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Front Psychol ; 15: 1327396, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39021642


It is a common assumption that human behavior is guided by a desire to feel safe and avoid harm. However, this view is challenged by the popularity of high-risk leisure sport and other practices that involve subjecting oneself to a considerable danger with no apparent gain. By using real-contact stick fighting as an example, I suggest that the attractiveness of at least some such practices can be explained by cognitive dynamics that are typical of affectively intense rituals such as initiations. Affectively intense rituals are known to enhance personal meaning-making and foster identity fusion, that is, the overlapping of personal and social identities. The sense of meaning thus engendered effectively satisfies common identity motives and thus elicits positive affect. By introducing ritual studies perspectives into the edgework paradigm that is commonly used to conceptualize voluntary risk taking, I contribute to an increased understanding of the cognitive processes motivating participation in extreme leisure sport.

Arch Sex Behav ; 2024 Mar 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38438815


Research on the biological determinants of male homosexual preference has long realized that the older brother effect (FBOE, i.e., a higher fraternal birth rank of homosexuals) and the antagonist effect (AE, i.e., more fertile women have a higher chance of having a homosexual son) can both generate family data where homosexual men have more siblings and more older siblings than heterosexual men. Various statistical approaches were proposed in the recent literature to evaluate whether the action of FBOE or AE could be discriminated from empirical data, by controlling for the other effect. Here, we used simulated data to formally compare all the approaches that we could find in the relevant literature for their ability to reject the null hypothesis in the presence of a specified alternative hypothesis (tests based on regression, Bayesian modeling, or contingency tables). When testing for the FBOE, the relative performance of the different tests was different depending on the specific function generating the older brother effect. Even if no tests were found to always perform better than the others, some tests performed systematically poorly, and some tests displayed a systematic high rate of type-I error. For testing the AE, the relative performance of the tests was generally not changed across all parameter values assayed, providing a clear ranking of the various proposed approaches. Pros and cons for each candidate test are discussed, taking into consideration power and the rate of type-I error but also practicability, the possibility to control for confounding variables, and to consider alternative hypotheses.

Br J Sociol ; 75(3): 347-353, 2024 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38281272


Scholars of social mobility increasingly study the role of family background in shaping attainment throughout the entire life course. However, research has yet to establish whether the family characteristics influencing early career attainment are the same as those influencing late career attainment. In this research note, I apply an extended sibling correlation approach to analyze brothers' life cycle earnings and family income, using data from the U.S. National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979. My analysis reveals a near-perfect correlation in the family characteristics that affect attainment at early, mid, and late career stages. This finding has significant implications for how mobility scholars conceptualize the impact of family background across a career. It suggests that family background forms a single, consistent dimension in determining attainment throughout the life course. Further analysis also indicates that the imperfect relationship between current and lifetime income is exclusively driven by within-family processes.

Composición Familiar , Renta , Hermanos , Movilidad Social , Humanos , Masculino , Estudios Longitudinales , Estados Unidos , Adulto , Femenino , Factores Socioeconómicos
J Relig Health ; 63(3): 1880-1904, 2024 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38240942


A cross-sectional survey among religious brothers and sisters (n = 250) with their specific lifestyle and related spiritual practices stated moments of awe perceptions. They responded to both the Awe/Gratitude scale and to free text fields to substantiate their quantitative responses. Qualitative content analysis of their free text responses resulted in six main categories of awe triggers: (1) Nature, (2) Special Moments, (3) Transcendence Perceptions, (4) Religious practices, (5) Distinct People, and (6) Aesthetics, Art and Culture. Awe perceptions can be an immediate feeling and the outcome of a process of reflection in response to admiration, inspiration, and elevation. As these perceptions are related to psychological well-being and prosocial behaviors, their training can generate positive effects on quality of life.

Religión y Psicología , Hermanos , Humanos , Estudios Transversales , Femenino , Alemania , Masculino , Hermanos/psicología , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Espiritualidad , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Adulto Joven , Anciano
Oman J Ophthalmol ; 16(3): 558-560, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38059112


Mirror-image is a term to describe a physical characteristic of some identical twins that appear asymmetrically on opposite sides as if they are looking in a mirror. Mirror-image anisometropia in monozygotic twins was previously reported in the ophthalmic literature. In this article, we describe a case of mirror-image hypermetropic anisometropia in siblings aged 8 and 5 years old. Nontwin brothers, 8 and 5 years old, with mirror-image hypermetropic anisometropia, were referred to the pediatric ophthalmology clinic. Corrected distant visual acuity was 20/20 (ocula dextra [OD]), 20/60 (ocula sinistra [OS]) in the older brother, and 20/50 (OD), 20/20 (OS) in the younger brother. Cycloplegic refraction was + 3.5 - 1.25 × 180 (OD), +7.75 - 1.5 × 30 (OS), and + 7.0 - 0.75 × 20 (OD), +2.0 - 1.0 × 170 (OS) in the older and younger brother, respectively. The axial length difference between the two eyes was 1.47 mm in the older and 2.01 mm in the younger brother. Hypermetropic anisometropia that may lead to anisometropic amblyopia may happen in nontwin brothers. This emphasizes the importance of complete ophthalmologic examination in the siblings of all patients with anisometropia.

Cureus ; 15(5): e38602, 2023 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37168406


Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky was a brilliant nineteenth-century Russian novelist who had a seizure disorder that influenced his life and his creativity. His novels explore issues of love, faith, doubt, morality and reflect his personal experience with epilepsy. He was a keen observer of familial psychodynamics. The Brothers Karamazov (1880)was Dostoyevsky's longest and last novel, completed just a few months before his death from a pulmonary hemorrhage, most likely related to his life-long habit of cigarette smoking. In this novel, he explores the subtility of interpersonal relationships and the psychopathology within the Karamazov family and how one of the three brothers, Smerdyakov, uses psychogenic non-epileptic seizures as an alibi to get away with the perfect crime of patricide.

Rev. latinoam. bioét ; 22(1): 45-64, 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1423991


Resumen: El hermano sano en situaciones de cáncer infantil es con frecuencia un sujeto invisible para su familia, los profesionales de la salud y las instituciones. El objetivo de este trabajo fue mapear e integrar la literatura científica acerca de la experiencia del hermano del niño diagnosticado con cáncer. Se desarrolló una Scoping Review de 28 artículos publicados entre 2016 y 2020, en los idiomas español, inglés y portugués. Se incluyeron 12 estudios cualitativos, 15 cuantitativos y un estudio mixto. Frente a los hallazgos, se identificó que hay cambios en las relaciones entre hermanos, parentales y sociales, además de cambios personales y una oferta limitada de apoyo a los hermanos del niño con cáncer. Se concluye que el cáncer infantil afecta directamente a los miembros de la familia, incluido al hermano sano, quien enfrenta cambios drásticos en su vida que implican nuevas necesidades, sentimientos y conductas de riesgo. Se requiere una mayor investigación y abordaje acerca del impacto del cáncer infantil en hermanos sanos, así como el diseño de intervenciones que pongan de manifiesto la necesidad de hacer visible a este sujeto que sufre el daño colateral del cáncer infantil y que ha sido descuidado por su familia y por los profesionales en salud.

Abstract: The healthy brother in situations of childhood cancer is often an invisible individual for his family, for health professionals and institutions. The objective of this work was to map and integrate the scientific literature about the experience of the sibling of a child diagnosed with cancer. A Scoping Review of 28 articles published between 2016 and 2020, in Spanish, English and Portuguese, was developed. Twelve qualitative studies, 15 quantitative and one mixed study were included. Faced with the findings, it was identified that there are changes in the relationships between siblings, parental and social, in addition to personal changes and a limited offer of support to the siblings of the child with cancer. The conclusion drawn is that childhood cancer directly affects family members, including the healthy brother, who faces drastic changes in his life that imply new needs, feelings and risk behaviors. More research and a broader approach to the impact of childhood cancer on healthy siblings is required, as well as the design of interventions that highlight the need to make visible this individual who suffers the collateral damage of childhood cancer and who has been neglected by his family and health professionals.

Resumo: O irmão saudável em situação de câncer infantil é muitas vezes um sujeito invisível para sua família, profissionais de saúde e instituições. O objetivo deste trabalho foi mapear e integrar a literatura científica sobre a vivência do irmão de uma criança diagnosticada com câncer. Foi desenvolvida uma Scoping Review de 28 artigos publicados entre 2016 e 2020, em espanhol, inglês e português. Doze estudos qualitativos, 15 quantitativos e um misto foram incluídos. Diante dos achados, identificou-se que há mudanças nas relações entre irmãos, parentais e sociais, além de mudanças pessoais e uma oferta limitada de apoio aos irmãos da criança com câncer. Conclui-se que o câncer infantil atinge diretamente os familiares, incluindo o irmão sadio, que enfrenta mudanças drásticas em sua vida que implicam novas necessidades, sentimentos e comportamentos de risco. São necessárias mais pesquisas e abordagem sobre o impacto do câncer infantil em irmãos saudáveis, bem como o desenho de intervenções que evidenciem a necessidade de visibilizar esse sujeito que sofre os danos colaterais do câncer infantil e que tem sido negligenciado por sua família e profissionais de saúde.

J. psicanal ; 53(99): 219-233, jul.-dez. 2020. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1287068


Neste trabalho focalizo um componente do amor, o sentimento do ciúme, que é uma experiência de contato com o mundo que se constitui muito cedo na vida e na história do indivíduo. Para tanto, uso cenas da análise de um menino de 8 anos, Bruno, e discuto alguns aspectos dos personagens Otelo, de Shakespeare, e Dimítri de Os irmãos Karamázov, de Dostoiévski. O material clínico, assim como os exemplos extraídos da literatura são apresentados com o intuito de ilustrar e refletir a respeito de algumas das nuanças desse sentimento perturbador. Ao fim, apresento breve associação com o complexo de Édipo.

In this work I focus on a component of love, the feeling of jealousy, which the individual experiences very early in life when coming in contact with the external world. For this, I make use of analysis sessions with an 8-year-old boy and discuss aspects of the characters Othello in Shakespeare's play and Dmitry from Dostoyevsky's The brothers Karamazov. The clinical material, together with the examples extracted from the literature, is presented in order to illustrate and reflect on some nuances of this disturbing feeling. To conclude, I establish a brief association with the Oedipus' complex.

En este trabajo me centro en un componente del amor, el sentimiento de los celos, que es una experiencia de contacto con el mundo que se forma muy temprano en la vida e historia del individuo. Para ello, utilizo material de análisis de un niño de 8 años, y analizo algunos aspectos de los personajes Otelo, de Shakespeare, y Dimitri de Los hermanos Karamazov, de Dostoievski. El material clínico, así como los ejemplos extraídos de la literatura se presentan con el objetivo de ilustrar y reflexionar sobre algunos matices de este inquietante sentimiento. Para concluir, establezco una breve asociación con el complejo de Edipo.

Dans ce travail, je me concentre sur une composante de l'amour, le sentiment de jalousie, qui est une expérience de contact avec le monde qui se forme très tôt dans la vie et l'histoire de l'individu. À cette fin, j'utilise des scènes de l'analyse d'un garçon de huit ans, Bruno, et je discute quelques aspects des personnages d'Othello, de Shakespeare, et Dimitri des Frères Karamazov, de Dostoïevski. Le matériel clinique ainsi que les exemples extraits de la littérature sont présentés afin d'illustrer et de réfléchir sur certaines nuances de ce sentiment dérangeant. Pour conclure, j'établis une brève association avec le complexe d'Œdipe.

Psicoanálisis , Celos , Amor
Front Psychiatry ; 11: 604, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32695030


Eating disorders (EDs) are serious psychopathologies characterized by a persistent disturbance in eating or eating-related behavior. Studies have shown EDs' detrimental consequences not only for patients, but also for their families. Nevertheless, a specific group that has so far been neglected, in both the research and clinical fields, are siblings of individuals with EDs. In an effort to identify this population's needs, and to facilitate effective prevention and treatment, this paper aims to review the existing literature on the subject, and examine siblings' personal experience, ways of coping, and levels of psychopathology. PubMed and PsycNet databases were searched with no publication date restrictions, yielding 26 relevant papers. Studies were categorized according to common themes they addressed, and subsequently summarized by highlighting common features, as well as information unique to each study. Several themes emerged, including emotional well-being, psychopathology, social consequences, family dynamics, and coping strategies. Results show that EDs experienced by one individual have significant effects on one's siblings, such as a decrease in quality of life, social isolation, and elevated familial strain. In several studies siblings were found to have elevated levels of psychopathology and EDs related symptoms. Nevertheless, findings' nature and magnitude were highly varied. The review indicates the need for further studies that will examine possible intra- and interpersonal moderating factors for EDs' impact on well-being among siblings, and take into consideration the substantial heterogeneity in studies conducted thus far. Additionally, this review highlights the need for novel and effective interventions, specifically targeting this at-risk group.

Proc Biol Sci ; 287(1923): 20192907, 2020 03 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32183625


The fraternal birth order effect (FBOE) is the finding that older brothers increase the probability of homosexuality in later-born males, and the female fecundity effect (FFE) is the finding that the mothers of homosexual males produce more offspring than the mothers of heterosexual males. In a recent paper, Khovanova proposed a novel method for computing independent estimates of these effects on the same samples and expressing the magnitude and direction of the effects in the same metric. In her procedure, only families with one or two sons are examined, and daughters are ignored. The present study investigated the performance of Khovanova's method using archived data from 10 studies, comprising 14 samples totalling 5390 homosexual and heterosexual subjects. The effect estimate for the FBOE showed that an increase from zero older brothers to one older brother is associated with a 38% increase in the odds of homosexuality. By contrast, the effect estimate for the FFE showed that the increase from zero younger brothers to one younger brother is not associated with any increase in the odds of homosexuality. The former result supports the maternal immune hypothesis of male homosexuality; the latter result does not support the balancing selection hypothesis.

Orden de Nacimiento , Homosexualidad Masculina , Composición Familiar , Femenino , Fertilidad , Humanos , Masculino , Madres , Conducta Sexual , Hermanos
Arch Sex Behav ; 49(2): 575-579, 2020 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31119421


Studies have established that having older brothers is associated with an increased incidence of male homosexuality. This so-called fraternal birth order effect has been found in different times and cultural settings. The current study attempted to examine whether this effect was present in the Greek cultural context and whether it could also predict bisexuality or heterosexuality with occasional same-sex attractions. On the basis of an online sample of 1617 Greek-speaking participants, it was found that, for men, a higher number of older brothers were associated with an increased probability to be homosexual, but it had no effect on the probability to be bisexual or heterosexual with same-sex attractions. In women, the number of older brothers had not any effect on sexual orientation.

Orden de Nacimiento/psicología , Bisexualidad/estadística & datos numéricos , Heterosexualidad/estadística & datos numéricos , Homosexualidad Masculina/estadística & datos numéricos , Conducta Sexual/estadística & datos numéricos , Adulto , Bisexualidad/psicología , Femenino , Grecia , Heterosexualidad/psicología , Homosexualidad Masculina/psicología , Humanos , Masculino , Prevalencia , Conducta Sexual/psicología
Primates ; 60(6): 565-573, 2019 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31506896


The genetic variability of New World primates is still poorly documented. We present the first genetic study on two threatened endemic titi monkey species in northern Bolivia (Plecturocebus modestus and Plecturocebus olallae) using six microsatellite markers to investigate genetic structure and variability of 54 individuals from two wild populations. A low level of genetic diversity was found (34 alleles in the total sampled population). Locus 1118 presented the greatest number of alleles. The mean number of alleles per locus in the total population was 5.6 and the average heterozygosity was 0.38 (range 0.12-0.88). The FIS value for the total population using all microsatellite loci shows a statistically significant heterozygote deficit. The inbreeding coefficients (FIS) were positive and significantly different from zero (0.064 for P. olallae and 0.213 for P. modestus). The genetic differentiation between populations (FST) was moderate with a pair-wise FST estimate of 0.14. Population structure analyses assigned the two populations to two differentiated clusters (K = 2). These results suggest that these two species with very close distributional ranges arose from a single population, and that they remain in a process of genetic differentiation and speciation. This study further underlines the urgent need for conservation actions for both endemic primate species.

Variación Genética , Pitheciidae/genética , Bolivia , Especies en Peligro de Extinción , Repeticiones de Microsatélite
Cureus ; 11(4): e4525, 2019 Apr 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31263634


Catatonic schizophrenia is defined by catatonia seen either with alternating phases of stupor and motor rigidity or the extreme phase of catatonic excitement. This variant of schizophrenia has been identified with poor prognosis, mainly due to the higher association with negative symptoms and young age onset. In this paper, we illustrate a similar clinical picture of catatonic schizophrenia in two brothers, with no genetic predisposition to schizophrenia and no proximal stressors apart from the aggressive/violent behavior of their elder brother. Case presentation 1 (Patient A): An 18-year-old male from a lower socio-economic class with no previous mental health issues presented to the emergency department with complete mutism, marked psychomotor retardation, posturing along with a refusal to drink or eat, and complete lack of self-care for about two months. The diagnosis of catatonic schizophrenia was made, and the patient was started orally on aripiprazole and lorazepam. On the third day of admission, noticeable changes were observed, and in the following days, he started eating and going to the toilet while still being completely mute. After two weeks on treatment, he started responding with one-word answers. Case presentation 2 (Patient B): The biological brother of patient A, a 30-year-old male, presented on the same day with an identical history of mutism, decreased psychomotor activity, posturing along with a refusal to drink or eat, and lack of self-care for the past few months. The diagnosis of catatonic schizophrenia was made. The patient was started orally on both, olanzapine and lorazepam. He showed a quicker response to treatment with the maintenance of eye contact on the second day of treatment and started giving short answers to questions on the fifth post-admission day. We here discuss a possible genetic predisposition to catatonic schizophrenia and its initial improvement with lorazepam and subsequent treatment with olanzapine proving to be more efficacious than aripiprazole.

World J Pediatr Congenit Heart Surg ; 10(1): 125-128, 2019 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30799724


A life of professional caring, research, teaching, and inspiration-this is the legacy of Dr Stella Zacharioudaki Van Praagh, MD. Among her many outstanding contributions, only a few are recorded here: (1) a new surgical operation for closing apical muscular ventricular septal defects, (2) a newly discovered form of anomalous pulmonary venous drainage and its surgical repair, (3) a new understanding of sinus venosus defects and their surgical repair, (4) the realization that the concept of atrial-level isomerism (mirror-imagery) in the heterotaxy syndromes of asplenia, polysplenia, and single right-sided spleen is erroneous, (5) the understanding that it is possible to diagnose the atrial situs in the majority of cases of the heterotaxy syndromes, and (6) the fact that the concepts of evolution, natural selection, and survival of the fittest were described by Empedocles, an ancient Greek philosopher, in the fifth century bc, and that these concepts were not discovered and published for the first time by Charles Darwin and Alfred Russell Wallace in the 19th century (1858 ad). Dr Stella was conversant with ancient Greek and read it frequently in an ancient Greek study group that she headed. Dr Stella translated from ancient Greek into English a portion of Aristotle's The Physics in which Empedocles' understanding is cited at length. There is no doubt about what Empedocles thought.

Procedimientos Quirúrgicos Cardíacos/historia , Cardiología/historia , Cardiopatías Congénitas/historia , Femenino , Cardiopatías Congénitas/cirugía , Historia del Siglo XX , Historia del Siglo XXI , Humanos , Estados Unidos
Child Youth Serv Rev ; 101: 23-32, 2019 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32831443


The objective of this study was to evaluate the cost of serving one additional youth in the Big Brothers Big Sisters of America (BBBS) program. We used a marginal cost approach which offers a significant improvement over previous methods based on average total cost estimates. The data consisted of eight years of monthly records from January 2008 to August 2015 obtained from program administrators at one BBBS site in the Mid-Atlantic. Results show that the BBBS marginal cost to serve one additional youth was $80 per mentor-month of BBBS mentoring (irrespective of program type). The cost to offer services for the average match duration of 19 months per marginal added youth was $1,503. The marginal costs per treated program participant in school-based versus community-based programs were $1,199 and $3,301, respectively. Marginal cost estimates are in the range of youth mentoring programs with significant returns on investment but are substantially higher than prior BBBS unit cost estimates reported using less robust estimation methods. This cost analysis can better inform policy makers and donors on the cost of expanding the scale of local BBBS programs as well as suggest opportunities for cost savings.

Indian Dermatol Online J ; 9(6): 481-483, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30505803


In the early and mid-nineteenth century Europe, ringworm of the scalp was a vexing problem. It affected children in such numbers that the famous Hôpital Saint-Louis of Paris had a separate Tinea School. Before advent of radiation method of epilation, painful method of peeling was the mainstay of management. A family bearing title Mahon with no conventional medical training and qualification developed a secret method of epilation which was far superior to the existing method of treatment. Two brothers of this family, whose identity is obscure in the history of dermatology, were given the charge of treatment of such cases in various hospitals of France. Though they were not physician per se, their observations surprise us even today. Mahon the junior wrote a book on ringworm which is the first ever monograph on the subject. They also described favus of the nail and named ringworm of the scalp.

Uisahak ; 27(1): 89-130, 2018 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29724986


This paper attempts to examine the spread of medical prescription knowledge during the Song dynasty and the role played by the literati officials through a reconstruction of the transmission of Painongneibusan, a prescription to treat abscesses. An examination of the origins of Painongneibusan shows that after being confirmed in the Qianjinyaofang, it was passed down through Waitaimiyao, Taipingshenghuifang, Shengjizonglu, and Taipinghuiminhejijufang. In particular, in the records from Taipinghuiminhejijufang, which was revised and enlarged during the Shaoxing period (1131-1162) unlike transmissions that were almost identical to those from previous periods, we can find a clear increase in the knowledge regarding medicinal effects, medicinal ingredients, administration methods, precautions and so on. However, if we examine the same prescription record included in Hongshijiyanfang published by Hong Jun in 1170, we can see that the contents are almost exactly the same as those in Taipinghuiminhejijufang and that Hongshijiyanfang had even more content. Through this study, we can deduce that the prescription recorded in these two books were from the same original text. In addition, we can conclude that the original text is likely to be sourced from the knowledge of folk medicine. According to the records, Hu Quan received this prescription from an "outsider," and Hu Quan gave this to Hong Kuo, who wrote an introduction and published it as a stone carving in Huizhou. After this, knowledge about this prescription became known far and wide. While Chen Yan criticized the abuse of this prescription, Hong Jun still included it in Hongshijiyanfang, and Hong Mai included it in Yijianzhi, leading to it becoming even more widespread. Due to this spread of the prescription, the transmission of the description that is connected from "Outsider - Ho Quan - Three Hong Brothers" continued to appear in many medical anthologies by literati officials. Whenever this prescription was mentioned, they referred to Three Hong Brothers, and it went as far as to cause the practice to sometimes be called "Hongshineibusan." Chen Ziming continued the criticism of Chen Yan in Waikejingyao; while the prescription made famous by Hong Kuo had the same contents as prescription in Taipinghuiminhejijufang, the fact that criticism was only directed at Hong Kuo is a proof of his influence in the spread of related knowledge. In conclusion, this happened during an active time of accumulation, exchange, and competition in the knowledge of prescription, as can be observed in various sources from the Song Period. There were various communications and exchanges between officials, locals, and literati officials, and tensions could also sometimes be found. We can say that the role of the literati officials was to collect, record, publish, and spread the knowledge of medicine taken from various sources. In addition, in relation to the spread of the knowledge of medicine, the influence of the literati officials exceeded Taipinghuiminhejijufang, which was the official text at that time.

Absceso/historia , Competencia Clínica , Manuscritos Médicos como Asunto/historia , Medicina Tradicional Coreana/historia , Prescripciones/historia , Absceso/tratamiento farmacológico , Historia Medieval , Humanos
J Prim Prev ; 39(3): 205-228, 2018 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29687415


This study examines three potential contributions (i.e., additive only, hierarchical compensatory, and hierarchical conditional) of mentor support to youth academic adjustment, taking into account interactions with support from mothers and teachers. We derived data from a larger study of the Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) of Canada community mentoring program. The sample included 427 youth (average age 9.8 years; 64% girls, 56% White) who received one-to-one community-based mentoring for at least three months. We assessed perceptions of support from mothers and teachers before the match and assessed perceptions of support from mentors five times throughout the mentoring experience. Hierarchical linear regression analyses showed that mentor support predicted positive changes in youth academic adjustment (i.e., school attitude, academic self-efficacy, assistance seeking, and problem solving) mainly when mentees already reported high support from their mother. This finding clearly supports the conditional model and invites researchers to question the assumption that mentoring constitutes a corrective experience for young people (i.e., the compensatory model). BBBS agencies are strongly encouraged to involve parents in the mentoring process and to view them as experts, assets, and allies in their effort to meet the youth's needs.

Adaptación Psicológica , Docentes , Mentores , Madres , Apoyo Social , Actitud , Canadá , Niño , Evaluación Educacional , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Autoeficacia , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
Forensic Sci Med Pathol ; 14(4): 568-573, 2018 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29594832


On 30th March 1902 Police Constable George Doyle and Carnarvon Station manager Albert Dahlke were allegedly gunned down at Lethbridge's Pocket in Central Queensland. Approximately 90 kg of ash and burnt human remains with articles belonging to the two men were later found in saddle bags left at the scene on a police horse. Subsequently two local cattle and horse thieves, Patrick and James Kenniff, were convicted in the Queensland Supreme Court of the wilful murder of Constable Doyle. Patrick was executed by hanging on 12th January 1903 and James had his sentence reduced to life imprisonment with hard labor. A number of irregularities were subsequently raised about the trial including the use of a "special" jury and the reliability of evidence from a witness who did not actually see the event. Forensic issues to be explored involve the accuracy of the descriptions of the carbonized material, whether the remains were actually those of Doyle and Dahlke, and whether the victims were dismembered before burning, as was alleged by the prosecution.

Medicina Legal/historia , Homicidio/historia , Huesos , Desmembramiento de Cadáver/historia , Incendios , Historia del Siglo XX , Humanos , Queensland
Ceska Slov Farm ; 67(5-6): 216-220, 2018 12 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30871328


During some 150 years in the 17th and 18th centuries the network of convents with hospitals and pharmacies run by the Brothers Hospitallers was established in the Czech Lands. At that time the members of the Order made use of quite a large amount of early modern European health literature. Although the need of those books was closely connected with the main mission of the Order, their position in convents was marginal at the beginning and depended on the personality of individual friars. For a long time, the Czech Brothers Hospitallers were forced to use second-hand literature (even from the 16th century) which was not replaced by new volumes until the moment when the convents overcame the "birth pangs" of the founding years (end of the 18th century). The study deals with the facts that are mentioned above on the basis of the hitherto ignored archive sources coming from Prague, Kuks, Nové Město nad Metují, Prostějov, and Vizovice. Key words: brothers hospitallers pharmaceutical literature medical literature 17th century 18th century history of libraries pharmaceutical history.

Bibliotecas/historia , Farmacias , República Checa , Historia del Siglo XVII , Historia del Siglo XVIII