A comunicação buco-sinusal, uma conexão direta entre boca e seios maxilares, ocorre comumente pela extração de dentes próximos ao seio maxilar e outros procedimentos. O diagnóstico precoce é crucial para prevenir complicações graves. A abordagem terapêutica varia conforme o tamanho do defeito, presença de infecção e localização específica. Realizou-se uma breve revisão de literatura qualitativa abordando as principais complicações da comunicação buco sinusal na cirurgia bucal e como intervi-las. Buscou-se artigos científicos indexados nas seguintes bases de dados: Google Scholar, Pubmed e Biblioteca Scielo com lapso temporal de 2013 a 2023. Foram utilizados para esta busca os seguintes descritores: Comunicação buco-sinusal; Complicações; Seio maxilar. Os critérios de inclusão desta pesquisa foram artigos em inglês, português e espanhol, sendo selecionados 26 trabalhos. Os principais critérios de exclusão foram artigos com mais de 10 anos de publicação. A prevenção e gestão eficaz das complicações na comunicação oral em cirurgias são essenciais. Identificar fatores de risco, usar técnicas cirúrgicas precisas e agir imediatamente diante de sinais de comunicação com os seios da face são medidas cruciais para garantir a segurança do paciente e aprimorar os resultados cirúrgicos.
Oral-sinusal communication, a direct connection between the mouth and maxillary sinuses, commonly occurs due to the extraction of teeth close to the maxillary sinus and other procedures. Early diagnosis is crucial to prevent serious complications. The therapeutic approach varies according to the size of the defect, presence of infection and specific location. A brief qualitative literature review was carried out looking at the main complications of oral sinus communication in oral surgery and how to intervene. We searched for scientific articles indexed in the following databases: Google Scholar, Pubmed and Scielo Library with a time span from 2013 to 2023. The following descriptors were used for this search: Oral-sinus communication; Complications; Maxillary sinus. The inclusion criteria for this study were articles in English, Portuguese and Spanish, and 26 papers were selected. The main exclusion criteria were articles published more than 10 years ago. The prevention and effective management of oral communication complications during surgery are essential. Identifying risk factors, using precise surgical techniques and acting immediately in the event of signs of communication with the sinuses are crucial measures to ensure patient safety and improve surgical outcomes.
Cirurgia Bucal , Fatores de Risco , Diagnóstico Precoce , Segurança do Paciente , Seio MaxilarRESUMO
PURPOSE: This study utilized cone-beam computed tomography images to assess the potential of maxillary sinus (MS) and piriform aperture (PA) measurements in sex prediction and to identify possible correlations between these structures and the MS ostium. METHODS: A total of 204 images were selected and divided into two groups: 102 for constructing and testing the formula, and 102 for validation. In each subgroup, the images were equally divided for 11 measurements by two examiners in the MS (height, width, length, and total width), PA (height and width), and maxillary ostium diameter. RESULTS: Significant correlations were found in males and in the total analysis for all measurements of the right MS, while the length of the left MS showed a positive correlation with PA height. In the total analysis, the height of the left MS and the total width along the MS also positively correlated with PA height. When tested, the constructed formula resulted in an accuracy of 82.4%. CONCLUSION: Tomographic images proved to be excellent tools for sex prediction, as the measurements described in this study could be reproduced and analyzed in different populations, considering that craniometric characteristics may vary across populations.
Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico , Seio Maxilar , Humanos , Masculino , Seio Maxilar/diagnóstico por imagem , Seio Maxilar/anatomia & histologia , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto Jovem , Idoso , Adolescente , Cefalometria/métodosRESUMO
Background and Objectives: The loss of teeth in the posterior maxillary region often leads to significant alveolar bone resorption and maxillary sinus pneumatization, complicating dental implant placement. Maxillary sinus grafting, typically using autogenous bone, is a common solution. However, autogenous bone grafts require additional surgical procedures, leading to increased morbidity. This study aims to compare the efficacy of two xenografts, Bio-Oss and Cerabone, in promoting new bone formation in maxillary sinus grafting through histomorphometric analysis and micro-computed tomography (micro-CT). Materials and Methods: A total of 22 maxillary sinuses (12 right and 10 left) were grafted, with 12 using Cerabone and 10 using Bio-Oss. Six months post-grafting, biopsies were collected for histomorphometric analysis to measure new bone formation, connective tissue, and residual biomaterial. Additionally, micro-CT analysis was performed to assess bone volume fraction, trabecular thickness, number, and separation. Results: Histomorphometric analysis showed that the Cerabone group had a higher average new bone formation (25.94% ± 10.55) compared to the Bio-Oss group (17.29% ± 4.61), with a statistically significant difference (p = 0.02). Micro-CT analysis revealed that the bone volume fraction in the Cerabone group was significantly higher compared to the Bio-Oss group, with significant differences in trabecular thickness (p = 0.02) but not in trabecular number or separation. Conclusions: The study demonstrates that both xenografts are effective in promoting new bone formation in maxillary sinus grafting. However, Cerabone showed superior performance in terms of new bone formation and bone volume fraction, suggesting it may be a more effective option for maxillary sinus augmentation procedures.
Seio Maxilar , Minerais , Levantamento do Assoalho do Seio Maxilar , Microtomografia por Raio-X , Humanos , Microtomografia por Raio-X/métodos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Seio Maxilar/cirurgia , Seio Maxilar/diagnóstico por imagem , Levantamento do Assoalho do Seio Maxilar/métodos , Minerais/uso terapêutico , Substitutos Ósseos/uso terapêutico , AdultoRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: Although autogenous grafting is accepted as the gold standard in intraoral grafting, xenogenous grafts are frequently used in sinus lift surgeries due to their osteoinductive and osteoconductive properties. This study aimed to investigate the efficacy of fish spine-derived xenogenic grafts in sinus augmentation surgery. MATERIAL AND METHODS: In this study, a fish spine-derived xenogenic graft was produced for comparison with autogenous graft and bovine derived xenogenic grafts. Twenty-one New Zealand rabbits were used. Autogenous grafts (AG- Group 1), as well as bovine-derived (bHAP - Group 2) and fish spine-derived (fHAP - Group 3) xenogenic grafts were placed in the right and left sinuses of rabbits. The animals were sacrificed at the 4th and 8th weeks. New bone formation (NBF) was evaluated through histological examination, while bone volume (BV), new bone surface/bone volume (BS-BV), new bone surface/tissue volume (BS-TV), and trabecular separation (Tb-Sp) were assessed via Micro-CT. Statistical significance was considered at p<0.05. RESULTS: Histological examination revealed a significant difference in NBF between AG-bHAP (p<0.001), as well as between fHAP-bHAP (p<0.001) in the fourth-week group. No significant difference was found in the eighth-week group (p=0.130). In the eighth-week group, a statistically significant difference was found between fHAP and bHAP in terms of BV. (p=0.007). CONCLUSION: Although both graft materials used in this study showed positive effects on bone regeneration, fHAP and AG presented similar effects on bone regeneration and were superior to bHAP.
Xenoenxertos , Seio Maxilar , Osteogênese , Levantamento do Assoalho do Seio Maxilar , Microtomografia por Raio-X , Animais , Coelhos , Bovinos , Levantamento do Assoalho do Seio Maxilar/métodos , Osteogênese/fisiologia , Xenoenxertos/transplante , Seio Maxilar/cirurgia , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Fatores de Tempo , Regeneração Óssea/fisiologia , Transplante Ósseo/métodos , Peixes , Resultado do Tratamento , Masculino , Valores de Referência , Estatísticas não ParamétricasRESUMO
This study aimed to assess the relationship between Schneiderian membrane thickening and periapical pathology in a retrospective analysis of Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) images. For this, 147 CBCT scans containing 258 sinuses and 1,181 teeth were assessed. Discontinuation of the lamina dura, widening of the periodontal ligament space, apical periodontitis (AP), and partly demineralized maxillary sinus floor associated with AP were considered periapical pathology. Maxillary sinus mucosal thickening (MSMT) was classified as odontogenic or non-odontogenic. An irregular band with a focal tooth associated thickening and local thickening related to a root were considered odontogenic types of MSMT. The relation between the imaging features of periapical pathology and the type and thickness of MSMT was determined by logistic regression and linear mixed model, respectively. In addition, linear regression and Mann Whitney test evaluated the relation and demineralization of the AP lesion towards the sinus floor (p≤0.05). The odds of having an odontogenic type of MSMT were significantly higher when a periapical pathology was present in the maxillary sinus. Eighty-two percent of AP partly demineralized towards the sinus floor were associated with an odontogenic MSMT. Both AP lesions partly demineralized towards the sinus floor and, with increased diameter, led to increased MSMT. In conclusion, there is an 82% risk of having an odontogenic type of MSMT with the presence of AP partly demineralized towards the sinus floor. More thickening of the maxillary sinus mucosa is seen with larger AP lesions and partial demineralization of the sinus floor.
Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico , Mucosa Nasal , Humanos , Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico/métodos , Estudos Retrospectivos , Mucosa Nasal/diagnóstico por imagem , Mucosa Nasal/patologia , Feminino , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Doenças Periapicais/diagnóstico por imagem , Doenças Periapicais/patologia , Adulto , Seio Maxilar/diagnóstico por imagem , Seio Maxilar/patologia , Periodontite Periapical/diagnóstico por imagem , Periodontite Periapical/patologia , IdosoRESUMO
A comunicação bucossinusal (CBS) é uma complicação relativamente frequente na prática odontológica que ocorre em procedimentos cirúrgicos, principalmente, exodontias dos molares superiores. O diagnóstico dessa comunicação é feito através de exames clínicos intraorais, empregando a manobra de Valsava, e para a confirmação do diagnóstico, utiliza-se exame radiográfico. A literatura cita inúmeros métodos de tratamento, entretanto não evidenciam a técnica específica para cada caso, entre esses métodos existe o retalho com o corpo adiposo da bochecha, que apresenta alto índice de sucesso no fechamento das CBS. Quando a CBS é fechada incorretamente ou de forma tardia o paciente fica propício a desenvolver quadros de sinusite crônica ou aguda, além de fístulas bucossinusais. Portanto, deve-se identificar e tratar essa comunicação de imediato para evitar o desenvolvimento de outras complicações. O objetivo do presente trabalho é apresentar um caso clínico de um paciente com comunicação bucossinusal atendido na clínica odontológica da Unidade de Ensino Superior de Feira de Santana (UNEF), com a finalidade de demostrar a técnica cirúrgica utilizando a rotação do corpo adiposo da bochecha (Bola de Bichat).
The bucosinusal communication (BCS) is a relatively frequent complication in dental practice that occurs in surgical procedures, especially extractions of the upper molars. The diagnosis of this communication is made through intraoral clinical examinations, using the Valsava maneuver, and for the confirmation of the diagnosis, radiographic examination is used. The literature cites numerous methods of treatment, however they do not evidence the specific technique for each case, among these methods there is the graft with the adipose body of the cheek, which has a high success rate in the closure of the CBS. When the CBS is closed incorrectly or late, the patient is prone to develop chronic or acute sinusitis, in addition to bucosinusal fistulas. Therefore, this communication should be identified and treated immediately to prevent the development of other complications. The objective of the present study is to present a clinical case of a patient with bucosinusal communication attended at the dental clinic of Unidade de Ensino Superior de Feira de Santana (UNEF), with the purpose of demonstrating the surgical technique using the rotation of the adipose body of the cheek (Bichat ball).
Humanos , Masculino , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Operatórios , Bochecha , Tecido Adiposo , Fístula Bucoantral , Seio MaxilarRESUMO
PURPOSE: To critically appraise and summarize the potential of linear and/or volumetric dimensions of the maxillary sinuses obtained with cone-beam and multi-slice computed tomography. METHODS: A bibliographic search was conducted in seven databases in August 2023. Cross-sectional retrospective studies using linear and volumetric measurements of the maxillary sinuses obtained with cone-beam and multi-slice computed tomography for sex estimation and presenting numerical estimation data were included. Narrative or systematic reviews, letters to the editor, case reports, laboratory studies in animals, and experimental studies were excluded. The critical appraisal and certainty of evidence were assessed using the guidelines described by Fowkes and Fulton and GRADE, respectively. RESULTS: A total of 656 studies were found, 32 of which were included. A total of 3631 individuals were analyzed and the overall sex estimation rate ranged from 54.9 % to 95 %. When compared with isolated measurements, combined linear measurements of the right and left maxillary sinuses, such as width, length, and height, provided a higher rate of sex estimation (54.9-95 %). In most of the studies (62.5 %), all measurements were higher in men than in women. Multiple methodological problems were found in the studies, especially distorting influences in 84.4 % of the answers. The certainty of evidence varied from very low to low. CONCLUSIONS: The combination of height, width, and length measurements of the right and left maxillary sinuses from cone-beam and multi-slice computed tomography can be useful in the estimation of sex of humans. Further primary studies are needed to increase the certainty of evidence. PROSPERO REGISTER: CRD42020161922.
Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico , Seio Maxilar , Tomografia Computadorizada Multidetectores , Determinação do Sexo pelo Esqueleto , Humanos , Seio Maxilar/diagnóstico por imagem , Seio Maxilar/anatomia & histologia , Determinação do Sexo pelo Esqueleto/métodos , Antropologia Forense/métodosRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the histomorphometric and computerized microtomographic (Micro-CT) analysis of the regenerated bone tissue from maxillary sinus augmentation surgery, with and without using the collagen membrane on the external osteotomy window. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twelve patients were selected for this prospective, controlled, and randomized study. The patients were submitted to bilateral maxillary sinus surgery in a split-mouth design. On the test side, the maxillary sinus augmentation procedure included using Geistlich Bio-Oss® and a Geistlich Bio-Gide® collagen membrane covering the lateral osteotomy window. On the control side, only Geistlich Bio-Oss® was used without the presence of the membrane. After 6 months, the surgeries for implant installation were performed. In this surgical phase, specimens of the regenerated tissue were collected for histological and Micro-CT analysis. RESULTS: In the histomorphometric evaluation, the mean (±SD) percentages of newly formed bone were 43.9% (±11.5) and 40.8% (±8.9) in the test and control groups, respectively. The corresponding values of the Micro-CT analysis were 36.6% (±3.4) and 37.2% (±4.7) in the test and control groups, respectively. There was no statistically significant difference between the test and control groups in the two methods. In addition, there was no statistically significant difference between the mean percentage of biomaterial remaining between the test and control groups. However, the mean percentage of newly formed bone was significantly higher and the mean percentage of remaining biomaterial was significantly lower in the histomorphometric analysis compared to the values obtained through microtomography. CONCLUSION: The additional use of collagen membranes in maxillary sinus surgery does not offer advantages in newly formed bone.
Regeneração Óssea , Colágeno , Levantamento do Assoalho do Seio Maxilar , Microtomografia por Raio-X , Humanos , Levantamento do Assoalho do Seio Maxilar/métodos , Masculino , Feminino , Estudos Prospectivos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Minerais , Membranas Artificiais , Substitutos Ósseos/uso terapêutico , Adulto , Seio Maxilar/cirurgia , Seio Maxilar/diagnóstico por imagem , Seio Maxilar/patologia , Implantação Dentária Endóssea/métodosRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Recent literature highlights anomalous cranial nerves in the sinonasal region, notably in the sphenoid and maxillary sinuses, linked to anatomical factors. However, data on the suspended infraorbital canal (IOC) variant is scarce in cross-sectional imaging. Anatomical variations in the sphenoid sinuses, including optic, maxillary, and vidian nerves, raise interest among specialists involved in advanced sinonasal procedures. The infraorbital nerve's (ION) course along the orbital floor and its abnormal positioning within the orbital and maxillary sinus region pose risks of iatrogenic complications. A comprehensive radiological assessment is crucial before sinonasal surgeries. Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) is preferred for its spatial resolution and reduced radiation exposure. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to describe the prevalence of anatomical variants of the infraorbital canal (IOC) and report its association with clinical condition or surgical implication. METHODS: We searched Medline, Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar, CINAHL, and LILACS databases from their inception up to June 2023. Two authors independently performed the search, study selection, data extraction, and assessed the methodological quality with assurance tool for anatomical studies (AQUA). Finally, the pooled prevalence was estimated using a random effects model. RESULTS: Preliminary results show that three types are prevalent, type 1: the IOC does not bulge into the maxillary sinus (MS); therefore, the infraorbital foramen through the anterior wall of MS could be used for identification of the ION. Type 2: the IOC divided the orbital floor into medial and lateral aspects. Type 3: the IOC hangs in the MS and the entire orbital floor lying above the IOC. From which the clinical implications where mainly surgical, in type 1 the infraorbital foramen through the anterior wall of MS could be used for identification of the ION, while in type 2, since the lateral orbital floor could not be directly accessed an inferiorly transposition of ION is helpful to expose the lateral orbital wall directly with a 0 scope; or using angled endoscopes and instruments, however, the authors opinion is that direct exposure potentially facilitates the visualization and management in complex situations such as residual or recurrent mass, foreign body, and fracture located at the lateral aspect of the canal. Lastly, in type 3, the ION it's easily exposed with a 0° scope. CONCLUSIONS: This systematic review identified four IOC variants: Type 1, within or below the MS roof; Type 2, partially protruding into the sinus; Type 3, fully protruding into the sinus or suspended from the roof; and Type 4, in the orbital floor. Clinical recommendations aim to prevent nerve injuries and enhance preoperative assessments. However, the lack of consistent statistical methods limits robust associations between IOC variants and clinical outcomes. Data heterogeneity and the absence of standardized reporting impede meta-analysis. Future research should prioritize detailed reporting, objective measurements, and statistical approaches for a comprehensive understanding of IOC variants and their clinical implications. Open Science Framework (OSF): .
Variação Anatômica , Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico , Órbita , Humanos , Nervos Cranianos/anatomia & histologia , Nervos Cranianos/diagnóstico por imagem , Seio Maxilar/diagnóstico por imagem , Seio Maxilar/anatomia & histologia , Seio Maxilar/cirurgia , Órbita/anatomia & histologia , Órbita/diagnóstico por imagem , Seio Esfenoidal/anatomia & histologia , Seio Esfenoidal/diagnóstico por imagemRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this population-based retrospective study was to compare the osteogenic effect of newly formed bone after maxillary sinus floor elevation (MSFE) and simultaneous implantation with or without bone grafts by quantitatively analyzing trabecular bone parameters. METHODOLOGY: A total of 100 patients with missing posterior maxillary teeth who required MSFE and implantation were included in this study. Patients were divided into two groups: the non-graft group (n=50) and the graft group (n=50). Radiographic parameters were measured using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT), and the quality of newly formed bone was analyzed by assessing trabecular bone parameters using CTAn (CTAnalyzer, SkyScan, Antwerp, Belgium) software. RESULTS: In the selected regions of interest, the non-graft group showed greater bone volume/total volume (BV/TV), bone surface/total volume (BS/TV), trabecular number (Tb. N), and trabecular thickness (Tb. Th) than the graft group (p<0.001). The non-graft group showed lower trabecular separation (Tb. Sp) than the graft group (p<0.001). The incidence of perforation and bleeding was higher in the graft group than in the non-graft group (p<0.001), but infection did not significantly differ between groups (p>0.05). Compared to the graft group, the non-graft group showed lower postoperative bone height, gained bone height and apical bone height (p<0.001). CONCLUSION: MSFE with and without bone grafts can significantly improve bone formation. In MSFE, the use of bone grafts hinders the formation of good quality bone, whereas the absence of bone grafts can generate good bone quality and limited bone mass.
Levantamento do Assoalho do Seio Maxilar , Humanos , Levantamento do Assoalho do Seio Maxilar/métodos , Estudos Retrospectivos , Osteogênese , Seio Maxilar/diagnóstico por imagem , Seio Maxilar/cirurgia , Osso EsponjosoRESUMO
BACKGROUND: The lack of knowledge of the relation of the maxillary sinus with the apexes of maxillary posterior teeth can lead to important complications during common dental procedures. This can be avoided using different imaging techniques, such as orthopantomography (OPG) and cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). The present study aims to compare the performance of OPG with CBCT in measuring the vertical distance of the apexes of posterior-superior teeth to the maxillary sinus. METHODS: This study corresponded to a cross-sectional study. OPGs and CBCT scans were obtained from the same individuals, and the qualitative and quantitative vertical distance of the apexes in relation to the maxillary sinus was categorized and measured in mm. RESULTS: A total of 28 pairs of OPGs and CBCT scans from the same patients were obtained. About 381 roots were analysed, which included 89 upper first premolars, 51 upper second premolars, 115 upper first molars, and 126 upper second molars. Projection/protrusion was observed with more frequency in molars, specially 1º molars in both OPG (n= 75, 65.2%) and CBCT (n= 31, 27%); however, 106 more cases (27.9%) were classified as projected in the OPG compared to CBCT (p < 0.05). When comparing the performance of the OPG and CBTC for analysing all roots qualitatively, there was a 57.8% agreement between both techniques. This difference was statistically significant (p <0.0001). Statistically significant differences were also observed when comparing the millimetric differences. CONCLUSION: This study showed that OPG is not an accurate technique to observe the relationship between the maxillary sinus and the apexes of the upper posterior teeth. In those cases where precision is required when performing dental procedures in this area, CBCT should be used. When not available, the clinicians should be aware of the limitations of the OPG and add other complementary techniques.
Seio Maxilar , Raiz Dentária , Humanos , Estudos Transversais , Seio Maxilar/diagnóstico por imagem , Radiografia Panorâmica , Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico/métodosRESUMO
PURPOSE: To evaluate and compare the reported sinusitis occurrence after the sinus lift procedure and zygomatic implant placement. METHODS: This meta-analysis has been registered at PROSPERO. Studies were searched on six databases. Two authors screened titles and abstracts and fully analyzed the studies against the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The RoB 2.0 and the ROBINS-I tools were used to assess the quality and risk of bias of the included studies. The random-effects model was used for the meta-analysis. The prevalence of sinusitis was calculated based on the total of patients. Subgroup analysis was performed by sinus lift or zygomatic implant surgery technique. RESULTS: The search identified 2419 references. After applying the inclusion criteria, 18 sinus lift and 9 zygomatic implant placement studies were considered eligible. The pooled prevalence of sinusitis after sinus lift procedure was 1.11% (95% CI 0.30-2.28). The prevalence after zygomatic implant placement was 3.76% (95% CI 0.12-10.29). In the subgroup analysis, the lateral window approach showed a prevalence of sinusitis of 1.35% (95% CI 0.34-2.8), the transcrestal technique of 0.00% (95% CI 0.00-3.18), and the SALSA technique of 1.20% (95% CI 0.00-5.10). Regarding the techniques for zygomatic implant placement, the sinus slot technique showed a prevalence of 21.62% (95% CI 9.62-36.52) and the intrasinus technique of 4.36% (95% CI 0.33-11.08), and the prevalence after the extrasinus technique was 0.00% (95% CI 0.00-1.22). CONCLUSION: The sinusitis occurrence rate was higher after zygomatic implant placement than after sinus lift procedure and this occurrence was different depending on the used technique.
Implantes Dentários , Levantamento do Assoalho do Seio Maxilar , Sinusite , Humanos , Implantação Dentária Endóssea/métodos , Implantes Dentários/efeitos adversos , Seio Maxilar/cirurgia , Levantamento do Assoalho do Seio Maxilar/efeitos adversos , Levantamento do Assoalho do Seio Maxilar/métodos , Sinusite/epidemiologia , Sinusite/cirurgia , Maxila/cirurgiaRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: To summarize the scientific evidence on the prevalence of maxillary sinus hypoplasia (MSH) and associated anatomical variations as assessed by computed tomography scans. STUDY DESIGN: This PROSPERO-registered systematic review followed the recommendations of the PRISMA guidelines. Search algorithms were constructed for each of the six databases and gray literature. After screening the references (Rayyan®), the extracted data were meta-analyzed according to a random-effects model. The joanna briggs critical appraisal tool assessed the methodological quality of the included studies. The GRADE approach was used to estimate the certainty of the evidence. RESULTS: From a total of 2781 studies screened, 22 were considered for four meta-analysis. The prevalence of MSH in 7358 patients was 5.65% (CI95% = 4.07-7.47%) with significant heterogeneity between studies (p < 0.001, I2 = 89.30%). MSH was identified in 295 patients, of whom 82.38% (CI95% = 75.82-88.09%) had unilateral hypoplasia and 17.62% (CI95% = 11.91-24.18%) bilateral hypoplasia with moderate heterogeneity between studies (p < 0.0503, I2 = 42.87%). The prevalence of MSH in 9998 maxillary sinuses was 3.77% (95% CI = 2.44-5.38%), with significant heterogeneity between studies (p < 0.001, I2 = 92.84%). Hypoplastic/aplastic uncinate process, concha bullosa and paradoxical concha were the most reported anatomical variations. The studies presented a low-moderate methodological quality. The certainty of the evidence was very low to moderate. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of maxillary sinus hypoplasia observed was 5.65%, with most cases being unilateral.
Seio Maxilar , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X , Humanos , Seio Maxilar/diagnóstico por imagem , Seio Maxilar/anormalidades , Prevalência , Variação AnatômicaRESUMO
Objetivo: O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a prevalência de variações anatômicas no complexo nasossinusal por meio de tomografia computadorizada (TC) em pacientes com sinusite não odontogênica. Métodos: Um estudo observacional e retrospectivo consistiu em 860 prontuários com indicação de tomografias computadorizadas multislice para avaliação de sinusite. A sinusite odontogênica foi caracterizada pela presença de espessamento da mucosa sinusal maior que 2 milímetros e ausência de alterações dentárias na região. Posteriormente, foram avaliadas as variações do complexo nasossinusal e realizada uma análise descritiva. Em seguida, 33 tomografias computadorizadas foram analisadas com sinusopatia não odontogênica, e o complexo nasossinusal foi avaliado quanto à presença das seguintes variações anatômicas como desvio do septo nasal associado a esporão ósseo, concha média bolhos, aumento do seio frontal entre outras. Resultados: Variações anatômicas foram observadas em 87,9% dos casos, sendo 15 do gênero masculino (46,0%) e 18 do gênero feminino (54,0%) e distribuídos em 45,5% dos pacientes entre 41-60 anos. A variação anatômica mais frequente foi a concha média bolhosa (37,9%), seguida de septações no seio maxilar (10,3%) e seio frontal alargado (13,8%). Conclusão:Verificou-se uma considerável incidência de variações anatômicas associadas à sinusite não odontogênica, com evidência para a concha média bolhosa.
Aim: The aim of the study was to assess the prevalence of anatomical variations in the sinonasal complex using computed tomography (CT) in patients with non-odontogenic sinusitis. Methods: This observational and retrospective study involved the analysis of 860 multislice CT scans prescribed for sinusitis evaluation. Non-odontogenic sinusitis was characterized by the presence of sinus mucosal thickening exceeding 2 millimeters and the absence of dental changes in the region. Subsequently, sinonasal complex variations were evaluated, and a descriptive analysis was conducted. Subsequently, 33 CT scans with non-odontogenic sinusopathy were analyzed, and the sinonasal complex was evaluated for the presence of the following anatomical variations: deviation of the nasal septum associated with a bony spur, bullous middle concha, unilateral hypoplasia of the maxillary sinus, among others. Results: Anatomical variations were observed in 87.9% of cases, with 15 males (46.0%) and 18 female (54.0%), distributed among patients aged 41-60 years (45.5%). The most frequent anatomical variation was the bullous middle concha (37.9%), followed by septations in the maxillary sinus (10.3%) and enlarged frontal sinus (13.8%). Conclusion: A considerable incidence of anatomical variations associated with non-odontogenic sinusitis was observed, with evidence of a bullous middle concha.
Sinusite , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X , Variação Anatômica , Seio MaxilarRESUMO
Surgical ciliated cysts, also known as implantation cysts or postoperative maxillary cysts, are uncommon cystic formations predominantly arising in the posterior maxillary region after radical maxillary sinus surgery. Herein, we present the case of a 28-year-old male patient who had previously undergone orthognathic surgery and later experienced a minor car accident without major consequences. Approximately four years after surgery, the patient sought dental care due to the presence of a painless swelling in the maxillary region. Upon intraoral examination, the swelling extended from the area around the right canine to the upper left molar, covered by red mucosa. Image studies revealed an extensive well-defined osteolytic lesion causing thinning, erosion, buccal cortical plate perforation, and root resorption. An incisional biopsy was performed, and microscopic examination revealed a cystic lesion lined by ciliated respiratory-type epithelium and capsule variably fibrotic with sparse chronic inflammation. The final diagnosis was surgical ciliated cysts. The treatment approach involved decompression followed by enucleation and curettage, with the addition of bone grafting and the application of Leukocyte-Platelet Rich Fibrin (L-PRF). The patient has been under clinical follow-up for approximately 17 months with no signs of recurrence. A careful morphological evaluation is essential to avoid misdiagnosis and ensure a satisfactory treatment approach. In conclusion, this case highlights the importance of accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment approaches for surgical ciliated cysts to ensure favorable patient outcomes.
Cistos , Cistos Maxilomandibulares , Cirurgia Ortognática , Doenças dos Seios Paranasais , Masculino , Humanos , Adulto , Maxila/cirurgia , Seio Maxilar , Complicações Pós-OperatóriasRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this review is to investigate and analyze the anatomical variations present in the maxillary sinus (MS), through the examination of the prevalence of these variations, as well as the corresponding prevalence of clinically significant pathologies and complications associated with them. METHODS: The search process was carried out in the following databases; MEDLINE, SCIELO, WOS, CINHAL, SCOPUS, and GOOGLE SCHOLAR, using as search terms; "Maxillary bone," "Maxillary sinus," "Paranasal sinus," "Anatomical variations," "Sinusitis" and "Clinical anatomy." RESULTS: A total of 26 articles and 12969 samples were included, from which 12,594 subjects had their sex recorded giving a total of 5802 males and 6792 females. The variants reported by the included were Haller cells, Concha Bullosa, Number of septa, Hypoplastic sinus, Agger Nasi, Thickening of the MS mucosa, Deviation of the nasal septum, Accessory ostium, and Onodi cells. Among the mentioned, the ones that presented the greatest number of studies (between 8 and 10 studies included) were: the Haller Cells, the Concha Bullosa, and the Number of septa, where prevalence was 0.30, 0.36, 0.39 respectively. These variations can lead to sinusitis, cause some types of tumors, or affect neighboring structures that could be compromised by this variation. CONCLUSION: As a result, it is certainly complex to distinguish the presence of anatomical variations from pathological abnormalities. Therefore, knowledge of the different variations and their clinical relationships could be a useful asset for clinicians dedicated to this region.
Doenças Nasais , Feminino , Masculino , Humanos , Bases de Dados Factuais , Conhecimento , MEDLINE , Seio MaxilarRESUMO
A sinus floor elevation via lateral window (LSFE) is one of the most widely used bone augmentation procedures for implant therapy in the posterior area of the maxilla. Locating and preparing a correct opening window on the lateral sinus wall is a key step of this procedure. Conventionally, the surgeon designs and locates the window after the flap is reflected based on the information obtained from cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images or other diagnostic aids. Nevertheless, in spite of the advancements in CBCT imaging, clinicians may still experience hardships in situating and procuring meticulous access to the maxillary sinus by using CBCT alone. Therefore, in cases requiring an LSFE simultaneous to implant placement, a maxillary sinus surgical guide has been tested and reported to be the amiable method to be utilized as a conjunct to prevent unpredictable consequences according to its application in implying both the direction for the implant and the location of the lateral window. This article presents 3 clinical cases with a fully digital approach to guide the opening of the lateral wall of the maxillary sinus as well as the simultaneous placement of a single implant in an ideal 3D position. Based on the CBCT images and intraoral scan, a surgical guide was fabricated based on 3D software. During surgery, this teeth-supported template can be placed intraorally, guiding sinus window opening preparation. This technique makes the sinus window opening procedure simple and predictable, reduces surgical time and the risk of complications, and allows the placement of the implant in the ideal 3D position.
Implantes Dentários , Levantamento do Assoalho do Seio Maxilar , Seios Transversos , Humanos , Seio Maxilar/diagnóstico por imagem , Seio Maxilar/cirurgia , Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe CônicoAssuntos
Seio Maxilar , Fibrina Rica em Plaquetas , Humanos , Seio Maxilar/cirurgia , Osteogênese , AloenxertosRESUMO
The study aimed to assess the efficacy of using Raloxifene with ultrasonic processing to enhance Bio-Oss®, a bone graft substitute, for maxillary sinus bone height reconstruction. A total of 24 rabbit maxillary sinuses were distributed into three groups, each receiving different treatments: Bio-Oss® only, sonicated Bio-Oss, and sonicated Bio-Oss® with Raloxifene. Surgical procedures and subsequent histomorphometric and immunohistochemistry analyses were conducted to evaluate the bone formation, connective tissue, and remaining biomaterial, as well as the osteoblastic differentiation and maturation of collagen fibers. Results indicated that the sonicated Bio-Oss® and Bio-Oss® groups showed similar histological behavior and bone formation, but the Raloxifene group displayed inflammatory infiltrate, low bone formation, and disorganized connective tissue. The statistical analysis confirmed significant differences between the groups in terms of bone formation, connective tissue, and remaining biomaterial. In conclusion, the study found that while sonicated Bio-Oss® performed comparably to Bio-Oss® alone, the addition of Raloxifene led to an unexpected delay in bone repair. The findings stress the importance of histological evaluation for accurate bone repair assessment and the necessity for further investigation into the local application of Raloxifene. Future research may focus on optimizing bone substitutes with growth factors to improve bone repair.
Substitutos Ósseos , Seio Maxilar , Animais , Coelhos , Seio Maxilar/cirurgia , Cloridrato de Raloxifeno/farmacologia , Cloridrato de Raloxifeno/uso terapêutico , Regeneração Óssea , Substitutos Ósseos/farmacologia , Substitutos Ósseos/uso terapêutico , Minerais/uso terapêutico , Materiais BiocompatíveisRESUMO
La celulitis orbitaria es una patología grave que está asociada con sinusitis paranasal. Éstas suelen presentar edema periorbitario, dolor, y movimiento extraocular restringido. La mayoría de los casos presentan pronóstico favorable, asociado a terapia antibiótica o drenaje quirúrgico. Las celulitis de origen odontogénico representan 2 a 5 % de todos los casos; se caracterizan por una diseminación del proceso infeccioso desde los ápices de las raíces, infectando al seno maxilar, llegando a la órbita a través de la fisura orbitaria inferior o a través de un defecto en el piso de la órbita. En el presente estudio se reporta el caso de un paciente masculino de 28 años que consulta por aumento de volumen periorbitario izquierdo con 4 días de evolución, posterior a exodoncia de segundo molar superior izquierdo. Al examen extraoral presenta aumento de volumen izquierdo con eritema periorbitario, proptosis ocular ipsilateral con visión conservada, y salida de líquido purulento por fosa nasal izquierda. En los exámenes de laboratorio e imagenológicos se pesquisa compromiso de seno maxilar, etmoidal y esfenoidal, decidiendo su hospitalización y manejo quirúrgico en tres tiempos operatorios, los cuales permiten acceso a pared anterior del seno maxilar y a espacio pterigoideo. Dentro de los diagnósticos de celulitis orbitaria pueden incluir reacciones alérgicas, conjuntivitis o herpes. Se excluyeron los diagnósticos mencionados debido a que no se observaron alteraciones dermocutáneas periorbitarias. Por el contrario, el compromiso unilateral, movimiento ocular alterado y doloroso indica que el cuadro abarcaba espacios profundos. La infección de senos paranasales posterior a una exodoncia es una complicación poco frecuente. Un diagnóstico temprano adecuado disminuye la morbilidad y mortalidad de esta condición. Debemos estar alertas a complicaciones posteriores en procedimientos realizados, tener conocimiento en diagnóstico y manejo de posibles evoluciones tórpidas en pacientes.
Orbital cellulitis is a serious pathology that is associated with paranasal sinusitis. These medical conditions usually present with periorbital edema, pain, and restricted extraocular movement. Most cases have a favorable prognosis, associated with antibiotic therapy or surgical drainage. Cellulitis of odontogenic origin represents 2 to 5 % of all cases. They are characterized by a spread of the infectious process from the apices of the roots, infecting the maxillary sinus, reaching the orbit through the inferior orbital fissure or through a defect in the floor of the orbit. The present study reports the case of a 28-year-old male patient, who consulted for a volume increase in left periorbital volume with 4 days of evolution, after extraction of the upper left second molar. Extraoral examination showed left volume increase with periorbital erythema, ipsilateral ocular proptosis with preserved vision, and discharge of purulent fluid from the left nostril. The laboratory and imaging tests showed compromise of the maxillary, ethmoid and sphenoid sinus deciding on hospitalization and surgical management in three operative times, which allow access to the anterior wall of the maxillary sinus and the pterygoid space. Diagnoses of orbital cellulitis may include allergic reactions, conjunctivitis, or herpes. These diagnoses were excluded because no periorbital dermocutaneous alterations were observed. In contrast, unilateral involvement, impaired eye movement, and pain indicate that the condition involved deep spaces. Paranasal sinus infection after tooth extraction is a rare complication. An early diagnosis adequately decreases the morbidity and mortality of this condition. We must be alert to subsequent complications in procedures performed, have knowledge in diagnosis and management of possible torpid evolutions in patients.