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Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 1(66): 74-83, jan-abr.2025. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1570709


O objetivo do presente estudo foi de comparar o diâmetro dos cones acessórios FM EL calibrados por duas réguas calibradoras com seus respectivos diâmetros nominais. Foram calibrados 80 cones de guta percha FM EL (Odous de Deus) utilizando duas réguas calibradoras das seguintes marcas: Prisma e Denco. Os cones foram divididos em 8 grupos (n=10) de acordo com a régua e com o diâmetro em que foram calibrados. Posteriormente, os cones foram fotografados e tiveram seus D0 mensurados através do software ImageJ. Após a realização da análise estatística utilizando-se os testes de Normalidade de Shapiro-Wilk e o teste t Student (Distribuição Normal), obteve-se os seguintes resultados: não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa com o valor de referência na régua prisma nos cones 40, isto é, em todas as outras situações encontrou-se diferença com os valores de referência. Quando foram comparados os valores das medianas e desvio padrão das duas réguas calibradoras também houve diferença estatisticamente significativa (p<0,05) nos cones 25, 35 e 40. Os cones acessórios FM EL (Odous de Deus) calibrados com a régua Denco diferiram dos diâmetros nominais da régua. Assim, deve-se estar atento à exatidão e precisão desses instrumentos a fim de se evitar possíveis erros de mensuração e interpretação capazes de comprometer o êxito da obturação no tratamento endodôntico.

The aim of the present study was to compare the diameter of the FM EL accessory cones calibrated by two calibrating rulers with their respective nominal diameters 80 FM EL gutta percha cones (Odous of God) were calibrated using two calibrating culers of the following brands: Prisma and Denco. The cones were divided in 8 groups (n=10) according to the ruler and the diameter in which they were calibrated. Posteriorly, the cones were photographed and nad their D0 neasured through the software ImageJ. After performing the statistical analysis using the Shapiro- Wilk Normality tests and the Student T test (Normal Distribution), the following results were obtained: there was no stastistically significant difference with the reference value in the prism rule in the cones 40, that is, in all other situations, a difference was found with the reference values. When the median values and standard deviation of the two calibrating rulers were compared, there was also a statistically significant difference (p<0,05) in cones 25, 35 and 40. The FM EL (Odous of God) accessory cones calibrated eita the Denco ruler differed from the nominal diameters of the ruler. Thus, one must pay attention to the accuracy and precision of these instruments in order to avoid possible errors of measurement and interpretation capable of compromising the success of filling in endodontic treatment.

Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 1(66): 155-168, jan-abr.2025. ilus, tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1570756


Objetivou-se investigar ex vivo o diâmetro anatômico e conicidade do canal mesiopalatino de primeiros molares superiores. Para tanto, trinta e três primeiros molares superiores humanos foram acessados, explorados para confirmação da existência do canal mesiopalatino, identificados, suas raízes mesiovestibulares seccionadas transversalmente em três níveis e, então, os fragmentos foram fotografados com microscópio digital, que permitiu a realização das determinações dos diâmetros anatômicos deste canal em cada amostra. Os resultados foram calculados em função dos valores médios e de desvio padrão dos diâmetros em cada nível, obtendo-se respectivamente 0,20 mm e ±0,09 mm (nível cervical), 0,20 mm e ±0,08 mm (nível médio) e 0,17 mm e ±0,06 mm (nível apical). Nas condições deste estudo, de acordo com caráter atrésico e baixa conicidade do conduto mesiopalatino, sugere-se a necessidade de uso de instrumentos de diâmetro de ponta mínimo de 0,25 mm e conicidade 0,03 para o seu preparo.

The aim was to investigate ex vivo the anatomical diameter and taper of the mesiopalatine canal of maxillary first molars. To this end, thirty-three human maxillary first molars were accessed, explored to confirm the existence of the mesiopalatine canal, identified, their mesiobuccal roots transversely sectioned at three levels and then the fragments were photographed using a digital microscope, which allowed the anatomical diameters of this canal to be determined in each sample. The results were calculated according to the mean and standard deviation values of the diameters at each level, obtaining 0.20 mm and ±0.09 mm (cervical level), 0.20 mm and ±0.08 mm (middle level) and 0.17 mm and ±0.06 mm (apical level) respectively. Under the conditions of this study, given the atresic nature and low taper of the mesiopalatine canal, it is suggested that instruments with a minimum tip diameter of 0.25 mm and a taper of 0.03 should be used for its preparation.

Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 1(66): 169-179, jan-abr.2025. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1570761


O preparo químico-mecânico (PQM) do sistema de canais radiculares é essencial para eliminar tecidos infectados e garantir uma desinfecção adequada. O Hidróxido de Cálcio (HC) combinado com o propilenoglicol é frequentemente utilizado como uma pasta intracanal para desinfecção e medicação intraoperatória. No entanto, algumas bactérias, como o Enterococcus faecalis (E. faecalis), podem resistir aos efeitos do hidróxido de cálcio. O Ultracal® é uma medicação de hidróxido de cálcio de alta qualidade e radiopaco usado em procedimentos endodônticos. Já a lisozima é uma substância com propriedades antimicrobianas encontrada em várias partes do corpo humano e tem sido estudada como uma opção promissora para o tratamento de infecções endodônticas. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar e comparar a atividade antimicrobiana do HC com propilenoglicol, Ultracal® e Lisozima contra E. faecalis. Foram realizadas escavações em placas de petri contaminadas com E. faecalis. Após, foi adicionado as medicações intracanais e as placas foram levadas a estufa a 37°C em aerobiose. Os halos de inibição formados foram medidos em 2, 4 e 7 dias. HC apresentou halos de inibição maiores quando comparado as outras medicações e com maior crescimento com o passar dos dias. A lisozima apresentou apenas ação nas primeiras 48 horas, perdendo seu efeito após esse período. Ambas as medicações com hidróxido de cálcio apresentaram valores crescentes. Baseado nos resultados obtidos, conclui-se que as medicações a base de hidróxido de cálcio demonstraram melhor ação contra E. faecalis em ação direta.

The chemical-mechanical preparation (CMP) of root canals system is essential to eliminate infected tissues and ensure adequate disinfection. Calcium hydroxide (CH) combined with propylene glycol is often used as an intracanal medication for intraoperative disinfection and medication. However, some bacteria, such as Enterococcus faecalis (E. faecalis), may resist the effects of calcium hydroxide. Ultracal® is a high-quality radiopaque calcium hydroxide medication used in endodontic procedures. Lysozyme, on the other hand, is a substance with antimicrobial properties found in various parts of the human body and has been studied as a promising option for the treatment of endodontic infections. The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the antimicrobial activity of CH with propylene glycol, Ultracal®, and Lysozyme against E. faecalis. Petri plates contaminated with E. faecalis were excavated, intracanal medications were added, and the plates were incubated at 37°C in aerobic conditions. The inhibition halos formed were measured at 2, 4, and 7 days. CH showed larger inhibition halos compared to the other medications and exhibited increased growth over the days. Lysozyme showed activity only in the first 48 hours, losing its effect after this period. Both medications with calcium hydroxide showed increasing values. Based on the results obtained, it is concluded that calcium hydroxide-based medications demonstrated better action against E. faecalis in direct action.

Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 1(66): 26-39, jan-abr.2025. graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BBO - Odontología | ID: biblio-1570471


Na odontologia a decisão do tratamento é exclusiva dos cirurgiões dentistas e suas percepções, incluindo filosofia de tratamento, fazendo com que a prática de novos conceitos, tratamentos ou técnicas dependam não apenas de sua lógica ou eficácia biológica. Sendo assim, este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os parâmetros envolvidos na tomada de decisão de cirurgiões dentistas clínicos e especialistas para a realização do tratamento endodôntico em sessão única ou múltiplas sessões. Para tanto, este estudo contou com uma coleta de dados através de um questionário online, aplicado cirurgiões dentistas clínicos gerais e especialistas em endodontia. As respostas foram tabuladas e analisadas por meio de estatística descritiva. Os resultados revelaram que a maioria dos endodontistas e dos clínicos gerais prefere realizar tratamento endodôntico em sessão única, devido ao menor desperdício de material, além do melhor domínio da anatomia e tratamento em um único momento. O motivo mais comum para os endodontistas e clínicos gerais escolherem o tratamento com múltiplas visitas é para dentes com prognóstico duvidoso e os casos em que o profissional aguarda a remissão dos sintomas antes da obturação. Em conclusão, a maioria dos endodontistas e dos clínicos gerais preferiu realizar tratamento endodôntico em sessão única.

In dentistry, treatment decisions are made exclusively by dental surgeons and their perceptions, including treatment philosophy, which means that the practice of new concepts, treatments or techniques depends not only on their logic or biological efficacy. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the parameters involved in clinical and specialist dental surgeons' decision to carry out endodontic treatment in single or multiple sessions. To this end, data was collected using an online questionnaire administered to general dental surgeons and endodontic specialists. The answers were tabulated and analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results revealed that the majority of endodontists and general practitioners prefer to carry out endodontic treatment in a single session, due to less wastage of material, as well as better mastery of the anatomy and treatment at a single time. The most common reason for endodontists and general practitioners to choose treatment with multiple visits is for teeth with a doubtful prognosis and cases in which the professional is waiting for symptoms to remit before filling. In conclusion, the majority of endodontists and general practitioners preferred to carry out endodontic treatment in a single session.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Tratamiento del Conducto Radicular , Protocolos Clínicos , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Endodoncia , Toma de Decisiones Clínicas
Spectrochim Acta A Mol Biomol Spectrosc ; 324: 124983, 2025 Jan 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39159511


Mercury ion (Hg2+), a heavy metal cation with greater toxicity, is widely present in the ecological environment and has become a serious threat to human health and environmental safety. Currently, developing a solution to simultaneously visualize and monitor Hg2+ in environmental samples, including water, soil, and plants, remains a great challenge. In this work, we created and synthesized a near-infrared fluorescent probe, BBN-Hg, and utilized Hg2+ to trigger the partial cleavage of the carbon sulfate ester in BBN-Hg as a sensing mechanism, and the fluorescence intensity of BBN-Hg was significantly enhanced at 650 nm, thus realizing the visualization of Hg2+ with good selectivity (detection limit, 53 nM). In live cells and zebrafish, the probe BBN-Hg enhances the red fluorescence signal in the presence of Hg2+, and successfully performs 3D imaging on zebrafish, making it a powerful tool for detecting Hg2+ in living systems. More importantly, with BBN-Hg, we are able to detect Hg2+ in actual water samples, soil and plant seedling roots. Furthermore, the probe was prepared as a test strip for on-site determination of Hg2+ with the assistance of a smartphone. Therefore, this study offers an easy-to-use and useful method for tracking Hg2+ levels in living organisms and their surroundings.

Colorantes Fluorescentes , Mercurio , Pez Cebra , Colorantes Fluorescentes/química , Colorantes Fluorescentes/síntesis química , Mercurio/análisis , Animales , Humanos , Espectrometría de Fluorescencia/métodos , Límite de Detección
J Environ Sci (China) ; 148: 188-197, 2025 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39095156


Bisphenol compounds (BPs) have various industrial uses and can enter the environment through various sources. To evaluate the ecotoxicity of BPs and identify potential gene candidates involved in the plant toxicity, Arabidopsis thaliana was exposed to bisphenol A (BPA), BPB, BPE, BPF, and BPS at 1, 3, 10 mg/L for a duration of 14 days, and their growth status were monitored. At day 14, roots and leaves were collected for internal BPs exposure concentration detection, RNA-seq (only roots), and morphological observations. As shown in the results, exposure to BPs significantly disturbed root elongation, exhibiting a trend of stimulation at low concentration and inhibition at high concentration. Additionally, BPs exhibited pronounced generation of reactive oxygen species, while none of the pollutants caused significant changes in root morphology. Internal exposure concentration analysis indicated that BPs tended to accumulate in the roots, with BPS exhibiting the highest level of accumulation. The results of RNA-seq indicated that the shared 211 differently expressed genes (DEGs) of these 5 exposure groups were enriched in defense response, generation of precursor metabolites, response to organic substance, response to oxygen-containing, response to hormone, oxidation-reduction process and so on. Regarding unique DEGs in each group, BPS was mainly associated with the redox pathway, BPB primarily influenced seed germination, and BPA, BPE and BPF were primarily involved in metabolic signaling pathways. Our results provide new insights for BPs induced adverse effects on Arabidopsis thaliana and suggest that the ecological risks associated with BPA alternatives cannot be ignored.

Arabidopsis , Compuestos de Bencidrilo , Oxidación-Reducción , Fenoles , Raíces de Plantas , Arabidopsis/efectos de los fármacos , Arabidopsis/genética , Fenoles/toxicidad , Compuestos de Bencidrilo/toxicidad , Raíces de Plantas/efectos de los fármacos , Raíces de Plantas/metabolismo , RNA-Seq , Análisis de Secuencia de ARN , Contaminantes del Suelo/toxicidad
Plant Cell Environ ; 2024 Sep 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39300935


The root cortical senescence (RCS) is closely associated with root absorptive function. However, characteristics and responses of RCS to drought stress in cotton have received little attention. This study subjected the drought-tolerant variety 'Guoxin 02' and the drought-sensitive variety 'Ji 228' to drought stress (8% PEG6000) and no-stress (0% PEG6000) treatments to determine the characteristics and responses of cotton RCS to drought stress. The results showed that the greater the distance from the root tip, the more severe the RCS occurrence under drought stress compared with non-stress treatment. The occurrence of RCS in 'Guoxin 02' increased by 14.03%-20.18% compared to 'Ji 228' under drought stress. The RCS was negatively correlated with root respiration but positively correlated with root length and leaf water potential. The silencing of RCS-related genes (GhSAG12 and GhbHLH121) can mitigate the drought-induced RCS phenomenon in cotton; however, reduced drought tolerance. Exogenous abscisic acid (ABA) treatment can promote RCS generation. Conversely, ABA synthesis exhibits contrasting effects. In summary, endogenous hormones regulated RCS, which reduced the root metabolic and seemingly achieved more resource redistribution to new roots, thereby fully utilize deep water resources. Thus, the study demonstrates the potential of RCS in improving the drought stress tolerance of cotton.

Cureus ; 16(8): e67252, 2024 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39301387


OBJECTIVE: This comprehensive research aimed to thoroughly examine the effectiveness of a diode laser (445 nm) in combination with non-surgical treatment in patients with chronic periodontitis (CP) by evaluating a wide range of clinical and microbiological parameters. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty-one subjects diagnosed with CP were included in this study. The total number of treated periodontal pockets was 862. The subjects were randomly assigned to group 1, which underwent scaling and root planing and laser therapy (SRP+L), and group 2, which underwent scaling and root planing (SRP) only. All respondents underwent a periodontal diagnostic protocol. The parameters plaque index (PI), gingival index (GI), bleeding on probing index (BOP), probing depth (PD), clinical attachment level (CAL), and tooth mobility (TM) were registered. Clinical periodontal measurements were performed at baseline and one and three months after therapy. Microbiological analysis was conducted on Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (Aa), Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg), and Tannerella forsythia (Tf) using real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). For microbiological analysis, samples were taken at baseline, immediately after therapy, and after three months. Laser irradiation was performed immediately after SRP. RESULTS: All clinical parameters improved statistically from baseline to three months after therapy. For all examined clinical parameters, better results were achieved in group 1 than in group 2. This study showed a more significant reduction in Pg and Tf from baseline to three months in group 1 compared to group 2. CONCLUSION: These results showed that the diode laser wavelength 445 nm was also usable in treating periodontal diseases as an additional method to SRP.

BMC Neurosci ; 25(1): 44, 2024 Sep 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39278931


BACKGROUND: Peripheral neuropathy (PN) constitutes a dose-limiting side effect of oxaliplatin chemotherapy that often compromises the efficacy of antineoplastic treatments. Sensory neurons damage in dorsal root ganglia (DRG) are the cellular substrate of PN complex molecular origin. Dehydropeptidase-1 (DPEP1) inhibitors have shown to avoid platin-induced nephrotoxicity without compromising its anticancer efficiency. The objective of this study was to describe DPEP1 expression in rat DRG in health and in early stages of oxaliplatin toxicity. To this end, we produced and characterized anti-DPEP1 polyclonal antibodies and used them to define the expression, and cellular and subcellular localization of DPEP1 by immunohistochemical confocal microscopy studies in healthy controls and short term (six days) oxaliplatin treated rats. RESULTS: DPEP1 is expressed mostly in neurons and in glia, and to a lesser extent in endothelial cells. Rats undergoing oxaliplatin treatment developed allodynia. TNF-𝛼 expression in DRG revealed a pattern of focal and at different intensity levels of neural cell inflammatory damage, accompanied by slight variations in DPEP1 expression in endothelial cells and in nuclei of neurons. CONCLUSIONS: DPEP1 is expressed in neurons, glia and endothelial cells of DRG. Oxaliplatin caused allodynia in rats and increased TNF-α expression in DRG neurons. The expression of DPEP1 in neurons and other cells of DRG suggest this protein as a novel strategic molecular target in the prevention of oxaliplatin-induced acute neurotoxicity.

Antineoplásicos , Ganglios Espinales , Oxaliplatino , Enfermedades del Sistema Nervioso Periférico , Animales , Oxaliplatino/toxicidad , Ganglios Espinales/metabolismo , Ganglios Espinales/efectos de los fármacos , Enfermedades del Sistema Nervioso Periférico/inducido químicamente , Enfermedades del Sistema Nervioso Periférico/metabolismo , Enfermedades del Sistema Nervioso Periférico/prevención & control , Enfermedades del Sistema Nervioso Periférico/patología , Masculino , Antineoplásicos/toxicidad , Ratas , Hiperalgesia/inducido químicamente , Hiperalgesia/metabolismo , Hiperalgesia/prevención & control , Factor de Necrosis Tumoral alfa/metabolismo , Neuroglía/efectos de los fármacos , Neuroglía/metabolismo , Ratas Sprague-Dawley , Neuronas/efectos de los fármacos , Neuronas/metabolismo , Neuronas/patología , Inflamación/metabolismo , Inflamación/inducido químicamente
Cureus ; 16(8): e66904, 2024 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39280529


The goal of autotransplantation of teeth (ATT) is to provide the patient with a functioning tooth to replace a missing one. In dentistry, this surgery has gained significant approval and popularity; nonetheless, there is still a shortage of thorough evidence about its long-term effects. Tooth transplantation has a rich historical pedigree, and the main factors determining its success are the extra-alveolar period, proper splinting, periodontal ligament treatment, and root growth stage. With its high reported survival rate, autotransplantation is a potential therapeutic option, especially when it comes to replacing damaged anterior maxillary teeth. Collaboration between orthodontists, pediatric dentists, restorative dentists, and oral and maxillofacial surgeons is necessary for the successful execution of this treatment. The extra-alveolar period, proper splinting, periodontal ligament treatment, and the stage of root growth are the main factors that determine success. Although there are many applications for autotransplantation, a good functional and cosmetic result depends on careful patient selection and a proper surgical approach. It is not practical to replace lost teeth in children and teenagers with bridgework or implants as this may interfere with the proper development of the alveolar process and other facial bones. As such, these techniques are not recommended. Alternatively, implanting a tooth from the same person without fully forming its roots might be a good substitute. This method promotes improved mastication, speech, dentofacial development, aesthetics, and arch form integrity by enabling unhindered alveolar growth and root development. Although tooth autotransplantation has not been widely used in clinical dentistry, it is currently seen as a viable option that can replace traditional prosthetics and implant rehabilitation in both financial and medical terms. This review examines several benefits, possible iatrogenic harms, side effects, and important variables that might affect the result of the transplant, in addition to suitable criteria for the best-case selection. It also offers recommendations based on the literature.

Cureus ; 16(8): e66981, 2024 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39280559


The three main components of endodontic success are three-dimensional obturation, pulp space sterilization, and biomechanical preparation. Instrumentation techniques are insufficient to accomplish complete disinfection of the pulp space. It is essential to use additional tools, such as endodontic irrigants. This review article aims to provide a general overview of the different root canal irrigants and their clinical uses. Endodontic treatment focuses more on removing infectious material from the root canal system to facilitate the healing of an existing periapical lesion or to prevent the periradicular tissues from being infected. It is important to note that instrumentation alone can reach every part of the root canal wall. Therefore, the irrigation procedure is a crucial aspect of endodontic therapy. Irrigation requires the application of various irrigants, like sodium and chlorhexidine, to get rid of debris, bacteria, and tissue leftovers. The accomplishment of root canal treatments counts heavily on the thoroughness of irrigation, contributing to optimal canal shaping and disinfection. Modern root canal irrigation systems incorporate syringes, needles, and advanced delivery mechanisms, including sonic and ultrasonic devices. These inventions aim to enhance the mechanical action of irrigants, reaching intricate canal anatomy more efficiently. Understanding the dynamics of root canal irrigation and staying abreast of technological advancements are essential for clinicians to achieve improved treatment outcomes in endodontic procedures.

Plant Divers ; 46(4): 510-518, 2024 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39280977


Suppression of roots and/or their symbiotic microorganisms, such as mycorrhizal fungi and rhizobia, is an effective way for alien plants to outcompete native plants. However, little is known about how invasive and native plants interact with the quantity and activity of nutrient-acquisition agents. Here a pot experiment was conducted with monoculture and mixed plantings of an invasive plant, Xanthium strumarium, and a common native legume, Glycine max. We measured traits related to root and nodule quantity and activity and mycorrhizal colonization. Compared to the monoculture, fine root quantity (biomass, surface area) and activity (root nitrogen (N) concentration, acid phosphatase activity) of G. max decreased in mixed plantings; nodule quantity (biomass) decreased by 45%, while nodule activity in N-fixing via rhizobium increased by 106%; mycorrhizal colonization was unaffected. Contribution of N fixation to leaf N content in G. max increased in the mixed plantings, and this increase was attributed to a decrease in the rhizosphere soil N of G. max in the mixed plantings. Increased root quantity and activity, along with a higher mycorrhizal association was observed in X. strumarium in the mixed compared to monoculture. Together, the invasive plant did not directly scavenge N from nodule-fixed N, but rather depleted the rhizosphere soil N of the legume, thereby stimulating the activity of N-fixation and increasing the dependence of the native legume on this N source. The quantity-activity framework holds promise for future studies on how native legumes respond to alien plant invasions.

Heliyon ; 10(17): e36838, 2024 Sep 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39281543


Ethiopia is the second-largest grower of faba bean in the world next to China. The crop is highly useful with its edible seed serving as an essential protein complement of the Ethiopian diet, especially for those who cannot afford animal protein. Even though faba bean is mycotrophic to Arbuscular Mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), the different genera and species that are associated with the crop are not determined in yet at the maturity time of the crop (harvesting period). Sixteen faba bean rhizospheric soils were collected to isolate and identify AMF. Spores were extracted using the wet-sieving and decanting method. The Glomus genera was the most dominant, followed by the Acaulospora and Gigaspora genera. The highest spore load per 100 g of soil was observed in the sample that contained the lowest soil phosphorus. Furthermore, an inverse relationship between the spore load and soil phosphorus was observed. Three treatments were considered for mass multiplication of AMF, viz, Treatment (1) Glomus aggregatum, treatment (2) Glomus sp.BZ, and treatment (3) Glomus sp.AZ. However, the highest number of AMF's spore and root colonization was seen in treatment 3 with significant difference (P < 0.05) from the others. In conclusion, AMF constituted an important component of the faba bean rhizosphere during its harvesting period (dry season) and its multiplication using maize favored the viability and infectivity of the fungi.

Pain Res Manag ; 2024: 6586167, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39281847


Background: Herpes zoster (HZ) is typically characterized by a burning, stabbing pain, hyperalgesia, and allodynia. In some patients, despite the lesions resolving, the pain persists and becomes chronic. If the pain continues for more than 6 months after the onset of the pain phase, this condition is called postherpetic neuralgia (PHN). The frequency and severity of PHN increase with advancing age. The pain in PHN can be severe, sometimes resistant to medications, significantly impacting the patients' quality of life. The elderly patient population cannot tolerate the medications due to their side effects. In this situation, interventional pain treatment should be applied in the elderly patient group who have a high risk of developing PHN compared to other age groups. Method: We included patients over 65 years of age with HZ-related pain who underwent dorsal root ganglion (DRG) pulsed radiofrequency (PRF) within the first 6 months from the onset of pain. We divided these patients into 2 groups: patients who underwent intervention within the first 1 month from the onset of pain and patients who underwent intervention between 1 and 6 months. We recorded medication doses and Numeric Rating Scale (NRS) scores before the procedure and at 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months after the procedure. Results: After the DRG PRF treatment, NRS scores improved significantly in both groups (p < 0.05). The mean NRS score in the early DRG PRF group was significantly lower than that in the late DRG PRF group (p < 0.05). The medication doses in the early DRG PRF group were significantly lower than those in the other group (p < 0.05). Conclusions: Interventional pain treatment should be applied as soon as possible in the elderly patient group who do not respond to first-line medical treatment or cannot tolerate medical treatment due to its side effects and who have a high risk of developing PHN compared to other age groups. DRG PRF, applied in the early period of medical treatment-resistant acute HZ, is safe and effective, preventing the progression to PHN.

Ganglios Espinales , Herpes Zóster , Neuralgia Posherpética , Tratamiento de Radiofrecuencia Pulsada , Humanos , Anciano , Masculino , Femenino , Tratamiento de Radiofrecuencia Pulsada/métodos , Neuralgia Posherpética/terapia , Herpes Zóster/complicaciones , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Dimensión del Dolor , Resultado del Tratamiento , Manejo del Dolor/métodos
Int J Health Sci (Qassim) ; 18(5): 35-42, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39282130


Objectives: The prospective effect of phytoestrogen-rich supplements has been explored by many researchers in an attempt to reduce breast cancer (BC) risk worldwide. In Saudi Arabia, some widely used supplements have high phytoestrogen content. Therefore, we aimed to (1) assess the relationship between phytoestrogen supplements (PSs) that are widely used among women of Saudi Arabia and BC and (2) assess the relationship based on the menstrual status. Methods: The study took place during 2020-2022 to assess several PSs using a case-control design that included five centers from different provinces around the country. A questionnaire was answered by the participants that included 381 (46%) cases (diagnosed with BC) and 449 (54%) controls (free of BC). The PS items were assessed individually and on the multivariant analysis model. Results: Of the 12 phytoestrogen-rich supplements, soy milk showed a significant decrease in BC risk. However, Echinacea showed an increased risk of BC among its users. A subgroup analysis based on the menstrual status demonstrated an increased risk of BC among licorice root and green tea users on premenopausal and postmenopausal women, respectively. Conclusion: Soy isoflavones continue to show a significant risk reduction that could be used for a modified approach to reduce the risk of BC. However, Echinacea, licorice root, and green tea have shown to increase the risk of BC.

Heliyon ; 10(17): e37108, 2024 Sep 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39286127


This study assessed root reinforcement on slopes influenced by various herbaceous species. The study examined the distribution, structural traits of these species, and their root systems, as well as their biomass. We established a quantitative model for evaluating root reinforcement at the soil interface influenced by different herbaceous colonizers. The focus was on a mining environment, specifically measuring root reinforcement at a dumpsite slope. The results showed that the herbaceous plants in the dumpsite included Candian fleabane (Conyza canadensis), Annual bluegrass (Poa annua), and Suaeda (Suaeda glauca), and the weights of the three herbaceous plants in descending order were Annual bluegrass, Candian fleabane, and Suaeda. Notably, the tensile strength of annual bluegrass roots peaked when diameters were less than 0.4 mm. Statistical analysis revealed significant variations in root tensile strength (p < 0.05, ANCOVA), root area ratio, and reinforcement (average values from 0 to 10 cm, p < 0.05, ANOVA) among the species. Canadian fleabane demonstrated the greatest root area ratio and reinforcement throughout the soil profiles. The integration of these herbaceous species increased the surface layer's stability of the slope by 21.6 % and marginally expanded the cross-sectional area of the landslide mass.

Saudi Dent J ; 36(9): 1170-1178, 2024 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39286587


Background: The success of regenerative endodontic procedures (REPs) is significantly influenced by the choice of endodontic irrigant solution. However, the impact of these solutions on the viability of stem cells from the apical papilla (SCAP), a critical component of the REP, remains a subject of ongoing debate. Objective: This study aimed to investigate the effects of various endodontic irrigant solutions on the viability of stem cells from the apical papilla in an in vitro setting. Methods: A systematic literature search was conducted using databases such as PubMed/Medline, Scopus, the Cochrane Library, Web of Science, Embase, gray literature, and reference lists up to August 2023. The search was limited to in vitro studies investigating the impact of endodontic irrigant solutions on SCAP viability. The risk of bias in these studies was evaluated using the Joanna Briggs Institute's checklist. Results: Of the 131 articles retrieved, 14 were selected for review. The effects of eighteen different root canal irrigants, such as ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, sodium hypochlorite, chlorhexidine, and citric acid, on the viability of SCAPs were evaluated. The risk-of-bias analysis showed a high risk in sample randomization and size justification but a low risk in other areas. Discussion: The effects of endodontic irrigant solutions on the viability of SCAPs are concentration dependent. Concentrations higher than 1.5% sodium hypochlorite, 2 % chlorhexidine, 10 % citric acid, and 2.5 % EDTA significantly reduced cell viability. However, additional research is necessary to determine the effect of these irrigants on tissue regeneration.

Cureus ; 16(8): e67063, 2024 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39286683


The majority of cyanotic congenital cardiac defects are caused by the tetralogy of Fallot. Some symptoms include a biventricular connection of the aortic root, right ventricular hypertrophy, blockage of the right ventricular outflow tract, and a ventricular septal defect. Our understanding of tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) has significantly advanced since it was first described in 1888, and early diagnosis has led to improved surgical management and increased life expectancy. Adults with unrepaired and repaired TOF present with a range of late complications, including heart failure, the need for re-interventions, and late arrhythmias. Right ventricular (RV) failure, often caused by chronic pulmonary regurgitation, is a significant cause of heart failure in patients with TOF. Current treatment options are limited, and mainstay surgical procedures such as pulmonary-valve replacement (PVR), trans-annular repair (TAR), or infundibular widening repair have not shown a significant reduction in preventing right ventricular (RV) failure or death. Here, we explain the mechanisms of RV failure in ToF, chronic pulmonary regurgitation, heart failure, and secondary polycythemia. HF management in untreated adults is discussed. The progression of the disease, as well as complications, are also discussed. The treatment plan and the need to investigate the best management approach for this unsolved problem are included. This review aims to fill the knowledge gaps and supply valuable information regarding mechanisms of RV failure, chronic pulmonary regurgitation, and secondary polycythemia. To summarize, a new combat strategy must be found to battle RVF, and a more profound vision of these mechanisms is required. If it is not corrected, it will be one of the future research lines that will contribute to designing more efficacious treatment techniques for adults with TOF.

Front Plant Sci ; 15: 1464053, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39286841


Gallic acid is an important secondary metabolite in plants, with great value in medicine, food, and chemical industry. However, whether and how this widely existing natural polyphenolic compound affects the growth and development of plants themselves remains elusive. In this study, we revealed that exogenous application of gallic acid has a dual effect on the elongation of primary root in Arabidopsis. While lower concentrations of gallic acid slightly stimulate primary root growth, excessive gallic acid profoundly reduces primary root length and root meristem size in a dose-dependent manner, probably via suppressing cell division in root meristem as indicated by CYCB1;1::GUS. Moreover, as suggested by the DR5::GFP line analysis and confirmed by the LC-MS assay, auxin contents in root tips were dramatically decreased upon excessive gallic acid treatment. Additional application of IAA partially rescued the shortened primary root and root meristem upon excessive gallic acid treatment, suggesting that auxin is required for excessive gallic acid-caused root growth inhibition. Then, we further revealed that excessive gallic acid down-regulated the expression of auxin transporters PIN1, PIN2, PIN3, and PIN7, and triple mutant pin1 pin3 pin7 exhibited a reduced sensitivity to gallic acid treatment. Meanwhile, excessive gallic acid decreased the degradation of AXR3/IAA17 protein as revealed by HS::AXR3NT-GUS reporter line. Auxin signaling mutant tir1 afb2 afb3 and axr3-3 were also less sensitive to excessive gallic acid treatment in terms of primary root length and root meristem size. Taken together, these findings suggested that excessive gallic acid inhibits primary root growth by modulating auxin transport and signaling in Arabidopsis.

Plant Cell Environ ; 2024 Sep 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39286964


Posttranslational tyrosine sulfation of peptides and proteins is catalysed by tyrosylprotein sulfotransferases (TPSTs). In Arabidopsis, tyrosine sulfation is essential for the activities of peptide hormones, such as phytosulfokine (PSK) and root meristem growth factor (RGF). Here, we identified a TPST-encoding gene, MtTPST, from model legume Medicago truncatula. MtTPST expression was detected in all organs, with the highest level in root nodules. A promoter:GUS assay revealed that MtTPST was highly expressed in the root apical meristem, nodule primordium and nodule apical meristem. The loss-of-function mutant mttpst exhibited a stunted phenotype with short roots and reduced nodule number and size. Application of both of the sulfated peptides PSK and RGF3 partially restored the defective root length of mttpst. The reduction in symbiotic nodulation in mttpst was partially recovered by treatment with sulfated PSK peptide. MtTPST-PSK module functions downstream of the Nod factor signalling to promote nodule initiation via regulating accumulation and/or signalling of cytokinin and auxin. Additionally, the small-nodule phenotype of mttpst, which resulted from decreased apical meristematic activity, was partially complemented by sulfated RGF3 treatment. Together, these results demonstrate that MtTPST, through its substrates PSK, RGF3 and other sulfated peptide(s), positively regulates nodule development and root growth.