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Notas enferm. (Córdoba) ; 25(43): 44-53, jun.2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería, UNISALUD, InstitutionalDB, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1561260


Objetivo: Correlacionar la variable principal sostén del hogar con las variables género, edad, horas de trabajo, horas de sueño y factores de riesgo cardiovascular (índice de masa corporal, hipertensión arterial, dislipemia y diabetes mellitus), en estudiantes de 3º, 4 y 5º año de la Licenciatura en Enfermería, Universidad Nacional de Formosa. Metodología: estudio descriptivo, correlacional, transversal realizado en 214 estudiantes, durante el año 2022, utilizándose un cuestionario on-line autoadministrado, estructurado y medición de peso y talla. Resultados: el 76% fueron mujeres; 64%, principal fueron principal sostén del hogar, 57% refirió dormir menos de 6 horas al día, 15 % trabaja más de 41 horas semanales; 67% tuvo respuestas no saludables a la variable estrés, para la variable actividad física este valor ascendió a 71% y el 53,8% presentó exceso de peso. Se encontró asociación significativa entre ser el principal sostén del hogar con exceso de peso, trabajar 41 horas o más semanalmente, dormir menos de 6 horas al día y con la presencia de 3 o más factores de riesgo cardiovascular. Conclusiones: Las condiciones de vida que afrontan los estudiantes que de manera simultánea estudian, trabajan y son principal sostén del hogar pueden generar estrés, el cual es un factor de riesgo para las enfermedades cardiovasculares[AU]

Objetive: to correlate the main variable of primary income earner or primary breadwinner with gender, age, working hours, sleep hours, and cardiovascular disease risk factors (body mass index, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and diabetes mellitus) in 3rd, 4th, and 5th-year nursing students at the Nursing Program at the National University of Formosa. Methodology: The study was a descriptive, correlational, cross-sectional, conducted with 214 students during 2022 using a self-administered structured online questionnaire and measurement of weight and height. Results: 76% were women, 64% were the main breadwinner, 57% reported sleeping less than 6 hours a day, 15% working more than 41 hours per week; 67% had unhealthy responses to the stress variable, this value rose to 71% for the physical activity variable, and 53.8% were overweight. A significant association was found between the main variable of primary breadwinner and being overweight, working 41 or more hours weekly, and the presence of 3 or more cardiovascular risk factors. Conclusions: The living conditions faced by students who simultaneously study and work, and being the main breadwinner in the household can generate stress, which is a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases[AU]

Objetivo:: correlacionar a variável principal de sustento econômico do lar com as variáveis gênero, idade, horas de trabalho, horas de sono e fatores de risco cardiovascular (índice de massa corporal,hipertensão arterial, dislipidemia e diabetes mellitus) em estudantes do 3º, 4º e 5º ano do curso de graduação em Enfermagem, Universidade Nacional de Formosa. Metodologia: O estudo foi descritivo, correlacional e transversal, realizado em 214 estudantes durante o ano de 2022. Foi utilizado um questionário online autoadministrado e estruturado, e a medição de peso e altura dos estudantes foi realizada. Resultados: 76% dos estudantes eram mulheres; 64% eram o principal sustento econômico do lar; 57% relataram dormir menos de 6 horas por dia, 15% responderam que trabalham mais de 41 horas por semana; em relação aos fatores de risco cardiovascular, 67% tiveram respostas não saudáveis para a variável estresse, para a variável atividade física esse valor aumentou para 71% e 53,8% apresentaram excesso de peso. Foi encontrada uma associação significativa entre a variável principal de sustento econômico do lar com as variáveis excesso de peso, trabalhar 41 horas ou mais por semana, dormir menos de 6 horas al día e a presença de 3 ou mais fatores de risco cardiovascular. Conclusões: As condições de vida enfrentadas pelos estudantes que simultaneamente estudam, trabalham e são o principal sustento do lar podem gerar estresse, que é um fator de risco para doenças cardiovasculares[AU]

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Argentina
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1561701


Introdução: As dislipidemias estão entre os fatores de riscos mais importantes para o desenvolvimento de doenças cardiovasculares (DCV), além de estarem relacionadas a outras patologias que predispõem às DCV. Em função da elevada prevalência e da incidência de complicações associadas à cronicidade da doença, as dislipidemias representam elevados custos ao setor da saúde e da previdência social. Diante disso, ressalta-se a importância do Sistema Único de Saúde, representado pela Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS), em prover práticas de prevenção, diagnóstico e acompanhamento dos pacientes dislipidêmicos, a fim de desonerar o sistema financeiro e promover o envelhecimento saudável. Objetivo: Descrever a prevalência de perfil lipídico alterado entre os idosos. Além disso, pretendeu-se caracterizar a amostra quanto aos aspectos sociodemográficos, de saúde e de comportamento, bem como analisar os fatores associados à distribuição do perfil lipídico alterado e às características da amostra. Métodos: Estudo transversal com dados secundários, obtidos de agosto de 2021 a julho de 2022, tendo como população pacientes idosos em acompanhamento na APS do município de Marau (RS). Todos os dados foram coletados dos prontuários eletrônicos da rede de APS e, após dupla digitação e validação dos dados, a amostra foi caracterizada por meio de estatística descritiva. Foi calculada a prevalência de perfil lipídico alterado com intervalo de confiança de 95% (IC95%) e foi verificada sua distribuição conforme as variáveis de exposição, empregando-se o teste do χ2 e admitindo-se erro tipo I de 5%. Resultados: A prevalência de dislipidemia proporcional entre os sexos foi maior no feminino (33%). A cor de pele predominante foi a branca (76,7%). Cerca de 20% dos pacientes apresentavam colesterol total, colesterol HDL-c e triglicerídeos alterados, enquanto cerca de 15% apresentavam o colesterol HDL-c anormal. Constatou-se que os pacientes dislipidêmicos apresentam mais diabetes e hipertensão em relação aos não dislipidêmicos, ocorrendo a sinergia de fatores de risco para as DCV. Conclusões: A caracterização exercida neste estudo serve de base científica para a compreensão da realidade local e, também, para o direcionamento de políticas públicas na atenção primária que atuem de forma efetiva na prevenção e no controle das dislipidemias e demais fatores de risco cardiovascular.

Introduction: Dyslipidemias are among the most important risk factors for the development of cardiovascular diseases (CVD), in addition to being related to other pathologies that predispose to CVD. Because of the high prevalence and incidence of complications associated with the chronicity of the disease, dyslipidemias represent high costs for the health and social security sector. This highlights the importance of the Unified Health System, represented by primary health care (PHC), in providing prevention, diagnosis and follow-up practices for dyslipidemic patients to relieve the financial system and promote healthy aging. Objective: The study aimed to describe the prevalence of altered lipid profile among older people. In addition, we sought to characterize the sample in terms of sociodemographic, health and behavioral aspects, as well as to analyze the factors associated with the distribution of the altered lipid profile and the characteristics of the sample. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study with secondary data, from August 2021 to July 2022, with older patients being followed up at the PHC in the city of Marau (RS) as the study population. All data were collected from the electronic medical records of the PHC network, and after double-typing and validation, the sample was characterized using descriptive statistics. The prevalence of altered lipid profile was determined with a 95% confidence interval (95%CI), and its distribution was verified according to the exposure variables, using the chi-square test and a type I error of 5%. Results: The prevalence of proportional dyslipidemia between sexes was higher in females (33%). The predominant skin color was white (76.7%). About 20% of the patients had altered total cholesterol, HDL-C and triglycerides, while about 15% had abnormal HDL-C. It was found that more dyslipidemic patients had diabetes and hypertension than non-dyslipidemic patients, with a synergy of risk factors for CVD. Conclusions: The characterization carried out in this study serves as a scientific basis for understanding the local reality and also for directing public policies in PHC that act effectively in the prevention and control of dyslipidemia and other cardiovascular risk factors.

Introducción: las dislipidemias se encuentran entre los factores de riesgo más importantes para el desarrollo de enfermedades cardiovasculares (ECV), además de estar relacionadas con otras patologías que predisponen a ECV. Debido a la alta prevalencia e incidencia de complicaciones asociadas a la cronicidad de la enfermedad, las dislipidemias representan altos costos para los sectores de salud y seguridad social. Frente a eso, se destaca la importancia del Sistema Único de Salud, representado por la Atención Primaria de Salud (APS), en la provisión de prácticas de prevención, diagnóstico y seguimiento de pacientes dislipidémicos, con el fin de descongestionar el sistema financiero y promover el envejecimiento saludable. Objetivo: El estudio tiene como objetivo describir la prevalencia del perfil lipídico alterado entre los ancianos. Además, se pretende caracterizar la muestra en cuanto a aspectos sociodemográficos, de salud y conductuales, así como analizar los factores asociados a la distribución del perfil lipídico alterado y las características de la muestra. Métodos: estudio transversal con datos secundarios, de agosto de 2021 a julio de 2022, con pacientes ancianos en seguimiento en la APS del municipio de Marau (RS) como población. Todos los datos fueron recolectados de la historia clínica electrónica de la red de la APS y, luego de doble digitación y validación, la muestra fue caracterizada mediante estadística descriptiva. Se calculó la prevalencia de perfil lipídico alterado con un intervalo de confianza del 95% (IC95%) y se verificó su distribución según las variables de exposición, utilizando la prueba de chi-cuadrado y admitiendo un error tipo I del 5%. Resultados: la prevalencia de dislipidemia proporcional entre sexos fue mayor en el sexo femenino (33%). El color de piel predominante fue el blanco (76,7%). Alrededor del 20% de los pacientes tenían colesterol total, colesterol HDL-C y triglicéridos alterados, mientras que alrededor del 15% tenían colesterol HDL-C anormal. Se encontró que los pacientes dislipidémicos tienen más diabetes e hipertensión que los pacientes no dislipidémicos, con una sinergia de factores de riesgo para ECV. Conclusiones: la caracterización realizada en este estudio sirve de base científica para comprender la realidad local y también para orientar políticas públicas en atención primaria que actúen de manera efectiva en la prevención y control de la dislipidemia y otros factores de riesgo cardiovascular.

Atención Primaria de Salud , Dislipidemias , Factores de Riesgo de Enfermedad Cardiaca
An. psicol ; 40(2): 199-218, May-Sep, 2024. tab, ilus
Artículo en Inglés, Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-232715


La comorbilidad es más la regla que la excepción en salud mental y, sobre todo, en el caso de la ansiedad y la depresión. Los modelos transdiagnósticos estudian los procesos subyacentes para mejorar el tratamiento y la comprensión de la salud mental. Objetivo: Esta revisión sistemática busca evidencias sobre los factores de riesgo transdiagnósticos para la ansiedad y la depresión en la población clínica diagnosticada de estas condiciones psicopatológicas, analizando los diferentes tipos o categorías de factores identificados. Método: Se registró una revisión sistemática en PROSPERO (número de registro CRD42022370327) y se diseñó de acuerdo con las guías PRISMA-P. La calidad del estudio fue evaluada por dos revisores independientes con conocimiento del campo para reducir el posible sesgo. Resultados: Cincuenta y tres artículos fueron examinados y las variables transdiagnósticas fueron agrupadas en tres categorías: psicológicas, biológicas y socioculturales. Conclusiones: La categoría más estudiada fue la de variables psicológicas, en especial los procesos cognitivos, afecto negativo y neuroticismo, intolerancia a la incertidumbre, sensibilidad a la ansiedad. Los factores biológicos y socioculturales requieren más estudio para sustentar su enfoque transdiagnóstico.(AU)

Comorbidity is more the rule than the exception in mental health, specifically in the case of anxiety and depression. Transdiagnostic models studied the underlying processes to improve mental health treat-ment and understating. Objective:This systematic review searchs for evi-dence on transdiagnostic risk factors for anxiety and depression in the clin-ical population diagnosed with these psychopathological conditions, by an-alysing the different types or categories of factors identified.Methods:A sys-tematic review was registered in PROSPERO (registration number CRD42022370327) and was designed according to PRISMA-P guidelines. Two independent reviewers with field knowledge assessed the study quality to reduce bias.Results: Fifty-three articles were examined, and the transdi-agnostic variables were grouped into three categories: psychological, bio-logical, and sociocultural.Conclusions:The most studied category was that of psychological variables, especially cognitive processes, negative affect, and neuroticism, intolerance of uncertainty, anxiety sensitivity. Biological and sociocultural factors require more study to support their transdiagnos-tic approach.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Salud Mental , Factores de Riesgo , Ansiedad , Depresión , Psicopatología , Trastornos Mentales
Aten Primaria ; 57(1): 103078, 2024 Sep 16.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39288540


OBJECTIVE: Evaluate the nutritional status in older adults in the community, to determine malnutrition, obesity and their risks and to identify determinants related to both clinical situations. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. SITE: 3 Primary care health centers in La Rioja in urban, semiurban and rural areas. PARTICIPANTS: 409 people ≥ 65 years old who came to receive consultation, with 3 abandonments. INTERVENTIONS: Nutritional assessment by tools screening and anthropometric measurements. MAIN MEASUREMENT: The MNA SF® was used to determine the prevalence of malnutrition and the BMI for obesity. Sociodemographic, socioeconomic, health-disease variables, lifestyle habits, metabolic status, and anthropometric measurements were included. Binary logistic regression was performed to predict dichotomous dependent variables. RESULTS: The prevalence of malnutrition and its risk (DR) were 18.7% and obesity and its risk were 66,5%. The multivariate model for malnutrition and DR includes polypharmacy, dyslipidemia, sedentary lifestyle, and having mental pathology (OR=3.09, 2.01, 2.12, 1.72, respectively). On the other hand, the probability of presenting obesity is associated with cardiovascular risk, age, excessive-moderate alcohol consumption, hypertension and low adherence to the Mediterranean diet (OR=2.73, 4.27, 2.03, 1.97, 1.81 respectively). CONCLUSION: This results stand out that the study population has a poor nutritional status, detecting a risk of malnutrition, obesity and overweight. The identified predictors related to lifestyle habits, presence of diseases, psychosocial problems, metabolic alterations, etc. They can guide the selection of those people who would benefit from screening to detect and approach the risk of malnutrition early.

Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex ; 81(4): 210-216, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39236667


INTRODUCTION: Septic shock is a potentially life-threatening condition. The aim of this study was to identify clinical and epidemiological factors associated with mortality in pediatric patients admitted to a pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) with septic shock. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective comparative case series study was conducted with children aged 1 month to 14 years with septic shock from 2018 to 2020 in a PICU in Lima, Peru. Patients were divided into deceased and survivor groups based on their condition at discharge from the PICU. The influence of each variable on mortality was assessed using a logistic regression model. RESULTS: A total of 174 patients were included in the study, with 51 (29.3%) fatalities. Deceased patients, compared to survivors, were older, had a higher incidence of oncological disease (31.4% vs. 14.6%; p = 0.011), more frequently presented with hemoglobin ≤ 9 g/dL (44% vs. 28%; p = 0.043), lactate > 2 mmol/L (70% vs. 44%; p = 0.002), platelets ≤ 150 (×103)/µL (77% vs. 42%; p < 0.001), and pH ≤ 7.1 (31% vs. 6%; p < 0.001). In the logistic regression model, factors related to mortality were having a pH ≤ 7.1 (odds ratio [OR] = 8.95; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.52-31.75) and platelets ≤ 150 (×103)/µL (OR = 3.89; 95% CI: 1.40-10.84). CONCLUSIONS: Factors associated with mortality in pediatric patients with septic shock were a pH ≤ 7.1 and platelets ≤ 150 (×103)/µL in the assessments conducted upon admission to the PICU.

INTRODUCCIÓN: El shock séptico es una condición potencialmente mortal. El objetivo del estudio fue identificar factores clínicos y epidemiológicos relacionados con la mortalidad en pacientes que ingresaron por shock séptico a una Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Pediátricos (UCIP). MÉTODOS: Estudio retrospectivo tipo serie de casos comparativos con niños de 1 mes a 14 años hospitalizados por shock séptico del 2018 al 2020 en una UCIP de Lima en Perú. Los pacientes fueron divididos en fallecidos y vivos según su condición al alta de la Unidad. La influencia de cada variable sobre la mortalidad fue evaluada mediante un modelo de regresión logística. RESULTADOS: Ingresaron 174 pacientes al estudio, fallecieron 51 (29.3%). Los fallecidos en comparación con los vivos fueron de mayor edad, tuvieron más casos oncológicos (31.4% vs. 14.6%; p = 0.011), presentaron con mayor frecuencia hemoglobina ≤ 9 g/dL (44% vs. 28%; p = 0.043), lactato > 2 mmol/L (70% vs. 44%; p = 0.002), plaquetas ≤ 150 (×103)/µL (77% vs. 42%; p < 0.001) y pH ≤ 7,1 (31% vs. 6%; p < 0.001). En la regresión logística ajustada los factores que se relacionaron con la mortalidad fueron tener un pH ≤ 7,1 (OR = 8.95; IC 95%: 2.52 a 31.75) y plaquetas ≤ 150 (×103)/µL (OR = 3.89; IC 95%: 1.40 a 10.84). CONCLUSIONES: Los factores relacionados con la mortalidad en pacientes hospitalizados por shock séptico fueron tener un pH ≤ 7.1 y plaquetas ≤ 150 (×103)/µL en los controles realizados al ingreso de la UCIP.

Unidades de Cuidado Intensivo Pediátrico , Choque Séptico , Humanos , Unidades de Cuidado Intensivo Pediátrico/estadística & datos numéricos , Choque Séptico/mortalidad , Preescolar , Niño , Masculino , Estudios Retrospectivos , Lactante , Femenino , Adolescente , Perú/epidemiología , Modelos Logísticos , Mortalidad Hospitalaria , Factores de Riesgo , Factores de Edad , Neoplasias/mortalidad
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 122(4): e202310259, ago. 2024. tab
Artículo en Inglés, Español | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1562290


Introducción. La infección asociada a catéter venoso central (CVC) es la principal complicación que presentan los pacientes en hemodiálisis en los que se usa este tipo de acceso. Objetivo. Estimar la incidencia de bacteriemia asociada a CVC no tunelizado, analizar la frecuencia de agentes causales y explorar factores de riesgo asociados en niños en hemodiálisis. Población y métodos. Estudio retrospectivo realizado en niños en hemodiálisis por CVC no tunelizado entre el 1 junio de 2015 y el 30 de junio de 2019. Para evaluar factores de riesgo predictores de bacteriemia asociada a CVC, se realizó regresión logística. Los factores de riesgo independiente se expresaron con odds ratio con sus respectivos intervalos de confianza del 95 %. Se consideró estadísticamente significativo un valor de p <0,05. Resultados. En este estudio se incluyeron 121 CVC no tunelizados. La incidencia de bacteriemia fue de 3,15 por 1000 días de catéter. El microorganismo aislado con mayor frecuencia fue Staphylococcus epidermidis (16 casos, 51,5 %). La infección previa del catéter fue el único factor de riesgo independiente encontrado para el desarrollo de bacteriemia asociada a CVC no tunelizado (OR: 2,84; IC95%: 1,017,96; p = 0,04). Conclusiones. El uso prolongado de los CVC no tunelizados para hemodiálisis crónica se asoció con una incidencia baja de bacteriemia. Los gérmenes grampositivos predominaron como agentes causales. La presencia de infección previa del CVC aumentó en casi 3 veces el riesgo de bacteriemia asociada a CVC en nuestra población pediátrica en hemodiálisis.

Introduction. Central venous catheter (CVC)-related infection is the main complication observed in patients undergoing hemodialysis with this type of venous access. Objective. To estimate the incidence of non-tunneled CVC-related bacteremia, analyze the frequency ofcausative agents, and explore associated risk factors in children undergoing hemodialysis. Population and methods. Retrospective study in children receiving hemodialysis via a non-tunneled CVC between June 1 st, 2015 and June 30 th, 2019. A logistic regression was carried out to assess risk factors that were predictors of CVC-related bacteremia. Independent risk factors were described as odds ratios with their corresponding 95% confidence interval (CI). A value of p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results. A total of 121 non-tunneled CVCs were included in this study. The incidence of bacteremia was 3.15 per 1000 catheter-days. The most commonly isolated microorganism was Staphylococcus epidermidis(16 cases, 51.5%). Prior catheter infection was the only independent risk factor for the development of bacteremia associated with non-tunneled CVC (OR: 2.84, 95% CI: 1.01­7.96, p = 0.04). Conclusions. Prolonged use of non-tunneled CVCs for chronic hemodialysis was associated with a low incidence of bacteremia. Gram-positive microorganisms prevailed among causative agents. A prior CVC infection almost trebled the risk for CVC-related bacteremia in our pediatric population receiving hemodialysis.

Humanos , Lactante , Preescolar , Niño , Adolescente , Diálisis Renal/efectos adversos , Bacteriemia/etiología , Bacteriemia/epidemiología , Infecciones Relacionadas con Catéteres/etiología , Infecciones Relacionadas con Catéteres/microbiología , Infecciones Relacionadas con Catéteres/epidemiología , Catéteres Venosos Centrales/efectos adversos , Cateterismo Venoso Central/efectos adversos , Incidencia , Estudios Retrospectivos , Factores de Riesgo
Vive (El Alto) ; 7(20): 497-504, ago. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568527


El síndrome metabólico (SM) se previene controlando sus factores de riesgo, el programa de reforma de vida (PRV) busca el control y regulación de estos. Objetivo: evaluar el impacto del PRV. Materiales y métodos: Investigación aplicativo, longitudinal, prospectivo, diseño longitudinal, inductivo y deductivo, en una población inicial de 104 trabajadores de una universidad del Perú, la población final fue 31 quienes completaron el programa, los factores de riesgo fueron evaluados por un laboratorista clínico, se utilizó fichas de recolección y se procesó con el programa SPSS V.26, prueba de Wilcoxon y T de Student según el criterio de normalidad. Resultados: el PRV disminuye los niveles de triglicéridos, promedio antes 235,6 mg/dl y después 196,1 mg/dl, no se evidencio efectos positivos en el resto de los factores de riesgo. En personas con algún factor de riesgo el PRV impacto positivamente; antes del PRV 2 personas tenían la glucosa >= a 100 mg/dl y después del PRV 1, en cuanto al perímetro abdominal ≥ 90cm M, ≥ 80cm F antes (30), después (19), presión arterial ≥130/85 mmHg antes (06), después (0), triglicéridos ≥ 150 mg/dl antes (30), después (17), C-HDL < 40 M < 50 F antes (29), después (24). Con un p valor de 0,004 el PRV disminuye los niveles de triglicéridos. Conclusión: En la población en general el PRV disminuye el nivel de triglicéridos; en personas con algún factor de riesgo el PRV controla y regula todos los factores SM

Metabolic syndrome (MS) is prevented by controlling its risk factors; the lifestyle reform program (LRP) seeks to control and regulate them. Objective: to evaluate the impact of the LRP. Materials and methods: Applied, longitudinal, prospective, longitudinal, inductive and deductive design, in an initial population of 104 workers of a Peruvian university, the final population was 31 who completed the program, the risk factors were evaluated by a clinical laboratorist, collection cards were used and processed with the SPSS V.26 program, Wilcoxon and Student's t-test according to the normality criterion. Results: the PRV decreases triglyceride levels, average before 235,6 mg/dl and after 196,1 mg/dl; no positive effects were evidenced in the rest of the risk factors. In people with some risk factor the PRV had a positive impact; before the PRV 2 people had glucose >= 100mg/dl and after the PRV 1, regarding abdominal perimeter ≥ 90cm M, ≥ 80cm F before (30), after (19), blood pressure ≥ 130/85 mmHg before (06), after (0), triglycerides ≥ 150mg/dl before (30), after (17), C-HDL < 40 M < 50 F before (29), after (24). With a p value of 0,004 the PRV decreases triglyceride levels. Conclusion: In the general population the PRV decreases the triglyceride level; in people with some risk factor the PRV controls and regulates all the SM factors

A síndrome metabólica (SM) é prevenida através do controlo dos seus factores de risco, o programa de reforma do estilo de vida (PRV) visa o seu controlo e regulação. Objetivo: Avaliar o impacto do PRV. Materiais e métodos: Investigação aplicada, longitudinal, prospetiva, longitudinal, desenho indutivo e dedutivo, numa população inicial de 104 trabalhadores de uma universidade do Peru, a população final foi de 31 que completaram o programa, os factores de risco foram avaliados por um laboratorista clínico, foram utilizadas fichas de recolha e processadas com o programa SPSS V.26, teste de Wilcoxon e teste t de Student de acordo com o critério de normalidade. Resultados: O PRV reduz os níveis de triglicéridos, em média antes 235,6 mg/dl e depois 196,1 mg/dl, não se evidenciando efeitos positivos nos restantes factores de risco. Em pessoas com algum fator de risco o PRV teve um impacto positivo; antes do PRV 2 pessoas tinham glicose >= 100 mg/dl e depois do PRV 1, quanto ao perímetro abdominal ≥90cm M, ≥ 80 cm F antes (30), depois (19), pressão arterial ≥ 130/85 mmHg antes (06), depois (0), triglicéridos ≥ 150 mg/dl antes (30), depois (17), C-HDL < 40 M < 50 F antes (29), depois (24). Com um p-value de 0,004 o PRV diminui os níveis de triglicéridos. Conclusão: Na população em geral, o PRV diminui os níveis de triglicéridos; em pessoas com alguns factores de risco, o PRV controla e regula todos os factores da SM

Vive (El Alto) ; 7(20)ago. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1570128


El síndrome metabólico (SM) se previene controlando sus factores de riesgo, el programa de reforma de vida (PRV) busca el control y regulación de estos. Objetivo: evaluar el impacto del PRV. Materiales y métodos: Investigación aplicativo, longitudinal, prospectivo, diseño longitudinal, inductivo y deductivo, en una población inicial de 104 trabajadores de una universidad del Perú, la población final fue 31 quienes completaron el programa, los factores de riesgo fueron evaluados por un laboratorista clínico, se utilizó fichas de recolección y se procesó con el programa SPSS V.26, prueba de Wilcoxon y T de Student según el criterio de normalidad. Resultados: el PRV disminuye los niveles de triglicéridos, promedio antes 235,6 mg/dl y después 196,1 mg/dl, no se evidencio efectos positivos en el resto de los factores de riesgo. En personas con algún factor de riesgo el PRV impacto positivamente; antes del PRV 2 personas tenían la glucosa >= a 100 mg/dl y después del PRV 1, en cuanto al perímetro abdominal ≥ 90cm M, ≥ 80cm F antes (30), después (19), presión arterial ≥130/85 mmHg antes (06), después (0), triglicéridos ≥ 150 mg/dl antes (30), después (17), C-HDL < 40 M < 50 F antes (29), después (24). Con un p valor de 0,004 el PRV disminuye los niveles de triglicéridos. Conclusión: En la población en general el PRV disminuye el nivel de triglicéridos; en personas con algún factor de riesgo el PRV controla y regula todos los factores SM.

Metabolic syndrome (MS) is prevented by controlling its risk factors; the lifestyle reform program (LRP) seeks to control and regulate them. Objective: to evaluate the impact of the LRP. Materials and methods: Applied, longitudinal, prospective, longitudinal, inductive and deductive design, in an initial population of 104 workers of a Peruvian university, the final population was 31 who completed the program, the risk factors were evaluated by a clinical laboratorist, collection cards were used and processed with the SPSS V.26 program, Wilcoxon and Student's t-test according to the normality criterion. Results: the PRV decreases triglyceride levels, average before 235,6 mg/dl and after 196,1 mg/dl; no positive effects were evidenced in the rest of the risk factors. In people with some risk factor the PRV had a positive impact; before the PRV 2 people had glucose >= 100mg/dl and after the PRV 1, regarding abdominal perimeter ≥ 90cm M, ≥ 80cm F before (30), after (19), blood pressure ≥ 130/85 mmHg before (06), after (0), triglycerides ≥ 150mg/dl before (30), after (17), C-HDL < 40 M < 50 F before (29), after (24). With a p value of 0,004 the PRV decreases triglyceride levels. Conclusion: In the general population the PRV decreases the triglyceride level; in people with some risk factor the PRV controls and regulates all the SM factors.

A síndrome metabólica (SM) é prevenida através do controlo dos seus factores de risco, o programa de reforma do estilo de vida (PRV) visa o seu controlo e regulação. Objetivo: Avaliar o impacto do PRV. Materiais e métodos: Investigação aplicada, longitudinal, prospetiva, longitudinal, desenho indutivo e dedutivo, numa população inicial de 104 trabalhadores de uma universidade do Peru, a população final foi de 31 que completaram o programa, os factores de risco foram avaliados por um laboratorista clínico, foram utilizadas fichas de recolha e processadas com o programa SPSS V.26, teste de Wilcoxon e teste t de Student de acordo com o critério de normalidade. Resultados: O PRV reduz os níveis de triglicéridos, em média antes 235,6 mg/dl e depois 196,1 mg/dl, não se evidenciando efeitos positivos nos restantes factores de risco. Em pessoas com algum fator de risco o PRV teve um impacto positivo; antes do PRV 2 pessoas tinham glicose >= 100 mg/dl e depois do PRV 1, quanto ao perímetro abdominal ≥90cm M, ≥ 80 cm F antes (30), depois (19), pressão arterial ≥ 130/85 mmHg antes (06), depois (0), triglicéridos ≥ 150 mg/dl antes (30), depois (17), C-HDL < 40 M < 50 F antes (29), depois (24). Com um p-value de 0,004 o PRV diminui os níveis de triglicéridos. Conclusão: Na população em geral, o PRV diminui os níveis de triglicéridos; em pessoas com alguns factores de risco, o PRV controla e regula todos os factores da SM.

Rev. obstet. ginecol. Venezuela ; 84(3): 307-315, Ago. 2024. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1570392


Objetivo: Determinar los factores asociados al rechazo de la contracepción posparto en un Hospital Público, 2021. Métodos: Estudio observacional, analítico, transversal; incluyó 251 puérperas inmediatas atendidas en un Hospital Público entre mayo y junio del 2021. La variable principal fue rechazo de la contracepción posparto y factores asociados: sociodemográficos, obstétricos, personal-cultural, institucional. Se usó un cuestionario válido y confiable. Además, la prueba Chi cuadrado de Pearson y Regresión de Poisson para el análisis estadístico y se tuvo aprobación de Comité de Ética. Resultados: El 16,7 % rechazó los contraceptivos modernos. El nivel educativo bajo (p < 0,011; RPa: 4,51; IC: 1,42-14,35), la percepción de una mala situación económica (p = 0,001; RPa: 3,65; IC: 1,72-7,76), las complicaciones durante el trabajo de parto y dos horas posparto (p = 0,041; RPa: 8,16; IC: 1,09-61,19), el embarazo planificado (p = 0,002; RPa: 2,51; IC: 1,38-4,55), la experiencia negativa de contracepción (p = 0,000; RPa: 11,26; IC: 5,85-21,66), la actitud negativa de la pareja (p = 0,006; RPa: 4,90; IC: 1,57-15,31) y la percepción de conocimiento insuficiente sobre contracepción (p = 0,049; RPa: 0,53; IC: 0,28-0,996); se asociaron al rechazo de contracepción en el posparto. Conclusión: El nivel educativo bajo, la percepción de una mala situación económica, las complicaciones durante el trabajo de parto y dos horas posparto, el embarazo planificado, la experiencia negativa de contracepción, la actitud negativa de la pareja, se asocian al rechazo de contracepción posparto; la percepción de conocimiento insuficiente sobre contracepción se asoció a la disminución de rechazo(AU)

Objective: To determine the factors associated with the refusal of postpartum contraception in a Public Hospital, 2021. Methods: Observational, analytical, cross-sectional study; included 251 immediate postpartum women treated in a Public Hospital between May and June 2021. The main variable was rejection of postpartum contraception and associated factors: sociodemographic, obstetric, personal-cultural, and institutional. A valid and reliable questionnaire was used. In addition, Pearson's Chi-square test and Poisson's regression were used for statistical analysis and the Ethics Committee was approved. Results: 16.7% rejected modern contraceptives. Low educational level (p < 0.011; PRa: 4.51; CI: 1.42-14.35), the perception of a bad economic situation (p = 0.001; RPa: 3.65; CI: 1.72-7.76), complications during labor and two hours postpartum (p = 0.041; PRa: 8.16; CI: 1.09-61.19), planned pregnancy (p = 0.002; PRa: 2.51; CI: 1.38-4.55), negative experience of contraception (p = 0.000; PRa: 11.26; CI: 5.85-21.66), the negative attitude of the partner (p = 0.006; RPa: 4.90; CI: 1.57-15.31) and the perception of insufficient knowledge about contraception (p = 0.049; RPa: 0.53; CI: 0.28-0.996); were associated with contraceptive rejection in the postpartum period. Conclusion: Low educational level, perception of a poor economic situation, complications during labor and two hours postpartum, planned pregnancy, negative contraceptive experience, negative partner attitude, are associated with postpartum contraceptive rejection; The perception of insufficient knowledge about contraception was associated with a decrease in rejection(AU)

Humanos , Femenino , Embarazo , Cesárea , Anticoncepción , Parto , Periodo Posparto , Factores Socioeconómicos , Estudios Transversales , Comités de Ética , Embarazo no Planeado , Accesibilidad a los Servicios de Salud
Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 10(2): 35424, 29 ago. 2024. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BBO - Odontología | ID: biblio-1570350


Introdução:O diabetes mellitustipo 2éuma condição endócrino-metabólica caracterizada pela hiperglicemia crônica decorrente da progressiva perda de sensibilidade periférica à insulina. Com efeito, as mudanças ocorridas nos padrões alimentares e de atividade física nos últimos anos possuem estreita relação com o aumento na prevalência dediabetes mellitus tipo 2mundialmente. Dito isso, é imprescindível a identificação precoce dos hábitos de vida inadequados na população, para que seja possível atuar preventivamente e diminuir os riscos de desenvolvimento da doença. Objetivo:Analisar os fatores de risco e o risco de desenvolvimento de diabetes mellitustipo 2 entre os alunos do curso de medicina, por meio do Escore Finlandês de Risco de Diabetes. Metodologia:Estudo epidemiológico analítico realizado por meio de questionário auto aplicado. As prevalências dos fatores de risco foram calculadas, e o teste do qui-quadrado e/ou Exato de Fisher foram realizados para verificar possível associação dos fatores de risco e o perfil dos entrevistados. 343 estudantes participaram do estudo. Resultados:A pontuação foi de 4,45 na amostra geral, classificado como "risco baixo". Os fatores de risco mais prevalentes foram parentesco com indivíduo portador de diabetes, alimentação não-saudável e sedentarismo. Houve associação entre sexo feminino e sedentarismo e entre sexo masculino e sobrepeso/obesidade. Conclusões:O escore de risco dos estudantes de medicina é considerado baixo e a presença de fatores de risco pode ser associada ao perfil do entrevistado (AU).

Introduction:Diabetes mellitus type 2is an endocrine and metabolic condition characterized by chronic hyperglycemia arising from progressive loss of peripheral sensibility to insulin. Effectively, changes in diet and physical activity in the past years are closely related to the increase in prevalence of diabetes mellitus type 2worldwide. Considering that, it is indispensable to perform an early identification of inadequate populational lifestyles in order to allow preventative measures seeking to decrease the development of this disease. Objective:Analyzing the risk factors and risks of developing diabetes mellitus type 2 among the medicine school students through the Finnish Diabetes Risk Score. Methodology:Analytic epidemiologic study through a self-assessment questionnaire. Risk factors prevalence were calculated and the chi-square test and/or the Fisher's exact test were conducted to verify a possible association between risk factors and interviewees' profile. 343 students have participated in the study. Results:Within the general sampling, the final scorewas 4.45, which is classified as "low risk". The most prevalent risk factors were: being related to individuals with diabetes, unhealthy diet, and sedentarism. There was an association of female individuals and sedentarism, and of male individuals and overweight/obesity. Conclusions:The risk score of the medicine school students is considered low and the appearance of risk factors can be associated to the interviewee's profile (AU).

Introducción: El diabetes mellitus clase 2es una condición endocrino-metabólica caracterizada por la hiperglucemia crónica originada por la progresiva pérdida de sensibilidad periférica a la insulina. En efecto, los cambios que ocurren en los estándares alimentarios y de actividad física en los últimos años tienen relación con el aumento de la prevalencia dediabetes mellitus classe 2mundialmente. Por ello, es importante la identificación temprana de los hábitos de vida no adecuados en la población para que se pueda actuar de manera preventiva y disminuir los riesgos de desarrollo de esta enfermedad. Objetivo: Analizar los factores de riesgo y el riesgo del desarrollo de diabetes mellitus clase 2 entre los alumnos del curso de medicina, a través del Score Finlandés de Riesgo de Diabetes. Metodología: Estudios epidemiológico-analíticos hechos a través de encuestas auto aplicadas. Las prevalencias de los factores de riesgo se calculan y el test de chicuadrado y/o Exacto de Fisher serealizan para verificar la posible asociación de los factores de riesgo y el perfil de los entrevistados. 343 estudiantes participan del estudio. Resultados: La puntuación es de 4,45 en la muestra general, clasificado como "riesgo bajo". Los factores de riesgo más prevalentes fueron parentesco con individuo que tiene diabetes, alimentación no sana y sedentarismo. Hubo asociación entre sexo femenino y sedentarismo y entre sexo masculino y sobrepeso/obesidad.Conclusiones: El score de riesgo de los estudiantes de medicina es considerado bajo y la presencia de factores de riesgo puede asociarse al perfil del entrevistado (AU).

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Adulto , Estudiantes de Medicina , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/patología , Estilo de Vida , Brasil/epidemiología , Estudios Epidemiológicos , Distribución de Chi-Cuadrado , Estudios Transversales/métodos , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Factores de Riesgo , Conducta Alimentaria
Reumatol Clin (Engl Ed) ; 20(7): 380-385, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39160010


INTRODUCTION: Biological disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (bDMARD) have improved the clinical course and quality of life of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). However, some patients failed to respond or have an insufficient response to bDMARD early in the course of the treatment. OBJECTIVES: To determine the percentage of RA patients who need to switch due to ineffectiveness in the first year of treatment and to identify specific baseline features as possible predictors of switch due to ineffectiveness in the first year of treatment. MATERIALS AND METHODS: An observational retrospective study was conducted with patients with RA that started their first bDMARD. Demographic data, disease characteristics, disease activity data scores, laboratory parameters and treatment at baseline were collected. The proportion of patients who failed to respond and who switched to another bDMARD in the first year of treatment was calculated. RESULTS: A total of 437 (364 females, 83.3%) patients with RA were included. The majority of these patients started an anti-TNF-α agent (n=315, 72.1%). Forty-eight (11.0%) patients failed to respond to the bDMARD in the first year of treatment. There were significantly more current or former smokers (p=0.030), with a history of depression (p=0.003) and positive for RF at baseline (p=0.014) in the switch group. In the multivariate analysis, anti-TNF-α agents use (OR 8.3, 95% CI 2.4-28.8, p=0.001), tobacco exposure (OR 2.3, 95% CI 1.1-4.8, p=0.02) and history of depression (OR 3.1, 95% CI 1.3-7.7) seem to predict the need to switch in the first year of treatment due to ineffectiveness. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: In our study, tobacco exposure and depression appear to be modifiable risk factors associated with early switching due to ineffectiveness. Addressing these factors in daily clinical practice is crucial to enhance the overall response to therapy and improve the well-being of patients.

Antirreumáticos , Artritis Reumatoide , Sustitución de Medicamentos , Insuficiencia del Tratamiento , Humanos , Artritis Reumatoide/tratamiento farmacológico , Artritis Reumatoide/complicaciones , Femenino , Masculino , Estudios Retrospectivos , Persona de Mediana Edad , Antirreumáticos/uso terapéutico , Factores de Riesgo , Anciano , Adulto , Factores de Tiempo
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39128697


Osteoporosis is a highly prevalent and multifactorial disease whose main manifestation is the appearance of fragility or low-impact fractures. The most frequent locations of osteoporotic fractures occur at the vertebrae, femoral, distal end of the radius and humerus. Osteoporotic vertebral fracture deserves special mention among them due to its prevalence, importance as it often goes unnoticed and medium-long term consequences are: pain, deformity, disability and deterioration in quality of life. In this review we will focus on the classification and initial evaluation of the patient with osteoporosis, estimation of risk factors, laboratory and imaging studies for an adequate assessment using simple radiography, dual densitometry and magnetic resonance imaging. We will also address the main aspects of the differential diagnosis, treatment and prevention of vertebral fragility fracture, briefly reviewing the main therapeutic agents currently used for its prevention and treatment.

Radiologia (Engl Ed) ; 66(4): 340-352, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39089794


Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) is the alternative to surgical valve replacement, expanding its indications in the latest guidelines. Multimodal CT (MDCT) is essential in patient selection and detection of complications. Vascular complications are frequent, so it is important to analyse the anatomy of the vessels before the procedure. Regarding annular ruptures and ventricular perforations, the volume and distribution of calcium and the ventricular diameter play an important role. Finally, valve migration is a rare complication that can occur both during and after TAVI. Proper planning of the MDCT procedure reduces the risk of complications and gives the interventional cardiologist security both before and during the procedure.

Tomografía Computarizada Multidetector , Complicaciones Posoperatorias , Reemplazo de la Válvula Aórtica Transcatéter , Humanos , Reemplazo de la Válvula Aórtica Transcatéter/efectos adversos , Complicaciones Posoperatorias/diagnóstico por imagen , Complicaciones Posoperatorias/etiología , Factores de Riesgo , Cuidados Preoperatorios/métodos , Estenosis de la Válvula Aórtica/cirugía , Estenosis de la Válvula Aórtica/diagnóstico por imagen
SciELO Preprints; ago. 2024.
Preprint en Español | SciELO Preprints | ID: pps-8310


Preeclampsia is a disease of pregnancy that manifests after 20 weeks. Its diagnosis is determined by hypertension plus proteinuria, establishing severity with: blood pressure ≥ 160/110 mmHg, symptoms and signs of vasospasm or paraclinical alterations. The University Hospital of Neiva is the main reference center in the Colombian South, where preeclampsia is a reason for referral. We don´t have a study that allows us to know the clinical and paraclinical characteristics and their association with the maternal outcomes of pregnant women with severe preeclampsia. Methodology: Descriptive observational study of cross-sectional cohort. Characterized clinical and paraclinical variables and their association with the main maternal outcomes. Results: 334 mothers with a singleton pregnancy and severe preeclampsia were included. 77.6% were between 17 and 34 years old, 97.6% in strata 1 and 2, urban origin in 78% and 65.3% multi-pregnant. In addition, 60.8% with obesity. Regarding paraclinical findings, 35.9% with positive proteinuria, 5% thrombocytopenia, elevated serum creatinine (5%), 27% with elevated transaminases and elevated lactic dehydrogenase (3.6%). 55.6% had a preterm pregnancy and 90% of them were terminated by caesarean section. Complications were hypertensive crisis in 59%, acute kidney injury (5%), HELLP syndrome (3.6%), eclampsia (1.2%), and disseminated intravascular coagulation (1.2%). Conclusion: A population with socioeconomic vulnerability was evidenced, aged between 17 and 34 years, mainly obese, with late presentation of the disease; highlighting the development of hypertensive crisis, elevation of transaminases and completion route by cesarean section.

Preeclampsia is a disease of pregnancy that manifests after 20 weeks. Its diagnosis is determined by hypertension plus proteinuria, establishing severity with: blood pressure ≥ 160/110 mmHg, symptoms and signs of vasospasm or paraclinical alterations. The University Hospital of Neiva is the main reference center in the Colombian South, where preeclampsia is a reason for referral. We don ́t have a study that allows us to know the clinical and paraclinical characteristics and their association with the maternal outcomes of pregnant women with severe preeclampsia. Methodology: Descriptive observational study of cross-sectional cohort. Characterized clinical and paraclinical variables and their association with the main maternal outcomes. Results: 334 mothers with a singleton pregnancy and severe preeclampsia were included. 77.6% were between 17 and 34 years old, 97.6% in strata 1 and 2, urban origin in 78% and 65.3% multi-pregnant. In addition, 60.8% with obesity. Regarding paraclinical findings, 35.9% with positive proteinuria, 5% thrombocytopenia, elevated serum creatinine (5%), 27% with elevated transaminases and elevated lactic dehydrogenase (3.6%). 55.6% had a preterm pregnancy and 90% of them were terminated by caesarean section. Complications were hypertensive crisis in 59%, acute kidney injury (5%), HELLP syndrome (3.6%), eclampsia (1.2%), and disseminated intravascular coagulation (1.2%). Conclusion: A population with socioeconomic vulnerability was evidenced, aged between 17 and 34 years, mainly obese, with late presentation of the disease; highlighting the development of hypertensive crisis, elevation of transaminases and completion route by cesarean section.

A pré-eclâmpsia é uma doença relacionada à gravidez que se manifesta após 20 semanas. Seu diagnóstico é determinado pela hipertensão arterial associada à proteinúria, estabelecendo-se gravidade com: níveis pressóricos ≥ 160/110 mmHg, sintomas e sinais de vasoespasmo ou alterações paraclínicas. O Hospital Universitário de Neiva é o principal centro de referência da região, onde a pré-eclâmpsia é um importante motivo de remissão. Não dispomos de um estudo que nos permita conhecer as características clínicas e paraclínicas e sua associação com a evolução materna de gestantes com pré-eclâmpsia grave. Metodologia: Estudo observacional descritivo de coorte transversal. Caracterizou variáveis clínicas e paraclínicas e sua associação com desfechos maternos importantes. Resultados: Foram incluídas 334 mães com gestação única e pré-eclâmpsia grave. 77,6% tinham entre 17 e 34 anos, 97,6% pertenciam aos estratos 1 e 2, 78% eram urbanas e 65,3% eram multigestantes. Além disso, 60,8% eram obesos. Achados paraclínicos: 35,9% com proteinúria positiva, 5% plaquetopenia, creatinina sérica elevada (5%), 27% com transaminases elevadas e desidrogenase lática elevada (3,6%). 55,6% tiveram gestações pré-termo e 90% delas foram interrompidas por cesariana. As complicações incluíram crise hipertensiva em 59%, lesão renal aguda (5%), síndrome HELLP (3,6%), eclâmpsia (1,2%) e coagulação intravascular disseminada (1,2%). Conclusão: Evidenciou-se uma população com vulnerabilidade socioeconômica, com idade entre 17 e 34 anos, principalmente obesos, com apresentação tardia da doença; O desenvolvimento de crise hipertensiva, elevação das transaminases e via de término foi por cesariana.

Rev. Baiana Saúde Pública (Online) ; 48(2): 181-190, 20240726.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565996


Este artigo tem por objetivo identificar os fatores de risco de morte por dengue no Brasil. Para isso, por meio do Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (SINAN) e do Morbidade Hospitalar do Sistema Único de Saúde (SIH/SUS), foram levantados os dados referentes às mortes por dengue ocorridas no Brasil entre 1 de janeiro de 2014 a 11 de março de 2024. A partir desses dados, foram calculados os riscos relativos para as seguintes variáveis: sexo, raça, faixa etária, escolaridade e sorotipo, adotando-se o nível de significância de 5% e o intervalo de confiança de 95%. Em relação ao sexo, os homens apresentaram maior risco de morte (RR: 1,24; IC95%: 0,76­0,84) em comparação às mulheres. Quanto à raça, brancos (RR: 1,18; IC 95%: 1,12­1,25) e amarelos (RR: 1,33; IC95%: 1,07­1,66) exibiram um risco significativamente maior do que as demais. Pessoas com 60 anos ou mais apresentaram risco de morte 7,74 vezes maior (RR: 7,74; IC95%: 7,38­8,11) em comparação às outras faixas etárias. Pessoas analfabetas ou que estudaram só até a 4a série do ensino fundamental tiveram um risco três vezes maior (RR: 3,00; IC95%: 2,79­3,23) do que aquelas com mais anos de estudo. O sorotipo DENV-2, por sua vez, aumentou 1,61 vezes o risco de morte (RR: 1,61; IC95%: 1,43­1,80) em relação aos demais sorotipos, enquanto o DENV-3 aumentou 2,94 vezes (RR: 2,94; IC95%: 1,68­5,15). Foi possível deduzir que sexo, raça, faixa etária, escolaridade e sorotipo são fatores de risco de morte por dengue, devendo, portanto, ser considerados na elaboração de políticas públicas de combate à dengue.

This study investigated the dengue risk death factors in Brazil by analyzing data on dengue deaths between January 1st, 2014 to March 11, 2024, registered in the SINAN and SIH/SUS databases. Relative risks were calculated for the following variables: gender, race, age group, schooling level and serotype, adopting a 5% level of significance and 95% confidence interval. Regarding gender, men had a higher death risk (RR: 1.24; 95% CI: 0.76­0.84) than women. Whites (RR: 1.18; 95% CI: 1.12­1.25) and Asians (RR: 1.33; 95% CI: 1.07­1.66) showed a significantly higher risk than other ethnicities. People with 60 years of age or over presented death risk 7.74 times higher (RR: 7.74; IC 95%: 7.38­8.11) compared with other age groups. Illiterates or people with complete primary education had a 3 times higher risk (RR: 3.00; 95% CI: 2.79­3.23) than those with more years of study. The serotype DENV-2 increased in 1.61 times the risk of death (RR: 1.61; 95% CI: 1.43­1.80) compared with other serotypes, whereas DENV-3 serotype increased the risk by 2.94 times (RR: 2.94; 95% CI: 1.68­5.15). Gender, race, age group, schooling level and serotype are dengue death risk factors, thus they should be considered when elaborating public policies to fight the disease.

Este estudio tuvo por objetivo identificar los factores de riesgo de muerte por dengue en Brasil. Para ello, se recogieron datos de muertes por dengue en Brasil entre el 1 de enero de 2014 y el 11 de marzo de 2024 del Sistema de Información de Agravios de Notificación (SINAN) y del Sistema de Morbilidad Hospitalaria del Sistema Único de Salud (SIH/SUS). A partir de estos datos, se calcularon los riesgos relativos para las siguientes variables: sexo, raza, grupo de edad, nivel de estudios y serotipo, adoptando un nivel de significación del 5% y un intervalo de confianza del 95%. Con relación al sexo, los hombres presentaron un mayor riesgo de muerte (RR: 1,24; IC 95%: 0,76-0,84) en comparación con las mujeres. En cuanto a la raza, los blancos (RR: 1,18; IC 95%: 1,12-1,25) y los pardos (RR: 1,33; IC 95%: 1,07-1,66) tenían un riesgo significativamente mayor que los demás. Las personas de 60 años o más tenían un riesgo de muerte 7,74 veces mayor (RR: 7,74; IC 95%: 7,38-8,11) que otros grupos de edad. Las personas analfabetas o con hasta 4.º grado de la primaria tenían un riesgo 3 veces mayor (RR: 3,00; IC 95%: 2,79-3,23) que las que tenían más años de escolaridad. El serotipo DENV-2 aumentó el riesgo de muerte en 1,61 veces (RR: 1,61; IC 95%: 1,43-1,80) en comparación con los demás serotipos, mientras que el DENV-3 lo aumentó 2,94 veces (RR: 2,94; IC 95%: 1,68-5,15). El sexo, la raza, el grupo de edad, el nivel de estudios y el serotipo son factores de riesgo de muerte por dengue, por lo tanto, deben tenerse en cuenta en la elaboración de políticas públicas de lucha contra el dengue.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38972351


BACKGROUND: Perioperative cognitive dysfunction (PCD) is a very prevalent clinical syndrome due to the progressive aging of the surgical population.The aim of our study is to evaluate the clinical practice of Spanish anesthesiologists surveyed regarding this entity. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Prospective online survey conducted by the Neurosciences Section and distributed by SEDAR. RESULTS: 544 responses were obtained, with a participation rate of 17%. 54.4% of respondents never make a preoperative assessment of cognitive impairment, only 7.5% always do it. 79.6% lack an intraoperative management protocol for the patient at risk of PCD. In the anesthetic planning, only 23.3% of the patients was kept in mind. Eighty-nine percent considered regional anesthesia with or without sedation preferable to general anesthesia for the prevention of PCD. 88.8% considered benzodiazepines to present a high risk of PCD. 71.7% considered that anesthetic depth monitoring could prevent postoperative cognitive deficit. Routine evaluation of postoperative delirium is low, only 14%. More than 80% recognize that PCD is underdiagnosed. CONCLUSIONS: Among Spanish anesthesiologists surveyed, PCD is still a little known and underappreciated entity. It is necessary to raise awareness of the need to detect risk factors for PCD, as well as postoperative assessment and diagnosis. Therefore, the development of guidelines and protocols and the implementation of continuing education programs in which anesthesiologists should be key members of multidisciplinary teams in charge of perioperative care are suggested.

Rev Clin Esp (Barc) ; 2024 Jul 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38972634


PURPOSE: Estimated pulse wave velocity (ePWV) and body mass index (BMI) are significant predictors of new-onset diabetes. This study aims to evaluate the impact and predictive value of combining ePWV and BMI on the incidence of new-onset diabetes. METHODS: A secondary analysis was conducted on a cohort study by Rich Healthcare (China), involving 211,833 eligible participants. Logistic regression analysis identified factors influencing diabetes occurrence, while ROC curve analysis assessed the predictive value of ePWV, BMI, and their combination for new-onset diabetes. RESULTS: Over a mean follow-up period of 3.12 years, 3,000 men (1.41%) and 1,174 women (0.55%) were diagnosed with diabetes. Logistic regression revealed that BMI, triglycerides, alanine aminotransferase, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine clearance rate, ePWV, and family history of diabetes are high-risk factors for new-onset diabetes. The combination of ePWV and BMI provided a higher area under the ROC curve (0.822) compared to ePWV or BMI alone. CONCLUSION: Elevated levels of ePWV and BMI are independent risk factors for new-onset diabetes. Combining these measures enhances predictive accuracy compared to using either indicator alone.

Med Clin (Barc) ; 2024 Jul 17.
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39025774


BACKGROUND AND AIM: To use a risk scale or predictive model outside the population of origin, it is necessary to evaluate the predictive indicators through external validation. The aim was to validate the FAscore, originally constructed in hypertensive patients in primary care in the Valencian Region, in an external cohort with hypertension in primary care in the Basque Country. METHODS: A retrospective cohort study was designed to perform an external validation of the FAscore app in patients affiliated with 26 health centers in the municipality of Bilbao. The area under the ROC curve and predictive indicators were calculated with their 95% confidence intervals. RESULTS: Thirty-six thousand eight hundred nine patients were included: 53.6% (n=19,719) were women, the mean age was 75.1 years, 41.8% (n=15,381). Over the four-year follow-up period, 1420 patients were diagnosed with AF (cumulative incidence 3.9%). The median risk estimated by FAscore was 4.5%, and the 5th, 25th, 75th, and 95th percentiles were 1.0%, 2.5%, 6.1%, and 14.8%, respectively. The ROC curve for the risk estimated by FAscore and the cases of atrial fibrillation observed was AUC 0.715 (95% CI 0.703-0.727). The 5% risk cutoff provides a sensitivity of 70.8%, specificity of 61.0%, positive predictive value of 6.8%, negative predictive value of 98.1%, and positive and negative likelihood ratios of 1.82 and 0.48, respectively. CONCLUSION: This study reports on the external validation of the atrial fibrillation risk scale in hypertensive patients, which shows an acceptable predictive capacity. The best-performing risk cutoff, providing good predictive indicators, can be set at 5%.

Eur J Psychotraumatol ; 15(1): 2371762, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39021231


Background: When traumatic events and losses intersect in the form of traumatic loss, these events can trigger both posttraumatic stress disorder and pathological grief.Objective: This systematic review investigates which characteristics differentiate between the development of the respective disorders or are associated with comorbidity.Method: A systematic literature search using Medline, PubMed, APA PsycInfo and Web of Science yielded 46 studies which met the inclusion criteria. In these studies, PTSD was assessed using 17 and pathological grief using 16 different validated instruments. In the quality assessment, 12 studies were classified as average, 30 as above average, and 4 as excellent. The investigated risk factors were categorized into 19 superordinate clusters and processed using narrative synthesis.Results: The relationship to the deceased, mental health issues, and religious beliefs seem to be associated specifically with pathological grief symptoms compared to PTSD symptoms. Social support and social emotions emerged as significant correlates and potential risk factors for both PTSD and pathological grief. Included studies had mainly cross-sectional designs.Conclusions: Differentiating factors between pathological grief and PTSD appear to exist. The results should be considered within the limitations of the heterogeneity of the included studies and the research field. There is a lack of studies (1) using a longitudinal study design, (2) starting data collection early following the traumatic loss, (3) using standardized, up-to-date measurement instruments and (4) including comorbidity in their analyses. Further research is urgently needed for more accurate (acute) screenings, prognoses, and interventions following traumatic loss.

When traumatic events and losses intersect in the form of traumatic loss, these events can trigger both posttraumatic stress disorder and pathological grief. This systematic review investigates which characteristics can differentiate between the development of the respective disorders or are associated with comorbidity.The relationship to the deceased, mental health issues, and religious beliefs seem to be specific characteristics for predicting pathological grief. Social support and social emotions were frequently reported as significant correlates of both PTSD and pathological grief.The studies to date have been very heterogeneous and mainly cross-sectional. Further research considering both disorders after traumatic loss in longitudinal study designs is urgently indicated for better (acute) screenings, prognoses, and interventions.

Pesar , Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático , Humanos , Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático/diagnóstico , Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático/psicología , Factores de Riesgo , Apoyo Social
Actas Dermosifiliogr ; 2024 Jul 18.
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39032779


It is necessary to identify which factors or comorbidities are associated with more severe hidradenitis suppurativa, aiming to identify which patients may benefit more from early systemic treatment or a more aggressive approach. A retrospective study was conducted, including patients diagnosed with HS at the dermatology department of a Spanish hospital over a 5-year period. A total of 322 patients were included. A relationship was found between diagnostic delay, the presence of acne conglobata, pilonidal sinus, cardiovascular risk factors (hypertension, dyslipidemia, and/or diabetes mellitus) and more severe HS. No significant relationship was found between psychiatric comorbidities and the severity of the HS. The presence of perianal or truncal involvement was significantly associated with severe HS. Female sex and the presence of a family history of HS were associated with an earlier onset of the disease.