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Psico USF ; 28(2): 389-401, Apr.-June 2023. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS, Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: biblio-1448901


This study analyzed the structure of social representations of an authoritarian regime in Brazil (Military Regime, 1964-1985), the variables associated with reporting different emotions about that past, and support for authoritarian solutions in the present. A sample of 200 participants aged 18 to 85 years (M = 31.54; SD = 13.84) responded to a free word association task in which they indicated three words that came to mind about the Military Regime. A prototypical analysis showed a critical representation as the majority. However, positive representations and a mute zone effect (silence of controversial opinions) were found. Participants also answered several questions about the regime, the emotions they feel, and the support for its restoration. Regression analyses showed different variables predicting positive and negative emotions, and positive representations strongly predicting support for a current authoritarian solution. (AU)

Este estudo analisou a estrutura das representações sociais de um regime autoritário no Brasil (Regime Militar, 1964-1985), as variáveis associadas ao relato de diferentes emoções sobre esse passado e o apoio a soluções autoritárias no presente. Uma amostra composta por 200 participantes de 18 a 85 anos (M = 31,54; DP = 13,84) respondeu à uma tarefa de associação livre de palavras na qual indicavam três palavras que lhes vinham à mente sobre o Regime Militar. Uma análise prototípica mostrou uma representação crítica como majoritária. Entretanto, foram encontradas representações positivas e um efeito de zona muda (silêncio de opiniões polêmicas). Os participantes também responderam a diversas questões sobre o regime, as emoções que sentiam e o apoio à sua volta. Análises de regressão mostraram diferentes variáveis prevendo emoções positivas e negativas, e que as representações positivas previam fortemente o apoio à uma solução autoritária atual. (AU)

Este estudio analizó la estructura de las representaciones sociales de un régimen autoritario en Brasil (Régimen Militar, 1964-1985), las variables asociadas al reporte de emociones sobre ese pasado y el apoyo a soluciones autoritarias. Una muestra de 200 participantes de entre 18 y 85 años (M = 31,54; SD = 13,84) respondieron a una tarea de asociación libre en la que indicaron tres palabras que les venían a la mente sobre el Régimen Militar. Un análisis prototípico demostró que la representación crítica es mayoritaria. Sin embargo, se encontraron representaciones positivas y un efecto de zona muda (silencio de opiniones polémicas). Los participantes también respondieron a varias preguntas sobre el régimen, las emociones que sentían y el apoyo a su regreso. Los análisis de regresión mostraron diferentes variables que predecían las emociones positivas y negativas, y que las representaciones positivas predecían el apoyo a una solución autoritaria. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Adulto Joven , Representación Social/políticas , Entrevistas como Asunto , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Análisis de Regresión , Emociones , Correlación de Datos
Front Psychol ; 13: 1111184, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37457673


Introduction: In 2019, there was a period of social outbreaks in several Latin American countries, which share a background of social inequality, distrust in authorities, a crisis of representativeness, and discontent towards social and economic policies. In October 2019, in Ecuador and Chile, participation in these protests was characterized by street protests and broad political participation in social networks and alternative media, which were followed or interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. These facts have been deeply researched, addressing causal and structural factors of the phenomenon, the alternatives of political participation, and the role of emotions as determinants of action in these contexts. The objective of this study is to explore offline and online political participation (Facebook) after the social outbreak of 2019 in both countries, based on political interest, and how emotions intervene, especially negative ones, in a context of high demobilization. Methods: A descriptive, correlational ex post facto and cross-sectional methodology was used, with the participation of 367 people, 210 from Ecuador (57.2%) and 157 from Chile (42.8%), aged between 17 and 48 years (M = 22.13, SD = 3.73). The measurement was carried out from 2020 to 2021. Results: A mediation analysis showed that people who are more interested in politics are more likely to experience anger and anxiety with the political and economic situation, which motivates conventional political participation (Model 1). In Model 2 people who showed greater concern about the political and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and together with anger, favor online political participation, especially local support. Discussion: These results suggest the influence of emotions on political participation, which occurs when there is an increase in social discontent due to government policies adopted during the pandemic and which represents a continuity of the discontent that was expressed in the October 2019 social outbreak.

Front Psychol ; 12: 641793, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33841276


The psychosocial impacts of natural disasters are associated with the triggering of negative and positive responses in the affected population; also, such effects are expressed in an individual and collective sphere. This can be seen in several reactions and behaviors that can vary from the development of individual disorders to impacts on interpersonal relationships, cohesion, communication, and participation of the affected communities, among others. The present work addressed the psychosocial impacts of the consequences of natural disasters considering individual effects via the impact of trauma and community effects, through the perception of social well-being, the valuation of the community and the social exchange of emotions. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between individual reactions (i.e., intensity of trauma) and the evaluation of social and collective circumstances (i.e., social well-being) after the earthquake of 27F 2010 in Chile, through collective-type intervention variables not used in previous studies (i.e., social sharing of emotions and community appraisal). For this purpose, a descriptive, ex post facto correlational and cross-sectional methodology was carried on, with the participation of 487 people affected by the 2010 earthquake, 331 women (68%) and 156 men (32%), between 18 and 58 years old (M = 21.09; SD = 5.45), from the provinces of Ñuble and Biobío, VIII region, Chile. The measurement was carried out 4 years after the earthquake and the results show that greater individual than collective involvements were found, mainly in the coastal zone of the region. The mediation analysis showed that the relationship between the intensity of the trauma and social well-being occurs through a route that considers social sharing of emotions and community appraisal. These results indicate that the overcoming of individual affectations to achieve social well-being occurs when in the immediate post-disaster phases the affected communities activate shared emotional and cognitive processes, which allow them to jointly face subsequent threats and abrupt changes.

Front Psychol ; 11: 607538, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33362666


8 March (8M), now known as International Women's Day, is a day for feminist claims where demonstrations are organized in over 150 countries, with the participation of millions of women all around the world. These demonstrations can be viewed as collective rituals and thus focus attention on the processes that facilitate different psychosocial effects. This work aims to explore the mechanisms (i.e., behavioral and attentional synchrony, perceived emotional synchrony, and positive and transcendent emotions) involved in participation in the demonstrations of 8 March 2020, collective and ritualized feminist actions, and their correlates associated with personal well-being (i.e., affective well-being and beliefs of personal growth) and collective well-being (i.e., social integration variables: situated identity, solidarity and fusion), collective efficacy and collective growth, and behavioral intention to support the fight for women's rights. To this end, a cross-cultural study was conducted with the participation of 2,854 people (age 18-79; M = 30.55; SD = 11.66) from countries in Latin America (Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Colombia, and Ecuador) and Europe (Spain and Portugal), with a retrospective correlational cross-sectional design and a convenience sample. Participants were divided between demonstration participants (n = 1,271; 94.0% female) and non-demonstrators or followers who monitored participants through the media and social networks (n = 1,583; 75.87% female). Compared with non-demonstrators and with males, female and non-binary gender respondents had greater scores in mechanisms and criterion variables. Further random-effects model meta-analyses revealed that the perceived emotional synchrony was consistently associated with more proximal mechanisms, as well as with criterion variables. Finally, sequential moderation analyses showed that proposed mechanisms successfully mediated the effects of participation on every criterion variable. These results indicate that participation in 8M marches and demonstrations can be analyzed through the literature on collective rituals. As such, collective participation implies positive outcomes both individually and collectively, which are further reinforced through key psychological mechanisms, in line with a Durkheimian approach to collective rituals.

Psychol. av. discip ; 13(2): 55-65, jul.-dic. 2019. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1250597


Resumen Los roles sexuales tradicionales se han ido modificando a la par de cambios sociales y demográficos. El propósito del presente estudio es determinar en qué medida hombres y mujeres se tipifican dentro de un rol masculino, femenino, andrógino o indiferenciado; además de analizar la relación entre el rol sexual, la afectividad positiva y negativa y la inteligencia emocional. Participaron 193 personas entre 18 y 60 años (50.8 % mujeres). Los resultados indican que los rasgos expresivos muestran una relación positiva más alta con inteligencia emocional y con su dimensión de percepción emocional, mientras que los rasgos instrumentales presentan la relación más alta con afectividad positiva, seguida de la inteligencia emocional. En cuanto a la clasificación de roles, se observa que el rol andrógino muestra mayores puntajes en inteligencia emocional y afectividad positiva que los demás roles. A su vez, el rol indiferenciado muestra los menores puntajes en inteligencia emocional y afectividad positiva que los demás roles. A la luz de los resultados y antecedentes de otros estudios, se concluye, en esta muestra específica, que la adopción de un rol sexual andrógino en hombres y mujeres tiene una relación importante con la afectividad positiva e inteligencia emocional.

Abstract Traditional sex roles have been modified along with social and demographic changes. The aim of the present study is to evaluate to what extent men and women are typified within a male, female, androgynous or undifferentiated role, in addition to analyzing the relationship between sexual role, positive and negative affect, and emotional intelligence. One hundred ninety three people between 18 and 60 years old participated (50.8% women). The results indicate that the expressive features show a higher positive relationship with emotional intelligence and with its dimension of emotional perception, while the instrumental features have the highest relationship with positive affectivity followed by emotional intelligence. Regarding the classification of roles, it is observed that the androgynous role, shows higher scores in emotional intelligence and positive affectivity than the other roles. In turn, the undifferentiated role shows the lower scores in emotional intelligence and positive affectivity than the other roles. In light of the results and background of other studies, it is concluded, in this specific sample, that the adoption of an androgynous sexual role in men and women has an important relationship with positive affectivity and emotional intelligence.

Afecto , Inteligencia Emocional/clasificación , Expresión de Género , Rol de Género , Percepción , Rol , Clasificación , Hombres