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Cureus ; 13(6): e15894, 2021 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34249581


Background Major depression disorder (MDD) is the most common psychiatric comorbidity in patients living with HIV (PLWHIV). The prevalence rate of MDD is higher in PLWHIV in comparison to the general population. In our study, we focus specifically on the 30-day readmission rate of PLWHIV and severe major depression. Methods The Health Care Agency (HCA) databank was used to conduct a retrospective study on PLWHIV and severe MDD. Keywords such as HIV, severe MDD, CD4, viral load were used to identify the data. 30-day readmission rate is studied in PLWHIV and severe MDD (N=143). Variables such as age, sex, gender, adherence to antiretroviral medications, cluster of differentiation 4 (CD4), and viral load were studied in this population. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition (DSM-5) criteria were used to diagnose severe MDD in PLWHIV. An antiretroviral therapy (ART) medication list was used to analyze adherence in this population group. Geographical locations were identified using urbanization codes. Results Logistic regression analysis for the 30-day readmission rate in PLWHIV was found to be higher in the older age group (p<0.01). Caucasian population (p<0.01) and rural areas (p<0.01), ART non-adherence (p<0.05), and severe major depression were also found to be significant in this population (p<0.01). Conclusion As more patients live longer with HIV/AIDS, it gives rise to illnesses such as anxiety, depression, and cognitive impairment. Thus, it is important to identify severe depression in PLWHIV since it can have an impact on rates of hospitalization, morbidity/mortality, and the financial burden, specifically within 30-days of discharge.

Cureus ; 12(10): e10775, 2020 Oct 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33154845


A pandemic is the worldwide outbreak and spread of a disease. Although pandemics of influenza have occurred rarely, approximately once every few decades in more than three centuries, the outbreaks of H1N1 and H5N1 influenza, the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), and most recently, the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), have necessitated the institution of protective and preventive measures such as school closure and mandatory quarantine of infected people, as social distancing is considered to be the most effective preventative strategy until the development of a vaccine, treatment, or both. The current pandemic has also resulted in a transformation in medical education for both undergraduate and postgraduate medical students. Clinical rotations for undergraduates have been suspended all over the world; inter-hospital residency rotations and combined teaching sessions have also been curtailed until further notice. During this most recent pandemic, a number of medical schools have immediately converted their whole clinical curriculum into online formats. Similarly, educational and clinical assessments have been converted into online assessments. However, as the pandemic eras tend to recur over time and epidemics will continue to break out, medical students and healthcare workers will remain susceptible to contagion. Hence, we need to adopt a new educational system that would be safe and sustainable in the long run.

Cureus ; 12(10): e11004, 2020 Oct 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33209560


Cerebral palsy is a group of neuromuscular diseases that is primarily common in the pediatric population and is the most common cause of neurological and motor disability in children. Cerebral palsy is comprised of various subtypes with the most common type being spastic cerebral palsy. It is highly associated with prematurity and affects nerve function, motor function, and intellectual capacity. It is also associated with nutritional deficiencies and gastrointestinal dysfunction. Cerebral palsy is diagnosed via clinical evaluation and does not have specific laboratory or image findings, but certain imaging findings are positively correlated with it. There are numerous interventions and treatment modalities that are aimed at ensuring the highest quality of life for the patient and their families. This article was compiled with peer-reviewed publications from the PubMed database in which various keywords were utilized in the search engine. These peer-reviewed articles were selected without geographical restrictions and selected based on the use of the English language. These articles were also selected on the restriction of publication within the last 10 years. This review article on cerebral palsy will serve as a medium of education for the physician, healthcare team, and family involved in the management of children or adults with cerebral palsy. It is important because it discusses the possible etiologies, diagnostic and assessment techniques, prevention methods, and possible rehabilitation interventions. This article aims to broaden the reader's understanding of cerebral palsy and answer any questions that may arise during the management of this disease. The management of cerebral palsy is often plagued with frustration, depression, and anxiety. The main goal of treatment is to attain the highest quality of life for the family and the child.

Cureus ; 12(9): e10734, 2020 Sep 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33145139


Vitamin D is well known for its effects on the homeostasis of calcium and phosphorus. Lately, considerable research has brought the extra-skeletal role of vitamin D under the spotlight, including its anti-cancer activity. Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the most extensively studied neoplasia that has been observed to be affected by vitamin D; the list includes breast, prostate, and ovarian cancer. This review aims to shine a light on the influence of vitamin D over CRC and to further understand its ability to be used as a potential economical treatment for CRC patients. For this review, PubMed was used as the main database for the literature search. Studies on the role of vitamin D on CRC within 10 years and all of the study types were included. Post the extensive research over PubMed, it was noted that vitamin D, through its effect on multiple pathways, especially Wnt/ß-catenin, apoptosis, and inflammation, hinders the progression of CRC carcinogenesis. High levels of this steroid hormone can delay the progression and may provide a cost-effective way of treating CRC patients. Further research and additional human trials are still due to bring about more knowledge on this topic. In conclusion, high serum levels of vitamin D are associated with a lower risk of incidence and progression of CRC.

Cureus ; 12(9): e10446, 2020 Sep 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33072455


Statins, the lipid-lowering drugs, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)/non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), a lipid-related pathology, share a complex relationship, one known to be hepatotoxic and other being hepatic injury. NASH is an unresolved mystery in terms of treatment. Could statins prove to be a promising solution due to their pleiotropic properties in addition to the cholesterol-lowering effect? This study aims to find statin effectiveness in NAFLD/NASH treatment and prevention of associated adverse outcomes. An extensive data search was done to identify the studies assessing statin effect on NAFLD/NASH and then analyzed to establish the relationship. Several studies demonstrated a reduction in NAFLD/NASH-associated inflammation and fibrosis with statin treatment. These anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrotic effects were through their pleiotropic properties, which were in addition to their cholesterol-lowering effect. In various animal studies, statins were found to improve hepatic lipotoxicity, oxidative stress, inflammatory responses, and fibrosis associated with NASH through multiple pathways. Statins exert these protective effects by recovering the gene expression level of peroxisomal proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARα) and therefore restore the mitochondrial and peroxisomal fatty acid oxidation (FAO). Statin treatment also increased the levels of paraoxonase 1 (PON1), an antioxidant and antiatherogenic enzyme that is reduced in NAFLD as well as encounter the hepatic lipotoxicity by resolving cholesterol crystals and Kupffer cells (KCs) with crown-like structures (CLSs). They exhibited antitumor properties by inhibiting proinflammatory cytokines and vascular proliferative factors. Moreover, they restored a healthy liver sinusoidal endothelial cell (LSEC) and hepatic stellate cells (HSC) along with inhibiting the activation of HSC via modulating inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and expressions of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS). Besides, they were protective against cardiovascular disease (CVD)-related morbidity and mortality, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), and metabolic syndrome (MS) associated with NAFLD/NASH. NASH and its precursor, NAFLD, could be treated and prevented with statins owing to their pleiotropic properties. This study helps to prove this by looking back at different literature and has successfully enlightened the point. Once proved through large clinical trials on humans, it could revolutionize the NASH therapy.

Cureus ; 12(9): e10448, 2020 Sep 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33072457


With idiopathic Parkinson's disease being a common entity, parkinsonism in acquired hepatocerebral degeneration (AHD) in the context of Manganese (Mn) has gained importance in recent years. An insight into the pathomechanisms behind this disease has been put forth. How can Mn as a divalent metal exert its effect in leading to chronic neurodegenerative disorder? Secondary to decreased excretion in liver cirrhosis, Mn significantly alters the striatal dopaminergic system. Management of this debilitating disease also focuses on different aspects where Mn has been involved in the pathogenesis. We have put forth the details behind Mn effects in Parkinson's, which will be a guide for better understanding and management of this disease. A literature search was performed using PubMed as a sole database, and all the articles were peer-reviewed. The author tried to follow the PRISMA guidelines. Inclusion criteria were set for 10 years, with most studies with in the last seven years. All types of study designs were included relevant to the topic, clearly delineating the pathomechanisms of Mn in the disease and also its management. After extensive research, through the PubMed database, we found that Parkinson's disease is one of the neurological complications in advanced liver cirrhosis. Mn is an essential element behind its pathogenesis; it works at different cellular levels to promote neurotoxicity. From its influx to its effects on dopamine transporters (DAT), where it disrupts dopamine homeostasis also altering postsynaptic dopamine (D2) receptors, it disrupts mitochondria and the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) promotes oxidative stress and neuroinflammation. Misfolding of alpha-synuclein (α-Syn) is promoted on chronic exposure to Mn where α-Syn from being neuroprotective becomes neurotoxic. It also alters glutaminergic and gabaergic neurotransmission. In a nutshell, the diversity of its effect on nigrostriatal denervation is challenging. The importance of neuroimaging and various approaches to management is also discussed. AHD, an uncommon entity in advanced liver cirrhosis, needs more awareness so that it can be diagnosed earlier and better therapeutic options can be sought. Our study highlighted Mn mechanisms behind this clinical entity, putting forth grounds for a better understanding of this disease. Advanced research targeting Mn for managing this disease will be revolutionary.

Cureus ; 12(10): e10790, 2020 Oct 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33042652


Peripartum cardiomyopathy (PPCM) can be classified as a variant of dilated cardiomyopathy identified usually within the first five months of delivery or during the last month of pregnancy. This condition presents as systolic heart failure. PPCM affects thousands of women in the United States each year. Even though it was first noticed in the 1800s, its etiology remains unknown. This study aims to review the pathophysiology and management of PPCM and explore the possible outcomes of peripartum cardiomyopathy. PPCM can lead to maternal death if diagnosis or treatment is delayed. Diagnosing PPCM has been challenging because it can be misdiagnosed or perceived as a sign of pregnancy since most of the symptoms of PPCM strongly match those within the typical pregnancy continuum and postpartum cycle. Patients' implications are fatal and carry a high mortality rate when PPCM is misdiagnosed or treatment is delayed. To accurately identify PPCM, using echocardiography, the left ventricular end-diastolic size and the ejection fraction should be measured to determine the severity of PPCM. Managing peripartum cardiomyopathy involves using traditional treatments for heart failure. Therapeutic recommendations are made depending on the patient's status (pregnancy, breastfeeding, postpartum) while considering the drug-safety profiles before administration. Some other treatments have also been used to control PPCM depending on how severe it has become; for example, antiarrhythmics have been used to treat cardiac arrhythmias when they ensue. In extreme cases, mechanical assistance and transplantation could be required. Based on the proposed pathophysiology involving the 16kDA anti-angiogenic sub-fragment, bromocriptine may be used even though it still needs more assessment due to limited evidence. Using PubMed as a major search resource, a thorough analysis of publications was carried out after incorporating this review's inclusion and exclusion criteria. A total of 455,141 publications were found using keywords and keyword combinations. With a careful selection of articles, 31 publications provided relevant information on our primary endpoint. All articles in this examination were chosen without limitation to the type of study, including clinical trials, review articles, meta-analyses, and so on. Our review suggests that, based on factors such as early detection and management, disease severity, ethnicity, and quality of patient care, patients with PPCM presented different outcomes and prognosis. However, despite PPCM's high mortality rate and its risk of recurrence, most patients tend to recover within six months of disease onset.

Cureus ; 12(9): e10250, 2020 Sep 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33042689


Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is a social phenomenon that is deeply rooted in African socio-cultural and religious facets. It covers a sequence of procedures carried out on the genitals of females of different ages, including total or partial removal of the female external genitalia or other injuries to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons. Several studies have shown beyond a reasonable doubt that FGM is more of a detriment than benefit to the mutilated women. Hence, this review comprehensively presents the narratives and experience of African women about FGM with a focus on whether they are beneficiaries or victims of the practice. The method adopted involved searching for relevant studies through PubMed and Google Scholar databases coupled with some prominent internet materials. This method was done majorly to identify and utilize the best quality published studies on FGM in Africa. Having lent due credence to the relevant studies pooled together, it was established that the practice of FGM in the African continent is highly undesirable. It creates numerous health complications coupled with psychosocial, psychological, and psychosexual issues for the mutilated women. Prominent among these repercussions are infection, the formation of scarring and keloid, monthly menstrual difficulties, urinary symptoms, infertility, obstetric complications during pregnancy and labor, depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Despite these complications, it was revealed that FGM is still extant in many African countries. However, the fear of becoming a social outcast is the biggest hindrance facing anti-FGM campaigners. FGM is unequivocally a cankerworm that has eaten the freedom and wellbeing of African women, making them choiceless victims. Therefore, it is quite pertinent for governments and community leaders to provide medical support to the victims and fight the prevalence of FGM in their jurisdictions. This can be achieved through increased awareness about its adverse effects, women's education, and community shunning of the practice coupled with appropriate sanctioning of the erring members.

Cureus ; 12(9): e10406, 2020 Sep 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33062523


Gastric cancer is the third-most fatal cancer in the world. Though over the years, we saw patients mostly with intestinal type accounting for the highest mortality rate, the recent rise of the diffuse form with germline E-cadherin (CDH1) mutations has added a whole new level of interest to study in detail about the association between CDH1 and diffuse gastric cancer (DGC). This introduced a set guideline formulated by Internal Gastric Cancer Linkage Consortium (IGCLC) for patients with family history of diffuse gastric cancer and invasive lobular breast cancer (ILBC). The analysis of this link was also important to set proper management protocol for patients who were CDH1 mutation carriers which now involves genetic counselling, endoscopic surveillance and screening and prophylactic total gastrectomy (PTG). The study was conducted in accordance to the 'PRISMA guidelines for reporting systematic review and meta-analysis'. Peer-reviewed studies were included from the PubMed database and relevant articles were selected to be included in the study. Appropriate inclusion/exclusion criteria with free full text English articles were applied while selecting the articles. A total of 10 studies on review with different study populations showed that of the 42 patients who were diagnosed with diffuse gastric cancer, 88% of them showed a positive germline E-cadherin gene mutation and 100% of the CDH1 mutation carriers showed microscopic changes of signet ring cell adenocarcinoma of the stomach. The beneficial effects of PTG with better survival rates and low mortality rates has outweighed other treatment modalities. Laparoscopic approach has proved to be more useful and a safer approach for gastrectomy surgeries with better post-operative management. The need for prophylactic mastectomy is also increased in the recent times and thus this requires a new set of guidelines for ILBC patients with hereditary diffuse gastric cancer (HDGC) syndrome.

Cureus ; 12(9): e10400, 2020 Sep 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32944484


Takotsubo syndrome (TTS), also called broken heart syndrome, is an acute and transient cardiac wall motion abnormality of the left ventricle. The patient prototype is a post-menopausal woman with myocardial infarction-like symptoms (angina pectoris, breathlessness, palpitations, etc.) who has experienced sudden emotional or physical stress. Although prognosis is generally considered relatively benign, both complications and recurrence rates are not insignificant. Pathophysiological mechanisms underlying TTS are not entirely understood, but the sympathetic system over-activity has a leading role. Moreover, since emotional stress frequently triggers TTS and since precedent diagnosis of psychiatric disorders sometimes coexists, the psychological response to stress could be another potential therapeutic target. Indeed, this article aims to explore the association between underlying depression and anxiety disorders and TTS, as well as to find ideal therapeutic options useful to treat and prevent TTS. Thus in our review, we considered case reports, case-control studies, and review articles from PubMed. Papers dealing with Takotsubo syndrome and anxiety disorder or depression were selected. We included papers published since 2010 and whose abstract was in English. We concluded that anxiety disorders, but not depression, are associated with a higher occurrence of TTS. There is a link between anxiety, TTS, and inflammation leading to increased sympathetic activity. Nevertheless, patients with pre-admission psychiatric disorders have a higher risk of recurrent TTS. Importantly, the use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) could be a potential therapeutic aid in preventing TTS's recurrence in selected patients.

Cureus ; 12(7): e9474, 2020 Jul 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32874803


Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is one of the most common personality disorders seen in the general population. Among multiple identified risk factors, one of the most influential elements is exposure to an adverse childhood experience in terms of emotional, physical, or sexual abuse. A cascade of neuromorphological and epigenetic changes occurs in response to these childhood stressors, which may have a strong link to the development of BPD. PubMed and Google Scholar were searched for articles relevant to child abuse and the development of BPD. The search was not restricted to any time frame or geographic location. Significant epigenetic and neuromorphological changes are seen with child abuse, contributing to the development of BPD. Chronic stressors lead to hypothalamic-pituitary axis (HPA) activation, releasing cortisol that acts on the prefrontal cortex, amygdala, and hippocampus, producing the behavioral patterns seen in BPD. Overstimulation of gray matter leads to permanent neuromorphological changes, which can be visualized in functional MRI/brain scans. Hypermethylation of messenger ribonucleic acid in various sites suggests the impact of child abuse on the genetic level. Interestingly, the prevalence of BPD is seen equally in both genders but is diagnosed more frequently in females because they tend to be more likely to seek help. Understanding the impact of early age life stressors into adulthood calls for serious focus on early diagnosis and intervention. This implies the need for more studies in patients with BPD with or without any childhood traumatic experience and a better understanding of the changes that occur biopsychologically and genetically in response to trauma.

Cureus ; 12(6): e8931, 2020 Jun 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32760631


Alcohol use disorder (AUD), a chronic condition that affects many people worldwide, is characterized most commonly by a preoccupation with alcohol, an irresistible craving for or the inability to control the consumption of alcohol, and the marked resultant disturbance it bestows upon one's life. Although a difficult and time-consuming condition to attempt to treat, there are currently three FDA-approved medications for AUD, including naltrexone, acamprosate, and disulfiram. However, literature points towards another agent, gabapentin, that may be efficacious in preventing relapse symptoms and cravings with enhanced effectivity in reducing post-hospitalization alcohol consumption behaviors. In this paper, we discuss a case presentation and literature review demonstrating the role of gabapentin in treating AUD and symptoms associated with alcohol withdrawal, along with its potential use in relapse prevention.

Cureus ; 12(5): e8300, 2020 May 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32601572


A high-functioning middle-aged successful businessman developed a rapid decline in his cognitive, behavioral, and motor abilities within one year. He was initially diagnosed with dementia by a neurologist and was then diagnosed with pseudo-dementia secondary to major depressive disorder with catatonia by a psychiatrist who initiated treatment with Ativan. He was referred to our psychiatric facility for an evaluation to undergo electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) as a potential treatment for medically refractory depression complicated with catatonia and pseudo-dementia. The neurology team and internal medicine team were consulted by a psychiatrist for clearance to begin a course of ECT. In this process, with a coordinated effort and prompt workup and evaluation, including neurological testing, imaging, and positive cerebrospinal fluid analysis for real-time quaking inverse conversion (RT-QuIC) and 14-3-3, the patient was diagnosed with Creutzfeldt-Jakob's disease. There are many organic causes of dementia and catatonia that should be explored in depth, especially when the clinical picture is challenging and atypical.

Cureus ; 12(5): e8241, 2020 May 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32582500


Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is defined as episodes of hypopnea or apnea, which leads to a partial or complete block of airways. Hypertension, on the other hand, is defined as an increase in systemic arterial blood pressure to a certain threshold. OSA and hypertension share many common factors in pathophysiology, such as gender, obesity, unhealthy lifestyle, impaired quality of sleep, renin-angiotensin system, and increased fluid distribution. In order to manage our patients effectively, we need to explore further the correlation between the two conditions.

Cureus ; 12(5): e8071, 2020 May 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32542126


Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder of interpersonal communications and restricted interest and deficits in sensory and social interactions. It co-occurs with anxiety and mostly in 30% of cases related to specific phobia. This review article summarises the sensory association between anxiety and ASD. The role of emotions and neurobiology discussed and sensory over-reactivity (SOR) was related to ASD and anxiety. PubMed database systematically searched for related articles on ASD and anxiety. The keywords used are autism spectrum disorder, autism spectrum disorder and emotion, anxiety disorder, sensory in autism and anxiety, and psychopathology. The results were most significant and related to the sensory association between ASD and anxiety. Out of 19 studies discussed, there were eight systematic reviews with meta-analysis, seven systematic reviews, three traditional reviews, and one included both systematic reviews with randomized controlled trials (RCTs). However, due to possible limitations and considerations, like small sample size and few clinical trials; hence, further recommendations to randomized clinical trials and cohort studies warranted. This review article helps scientists to plan and focus on necessary studies and possible screening for the disease to improve possible clinical outcomes. People gain awareness of the disease. Early recognition, as well as educational, behavioral, and family therapy, might decrease symptoms and support learning and development in children.

Cureus ; 12(5): e8079, 2020 May 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32542134


Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common causes of subfertility, and it is characterized by hormonal dysregulation like insulin resistance. Various measures have been taken in the past to overcome this insulin resistance to improve fertility treatment outcomes. The current paper aims to review and compare the existing studies and literature to assess the impact of myo-inositol (MI) on oocyte and embryo quality in assisted reproductive technology (ARTs). We thoroughly searched the PubMed and Google Scholar databases by using the keywords "PCOS, polycystic ovarian syndrome, inositol, oocyte quality, embryo quality, assisted conception, ART, IVF, and in vitro fertilization." Nine articles were finalized for review in this paper. Many of the reviewed studies have shown a trend toward the improvement of embryo quality in women with PCOS after MI supplementation; however, there is a lack of statistically significant evidence to support the use of MI in enhancing the quality of oocyte and/or embryo. Clear evidence regarding the role of MI in enhancing the quality of oocyte and embryo in PCOS is limited. A well-controlled, large, randomized controlled trial is required to definitively accept or refute its role.

Complement Ther Med ; 48: 102242, 2020 Jan.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31987224


Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) global burden is underestimated despite its high prevalence. It's a gastrointestinal disease having obscure pathophysiology with multiple therapies yet unsatisfactory remedies. The Endocannabinoid system (ECS) of our body plays a key role in maintaining normal physiology of the gastrointestinal tract as well as involves abnormalities including functional diseases like IBS. This review highlights the importance of the Endocannabinoid system, its connections with the normal gastrointestinal functions and abnormalities like IBS. It also discusses the role of cannabis as medical therapy in IBS patients. A literature search for articles related to endocannabinoids in IBS and medical cannabis in PubMed and Google Scholar was conducted. The studies highlighted the significant participation of ECS in IBS. However, the breach in obtaining the promising therapeutic model for IBS needed further investigation in ECS and uncover other treatments for IBS. This review summarizes ECS, highlights the relationship of ECS with IBS and explores cannabis as a potential therapy to treat IBS.

Cannabis , Endocannabinoides/metabolismo , Síndrome del Colon Irritable/metabolismo , Síndrome del Colon Irritable/terapia , Marihuana Medicinal/uso terapéutico , Moduladores de Receptores de Cannabinoides/metabolismo , Humanos
J Diabetes Metab Disord ; 19(2): 1797-1825, 2020 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33520862


PURPOSE: Diabetes mellitus is a complex metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia occurring as a result of dysregulation and balance of various metabolic pathways. In recent years, circadian misalignment (due to altered sleep/wake, feeding/fasting cycles), has been intimately linked with the development of diabetes mellitus. Herein, we review our knowledge of oxidative stress, circadian rhythms control of metabolism, and the effects of its disruption on homeostasis while emphasizing the importance of melatonin, a nocturnally peaking, pineal hormone, as a potential therapeutic drug for the prevention and treatment of diabetes. METHODS: PubMed database was systematically searched for related articles and data from all types of studies, including clinical trials, review articles, and case reports were considered without limiting the study to one specific category. RESULTS: Experimental and epidemiological evidence indicate melatonin's multifaceted effects in intermediary metabolism via resynchronization of the circadian rhythms and its deficiency is associated with metabolic derangements. As a chronobiotic, it cures insomnia and sleep disorders caused by shift work or jet lag. The antagonistic relationship between melatonin and insulin highlights its influence in regulating insulin secretion, its action, and melatonin treatment successfully improved glucose homeostasis, energy balance, and overall health in diabetes mellitus. Melatonin's cytoprotective role as an antioxidant and free radical scavenger, proved useful in combating oxidative stress, preserving beta-cell function, and influencing the development of diabetic complications. CONCLUSION: The therapeutic application of melatonin as a chronobiotic and cytoprotective agent is of promising significance in diabetes mellitus. Future investigations are encouraged to fully explore the efficacy of this ubiquitous molecule in various metabolic disorders.

Cureus ; 12(12): e12362, 2020 Dec 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33527045


Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is a universally prevalent cause of genital discomfort in females belonging to the reproductive age group, rendering the vagina more susceptible to various other complications. The standard treatment of BV involves using metronidazole and clindamycin, which help eliminate the infection but play no role in re-flourishing the normal vaginal homeostasis, which is lactobacilli preponderant, thereby rendering the vagina more prone to re-infection. Hence, clinical research has been performed to increase vaginal lactobacillus count through oral or vaginal supplementation. This current study's main objective is to review the previously conducted research regarding the efficiency of probiotic supplementation in the prevention and treatment of BV.

Cureus ; 11(6): e4950, 2019 Jun 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31453024


The diagnosis of a new onset movement disorder after a stroke has important clinical implications. The early assessment and timely diagnosis of post-stroke disorders is essential for influencing long-term outcomes. Localizing lesions and determining the underlying etiology is vital in targeting appropriate therapy. New and sudden onset of hemiparkinsonism with hemiparesis, rigidity, and tremor following an acute ischemic stroke is described here. This presentation was clinically diagnosed as acute post-stroke parkinsonism (APSP). The patient's level of impairment was significant enough to compromise his activities of daily living (ADL), physical therapy (PT), and occupational therapy (OT) in an inpatient rehabilitation center. In the inpatient rehabilitation center, the patient received a trial of levodopa for suspected APSP. After levodopa therapy was initiated, we observed an improvement of his parkinsonian features with a sustained response and reached the conclusion that the clinical recognition of post-stroke parkinsonism treated with a targeted trial with levodopa may improve the quality of life. Proper treatment of APSP has the potential to provide the best opportunity for recovery and positively influence the long-term outcomes in similar patients.