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Rev Port Cardiol ; 2024 Jul 05.
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38972452


Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a form of precapillary pulmonary hypertension caused by a complex process of endothelial dysfunction and vascular remodeling. If left untreated, this progressive disease presents with symptoms of incapacitating fatigue causing marked loss of quality of life, eventually culminating in right ventricular failure and death. Patient management is complex and based on accurate diagnosis, risk stratification, and treatment initiation, with close monitoring of response and disease progression. Understanding the underlying pathophysiology has enabled the development of multiple drugs directed at different targets in the pathological chain. Vasodilator therapy has been the mainstay approach for the last few years, significantly improving quality of life, functional status, and survival. Recent advances in therapies targeting dysfunctional pathways beyond endothelial dysfunction may address the fundamental processes underlying the disease, raising the prospect of increasingly effective options for this high-risk group of patients with a historically poor prognosis.

Arq. bras. cardiol ; 121(7): e20230669, jun.2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568792


Resumo Fundamento: Na hipertensão pulmonar (HP), é necessária a identificação de marcadores prognósticos de fácil obtenção associados com disfunção do ventrículo direito (VD) e sobrevida. Objetivo: Avaliar a associação do índice de anisocitose eritrocitária (RDW, do inglês red cell distribution width) com parâmetros ecocardiográficos e sobrevida em pacientes com HP pré-capilar, com o desenvolvimento de um modelo de predição de mortalidade. Métodos: Estudo observacional, longitudinal, prospectivo, conduzido entre maio de 2019 e dezembro de 2022. Trinta e quatro pacientes com HP pré-capilar submeteram-se à realização de ecocardiograma bidimensional e hemograma. Um ponto de corte de 14,5% foi adotado para definir o RDW como alterado (≥14,5%) ou normal (<14,5%). Valores de p<0,05 foram considerados significativos. Resultados: O RDW médio foi 14,4%. Houve uma diferença significativa na saturação periférica de oxigênio (SpO2) (p=0,028), strain do VD (p=0,047) e derrame pericárdico (p=0,002) entre os grupos com RDW normal e elevado. Durante um período mediano de 15 meses, 20,6% dos pacientes foram a óbito. Os pacientes com RDW aumentado tiveram uma sobrevida global mais curta (44,7%, log-rank p=0,019), sendo um preditor de mortalidade na regressão univariada de Cox. A adição do strain do VD < 16% e da SpO2 ≤93% ao modelo incluindo somente RDW mostrou valor incremental na predição de mortalidade (χ2=8,2, p=0,049; χ2=12,4, p=0,041), com área sob a curva ROC (do inglês, Receiver Operating Characteristic) aumentada (0,729 vs. 0,837 vs. 0,909) e probabilidade de sobrevida diminuída (44.7% vs. 35.6% vs. 25%, log-rank p=0,019). Conclusões: O RDW fornece informações sobre a gravidade da HP pré-capilar pela sua correlação com parâmetros ecocardiográficos de disfunção do VD e mortalidade, a qual é melhor predita por um modelo incluindo RDW, strain do VD e SpO2.

Abstract Background: In pulmonary hypertension (PH), the identification of easily obtainable prognostic markers associated with right ventricular (RV) dysfunction and survival is needed. Objective: To evaluate the association of red cell distribution width (RDW) with clinical, echocardiographic parameters and survival in patients with pre-capillary PH, with the development of a mortality prediction model. Methods: Observational, longitudinal, and prospective study conducted from May 2019 to December 2022. Thirty-four patients with pre-capillary PH underwent two-dimensional echocardiography and complete blood count. A cutoff point of 14.5% was considered to define RDW as altered (≥14.5%) or normal (<14.5%). P values <0.05 were considered significant. Results: The median RDW was 14.4%. There was a significant difference in peripheral arterial oxygen saturation (SpO2) (p=0.028), RV strain (p=0.047), and pericardial effusion (p=0.002) between the normal and elevated RDW groups. During a median follow-up of 15 months, 20.6% died. Patients with increased RDW had a shorter overall survival (44.7%, log-rank p=0.019), which was a predictor of mortality in univariate Cox regression (HR 8.55, p=0.048). The addition of RV strain <16% and SpO2 ≤93% to the model including RDW alone showed incremental value in predicting mortality (χ2=8.2, p=0.049; χ2=12.4, p=0.041), with increased area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (0.729 vs. 0.837 vs. 0.909) and decreased probability of survival (44.7% vs. 35.6% vs. 25%, log-rank p=0.019). Conclusions: RDW provides information on the severity of pre-capillary PH by correlating with echocardiographic parameters of RV dysfunction and mortality, which is best predicted by a model including RDW, RV strain and SpO2.

Rev Port Cardiol ; 2024 Jun 28.
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38945473


Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) is part of group 4 of the pulmonary hypertension (PH) classification and generally affects more than a third of patients referred to PH centers. It is a three-compartment disease involving proximal (lobar-to-segmental) and distal (subsegmental) pulmonary arteries that are obstructed by persistent fibrothrombotic material, and precapillary pulmonary arteries that can be affected as in pulmonary arterial hypertension. It is a rare complication of pulmonary embolism (PE), with an incidence of around 3% in PE survivors. The observed incidence of CTEPH in the general population is around six cases per million but could be three times higher than this, as estimated from PE incidence. However, a previous venous thromboembolic episode is not always documented. With advances in multimodality imaging and therapeutic management, survival for CTEPH has improved for both operable and inoperable patients. Advanced imaging with pulmonary angiography helps distinguish proximal from distal obstructive disease. However, right heart catheterization is of utmost importance to establish the diagnosis and hemodynamic severity of PH. The therapeutic strategy relies on a stepwise approach, starting with an operability assessment. Pulmonary endarterectomy (PEA), also known as pulmonary thromboendarterectomy, is the first-line treatment for operable patients. Growing experience and advances in surgical technique have enabled expansion of the distal limits of PEA and significant improvements in perioperative and mid- to long-term mortality. In patients who are inoperable or who have persistent/recurrent PH after PEA, medical therapy and/or balloon pulmonary angioplasty (BPA) are effective treatment options with favorable outcomes that are increasingly used. All treatment decisions should be made with a multidisciplinary team that includes a PEA surgeon, a BPA expert, and a chest radiologist.

Rev. méd. Urug ; 40(3): e203, 2024.
Artículo en Español | BNUY, LILACS | ID: biblio-1570030


Introducción: La tromboendarterectomía pulmonar (TEA) es la principal herramienta terapéutica en hipertensión pulmonar tromboembólica crónica (HPTEC), potencialmente curativa. Se analiza la experiencia de 13 años de TEAs de pacientes uruguayos en el marco del convenio con el Hospital Universitario Fundación Favaloro (HUFF-Argentina). Metodología: Estudio analítico, observacional y retrospectivo de todas las TEAs realizadas entre 2011 y 2023. Resultados: Se realizaron 15 TEAs. 46 ± 17 años, 67% hombres. Diez pacientes tenían antecedentes de enfermedad tromboembólica previa y 8 hipercoagulabilidad. El tiempo desde el inicio de los síntomas al diagnóstico fue de 36 (22-78) meses. Ochenta por ciento se encontraba en CF III, con una distancia total recorrida en la prueba de la marcha de 6 minutos de 375 (272-458) metros, severidad ecocardiográfica (TAPSE/PAPs 0,22 ± 0,08 mm/mmHg) y hemodinámica (RVP 11 ± 5 UW) que mejoraron significativamente en el posoperatorio temprano. La mortalidad intrahospitalaria fue del 20% que se mantuvo en el seguimiento de 34 (7-97) meses excepto un paciente que murió por una nueva embolia de pulmón a los 3 años. Todos los fallecidos tenían una hemodinamia preoperatoria significativamente más grave (RVP 19 ± 6 UW, índice cardíaco 1,5 ± 0,4 L/min/m2). Seis sobrevivientes (50%) presentaron HP residual asociada a una mayor PAPm y RVP preoperatorias y menor recuperación funcional y ecocardiográfica a corto plazo (P <0,05), dos de los cuales recibieron terapia específica posterior al procedimiento. Conclusiones: La TEA determinó mejoría clínica, ecocardiográfica y hemodinámica. Seis supervivientes (50%) normalizaron la hemodinamia de reposo. La severidad hemodinámica preoperatoria dado por las lesiones obstructivas y microangiopatía distales se asoció con una alta tasa de complicaciones y mortalidad perioperatorias. La reducción del retardo en el diagnóstico y tratamiento junto con una mayor tasa de TEAs/año podrían reducir las complicaciones y mejorar el pronóstico.

Summary Introduction: Pulmonary thromboendarterectomy (PTE) is the main therapeutic tool for chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH), and is potentially curative. The experience of 13 years of PTEs on Uruguayan patients under the agreement with the University Hospital Fundación Favaloro (HUFF-Argentina) is analyzed. Methodology: Analytical, observational, and retrospective study of all PTEs performed between 2011 and 2023. Results: Fifteen PTEs were performed. Age was 46 ± 17 years, 67% male. Ten patients had a history of prior thromboembolic disease, and 8 had hypercoagulability. The time from symptom onset to diagnosis was 36 (22-78) months. Eighty percent were in NYHA Functional Class III, with a total distance walked in the 6-minute walk test of 375 (272-458) meters, echocardiographic severity (TAPSE/sPAP 0,22 ± 0,08 mm/mmHg), and hemodynamic severity (PVR 11 ± 5 WU) which significantly improved in the early postoperative period. In-hospital mortality was 20% and remained at a follow-up of 34 (7-97) months, except for one patient who died from a new pulmonary embolism at 3 years. All deceased patients had significantly more severe preoperative hemodynamics (PVR 19 ± 6 WU, cardiac index 1,5 ± 0,4 L/min/m²). Six survivors (50%) presented with residual PH associated with higher preoperative mPAP and PVR and lower short-term functional and echocardiographic recovery (P <0,05), two of whom received specific therapy post-procedure. Conclusions: PTE resulted in clinical, echocardiographic, and hemodynamic improvement. Six survivors (50%) normalized resting hemodynamics. Preoperative hemodynamic severity due to distal obstructive lesions and microangiopathy was associated with a high rate of perioperative complications and mortality. Reducing the delay in diagnosis and treatment and a higher rate of PTEs/year could reduce complications and improve prognosis.

Introdução: A tromboendarterectomia pulmonar (TEP) é a principal ferramenta terapêutica na hipertensão pulmonar tromboembólica crônica (HPTEC), potencialmente curativa. Analisa-se a experiência de 13 anos de TEPs em pacientes uruguaios no âmbito do convênio com o Hospital Universitário Fundação Favaloro (HUFF-Argentina). Metodologia: Estudo analítico, observacional e retrospectivo de todas as TEPs realizadas entre 2011 e 2023. Resultados: Foram realizadas 15 TEPs. Idade de 46 ± 17 anos, 67% homens. Dez pacientes tinham antecedentes de doença tromboembólica prévia e 8 hipercoagulabilidade. O tempo desde o início dos sintomas até o diagnóstico foi de 36 (22-78) meses. Oitenta por cento encontravam-se em Classe Funcional III, com uma distância total percorrida no teste de caminhada de 6 minutos de 375 (272-458) metros, gravidade ecocardiográfica (TAPSE/sPAP 0,22 ± 0,08 mm/mmHg) e hemodinâmica (RVP 11 ± 5 UW) que melhoraram significativamente no pós-operatório precoce. A mortalidade intra-hospitalar foi de 20% e manteve-se no seguimento de 34 (7-97) meses, exceto um paciente que faleceu por uma nova embolia pulmonar aos 3 anos. Todos os falecidos apresentavam hemodinâmica pré-operatória significativamente mais grave (RVP 19 ± 6 UW, índice cardíaco 1,5 ± 0,4 L/min/m²). Seis sobreviventes (50%) apresentaram HP residual associada a maior PAPm e RVP pré-operatórias e menor recuperação funcional e ecocardiográfica a curto prazo (P <0,05), dois dos quais receberam terapia específica pós-procedimento. Conclusões: A TEP resultou em melhora clínica, ecocardiográfica e hemodinâmica. Seis sobreviventes (50%) normalizaram a hemodinâmica de repouso. A gravidade hemodinâmica pré-operatória devido a lesões obstrutivas e microangiopatia distal foi associada a uma alta taxa de complicações e mortalidade perioperatória. A redução do atraso no diagnóstico e tratamento juntamente com uma maior taxa de TEPs/ano poderia reduzir as complicações e melhorar o prognóstico.

Endarterectomía , Hipertensión Pulmonar/terapia , Argentina , Uruguay , Enfermedad Crónica , Estudios Retrospectivos , Estudio Observacional
Rev Port Cardiol ; 42(12): 947-958, 2023 12.
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37652118


INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: The true prevalence of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) after pulmonary embolism (PE) in the Portuguese population remains unknown. We aimed to assess the prevalence and predictors of CTEPH two years after a symptomatic high- (HR) or intermediate-high risk (IHR) PE. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective cohort study of patients admitted with PE between 2014 and 2019 to a Portuguese referral center for pulmonary hypertension. RESULTS: In this single-center registry of 969 patients admitted with PE (annual incidence of 46/100000 population), 194 had HR (5.4%) and IHR (14.7%) PE. After excluding patients who died or had no follow-up in the first three months, 129 patients were included in the analysis. The overall prevalence of suspected CTEPH by clinical assessment, Doppler echocardiography and V/Q lung scan was 6.2% (eight patients). CTEPH was confirmed by right heart catheterization in four of these (3.1%). Increased pulmonary artery systolic pressure (PASP) at admission (OR 1.12; 95% CI 1.04-1.22; p=0.005) and the presence of varicose veins in the lower limbs (OR 7.47; 95% CI 1.53-36.41; p=0.013) were predictors of CTEPH. PASP >60 mmHg at admission identified patients with CTEPH at follow-up with sensitivity and specificity of 83.3% and 76.3%, respectively. All patients diagnosed with CTEPH had at least two radiological findings suggestive of CTEPH at the index event. CONCLUSIONS: In our cohort, the prevalence of CTEPH in survivors of severe forms of acute PE was 6.2%. PASP above 60 mmHg and supporting radiological findings on the index computed tomography scan are highly suggestive of acute-on-chronic CTEPH.

Hipertensión Pulmonar , Embolia Pulmonar , Humanos , Hipertensión Pulmonar/complicaciones , Hipertensión Pulmonar/epidemiología , Prevalencia , Estudios Retrospectivos , Embolia Pulmonar/complicaciones , Embolia Pulmonar/diagnóstico por imagen , Embolia Pulmonar/epidemiología , Sensibilidad y Especificidad , Enfermedad Aguda , Enfermedad Crónica
Rev Port Cardiol ; 42(2): 139-144, 2023 02.
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36228832


BACKGROUND AND AIM: Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) is caused by the obstruction of the main pulmonary artery due to thrombosis and vascular remodeling. Regarding the need for anticoagulant therapy in CTEPH patients, this study aimed to compare rivaroxaban with warfarin in terms of its efficacy and safety in patients undergoing endarterectomy surgery. METHODS: The study was a parallel clinical trial in patients who underwent endarterectomy following CTEPH. A total of 96 patients were randomly selected and assigned to two groups: warfarin-treated (control) and rivaroxaban-treated (intervention). Patients were clinically assessed for re-thrombosis, re-admission, bleeding, and mortality in the first, third, and sixth months after surgery. RESULTS: There was no significant difference in the occurrence of thrombosis between the two groups within the first, third-, and sixth-months post-surgery (p=0.52, 1, 0.38 respectively). Moreover, the mortality rate (p=0.9), bleeding rate (p=0.06), and re-admission rate (p=0.15) showed no significant differences between the two groups. CONCLUSION: Rivaroxaban may be as effective as warfarin in treating CTEPH patients after endarterectomy in the short term and can be used as an anticoagulant in these patients. However, studies with long-term follow-ups are needed to consolidate the strategy of treating these patients with rivaroxaban.

Hipertensión Pulmonar , Embolia Pulmonar , Trombosis , Humanos , Hipertensión Pulmonar/complicaciones , Hipertensión Pulmonar/tratamiento farmacológico , Hipertensión Pulmonar/cirugía , Warfarina/uso terapéutico , Rivaroxabán/uso terapéutico , Embolia Pulmonar/complicaciones , Embolia Pulmonar/cirugía , Enfermedad Crónica , Anticoagulantes/uso terapéutico , Hemorragia , Endarterectomía/efectos adversos , Resultado del Tratamiento
J. bras. pneumol ; 49(3): e20220337, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440444


ABSTRACT Idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) patients with a positive response to acute vasodilator challenge and a clinical response to calcium channel blockers (CCBs) for at least one year are traditionally designated true responders. Nevertheless, little is known about a sustained response to CCBs over longer periods of time. We evaluated the loss of response to CCBs after long-term treatment in a cohort of idiopathic PAH patients previously classified as being true responders. Our data suggest that idiopathic PAH patients can lose clinical response to CCBs even after one year of clinical stability, reinforcing the need for constant multidimensional reevaluation to assess the need for targeted PAH therapies and to classify these patients correctly.

RESUMO Pacientes com hipertensão arterial pulmonar (HAP) idiopática com resposta positiva ao teste de vasorreatividade aguda e resposta clínica a bloqueadores dos canais de cálcio (BCC) durante no mínimo um ano são tradicionalmente denominados "respondedores verdadeiros". No entanto, pouco se sabe sobre a manutenção da resposta a BCC durante períodos mais longos. Avaliamos a perda de resposta a BCC após tratamento prolongado em uma coorte de pacientes com HAP idiopática previamente considerados respondedores verdadeiros. Nossos dados sugerem que pacientes com HAP idiopática podem deixar de apresentar resposta clínica a BCC mesmo depois de um ano de estabilidade clínica, reforçando a necessidade de reavaliação multidimensional constante para avaliar a necessidade de terapias específicas para HAP e classificar esses pacientes corretamente.

Arq. bras. cardiol ; 120(7): e20220461, 2023. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447306


Resumo Fundamento O ecocardiograma transtorácico (ETT) tem um papel de triagem no algoritmo diagnóstico da hipertensão pulmonar (HP). Estudos demonstraram uma discordância significativa entre as medições do ETT da pressão arterial pulmonar sistólica (PAPs) e da pressão atrial direita (PAD) e as obtidas pelo cateterismo do coração direito (CCD). Objetivo Comparar as medições do ETT da PAPs e da PAD com as obtidas pelo CCD em pacientes com suspeita de HP. Métodos Pacientes encaminhados a um centro de referência com probabilidade alta ou intermediária de PH ao ETT na admissão hospitalar passaram por CCD. A concordância entre a PAPs e a PAD em ambos os procedimentos foi avaliada pelo teste de Bland-Altman. Diferenças de até 10 mmHg na PAPs e de até 5 mmHg na PAD foram consideradas dentro da variabilidade do teste. A curva de característica de operação do receptor (ROC) foi construída para determinar os valores mais precisos de PAPs e VRT associados ao diagnóstico de HP pelo CCD. O nível de significância estatística adotado foi 5%. Resultados Foram incluídos noventa e cinco pacientes. A análise de Bland-Altman análise revelou um viés de 8,03 mmHg (IC 95%: -34,9 a 50,9) na PAPs e -3,30 mmHg (IC 95%: -15,9 a 9,3) na PAD. AUC da PAPs e VRT medidas pelo ETT para a discriminação de provável HP foram de 0,936 (IC 95%: 0,836 a 1,0) e 0,919 (IC 95%: 0,837 a 1,0), respectivamente. Entretanto, apenas 33,4% da estimativa ecocardiográfica da PAPs e 55,1% da PAD foram precisas, em comparação às medições obtidas pelo CCD. Conclusão O ETT tem um alto poder discriminatório como método diagnóstico de triagem para HP, apesar de apresentar discordâncias entre os valores absolutos de PAPs e PAD, em comparação às medições por CCD.

Abstract Background The transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE) plays a screening role in the diagnostic algorithm of pulmonary hypertension (PH). Studies have shown a significant disagreement between TTE measurements of the systolic pulmonary artery pressure (sPAP) and right atrial pressure (RAP) and those obtained by right heart catheterization (RHC). Objective To compare TTE measurements of sPAP and RAP with those obtained by RHC in patients being investigated for PH. Methods Patients referred to a PH reference center with a high or intermediate TTE probability of PH upon admission were submitted to RHC. The agreement between sPAP and RAP from both procedures was assessed through the Bland-Altman test. Differences of up to 10 mmHg for sPAP and 5 mmHg for RAP were considered within the variability of the test. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve was constructed to determine the most accurate sPAP and Tricuspid regurgitation maximal velocity (TRV)values associated with the diagnosis of PH by RHC. The adopted level of statistical significance was 5%. Results Ninety-five patients were included. The Bland-Altman analysis showed a bias of 8.03 mmHg (95% CI:-34.9-50.9) for sPAP and -3.30 mmHg (95% CI:-15.9-9.3) for RAP. AUC for sPAP and TRV measured by TTE for discrimination of probable PH were 0.936 (95% CI: 0.836-1.0) and 0.919 (95% CI: 0.837-1.0), respectively. However, only 33.4% of the echocardiographic estimate of sPAP and 55.1% of RAP were accurate, as compared to the measurements obtained by RHC. Conclusion TTE has a high discriminatory power as a screening diagnostic method for PH despite presenting disagreements between sPAP and RAP absolute values when compared to RHC measurements.

Arq. bras. cardiol ; 120(10): e20230188, 2023. graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520134


Resumo Fundamento A alta incidência de arritmias atriais na hipertensão pulmonar (HP) pode estar associada a um prognóstico ruim, e o átrio esquerdo (AE) pode desempenhar um papel neste quadro. Um achado importante nos estudos de HP é que a remodelação do AE é subestimada. Objetivo Este estudo investigou a morfologia e a função mecânica do AE, bem como a suscetibilidade ao desenvolvimento de arritmias em um modelo de HP induzida por monocrotalina (HP-MCT). Métodos Ratos Wistar com 4 semanas de idade receberam 50 mg/kg de MCT. Foram realizadas análises eletrocardiográficas e histológicas para avaliar o estabelecimento do modelo de HP-MCT. O tecido foi montado em banho de órgão isolado para caracterizar a função mecânica do AE. Resultados Em comparação com o grupo controle, o modelo de HP-MCT apresentou hipertrofia do AE e alterações da atividade elétrica cardíaca, conforme evidenciadas pelo aumento da duração da onda P, PR e intervalo QT. Não foi observada alteração no inotropismo do AE isolado de ratos com HP-MCT; no entanto, o tempo para atingir a contração máxima foi atrasado. Finalmente, não observamos diferença na suscetibilidade à arritmia no AE dos ratos com HP-MCT após o protocolo de estimulação intermitente. Conclusão A remodelação morfofuncional do AE não levou ao aumento da suscetibilidade à arritmia ex vivo após a aplicação do protocolo de estimulação intermitente.

Abstract Background The high incidence of atrial arrhythmias in pulmonary hypertension (PH) might be associated with poor prognosis, and the left atrium (LA) may play a role in this. An important finding in PH studies is that LA remodeling is underestimated. Objective This study investigated LA morphology and mechanical function, as well as the susceptibility to develop arrhythmias in a monocrotaline-induced PH (MCT-PH) model. Methods Wistar rats aged 4 weeks received 50 mg/kg of MCT. Electrocardiography and histology analysis were performed to evaluate the establishment of the MCT-PH model. The tissue was mounted in an isolated organ bath to characterize the LA mechanical function Results Compared with the control group (CTRL), the MCT-PH model presented LA hypertrophy and changes in cardiac electrical activity, as evidenced by increased P wave duration, PR and QT interval in MCT-PH rats. In LA isolated from MCT-PH rats, no alteration in inotropism was observed; however, the time to peak contraction was delayed in the experimental MCT-PH group. Finally, there was no difference in arrhythmia susceptibility of LA from MCT-PH animals after the burst pacing protocol. Conclusion The morphofunctional remodeling of the LA did not lead to increased susceptibility to ex vivo arrhythmia after application of the burst pacing protocol.

Arq. bras. cardiol ; 119(4): 574-584, Oct. 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1403371


Resumo Fundamento A hipertrofia e a dilatação do ventrículo direito observadas na hipertensão arterial pulmonar (HAP) prejudicam a dinâmica do ventrículo esquerdo (VE) achatando o septo interventricular. Objetivo Investigar se o treinamento físico resistido (TFR) de intensidade baixa a moderada é benéfico para funções contráteis do VE e de cardiomiócitos em ratos durante o desenvolvimento de HAP induzida por monocrotalina (MCT). Métodos Foram usados ratos Wistar machos (Peso corporal: ~ 200 g). Para avaliar o tempo até o possível surgimento de insuficiência cardíaca (ou seja, ponto de desfecho), os ratos foram divididos em dois grupos, hipertensão com sedentarismo até a insuficiência (HSI, n=6) e hipertensão com treinamento até a insuficiência (HTI, n=6). Para testar os efeitos do TFR, os ratos foram divididos entre grupos de controle sedentários (CS, n=7), hipertensão com sedentarismo (HS, n=7) e hipertensão com treinamento (HT, n=7). A HAP foi induzida por duas injeções de MCT (20 mg/kg, com um intervalo de 7 dias). Os grupos com treinamento foram submetidos a um protocolo de TFR (subir escadas; 55-65% da máxima carga carregada), 5 dias por semana. A significância estatística foi definida em p <0,05. Resultados O TFR prolongou o ponto de desfecho (~25%), melhorou a tolerância ao esforço físico (~55%) e atenuou as disfunções de contratilidade de VE e de cardiomiócitos promovidas pela MCT preservando a fração de ejeção e o encurtamento fracional, a amplitude do encurtamento, e as velocidades de contração e relaxamento nos cardiomiócitos. O TFR também preveniu os aumentos de fibrose e colágeno tipo I no ventrículo esquerdo causados pela MCT, além de manter as dimensões de miócitos e colágeno tipo III reduzidas por MCT. Conclusão O TFR de intensidade baixa a moderada é benéfico para funções contráteis de VE e cardiomiócitos em ratos durante o desenvolvimento de HAP induzida por MCT.

Abstract Background The right ventricular hypertrophy and dilation observed in pulmonary artery hypertension (PAH) damages the left ventricle (LV) dynamics by flattening the interventricular septum. Objective To investigate whether low- to moderate-intensity resistance exercise training (RT) is beneficial to LV and cardiomyocyte contractile functions in rats during the development of monocrotaline (MCT)-induced PAH. Methods Male Wistar rats (Body weight: ~ 200 g) were used. To assess the time to potential heart failure onset (i.e., end point), rats were divided into sedentary hypertension until failure (SHF, n=6) and exercise hypertension until failure (EHF, n=6) groups. To test RT effects, rats were divided into sedentary control (SC, n = 7), sedentary hypertension (SH, n=7), and exercise hypertension (EH, n=7) groups. PAH was induced by two MCT injections (20 mg/kg, with 7 days interval). Exercise groups were submitted to an RT protocol (Ladder climbing; 55-65% of carrying maximal load), 5 times/week. Statistical significance was assumed at P < 0.05. Results RT prolonged the end point (~25 %), enhanced the physical effort tolerance (~ 55%), and mitigated the LV and cardiomyocyte contractility dysfunctions promoted by MCT by preserving the ejection fraction and fractional shortening, the amplitude of shortening, and the velocities of contraction and relaxation in cardiomyocytes. RT also prevented increases in left ventricle fibrosis and type I collagen caused by MCT, and maintained the type III collagen and myocyte dimensions reduced by MCT. Conclusion Low- to moderate-intensity RT benefits LV and cardiomyocyte contractile functions in rats during the development of MCT-induced PAH.

Rev Port Cardiol ; 41(9): 741-748, 2022 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36066267


INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) is a progressive, but potentially curable, form of pulmonary hypertension. Pulmonary endarterectomy (PEA) is a complex surgery that frequently achieves hemodynamic normalization and symptom resolution, although not all patients are suitable for the procedure. We aimed to assess long-term outcomes of CTEPH, namely all-cause mortality and hospital admission for decompensated heart failure, according to treatment modalities in patients who underwent PEA or non-surgical therapy. METHODS: A 10-year retrospective study of patients with CTEPH at a referral center was conducted. Forty-five patients were included and median follow-up time was 57 (IQR 24-93) months. Survival analysis was performed and a multivariate Cox regression model was used to identify independent predictors of outcomes. RESULTS: Patients were mostly female (59%) and mean age was 63±16 years. Two-thirds were severely symptomatic at diagnosis, with 62.2% of patients presenting in WHO functional class (WHO FC) III or IV. One-, two- and three-year survival was 93.3%, 82.4% and 75.9%, respectively. Serum BNP (HR 1.003; 95% CI: 1.001-1.005; p=0.003) and creatinine (HR 12.092; 95% CI: 1.121-130.390; p=0.040) were predictors of death. Mortality was numerically lower in those who underwent PEA (p=0.135). PEA was associated with decreased risk of the combined endpoint of all-cause mortality and hospital admission for decompensated heart failure (HR 0.198; 95% CI: 0.040-0.982; p=0.047), as were lower serum BNP (HR 1.003; 95% CI: 1.001-1.005; p=0.008) and mPAP (HR 1.073; 95% CI: 1.022-1.128; p=0.005) at diagnosis. Most patients who underwent PEA presented improved WHO FC (92.9%) and post-surgical residual pulmonary hypertension was identified in only 21.4%. CONCLUSION: PEA provided a better overall prognosis than non-surgical therapy, improving symptoms and frequently achieving hemodynamic normalization, with a numerical trend for lower mortality. Higher serum BNP, creatinine and mPAP at diagnosis were independently associated with worse outcomes.

Rev Port Cardiol ; 41(6): 511.e1-511.e5, 2022 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36062695


Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is a common autosomal dominant genetic disorder that affects multiple organ systems and has a wide range of clinical manifestations. Pulmonary hypertension (PH) associated with NF1 (PH-NF1) is rarely seen, but confers a dismal prognosis. In the literature this association has been described in only 31 cases. The authors report the case of a 77-year-old female patient with NF1 complicated by severe precapillary PH despite triple disease-specific oral combination therapy. Because no data are available on the efficacy of specific PH therapy in PH-NF1, these patients should be assessed in expert PH centers and referred for lung transplantation at an early stage.

Rev Port Cardiol ; 41(2): 177.e1-177.e4, 2022 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36062706


Management of patients with congenital heart defects and associated pulmonary arterial hypertension remains a major concern. With evolving targeted drug therapies and new iterations of transcatheter devices, treatment of appropriately selected patients with severe pulmonary hypertension, classically considered inoperable, has become feasible. We report the case of a patient with concomitant ruptured right sinus of Valsalva aneurysm and ventricular septal defect, with early reversal of suprasystemic pulmonary pressures following successful percutaneous closure of ruptured sinus of Valsalva.

Rev. urug. cardiol ; 37(1): e402, jun. 2022. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1390040


Introducción: la hipertensión pulmonar asociada a cardiopatías congénitas del adulto implica un amplio espectro de situaciones clínicas complejas de difícil manejo para el cardiólogo clínico. Revisión: se repasarán los principales aspectos fisiopatológicos relacionados con el desarrollo de hipertensión pulmonar en los diferentes grupos de cardiopatías congénitas, así como los criterios para establecer el diagnóstico. Se discutirá el tratamiento guiado por perfil de riesgo y los grupos farmacológicos disponibles en nuestro medio. Por último, se discutirán grupos especiales, como el síndrome de Eisenmenger y la embarazada con cardiopatía e hipertensión pulmonar. Conclusión: es importante tener presente de todas formas que la hipertensión pulmonar en este escenario puede tener un mal pronóstico (como en el síndrome de Eisenmenger), por lo cual se deben realizar los mayores esfuerzos para hacer un diagnóstico precoz y tratamiento oportuno de estos pacientes.

Introduction: pulmonary hypertension associated with congenital heart disease in adults involves a wide spectrum of complex clinical situations that are difficult to manage for the clinical cardiologist. Review: the main pathophysiological aspects related to the development of pulmonary hypertension in the different groups of congenital heart disease will be reviewed, as well as the criteria to establish the diagnosis. Treatment guided by risk profile and the pharmacological groups available in our setting will be discussed. Finally, special groups such as Eisenmenger syndrome and pregnant women with heart disease and pulmonary hypertension will be discussed. Conclusion: it is important to keep in mind, however, that pulmonary hypertension in this scenario could have a poor prognosis (for example in Eisenmenger syndrome), which is why every effort should be made to make an early diagnosis and timely treatment of these patients.

Introdução: a hipertensão pulmonar associada à cardiopatia congênita em adultos envolve um amplo espectro de situações clínicas complexas e de difícil manejo para o cardiologista clínico. Revisão: serão revistos os principais aspectos fisiopatológicos relacionados ao desenvolvimento da hipertensão pulmonar nos diferentes grupos de cardiopatias congênitas, bem como os critérios para estabelecer o diagnóstico. Serão discutidos o tratamento guiado pelo perfil de risco e os grupos farmacológicos disponíveis em nosso meio. Por fim, serão discutidos grupos especiais como síndrome de Eisenmenger e gestantes com cardiopatia e hipertensão pulmonar. Conclusão: de qualquer forma, é importante ter em mente que a hipertensão pulmonar nesse cenário pode ter um prognóstico ruim (como na síndrome de Eisenmenger), razão pela qual todo esforço deve ser feito para o diagnóstico precoce e tratamento oportuno desses pacientes.

Humanos , Adulto , Cardiopatías Congénitas/complicaciones , Hipertensión Pulmonar/etiología , Hipertensión Pulmonar/diagnóstico , Hipertensión Pulmonar/fisiopatología , Hipertensión Pulmonar/terapia
Arq. bras. cardiol ; 118(6): 1059-1066, Maio 2022. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1383696


Resumo Fundamento A hipertensão pulmonar (HP) é uma doença rara e complexa com prognóstico ruim, que exige tratamento pela vida toda. Objetivo Descrever dados de 3 anos de acompanhamento da vida real sobre o tratamento com estimuladores de guanilato ciclase solúvel (Riociguate) de pacientes com HP, medindo parâmetros atuais de avaliação de risco. Métodos Coletamos dados clínicos e epidemiológicos retrospectivamente de pacientes com HP do grupo 1 (hipertensão arterial pulmonar) e do grupo 4 (HP tromboembólica crônica). Parâmetros não invasivos e invasivos correspondentes à avaliação de risco foram analisados na linha de base e no acompanhamento. Foram realizadas análises estatísticas usando o software SPSS 18.0, e os p-valores <0,050 foram considerados estatisticamente significativos. Resultados No total, 41 pacientes tratados com riociguate foram incluídos no estudo. Entre eles, 31 já concluíram 3 anos de tratamento e foram selecionados para a seguinte análise. Na linha de base, 70,7% dos pacientes estavam nas classes funcionais III ou IV da OMS. Depois de 3 anos de tratamento, a classe funcional da OMS melhorou significativamente em todos os pacientes. Além disso, a mediana do teste de caminhada de 6 minutos (TC6M) aumentou significativamente de 394 ± 91 m na linha de base para 458 ± 100 m após 3 anos de acompanhamento (p= 0,014). O índice de sobrevida após três anos foi de 96,7%. Conclusão Em nossa coorte de vida real, a maioria dos pacientes com HP tratados com riociguate demonstraram parâmetros de risco estáveis ou melhores, especialmente no TC6M, aos 3 anos de acompanhamento.

Abstract Background Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a rare and complex disease with poor prognosis, which requires lifelong treatment. Objective To describe 3-year follow-up real-life data on treatment with soluble guanylate cyclase stimulators (Riociguat) of patients with PH, measuring current risk assessment parameters. Methods This study retrospectively collected clinical and epidemiological data of patients with PH of group 1 (pulmonary arterial hypertension) and group 4 (chronic thromboembolic PH). Non-invasive and invasive parameters corresponding to the risk assessment were analyzed at baseline and follow-up. Statistical analyses were performed using the SPSS 18.0 software, and p-values < 0.050 were considered statistically significant. Results In total, 41 patients receiving riociguat were included in the study. Of them, 31 had already completed 3 years of treatment and were selected for the following analysis. At baseline, 70.7% of patients were in WHO functional class III or IV. After 3 years of treatment, the WHO functional class significantly improved in all patients. In addition, the median of the 6-minute walk test (6MWT) significantly increased from 394 ± 91 m at baseline to 458 ± 100 m after 3 years of follow-up (p= 0.014). The three-year survival rate was 96.7%. Conclusion In our real-life cohort, most patients with PH treated with riociguat showed stable or improved risk parameters, especially in the 6MWT, at 3 years of follow-up.