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Materials (Basel) ; 17(2)2024 Jan 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38276442


The issue of large deflections of textiles occurs primarily when analyzing the "drape" of curtains, tablecloths and other flat textile products. The correct drape is particularly important from an aesthetic point of view. Additionally, there is a problem with the stability of the folds created during the drape process. The analysis of this problem is difficult due to the occurrence of large deflections and non-linear properties of the material. In this article, a selected fragment of the above-mentioned issue was tested, relating only to the stability of the fold formed under given loading conditions. A typical example is a fabric resting on a flat surface and loaded with compressive forces. The presented considerations lead to obtaining the deflection curve for a given self-weight and compressive force. Additionally, the obtained shape was tested for stability. Two shape parameters used in the analysis can be applied for the simulation of different shapes of the deflection curve. The analysis has been made using the energy method relating to the total potential energy of the object. The obtained results may be used in algorithms and simulation programs for fabric folding, buckling and for another applications in the area of textile mechanics.

CoDAS ; 36(3): e20230066, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557607


RESUMO Objetivo Analisar a sensação de dor e amplitude dos movimentos mandibulares de indivíduos adultos com disfunção temporomandibular, antes e após aplicação da bandagem elástica por 24 horas. Método Trata-se de um ensaio clínico randomizado duplo-cego, do qual participaram 22 sujeitos adultos com disfunção temporomandibular, alocados aleatoriamente em dois grupos, sendo grupo A composto por 10 mulheres e um homem (média de idade de 28,2±8,3 anos) e grupo B por nove mulheres e dois homens (média de idade de 26,2±3,9 anos). Todos os participantes foram submetidos à aplicação do Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (DC/TMD). Foi realizada a avaliação do limiar da dor, com uso de um algômetro, para aplicação da pressão no masseter e temporal e medição dos movimentos mandibulares, com paquímetro. O grupo A foi submetido à aplicação da bandagem sobre o músculo masseter com estiramento de 40% e o grupo B sem estiramento. A colagem da bandagem foi realizada, com corte em "I", com ponto fixo sobre a inserção e ponto móvel sobre a origem do músculo masseter. Os participantes permaneceram com a bandagem por 24 horas e foram reavaliados. Resultados Houve alívio da dor no grupo A na articulação temporomandibular à direita e na origem do masseter à esquerda. O grupo B apresentou redução da dor em região de temporal anterior à esquerda. Não foram encontradas diferenças nos movimentos mandibulares após intervenção, bem como não houve diferença na comparação entre os grupos. Conclusão O uso da bandagem sobre o masseter, por 24 horas, com estiramento, produziu alívio da dor na origem do masseter direito e na região da articulação temporomandibular direita e, sem estiramento, no temporal anterior esquerdo. Não houve diferença na amplitude de movimentos mandibulares.

ABSTRACT Purpose To analyze the sensation of pain and the range of mandibular movements of adult individuals with temporomandibular disorder, before and after the application of the athletic tape. Method This is a double-blind randomized clinical trial, in which 22 adults with temporomandibular disorder participated, randomly allocated into two groups, with group A comprising 10 women and one man (mean age 28.2±8.3 years) and group B comprising nine women and two men (mean age 26.2±3.9 years). Group A was submitted to the application of the athletic tape on the masseter with 40% stretch and the group B to the application of the athletic tape on the masseter without stretching. All participants underwent the application of the Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (DC/TMD). Pain threshold assessment was performed using an algometer to apply pressure to measurement points. The measurement of mandibular movements was performed using a caliper. The athletic tape was glued using the I technique, with a fixed point over the insertion and a movable point over the origin of the masseter muscle. Participants remained with the athletic tape for 24 hours and were re-evaluated. Results There was pain relief in the group A in the temporomandibular joint on the right and at the origin of the masseter on the left. The group B showed a reduction in pain in the left anterior temporal region. No differences were found in mandibular movements after intervention, as well as no difference was found in the comparison by groups. Conclusion The use of the athletic tape over the masseter muscle, with stretching, for 24 hours produced relief from the sensation of pain, on the origin of the right masseter and in the right temporomandibular joint, and, without stretching, in the left anterior temporal muscle. There was no difference in the range of mandibular movements.

CoDAS ; 36(3): e20230153, 2024. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557613


RESUMO Objetivo Verificar a eficácia do uso da bandagem elástica funcional associada à terapia miofuncional no tratamento fonoaudiológico da paralisia facial pós-acidente vascular cerebral na fase aguda. Método Estudo clínico controlado randomizado com 88 pacientes com paralisia facial na fase aguda do acidente vascular cerebral. A amostra foi alocada em: Grupo 1: reabilitação com terapia miofuncional orofacial e utilização da bandagem elástica funcional nos músculos zigomáticos maior e menor paralisados; Grupo 2: reabilitação apenas com terapia miofuncional orofacial na face paralisada; Grupo 3: sem qualquer intervenção fonoaudiológica para paralisia facial. Na avaliação foram solicitados os movimentos de mímica facial e o grau do comprometimento foi determinado de acordo com a escala de House e Brackmann. A incompetência do movimento foi obtida a partir de medições da face com paquímetro digital. Após a avaliação, a intervenção foi realizada de acordo como determinado para os grupos 1 e 2. Os participantes dos três grupos foram reavaliados após 15 dias. A análise estatística utilizada foi das equações generalizadas. Resultados Os grupos foram homogêneos quanto à idade, medida de incapacidade e funcionalidade, gravidade do comprometimento neurológico e da paralisia facial pré-intervenção. O grupo 1 teve melhora significativa na medida canto externo do olho à comissura labial, com melhores resultados quando comparado aos grupos 2 e 3. Conclusão A bandagem elástica funcional associada a terapia miofuncional orofacial apresentou melhor resultado no tratamento da paralisia facial após acidente vascular cerebral no local onde foi aplicado.

ABSTRACT Purpose To verify the efficacy of using athletic tape associated with myofunctional therapy in the speech-language-hearing treatment of facial palsy after stroke in the acute phase. Method Randomized controlled clinical study with 88 patients with facial palsy in the acute phase of stroke. The sample was allocated in: Group 1: rehabilitation with orofacial myofunctional therapy and use of athletic tape on the paralyzed zygomaticus major and minor muscles; Group 2: rehabilitation alone with orofacial myofunctional therapy on the paralyzed face; Group 3: no speech-language-hearing intervention for facial paralysis. In the evaluation, facial expression movements were requested, and the degree of impairment was determined according to the House and Brackmann scale. Movement incompetence was obtained from measurements of the face with a digital caliper. After the evaluation, the intervention was carried out as determined for groups 1 and 2. The participants of the three groups were reassessed after 15 days. The statistical analysis used was the generalized equations. Results The groups were homogeneous in terms of age, measure of disability and functioning, severity of neurological impairment and pre-intervention facial paralysis. Group 1 had a significant improvement in the measure from the lateral canthus to the corner of the mouth, with better results than groups 2 and 3. Conclusion The athletic tape associated with orofacial myofunctional therapy had better results in the treatment of facial paralysis after stroke in the place where it was applied.

Distúrb. comun ; 35(3): e57872, 25/10/2023.
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1517690


Objetivo: A pesquisa tem por objetivo verificar os limiares de repouso eletromiográfico dos músculos masseter e temporal em pacientes com disfunção temporomandibular (DTM) antes e após intervenção fonoaudiológica com e sem a utilização de bandagem elástica terapêutica. Métodos: A coleta contou com 14 participantes do sexo feminino, com idade entre 18 e 40 anos, com diagnóstico de DTM muscular ou mista. As pacientes foram divididas entre dois grupos classificados em: pacientes com bandagem associada à terapia tradicional (CB) e grupo de terapia tradicional (SB). As pacientes inicialmente foram avaliadas pelo exame de eletromiografia de superfície nas situações de contração voluntária máxima e repouso, e após quatro semanas de intervenção, foi realizada nova avaliação com os mesmos instrumentos. A análise dos dados ocorreu de forma quantitativa e qualitativa. Resultados:No grupo SB o músculo masseter direito apresentou aumento dos valores de repouso com significância, foi observado que o mesmo ocorreu para todos os músculos deste grupo, influenciando no equilíbrio da musculatura ipsilateral e contralateral, no entanto sem evidência estatística. O grupo CB não demonstrou valores estatísticos significativos, porém qualitativamente os valores de repouso muscular diminuíram e equilibraram-se de forma contralateral. Conclusão: Não foram observadas mudanças estatisticamente significantes nos limiares eletromiográficos durante repouso dos músculos masseter e temporal em ambos os grupos. Qualitativamente houve aumento dos valores eletromiográficos após terapia manual tradicional em todos os músculos do grupo SB. Com relação ao grupo CB, houve diminuição dos valores do repouso eletromiográfico após terapia, embora sem evidências estatísticas. (AU)

Purpose: Objective: The research aims to verify the electromyographic rest thresholds of the masseter and temporal muscles in patients with temporomandibular disorders (TMD) before and after speech therapy intervention with and without the use of therapeutic elastic bandage. Methods: The collection included 14 female participants, aged between 18 and 40 years, who had a diagnosis of muscular or mixed TMD. The patients were divided into two groups: with traditional therapy (CB) bandage and traditional therapy (SB) only group. The patients underwent initial evaluation, as well as surface electromyography in situations of maximum voluntary contraction and rest and at the end of the four weeks of intervention, a new evaluation was performed with the same instruments. Data analysis occurred quantitatively and qualitatively. Results: In the SB group, the right masseter muscle showed a significant increase in resting values. It was observed that the same occurred for all muscles in this group, influencing the balance of the ipsilateral and contralateral muscles, although without statistical evidence. The CB group did not show statistically significant values, but qualitatively the muscle rest values decreased and balanced in a contralateral way. Conclusion: No statistically significant changes were observed in the resting electromyographic thresholds of the masseter and temporalis muscles in both groups. Qualitatively, there was an increase in electromyographic values after traditional manual therapy in all muscles in the SB group. Regarding the CB group, there was a decrease in electromyographic resting values after therapy, although without statistical evidence. (AU)

Objetivo: La investigación tiene como objetivo verificar los umbrales electromiográficos de reposo de los músculos masetero y temporal en pacientes con trastornos temporomandibulares (TMD) antes y después de la terapia del habla con y sin el uso de venda elástica terapéutica. Métodos: La colección incluyó a 14 participantes mujeres, con edades entre 18 y 40 años, diagnosticadas con TTM muscular o mixta. Los pacientes fueron divididos en dos grupos clasificados en: pacientes con vendaje asociado a terapia tradicional (CB) y grupo de terapia tradicional (SB). Los pacientes fueron inicialmente evaluados mediante electromiografía de superficie en situaciones de máxima contracción voluntaria y reposo, luego de cuatro semanas de intervención se realizó una nueva evaluación con los mismos instrumentos. El análisis de datos se llevó a cabo cuantitativa y cualitativamente. Resultados: En el grupo SB, el músculo masetero derecho presentó un aumento significativo en los valores de reposo, se observó que lo mismo ocurrió para todos los músculos de este grupo, influyendo en el equilibrio de los músculos ipsilaterales y contralaterales, sin embargo, sin evidencia estadística. El grupo CB no mostró valores estadísticamente significativos, pero cualitativamente los valores de descanso muscular disminuyeron y se equilibraron contralateralmente. Conclusión: No se observaron cambios estadísticamente significativos en los umbrales electromiográficos en reposo de los músculos masetero y temporal en ambos grupos. Cualitativamente, hubo un aumento de los valores electromiográficos después de la terapia manual tradicional en todos los músculos del grupo SB. En cuanto al grupo CB, hubo una disminución de los valores electromiográficos de reposo después de la terapia, aunque sin evidencia estadística. (AU)

Humanos , Femenino , Adolescente , Adulto , Electromiografía , Músculos Masticadores , Relajación Muscular/fisiología , Síndrome de la Disfunción de Articulación Temporomandibular/terapia , Manipulaciones Musculoesqueléticas , Cinta Atlética , Estudios Controlados Antes y Después
J. health sci. (Londrina) ; 25(3): 164-172, 202309229.
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563033


The practice of physical activity results in physical, mental, social and important health benefits by preventing diseases, for which motor skills are needed and there are some factors such as large ranges of motion, physical contact, muscle tension that are exerted during physical practice that can cause significant injuries. Injury prevention in physical activity practitioners or athletes includes identifying modifiable risk factors, offering effective preventive training programs and establishing safe criteria to return to sport. With the advancement of technology to rehabilitate athletes, physical therapy has used the method of using taping to improve the function of the extremities and correct muscle imbalances that could lead to possible withdrawal from their activities. The objective was to identify the benefits of applying the kinesiotaping method in individuals who practice physical activity. A search was carried out in the Pubmed, Web Science, Scielo indexes, and the research period was from July to August 2022. 15 articles resulted which were read in full to compose this integrative review. The study showed different forms of taping application in physical activity practitioners, whether for rehabilitation or injury prevention. (AU)

A prática da atividade física resulta em benefícios físicos, mentais, sociais e importante para saúde prevenindo doenças, para isso são necessárias habilidades motoras e existem alguns fatores como grandes amplitudes de movimentos, contato físico, tensão muscular que são exercidas durante a prática física que podem ocasionar lesões significativas. A prevenção de lesões em praticantes de atividade física ou atletas inclui identificar fatores de risco modificáveis, oferecer programas de treinamento preventivo eficazes e estabelecer critérios seguros de retorno ao esporte. Com o avanço da tecnologia para reabilitar atletas, a fisioterapia tem utilizado o método do uso de taping para melhorar a função das extremidades e corrigir desequilíbrios musculares que poderiam levar a possíveis afastamento de suas atividades. O objetivo do estudo foi identificar os benefícios da aplicação do método kinesiotaping em indivíduos que praticam atividade física. Realizou-se uma pesquisa nos indexadores Pubmed,Web Science, Scielo, o período de busca foi de julho a agosto de 2022 artigos nos idiomas inglês e português. Resultaram 15 artigos lidos na íntegra que compusseram esta revisão integrativa. O estudo mostrou diversas formas de aplicação do taping em praticantes de atividade física sendo para reabilitação ou para prevenção de lesões. (AU)

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 120(33): e2218869120, 2023 Aug 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37549251


In this paper, we introduce an efficient method for computing curves minimizing a variant of the Euler-Mumford elastica energy, with fixed endpoints and tangents at these endpoints, where the bending energy is enhanced with a user-defined and data-driven scalar-valued term referred to as the curvature prior. In order to guarantee that the globally optimal curve is extracted, the proposed method involves the numerical computation of the viscosity solution to a specific static Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) partial differential equation (PDE). For that purpose, we derive the explicit Hamiltonian associated with this variant model equipped with a curvature prior, discretize the resulting HJB PDE using an adaptive finite difference scheme, and solve it in a single pass using a generalized fast-marching method. In addition, we also present a practical method for estimating the curvature prior values from image data, designed for the task of accurately tracking curvilinear structure centerlines. Numerical experiments on synthetic and real-image data illustrate the advantages of the considered variant of the elastica model with a prior curvature enhancement in complex scenarios where challenging geometric structures appear.

Data Brief ; 48: 109261, 2023 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37383742


A significant problem in diffusion MRI (dMRI) is the lack of understanding regarding which microstructural features account for the variability in the diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) parameters observed in meningioma tumors. A common assumption is that mean diffusivity (MD) and fractional anisotropy (FA) from DTI are inversely proportional to cell density and proportional to tissue anisotropy, respectively. Although these associations have been established across a wide range of tumors, they have been challenged for interpreting within-tumor variations where several additional microstructural features have been suggested as contributing to MD and FA. To facilitate the investigation of the biological underpinnings of DTI parameters, we performed ex-vivo DTI at 200 µm isotropic resolution on sixteen excised meningioma tumor samples. The samples exhibit a variety of microstructural features because the dataset includes meningiomas of six different meningioma types and two different grades. Diffusion-weighted signal (DWI) maps, DWI maps averaged over all directions for given b-value, signal intensities without diffusion encoding (S0) as well as DTI parameters: MD, FA, in-plane FA (FAIP), axial diffusivity (AD) and radial diffusivity (RD), were coregistered to Hematoxylin & Eosin- (H&E) and Elastica van Gieson-stained (EVG) histological sections by a non-linear landmark-based approach. Here, we provide DWI signal and DTI maps coregistered to histology sections and describe the pipeline for processing the raw DTI data and the coregistration. The raw, processed, and coregistered data are hosted by Analytic Imaging Diagnostics Arena (AIDA) data hub registry, and software tools for processing are provided via GitHub. We hope that data can be used in research and education concerning the link between the meningioma microstructure and parameters obtained by DTI.

BMC Cardiovasc Disord ; 23(1): 152, 2023 03 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36959580


BACKGROUND: The number of patients with heart disease who can benefit from treatment is continuing to increase due to the widespread use of cardiac implantable devices. Accordingly, the number of cardiac device-related infective endocarditis (CDRIE) cases has been increasing year by year. We report a very rare experience of performing an autopsy on a patient who died of CDRIE at the site of MitraClip ® implantation, which has recently been developed as a treatment option for severe mitral regurgitation. In addition to hematoxylin-eosin (H-E) staining, Elastica-Masson staining in the present case revealed destruction of all of the atrial, trabecular, fiber and myocardial layers. CASE PRESENTATION: The patient was hemodialyzed with a dialysis catheter. Hemodialysis treatment was difficult due to functional mitral regurgitation caused by cardiac dysfunction, and the MitraClip® procedure was performed. However, he subsequently developed a fever and dialyzation became difficult again, and he was admitted to the cardiology department. Echocardiography revealed a large vegetation at the site of MitraClip® implantation and a diagnosis of CDRIE was made. Guidelines recommend removal of the device and surgical intervention. However, considering the patient's general condition, a decision was made at a heart team conference to give priority to antibiotic therapy. However, the patient did not respond to antibiotic therapy and died of septic shock. CONCLUSION: To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of CDRIE and death after MitraClip® implantation that resulted in an autopsy. Furthermore, not only H-E staining but also Elastica-Masson staining was performed, and it was confirmed that there was significant valve tissue destruction. In the future, the MitraClip® procedure, even though it is minimally invasive, should be carefully considered in immunocompromised patients.

Endocarditis Bacteriana , Endocarditis , Implantación de Prótesis de Válvulas Cardíacas , Insuficiencia de la Válvula Mitral , Masculino , Humanos , Insuficiencia de la Válvula Mitral/diagnóstico por imagen , Insuficiencia de la Válvula Mitral/etiología , Insuficiencia de la Válvula Mitral/cirugía , Válvula Mitral/diagnóstico por imagen , Válvula Mitral/cirugía , Implantación de Prótesis de Válvulas Cardíacas/efectos adversos , Autopsia , Goma , Resultado del Tratamiento , Diálisis Renal , Endocarditis/complicaciones , Endocarditis/diagnóstico , Endocarditis Bacteriana/complicaciones , Endocarditis Bacteriana/diagnóstico , Catéteres , Antibacterianos
JACC Basic Transl Sci ; 7(9): 934-947, 2022 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36317128


Emerging evidence supports that intestinal microbial metabolite short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) increase the pool of regulatory T cells (Tregs) in the colonic lamina propria (cLP) and protect against nonintestinal inflammatory diseases, such as atherosclerosis and post-infarction myocardial inflammation. However, whether and how SCFAs protect the inflamed aortas of subjects with abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) remains unclear. Here, the authors revealed the protective effect of SCFAs on AAA in mice and the expansion of Tregs in the cLP, and propionate exerted Treg-dependent protection against AAA by promoting the recirculation of cLP-Tregs through colonic draining lymph nodes (dLNs) to the inflamed aorta.

Sensors (Basel) ; 22(9)2022 Apr 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35590865


This paper studies the Fast Marching Square (FM2) method as a competitive path planner for UAV applications. The approach fulfills trajectory curvature constraints together with a significantly reduced computation time, which makes it overperform with respect to other planning methods of the literature based on optimization. A comparative analysis is presented to demonstrate how the FM2 approach can easily adapt its performance thanks to the introduction of two parameters, saturation α and exponent ß, that allow a flexible configuration of the paths in terms of curvature restrictions, among others. The main contributions of the method are twofold: first, a feasible path is directly obtained without the need of a later optimization process to accomplish curvature restrictions; second, the computation speed is significantly increased, up to 220 times faster than other optimization-based methods such as, for instance, Dubins, Euler-Mumford Elastica and Reeds-Shepp. Simulation results are given to demonstrate the superiority of the method when used for UAV applications in comparison with the three previously mentioned methods.

Ann Bot ; 130(3): 285-300, 2022 09 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35452520


BACKGROUND: Stomatal pores in many species are separated from the atmosphere by different anatomical obstacles produced by leaf epidermal cells, especially by sunken stomatal crypts, stomatal antechambers and/or hairs (trichomes). The evolutionary driving forces leading to sunken or 'hidden' stomata whose antechambers are filled with hairs or waxy plugs are not fully understood. The available hypothetical explanations are based mainly on mathematical modelling of water and CO2 diffusion through superficial vs. sunken stomata, and studies of comparative autecology. A better understanding of this phenomenon may result from examining the interactions between the leaf cuticle and stomata and from functional comparisons of sunken vs. superficially positioned stomata, especially when transpiration is low, for example at night or during severe drought. SCOPE: I review recent ideas as to why stomata are hidden and test experimentally whether hidden stomata may behave differently from those not covered by epidermal structures and so are coupled more closely to the atmosphere. I also quantify the contribution of stomatal vs. cuticular transpiration at night using four species with sunken stomata and three species with superficial stomata. CONCLUSIONS: Partitioning of leaf conductance in darkness (gtw) into stomatal and cuticular contributions revealed that stomatal conductance dominated gtw across all seven investigated species with antechambers with different degrees of prominence. Hidden stomata contributed, on average, less to gtw (approx. 70 %) than superficial stomata (approx. 80 %) and reduced their contribution dramatically with increasing gtw. In contrast, species with superficial stomata kept their proportion in gtw invariant across a broad range of gtw. Mechanisms behind the specific behaviour of hidden stomata and the multipurpose origin of sunken stomata are discussed.

Dióxido de Carbono , Transpiración de Plantas , Sequías , Hojas de la Planta , Estomas de Plantas , Agua
AAS Open Res ; 4: 46, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34632271


BACKGROUND: The recovery of phenolic compounds is seen as an arduous task because phenolic compounds are available as free aglycones, as sugar or ester conjugates, or as polymers with several monomeric components. This study looks at the optimization of factors that affect the efficiency for the extraction of phenolic compounds from the stem-bark of Funtumia elastica. METHODS: Five independent variables (solvent concentration, time, the temperature, solid-liquid ratio, and pH) of the extraction process were selected. Single factor analysis as well as the response surface method was used to evaluate the impact of the selected factors on the total phenolic content. The effect of the extraction factors on the phenolic content was tested for its statistical significant (p <0.05). For the response surface method, a five/factor, five/level central composite design was used, and a fitted second-order polynomial regression model equation was used to show how the extraction parameters affected the total phenolic recovery. RESULTS: The predicted value (R² of 0.5917) agreed with the adjusted value (R² of 0.7707). The residuals for response predictions were less than 5%. The optimal factors for the extraction were ethanol concentration of 75.99% v/v, extraction time of 193.86 minutes, temperature of 63.66°C, pH of 5.62, and solid-liquid ratio of 1:21.12 g/mL. Actual overall content of the phenolic compounds was validated at 82.83 ± 3.335 mg gallic acid equivalent (GAE) /g weight of extract, which agreed with the predicted response of 89.467 mg GAE/g of the dried extract under the optimal factors. CONCLUSIONS: The rich phenolic content of stem-bark of Funtumia elastica points to its potential as a functional medicinal product to alleviate diseases caused by oxidative stress such as asthma, breathing disorders, inflammation, and cardiovascular diseases. The results obtained indicate that, the studied optimal conditions support effective phenolics extraction of Funtumia elastica.

Micromachines (Basel) ; 12(6)2021 Jun 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34208685


Copepod nauplii are larval crustaceans with important ecological functions. Due to their small size, they experience an environment of low Reynolds number within their aquatic habitat. Here we provide a mathematical model of a swimming copepod nauplius with two legs moving in a plane. This model allows for both rotation and two-dimensional displacement by the periodic deformation of the swimmer's body. The system is studied from the framework of optimal control theory, with a simple cost function designed to approximate the mechanical energy expended by the copepod. We find that this model is sufficiently realistic to recreate behavior similar to those of observed copepod nauplii, yet much of the mathematical analysis is tractable. In particular, we show that the system is controllable, but there exist singular configurations where the degree of non-holonomy is non-generic. We also partially characterize the abnormal extremals and provide explicit examples of families of abnormal curves. Finally, we numerically simulate normal extremals and observe some interesting and surprising phenomena.

Plant Sci ; 310: 110978, 2021 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34315594


The cuticle forms an effective barrier protecting plants from water loss. Its permeability to water and other compounds significantly differs between species, types of cuticle (stomatous, astomatous), and can be affected by a wide variety of ambient conditions. Enzymatic isolation of the leaf cuticle allows obtaining intact cuticles for permeability measurements. However, the most available gravimetric method, which is used for the assessment of water permeability of isolated cuticles, requires a relatively large area of the cuticle and does not allow the determination of membrane heterogeneity. We propose a new method for the determination of water permeance based on an on-line detection of water flux from a liquid phase to the atmosphere through isolated leaf cuticles in semi-flow chambers. This approach is new in using the phenomenon of surface plasmon resonance for the detection of the liquid phase refractive index affected by water vapor. Isolated cuticles of the leaves of Ficus elastica and an artificial polyethersulfone membrane were used for method evaluation. The composition of cuticular wax and its influence on cuticular permeability was also studied. It has been confirmed that the application of the surface plasmon resonance principle can be used for the assessment of leaf cuticle water permeability and heterogeneity.

Ficus/química , Ficus/metabolismo , Resonancia por Plasmón de Superficie/métodos , Ceras/química , Ceras/metabolismo
Fisioter. Bras ; 22(3): 318-333, Jul 15, 2021.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1284270


Introdução: A bandagem elástica é uma fita elástica adesiva utilizada na prevenção e reabilitação do complexo do ombro. Entretanto, existem divergências na literatura sobre seus efeitos na atividade eletromiográfica dos músculos periescapulares durante exercícios com carga. Objetivo: Avaliar os efeitos da bandagem elástica na atividade eletromiográfica de músculos periescapulares durante o movimento de flexão do ombro sem carga e com halter em indivíduos saudáveis. Métodos: Vinte e seis indivíduos do sexo masculino realizaram o movimento de flexão do ombro sem carga e com halter com a bandagem elástica sobre o trapézio descendente. Foram avaliadas as atividades eletromiográficas de trapézio descendente, trapézio ascendente e serrátil anterior. São comparados os valores de pico e RMS em percentual da contração isométrica voluntária máxima através da ANOVA One Way. Resultados: Na flexão de ombro com halter ocorreu diminuição do pico da atividade eletromiográfica do trapézio descendente (p = 0,035). Não houve influência sobre os demais músculos periescapulares (p > 0,05). Conclusão: A bandagem elástica diminuiu o pico da atividade eletromiográfica do trapézio descendente durante a flexão do ombro com halter. Pode-se aplicar este resultado na prevenção de indivíduos que podem tender a aumentar a atividade do trapézio descendente. (AU)

Introduction: The kinesio tape is an elastic adhesive tape used in the prevention and rehabilitation of the shoulder complex. However, there are divergences in the literature about its effects on the electromyographic activity of the periescapular muscles during load exercises. Objective: To evaluate the effects of kinesio tape on the electromyographic activity of the periescapular muscles during the flexion of the shoulder without load and with a dumbbell in healthy subjects. Methods: Twenty-six male individuals perform the flexion movement of the shoulder without load and halter with and kinesio tape over the upper trapezius muscle. The electromyographic activities of upper trapezius, lower trapezius and anterior serratus were evaluated. Normalized Peak and RMS through percentage of maximum voluntary isometric contraction were compared using ANOVA One Way. Results: During flexion of the shoulder with a dumbbell, the electromyographic activity of the upper trapezius (p = 0.035) decreased. We did not observe influence on the other periescapular muscles (p > 0.05). Conclusion: The kinesio tape decrease the peak value of the upper trapezius during the flexion of the shoulder with dumbbell. We can apply this result to individuals who may increase the activity of the upper trapezius. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Electromiografía , Cinta Atlética , Hombro , Ejercicio Físico , Voluntarios Sanos , Movimiento
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 118(21)2021 05 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34016749


Worldwide cardiovascular diseases such as stroke and heart disease are the leading cause of mortality. While guidewire/catheter-based minimally invasive surgery is used to treat a variety of cardiovascular disorders, existing passive guidewires and catheters suffer from several limitations such as low steerability and vessel access through complex geometry of vasculatures and imaging-related accumulation of radiation to both patients and operating surgeons. To address these limitations, magnetic soft continuum robots (MSCRs) in the form of magnetic field-controllable elastomeric fibers have recently demonstrated enhanced steerability under remotely applied magnetic fields. While the steerability of an MSCR largely relies on its workspace-the set of attainable points by its end effector-existing MSCRs based on embedding permanent magnets or uniformly dispersing magnetic particles in polymer matrices still cannot give optimal workspaces. The design and optimization of MSCRs have been challenging because of the lack of efficient tools. Here, we report a systematic set of model-based evolutionary design, fabrication, and experimental validation of an MSCR with a counterintuitive nonuniform distribution of magnetic particles to achieve an unprecedented workspace. The proposed MSCR design is enabled by integrating a theoretical model and the genetic algorithm. The current work not only achieves the optimal workspace for MSCRs but also provides a powerful tool for the efficient design and optimization of future magnetic soft robots and actuators.

Fitoterapia ; 151: 104869, 2021 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33657429


The phytochemical study of leaves of Funtumia elastica led to the isolation of three undescribed ursane derivatives, funtumic acids A, B and C (1-3), as well as one steroidal alkaloid, elasticine (4) and five other known compounds (5-9). Their structures were elucidated on the basis of NMR, MS, IR, UV spectroscopic data as well as by comparison with the literature. The compound 5-hydroxypyridine-3-carboxamide (9) was isolated for the first time from the Apocynaceae family. All the isolated compounds were evaluated for their antiparasitic effects against 3D7 and Dd2 strains of Plasmodium falciparum and promastigotes of Leishmania donovani (MHOM/SD/62/1S). Compounds 1-4 possessed good in vitro antimalarial activities against CQR Dd2 with IC50 values ranging from 4.68 to 5.36 µg/mL and moderate on CQS 3D7. Only compounds 1 and 2 showed leishmanicidal activities with IC50 values ranging between 10.49 and 13.21 µg/mL. In addition, crude extract exhibited potent antiplasmodial (IC50 0.91 and 3.12 µg/mL) and antileishmanial (IC50 3.32 µg/mL) activities, thus demonstrating their potential synergistic action.

Alcaloides/farmacología , Antimaláricos/farmacología , Antiprotozoarios/farmacología , Apocynaceae/química , Triterpenos/farmacología , Alcaloides/aislamiento & purificación , Animales , Antimaláricos/aislamiento & purificación , Antiprotozoarios/aislamiento & purificación , Camerún , Leishmania donovani/efectos de los fármacos , Ratones , Estructura Molecular , Fitoquímicos/aislamiento & purificación , Fitoquímicos/farmacología , Hojas de la Planta/química , Plasmodium falciparum/efectos de los fármacos , Células RAW 264.7 , Triterpenos/aislamiento & purificación
Neumol. pediátr. (En línea) ; 16(4): 142-145, 2021. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1361899


El trabajo respiratorio se ejerce en una estructura cerrada donde se encuentran los pulmones, estos son sometidos a cambios de presiones determinados por la musculatura pulmonar en las diferentes fases del ciclo respiratorio, lo que generará gradientes y permite la entrada y salida de aire. Se suman a ello el calibre de las vías aéreas, el tipo de flujo, las características de las vías aéreas y del surfactante pulmonar, que determinan un menor o mayor trabajo respiratorio según la condición fisiológica.

The work of breathing is exerted in a closed structure where the lungs are located. These are subjected to pressure changes determined by the pulmonary musculature in the different phases of the respiratory cycle, which will generate gradients and allow the entry and exit of air. In addition to the aforesaid, airway calibre, type of flow, airway characteristics and pulmonary surfactant determine less or more work of breathing depending on the physiological condition.

Humanos , Fenómenos Fisiológicos Respiratorios , Pulmón/fisiología , Presión , Mecánica
Rev. argent. coloproctología ; 31(2): 70-72, jun. 2020. ilus
Artículo en Inglés, Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1117014


Objetivo: Presentar el caso infrecuente de sangrado tardío posterior al tratamiento con macroligadura elástica de hemorroides, tratamiento propuesto por A. Reis Neto. Caso Clínico: Mujer de 26 años con tratamiento de hemorroides con macroligadura elástica. A los 28 días es admitida en urgencia por proctorragia abundante sin signos de shock hipovolémico. Laboratorio: Hematocrito 27%, Hemoglobina 8,9 mg/dl. Se realiza colonoscopia evidenciando la cicatriz de macroligadura con signos de coágulo desprendido sin sangrado activo. Se decide conducta expectante con tratamiento de la hipovolemia incial y anemia. Evoluciona sin resangrado con control endoscópico a los 60 y 180 (sin sangrado y excelentes resultados). Discusión: La macroligadura es una técnica alternativa para el tratamiento de hemorroides con excelentes resultados anatómicos y funcionales. Presenta menor dolor postoperatorio, bajo índice de complicaciones (ninguna severa o propia del método). No existen comunicaciones sobre sangrado tardío grave tanto en ligaduras convencionales como macroligadura. Conclusiones: Se presenta el primer caso comunicado a la fecha de un sangrado tardío en macroligaduras que fue resuelto en forma conservadora.

Objetive: To present an infrequent clinical report of a case of late bleeding after rubber macroband ligation. Case report: A 28-year-old female with severe rectal bleeding but no associated shock was presented 28 days after rubber macroband ligation at emergency room. Blood samples showed acute anemia. An urgent colonoscopy was performed which showed a scar without acute bleeding. Medical treatment was settled. There was no secondary bleeding in follow up. Endoscopic control was done at 60 and 180 days. Discusion: Hemorrhoidal rubber macroband ligation is a modification of conventional rubber band ligation. It was proposed and developed by J.A. Reis Neto (Campinas, SP, Brazil). Morbidity is low and results are excellent. There is no previous report of delayed bleeding considering both rubber band and macroband ligation. Conclusion: The First case of late bleeding after rubber band ligation treated with conservative measures.

Humanos , Femenino , Adulto , Hemorragia Gastrointestinal/etiología , Hemorroides/cirugía , Ligadura/efectos adversos , Complicaciones Posoperatorias , Colonoscopía , Espera Vigilante , Hemorragia Gastrointestinal/diagnóstico , Ligadura/métodos
Materials (Basel) ; 13(7)2020 Apr 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32244574


A theoretical model concerning the finite bending of a prismatic hyperelastic solid has been recently proposed. Such a model provides the 3D kinematics and the stress field, taking into account the anticlastic effects arising in the transverse cross sections also. That model has been used later to extend the Elastica in the framework of finite elasticity. In the present work, Finite Element (FE) analyses of some basic structural systems subjected to finite bending have been carried out and the results have been compared with those provided by the theoretical model performed previously. In the theoretical formulation, the governing equation is the nonlinear local relationship between the bending moment and the curvature of the longitudinal axis of the bent beam. Such a relation has been provided in dimensionless form as a function of the Mooney-Rivlin constitutive constants and two kinematic dimensionless parameters termed Eulerian slenderness and compactness index of the cross section. Such parameters take relevance as they are involved in the well-known Searle parameter for bent solids. Two significant study cases have been investigated in detail. The results point out that the theoretical model leads to reliable results provided that the Eulerian slenderness and the compactness index of the cross sections do not exceed fixed threshold values.