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Phys Rev E ; 109(4-1): 044313, 2024 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38755908


We present a multiscale stochastic analysis of foreign exchange rates using the H-theory formalism, which provides a hierarchical intermittency model for the information cascade in the currency market. We examine the distributions of returns and volatilities for the three most traded currency pairs: euro-U.S. dollar, U.S. dollar-Japanese yen, and British pound-U.S. dollar. We find that these markets have a hierarchy of timescales, with larger markets exhibiting more hierarchy levels. We provide a theoretical framework for understanding why the number of levels in the information cascade increases with market size, in analogy with similar behavior for the energy cascade in turbulence as a function of Reynolds number. We briefly argue that using turbulence-like models for financial markets can also provide valuable insights for developing efficient algorithmic trading strategies.

Appl Soft Comput ; 137: 110159, 2023 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36874079


We present the software ModInterv as an informatics tool to monitor, in an automated and user-friendly manner, the evolution and trend of COVID-19 epidemic curves, both for cases and deaths. The ModInterv software uses parametric generalized growth models, together with LOWESS regression analysis, to fit epidemic curves with multiple waves of infections for countries around the world as well as for states and cities in Brazil and the USA. The software automatically accesses publicly available COVID-19 databases maintained by the Johns Hopkins University (for countries as well as states and cities in the USA) and the Federal University of Viçosa (for states and cities in Brazil). The richness of the implemented models lies in the possibility of quantitatively and reliably detecting the distinct acceleration regimes of the disease. We describe the backend structure of software as well as its practical use. The software helps the user not only to understand the current stage of the epidemic in a chosen location but also to make short term predictions as to how the curves may evolve. The app is freely available on the internet (, thus making a sophisticated mathematical analysis of epidemic data readily accessible to any interested user.

Nonlinear Dyn ; 111(7): 6855-6872, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36588986


A generalized pathway model, with time-dependent parameters, is applied to describe the mortality curves of the COVID-19 disease for several countries that exhibit multiple waves of infections. The pathway approach adopted here is formulated explicitly in time, in the sense that the model's growth rate for the number of deaths or infections is written as an explicit function of time, rather than in terms of the cumulative quantity itself. This allows for a direct fit of the model to daily data (new deaths or new cases) without the need of any integration. The model is applied to COVID-19 mortality curves for ten selected countries and found to be in very good agreement with the data for all cases considered. From the fitted theoretical curves for a given location, relevant epidemiological information can be extracted, such as the starting and peak dates for each successive wave. It is argued that obtaining reliable estimates for such characteristic points is important for studying the effectiveness of interventions and the possible negative impact of their relaxation, as it allows for a direct comparison of the time of adoption/relaxation of control measures with the peaks and troughs of the epidemic curve.

Softw Impacts ; 14: 100409, 2022 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35990010


The COVID-19 pandemic has proven the importance of mathematical tools to understand the evolution of epidemic outbreaks and provide reliable information to the general public and health authorities. In this perspective, we have developed ModInterv, an online software that applies growth models to monitor the evolution of the COVID-19 epidemic in locations chosen by the user among countries worldwide or states and cities in the USA or Brazil. This paper describes the software capabilities and its use both in recent research works and by technical committees assisting government authorities. Possible applications to other epidemics are also briefly discussed.

Phys Rev Lett ; 128(23): 236803, 2022 Jun 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35749199


We offer a new perspective on the problem of characterizing mesoscopic fluctuations in the interplateau regions of the integer quantum Hall transition. We found that longitudinal and transverse conductance fluctuations, generated by varying the external magnetic field within a microscopic model, are multifractal and lead to distributions of conductance increments (magnetoconductance) with heavy tails (intermittency) and signatures of a hierarchical structure (cascade) in the corresponding stochastic process, akin to Kolmogorov's theory of fluid turbulence. We confirm this picture by interpreting the stochastic process of the conductance increments in the framework of H theory, which is a continuous-time stochastic approach that incorporates the basic features of Kolmogorov's theory. The multifractal analysis of the conductance "time series," combined with the H-theory formalism, provides strong support for the overall characterization of mesoscopic fluctuations in the quantum Hall transition as a multifractal stochastic phenomenon with multiscale hierarchy, intermittency, and cascade effects.

Sci Rep ; 11(1): 4619, 2021 02 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33633290


We apply a versatile growth model, whose growth rate is given by a generalised beta distribution, to describe the complex behaviour of the fatality curves of the COVID-19 disease for several countries in Europe and North America. We show that the COVID-19 epidemic curves not only may present a subexponential early growth but can also exhibit a similar subexponential (power-law) behaviour in the saturation regime. We argue that the power-law exponent of the latter regime, which measures how quickly the curve approaches the plateau, is directly related to control measures, in the sense that the less strict the control, the smaller the exponent and hence the slower the diseases progresses to its end. The power-law saturation uncovered here is an important result, because it signals to policymakers and health authorities that it is important to keep control measures for as long as possible, so as to avoid a slow, power-law ending of the disease. The slower the approach to the plateau, the longer the virus lingers on in the population, and the greater not only the final death toll but also the risk of a resurgence of infections.

COVID-19/epidemiología , Algoritmos , COVID-19/mortalidad , Europa (Continente)/epidemiología , Humanos , América del Norte/epidemiología , Pandemias , SARS-CoV-2/aislamiento & purificación
SciELO Preprints; ago. 2020.
Preprint en Portugués | SciELO Preprints | ID: pps-1136


In this Technical Note we analyze the cumulative curves of deaths attributed to Covid-19 in the 26 Brazilian states and the Federal District until August 21, 2020. Mathematical growth models implemented by the ModInterv Covid-19 application, which can be accessed via internet browser or via a mobile app available at the Google Play Store, were used to investigate at which stage the epidemic is in each of these entities of the Federation. The analysis revealed that almost all states in the Northern and Northeastern regions are in the saturation phase, when the epidemic is relatively under control, while in all Southern states and in most states in the Midwest the epidemic is still accelerating or shows only a slight deceleration. The Southeastern region presents a great diversity of epidemic stages, with each state at a different stage, ranging from acceleration to saturation.

Nesta Nota Técnica nós analisamos as curvas acumuladas de mortes atribuídas à Covid-19 nos 26 estados e Distrito Federal até o dia 21 de agosto de 2020. Foram utilizados modelos matemáticos de crescimento implementados pelo aplicativo ModInterv Covid-19, que pode ser acessado via internet ( ou através de aplicativo para celular disponível na Play Store (, para investigar em qual fase da epidemia cada um dessas unidades da federação se encontra. A análise revelou que quase todos os estados das Regiões Norte e Nordeste encontram-se em uma fase de saturação, quando a epidemia está relativamente sob controle, ao passo que em todos os estados do Sul e a maioria dos estados do Centro-Oeste a epidemia ainda está em aceleração ou apresenta apenas uma leve desaceleração. A Região Sudeste apresenta uma grande diversidade de estágios da epidemia, com cada estado em um estágio diferente, indo de acelerado à saturação.

PeerJ ; 8: e9421, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32612894


The main objective of the present article is twofold: first, to model the fatality curves of the COVID-19 disease, as represented by the cumulative number of deaths as a function of time; and second, to use the corresponding mathematical model to study the effectiveness of possible intervention strategies. We applied the Richards growth model (RGM) to the COVID-19 fatality curves from several countries, where we used the data from the Johns Hopkins University database up to May 8, 2020. Countries selected for analysis with the RGM were China, France, Germany, Iran, Italy, South Korea, and Spain. The RGM was shown to describe very well the fatality curves of China, which is in a late stage of the COVID-19 outbreak, as well as of the other above countries, which supposedly are in the middle or towards the end of the outbreak at the time of this writing. We also analysed the case of Brazil, which is in an initial sub-exponential growth regime, and so we used the generalised growth model which is more appropriate for such cases. An analytic formula for the efficiency of intervention strategies within the context of the RGM is derived. Our findings show that there is only a narrow window of opportunity, after the onset of the epidemic, during which effective countermeasures can be taken. We applied our intervention model to the COVID-19 fatality curve of Italy of the outbreak to illustrate the effect of several possible interventions.

SciELO Preprints; jul. 2020.
Preprint en Portugués | SciELO Preprints | ID: pps-987


The Covid-19 pandemic, caused by the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), is one of the gravest public health crises the world has ever faced. In this context, it is important to have effective models to describe the different stages of the epidemic, in order to offer guidance to the competent authorities regarding the adoption of public policies to contain and control the pandemic. In this work, we present a novel method to analyze epidemic curves based on growth models, using as examples the cumulative curves of deaths attributed to Covid-19 for the states of the Northeastern Region of Brazil. Depending on the case, the q-exponential model, the Richards model or the generalized Richards model were used to make the numerical fits of the respective empirical curves. The models used here describe very well the empirical curves of all the Northeastern Brazilian States, thus allowing a more precise diagnosis of the stage of the epidemic in each of the States.  Among them, only the state of Paraíba is still in the early growth phase, when the epidemic curve does not yet have an inflexion point, being in this case better described by the q-exponential model.  The other states were better described either by the Richards model or by its generalized version. The Richards model, in particular, was able to identify with reasonable reliability the emergence of the inflexion point for states that only recently have reached this stage of the epidemic, such as Piauí, Rio Grande do Norte and Sergipe. This model is also able to predict when the inflection is about to occur, as is the case in Bahia. The generalized Richards model, in turn, has proved more appropriate to describe epidemic curves in states that are in a more developed phase of the epidemic, such as Ceará and Pernambuco, when the epidemic curves already show a more consolidated trend of saturation toward the plateau.

A pandemia da Covid-19, causada pelo novo coronavírus (SARS-CoV-2), é uma das maiores crises de saúde pública que o mundo já enfrentou. Nesse contexto, é importante ter modelos eficazes para descrever os diferentes estágios da evolução da epidemia, a fim de orientar as autoridades competentes na adoção de políticas públicas para o enfrentamento e controle da pandemia. No presente trabalho, nós propomos um novo método de análise de curvas epidêmicas com base na seleção criteriosa de modelos de crescimento, tomando como exemplo as curvas acumuladas de óbitos atribuídos à Covid-19 para os estados da região Nordeste do Brasil. A depender do caso, foram utilizados o modelo q-exponencial, o modelo de Richards ou o modelo generalizado de Richards para fazer o ajuste numérico das respectivas curvas empíricas. Verificou-se que os modelos utilizados descrevem muito bem as curvas empíricas de todos os estados do Nordeste, permitindo assim diagnosticar mais precisamente o estágio da epidemia em cada um dos estados. Dentre eles, apenas o estado da Paraíba ainda encontra-se na fase inicial de crescimento, quando a curva epidêmica ainda não apresenta um ponto de inflexão, sendo nesse caso melhor descrita pelo modelo q-exponencial. Os demais estados foram mais bem descritos ou pelo modelo de Richards ou por sua versão generalizada. O modelo de Richards, em particular, foi capaz de identificar com razoável confiabilidade o surgimento do ponto de inflexão para os estados que só recentemente alcançaram esse estágio da epidemia, como foi o caso do Piauí, Rio Grande do Norte e Sergipe. Esse modelo também é capaz de prever quando a inflexão está prestes a acontecer, como é o caso da Bahia. O modelo generalizado de Richards, por sua vez, mostrou-se mais apropriado para descrever curvas epidêmicas de estados que estão em uma fase mais desenvolvida da epidemia, como Ceará e Pernambuco, quando as curvas epidêmicas já apresentam uma tendência mais consolidada de saturação em direção ao platô.

SciELO Preprints; jun. 2020.
Preprint en Portugués | SciELO Preprints | ID: pps-690


Introduction: The Covid-19 pandemic is one of the biggest public health crises the world has ever faced. In this context, it is important to have effective models to describe the different stages of the epidemic's evolution in order to guide the authorities in taking appropriate measures to fight the disease. Objective: To present an analysis of epidemic curves of Covid-19 based on phenomenological growth models, with applications to the curves for the cumulative numbers of confirmed cases of infection by the novel coronavirus (Sars-Cov-2) and deaths attributed to the disease (Covid-19) caused by the virus, for the Brazilian cities of Recife and Teresina. Methods: The Richards generalized model and the generalized growth model were used to make the numerical fits of the respective empirical curves. Results: The models used described very well the empirical curves against which they were tested. In particular, the generalized Richards model was able to identify the appearance of the inflexion point in the cumulative curves, which in turn represents the peak of the respective daily curves. A brief discussion is also presented on the relationship between the fitting parameters obtained from the model and the mitigation measures adopted in each of the municipalities considered. Conclusions: The generalized Richards model proved to be very effective in describing epidemic curves of Covid-19 and estimating important epidemiological parameters, such as the time of the peak of the curve for daily cases and deaths, thus allowing a practical and efficient monitoring of the epidemic evolution.

Introdução: A pandemia da Covid-19 é uma das maiores crises de saúde pública que o mundo já enfrentou. Nesse contexto, é importante ter modelos eficazes para descrever os diferentes estágios da evolução da epidemia, a fim de orientar as autoridades competen- tes na adoção de políticas públicas para o enfrentamento da mesma. Objetivo: Apresentar uma análise de curvas epidêmicas com base em modelos fenomenológicos de crescimento, tomando como exemplo as curvas acumuladas de casos confirmados de infecção pelo novo coronavírus (Sars-Cov-2) e de óbitos atribuídos à doença (Covid-19) causada pelo vírus, para as cidades do Recife e Teresina. Métodos: Foram utilizados o modelo generalizado de Richards e o modelo de crescimento generalizado para fazer o ajuste numérico das respectivas curvas empíricas. Resultados: Verificou-se que os modelos utilizados descrevem muito bem as curvas empíricas em que foram testados. Em particular, o modelo generalizado de Richards é capaz de identificar com razoável confiabilidade o surgimento do ponto de infle- xão nas curvas acumuladas, o qual corresponde ao ponto de máximo das respectivas curvas diárias. Apresenta-se ainda uma breve discussão sobre a relação entre os parâmetros obtidos no ajuste do modelo e as medidas de mitigação adotadas para retardar a propagação da Covid-19 em cada um dos municípios considerados. Conclusões: O modelo generalizado de Richards mostrou-se bastante eficaz para descrever curvas epidêmicas da Covid-19 e es- timar parâmetros epidemiológicos importantes, como o pico das curvas de casos e óbitos diários, permitindo assim realizar de modo prático e eficiente o monitoramento da evolução da epidemia.

SciELO Preprints; abr. 2020.
Preprint en Inglés | SciELO Preprints | ID: pps-212


In this note, we present a statistical analysis of the mortality rates of COVID-19 for several selected European countries. We compare the countries' mortality rates with their respective number of tests as a function of the time since the first death. Our analysis shows that countries that either delayed mass testing, such as Italy, or have not fully adopted it, such as France and the UK, have had much higher mortality rates than Germany, which has adopted a policy of wide and early testing. Conversely, countries that have followed Germany's example, such as Portugal, have so far had comparatively low mortality rates.

SciELO Preprints; abr. 2020.
Preprint en Portugués | SciELO Preprints | ID: pps-79


In this technical note, we present a brief discussion of the main results reported in our paper "Modelling fatality curves of COVID-19 and the effectiveness of intervention strategies", MedRxiv/2020/051557 (DOI:10.1101/2020.04.02.20051557). In that paper, we applied the Richards growth model (RGM) to describe the fatality curves of the COVID-19 disease for countries that were, up to April 1, 2020, near the end or in an intermediary phase of the outbreak, such as China, Italy, Spain, and Iran. We also analyzed data from Brazil, which was still in the early growth regime, and so we used an alternative model (the generalized growth model) that is more appropriate for the early stages of the epidemic. We also used the RGM to study the effectiveness of possible intervention strategies and, within this context, we derived an analytic formula for the efficiency of non-pharmaceutical intervention strategies. Our findings show that there is only a narrow window, after the onset of the epidemic, during which effective countermeasures can be taken. Here we present a brief overview of the results obtained in the aforementioned paper, but we use more recent data to update our analysis. For more details, we refer the reader to the original article.

En esta nota técnica presentamos una breve discusión de los principales resultados de nuestro artículo "Modelado de curvas de mortalidad de COVID-19 y la efectividad de las estrategias de intervención", MedRxiv / 2020/051557 (DOI: 10.1101 / 2020.04.02.20051557). En este artículo, aplicamos el modelo de crecimiento de Richards para describir las curvas de mortalidad de COVID-19 para países que estaban, hasta el 4/1/2020, cerca del final o en la fase intermedia de la epidemia, como China, Italia, España e Irán. También analizamos datos de Brasil, aunque todavía estaba en las primeras etapas de la epidemia. Para este caso, utilizamos un modelo alternativo, el modelo de crecimiento generalizado, que es más apropiado para esa fase. También utilizamos el modelo de Richards para estudiar la efectividad de las posibles estrategias de intervención y, en este contexto, derivamos una fórmula analítica para la eficiencia de las estrategias de intervención no farmacológicas. Nuestros resultados muestran que solo hay una ventana estrecha, después de que comienza el brote, durante la cual se pueden tomar intervenciones no farmacológicas efectivas para contener la epidemia. En esta nota, también presentamos algunos resultados originales para las curvas de fatalidad de Italia y Brasil, actualizadas con datos hasta el 08/04/2020, además de una breve descripción general del trabajo mencionado anteriormente. Para más detalles, remitimos al lector al artículo original.

Nesta nota técnica apresentamos uma breve discussão dos principais resultados do nosso artigo "Modelling fatality curves of COVID-19 and the effectiveness of intervention strategies", MedRxiv/2020/051557 (DOI:10.1101/2020.04.02.20051557). Nesse artigo, aplicamos o modelo de crescimento de Richards para descrever as curvas de fatalidade da COVID-19 para países que estavam, até 01/04/2020, ou perto do fim ou na fase intermediária da epidemia, como a China, Itália, Espanha e Irã. Também analisamos dados do Brasil, embora ainda estivesse na fase inicial da epidemia, mas nesse caso usamos um modelo alternativo­o modelo de crescimento generalizado­que é mais apropriado para essa fase. Utilizamos ainda o modelo de Richards para estudar a eficácia de possíveis estratégias de intervenção e, nesse contexto, derivamos uma fórmula analítica para a eficiência das estratégias de intervenção não farmacológicas. Os nossos resultados mostram que existe apenas uma estreita janela, após o início do surto, durante a qual intervenções efetivas não farmacológicas podem ser tomadas para conter a epidemia. Nesta nota, apresentamos ainda alguns resultados originais para as curvas de fatalidade da Itália e do Brasil, atualizados com dados até 08/04/2020, além de uma breve descrição geral do trabalho acima mencionado. Para mais detalhes, remetemos o leitor para o artigo original.

Phys Rev E ; 97(2-1): 022104, 2018 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29548225


A formalism, called H-theory, is applied to the problem of statistical equilibrium of a hierarchical complex system with multiple time and length scales. In this approach, the system is formally treated as being composed of a small subsystem-representing the region where the measurements are made-in contact with a set of "nested heat reservoirs" corresponding to the hierarchical structure of the system, where the temperatures of the reservoirs are allowed to fluctuate owing to the complex interactions between degrees of freedom at different scales. The probability distribution function (pdf) of the temperature of the reservoir at a given scale, conditioned on the temperature of the reservoir at the next largest scale in the hierarchy, is determined from a maximum entropy principle subject to appropriate constraints that describe the thermal equilibrium properties of the system. The marginal temperature distribution of the innermost reservoir is obtained by integrating over the conditional distributions of all larger scales, and the resulting pdf is written in analytical form in terms of certain special transcendental functions, known as the Fox H functions. The distribution of states of the small subsystem is then computed by averaging the quasiequilibrium Boltzmann distribution over the temperature of the innermost reservoir. This distribution can also be written in terms of H functions. The general family of distributions reported here recovers, as particular cases, the stationary distributions recently obtained by Macêdo et al. [Phys. Rev. E 95, 032315 (2017)10.1103/PhysRevE.95.032315] from a stochastic dynamical approach to the problem.

Nat Commun ; 8: 15731, 2017 05 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28561064


Turbulence is a challenging feature common to a wide range of complex phenomena. Random fibre lasers are a special class of lasers in which the feedback arises from multiple scattering in a one-dimensional disordered cavity-less medium. Here we report on statistical signatures of turbulence in the distribution of intensity fluctuations in a continuous-wave-pumped erbium-based random fibre laser, with random Bragg grating scatterers. The distribution of intensity fluctuations in an extensive data set exhibits three qualitatively distinct behaviours: a Gaussian regime below threshold, a mixture of two distributions with exponentially decaying tails near the threshold and a mixture of distributions with stretched-exponential tails above threshold. All distributions are well described by a hierarchical stochastic model that incorporates Kolmogorov's theory of turbulence, which includes energy cascade and the intermittence phenomenon. Our findings have implications for explaining the remarkably challenging turbulent behaviour in photonics, using a random fibre laser as the experimental platform.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25019715


A new general class of exact solutions is presented for the time evolution of a bubble of arbitrary initial shape in a Hele-Shaw cell when surface tension effects are neglected. These solutions are obtained by conformal mapping the viscous flow domain to an annulus in an auxiliary complex plane. It is then demonstrated that the only stable fixed point (attractor) of the nonsingular bubble dynamics corresponds precisely to the selected pattern. This thus shows that, contrary to the established theory, bubble selection in a Hele-Shaw cell does not require surface tension. The solutions reported here significantly extend previous results for a simply connected geometry (finger) to a doubly connected one (bubble). We conjecture that the same selection rule without surface tension holds for Hele-Shaw flows of arbitrary connectivity.

Hidrodinámica , Modelos Teóricos , Tensión Superficial , Tiempo , Viscosidad
Proc Math Phys Eng Sci ; 470(2166): 20130848, 2014 Jun 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24910523


A generalization of the Schwarz-Christoffel mapping to multiply connected polygonal domains is obtained by making a combined use of two preimage domains, namely, a rectilinear slit domain and a bounded circular domain. The conformal mapping from the circular domain to the polygonal region is written as an indefinite integral whose integrand consists of a product of powers of the Schottky-Klein prime functions, which is the same irrespective of the preimage slit domain, and a prefactor function that depends on the choice of the rectilinear slit domain. A detailed derivation of the mapping formula is given for the case where the preimage slit domain is the upper half-plane with radial slits. Representation formulae for other canonical slit domains are also obtained but they are more cumbersome in that the prefactor function contains arbitrary parameters in the interior of the circular domain.

Proc Math Phys Eng Sci ; 470(2163): 20130698, 2014 Mar 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24611028


Analytical solutions are constructed for an assembly of any finite number of bubbles in steady motion in a Hele-Shaw channel. The solutions are given in the form of a conformal mapping from a bounded multiply connected circular domain to the flow region exterior to the bubbles. The mapping is written as the sum of two analytic functions-corresponding to the complex potentials in the laboratory and co-moving frames-that map the circular domain onto respective degenerate polygonal domains. These functions are obtained using the generalized Schwarz-Christoffel formula for multiply connected domains in terms of the Schottky-Klein prime function. Our solutions are very general in that no symmetry assumption concerning the geometrical disposition of the bubbles is made. Several examples for various bubble configurations are discussed.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24032768


An efficient algorithm is presented to simulate the O(N) loop model on the square lattice for arbitrary values of N>0. The scheme combines the worm algorithm with a new data structure to resolve both the problem of loop crossings and the necessity of counting the number of loops at each Monte Carlo update. With the use of this scheme, the line of critical points (and other properties) of the O(N) model on the square lattice for 0

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23767664


Exact solutions are reported for a stream of asymmetric bubbles steadily moving in a Hele-Shaw channel. From the periodicity along the streamwise direction, the flow region is reduced to a rectangular unit cell containing one bubble, which is conformally mapped to an annulus in an auxiliary complex plane. Analytic expressions for the bubble shape as well as for the velocity field are obtained in terms of the generalized Schwarz-Christoffel formula for doubly connected domains.

Gases/química , Microfluídica/métodos , Modelos Químicos , Modelos Moleculares , Oscilometría/métodos , Simulación por Computador
Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys ; 86(5 Pt 1): 050103, 2012 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23214728


A multicanonical formalism is introduced to describe the statistical equilibrium of complex systems exhibiting a hierarchy of time and length scales, where the hierarchical structure is described as a set of nested "internal heat reservoirs" with fluctuating "temperatures." The probability distribution of states at small scales is written as an appropriate averaging of the large-scale distribution (the Boltzmann-Gibbs distribution) over these effective internal degrees of freedom. For a large class of systems the multicanonical distribution is given explicitly in terms of generalized hypergeometric functions. As a concrete example, it is shown that generalized hypergeometric distributions describe remarkably well the statistics of acceleration measurements in Lagrangian turbulence.

Aceleración , Algoritmos , Modelos Estadísticos , Simulación por Computador