante 20 min. Se evaluó la capacidad antigénica del producto obtenido mediante western blot y ELISA de inhibición de lipopolisacárido. La inmunogenicidad en conejos, inoculados por vía intraduodenal, se determinó mediante la cinética de anticuerpos vibriocidas. RESULTADOS: el lote de siembra de trabajo mantuvo su identidad, pureza y viabilidad durante 18 meses de estudio. Se observó la presencia de los antígenos lipopolisacárido, hemaglutinina sensible a manosa y proteína de membrana externa U, en las suspensiones de células inactivadas de V. cholerae O1, no así de las subunidades A y B de la toxina colérica (CTA y CTB, respectivamente) o pilli corregulado con la toxina (TCP). Por otra parte, se obtuvieron títulos vibriocidas en los sueros de conejos, similares a la respuesta inducida por la cepa viva atenuada 638 de V. cholerae O1, candidata a vacuna oral. CONCLUSIONES: la cepa de V. cholerae O1 El Tor Inaba C6706 mostró características culturales, antigénicas e inmunogénicas que permiten considerarla como posible cepa para la obtención de vacunas inactivadas contra el cólera.

INTRODUCTION: cholera continues being a serius health problem, mainly in the poorest areas. Most of the isolations worldwide belong to Vibrio cholerae O1 biotype El Tor serotype Ogawa, although there have been reported outbreaks caused by serotype Inaba, that is why it is recommended that an effective vaccine against the illness should contain cells or antigens of both serotypes. OBJECTIVE: to describe the characteristics of the strain C6706 of V. cholerae O1 El Tor Inaba as a likely strain for the obtaining of inactivated vaccines for cholera. METHODS: a criopreserved working culture batch was made up at - 70 ºC to evaluate identity, purity and viability. The strain was cultured in tryptone soy broth and was inactivated at 56º C for 20 minutes. Antigenicity of this preparation was tested by Western Blot and ELISA inhibition test. Immunogenicity in adult rabbits, inoculated intraduodenally, was determined by means of kinetics of vibriocidal antibodies. RESULTS: the working culture batch kept their identity, purity and viability during 18 months of study. The results confirmed the presence of relevant antigens as lipopolysaccharide (LPS), mannose-sensitive hemagglutinin (MSHA) and outer membrane protein U (OmpU) in the suspension of inactivated V. cholerae O1 cells, but not cholera toxin subunits (CTA, CTB) or toxin-coregulated pili (TCP).On the other hand, vibriocidal titers were found in rabbit sera, which were similar to those previously reported for the live V. cholerae O1 strain 638, an attenuated oral vaccinal candidate CONCLUSIONS: the V. cholerae O1 El Tor Inaba C6706 strain showed cultural, antigenic and immunogenic characteristics that allow us to consider it as a possible strain for the obtaining of inactivated vaccines for cholera.

Rev. cuba. med. trop ; 51(3): 156-159, Sept.-Dec. 1999.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-333516


The vibriocidal antibody test is a reliable and well-documented method to determine bacterial antibodies to Vibrio cholerae 01 antigens. It consists of mixing serum dilutions and a steady quantity of bacteria and supplement to cause cell lysis. Titer is determined by visual observation. In this paper, we implemented a change in the presented method where a pH and glucose indicator was added to the culture medium used to stop the reaction, which allowed a quicker reading by any person who are not very familiar with the carrying out of this test since the colour change in the plaque is quite evident.

Animais , Humanos , Coelhos , Atividade Bactericida do Sangue , Vibrio cholerae , Técnicas Bacteriológicas
Rev. cuba. med. trop ; 50(2): 115-119, Mayo-ago. 1998.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-629286


Con el fin de estudiar los patrones de excreción, colonización y la capacidad protectora de cepas vivas atenuadas de Vibrio cholerae O1El Tor, se inmunizaron conejos Nueva Zelandia con estas cepas y su correspondiente parental, con 2 dosis por el modelo de inoculación oral en conejos adultos. Fueron retados 2 semanas después de la segunda dosis por el modelo de intestino ligado, con cepas altamente virulentas de V. choleraeO1 serotipos Ogawa e Inaba y serogrupo O139. Se comprobó que las cepas manupuladas de forma genética no afectan los patrones de excreción, cuando se compara con su parental. Se observó en el reto una disminución en los niveles de colonización de las cepas virulentas de ambos serotipos; tanto en los conejos inmunizados con las cepas atenuadas como con la parental en comparación con animales controles inmunizados con la cepa Escherichia coli K-12, lo que indica que hubo cierto grado de protección. En el caso de los animales retados con la cepa 0139 se demostró que la protección es específica para cada serogrupo pues en este caso no se observó disminución de la colonización.

In order to study the excretion patterns, colonization and protective capacity of live sttenuated strains of Vibrio cholerae O1. E1 Tor, rabbits were immunized in New Zealand with these strains and their corresponding parental strains. 2 doses were administered by the model of oral inoculation in adult rabbits. Rabbits were rotated 2 weeks after the second dose by the model of ligated intestine with highly virulent strains of V. cholerae O1 Ogawa and Inaba serotypes and O139 serogroup. It was proved that the genetically manipulated strains do not effect the excretion patterns when they are compared with their parental strains. It was observed in the challenge a decrease in the levels of colonization of virulent strains of both serotypes, not only among the rabbits immunized with the attenuated strains, but also among those immunizedwith the parental strains in comparison with control animals immunized with the strain of Escherichia coli K-12, which means that there was certain degree of protection. In the case of the animals challenged with the O139 strain it was demonstrated that the protection is specific for each serogroup, since in this case there was no reduction of the colonization.

Animais , Coelhos , Vacinas contra Cólera/imunologia , Cólera/microbiologia , Cólera/prevenção & controle , Imunização/métodos , Administração Oral , Vacinas contra Cólera/administração & dosagem , Avaliação Pré-Clínica de Medicamentos , Fezes/microbiologia , Sorotipagem , Fatores de Tempo , Vacinas Atenuadas/administração & dosagem , Vacinas Atenuadas/imunologia , Vibrio cholerae/classificação , Vibrio cholerae/isolamento & purificação , Vibrio cholerae/patogenicidade