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Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-959372


Hetrazan is an ascarifuge or a vermifuge and not an ascaricide in these vitro studiesIts vermifugal action is not dependent on its ability to lower the hydrogen ion concentration of the solutionThe anthelmintic action is not modified qualitatively by varying the strength of the solution. (Summary and Conclusion)

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-959411


1) In anesthetized artificially respiring dogs, Pituitrin causes a rise of systematic and fall of pulmonary pressure; Pitressin elicits a similar response to Pituitrin but the effects are relatively greater in degree2) A measured by a bubble flowmeter, Pitressin brings about decreased blood flow through the pulmonary circuit3) Lung perfusion experiments sustain the claim that Pitressin actually constricts the pulmonary vessels4) It is inferred from past and present experimental evidences that the pulmonary hypotension and the diminished pulmonary blood flow after Pitressin injection as attributable to depressed cardiac efficiency5) Our investigation give indication that Pitressin may enjoy widespread clinical use in the treatment of pulmonary hemorrhage, especially those cases attended with significant blood loss. (Summary and Conclusion)

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-959420


1. The antispasmodic effect of some official drugs were studied in dogs using balloons appropriately placed on the intact enteric tract. Intestinal contractions were kymographically recorded2. Comparable doses (threshold relaxing doses) of the pharmacologic agents were determined and tested under uniform experimental conditions3. Tested against spontaneous, Barium-stimulated and Pilocarpine-stimulated intestinal contractions, Methantheline and Atropine were shown to be the most potent agents. Aminophylline, Papaverine and Glyceryl trinitrate follow in the order named. This comparison is on the basis of the average duration of their respective inhibiting effect on the intestine4. The experimental findings in this method of study appear to be in close agreement with clinical observations5. It is postulated that in certain gastro-intestinal conditions characterized by hyperperistalsis, spasm and pain, these antispasmodics will prove clinically effective, if wisely administered. (Summary and Conclusions)

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-959421


1. The actions of emetine on the heart and pulmonary circulation were studied in a total of 45 anesthetized dogs2. Emetine was shown to lower both systemic and pulmonic blood pressures when injected intravenously in doses from 0.05 to 7.5 mg./Kg. The mechanism by which this hypotension was brought appeared to be solely by cardiac depression. No significant direct vasodilating action was demonstrated3. The applicability and dangers of emetine as an antihemoptic agent were discussed. (Summary)

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-959464


In vitro test to assess the anthelmintic efficacy of a new synthetic compounds. Dymanthine, were made utilizing human Ascaris lumbricoides as test objects. The results obtained show that: 1) concentrations from 1:1000 to 1:500, or greater, produce paralysis and subsequent death of the worm in about three hours or more2) Lesser amount up to 1:2000 result in moderate to severe depression of the ascarids; 3) Cuticular absorption mechanisms appear to be involved appreciably in the anthelmintic action of the compound and4) Dymanthine, like Piperazine, consistently deminishes the contractible response to Acetylcholine of ascaris nerve-muscle preparationsEvidences strongly suggest that the above pharmacologic agents produce inhibition of ascaris activity through a similar manner of action, that is myoneural blockade. (Summary)

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-959605


Normal appendices from 69 autopsied cadavers obtained from the Philippine General Hospital were examined for the presence of adult helminth parasites. Ascaris, trichuris and enterobius adult worms were recovered in 11.6% of the appendices. While Trichuris was found to be the most common parasite in the appendix, both Trichuris and Enterobius were also recovered from the same appendix.(Summary)

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-962989


1. Nitroglycerin, 10 to 5000 mcg./kg. intravenously, caused pulmonary hypotension in 10 dogs. In these 10 dogs, left and right atrial pressure measurements do not support the possibility that the pulmonary hypotension is secondary to decreased right ventricular output or increased left ventricular output2. Nitroglycerin, intra-arterially administered in 12 dogs prepared for constant inflow perfusion, caused a decrease in perfusion pressure in 11 and no change in one. Decrease in pulmonary perfusion pressure can be shown to occur with doses which cause no change in systemic blood pressure. Furthermore, when the intra-arterial doses of NG are large enough to bring about the known systemic hypotensive property of NG, the fall in pulmonary perfusion pressure always precedes the systemic hypotension. These phenomena speak speak strongly of a pulmonary vasodilatation caused by NG. No experiments were done to determine what role decreased transpleural pressure plays in the pulmonary vasodilatation3. Nitroglycerin, 10 mcg. to 12 mg. total doses, caused no change in the cardiac output of 8 dog heart-lung preparations4. The efficacy of NG, interavenously, as an anti-hemoptic was discussed.(Summary)

Artículo en Inglés | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-963222


Physiological and biochemical studies were conducted to ascertain the nature and mechanism of Reserpine relaxing action on uterine muscle. Various animal and human myometrial specimens were utilized involving in vitro, in vivo and manometric setupsWhile Reserpine and the catechol amines, Epinephrine and Norepinephrine, similarly inhibit uterine contractions, the effects of the Rauwolfia alkaloid cannot be due to release and mediation of the latter autonomic agents. Experimental proofs offered include: (a) Reserpine effects are not prevented nor significantly diminished by adrenergic blocking agents such as Phentolamine and Guanethidine; (b) In pregnant cats, the catechol amines exhibit a stimulant action on the uterus. Reserpine administration elicits the usual inhibitory effect under such conditionReserpine inhibitory effects on the myometrial tissues are elicited directly on the effector contractile mechanisms. Specific pharmacological antagonism of smooth muscle agonists such as Ergonovine, Posterior Pituitary Injection, Oxytocin, Barium, etc. are consistently observed indicating a musculotrophic actionReserpine inhibits significantly and uniformly the oxygen consumption of uterine tissues as borne out by direct Warburg manometry. There appears to be a qualitative correlation between myometrial inhibition and this biochemical phenomenon. (Summary and Conclusions)