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Curr Res Toxicol ; 4: 100099, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36619288


Concentrations at which global gene expression profiles in cells or animals exposed to a test substance start to differ significantly from those of controls have been proposed as an alternative point of departure for use in screening level hazard assessment. The present study describes pilot testing of a high throughput compatible transcriptomics assay with larval fathead minnows. One day post hatch fathead minnows were exposed to eleven different concentrations of three metals, three selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, and four neonicotinoid-like compounds for 24 h and concentration response modeling was applied to whole body gene expression data. Transcriptomics-based points of departure (tPODs) were consistently lower than effect concentrations reported in apical endpoint studies in fish. However, larval fathead minnow-based tPODs were not always lower than concentrations reported to elicit apical toxicity in other aquatic organisms like crustaceans or insects. Random in silico subsampling of data from the pilot assays was used to evaluate various assay design and acceptance considerations such as transcriptome coverage, number of replicate individuals to sequence per treatment, and minimum number of differentially expressed genes to produce a reliable tPOD estimate. Results showed a strong association between the total number of genes for which a concentration response relationship could be derived and the overall variability in the resulting tPOD estimates. We conclude that, for our current assay design and analysis pipeline, tPODs based on fewer than 15 differentially expressed genes are likely to be unreliable for screening and that interindividual variability in gene expression profiles appears to be a more significant driver of tPOD variability than sample size alone. Results represent initial steps toward developing high throughput transcriptomics assays for use in ecological hazard screening.

Toxicol Rep ; 9: 883-894, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36518475


Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) samples are the only remaining biological archive for many toxicological and clinical studies, yet their use in genomics has been limited due to nucleic acid damage from formalin fixation. Older FFPE samples with highly degraded RNA pose a particularly difficult technical challenge. Probe-based targeted sequencing technologies show promise in addressing this issue but have not been directly compared to standard whole-genome RNA-Sequencing (RNA-Seq) methods. In this study, we evaluated dose-dependent transcriptional changes from paired frozen (FROZ) and FFPE liver samples stored for over 20 years using targeted resequencing (TempO-Seq) and whole-genome RNA-Seq methods. Samples were originally collected from male mice exposed to a reference chemical (dichloroacetic acid, DCA) at 0, 198, 313, and 427 mg/kg-day (n = 6/dose) by drinking water for 6 days. TempO-Seq showed high overlap in differentially expressed genes (DEGs) between matched FFPE and FROZ samples and high concordance in fold-change values across the two highest dose levels of DCA vs. control (R2 ≥ 0.94). Similarly, high concordance in fold-change values was observed between TempO-Seq FFPE and RNA-Seq FROZ results (R2 ≥ 0.92). In contrast, RNA-Seq FFPE samples showed few overlapping DEGs compared to FROZ RNA-Seq (≤5 for all dose groups). Modeling of DCA-dependent changes in gene sets identified benchmark doses from TempO-Seq FROZ and FFPE samples within 1.4-fold of RNA-Seq FROZ samples (93.9 mg/kg-d), whereas RNA-Seq FFPE samples were 3.3-fold higher (310.3 mg/kg-d). This work demonstrates that targeted sequencing may provide a more robust method for quantifying gene expression profiles from aged archival FFPE samples.

Toxicol Rep ; 8: 1437-1444, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34377680


Millions of individuals globally consume traditional herbal medicines (THMs), which contain abundant amounts of linear furanocoumarins. Linear furanocoumarins (i.e., 8-methoxypsoralen, 5-methoxypsoralen, and isopimpinellin) are inhibitors of cytochrome P450 (CYP) isoenzymes including 1A2, a major enzyme involved in drug metabolism and carcinogen bioactivation. Despite the high consumption of furanocoumarin-containing THMs, no studies have measured the furanocoumarin consumption level that triggers an inhibition to CYP1A2 activity in humans. The first objective was to verify if the potencies of the three furanocoumarins are additive towards the inhibition of CYP1A2 activity in vitro using concentration-addition and whole-mixture chemical-mixture-assessment models. A second objective was to determine the benchmark dose (BMD) with the mixtures of furanocoumarin oral doses, expressed as 8-MOP equivalents, and to assess the in vivo CYP1A2 activity, expressed as inhibition percentages. The in vitro results indicated that the three furanocoumarin inhibitory potencies were additive in the THM extracts, validating the use of the concentration-addition model in total furanocoumarin dose-equivalent calculations. Using the USEPA BMD software, the BMD was 18.9 µg 8-MOP equivalent/kg body weight. This information is crucial for furanocoumarin-related health-assessment studies and the regulation of THMs. Further studies should be performed for the remaining major metabolic enzymes to complete the safety profile of furanocoumarin-containing THMs and to provide accurate warning labelling.

Toxicol Rep ; 7: 805-815, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32642447


MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are short non-coding RNA species that play key roles in post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression. MiRNAs also serve as a promising source of early biomarkers for different environmental exposures and health effects, although there is limited information linking miRNA changes to specific target pathways. In this study, we measured liver miRNAs in male B6C3F1 mice exposed to a known chemical activator of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARα) pathway, di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), for 7 and 28 days at concentrations of 0, 750, 1500, 3000, or 6000 ppm in feed. At the highest dose tested, DEHP altered 61 miRNAs after 7 days and 171 miRNAs after 28 days of exposure, with 48 overlapping miRNAs between timepoints. Analysis of these 48 common miRNAs indicated enrichment in PPARα-related targets and other pathways related to liver injury and cancer. Four of the 10 miRNAs exhibiting a clear dose trend were linked to the PPARα pathway: mmu-miRs-125a-5p, -182-5p, -20a-5p, and -378a-3p. mmu-miRs-182-5p and -378a-3p were subsequently measured using digital drop PCR across a dose range for DEHP and two related phthalates with weaker PPARα activity, di-n-octyl phthalate and n-butyl benzyl phthalate, following 7-day exposures. Analysis of mmu-miRs-182-5p and -378a-3p by transcriptional benchmark dose analysis correctly identified DEHP as having the greatest potency. However, benchmark dose estimates for DEHP based on these miRNAs (average 163; range 126-202 mg/kg-day) were higher on average than values for PPARα target genes (average 74; range 29-183 mg/kg-day). These findings identify putative miRNA biomarkers of PPARα pathway activity and suggest that early miRNA changes may be used to stratify chemical potency.