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J. health med. sci. (Print) ; 8(1): 15-20, ene.-mar. 2022. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1391822


The Chilean workforce has over 200,000 people that are intermittently exposed to altitudes over 4000 m. In 2012, the Ministry of Health provided a technical guide for high altitude workers that included a series of actions to mitigate the effects of hypoxia. Previous studies have shown the positive effect of oxygen enrichment at high altitudes. The Atacama Large Millimeter / submillimeter Arrays (ALMA) radiotelescope operate at 5,050 m (Array Operation Site, AOS) and is the only place in the world where Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) and Liquid Oxygen technologies have been installed at a large scale. Here we discuss our experience using oxygen supplementation at ALMA, to prevent the malaise and/or risks associated with exposure at 5,050 m. Antenna operators experienced chronic intermittent hypobaric hypoxia (CIHH, shiftwork 8 days HA*6 days rest SL) over 4 years. Studies to define normal O2 saturation values were performed in OSF and AOS by continuous recording during the shift. The outcomes showed no differences between production procedures (PSA or Liquid oxygen) in regulating oxygen availability at AOS facilities. As a result, big-scale installations have difficulties reaching the appropriate oxygen concentration due to leaks in high mobility areas. In addition, the PSA plant requires adequation and maintenance to operate at a very high altitude.

La fuerza laboral chilena cuenta con más de 200.000 personas que están expuestas intermitentemente a altitudes superiores a los 4000 m. En 2012, el Ministerio de Salud entregó una guía técnica para trabajadores de altura que incluía una serie de acciones para mitigar los efectos de la hipoxia. Estudios anteriores han demostrado el efecto positivo del enriquecimiento de oxígeno en altitudes elevadas. El radiotelescopio Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Arrays (ALMA) opera a 5.050 m (Array Operation Site, AOS) y es el único lugar en el mundo donde se han instalado tecnologías de adsorción por cambio de presión (PSA) y oxígeno líquido a gran escala. Aquí discutimos nuestra experiencia usando suplementos de oxígeno en ALMA, para prevenir el malestar y/o los riesgos asociados con la exposición a 5.050 m. Los operadores de antena experimentaron hipoxia hipobárica intermitente crónica (CIHH, trabajo por turnos 8 días HA*6 días descanso SL) durante 4 años. Se realizaron estudios para definir valores normales de saturación de O2 en OSF y AOS mediante registro continuo durante el turno. Los resultados no mostraron diferencias entre los procedimientos de producción (PSA u oxígeno líquido) en la regulación de la disponibilidad de oxígeno en las instalaciones de AOS. Como resultado, las instalaciones a gran escala tienen dificultades para alcanzar la concentración de oxígeno adecuada debido a fugas en áreas de alta movilidad. Además, la planta de PSA requiere de adecuación y mantenimiento para operar a gran altura.

Humanos , Oxígeno/administración & dosificación , Hipoxia/fisiopatología , Presión Sanguínea/fisiología , Modelos Moleculares , Desierto , Absorción , Altitud , Telescopios
Front Physiol ; 12: 775240, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34955888


The Chilean workforce has over 200,000 people that are intermittently exposed to altitudes over 4,000 m. In 2012, the Ministry of Health provided a technical guide for high-altitude workers that included a series of actions to mitigate the effects of hypoxia. Previous studies have shown the positive effect of oxygen enrichment at high altitudes. The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) radiotelescope operates at 5,050 m [Array Operations Site (AOS)] and is the only place in the world where pressure swing adsorption (PSA) and liquid oxygen technologies have been installed at a large scale. These technologies reduce the equivalent altitude by increasing oxygen availability. This study aims to perform a retrospective comparison between the use of both technologies during operation in ALMA at 5,050 m. In each condition, variables such as oxygen (O2), temperature, and humidity were continuously recorded in each AOS rooms, and cardiorespiratory variables were registered. In addition, we compared portable O2 by using continuous or demand flow during outdoor activities at very high altitudes. The outcomes showed no differences between production procedures (PSA or liquid oxygen) in regulating oxygen availability at AOS facilities. As a result, big-scale installations have difficulties reaching the appropriate O2 concentration due to leaks in high mobility areas. In addition, the PSA plant requires adequacy and maintenance to operate at a very high altitude. A continuous flow of 2-3 l/min of portable O2 is recommended at 5,050 m.

Front Physiol ; 12: 647976, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33841183


Over the past 40 years, mining activities in Chile have relocated miners who normally live at sea level to work at high altitudes. This results in a form of chronic intermittent hypobaric hypoxia (CIHH) characterized by alternating periods of work at high altitude and rest periods at sea level. Previous studies performed in our laboratory showed that aerobic capacity is reduced at 3,800 m, even when oxygen content is maintained. Our study aimed to determine the corporal composition, food intake, maximum oxygen uptake, and concentration of high sensitivity C reactive protein (hsCRP) in an acclimatized miner population that work from 0 to 2,500 m with CIHH exposure over 4 years. All miners recruited for our study were operators of heavy trucks with CIHH for over 4 years (shiftwork 7*7 days), and our experimental population was composed of 54 miners at sea level, 61 at 1,600 m, and 38 at 2,500 m. All evaluations were performed on the 3rd or 4th day of diurnal shiftwork. To determine corporal composition, we measured weight and height (to calculate body mass index, BMI), skinfolds (to calculate body fatty, BF), and waist circumference (WC); maximal aerobic capacity was evaluated using a ramp-incremental cycling to exhaustion protocol and a venous blood sample before the exercise test to measure (hsCRP) via an ELISA test. We found higher values of BMI, BF, and WC, in the miners' population but observed no significant difference between populations. We found a decrease in VO2 of 11.6% at 1,600 m and 25.9% at 2,500 m compared to miners at sea level. An increase in (hsCRP) at 1,600 and 2,500 m regards sea level. We observed a high prevalence of overweight and obese subjects, which was related to the ad libitum availability of food and low physical activity (sedentarism). We found that work capacity was maintained despite a decreased VO2 max at moderate altitude. However, overweight and obesity support an increased risk of cardiometabolic disease in miner's which is unrelated to altitude. In contrast, an increased hsCRP level could be associated with increased inflammatory mechanisms at 1,600 and 2,500 m.

Front Physiol ; 12: 809360, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35222064


High-altitude mining is an important economic resource for Chile. These workers are exposed to chronic intermittent hypobaric hypoxia (CIHH), which reduces their sleep quality and increases the risk of accidents and long-term illnesses. Melatonin, a hormone produced by the pineal gland, is a sleep inducer that regulates the circadian cycle and may be altered in populations subjected to CIHH. This work aimed to assess the relationship between altitude, sleep quality, and plasma melatonin concentrations in miners with CIHH exposure. 288 volunteers were recruited from five altitudes (0, 1,600, 2,500, 3,500, and 4,500 m). All volunteers worked for 7 days at altitude, followed by 7 days of rest at sea level. We performed anthropometric assessments, nocturnal oximetry, sleep quality and sleepiness surveys, and serum melatonin levels upon awakening. Although oxygen saturation progressively decreased and heart rate increased at higher altitudes, subjective perception of sleep quality was not significantly different, and sleepiness increased in all groups compared to population at sea level. Similarly, melatonin levels increased at all assessed altitudes compared to the population at sea level. These data confirm that sleep disturbances associated with CIHH increase morning melatonin levels. Therefore, this hormone and could potentially serve as a biomarker of sleep quality.

J. health med. sci. (Print) ; 6(2): 123-129, abr.-jun. 2020. ilus, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1391047


This work aims to determine if there is a difference between the cardiorespiratory response of children who chronically live at high altitude (Aymaras and non-Aymaras) compared to children that arrive as tourist at a high altitude of 3500 m (Putre, Chile). The subjects were children (Aymaras and non-Aymaras) who were born and live in Putre and children who came to the same location for a tourist visit. We used Oxygen saturation (%) and heart rate (HR, bpm) were evaluated by pulse oxymetry in children from Putre. The results showed similar levels of oxygen saturation were observed among chronic Aymaras and non-Aymara children. A lower oxygen saturation was found in children with acute exposure when compared with chronic children (p<0.0001). The HR of Aymaras and non-Aymara chronic children was lower than that observed in the non-native children (p<0.05). In contrast acute children had a higher HR than chronic children (p<0.001). Negative relationships were observed with correlation values (p<0.01) between oxygen saturation and HR in all groups. We concluded that chronic Aymara children exhibited a higher slope and correlation between oxygen saturation vs HR compared to chronic children who are non-Aymaras, suggesting that chronic natives are more sensitive to hypoxia. And, chronic non-Aymara children have an early blunting response to hypoxia. Further studies are needed to understand the physiological mechanisms in this population group.

El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar si existe alguna diferencia entre la respuesta cardiorespiratoria de niños que han vivido crónicamente a gran altitud (Aymaras y no Aymaras) comparados con niños llegados como turistas en grandes alturas de 3500m (Putre, Chile). Los sujetos fueron niños (Aymaras y no Aymaras) que nacieron y vivieron en Putre y niños que llegaron a la zona por una visita turística. Utilizamos saturación de oxígeno (%) y ritmo cardíaco (HR, bpm). Los niños de Putre fueron evaluados utilizando la pulsioximetría. Los resultados mostraron niveles similares de saturación de oxígeno entre los niños crónicos Aymaras y no Ayamaras. En los niños con exposición aguda se encontró una baja saturación de oxígeno al compararse con los niños crónicos (p<0.0001). El HR de los niños crónicos Aymaras y no Aymaras fue menor que el observado en niños no nativos (p<0.05). En cambio, los niños con síntomas agudos tenían una mayor HR que los niños crónicos (p<0.001). Se observaron relaciones negativas con los valores de correlación (p<0.01) entre la saturación de oxígeno y HR en todos los grupos. Concluimos que los niños crónicos Aymaras mostraban una gran pendiente y correlacion entre la saturación de oxígeno contra el HR comparado con los niños crónicos no Aymaras, sugiriendo que los nativos crónicos son más susceptibles a la hipoxia, y que los niños crónicos no Aymaras tiene una respuesta temprana a la hipoxia. Se necesitan estudios posteriores para entender los mecanismos fisiológicos en este grupo de población.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Preescolar , Altitud , Saturación de Oxígeno/fisiología , Frecuencia Cardíaca/fisiología , Indígenas Sudamericanos , Chile
J. health med. sci. (Print) ; 6(2): 161-167, abr.-jun. 2020. ilus
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1391052


High altitude (HA) mining operations are a very important business in Chile, but reduced availability of oxygen affects the sleep quality, increasing the risk of accidents. An important regulator of sleep-wake cycle is the hormone Melatonin, produced by pineal gland as a sleep inductor. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of high altitude (4,500 m) on the quality of sleep of workers undergoing to Chronic Intermittent Hypobaric Hypoxia (CIHH) using self-reported surveys of sleepiness and sleep quality, measurement of sleep apnea (using nocturnal oximetry) and serum levels of melatonin. The Desaturation index (ID4) results revealed higher HA scores compared to sea level (SL). Regarding melatonin levels, the results show that it is increased in HA versus SL and this increase would be related to oxygen saturation during sleep. These data link sleep quality in HA to its melatonin levels, suggesting that melatonin may be a potential biomarker for sleep quality.

Humanos , Masculino , Mal de Altura , Mineros , Calidad del Sueño , Melatonina/sangre , Oximetría , Chile , Saturación de Oxígeno , Hipoxia
Front Physiol ; 10: 1149, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31555155


We previously showed that arterial oxygen content during maximum exercise remains constant at high altitude (HA) in miners exposed to chronic intermittent hypobaric hypoxia (CIHH). Nevertheless, information about VO2, lactate concentration [Lac], and work efficiency are absent in this CIHH miner population. Our aim was to determine aerobic capacity, [Lac], and work efficiency at sea level (SL) and HA during maximum exercise in miners acclimatized to CIHH at 3,800 m. Eight volunteer miners acclimatized to CIHH at HA (> 4 years) performed an exercise test at SL and HA. The test was performed on the 4th day at HA or SL and consisted of three phases: Rest (5 min); Exercise test, where the load was increased by 50 W every 3 min until exhaustion; and a Recovery period of 30 min. During the procedure VO2, transcutaneous arterial saturation (SpO2, %), and HR (bpm) were assessed at each step by a pulse oximeter and venous blood samples were taken to measure [Lac] and hemoglobin concentration. No differences in VO2 and [Lac] in SL vs. HA were observed in this CIHH miner population. By contrast, a higher HR and lower SpO2 were observed at SL compared with HA. During maximum exercise, a reduction in VO2 and [Lac] was observed without differences in intensity (W) and HR. A decrease in [Lac] was observed at maximum effort (250 W) and recovery at HA vs. SL. These findings are related to an increased work efficiency assessment such as gross and net efficiency. This study is the first to show that miners exposed to CIHH maintain their work capacity (intensity) with a fall in oxygen consumption and a decrease in plasmatic lactate concentration at maximal effort at HA. These findings indicate that work efficiency at HA is enhanced.

High Alt Med Biol ; 19(1): 15-20, 2018 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29035586


Moraga, Fernando A., Jorge Osorio, Rodrigo Calderón-Jofré, and Andrés Pedreros. Hemoconcentration during maximum exercise in miners with chronic intermittent exposure to hypobaric hypoxia (3800 m). High Alt Med Biol. 19:15-20, 2018. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of maximum exercise on hemoconcentration in miners with chronic intermittent hypobaric hypoxia (CIHH) at 3800 m. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sixteen miners with CIHH at high altitude (3800 m) were subjected to maximum exercise levels on a cycle ergometer, increasing exercise load by 50 W every 3 minutes at sea level and high altitude (3800 m). During exercise, arterial oxygen saturation and heart rate were measured. Blood samples were taken at each step to measure hemoglobin concentration and hematocrit. Arterial blood oxygen content was also calculated. RESULTS: At sea level, a decrease in arterial oxygen saturation to 92.1% ± 2.5% was observed at 150 W and the hematocrit, hemoglobin concentration and oxygen content were not altered. At high altitude, arterial oxygen saturation decreased, reaching 88.2% ± 4.9% at 50 W and remained constant during the entire exercise protocol. Hemoglobin concentration and hematocrit increased reaching 16.4 ± 0.9 g/dL and 48.8% ± 1.6%, respectively, at 100 W and were maintained until recovery. Arterial oxygen content was constant during exercise and increased in the recovery period. CONCLUSION: An increase in hemoglobin concentration during exercise compensates for the decline in arterial oxygen saturation, meanwhile arterial oxygen content remains constant.

Ejercicio Físico/fisiología , Hemoglobinas/metabolismo , Hipoxia/fisiopatología , Minería , Oxígeno/sangre , Esfuerzo Físico/fisiología , Adulto , Altitud , Presión Atmosférica , Prueba de Esfuerzo , Frecuencia Cardíaca , Hematócrito , Humanos