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Appl Opt ; 50(28): 5408-21, 2011 Oct 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22016207


The achievement of new satellite or airborne remote sensing instruments enables the more precise study of cities with metric spatial resolutions. For studies such as the radiative characterization of urban features, knowledge of the atmosphere and particularly of aerosols is required to perform first an atmospheric compensation of the remote sensing images. However, to our knowledge, no efficient aerosol characterization technique adapted both to urban areas and to very high spatial resolution images has yet been developed. The goal of this paper is so to present a new code to characterize aerosol optical properties, OSIS, adapted to urban remote sensing images of metric spatial resolution acquired in the visible and near-IR spectral domains. First, a new aerosol characterization method based on the observation of shadow/sun transitions is presented, offering the advantage to avoid the assessment of target reflectances. Its principle and the modeling of the signal used to solve the retrieval equation are then detailed. Finally, a sensitivity study of OSIS from synthetic images simulated by the radiative transfer code AMARTIS v2 is also presented. This study has shown an intrinsic precision of this tool of Δτ(a)=0.1.τ(a) ± (0.02 + 0.4.τ(a)) for retrieval of aerosol optical thicknesses. This study shows that OSIS is a powerful tool for aerosol characterization that has a precision similar to satellite products for the aerosol optical thicknesses retrieval and that can be applied to every very high spatial resolution instrument, multispectral or hyperspectral, airborne or satellite.

Appl Opt ; 44(36): 7828-44, 2005 Dec 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16381535


The radiometric calibration of the Sea-Viewing Wide-Field-of-View Sensor (SeaWiFS) in the near infrared (band 8, centered on 865 nm) is evaluated by use of ground-based radiometer measurements of solar extinction and sky radiance in the Sun's principal plane at two sites, one located 13 km off Venice, Italy, and the other on the west coast of Lanai Island, Hawaii. The aerosol optical thickness determined from solar extinction is used in an iterative scheme to retrieve the pseudo aerosol phase function, i.e., the product of single-scattering albedo and phase function, in which sky radiance is corrected for multiple scattering effects. No assumption about the aerosol model is required. The aerosol parameters are the inputs into a radiation-transfer code used to compute the SeaWiFS radiance. The calibration method has a theoretical inaccuracy of plus or minus 2.0-3.6%, depending on the solar zenith angle and the SeaWiFS geometry. The major source of error is in the calibration of the ground-based radiometer operated in radiance mode, assumed to be accurate to +/- 2%. The establishment of strict criteria for atmospheric stability, angular geometry, and surface conditions resulted in selection of only 26 days for the analysis during 1999-2000 (Venice site) and 1998-2001 (Lanai site). For these days the measured level-1B radiance from the SeaWiFS Project Office was generally lower than the corresponding simulated radiance in band 8 by 7.0% on average, +/- 2.8%.

Appl Opt ; 42(6): 896-907, 2003 Feb 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12617204


The calibration of an ocean-color sensor or validation of water products is generally based on ground-based extinct measurements from which the aerosol products (optical thickness tau(a) and aerosol type) are deduced. Sky-radiance measurements complement the extinction measurements mainly in the aerosol-model characterization. Our basic goal is to promote calibration-validation activities based on the radiative properties of the aerosols rather than their chemical or physical properties. A simple method is proposed (and evaluated) to convert sky radiances measured in the principal plane into atmospheric phase functions P. Indeed tau(a) and P are the required inputs to a radiative-transfer code for predicting the top-of-the-atmosphere radiances. The overall error in this prediction is a few percent. This method can operate on a worldwide network on ground-based sun radiometers and then be used to achieve a statistical analysis for validating satellite products.