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Rev. chil. nutr ; 47(2): 272-280, abr. 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1115498


ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate the antioxidant characteristics and sensory acceptance of Greek yogurt with added whole sorghum flours (WSF) from genotypes BRS305 (tannin) and BR501 (tannin-free). Five formulations were elaborated: 1) Control (without WSF); 2) 2% BR501; 3) 4% BR501; 4) 2% BRS305 and 5) 4% BRS305 and evaluated for antioxidant capacity, total anthocyanins, total phenols, condensed tannins, sensory acceptance and purchase intention. The 4% BRS305 formulation presented higher antioxidant properties, but lower sensory acceptance. No significant difference was observed for: color, flavor and overall acceptability between the control and 2% BR501; nor for texture and overall acceptability between the control and 4% BR501. Principal component analysis explained that all variables associated with antioxidant properties were positively correlated with the first major component (PC1: 82.7%). The 2% and 4% BR501 formulations were more highly correlated with PC1 (92.7%), as well as the control in relation to sensorial characteristics. The addition of WSF BRS305 improved the antioxidant properties of yogurts and the addition of WSF BR501 did not interfere with the sensory acceptance of the formulations. The similarity of the sensory acceptance of the yogurt containing WSF from the BR 501 genotype to the control, opens perspectives for the insertion of sorghum in human food, using dairy products as suitable matrices, adding potential functionality to this type of product.

RESUMEN El trabajo tuvo como propósito desarrollar y evaluar las características antioxidantes y la aceptación sensorial de yogurt griego con adición de harinas integrales de sorgo (HIS) de los genotipos BRS305 (con taninos) y BR501 (sin taninos). Cinco formulaciones fueron elaboradas: 1) Control (sin HIS); 2) 2% BR501; 3) 4% BR501; 4) 2% BRS305 y 5) 4% BRS305. Las formulaciones fueron evaluadas en función de su actividad antioxidante, antocianinas totales, fenólicos totales, taninos condensados, aceptación sensorial e intención de compra. La formulación 4% BRS305 presentó más propiedades antioxidantes, pero menor aceptación sensorial que las otras formulaciones. No se observó diferencia significativa entre el control y el 2% BR501 para el color, sabor e impresión global, ni tampoco para textura e impresión global en relación al 4% BR501. El análisis de componente principal ha explicado que todas las variables asociadas a las propiedades antioxidantes han sido positivamente correlacionadas con el primer componente principal (PC1: 82,7%). Las formulaciones 2% y 4% BR501 se han correlacionado más con el PC1 (92,7%), así como el control con las características sensoriales. La adición de HIS BRS305 ha mejorado las propiedades antioxidantes de los yogurts y la adición de HIS BR501 no ha interferido en la aceptación sensorial de las formulaciones. La similitud de la aceptación sensorial del yogurt que contiene el HIS del genotipo BR501 con el control, abre perspectivas para la inserción del sorgo en la alimentación humana, utilizando productos lácteos como matrices adecuadas, agregando funcionalidad potencial a este tipo de producto.

Taninos/genética , Yogur , Sorghum/química , Harina , Antioxidantes/química , Fenoles/análisis , Taninos/análisis , Gusto , Productos Lácteos , Análisis de Componente Principal , Alimentos Funcionales , Antocianinas/análisis
Meat Sci ; 150: 93-100, 2019 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30616075


The physicochemical and sensorial characterization of beef burgers with added sorghum flours as replacer for the isolated soy protein (ISP) usually used in the conventional formulations was performed. Three formulations were prepared: one conventional (CN) with 3% ISP and two with 3% tannin (BRS 305) and tannin-free (BR 501) whole sorghum flour (WSF) of BRS 305 and BR 501 genotypes. There was no difference among the formulations for most of the physicochemical characteristics. The moisture retention was higher in BRS 305 (P < .05). The added WSF influenced the color of the raw beef burger; and the proximate composition and the antioxidant characteristics of the raw and cooked formulations (P < .05). The purchase intention and flavor, texture and overall acceptability scores were higher for the sorghum products than CN (P < .05). Therefore, the replacing of ISP by WSF in beef burger, especially by the BRS 305 genotype, might be a technologically, nutritionally and sensorially viable option.

Productos de la Carne/análisis , Sorghum/química , Adolescente , Adulto , Animales , Antioxidantes , Brasil , Bovinos , Color , Comportamiento del Consumidor , Culinaria , Femenino , Harina , Humanos , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Proteínas de Soja/química , Porcinos , Taninos/química , Gusto
Nutr. clín. diet. hosp ; 37(3): 11-16, 2017. graf, tab
Artículo en Portugués | IBECS | ID: ibc-167944


Introdução: Fibras são comumente conhecidas por contribuírem na melhora do perfil glicêmico e lipídico, exercendo um efeito benéfico sobre à saúde, porém seu efeito no índice glicêmico dos alimentos ainda é controverso na literatura. Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito da adição de alimentos ricos em fibras (aveia e linhaça) e de um suplemento de fibra solúvel isolada sobre o índice glicêmico (IG) e na resposta glicêmica de um mingau de amido de milho. Metodologia: O estudo foi do tipo crossover, onde 06 indivíduos saudáveis ingeriram preparações, tendo como base um mingau de milho somado a diferentes alimentos ricos em fibras. Resultados: A preparação adicionada de linhaça resultou em menor resposta glicêmica nos tempos de 45 a 90 minutos e a preparação com adição de aveia demonstrou melhores resultados nos tempos 60 e 90 minutos. Considerações: A média da área abaixo da curva da resposta glicêmica e o IG das preparações não diferiram. Aveia e linhaça podem ser considerados alimentos com propriedades benéficas para reduzir a resposta glicêmica dos alimentos (AU)

Introduction: Fibers are commonly known to contribute in the improvement of glycemic and lipid profile, exerting a beneficial effect on health, but its effect on the glycemic index of food is still controversial. Objective: To evaluate the effect of adding high-fiber foods (oats and flaxseed) and a supplement of soluble fiber isolated on the glycemic index (GI) and glycemic response of a porridge of corn starch. Methodology: The study was of crossover, where six healthy subjects ingested preparations based on a maize porridge added to different foods rich in fiber, the IG of the preparations was calculated according to the methodology of FAO. Results: The preparation of linseed added resulting in a lesser glycemic response times 45-90 min and with the addition of oat preparation showed the best results at times 60 and 90 minutes. The mean area under the curve of the glycemic response and GI of the preparations did not differ. Conclusion: Oatmeal linseed seem foods with beneficial properties reduce the glycemic response to food (AU)

Humanos , Adulto , Índice Glucémico/fisiología , Avena , Lino , Nutrientes , Fibras de la Dieta , Índice de Masa Corporal , 28599
Rev. bras. promoç. saúde (Impr.) ; 29(2): 268-277, abr.-jun.2016.
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-831851


Objetivo: Avaliar o perfil antropométrico, condições de saúde e estilo de vida de diabéticos cadastrados no HiperDia de uma Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ESF) de Sinop-MT. Métodos: Tratou-se de um estudo transversal e descritivo realizado em uma ESF, localizada no centro de Sinop-MT, de junho a outubro de 2013, com diabéticos, de ambos os sexos e idade ≥18 anos. Avaliou-se peso, altura, níveis pressóricos, percentual de gordura corporal (%GC), circunferência da cintura (CC), glicemia jejum, Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC), aferição da pressão arterial e hábitos de vida. Resultados: Os participantes (n=54) apresentaram idade média de 64,2 ± 10,2 anos e IMC de 29,0 ± 5,4 kg/m2, sendo a maioria mulheres (n=34). Alterações nutricionais e metabólicas foram encontradas entre os avaliados: excesso de peso (77,8%), %GC elevado (92,0%), CC elevada pressupondo risco para complicações associadas à obesidade (85,5%), hipertensão (87,0%) e sedentarismo (66,7%). A glicemia apresentou-se alterada em ambos os sexos (p>0,05), e 16,7% dos diabéticos desconheciam seu diagnóstico. Dos participantes, 5,6% eram tabagistas, 29,6% consumiam bebidas alcoólicas, o fracionamento das refeições foi de 4,2 ± 0,9 vezes/dia e as horas diárias de sono de 7,7 ± 1,3. Conclusão: A maioria dos diabéticos apresentou excesso de peso, %GC e CC elevados e hiperglicemia. Esses resultados, associados à hipertensão, síndrome metabólica, sedentarismo, tabagismo, consumo de bebidas alcoólicas, baixo fracionamento de refeições e desconhecimento sobre seu diagnóstico, podem contribuir para a ocorrência de complicações graves.

Objective: To assess the anthropometric profile, health conditions and lifestyle of patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) enrolled in the HiperDia program (Programa HiperDia) of the Family Health Strategy (Estratégia de Saúde da Família ­ ESF) of Sinop, Mato Grosso. Methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study conducted in an ESF located in the center of Sinop, Mato Grosso, from June to October 2013, with patients with diabetes of both genders and age ≥ 18 years. Weight, height, pressoric levels, body fat percentage (BF%), waist circumference (WC), fasting glucose, body mass index (BMI), blood pressure and lifestyle habits were assessed. Results: Participants (n=54) had a mean age of 64.2 ± 10.2 years and BMI of 29.0 ± 5.4 kg/m2, and were mostly women (n=34). Nutritional and metabolic changes were found among participants: excessive weight (77.8%), high BF% (92.0%), high WC suggesting risk for complications associated with obesity (85.5%), hypertension (87.0%) and sedentary lifestyle (66.7%). Glucose was altered in both genders (p>0.05) and 16.7% of the individuals with diabetes were undiagnosed. Of the participants, 5.6% were smokers, 29.6% consumed alcohol, the mean meal fractioning was 4.2 ± 0.9 times/day and the daily sleep hours were 7.7 ± 1.3. Conclusion: Most individuals with diabetes presented excessive weight, high BF% and WC and hyperglycemia. These results, associated with hypertension, metabolic syndrome, sedentary lifestyle, smoking, alcohol consumption, low meal fractioning and unawareness of the diagnosis may contribute to the occurrence of severe complications.

Objetivo: Valorar el perfil antropométrico, las condiciones de salud y el estilo de vida de diabéticos inscritos en el HiperDia de una Estrategia de Salud de la Familia (ESF) de Sinop- MT. Métodos: Se trató de un estudio transversal y descriptivo realizado en una ESF localizada en el centro de Sinop-MT entre junio y octubre de 2013 con diabéticos de ambos los sexos y edad ≥18 años. Se valoró el peso, la altura, los niveles de presión, el porcentual de grasa corporal (%GC), la circunferencia de la cintura (CC), la glucemia en ayunas, el Índice de Masa Corporal (IMC), la medición de la presión arterial y los hábitos de vida. Resultados: Los participantes (n=54) presentaron la edad media de 64,2 ± 10,2 años, el IMC de 29,0 ± 5,4 kg/m2 y la mayoría son mujeres (n=34). Las alteraciones nutricionales y metabólicas encontradas en los participantes fueron: el exceso de peso (77,8%), el %GC elevado (92,0%), la CC elevada lo que contribuye para las complicaciones asociadas con la obesidad (85,5%), la hipertensión (87,0%) y el sedentarismo (66,7%). La glucemia se presentó alterada en ambos los sexos (p>0,05) y el 16,7% de los diabéticos desconocían su diagnóstico. Entre los participantes el 5,6% era tabaquista, el 29,6% consumía bebidas alcohólicas, el fraccionamiento de las comidas fue de 4,2 ± 0,9 veces/día y las horas de sueño al día fue de 7,7 ± 1,3. Conclusión: La mayoría de los diabéticos presentó exceso de peso, el %GC y la CC elevados y hiperglucemia. Eses resultados asociados con la hipertensión, el síndrome metabólico, el sedentarismo, el tabaquismo, el consumo de bebidas alcohólicas, el bajo fraccionamiento de las comidas y el no conocimiento de su diagnostico pueden contribuir para la ocurrencia de complicaciones graves.

Glucemia , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2 , Estilo de Vida , Obesidad
Nutr Res Rev ; 28(2): 121-132, 2015 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26650242


Obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) epidemics, which have already spread, imply the possibility of both conditions being closely related. Thus, the goal of the present review was to draw a parallel between obesity, adipose tissue (AT) changes, and T2DM development. To this end, a search was conducted in PubMed, MEDLINE and SciELO databases, using the following key words and their combinations: obesity; diabetes; insulin resistance; diet; weight loss; adipocin; inflammation markers; and interleukins. Based on a literature review, AT dysfunction observed in obesity is characterised by adipocyte hypertrophy, macrophage infiltration, impaired insulin signalling and insulin resistance. In addition, there is release of inflammatory adipokines and an excessive amount of NEFA promoting ectopic fat deposition and lipotoxicity in muscle, liver and pancreas. Recent evidence supports the hypothesis that the conception of AT as a passive energy storage organ should be replaced by a dynamic endocrine organ, which regulates metabolism through a complex adipocyte communication with the surrounding microenvironment. The present review demonstrates how glucose homeostasis is changed by AT dysfunction. A better understanding of this relationship enables performing nutritional intervention strategies with the goal of preventing T2DM.

Eur J Nutr ; 53(1): 49-60, 2014 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23389113


PURPOSE: To evaluate the effects of two dietary patterns in which carbohydrates and proteins were eaten mostly at lunch or dinner on body weight and composition, energy metabolism, and biochemical markers in overweight/obese men. METHODS: Fifty-eight men (30.0 ± 7.4 years; 30.8 ± 2.4 kg/m(2)) followed a covert hypocaloric balanced diet (-10 % of daily energy requirements) during 8 weeks. Subjects were randomly assigned to three groups: control diet (CT); diurnal carbohydrate/nocturnal protein (DCNP); and nocturnal carbohydrate/diurnal protein (NCDP). Main analyzed outcomes were weight loss, body composition, diet-induced thermogenesis (DIT), and glucose/lipid profile. RESULTS: In all groups, a significant decrease in body weight, BMI, and fat mass (kg and %) was verified, without differences between groups. Interestingly, within group analyses showed that the fat-free mass (kg) significantly decreased in NCDP and in CT after 8-week intervention, but not in DCNP. A detrimental increase in fasting glucose, insulin, and homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMAIR) was verified only in DCNP, while NCDP and CT groups presented a non-significant reduction. Moreover, significant differences between DCNP and the other groups were detected for fasting insulin and HOMAIR. After the adjustments, NCDP presented a significantly higher DIT and energy expenditure after lunch, compared with DCNP, but after dinner, there were no differences among groups. CONCLUSION: Eating carbohydrates mostly at dinner and protein mostly at lunch within a hypocaloric balanced diet had similar effect on body composition and biochemical markers, but higher effect on DIT compared with control diet. Moreover, eating carbohydrates mostly at lunch and protein mostly at dinner had a deleterious impact on glucose homeostasis.

Carbohidratos de la Dieta/administración & dosificación , Proteínas en la Dieta/administración & dosificación , Conducta Alimentaria , Obesidad/dietoterapia , Sobrepeso/dietoterapia , Adolescente , Adulto , Glucemia/metabolismo , Composición Corporal , Índice de Masa Corporal , Peso Corporal , Ingestión de Energía , Metabolismo Energético , Homeostasis , Humanos , Insulina/sangre , Masculino , Comidas , Persona de Mediana Edad , Evaluación Nutricional , Periodo Posprandial , Método Simple Ciego , Pérdida de Peso , Adulto Joven
J Acad Nutr Diet ; 112(9): 1415-1420, 2012 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22939443


Predictive equations and methods tend to overestimate or underestimate resting energy expenditure (REE) compared with indirect calorimetry (IC). This cross-sectional study aimed to evaluate the agreement between methods and equations for REE estimation of overweight and obese Brazilian men. Data from 48 healthy volunteers, ages 20 to 43 years and with body mass index ranging from 26.4 to 35.2, were collected between October 2008 and October 2009. REE was measured by IC, using Deltatrac (IC1) and KORR-MetaCheck (IC2) devices. It was estimated by bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) using tetrapolar (BIA1) and bipolar (BIA2) devices, and by the equations of Mifflin, World Health Organization/Food and Agriculture Organization/United Nations University, Fleisch, Horie-Waitzberg and Gonzalez, and Ireton-Jones. The association and agreement among the methods and equations were assessed by the interclass correlation coefficient, Bland-Altman analysis, and by the percentage of the difference between values obtained from the standard method and alternative methods and equations. Most methods showed high agreement with IC1. The highest agreements were found for Mifflin (-2.14%), Fleisch (-3.05%), Horie-Waitzberg and Gonzalez (4.41%), and BIA2 (5.25%). Similar results were shown by the Bland-Altman analyses. BIA2, followed by BIA1, Ireton-Jones, Mifflin, and Fleisch, showed the highest association with IC1. Thus, the Mifflin, Fleisch, Horie-Waitzberg and Gonzalez equations, and BIA2, were the most accurate methods for REE estimation in this study. However, because those equations have shown considerable variability, they should be used cautiously. In addition, the IC2 was not found to be an accurate method for REE estimation in overweight and obese men included in this study.

Metabolismo Basal/fisiología , Calorimetría Indirecta/normas , Matemática/normas , Obesidad/metabolismo , Sobrepeso/metabolismo , Adulto , Composición Corporal/fisiología , Índice de Masa Corporal , Brasil , Impedancia Eléctrica , Humanos , Masculino , Necesidades Nutricionales , Valor Predictivo de las Pruebas , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Sensibilidad y Especificidad , Adulto Joven