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Children (Basel) ; 10(12)2023 Nov 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38136077


Chile, like many other countries in the world, is experiencing a high prevalence of childhood overweight. Among the factors influencing children's eating behaviors are the food parenting practices promoted by community organizations. More information is needed on the influences of these recommendations on the parenting practices of parents of preschoolers. This study examined what types of food parenting practices are promoted in childcare and primary healthcare centers and how these recommendations influence subsequent parental behavior. Interviews using photo-elicitation were conducted with 25 parents of Chilean preschoolers. The interviews were analyzed using inductive thematic analysis. Five themes were identified to describe food parenting practices promoted by community organizations and the influences that these practices had on parents of preschoolers. Healthcare centers were found to educate parents and provided a structured feeding. However, parents found their advice regarding dietary restriction challenging to follow. Childcare centers also provided information about healthy diet, food monitoring, and diversifying the child's diet in a way that was perceived as adequate. While childcare centers encouraged structured and autonomous food parenting practices in a positive and supportive manner, healthcare centers tended to provide more restrictive guidance that posed challenges for parents struggling with preschool nutritional care.

Rev. chil. nutr ; 49(3)jun. 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388618


ABSTRACT The prevention of diseases related to nutrition requires an approach that considers aspects that transcend the individual level in understanding food decisions. In this context, the family as an interpersonal determinant of eating behavior is gaining importance in developing behavioral change interventions that seek better nutritional health. This manuscript aims to describe the current evidence of how family variables influence its members' food choices and nutritional status. Specifically, we present evidence on family functioning, parental feeding styles, and family meals, as they are recent topics of interest in the area. The evidence shows that a better or balanced family functioning or some of its components (communication, conflicts, cohesion, among others); a parental feeding style that demands but listens to the requirements from children; and a higher frequency of family meals are associated with a lower Body Mass Index (BMI) and healthier eating habits, especially in children and adolescents. A deep understanding of family variables could guide weight management interventions and provide information that could explain why some interventions work and others do not.

RESUMEN La prevención de enfermedades relacionadas con la nutrición requiere de un enfoque que considere aspectos que transciendan el nivel individual en el entendimiento de las decisiones alimentarias. En este contexto, la familia como un determinante interpersonal de las conductas alimentarias, está ganando importancia en el desarrollo de intervenciones de cambio conductual que buscan una mejor salud nutricional. Este artículo tiene como objetivo describir la evidencia actual de cómo variables familiares influyen en las elecciones alimentarias y el estado nutricional de sus miembros. Específicamente, presentamos evidencia sobre el funcionamiento familiar, los estilos parentales de alimentación y las comidas familiares, ya que son temas recientes de interés en el área. La evidencia muestra que un mejor o equilibrado funcionamiento familiar o de algunos de sus componentes (comunicación, conflictos, cohesión, entre otros); un estilo parental que exige, pero escucha los requerimientos de los niños; y una mayor frecuencia de comidas familiares se asocian con un menor Índice de Masa Corporal (IMC) y hábitos alimentarios más saludables, especialmente en niños y adolescentes. Una comprensión profunda de las variables familiares podría orientar las intervenciones de control de peso y brindar información que explicaría por qué algunas intervenciones funcionan y otras no.

Rev. chil. nutr ; 48(6)dic. 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388543


RESUMEN La pandemia por COVID-19 y las medidas sanitarias para su control han afectado la alimentación de las personas, lo que probablemente lleve a cifras elevadas de malnutrición en todas sus formas. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir las percepciones de un grupo de actores clave sobre el aseguramiento del derecho a la alimentación en contexto de pandemia en Chile. El presente es un estudio cualitativo realizado en Chile. Los/as entrevistados fueron seleccionados/as por conveniencia y con una visión transdisciplinaria. Se realizaron 26 entrevistas semiestructuradas online, durante septiembre y octubre de 2020. El análisis de los datos se realizó utilizando un enfoque inductivo y un análisis temático, organizando la información en el software Atlas.ti 9.0. Los discursos de las y los participantes permitieron obtener 4 temas: 1. Seguridad alimentaria en tiempos de pandemia, 2. Apreciación de las estrategias alimentarias gubernamentales, 3. Respuesta comunitaria a la pandemia y 4. Otras miradas para el enfrentamiento de la pandemia. Se concluye que el acceso a los alimentos es la dimensión del derecho a la alimentación más afectada en el país en pandemia. Se reconocen estrategias estatales para mantener la alimentación de la población, sin embargo, estas se perciben como insuficientes. Por otro lado, se destaca la relevancia de la organización comunitaria. Se hace necesario realizar un seguimiento sobre las acciones tomadas para garantizar el derecho a la alimentación en el país y conocer la experiencia de otros países de América Latina y el Caribe para prepararse para futuras crisis.

ABSTRACT The COVID-19 pandemic and the sanitary measures to control it have affected people's diets, which is likely to lead to high rates of malnutrition in all its forms. The objective of this study was to describe the perceptions of a group of key actors on the assurance of the right to food in the context of a pandemic. This was a qualitative study conducted in Chile. The interviewees were selected by convenience with a transdisciplinary approach. We conducted 26 semi-structured interviews online, during September and October 2020. Data analysis was carried out using an inductive approach and a thematic analysis. We organized information using Atlas.ti 9.0 software. From the participants' narratives, we obtained 4 themes: 1. Food security in times of pandemic, 2. Appreciation of government food strategies, 3. Community response to the pandemic and 4. Other perspectives for facing the pandemic. We concluded that access to food is the dimension of the right to food most affected during the pandemic. State strategies are recognized as maintaining the population's nutrition; however, these are perceived as insufficient. On the other hand, the relevance of community organization stands out. It is necessary to monitor the actions taken to guarantee the right to food in the country and learn about the experience of other Latin American and Caribbean countries to prepare for future crises.

Rev. chil. nutr ; 48(5)oct. 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388531


RESUMEN La obesidad es factor de riesgo para las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles. Esta condición afecta principalmente a mujeres de bajo nivel socioeconómico. La alfabetización nutricional, referida al conocimiento en alimentación y nutrición, podría estar determinando la calidad de la dieta, la que a su vez podría favorecer el desarrollo de la obesidad. Los objetivos del estudio fueron 1) Describir la alfabetización nutricional, el estado nutricional y la calidad de la alimentación, y 2) Explorar la relación entre estas tres variables, en un grupo de mujeres de comunas con pobreza multidimensional de la Región Metropolitana. Se diseñó un estudio transversal, no probabilístico, en donde participaron 122 mujeres. Se evalúo el estado nutricional mediante el cálculo del Índice de Masa Corporal, midiendo peso y talla. La calidad de la alimentación se evaluó utilizando una encuesta de tendencia de consumo alimentaria y el Índice de Alimentación Saludable, y la alfabetización nutricional, con el cuestionario Nutritional Literacy en español (NLit-S), adaptado a la población chilena. La prevalencia de obesidad fue 47,5% y el 88,5% de las mujeres presentó necesidad de cambios en su alimentación. Un 66,4% presentó una alfabetización nutricional deficiente, con más mujeres con exceso de peso en esta categoría. Dominio de etiquetado nutricional fue el que obtuvo peores resultados. Se concluye que la condición alimentaria nutricional de las mujeres de nuestro estudio sugiere un desafío para el trabajo por parte de profesionales de la salud, así como para quienes toman decisiones en alimentación y nutrición.

ABSTRACT Obesity is a risk factor for chronic non-communicable diseases. This condition mainly affects women of low socioeconomic status. Nutritional literacy, understood as knowledge of food and nutrition, could determine the quality of the diet, which in turn could cause the development of obesity. The aims were 1) To describe the nutritional literacy, nutritional status, and food quality, and 2) To explore the relationship between these three variables, in a group of women from communes with multidimensional poverty in the Metropolitan Region. We conducted a cross-sectional, non-probabilistic study in which 122 women participated. The nutritional status was evaluated by calculating the Body Mass Index using weight and height measurements. The diet quality was evaluated using a survey of food consumption trends and the Healthy Eating Index. Nutritional literacy was evaluated with the Nutritional Literacy questionnaire in Spanish adapted for the Chilean population. The prevalence of obesity was 47.5%, and 88.5% of the women presented the need for changes in their diet. 66.4% of women had low nutritional literacy, with more overweight women in this category. The nutrition labeling domain was the one with the worst results. We concluded that women's food and nutritional condition suggests a challenge for health professionals and those who make decisions about food and nutrition.

Aten Primaria ; 53(9): 102122, 2021 11.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34144427


OBJECTIVE: To explore family members' influences on mothers' feeding practices of preschoolers in Chilean families residing in vulnerable neighborhoods from the Metropolitan Region of Santiago, Chile. DESIGN: Qualitative study. LOCATION: Nine child care centers in Región Metropolitana, Santiago, Chile. PARTICIPANTS: Twenty-four mothers and one father of preschool children. METHOD: Photo-elicitation techniques were applied to 25 semi-structured interviews and their subsequent inductive thematic analysis of family influences. RESULTS: The participants described that the family influences on their feeding practices depended on the family structure and the interpersonal closeness between relatives. Some influences directly affected child eating behavior, especially in relatives who live together, while others were mediated by the relationships generated between parents and other members of the family. Fathers, in two-parent families, and grandparents are the most influential relatives on the participants' feeding practices. Generally, fathers participated and were in line with the mother's feeding practices of their children. Grandparents enriched their grandchildren's eating experiences by offering homemade preparations, expressing affection with food, including unhealthy options, and supporting parents to diversifying and structuring feeding practices. CONCLUSIONS: According to their interpersonal closeness or cohabitation, parental feeding practices and child eating behaviors were impacted by family members and their dynamics. The development of strategies to prevent and treat childhood obesity should consider a family approach in vulnerable families.

Obesidade Infantil , Criança , Pré-Escolar , Chile , Comportamento Alimentar , Feminino , Humanos , Mães , Poder Familiar , Pais
Rev. chil. nutr ; 48(2)abr. 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388474


RESUMEN La migración internacional ha aumentado exponencialmente en Chile, lo que ha representado un desafío para el sistema de salud. El presente estudio transversal exploratorio, de metodología cualitativa y abordaje multidisciplinario, busca describir barreras y dificultades en la consulta nutricional a personas migradas, desde la perspectiva de profesionales nutricionistas de los centros de salud familiar de una comuna de la Región Metropolitana; dada la relevancia de la Atención Primaria en el sistema de salud nacional, y la particularidad de la alimentación, que conjuga valores nutricionales relacionadas con la salud, así como aspectos simbólicos significativos para las personas, posicionando a las nutricionistas en un escenario donde buscan mantener un estado nutricional óptimo en una población culturalmente diferente. Se realizaron once entrevistas a nutricionistas, las cuales fueron codificadas y analizadas temáticamente, identificando cuatro ejes narrativos de barreras y dificultades: escasez de recursos en la atención de una demanda poblacional creciente, problemas lingüísticos de comunicación (idiomáticos y dialectales), desconocimiento del funcionamiento del sistema sanitario chileno por parte de los/las usuarios/as migrados/as, y divergencia de prácticas y concepciones sanitarias entre migrados/as y nutricionistas. Del estudio se concluye que la atención nutricional con el usuario/a migrante internacional es compleja y se debe considerar abordar los temas antes mencionados al momento de generar respuestas institucionales de atención, programas y políticas enfocadas en la atención al usuario/a migrante internacional, de manera de lograr una promoción auténtica y pertinente de hábitos alimentarios saludables y el mantenimiento del Efecto Migrante Sano.

ABSTRACT International migration has increased exponentially in Chile, which has represented a challenge for the health system. Using qualitative methods and a multidisciplinary approach, this cross-sectional exploratory study seeks to describe barriers and difficulties for nutritional care for migrants from the perspective of nutritionists who work in health centers in a neighborhood of the Metropolitan Region of Chile. Given the relevance of primary care in the national health system and the particularity of food, which combines nutritional values related to health, as well as significant symbolic aspects for people, nutritionists are positioned to encourage optimal nutritional status in a culturally different population. Eleven interviews were conducted with nutritionists. The transcribed interviews were coded and analyzed thematically, identifying four narrative axes of barriers and difficulties: lack of resources for a growing population demand, linguistic communication problems (idiomatic and dialect), lack of knowledge about the functioning of the Chilean health system by migrants, and divergence of health practices and conceptions between migrants and nutritionists. The study concludes that nutritional care with international migrants is complex. The concerns mentioned above should be addressed when generating institutional responses of care, or creating programs and policies focused on the care of international migrants to achieve an authentic and pertinent promotion of healthy eating habits and the maintenance of the Healthy Migrant Effect.

Geriatr Gerontol Int ; 17(12): 2376-2382, 2017 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28675613


AIM: The present study examined activity behavior, nutritional status and perceived health in relation to the number of chronic diseases (ChrD) in a representative sample of Brazilians aged ≥60 years. METHODS: A cross-sectional, population-based study was carried out in a midsize Brazilian city to evaluate different health risk factors. Using a stratified random sampling procedure to select a representative sample of adults, this study interviewed 1572 individuals face-to-face. Our analytical sample focused on those aged ≥60 years (n = 355). Statistical procedures were carried out using spss software, with the significance level set as P < 0.05. RESULTS: Older adults diagnosed with ≥2 ChrD were significantly less active during leisure time physical activity (P = 0.03), presented with significant higher body mass index values (P < 0.001) and were approximately fivefold (1.69-17.93) more likely to perceive their health as poor compared with those with zero ChrD. The group with ≥2 ChrD reported a similar amount of sitting time compared with older adults with zero or one ChrD (P > 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Having multiple ChrD has a negative impact on older adults' leisure time physical activity, body mass index and the perception of health. The findings of the present study underscore the need for more infusive approaches tackling ChrD in Brazil focusing on healthy lifestyle behaviors, such as physical activity. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2017; 17: 2376-2382.

Índice de Massa Corporal , Doença Crônica , Exercício Físico , Estado Nutricional , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Brasil , Estudos Transversais , Autoavaliação Diagnóstica , Feminino , Comportamentos Relacionados com a Saúde , Nível de Saúde , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Fatores de Risco , Inquéritos e Questionários
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25661846


Good communication between health care providers (HCPs) and patients is critical in achieving positive health outcomes. The purpose of this article was to compare the perceptions of Chilean woman and their HCPs with respect to determinants of eating behaviors. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with women (n=15) visiting a public health care center in Chile and with their HCPs (n=8) who were in charge of promoting healthy eating behaviors among women. Data from the interviews indicated similarities and inconsistencies in determinants of eating behaviors between the groups. Both mentioned many important factors that influence women's eating behaviors, including food preferences, dietary knowledge, self-control and self-efficacy, family, food cost, and food availability. HCPs appeared to be less aware of the role that personality traits and past experiences play as potential determinants which women mentioned. In contrast, women were less aware of the influence of anxiety and low self-esteem on eating choices, which HCPs noted as key factors. Although it was encouraging to see agreement between women and their HCPs in some areas, it is important to work on increasing understanding among the groups with respect to the important role psychological factors play in influencing eating behavior. We suggest that HCPs should focus on the importance of women's personality traits and past eating behaviors, as well as work on improving women's self-esteem and helping to decrease their anxiety levels. HCPs should be encouraged to develop good communication with each person in order to help them understand the roles that external and internal factors play in eating behaviors.

Atitude do Pessoal de Saúde , Atitude Frente a Saúde , Competência Clínica , Comunicação , Comportamento Alimentar , Comportamentos Relacionados com a Saúde , Adulto , Ansiedade/prevenção & controle , Conscientização , Criança , Dieta , Feminino , Pessoal de Saúde , Humanos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Percepção , Relações Profissional-Paciente , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Autoimagem
Nutr Hosp ; 28(1): 217-22, 2013.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23808453


INTRODUCTION: Further discussions are needed regarding the magnitude of nutritional problems diagnosed using CDC or WHO, against the existence of new biological or statistical definitions of obesity. OBJECTIVE: To compare the evolution of the prevalence of nutritional status among schoolchildren in first grade, from 2005 to 2008, according to CDC and WHO. METHODS: Retrospective cohort study, of 140.265 students of both sexes of first grade, evaluated from 2005- 2008, whose anthropometric data (weight and height), were obtained from annual registration system of school nutrition. To classify the nutritional status of children, CDC and WHO patterns were used. RESULTS: The mean BMI was slightly different and lower in girls than in boys, in 2005 and 2006. During 2007 and 2008 the average BMI in girls reached the observed in males. There was a higher prevalence of underweight according to WHO (p=0,03), with a tendency to decrease in the subsequent years. The prevalence of normality was greater according to the CDC criteria, with a reduction between 2005 and 2007 and an increase in 2008 (P < 0,001). There was a lower prevalence of overweight according to CDC criteria (P < 0,001), with an increase between 2005 and 2007, both CDC and WHO. The prevalence of obesity was lower according to the WHO criteria, and there were not statistically significant differences when comparing the CDC pattern. CONCLUSIONS: By comparing both patterns, CDC tends to overestimate the normal and underestimate the overweight, while obesity was not significant differences.

Introducción: Es necesario realizar nuevas discusiones respecto a la magnitud de los problemas nutricionales diagnosticados, al usar CDC u OMS, frente a la existencia de nuevas definiciones biológicas o estadísticas de obesidad. Objetivo: Comparar la evolución de la prevalencia de estado nutricional en escolares de primero básico, desde el 2013 2005 al 2008, según CDC y OMS. Métodos: Cohorte retrospectiva, de 140.265 escolares de ambos sexos de primero básico, evaluados entre 2005- 2008, cuyos datos antropométricos (peso y talla), se obtuvieron del sistema anual de registro del estado nutricional escolar. Para clasificar el estado nutricional, se utilizaron los patrones CDC y OMS. Resultados: Los promedios de IMC fueron levemente diferentes y menores en la niñas que en los niños, en 2005 y 2006. Durante el 2007 y 2008 el promedio de IMC en las niñas alcanzó la cifra observada en los varones. Hubo mayor prevalencia de bajo peso según OMS (p=0,03), con una tendencia a la disminución en los 2013s posteriores. La prevalencia de normalidad fue mayor según el criterio CDC, con una reducción entre el 2005 y 2007 y un incremento 2008 (p<0,001). Hubo una menor prevalencia de sobrepeso según el criterio CDC (p<0,001), con aumento entre el 2005 y 2007, tanto CDC como OMS. La prevalencia de obesidad fue menor según el criterio OMS, no encontrándose diferencia estadísticamente significativa al comparar con el patrón CDC. Conclusiones: Al comparar ambos patrones, CDC tiende a sobreestimar la normalidad y subestimar el sobrepeso, mientras que en obesidad no se encontraron diferencias significativas.

Estado Nutricional , Estatura , Índice de Massa Corporal , Peso Corporal/fisiologia , Criança , Chile/epidemiologia , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Obesidade/epidemiologia , Padrões de Referência
Arch Latinoam Nutr ; 60(1): 56-63, 2010 Mar.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21090276


Thirty years ago malnourished Chilean children were recovered by CONIN; they were fed ad libitum and this may have favoured the appearance of overweight-obesity (SP/OB). The objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship between energy-calorie intake during nutritional recovery and the appearance of overweight-obesity (SP/OB). The design was a retrospective, analytical study of the universe formed by the 168 clinical records found, of children below 2 years of age, recovered by CONIN between 1977 and 1982. Nutritional status was assessed using the Sempé criteria (applied in the period evaluated) and those of WHO, (currently in use), on admission, after 4 month treatment and on discharge. By Sempé criteria, malnutrition on admission was classified 25% severe, 63% moderate and 12% mild; instead, using WHO standards these figures were 14.9%, 29.2% y 38.1%, respectively; the remaining children were well nourished. On discharge, there was no SP/OB by W/A (Sempé), but by W/H (WHO) 6% and 13.8% were SP/OB after 3 months and on discharge, respectively. Food intake, administered ad libitum, reached a mean of 148 kcals/ kg/d and 4 g prot/kg/d. SP/OB children had greater daily weight gain (30.3 vs 19.2 g/d) than the non-obese children and greater daily weight gain than the mean for age and sex (19.7 vs 8.2 g/dia). The prescribed feeding reached values considered high by currently used criteria; actual intake, administered ad-libitum, was significantly lower and was associated with 13.8% of children with overweight-obesity at the time of discharge.

Proteínas Alimentares/administração & dosagem , Ingestão de Energia , Distúrbios Nutricionais/dietoterapia , Obesidade/etiologia , Chile , Feminino , Humanos , Lactente , Masculino , Necessidades Nutricionais , Estudos Retrospectivos , Índice de Gravidade de Doença , Dobras Cutâneas , Aumento de Peso
Arch. latinoam. nutr ; Arch. latinoam. nutr;60(1): 56-63, mar. 2010. graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-588619


Hace 30 años los niños chilenos que se recuperaban en CONIN recibían alimentación ad libitum, que podría haber favorecido la aparición de sobrepeso y obesidad (SP/OB). Por este motivo el objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la relación entre la ingesta energético-proteica durante la recuperación nutricional y la aparición de sobrepeso-obesidad (SP/OB) al alta. Se diseño un estudio retrospectivo, analítico del universo formado por las 168 fichas encontradas de menores de 2 años, desnutridos primarios recuperados en CONIN entre 1977-1982. Se evaluó el estado nutricional por Sempé (referencia de crecimiento utilizada en esos años) y OMS (referencia actual), desde el ingreso hasta el cuarto mes de estadía y al alta. Según referencia de Sempé la desnutrición al ingreso fue 25 por ciento grave, 63 por ciento moderada y 12 por ciento leve; por OMS (P/T) estas cifras eran 14.9 por ciento, 29.2 por ciento y 38.1 por ciento, respectivamente; el resto era eutrófico. Al alta, no había niños con SP/OB por P/E (Sempé), mientras que según P/T, el 6 por ciento tenía SP/OB a los 3 meses de tratamiento y el 13,8 por ciento al alta. La ingesta alimentaria promedio, aportada ad libitum, fue de 148 kcals/Kg/día y 4 g prot/kg/día. Los niños con SP/OB tuvieron mayor ganancia de peso diario (30,3 vs 19,2 g/día) que sus pares no obesos y mayor ganancia de peso diario comparado al promedio para la edad (19,7 vs 8,2 g/día). La alimentación prescrita alcanzó valores elevados dentro del rango utilizado actualmente; la ingesta real, administrada ad-libitum, fue significativamente menor y se asoció a una frecuencia de 13,8 por ciento SP/OB.

Thirty years ago malnourished Chilean children were recovered by CONIN; they were fed ad libitum and this may have favoured the appearance of overweight-obesity (SP/OB). The objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship between energy-calorie intake during nutritional recovery and the appearance of overweight-obesity (SP/OB). The design was a retrospective, analytical study of the universe formed by the 168 clinical records found, of children below 2 years of age, recovered by CONIN between 1977 and 1982. Nutritional status was assessed using the Sempé criteria (applied in the period evaluated) and those of WHO, (currently in use), on admission, after 4 month treatment and on discharge. By Sempé criteria, malnutrition on admission was classified 25 percent severe, 63 percent moderate and 12 percent mild; instead, using WHO standards these figures were 14,9 percent, 29,2 percent y 38,1 percent, respectively; the remaining children were well nourished. On discharge, there was no SP/OB by W/A (Sempé), but by W/H (WHO) 6 percent and 13.8 percent were SP/OB after 3 months and on discharge, respectively. Food intake, administered ad libitum, reached a mean of 148 kcals/kg/d and 4 g prot/kg/d. SP/OB children had greater daily weight gain (30,3 vs 19,2 g/d) than the non-obese children and greater daily weight gain than the mean for age and sex (19,7 vs 8,2 g/día). The prescribed feeding reached values considered high by currently used criteria; actual intake, administered ad-libitum, was significantly lower and was associated with 13.8 percent of children with overweight-obesity at the time of discharge.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Lactente , Transtornos da Nutrição Infantil , Comportamento Alimentar , Nutrição do Lactente , Recuperação Nutricional , Aumento de Peso
Rev. cuba. ortod ; 8(2): 16-21, jul.-dic. 1993. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-149907


Se realiza un estudio de un grupo de pacientes tratados y dados de alta en Ortodoncia, para evaluar cefalométricamente el comportamiento de algunas variables durante el tratamiento y un año después. La muestra estuvo constituida por 18 pacientes, 10 de Clase I y 8 de Clase II esqueletal. De cada uno de ellos se utilizaron las telerradiografías iniciales, finales y al año del alta. Se realizaron 4 mediciones lineales y se compararon sus valores mediante la prueba de Wilcoxon con un estimado de confiabilidad del 95 por ciento . Se encontraron cambios estadísticamente significativos en las variables estudiadas.

Criança , Adolescente , Cefalometria , Má Oclusão Classe I de Angle/terapia , Má Oclusão Classe II de Angle/terapia , Ortodontia Corretiva , Alta do Paciente