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J Am Chem Soc ; 2024 Sep 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39283691


Despite the discovery of actinide borohydride complexes over 80 years ago, no plutonium borohydride complexes have been structurally validated using single-crystal X-ray diffraction (XRD). Here we describe Pu2(H3BPtBu2BH3)6, the first example of a Pu(III) borohydride complex authenticated by XRD and NMR spectroscopy. Theoretical calculations (DFT, EDA, and QTAIM) and experimental comparisons of metal-boron distances suggest that metal-borohydride covalency in M2(H3BPtBu2BH3)6 complexes generally decreases in the order M = U(III) > Pu(III) > Ln(III).

Angew Chem Int Ed Engl ; : e202411635, 2024 Jul 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38963679


Over the years, polynuclear cyclic or torus complexes have attracted increasing interest due to their unique metal topologies and properties. However, the isolation of polynuclear cyclic organometallic complexes is extremely challenging due to their inherent reactivity, which stems from the labile and reactive metal-carbon bonds. In this study, the pyrazine ligand undergoes a radical-radical cross-coupling reaction leading to the formation of a decanuclear [(Cp*)20Dy10(L1)10] ⋅ 12(C7H8) (1; where L1 = anion of 2-prop-2-enyl-2H-pyrazine; Cp* = pentamethylcyclopentadienyl) complex, where all DyIII metal centres are bridged by the anionic L1 ligand. Amongst the family of polynuclear Ln organometallic complexes bearing CpR 2Lnx units (CpR = substituted cyclopentadienyl), 1 features the highest nuclearity obtained to date. In-depth computational studies were conducted to elucidate the proposed reaction mechanism and formation of L1, while probing of the magnetic properties of 1, revealed slow magnetic relaxation upon application of a static dc field.

Chem Commun (Camb) ; 60(64): 8399-8402, 2024 Aug 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39028006


Here we report the synthesis and characterization of diiron complexes containing triaryl N4 and N2S2 ligands derived from o-phenylenediamine. The complexes display significant differences in Fe-Fe distances and magnetic properties that depend on the identity of the flanking NMe2 and SMe donor groups.

Angew Chem Int Ed Engl ; : e202409789, 2024 Jul 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39012726


The imidophosphorane ligand, [NPtBu3]- (tBu = tert-butyl), enables isolation of a pseudo-tetrahedral, tetravalent praseodymium complex, [Pr4+(NPtBu3)4] (1-Pr), which is characterized by a suite of physical characterization methods including single-crystal X-ray diffraction, electron paramagnetic resonance, and L3-edge X-ray near-edge spectroscopies. Variable-temperature direct-current magnetic susceptibility data, supported by multiconfigurational quantum chemical calculations, demonstrate that the electronic structure diverges from the isoelectronic Ce3+ analogue, driven by increased crystal field. The four-coordinate environment around Pr4+ in 1-Pr, which is unparalleled in reported extended solid systems, provides a unique opportunity to study the interplay between crystal field splitting and spin-orbit coupling in a molecular tetravalent lanthanide within a pseudo-tetrahedral coordination geometry.

Nat Chem ; 16(9): 1490-1495, 2024 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38710831


Neptunium is an actinide element sourced from anthropogenic production, and, unlike naturally abundant uranium, its coordination chemistry is not well developed in all accessible oxidation states. High-valent neptunium generally requires stabilization from at least one metal-ligand multiple bond, and departing from this structural motif poses a considerable challenge. Here we report a tetrahedral molecular neptunium(V) complex ([Np5+(NPC)4][B(ArF5)4], 1-Np) (NPC = [NPtBu(pyrr)2]-; tBu = C(CH3)3; pyrr = pyrrolidinyl (N(C2H4)2); B(ArF5)4 = tetrakis(2,3,4,5,6-pentafluourophenyl)borate). Single-crystal X-ray diffraction, solution-state spectroscopy and density functional theory studies of 1-Np and the product of its proton-coupled electron transfer (PCET) reaction, 2-Np, demonstrate the unique bonding that stabilizes this reactive ion and establishes the thermochemical and kinetic parameters of PCET in a condensed-phase transuranic complex. The isolation of this four-coordinate, neptunium(V) complex reveals a fundamental reaction pathway in transuranic chemistry.

J Am Chem Soc ; 146(17): 12030-12039, 2024 May 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38648269


The complex nature of the f-orbital electronic structures and their interaction with the chemical environment pose significant computational challenges. Advanced computational techniques that variationally include scalar relativities and spin-orbit coupling directly at the molecular orbital level have been developed to address this complexity. Among these, variational relativistic multiconfigurational multireference methods stand out for their high accuracy and systematic improvement in studies of f-block complexes. Additionally, these advanced methods offer the potential for calibrating low-scaling electronic structure methods such as density functional theory. However, studies on the Cl K-edge X-ray absorption spectra of the [Ce(III)Cl6]3- and [Ce(IV)Cl6]2- complexes show that time-dependent density functional theory with approximate exchange-correlation kernels can lead to inaccuracies, resulting in an overstabilization of 4f orbitals and incorrect assessments of covalency. In contrast, approaches utilizing small active space wave function methods may understate the stability of these orbitals. The results herein demonstrate the need for large active space, multireference, and variational relativistic methods in studying f-block complexes.

Chem Sci ; 15(5): 1810-1819, 2024 Jan 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38303954


Complexes of the form [U(η6-arene)(BH4)3] where arene = C6H6; C6H5Me; C6H3-1,3,5-R3 (R = Et, iPr, tBu, Ph); C6Me6; and triphenylene (C6H4)3 were investigated towards an understanding of the nature of the uranium-arene interaction. Density functional theory (DFT) shows the interaction energy reflects the interplay between higher energy electron rich π-systems which drive electrostatic contributions, and lower energy electron poor π-systems which give rise to larger orbital contributions. The interaction is weak in all cases, which is consistent with the picture that emerges from a topological analysis of the electron density where metrics indicative of covalency show limited dependence on the nature of the ligand - the interaction is predominantly electrostatic in nature. Complete active space natural orbital analyses reveal low occupancy U-arene π-bonding interactions dominate in all cases, while δ-bonding interactions are only found with high-symmetry and electron-rich C6Me6. Finally, both DFT and multireference calculations on a reduced, formally U(ii), congener, [U(C6Me6)(BH4)3]-, suggests the electronic structure (S = 1 or 2), and hence metal oxidation state, of such a species cannot be deduced from structural features such as arene distortion alone. We show that arene geometry strongly depends on the spin-state of the complex, but that in both spin-states the complex is best described as U(iii) with an arene-centred radical.

Dalton Trans ; 53(7): 2998-3009, 2024 Feb 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38265072


Understanding factors that influence the volatility of lanthanide complexes remains an important goal for applications such as gas-phase f-metal separations and the synthesis of lanthanide-containing thin films. Lanthanide complexes often exhibit volatility differences that depend on the ability of ligands to saturate the lanthanide coordination sphere and attenuate intermolecular bonding in the solid state. This can make it difficult to assess how electronic factors associated with differing ligand substituents influence volatility. Here we describe the synthesis, structures, and thermal properties of a series of volatile lanthanide complexes (Ln = Nd, Er, and Yb) containing N4O3 ligands decorated with different alkyl and fluoroalkyl substituents (CF3, CF2CF2CF3, Me, and tBu). These ligands completely enveloped the tested lanthanides to form monomeric complexes with 7-coordinate distorted capped octahedral coordination geometries, as determined using single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Thermogravimetric analysis and bulk sublimation studies show how metal encapsulation affords complexes with the same volatility regardless of metal size, even with lanthanide ions with significantly different radii such as Nd3+ and Yb3+. Most notably, the results show that increasing ligand fluorination, a strategy often used to increase the volatility of metal complexes, is not always beneficial and can significantly attenuate the volatility of lanthanide complexes depending on location with respect to other substituents in the ligand framework. A pair-wise model based on density functional theory shows that the net intermolecular interactions in the unit cell can still be stronger when fluorination is present. In other words, even if individual interactions between neighboring molecules are weaker, the total number of interactions in the solid arising from the nature of crystal packing is equally important to consider.

Inorg Chem ; 2023 Nov 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38011639


Here, we report the mechanochemical synthesis and characterization of homoleptic uranium and lanthanide phosphinodiboranates with isopropyl and ethyl substituents attached to phosphorus. M(H3BPiPr2BH3)3 complexes with M = U, Nd, Sm, Tb, and Er were prepared by ball milling UI3(THF)4, SmBr3, or MI3 with three equivalents of K(H3BPiPr2BH3). M(H3BPEt2BH3)3 with M = U and Nd were prepared similarly using K(H3BPEt2BH3), and the complexes were purified by extraction and crystallization from Et2O or CH2Cl2. Single-crystal XRD studies revealed that all five M(H3BPiPr2BH3)3 crystallize as dimers, despite the significant differences in metal radii across the series. In contrast, Nd(H3BPEt2BH3)3 with smaller ethyl substituents crystallized as a coordination polymer. Crystals of U(H3BPEt2BH3)3 were not suitable for structural analysis, but crystals of U(H3BPMe2BH3)3 isolated in low yield by solution methods were isostructural with Nd(H3BPEt2BH3)3. 1H and 11B NMR studies in C6D6 revealed that all of the complexes form mixtures of monomer and oligomers when dissolved, and the extent of oligomerization was highly dependent on metal radius and phosphorus substituent size. A comprehensive analysis of all structurally characterized uranium and lanthanide phosphinodiboranate complexes reported to date, including those with larger Ph and tBu substituents, revealed that the degree of oligomerization in solution can be correlated to differences in B-P-B angles obtained from single-crystal XRD studies. Density functional theory calculations, which included structural optimizations in combination with conformational searches using tight binding methods, replicated the general experimental trends and revealed free energy differences that account for the different solution and solid-state structures. Collectively, these results reveal how steric changes to phosphorus substituents significantly removed from metal coordination sites can have a significant influence on solution speciation, deoligomerization energies, and the solid-state structure of homoleptic phosphinodiboranate complexes containing trivalent f-metals.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 19(20): 7056-7076, 2023 Oct 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37769271


The power of quantum chemistry to predict the ground and excited state properties of complex chemical systems has driven the development of computational quantum chemistry software, integrating advances in theory, applied mathematics, and computer science. The emergence of new computational paradigms associated with exascale technologies also poses significant challenges that require a flexible forward strategy to take full advantage of existing and forthcoming computational resources. In this context, the sustainability and interoperability of computational chemistry software development are among the most pressing issues. In this perspective, we discuss software infrastructure needs and investments with an eye to fully utilize exascale resources and provide unique computational tools for next-generation science problems and scientific discoveries.

Inorg Chem ; 62(34): 13877-13891, 2023 Aug 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37590888


Copper corroles are known for their unique multiconfigurational electronic structures in the ground state, which arise from the transfer of electrons from the π orbitals of the corrole to the d-orbital of copper. While density functional theory (DFT) provides reasonably good molecular geometries, the determination of the ground spin state and the associated energetics is heavily influenced by functional choice, particularly the percentage of the Hartree-Fock exchange. Using extended multireference perturbation theory methods (XMS-CASPT2), the functional choice can be assessed. The molecular geometries and electronic structures of both the unsubstituted and the meso-triphenyl copper corroles were investigated. A minimal active space was employed for structural characterization, while larger active spaces are required to examine the electronic structure. The XMS-CASPT2 investigations conclusively identify the ground electronic state as a multiconfigurational singlet (S0) with three dominant electronic configurations in its lowest energy and characteristic saddled structure. In contrast, the planar geometry corresponds to the triplet state (T0), which is approximately 5 kcal/mol higher in energy compared to the S0 state for both the bare and substituted copper corroles. Notably, the planarity of the T0 geometry is reduced in the substituted corrole compared with that in the unsubstituted one. By analyzing the potential energy surface (PES) between the S0 and T0 geometries using XMS-CASPT2, the multiconfigurational electronic structure is shown to transition toward a single electron configuration as the saddling angle decreases (i.e., as one approaches the planar geometry). Despite the ability of the functionals to reproduce the minimum energy structures, only the TPSSh-D3 PES is reasonably close to the XMS-CASPT2 surface. Significant deviations along the PES are observed with other functionals.

J Phys Chem A ; 127(14): 3072-3081, 2023 Apr 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37010904


The computational investigation of the molecular geometries of a pair of manganese(III) spin-crossover complexes is reported. For the geometry of the quintet high-spin state, density functionals significantly overestimate Mn-Namine bond distances, although the geometry for the triplet intermediate-spin state is well described. Comparisons with several wave function-based methods demonstrate that this error is due to the limited ability of commonly used density functionals to recover dispersion beyond a certain extent. Among the methods employed for geometry optimization, restricted open-shell Møller-Plesset perturbation theory (MP2) appropriately describes the high-spin geometry but results in a slightly shorter Mn-O distance in both spin states. On the other hand, extended multistate complete active space second-order perturbation theory (XMS-CASPT2) provides a good description of the geometry for the intermediate-spin state but also sufficiently recovers dispersion, performing well for the high-spin state. Despite the fact that the electronic structure of both spin states is dominated by one-electron configuration, XMS-CASPT2 offers a balanced approach, leading to molecular geometries with much better agreement with experiment than MP2 and DFT. A scan along the Mn-Namine bond demonstrates that for these complexes coupled cluster methods (i.e., DLPNO-CCSD(T)) also yield bond distances in agreement with experiment while multiconfiguration pair density functional theory (MC-PDFT) is unable to recover dispersion well enough, analogous to single-reference DFT.

JACS Au ; 3(2): 368-377, 2023 Feb 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36873694


Dehydration of methyl lactate to acrylic acid and methyl acrylate was experimentally evaluated over a Na-FAU zeolite catalyst impregnated with multifunctional diamines. 1,2-Bis(4-pyridyl)ethane (12BPE) and 4,4'-trimethylenedipyridine (44TMDP), at a nominal loading of 40 wt % or two molecules per Na-FAU supercage, afforded a dehydration selectivity of 96 ± 3% over 2000 min time on stream. Although 12BPE and 44TMDP have van der Waals diameters approximately 90% of the Na-FAU window opening diameter, both flexible diamines interact with internal active sites of Na-FAU as characterized by infrared spectroscopy. During continuous reaction at 300 °C, the amine loadings in Na-FAU remained constant for 12BPE but decreased as much as 83% for 44TMDP. Tuning the weighted hourly space velocity (WHSV) from 0.9 to 0.2 h-1 afforded a yield as high as 92% at a selectivity of 96% with 44TMDP impregnated Na-FAU, resulting in the highest yield reported to date.

Molecules ; 27(24)2022 Dec 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36557814


Samarium diiodide is a versatile single electron transfer (SET) agent with various applications in organic chemistry. Lewis structures regularly insinuate the existence of a ketyl radical when samarium diiodide binds a carbonyl group. The study presented here investigates this electron transfer by the means of computational chemistry. All electron CASPT2 calculations with the inclusion of scalar relativistic effects predict an endotherm electron transfer from samarium diiodide to acetone. Energies calculated with the PBE0-D3(BJ) functional and a small core pseudopotential are in good agreement with CASPT2. The calculations confirm the experimentally measured increase of the samarium diiodide reduction potential through the addition of hexamethylphosphoramide also known as HMPA.

Acetona , Electrones , Ciclización , Transporte de Electrón , Samario/química , Yoduros/química , Hempa/química
Angew Chem Int Ed Engl ; 61(45): e202211145, 2022 Nov 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36097137


Qualitative differences in the reactivity of trivalent lanthanide and actinide complexes have long been attributed to differences in covalent metal-ligand bonding, but there are few examples where thermodynamic aspects of this relationship have been quantified, especially with U3+ and in the absence of competing variables. Here we report a series of dimeric phosphinodiboranate complexes with trivalent f-metals that show how shorter-than-expected U-B distances indicative of increased covalency give rise to measurable differences in solution deoligomerization reactivity when compared to isostructural complexes with similarly sized lanthanides. These results, which are in excellent agreement with supporting DFT and QTAIM calculations, afford rare experimental evidence concerning the measured effect of variations in metal-ligand covalency on the reactivity of trivalent uranium and lanthanide complexes.

Chem Commun (Camb) ; 58(69): 9630-9633, 2022 Aug 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35950738


Low-valent uranium(III) primary phosphido complexes supported by hydrotris(3,5-dimethylpyrazolyl)borate (Tp*) were synthesized with phosphines of varying steric and electronic profiles. Compounds were characterized by multinuclear NMR spectroscopy (1H, 11B, 31P NMR), infrared spectroscopy, electronic absorption spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography, and quantum chemical calculations.

Chem Commun (Camb) ; 58(65): 9112-9115, 2022 Aug 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35880486


An unprecedented sandwich complex of the actinides is synthesized from the treatment of [UI2(HMPA)4]I (HMPA = OP(NMe2)3) (2) with 3 equiv. of K(C14H10) to give the neutral, bis(arenide) species U(η6-C14H10)(η4-C14H10)(HMPA)2 (1). Solid-state X-ray, SQUID magnetometry, and XANES analyses are consistent with tetravalent uranium supported by [C14H10]2- ligands. In one case, treatment of 1 with an equiv. of AgOTf led to the isolation of U(η6-C14H10)2(HMPA)(THF) (3), formed from ring migration and haptotropic rearrangement. Complete active space (CASSCF) calculations indicate the U-C bonding to solely consist of π-interactions, presenting a unique electronic structure distinct from classic actinide sandwich compounds.

Chem Rev ; 122(6): 6322-6373, 2022 03 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35133803


Transforming how plastics are made, unmade, and remade through innovative research and diverse partnerships that together foster environmental stewardship is critically important to a sustainable future. Designing, preparing, and implementing polymers derived from renewable resources for a wide range of advanced applications that promote future economic development, energy efficiency, and environmental sustainability are all central to these efforts. In this Chemical Reviews contribution, we take a comprehensive, integrated approach to summarize important and impactful contributions to this broad research arena. The Review highlights signature accomplishments across a broad research portfolio and is organized into four wide-ranging research themes that address the topic in a comprehensive manner: Feedstocks, Polymerization Processes and Techniques, Intended Use, and End of Use. We emphasize those successes that benefitted from collaborative engagements across disciplinary lines.

Polímeros , Polímeros/química
Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 24(3): 1390-1398, 2022 Jan 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34981806


Using fully internally contracted (FIC)-CASPT2 analytical gradients, geometry optimizations of spin-crossover complexes are reported. This approach is tested on a series of Fe(II) complexes with different sizes, ranging from 13 to 61 atoms. A combination of active space and basis set choices are employed to investigate their role in determining reliable molecular geometries. The reported strategy demonstrates that a wave function-based level of theory can be used to optimize the geometries of metal complexes in reasonable times and enables one to treat the molecular geometry and electronic structure of the complexes using the same level of theory. For a series of smaller Fe(II) SCO complexes, strong field ligands in the LS state result in geometries with the largest differences between DFT and CASPT2; however, good agreement overall is observed between DFT and CASPT2. For the larger complexes, moderate sized basis sets yield geometries that compare well with DFT and available experimental data. We recommend using the (10e,12o) active space since convergence to a minimum structure was more efficient than with truncated active spaces despite having similar Fe-ligand bond distances.