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Acta Cir Bras ; 38: e383423, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37851781


PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) and autograft on non-critical bone repair. METHODS: Four bone defects (8.3 × 2 mm) were produced on the calvarium of 15 rabbits. The surgical defects were treated with either autograft, autograft associated to PRF, PRF alone, and sham. Animals were euthanized on the second, fourth or sixth posteoperative week. Histological analyses for presence of bone development on deffect was evaluated comparing the groups treated with autograft and without the autograft separately within the same period. Mann-Whitney's tests were used to compare the percentage of bone repair in each post-operative period for autograft × autograft + PRF groups and also for control × PRF groups (α = 5%). RESULTS: No differences were observed between the groups that received autograft and autograft associated to PRF on the second and fourth postoperative week, but areas treated with PRF demonstrated significant osteogenesis when compared to sham group on the fourth and sixth weeks. The groups that received PRF (with autograft or alone) demonstrated an enlarged bone deposition when compared to their control group. CONCLUSIONS: The use of PRF may influence bone repair and improve the bone deposition in late period of repair demonstrating osteoconductive and osteogenic properties.

Fibrina Rica en Plaquetas , Animales , Conejos , Cráneo/cirugía , Osteogénesis , Regeneración Ósea , Trasplante Autólogo
Acta cir. bras ; 38: e383423, 2023. graf, ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1513541


Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) and autograft on non-critical bone repair. Methods: Four bone defects (8.3 × 2 mm) were produced on the calvarium of 15 rabbits. The surgical defects were treated with either autograft, autograft associated to PRF, PRF alone, and sham. Animals were euthanized on the second, fourth or sixth posteoperative week. Histological analyses for presence of bone development on deffect was evaluated comparing the groups treated with autograft and without the autograft separately within the same period. Mann-Whitney's tests were used to compare the percentage of bone repair in each post-operative period for autograft × autograft + PRF groups and also for control × PRF groups (α = 5%). Results: No differences were observed between the groups that received autograft and autograft associated to PRF on the second and fourth postoperative week, but areas treated with PRF demonstrated significant osteogenesis when compared to sham group on the fourth and sixth weeks. The groups that received PRF (with autograft or alone) demonstrated an enlarged bone deposition when compared to their control group. Conclusions: The use of PRF may influence bone repair and improve the bone deposition in late period of repair demonstrating osteoconductive and osteogenic properties.

Animales , Conejos , Osteogénesis , Plaquetas , Regeneración Ósea , Fibrina
Arq. bras. neurocir ; 42(4): 295-301, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1570916


Objective Much has been discussed about gender diversity in all professional fields, particularly in medicine. Recent studies showing that there are fewer than ten female professionals in interventional neuroradiology (INR) in a continental country like Brazil, and less than thirty in all of Latin America, have prompted an investigation into the causes of the low numbers of women choosing to follow this medical specialty. This project intended to reveal the reasons through an anonymous form applied to women in the final year of the three medical residencies considered prerequisites for INR in Brazil: neurology, radiology and neurosurgery. Materials and Methods The questionnaire addressed to each of the three fields contemplated the professionals' preference to follow their respective subspecialties, in addition to common considerations that could be deemed barriers to INR. Results Surprisingly, the weak link in the chain was demonstrated to be radiology, which is the exclusive prerequisite residency for training in INR in many countries. However, in Brazil, most doctors who graduate in INR come from Neurosurgery and, secondly, from neurology. These two specialties together account for less than half of the female residents compared to radiology alone. Conclusion All of the following items were already expected: difficulty in reconciling a double shift; employment opportunity; long training time; the lack of female leaders inspiring new generations of doctors; issues involving radiation and motherhood; and still the barriers of misogyny and machismo. But specific studies need to be conducted to find out why very few radiology residents follow INR training in Brazil.

Objetivos Muito se tem discutido sobre a diversidade de gênero em todas as áreas profissionais, particularmente na medicina. Estudos recentes que mostram que há menos de dez profissionais do sexo feminino em neurorradiologia intervencionista (NRI) em um país continental como o Brasil, e menos de trinta em toda a América Latina, levaram a uma investigação sobre as causas do baixo contingente de mulheres que opta pelo seguimento dessa especialidade médica. Este projeto pretende revelar os motivos, por meio de um formulário anônimo aplicado às mulheres que cursavam o último ano das três residências médicas consideradas pré-requisito para a NRI no Brasil: neurologia, radiologia e neurocirurgia. Materiais e Métodos O questionário dirigido a cada um dos 3 ramos contemplou a preferência das profissionais em seguir suas respectivas subespecialidades, além de considerações comuns que poderiam ser tidas como barreiras à NRI. Resultados Surpreendentemente, demonstrou-se que o elo fraco da corrente é a radiologia, que é o pré-requisito exclusivo de residência para treinamento em NRI em muitos países. No entanto, no Brasil, a maioria dos médicos formados em NRI é proveniente da neurocirurgia e, em segundo lugar, da neurologia. Essas duas especialidades juntas contam com menos da metade das residentes do sexo feminino em comparação com a radiologia sozinha. Conclusão Todos os seguintes aspectos já eram esperados: dificuldade em conciliar dupla jornada; oportunidade de emprego; longo tempo de treinamento; a falta de lideranças femininas que inspirem as novas gerações de médicas; questões que envolvem radiação e maternidade; e, ainda, as barreiras da misoginia e do machismo. Mas estudos específicos precisam ser feitos para descobrir os motivos pelos quais pouquíssimas residentes de radiologia seguem o treinamento de NRI no Brasil.

SciELO Preprints; jun. 2022.
Preprint en Portugués | SciELO Preprints | ID: pps-4328


Introduction: Simultaneously with the development of new biomaterials, numerous surgical modalities have been proposed, with the aim of promoting adequate regeneration of bone defects, without providing fenestrations or dehiscence. Among the regenerative techniques currently accepted for this purpose, guided tissue regeneration (GTR) stands out. Objective: To evaluate the healing pattern and the histological response of the organism to the insertion of a type A gelatin-based membrane, and to compare it with a commercial membrane. Methods: Fifteen adult rabbits were selected. In the parietal region of the calvaria, flaps were performed to create a supraperiosteal pouch and implantation of 2 types of resorbable membranes: Marquette membrane and Bio-Gide® membrane. After the surgical procedure, the animals were allocated into 3 randomly selected groups (n=5) for the period of euthanasia, which occurred at 2, 4 and 6 postoperative weeks. Subsequently, the calvaria areas were removed and stained by H&E and analyzed for periosteum formation, inflammatory infiltrate in the area of membrane insertion, membrane degradation/resorption, and perimembrane fibrosis. Results: A slight inflammatory infiltration occurred around the Bio-Gide® membrane and it underwent resorption during the postoperative period with periosteum reconstruction, predominantly of a fibrous nature. The Marquette membrane also did not trigger an important inflammatory reaction. However, there was no significant resorption during the period; there was also significant formation of fibrous capsule surrounding the entire membrane area. Conclusion: The Marquette membrane produces tissue isolation reaction, minimizing periosteal formation while not providing its degradation

Introdução: Simultaneamente ao desenvolvimento de novos biomateriais, abundantes modalidades cirúrgicas têm sido propostas, com a finalidade de promover adequada regeneração de defeitos ósseos, sem proporcionar 2 fenestrações ou deiscências. Entre as técnicas regenerativas atualmente aceitas para este propósito, destaca-se a regeneração tecidual guiada (RTG). Objetivo: Avaliar o padrão de cicatrização e a resposta histológica do organismo frente à inserção de uma membrana a base de gelatina tipo A, e compará-la com membrana comercial. Métodos: Foram selecionadas 15 coelhas adultas. Na região parietal da calvária foram realizados retalhos para criação de uma bolsa supraperiostal e implantação de 2 tipos de membranas reabsorvíveis: membrana Marquette e membrana Bio-Gide®. Após o procedimento cirúrgico os animais foram alocados em 3 grupos randomicamente selecionados (n=5) para o período de eutanásia, que ocorreu em 2, 4 e 6 semanas pós-operatórias. Posteriormente, as áreas da calvária foram removidas e coradas por H&E e analisadas para averiguar formação de periósteo, infiltrado inflamatório na área de inserção de membrana, degradação/reabsorção da membrana, e fibrose perimembranar. Resultados: Ao redor da membrana Bio-Gide® ocorreu discreta infiltração inflamatória e a membrana sofreu reabsorção ao decorrer do período pósoperatório com reconstrução de periósteo prevalentemente de caráter fibroso. A membrana Marquette também não desencadeou importante reação inflamatória. Contudo, não foi verificada reabsorção significativa durante o período, também ocorreu significante formação de cápsula fibrosa cerceando toda área membranar. Conclusão: A membrana Marquette produz reação de isolamento tecidual, minimizando a formação periostal ao mesmo tempo que não proporciona sua degradação.

SciELO Preprints; jun. 2022.
Preprint en Portugués | SciELO Preprints | ID: pps-4224


Introduction: L-PRF (platelet and leukocyte-rich fibrin) is a concentrate of platelets and leukocytes in a fibrin network, obtained by autologous centrifugation collected at the time of the operation. It offers the advantages of low cost, easy preparation, simple acquisition and ability to accelerate the healing of soft and hard tissues. Objective: To evaluate the bone repair of non-critical defects in rabbit calvaria using L-PRF alone and in association with particulate autogenous bone. Method: Fifteen rabbits were used with blood collected and immediately centrifuged. Four non-critical defects measuring 8 mm in diameter were performed and filled with: 1) particulate autogenous bone; 2) particulate autogenous bone + L-PRF; 3) L-PRF only; and 4) without graft. They were sacrificed after 2, 4 and 6 weeks with the samples analyzed histologically and histomorphometrically comparing the regenerated areas. Results: At 2 weeks there was a statistical difference between groups 1 and 3; at 4 weeks there was between groups 2 and 4; and at 6 weeks between groups 1 and 4 and between 3 and 4. There was significant bone and proportional gain between 2 and 6 weeks for the L-PRF group. Conclusion: L-PRF alone had a positive and proportional effect on bone formation over the weeks.

Introdução: O L-PRF (fibrina rica em plaquetas e leucócitos) é concentrado de plaquetas e leucócitos em uma rede de fibrina, obtido pela centrifugação autóloga coletada no momento da operação. Oferece como vantagens o baixo custo, fácil preparo, de simples obtenção e com capacidade de acelerar a cicatrização de tecidos moles e duros. Objetivo: Avaliar o reparo ósseo de defeitos não críticos em calvária de coelhos utilizando o L-PRF isoladamente e em associação com osso autógeno particulado. Método: Foram utilizados 15 coelhos com sangue coletado e imediatamente centrifugado. Foram realizados 4 defeitos não críticos de 8 mm de diâmetro e tratados com preenchimento por: 1) osso autógeno particulado; 2) osso autógeno particulado + L-PRF; 3) somente L-PRF; e 4) sem enxerto. Foram sacrificados após 2, 4 e 6 semanas com as amostras analisadas histologicamente e histomorfometricamente comparando as áreas regenerada. Resultados: Com 2 semanas houve diferença estatística entre os grupos 1 e 3; com 4 semanas entre os grupos 2 e 4; e com 6 semanas entre os grupos 1 e 4 e entre 3 e 4. Houve ganho ósseo e proporcional significativo entre 2 e 6 semanas para o grupo de L-PRF. Conclusão: O L-PRF isoladamente teve efeito positivo e proporcional na formação óssea no decorrer das semanas.

Arq Bras Cir Dig ; 34(3): e1587, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35019113


BACKGROUND: The physiological stress of critically ill patients can trigger several complications, including digestive bleeding due to stress ulcers (DBSU). The use of acid secretion suppressants to reduce their incidence has become widely used, but with the current understanding of the risks of these drugs, their use, as prophylaxis in critically ill patients, is limited to the patients with established risk factors. AIM: To determine the appropriateness of the use of prophylaxis for stress ulcer bleeding in acutely ill patients admitted to intensive care units and to analyze the association of risk factors with adherence to the prophylaxis guideline. METHODS: Retrospective, analytical study carried out in three general adult intensive care units. Electronic medical records were analyzed for epidemiological data, risk factors for DBSU, use of stress ulcer prophylaxis, occurrence of any digestive bleeding and confirmed DBSU. The daily analysis of risk factors and prophylaxis use were in accordance with criteria based on the Guidelines of the Portuguese Society of Intensive Care for stress ulcer prophylaxis. RESULTS: One hundred and five patients were included. Of the patient days with the opportunity to prescribe prophylaxis, compliance was observed in 95.1%. Of the prescription days, 82.35% were considered to be of appropriate use. Overt digestive bleeding occurred in 3.81% of those included. The occurrence of confirmed DBSU was identified at 0.95%. Multivariate analysis by logistic regression did not identify risk factors independently associated with adherence to the guideline, but identified risk factors with a negative association, which were spinal cord injury (OR 0.02 p <0.01) and shock (OR 0.36 p=0.024). CONCLUSION: The present study showed a high rate of adherence to stress ulcer prophylaxis, but with inappropriate use still significant. In the indication of prophylaxis, attention should be paid to patients with spinal cord injury and in shock.

Antiulcerosos , Úlcera , Adulto , Humanos , Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos , Prescripciones , Estudios Retrospectivos , Factores de Riesgo
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 80(1): 43-47, Jan. 2022. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360137


ABSTRACT Background: In light of the established challenges of resident EEG education worldwide, we sought to better understand the current state of neurology resident EEG education in Brazil. Objective: To define Brazilian EEG practices including in-residency requirements for EEG training and competency. Methods: We assessed the perspectives of adult residents (PGY1-3) on EEG education and their level of confidence interpreting EEG with a 24-question online survey. Results: We analyzed 102 responses from 52 Brazilian neurology residency programs distributed in 14 states. There were 18 PGY1s, 45 PGY2s, and 39 PGY3s. Ninety-six percent of participants reported that learning how to read EEG during residency was very or extremely important. The most commonly reported barriers to EEG education were insufficient EEG exposure (70%) and ineffective didactics (46%). Residents believed that standard EEG lectures were the most efficient EEG teaching method followed by interpreting EEG with attendings' supervision. Roughly half of residents (45%) reported not being able to read EEG even with supervision, and approximately 70% of all participants did not feel confident writing an EEG report independently. Conclusion: Despite the well-established residency EEG education requirements recommended by the Brazilian Academy of Neurology (ABN), there seems to be a significant lack of comfort interpreting EEG among Brazilian adult neurology residents. We encourage Brazilian neurology residency leadership to re-evaluate the current EEG education system in order to ensure that residency programs are following EEG education requirements and to assess whether EEG benchmarks require modifications.

RESUMO Antecedentes: Diante dos desafios da educação em EEG estabelecidos em todo o mundo, buscamos compreender melhor o estado atual da educação em EEG durante a residência de neurologia no Brasil. Objetivo: Investigar práticas de EEG no Brasil, incluindo requisitos para treinamento e competência durante a residência de neurologia. Métodos: Avaliamos as perspectivas dos residentes (R1-3) de neurologia (adulto) sobre educação em EEG e nível de confiança ao interpretá-lo através de questionário online de 24 perguntas. Resultados: Foram analisadas 102 respostas de 52 programas de residência distribuídos em 14 estados. Dezoito R1s, 45 R2s e 39 R3s responderam à pesquisa. Noventa e seis por cento dos participantes relataram que aprender a ler EEG durante a residência é muito ou extremamente importante. As barreiras mais relatadas para educação em EEG foram exposição insuficiente ao EEG (70%) e didática ineficaz (46%). Os participantes apontaram aulas como método de ensino mais eficaz, seguido pela interpretação do EEG supervisionada pelos chefes. Aproximadamente metade dos residentes (45%) relatou não ser capaz de ler EEG mesmo com supervisão e cerca de 70% não se sente confiante para escrever um laudo de EEG de forma independente. Conclusões: Apesar dos requisitos estabelecidos pela Academia Brasileira de Neurologia (ABN) sobre ensino de EEG durante a residência, há significativa falta de confiança na sua interpretação pelos residentes de neurologia (adulto). Incentivamos as lideranças a reavaliar o sistema de educação para garantir que os programas de residência sigam requisitos de educação em EEG e se os benchmarks de EEG requerem modificações.

Humanos , Adulto , Internado y Residencia , Neurología , Estados Unidos , Brasil , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Escolaridad , Electroencefalografía/métodos
Arq Neuropsiquiatr ; 80(1): 43-47, 2022 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34755770


BACKGROUND: In light of the established challenges of resident EEG education worldwide, we sought to better understand the current state of neurology resident EEG education in Brazil. OBJECTIVE: To define Brazilian EEG practices including in-residency requirements for EEG training and competency. METHODS: We assessed the perspectives of adult residents (PGY1-3) on EEG education and their level of confidence interpreting EEG with a 24-question online survey. RESULTS: We analyzed 102 responses from 52 Brazilian neurology residency programs distributed in 14 states. There were 18 PGY1s, 45 PGY2s, and 39 PGY3s. Ninety-six percent of participants reported that learning how to read EEG during residency was very or extremely important. The most commonly reported barriers to EEG education were insufficient EEG exposure (70%) and ineffective didactics (46%). Residents believed that standard EEG lectures were the most efficient EEG teaching method followed by interpreting EEG with attendings' supervision. Roughly half of residents (45%) reported not being able to read EEG even with supervision, and approximately 70% of all participants did not feel confident writing an EEG report independently. CONCLUSION: Despite the well-established residency EEG education requirements recommended by the Brazilian Academy of Neurology (ABN), there seems to be a significant lack of comfort interpreting EEG among Brazilian adult neurology residents. We encourage Brazilian neurology residency leadership to re-evaluate the current EEG education system in order to ensure that residency programs are following EEG education requirements and to assess whether EEG benchmarks require modifications.

Internado y Residencia , Neurología , Adulto , Brasil , Escolaridad , Electroencefalografía/métodos , Humanos , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Estados Unidos
Acta Cir Bras ; 36(6): e360604, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34287607


PURPOSE: Herein we evaluated the effects of platelet concentrate (PC) and platelet-poor plasma (PPP) on bone repair using noncritical defects in the calvaria of rabbits and compared them to the presence of TGF-ß1 and osteocalcin on reparative sites. METHODS: Five noncritical defects of 8.7 mm in diameter were created on the calvaria of 15 animals. Each defect was treated differently, using autograft (ABG), ABG associated with PC (ABG + PC), ABG with PPP (ABG + PPP), isolated PPP, and blood clot (control). The animals were submitted to euthanasia on the second, fourth and sixth week post-surgery. RESULTS: The defects that received ABG+PC or PPP demonstrated lower bone formation when compared to specimens that received ABG in the same period. These results coincided to significant higher immunopositivity for TGF-ß1 for specimens that received PC, and lower presence of cytokine in the group PPP. However, either higher or lower presence of TGF-ß1 were also correlated to lower presence of osteocalcin. Likewise, these results were similar to findings in specimens treated only with PPP when compared to control. CONCLUSIONS: PC and PPP were not effective when applied in association with ABG. Similarly, isolated use of PPP was not beneficial in optimizing the bone repair.

Osteogénesis , Factor de Crecimiento Transformador beta1 , Animales , Autoinjertos , Osteocalcina , Conejos , Cráneo/cirugía , Factor de Crecimiento Transformador beta1/metabolismo
BrJP ; 4(1): 58-62, Jan.-Mar. 2021. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1249139


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is a chronic rheumatic disease which may persist into adulthood. Pain and joint deformities affect quality of life (QoL). The objective was to study the influence of JIA in QoL of children and adults, comparing the two groups. METHODS: Cross-sectional study of 47 JIA patients (20 children and 27 adults) using the following questionnaires: Juvenile Arthritis Multidimensional Assessment Report (JAMAR), Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) in adults and Childhood Health Assessment Questionnaire CHAQ) in children. Epidemiological, clinical and treatment data was collected. RESULTS: No differences were found in gender, arthritis subset, presence of uveitis and fever, visual analog scale for pain and duration of morning stiffness. Adult patients required more biologics in the treatment (p=0.02) and had higher age at disease onset than children (p=0.001). About 45% of children and 51.8% of adults complained having pain and 40% of children and 48% of adults were not satisfied with the current status of their disease. CONCLUSION: Children and adult patients with JIA had similar degree of pain, morning stiffness and functional impairment. Functional impairment was considered mild but the level of pain found was higher than in other studies. Almost half of patients were not satisfied with the treatment.

RESUMO JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A artrite idiopática juvenil (AIJ) é uma doença reumática crônica que pode persistir na idade adulta. Dor e deformidades articulares afetam a qualidade de vida (QV). O objetivo foi estudar a influência da AIJ na QV de crianças e adultos, comparando os dois grupos. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal de 47 pacientes com AIJ (20 crianças e 27 adultos) utilizando os questionários: Juvenile Arthritis Multidimensional Assessment Report (JAMAR), Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAG) em adultos e Childhood Health Assessment Questionnaire (CHAQ) em crianças. Dados epidemiológicos, clínicos e de tratamento foram coletados. RESULTADOS: Não foram encontradas diferenças em sexo, subconjunto de artrite, presença de uveíte e febre, escala analógica visual para dor e duração da rigidez matinal. Pacientes adultos necessitaram mais fármacos biológicos no tratamento (p=0,02) e tinham maior idade de início da doença do que crianças (p=0,001). Cerca de 45% das crianças e 51,8% dos adultos queixaram-se de dor e 40% das crianças e 48% dos adultos não estavam satisfeitos com o estado atual de sua doença. CONCLUSÃO: Pacientes crianças e adultos com AIJ apresentaram graus semelhantes de dor, rigidez matinal e comprometimento funcional. O comprometimento funcional foi considerado leve, mas o nível de dor encontrado foi maior do que em outros estudos. Quase metade dos pacientes não ficou satisfeita com o tratamento.

Acta cir. bras ; 36(6): e360604, 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1284910


ABSTRACT Purpose Herein we evaluated the effects of platelet concentrate (PC) and platelet-poor plasma (PPP) on bone repair using noncritical defects in the calvaria of rabbits and compared them to the presence of TGF-β1 and osteocalcin on reparative sites. Methods Five noncritical defects of 8.7 mm in diameter were created on the calvaria of 15 animals. Each defect was treated differently, using autograft (ABG), ABG associated with PC (ABG + PC), ABG with PPP (ABG + PPP), isolated PPP, and blood clot (control). The animals were submitted to euthanasia on the second, fourth and sixth week post-surgery. Results The defects that received ABG+PC or PPP demonstrated lower bone formation when compared to specimens that received ABG in the same period. These results coincided to significant higher immunopositivity for TGF-β1 for specimens that received PC, and lower presence of cytokine in the group PPP. However, either higher or lower presence of TGF-β1 were also correlated to lower presence of osteocalcin. Likewise, these results were similar to findings in specimens treated only with PPP when compared to control. Conclusions PC and PPP were not effective when applied in association with ABG. Similarly, isolated use of PPP was not beneficial in optimizing the bone repair.

Animales , Osteogénesis , Factor de Crecimiento Transformador beta1/metabolismo , Conejos , Cráneo/cirugía , Osteocalcina , Autoinjertos
ABCD (São Paulo, Impr.) ; 34(3): e1587, 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-1355513


ABSTRACT Background: The physiological stress of critically ill patients can trigger several complications, including digestive bleeding due to stress ulcers (DBSU). The use of acid secretion suppressants to reduce their incidence has become widely used, but with the current understanding of the risks of these drugs, their use, as prophylaxis in critically ill patients, is limited to the patients with established risk factors. Aim: To determine the appropriateness of the use of prophylaxis for stress ulcer bleeding in acutely ill patients admitted to intensive care units and to analyze the association of risk factors with adherence to the prophylaxis guideline. Methods: Retrospective, analytical study carried out in three general adult intensive care units. Electronic medical records were analyzed for epidemiological data, risk factors for DBSU, use of stress ulcer prophylaxis, occurrence of any digestive bleeding and confirmed DBSU. The daily analysis of risk factors and prophylaxis use were in accordance with criteria based on the Guidelines of the Portuguese Society of Intensive Care for stress ulcer prophylaxis. Results: One hundred and five patients were included. Of the patient days with the opportunity to prescribe prophylaxis, compliance was observed in 95.1%. Of the prescription days, 82.35% were considered to be of appropriate use. Overt digestive bleeding occurred in 3.81% of those included. The occurrence of confirmed DBSU was identified at 0.95%. Multivariate analysis by logistic regression did not identify risk factors independently associated with adherence to the guideline, but identified risk factors with a negative association, which were spinal cord injury (OR 0.02 p <0.01) and shock (OR 0.36 p=0.024). Conclusion: The present study showed a high rate of adherence to stress ulcer prophylaxis, but with inappropriate use still significant. In the indication of prophylaxis, attention should be paid to patients with spinal cord injury and in shock.

RESUMO Racional: O estresse fisiológico dos pacientes críticos pode desencadear várias complicações, entre elas o sangramento digestivo por úlcera de estresse (SDUE). O uso de supressores da secreção ácida para reduzir sua incidência passou a ser amplamente utilizado, mas com o atual entendimento dos riscos destes medicamentos sua utilização, como profilaxia em doentes críticos, está limitada aos pacientes com fatores de risco estabelecidos. Objetivos: Determinar a adequação do uso de profilaxia para sangramento por úlcera de estresse em pacientes agudamente enfermos internados em unidades de terapia intensiva e analisar a associação dos fatores de risco com a adesão à diretriz de profilaxia. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo, analítico, realizado em três unidades de terapia intensiva gerais de adultos. Os prontuários eletrônicos foram analisados para dados epidemiológicos, fatores de risco para SDUE, uso de profilaxia para SDUE, ocorrência de qualquer sangramento digestivo e de SDUE confirmado. A análise diária dos fatores de risco e uso de profilaxia foram de acordo com critérios baseados nas Diretrizes da Sociedade Portuguesa de Cuidados Intensivos para profilaxia da úlcera de estresse. Resultados: foram incluídos 105 pacientes. Dos pacientes-dia com oportunidade de prescrição de profilaxia, foi observada adesão em 95,1%. Dos dias de prescrição foram considerados de uso apropriado 82,35%. Sangramento digestivo visível ocorreu em 3,81% dos incluídos. A ocorrência de SDUE confirmado foi identificada em 0,95%. A análise multivariada por regressão logística não identificou fatores de risco independentemente associados com a adesão à diretriz, mas identificou fatores de risco com associação negativa, que foram lesão da medula espinhal (OR 0.02 p<0,01) e choque (OR 0.36 p=0.024). Conclusão: O presente estudo evidenciou alta taxa de adesão à profilaxia para SDUE, mas com uso inapropriado ainda significativo. Na indicação de profilaxia deve-se ter atenção aos pacientes com lesão de medula espinhal e choque.

Humanos , Adulto , Úlcera , Antiulcerosos , Estudios Retrospectivos , Factores de Riesgo , Prescripciones , Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos