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IBRO Neurosci Rep ; 12: 228-239, 2022 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35746965


Ghrelin is a stomach-derived peptide hormone that acts via the growth hormone secretagogue receptor (GHSR) and displays a plethora of neuroendocrine, metabolic, autonomic and behavioral actions. It has been proposed that some actions of ghrelin are exerted via the vagus nerve, which provides a bidirectional communication between the central nervous system and peripheral systems. The vagus nerve comprises sensory fibers, which originate from neurons of the nodose and jugular ganglia, and motor fibers, which originate from neurons of the medulla. Many anatomical studies have mapped GHSR expression in vagal sensory or motor neurons. Also, numerous functional studies investigated the role of the vagus nerve mediating specific actions of ghrelin. Here, we critically review the topic and discuss the available evidence supporting, or not, a role for the vagus nerve mediating some specific actions of ghrelin. We conclude that studies using rats have provided the most congruent evidence indicating that the vagus nerve mediates some actions of ghrelin on the digestive and cardiovascular systems, whereas studies in mice resulted in conflicting observations. Even considering exclusively studies performed in rats, the putative role of the vagus nerve in mediating the orexigenic and growth hormone (GH) secretagogue properties of ghrelin remains debated. In humans, studies are still insufficient to draw definitive conclusions regarding the role of the vagus nerve mediating most of the actions of ghrelin. Thus, the extent to which the vagus nerve mediates ghrelin actions, particularly in humans, is still uncertain and likely one of the most intriguing unsolved aspects of the field.

Mol Metab ; 4(11): 867-80, 2015 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26629410


OBJECTIVE: Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and its receptor, tropomyosin receptor kinase B (TrkB), play a paramount role in the central regulation of energy balance. Despite the substantial body of genetic evidence implicating BDNF- or TrkB-deficiency in human obesity, the critical brain region(s) contributing to the endogenous role of BDNF/TrkB signaling in metabolic control remain unknown. METHODS: We assessed the importance of intact hypothalamic or hindbrain TrkB signaling in central regulation of energy balance by generating Nkx2.1-Ntrk2-/- and Phox2b-Ntrk2+/- mice, respectively, and comparing metabolic parameters (body weight, adiposity, food intake, energy expenditure and glucose homeostasis) under high-fat diet or chow fed conditions. RESULTS: Our data show that when fed a high-fat diet, male and female Nkx2.1-Ntrk2-/- mice have significantly increased body weight and adiposity that is likely driven by reduced locomotor activity and core body temperature. When maintained on a chow diet, female Nkx2.1-Ntrk2-/- mice exhibit an increased body weight and adiposity phenotype more robust than in males, which is accompanied by hyperphagia that precedes the onset of a body weight difference. In addition, under both diet conditions, Nkx2.1-Ntrk2-/- mice show increased blood glucose, serum insulin and leptin levels. Mice with complete hindbrain TrkB-deficiency (Phox2b-Ntrk2-/-) are perinatal lethal, potentially indicating a vital role for TrkB in visceral motor neurons that control cardiovascular, respiratory, and digestive functions during development. Phox2b-Ntrk2+/- heterozygous mice are similar in body weight, adiposity and glucose homeostasis parameters compared to wild type littermate controls when maintained on a high-fat or chow diet. Interestingly, despite the absence of a body weight difference, Phox2b-Ntrk2+/- heterozygous mice exhibit pronounced hyperphagia. CONCLUSION: Taken together, our findings suggest that the hypothalamus is a key brain region involved in endogenous BDNF/TrkB signaling and central metabolic control and that endogenous hindbrain TrkB likely plays a role in modulating food intake and survival of mice. Our findings also show that female mice lacking TrkB in the hypothalamus have a more robust metabolic phenotype.

Mol Metab ; 4(10): 718-31, 2015 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26500843


OBJECTIVE: Although Glucagon-like peptide 1 is a key regulator of energy metabolism and food intake, the precise location of GLP-1 receptors and the physiological relevance of certain populations is debatable. This study investigated the novel GLP-1R-Cre mouse as a functional tool to address this question. METHODS: Mice expressing Cre-recombinase under the Glp1r promoter were crossed with either a ROSA26 eYFP or tdRFP reporter strain to identify GLP-1R expressing cells. Patch-clamp recordings were performed on tdRFP-positive neurons in acute coronal brain slices from adult mice and selective targeting of GLP-1R cells in vivo was achieved using viral gene delivery. RESULTS: Large numbers of eYFP or tdRFP immunoreactive cells were found in the circumventricular organs, amygdala, hypothalamic nuclei and the ventrolateral medulla. Smaller numbers were observed in the nucleus of the solitary tract and the thalamic paraventricular nucleus. However, tdRFP positive neurons were also found in areas without preproglucagon-neuronal projections like hippocampus and cortex. GLP-1R cells were not immunoreactive for GFAP or parvalbumin although some were catecholaminergic. GLP-1R expression was confirmed in whole-cell recordings from BNST, hippocampus and PVN, where 100 nM GLP-1 elicited a reversible inward current or depolarisation. Additionally, a unilateral stereotaxic injection of a cre-dependent AAV into the PVN demonstrated that tdRFP-positive cells express cre-recombinase facilitating virally-mediated eYFP expression. CONCLUSIONS: This study is a comprehensive description and phenotypic analysis of GLP-1R expression in the mouse CNS. We demonstrate the power of combining the GLP-1R-CRE mouse with a virus to generate a selective molecular handle enabling future in vivo investigation as to their physiological importance.

Temperature (Austin) ; 2(2): 277-96, 2015.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27227029


Capsaicin, a selective activator of the chemo- and heat-sensitive transient receptor potential (TRP) V1 cation channel, has characteristic feature of causing long-term functional and structural impairment of neural elements supplied by TRPV1/capsaicin receptor. In mammals, systemic application of capsaicin induces complex heat-loss response characteristic for each species and avoidance of warm environment. Capsaicin activates cutaneous warm receptors and polymodal nociceptors but has no effect on cold receptors or mechanoreceptors. In this review, thermoregulatory features of capsaicin-pretreated rodents and TRPV1-mediated neural elements with innocuous heat sensitivity are summarized. Recent data support a novel hypothesis for the role of visceral warmth sensors in monitoring core body temperature. Furthermore, strong evidence suggests that central presynaptic nerve terminals of TRPV1-expressing cutaneous, thoracic and abdominal visceral receptors are activated by innocuous warmth stimuli and capsaicin. These responses are absent in TRPV1 knockout mice. Thermoregulatory disturbance induced by systemic capsaicin pretreatment lasts for months and is characterized by a normal body temperature at cool environment up to a total dose of 150 mg/kg s.c. Upward differential shift of set points for activation vasodilation, other heat-loss effectors and thermopreference develops. Avoidance of warm ambient temperature (35°C, 40°C) is severely impaired but thermopreference at cool ambient temperatures (Tas) are not altered. TRPV1 knockout or knockdown and genetically altered TRPV1, TRPV2 and TRPM8 knockout mice have normal core temperature in thermoneutral or cool environments, but the combined mutant mice have impaired regulation in warm or cold (4°C) environments. Several lines of evidence support that in the preoptic area warmth sensitive neurons are activated and desensitized by capsaicin, but morphological evidence for it is controversial. It is suggested that these neurons have also integrator function. Fever is enhanced in capsaicin-desensitized rats and the inhibition observed after pretreatment with low i.p. doses does not support in the light of their warmth sensitivity the concept that abdominal TRPV1-expressing nerve terminals serve as nonthermal chemosensors for reference signals in thermoregulation.

Mol Metab ; 3(6): 608-18, 2014 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25161884


Therapies that improve leptin sensitivity have potential as an alternative treatment approach against obesity and related comorbidities. We investigated the effects of Socs3 gene ablation in different mouse models to understand the role of SOCS3 in the regulation of leptin sensitivity, diet-induced obesity (DIO) and glucose homeostasis. Neuronal deletion of SOCS3 partially prevented DIO and improved glucose homeostasis. Inactivation of SOCS3 only in LepR-expressing cells protected against leptin resistance induced by HFD, but did not prevent DIO. However, inactivation of SOCS3 in LepR-expressing cells protected mice from diet-induced insulin resistance by increasing hypothalamic expression of Katp channel subunits and c-Fos expression in POMC neurons. In summary, the regulation of leptin signaling by SOCS3 orchestrates diet-induced changes on glycemic control. These findings help to understand the molecular mechanisms linking obesity and type 2 diabetes, and highlight the potential of SOCS3 inhibitors as a promising therapeutic approach for the treatment of diabetes.

Mol Metab ; 2(4): 491-7, 2013.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24327964


Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and its cognate receptor, TrkB (tropomyosin receptor kinase B), are widely expressed in the brain where they regulate a wide variety of biological processes, including energy homeostasis. However, the specific population(s) of TrkB-expressing neurons through which BDNF governs energy homeostasis remain(s) to be determined. Using the Cre-loxP recombination system, we deleted the mouse TrkB gene in RGS9-2-expressing cells. In this mouse mutant, TrkB expression was abolished in several hypothalamic nuclei, including arcuate nucleus, dorsomedial hypothalamus, and lateral hypothalamus. TrkB expression was also abolished in a small number of cells in other brain regions, including the cerebral cortex and striatum. The mutant animals developed hyperphagic obesity with normal energy expenditure. Despite hyperglycemia under fed conditions, these animals exhibited normal fasting blood glucose levels and normal glucose tolerance. These results suggest that BDNF regulates energy homeostasis in part through TrkB-expressing neurons in the hypothalamus.