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Dent Traumatol ; 40(4): 453-459, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38459667


BACKGROUND/AIMS: The study aimed to assess the surface characteristics of sports mouthguards under mechanical stresses during cleaning, either by brushing or immersion in disinfectant solutions. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Ethylene-vinyl acetate samples, 4 mm thick, were randomly assigned to cleaning methods: control (C-no cleaning), brushing with water (B.W), brushing with neutral liquid soap (B.S), brushing with toothpaste (B.T), immersion in distilled water for 10 min (I.W), immersion in 2.25% sodium hypochlorite solution for 10 min (I.SH), and immersion in sodium bicarbonate solution for 5 min (I.SB). All cleaning methods were applied for 28 days. Surface roughness average (Ra) and wettability were measured at baseline for the control group (n = 9), and after cleaning for all the other groups. RESULTS: One-way ANOVA with Tukey tests (5% significance) indicated significant differences among groups (p < .05). The I.SB group had higher surface roughness than B.S and B.T (p < .05). B.W showed the lowest wettability, significantly lower than B.T, I.W, and I.SB (p < .05). I.SB exhibited the highest wettability, significantly different from sodium hypochlorite, neutral liquid soap, brushing with water, and control groups (p < .05). The sodium bicarbonate immersion group (I.SB) demonstrated greater statistical variation, displaying higher susceptibility to aging compared to brushing with neutral liquid soap. CONCLUSION: Cleaning mouthguards with a toothbrush, water, and neutral liquid soap emerged as the most promising method, causing minimal surface changes in the material.

Protetores Bucais , Propriedades de Superfície , Escovação Dentária , Desinfetantes , Hipoclorito de Sódio/farmacologia , Humanos , Bicarbonato de Sódio , Sabões , Cremes Dentais , Molhabilidade , Fatores de Tempo , Polivinil
Dent Traumatol ; 40(3): 275-280, 2024 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38084787


BACKGROUND/AIMS: Athletes are susceptible to oral injuries. To reduce the incidence and severity of oral trauma, a custom-made mouthguard, a device positioned in the mouth to prevent damage to teeth and surrounding structures, is recommended. In field hockey, according to the international rules of this sport, using mouthguards is not mandatory, but it is recommended to wear them at all times while practicing this discipline. We aimed to determine characteristics and differences regarding mouthguard usage among field hockey players from different countries participating in the XII ODESUR Games. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional study that included 78 voluntary hockey athletes that met the inclusion criteria. The questionnaire used was validated by Panam Sports, collecting information on the type of mouthguard (custom-made or prefabricated), and the time of use of the mouthguard (range of 5 years). RESULTS: Of the total number of athletes, 96% used mouthguards, of which 64% were custom-made type, and 32% were prefabricated (p < .001). Custom-made mouthguards were used by 100%, 89%, and 64% of athletes in Argentina, Chile, and Peru, respectively, while only 40% of athletes in Paraguay and Uruguay used them. It has also been observed that more than 50% of the individuals have not controlled and replaced their intraoral devices for more than 10 years. CONCLUSIONS: Our results reveal a problem with a public health dimension and thus invite the standardization of guidelines with an educational approach to promoting and adopting good sports practices. This report is the first on using mouthguards in high-performance athletes during an international multisport event.

Hóquei , Protetores Bucais , Humanos , Protetores Bucais/estatística & dados numéricos , Estudos Transversais , Hóquei/lesões , Masculino , Inquéritos e Questionários , Adulto , Feminino , América Latina , Atletas , Traumatismos em Atletas/prevenção & controle , Traumatismos Dentários/prevenção & controle , Desenho de Equipamento , Adolescente , Adulto Jovem
Dent Traumatol ; 40(3): 281-288, 2024 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37997541


BACKGROUND/AIM: The interaction between the ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) with distinct materials utilized for obtaining dental models can affect the performance of resulting mouthguards. This study attempted to evaluate the effect of different materials for conventional (dental stone) or 3D-printed (resin) models on EVA's physical and mechanical properties and surface characteristics. MATERIAL AND METHODS: EVA sheets (Bioart) were laminated over four model types: GIV, conventional Type IV dental stone model (Zhermak); ReG, resin-reinforced Type IV dental stone model (Zero Stone); 3DnT, 3D resin printed model (Anycubic) without surface treatment; 3DT, 3D-printed model (Anycubic) with water-soluble gel (KY Jelly Lubricant, Johnson & Johnson) coating during post-curing process. The EVA specimens were cut following the ISO 37-II standard (n = 30). Shore A hardness was measured before and after plasticization on the contact (internal) or opposite (external) surfaces with the model. The breaking force (F, N), elongation (EL, mm), and ultimate tensile strength (UTS, MPa) were measured using a universal testing machine. Macro-photography and scanning electron microscopy were adopted for classifying the EVA surface alteration. Data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA with repeated measures, followed by Tukey's test (α = .05). RESULTS: Plasticization significantly decreased Shore A values for the tested EVA regardless of the model type (p < .001). Higher F, El, and UTS values were verified for the EVA with 3DT and GIV models compared to ReG and 3DnT (p < .001). 3DnT models resulted in severe surface alteration and a greater reduction of the mechanical properties of the EVA. CONCLUSION: The interaction of EVA with 3D resin-printed models without surface treatment or resin-reinforced Type IV dental stone models significantly affected the physical and mechanical properties of this material. The utilization of water-soluble gel coating during the post-curing process of 3D resin printed models improved the mechanical properties of the EVA, similarly when this material was plasticized over conventional Type IV dental stone model.

Teste de Materiais , Modelos Dentários , Protetores Bucais , Polivinil , Impressão Tridimensional , Propriedades de Superfície , Polivinil/química , Desenho de Equipamento , Humanos , Compostos de Vinila/química
Dent Traumatol ; 40(2): 204-212, 2024 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37818928


BACKGROUND/AIM: Mouthguards are used to prevent dental trauma and orofacial injuries. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) aging by thermocycling on elastic modulus, stress, strain and shock absorption ability of different ethylene-vinyl acetate brands used for mouthguards. METHODS: Thirty EVA samples with a dimension of 70 × 10 × 3 mm were obtained from four commercial brands (Bioart®, Erkodent®, Polyshok® and Proform®). Fifteen samples were submitted to 10,000 cycles (5°C-55°C) in a thermocycling machine with an immersion time of 30 s and a transfer time of 5 s. The samples were submitted to a uniaxial tensile test in a universal testing machine to calculate the elastic modulus. Data were statistically evaluated by two-way ANOVA and Holm-Sidak test. A three-dimensional model of the anterior maxilla was created using Rhinoceros 5.0. A 3 mm custom-fitted mouthguard was simulated. The three-dimensional volumetric mesh was generated using the Patran software (MSC Software) with isoparametrics, 4-noded tetrahedral elements and exported to Marc/Mentat (MSC Software) as element number 134. A non-linear dynamic impact analysis was performed in which a rigid object struck the central incisor at a speed of 5 m/s. The stresses were evaluated by the modified von Mises criteria and the strains were also recorded. RESULTS: Statistically significant differences were observed for elastic modulus values (p < .001). Mean and standard deviation values (MPa) without thermocycling were: Bioart (34.5 ± 0.9), Erkodent (15.0 ± 0.4), Polyshok (17.3 ± 0.4), Proform: (20.6 ± 0.8); and with thermocycling: Bioart (25.4 ± 0.8), Erkodent (10.7 ± 0.5), Polyshok (13.3 ± 0.6), Proform (13.1 ± 0.6). The thermocycling process reduced stress and strain levels regardless of the mouthguard materials. Shock absorption ability calculated based on the strain values was increased with thermocycling process. CONCLUSION: The thermocycling process, regardless of the commercial brand, reduced the stress/strain and increased the shock absorption ability of mouthguards.

Protetores Bucais , Polietilenos , Polivinil , Compostos de Vinila , Módulo de Elasticidade , Desenho de Equipamento , Etilenos
Piracicaba; FOP/UNICAMP; 2024. 21 p. ilus.
Não convencional em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566720


O manual tem a finalidade de ilustrar e demonstrar o passo a passo de uma confecção adequada de um protetor facial e bucal destinado a odontologia do esporte

Equipamentos de Proteção , Odontologia , Face , Protetores Bucais
Braz. dent. sci ; 27(2): 1-7, 2024. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1570673


Objective: Mouthguards can reduce or even prevent orofacial injuries. These devices are responsible for absorbing part of the energy of an impact force, while the remaining part is dissipated. The present study aimed to evaluate how the plasticization temperature of the sports mouthguards' manufacturing process influences their mechanical properties and protective potential. Material and Methods: Specimens were made according to different plasticization temperatures (85°C, 103°C, 121°C and 128°C) and different dental brands of EVA sheets (Bio-art and FGM). Plasticization temperatures were measured using a culinary thermometer (Term; TP300). The mechanical properties evaluated were: energy absorption capacity, deformation, and modulus of elasticity. Compression testing was carried out in the Emic universal testing machine with a speed of 600 mm/min to simulate a punch. Results: EVA sheets submitted to the highest temperatures (121°C and 128°C) had their energy absorption capacity reduced. In addition, the samples that plasticized at the lowest temperature (85°C) showed higher absorption capacity, lower elastic modulus, and less variation in its dimensions. It proved to be the most effective in protection and with greater durability. Conclusion: The plasticization temperature proved to be an influential factor in the absorption capacity of mouthguards, so the increase in temperature led to a reduction in this property, especially when higher than 120°C. In addition, the plasticization temperature may vary depending on the sheet brand used. Finally, the kitchen thermometer used proved to be efficient and practical, thanks to its easy-to-read display and wide availability on the market. (AU)

Objetivo: Os protetores bucais são capazes de reduzir ou mesmo prevenir lesões orofaciais. Esses dispositivos são responsáveis por absorver parte da energia de uma força de impacto, enquanto a parte restante é dissipada. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar como a temperatura de plastificação de protetores bucais esportivos influencia em suas propriedades mecânicas e no seu potencial protetivo. Material e Métodos: Foram confeccionados modelos de trabalho segundo diferentes temperaturas de plastificação (85°C, 103°C, 121°C e 128°C) e distintas marcas odontológicas de placas de EVA (Bio-art e FGM). As temperaturas de plastificação foram medidas com termômetro culinário da marca Term/TP300. As propriedades mecânicas avaliadas foram capacidade de absorção de energia, deformação e módulo de elasticidade. O teste de compressão foi realizado na máquina de ensaios universal Emic com velocidade de 600 mm/min, a fim de simular um soco. Resultados: As placas de EVA submetidas às mais altas temperaturas (121°C e 128°C) tiveram sua capacidade de absorção de energia reduzida. Além disso, as amostras que plastificaram na temperatura mais baixa (85°C) apresentaram maior capacidade de absorção, menor módulo de elasticidade e menor variação em suas dimensões. Assim, mostraram-se a mais eficaz na proteção e com maior durabilidade. Conclusão: A temperatura de plastificação demonstrou ser um fator influente na capacidade de absorção dos protetores bucais, de modo que o aumento da temperatura levou a uma redução desta propriedade, principalmente quando superior a 120°C. Além disso, a temperatura de plastificação pode variar dependendo da marca comercial utilizada. Por fim, o termômetro culinário utilizado mostrou-se eficiente e prático, pela facilidade de leitura e por ser facilmente encontrado no mercado (AU)

Temperatura , Polietileno , Módulo de Elasticidade , Absorção Fisico-Química , Protetores Bucais
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 17(4): 484-491, dic. 2023. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528858


Los deportes de combate conllevan un alto riesgo de padecer traumatismos dentoalveolares. Este estudio se evaluó la incidencia de traumatismos y lesiones orofaciales relacionadas con los deportes de combate, junto con la evaluación de las actitudes y hábitos de los deportistas respecto al uso de protectores bucales. Este estudio se realizó mediante sistema de encuestas digitales distribuidas en diferentes clubes deportivos donde se practican deportes de combate y no combate. Los deportistas de combate tienen más probabilidad sufrir alguna lesión orofacial que los no deportistas de combate. El sexo masculino y la experiencia son factores predisponentes en la aparición de traumatismos y lesiones orofaciales, siendo las laceraciones de tejidos blandos las más frecuentes. Los deportistas de combate llevan más protectores bucales que los deportistas en general, siendo el protector tipo II el más usado. Los deportistas que no llevan protectores no consideran que sea necesario. En caso de sufrir una avulsión dental, la mayoría de los participantes consideran que es posible reimplantar un diente avulsionado.

Combat sports carry a high risk of suffering dentoalveolar trauma. This study evaluated the incidence of dentoalveolar lesions related to combat sports, together with the evaluation of athletes' attitudes and habits regarding the use of mouth guards. This study was carried out using a digital survey system distributed in different sports clubs where combat and non-combat sports are practiced. Combat athletes are more likely to suffer a dentoalveolar lesion than non-combat athletes. Male sex and experience are predisposing factors in the appearance of dentoalveolar lesions, with soft tissue lacerations being the most frequent. Combat athletes wear more mouth guards than athletes in general, with the type II protector being the most used. Athletes who do not wear protectors do not consider it necessary. In case of suffering a dental avulsion, most of the participants consider that it is possible to reimplant an avulsed tooth.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Traumatismos em Atletas/diagnóstico , Traumatismos Maxilofaciais/diagnóstico , Traumatismos Maxilofaciais/etiologia , Exame Físico , Traumatismos em Atletas/terapia , Medicina Esportiva/métodos , Avulsão Dentária , Estudos de Casos e Controles , Fatores Sexuais , Incidência , Estudos Transversais , Inquéritos e Questionários , Fatores Etários , Traumatismos Maxilofaciais/terapia , Protetores Bucais
Dent Traumatol ; 39(4): 314-323, 2023 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36938932


BACKGROUND/AIM: Mouthguards (MTG) are used to prevent dental trauma. However, their protective effect on esthetic restorations and whether modified MTGs are beneficial is uncertain. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of hard inserts and air spaces in MTGs in protecting direct resin composite veneers during impact. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty resin composite veneers (1.0 mm) were prepared on upper right central incisors on printed maxilla models using polyether. The effect of the MTGs was evaluated in four groups (n = 5): Con-MTG, conventional custom-fit MTGs made with two layers of ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA); Air-MTG, MTGs with the insertion of 2.0 mm air space between the two layers of EVA and tooth surface; PETG-MTG, MTGs with 1.0 mm of polyethylene terephthalate glycol-modified (PETG) inserted between the EVA layers; and No-MTG, comprising resin composite veneers without MTG. The printed models were fixed in a pendulum device, and the impact was performed at 30°. The strain (µS) and shock absorption (%) of the MTG were recorded using strain gauges. Failure modes and cracks were evaluated using macro photography and transillumination and analyzed using the chi-square test. Strain and shock absorption data were analyzed using the one-way analysis of variance followed by Tukey's test (α = 0.05). RESULTS: Mouthguards reduced strain and enhanced shock absorption, regardless of the MTG type (p < .001). Con-MTG, Air-MTG, and PETG-MTG had shock absorption rates of 76.1%, 72.3%, and 33.4%, respectively (p < .001). The single No-MTG model had a root fracture, while all the others had superficial damage. None of the MTG models had cracks or fractures. CONCLUSIONS: Mouthguards protected the resin composite veneers. The Con-MTG and Air-MTG groups had lower strain and greater shock absorption than the PETG-MTG. Resin veneers had no cracks or damage following MTG use. However, 80% of the veneers had surface damage when no MTG was used.

Fraturas Ósseas , Protetores Bucais , Humanos , Resinas Compostas
São José dos Campos; s.n; 2023. 87 p. ilus, tab.
Tese em Português | BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1428966


Esse estudo avaliou in vitro e in silico as respostas dentoalveolares em incisivos centrais frente a traumas na região anterior da maxila, com uso de protetores bucais (PB) reforçados por malha em poliamida em três diferentes localizações. Os grupos de estudo foram divididos em crânio com PB convencional em EVA (etileno vinil acetato) com 4mm de espessura; PB em EVA 4mm de espessura (controle) com reforço a 1mm (Mg 1+3), 2mm (Mg 2+2) e 3mm (Mg 3+1) do limite vestibular. No estudo in vitro um modelo do crânio foi impresso em Resina Spin Red - Quanton 3D abrangendo a região maxilar e os dentes individualmente em resina Resilab Clear - Wilcos e o ligamento periodontal foi simulado em silicone de adição. Para mensurar as microdeformações, foram colocados extensômetros no processo alveolar da maxila e no centro das coroas dos dentes 11 e 21, paralelos ao longo eixo destes. Os PB foram produzidos em EVA com reforços de acordo com cada grupo (n=10). O impacto foi realizado por meio de uma máquina específica desenvolvida aplicando a energia de Ep=0,5496 J, com força dentro do limite elástico do material do crânio no sentido horizontal paralelo ao solo e perpendicular à superfície de contato da esfera de 35mm. No estudo in silico, os quatro grupos foram modelados e analisados por análise explícita dinâmica simulando impacto por meio de uma esfera de aço com 35mm de diâmetro e 7.8 g/cm³ de densidade a 1m/s com todas as condições semelhantes ao estudo in vitro. Os materiais foram considerados isotrópicos, homogêneos e lineares. Os contatos seguiram as mesmas condições físicas do ensaio in vitro (friccional e colado). As malhas foram definidas com tetraedros após convergência de 10%. As deformações e tensões máximas principais nos dentes e na maxila foram apresentadas em gráficos colorimétricos. Os dados obtidos do estudo in vitro foram submetidos aos testes de Shapiro-Wilk, Kruskal-Wallis e ao teste de comparação múltipla de Dunn (significância de 5%). Os resultados mostram diferença estatística para o grupo sem reforço em relação aos demais grupos (p = 6,8x10-5), em relação às as microdeformações (µÎµ) nas diferentes áreas de impacto, não foi possível observar diferença estatística (p = 0,879). Os resultados da análise por elementos finitos corroboraram com o estudo in vitro por extensometria, o que permite validação dos modelos teóricos e práticos para análises futuras. (AU)

This study evaluated in vitro and in silico dentoalveolar responses in central incisors to trauma in the anterior region of the maxilla, using mouthguards (MG) reinforced with polyamide mesh in three different locations. The study groups were divided into skull with conventional PB in EVA (ethylene vinyl acetate) with 4 mm thickness; PB in 4mm thick EVA (control) with reinforcement at 1mm (Mg 1+3), 2mm (Mg 2+2) and 3mm (Mg 3+1) from the vestibular limit. In the in vitro study, a skull model was printed in Spin Red Resin - Quanton 3D covering the maxillary region and teeth individually in Resilab Clear - Wilcos resin and the periodontal ligament was simulated in addition silicone. To measure the microdeformations, extensometers were placed in the alveolar process of the maxilla and in the center of the crowns of teeth 11th and 21th, parallel to their long axis. The BP were produced in EVA with reinforcements according to each group (n=10). The impact was performed by a specific machine developed, applying Ep=0.5496 J of energy, with force within the elastic limit of the skull material in the horizontal direction parallel to the ground and perpendicular to the contact surface of the 35mm sphere. In the in silico study, the four groups were modeled and analyzed by dynamic explicit analysis, simulating impact through a steel sphere with 35mm in diameter and 7.8 g/cm³ of density at 1m/s with all conditions similar to the in vitro study. The materials were considered isotropic, homogeneous and linear. The contacts followed the same physical conditions of the in vitro test (frictional and glued). Meshes were defined with tetrahedrons after 10% convergence. The main maximum deformations and stresses in the teeth and in the maxilla were presented in colorimetric graphs. The data obtained from the in vitro study were submitted to the Shapiro-Wilk, Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn's multiple comparison test (5% significance). The results show a statistical difference for the group without reinforcement in relation to the other groups (p = 6.8x10-5), in relation to the microdeformations (µÎµ) in the different areas of impact, it was not possible to observe a statistical difference (p = 0.879). The results of the finite element analysis corroborated the in vitro study by extensometry, which allows validation of theoretical and practical models for future analysis. (AU)

Ligamento Periodontal , Técnicas In Vitro , Análise de Elementos Finitos , Tratamento Dentário Restaurador sem Trauma , Protetores Bucais
Rev. Cient. CRO-RJ (Online) ; 7(2): 57-62, Dec. 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1427698


Introdução: trauma de mordedura ou úlcera traumática é uma lesão aguda da mucosa oral que tem como etiologia um trauma mecânico ou irritação no tecido mole afetado. Objetivo: relatar um tratamento multidisciplinar de trauma por mordedura autoinflingida em lábio inferior. Relato do caso: paciente com 17 anos de idade, sexo masculino, paraplégico, ficou acamado devido às limitações neuromotoras e, de forma involuntária e reflexa, realizava a mordedura dos lábios. Essa movimentação traumatizava a região do lábio inferior causando a úlcera traumática, que não cicatrizava. Inicialmente foi instalado um protetor bucal de etil vinil acetato, mas o paciente não se adaptou. Então, foi realizado três sessões de laserterapia (fotobiomodulação), semanalmente e de forma pontual, ao longo da úlcera traumática, nas radiações vermelha e infravermelha (660nm; 808nm; 100mW; 2J/cm2 ­ Laser DUO MMO), aliado às bandagens elásticas (o método Therapy Taping®) para evitar a invaginação para cavidade bucal, afastando o lábio inferior dos dentes a fim de evitar o trauma da mucosa oral. Conclusão: a apresentação desse relato demonstrou algumas possibilidades de tratamento de uma lesão traumática, sendo o seu manejo ainda um grande desafio clínico na Odontologia e em especial para pacientes com deficiências motoras e ou cognitivas.

Introduction: bite trauma or traumatic ulcer is an acute injury of the oral mucosa whose etiology is mechanical trauma or irritation of the affected soft tissue. Objective: to report a multidisciplinary treatment of self-inflicted lower lip trauma. Case report: 17-year-old male patient, paraplegic, was bedridden due to neuromotor limitations and, involuntary and reflexive, bit the lips. This movement traumatized the region of the lower lip causing the traumatic ulcer, which did not heal. Initially, an ethyl vinyl acetate mouthguard was installed, but the patient did not adapt. Then, three sessions of laser therapy (photobiomodulation) was performed weekly and point, along the traumatic ulcer, in red and infrared radiation (660nm; 808nm; 100mW; 2J/cm2 ­ Laser DUO MMO), combined with elastic bandages (the Therapy Taping® method) to prevent invagination into the oral cavity, to move the lower lip away from his teeth in order to avoid trauma to the oral mucosa. Conclusion: the presentation of this report demonstrated some possibilities for the treatment of a traumatic injury, and its management is still a major clinical challenge in Dentistry, especially for patients with motor and/or cognitive impairments.

Masculino , Adolescente , Úlceras Orais/etiologia , Terapia a Laser , Pessoas com Deficiência , Protetores Bucais
Medisan ; 26(5)sept.-oct. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1405843


Introducción: La protección de las estructuras dentomaxilofaciales durante las actividades deportivas y el ejercicio físico se hace cada vez más necesaria, por lo que el Técnico Superior en Prótesis Estomatológica debe saber confeccionar protectores bucales y dominar el conocimiento en estos temas. Objetivo: Diseñar un curso optativo en primer año del Técnico Superior en Prótesis Estomatológica que contribuya a la formación de un profesional capaz de elaborar protectores bucales personalizados. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio cualitativo con carácter descriptivo. Se emplearon métodos del nivel teórico: (histórico-lógico, inductivo-deductivo, analítico-sintético, sistémico-estructural y la modelación) y empírico: (revisión documental, criterios de especialistas). Resultados: Se diseñó un curso optativo de 20 horas de duración, con carácter presencial y estructurado en tres temas. El curso optativo Protectores Bucales en el Deporte contribuye a potenciar actividades curriculares que tributen al desarrollo de una cultura para la protección bucodental. Conclusiones: El diseño del curso optativo se corresponde con las necesidades de aprendizaje de los Técnicos Superiores en Prótesis Estomatológica para confeccionar protectores bucales.

Introduction: The protection of the dentomaxillofacial structures during sports activities and physical exercise is increasingly necessary, so the Superior Technician in Stomatological Prosthesis must know how to make mouth guards, and develop knowledge on these topics. Objective: To design an optional course in the first year of the speciality Superior Technician in Stomatological Prosthesis that contributes to the training of a more qualified professional to make mouth guards. Methods: A qualitative descriptive study was carried out. Theoretical methods: (historical-logical, inductive-deductive, analytical-synthetic, systemic-structural and modeling), and empirical methods: (documentary review, specialist criteria) were used. Results: An optional face-to-face and structured in three topics course of 20 hours was designed. The optional course Mouth Guards in Sports contributes to promoting curricular activities which support the development of a culture on oral protection. Conclusions: The design of the optional course corresponds to the learning needs of the Superior Technician in Stomatological Prosthesis to make mouth guards.

Educação Médica , Protetores Bucais , Auxiliares de Prótese Dentária
Dent Traumatol ; 38(5): 431-438, 2022 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35278342


BACKGROUND/AIM: The use of custom-fitted mouthguards can effectively prevent dentoalveolar trauma during sports practice. The aims of this study were to (1) Evaluate the elastic modulus of different EVA commercial brands used for custom-fitted mouthguards, and (2) Evaluate whether the different EVA brands can influence the stress and strain generated during an impact simulated by three-dimensional finite element analysis. METHODS: The elastic modulus of five EVA commercial brands (Essence® , Bio-Art® , Proform® , PolyShok® , and Erkodent® ) were calculated through uniaxial tensile tests. The obtained values were evaluated statistically by Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn's test. A three-dimensional model of the anterior maxilla was created using the Rhinoceros 5.0. A 3 mm custom-fitted mouthguard was simulated. The three-dimensional volumetric mesh was generated using the Patran software (MSC.Software) with isoparametrics, 4-noded tetrahedral elements, and exported to Marc/Mentat (MSC.Software) as element number 134. A non-linear dynamic impact analysis was performed in which a rigid object struck the central incisor at a speed of 5 m/s. The stresses were evaluated by the modified von Mises criteria, and the strains were also recorded. RESULTS: Statistically significant differences were observed for elastic modulus values (p < .001). Median values and the results of the Dunn's test were Essence® (38.1 A), Bio-Art® (34.9 AB), Proform® (20.8 BC), PolyShok® (17.4 CD), and Erkodent® (15.0 D) (different capital letters mean statistical differences among the groups). Stresses and strains generated in the model with mouthguards were significantly lower than the model without a mouthguard regardless of the commercial brand. There was no significant difference in the stress and strain on the enamel and dentin with the different EVA brands. The shock absorption ability was high for all the brands (more than 80%). CONCLUSION: The custom-fitted mouthguards, independently of the commercial brand, reduced stresses and strains during the impact.

Protetores Bucais , Desenho de Equipamento , Etilenos , Análise de Elementos Finitos , Compostos de Vinila
Rev. ABENO ; 22(2): 2030, jan. 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1415265


Oobjetivo deste estudo foi desenvolver, verificar a validação do conteúdo e avaliar a eficácia de umfolhetoeducativo sobre protetores bucais (PBs)paracrianças e adolescentes (C/A)com idadeentre oito equinze anos. As etapas de desenvolvimento e validação do conteúdo foram realizadas após pesquisa bibliográfica na literatura baseada em evidências sobre o assunto, e avaliação de estudantesde pós-graduação e/ou professores de odontologia, especialistas em educação, bem como porC/A (público-alvo). Foramcalculadoso índice de validade do conteúdo (IVC) para cada item (I-IVC) e o índice de validade total do conteúdo do folheto(F-IVC). Um questionário foi elaborado com questões relacionadas ao conteúdo do folhetoe a eficácia da aquisição de conhecimentos foi avaliada por meiode testes para dados pareados, considerando as respostasdasC/A antes e depois da leitura dofolheto. Modelos lineares generalizados e mistosforam utilizadospara avaliar associações não ajustadas e ajustadas, respectivamente(p<0,05). O poder da amostratambém foi calculado. Os itens foram considerados relevantes, representativos e com boa operacionalidade, e válidos comI-IVCe F-IVCde 1.0. Quarenta e quatro C/A com 10,9±2,2 anos foram incluídos e, apósaleitura do folheto, a média de respostas corretas teve um aumento significativo (p<0,001). No modelo ajustado, a "leitura do folheto" influenciou positivamente no conhecimento sobre PB (p<0,001). Um poder de amostragem de 100%foi obtido. Ofolhetoapresentou um conteúdo de validade satisfatória e deve ser consideradoum instrumento capaz de aumentar o conhecimento de C/A sobre PB (AU).

The aim of this study was to develop, verify the content validity and evaluate the effectiveness of an educational folder about MG for children and adolescents (C/A)between the ages of eight and fifteen. The steps of development and content validity were carried out after a bibliographic search for an evidence-based literature on the subject, and the evaluation ofMSc or PhD dentistry students and/or professors, education experts, as well as C/A (target group).The content validity index (CVI) for each item (I-CVI) and the total folder content validity index (F-CVI) after the PhD professors (judges) analysis was calculated. A questionnaire with assertions related to the content of the folder (indication, types and storage of MG, myths and truths about the device) was created, and the effectiveness of knowledge acquisition was evaluated by applying tests for paired data, considering C/Aresponses before and after reading the folder. Generalized and mixed linear model were used to evaluate unadjusted and adjusted associations, respectively. The sample power was also calculated. The I-CVI and F-CVI were 1.0, showing that the items were considered relevant, representative, showed good operability and were valid. Forty-four C/Aof 10.9±2.24 yearswere included and, after reading the folder, the mean of correct answers had a significant increase (p<0.001). In the adjusted model, "reading the folder" influenced positively on the knowledge about MG (p<0.001).Sample power of 100% was obtained. The folder presented satisfactory content validity and should be considered as an instrument capable of increasing the knowledge of C/Aabout MG (AU).

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Folhetos , Traumatismos Dentários , Educação em Odontologia , Atletas/educação , Protetores Bucais , Esportes , Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde , Eficácia , Inquéritos e Questionários , Interpretação Estatística de Dados
MEDISAN ; 25(5)sep.-oct. 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | CUMED | ID: cum-79457


Introducción:La práctica deportiva conlleva un alto riesgo de traumatismos dentoalveolares, por lo que es necesario que los entrenadores y deportistas conozcan sobre el uso adecuado de los protectores bucales y el procedimiento de urgencia ante la aparición de un trauma dental.Objetivo:Determinar el nivel de información sobre protectores bucales y avulsión dentaria en entrenadores deportivos.Métodos:Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, durante el mes de febrero de 2020, en la Escuela de Iniciación Deportiva Escolar Provincial Lino Salabarría Pupo de Sancti Spíritus. Para ello se seleccionó una muestra probabilística, representativa y aleatoria de 25 entrenadores de los deportes de combate y juego con pelotas, a los cuales se le aplicó una encuesta estructurada sobre protectores bucales y avulsión dentaria.Resultados:Entre los integrantes de la serie, 76 Pociento eran universitarios y 52 Pociento poseían más de 10 años de experiencia profesional. Asimismo, se obtuvo que 88 Pociento recomendaran el uso del protector bucal a sus deportistas, pero la mayoría desconocía sus características, funciones y tipos, así como la conducta a seguir ante la ocurrencia de una avulsión dentaria.Conclusiones:El nivel de información sobre protectores bucales y avulsión dentaria en los entrenadores deportivos fue deficiente, lo que demostró que es necesaria la educación en dicho tema. De hecho, los estomatólogos tienen la tarea de realizar campañas para incentivar y educar en el uso de los protectores bucales y en el procedimiento correcto de urgencia si ocurriera un trauma dentoalveolar.[AU]

Avulsão Dentária , Conhecimento , Traumatismos em Atletas , Protetores Bucais , Odontologia , Traumatismos Dentários
Medisan ; 25(5)2021. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1346543


Introducción: La práctica deportiva conlleva un alto riesgo de traumatismos dentoalveolares, por lo que es necesario que los entrenadores y deportistas conozcan sobre el uso adecuado de los protectores bucales y el procedimiento de urgencia ante la aparición de un trauma dental. Objetivo: Determinar el nivel de información sobre protectores bucales y avulsión dentaria en entrenadores deportivos. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, durante el mes de febrero de 2020, en la Escuela de Iniciación Deportiva Escolar Provincial Lino Salabarría Pupo de Sancti Spíritus. Para ello se seleccionó una muestra probabilística, representativa y aleatoria de 25 entrenadores de los deportes de combate y juego con pelotas, a los cuales se le aplicó una encuesta estructurada sobre protectores bucales y avulsión dentaria. Resultados: Entre los integrantes de la serie, 76 % eran universitarios y 52 % poseían más de 10 años de experiencia profesional. Asimismo, se obtuvo que 88 % recomendaran el uso del protector bucal a sus deportistas, pero la mayoría desconocía sus características, funciones y tipos, así como la conducta a seguir ante la ocurrencia de una avulsión dentaria. Conclusiones: El nivel de información sobre protectores bucales y avulsión dentaria en los entrenadores deportivos fue deficiente, lo que demostró que es necesaria la educación en dicho tema. De hecho, los estomatólogos tienen la tarea de realizar campañas para incentivar y educar en el uso de los protectores bucales y en el procedimiento correcto de urgencia si ocurriera un trauma dentoalveolar.

Introduction: The sport practice bears a high risk of dentoalveolar trauma, reason why it is necessary that trainers and sportsmen know on the appropriate use of oral protectors and the emergency procedure in view of the emergence of a dental trauma. Objective: To determine the level of information on oral protectors and dental avulsion in sport trainers. Methods: A descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out during February, 2020, in the Lino Salabarría Pupo Provincial Initiation Sport School in Sancti Spíritus. A probabilistic, representative and random sample of 25 trainers from combat sports and ball games was selected, to whom an structured survey on oral protectors and dental avulsion was applied. Results: Among the members of the series, 76 % were university students and 52 % had more than 10 years of professional experience. Also, it was obtained that 88 % recommended the use of the oral protector to their sportsmen, but most of them ignored its characteristics, functions and types, as well as the way to behave considering the occurrence of a dental avulsion. Conclusions: The level of information on oral protectors and dental avulsion in the sport trainers was poor, what demonstrated that the education on this topic is necessary. In fact, dentists have the task of carrying out campaigns to motivate and educate in the use of oral protectors and in the correct emergency procedure in case a dentoalveolar trauma happened.

Traumatismos em Atletas , Avulsão Dentária/epidemiologia , Traumatismos Dentários/prevenção & controle , Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde , Protetores Bucais
Odontol. Clín.-Cient. (Online) ; 20(2)abr.-maio 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1369205


O objetivo desse trabalho é relatar um caso clínico de tratamento de úlcera traumática labial utilizando protetor bucal em paciente internado em uma Unidade de Terapia Intensiva. Paciente do sexo feminino diagnosticada com uma doença neurodegenerativa apresentou uma lesão de aspecto ulcerado, de aproximadamente 12 mm na mucosa do lábio inferior. O diagnóstico foi de úlcera traumática decorrente de espasmos musculares involuntários em face. O tratamento proposto foi instalação de protetor bucal confeccionado a partir de uma moldeira pré-fabricada de EVA (etil-vinil-acetato) borrachóide associado à medicação tópica a base de corticosteroide sobre a lesão. Após 5 dias foi observada cicatrização completa da úlcera, dispensando o uso do dispositivo. Nos dias seguintes de internação não foram observadas novas lesões. O protetor bucal instalado mostrou-se efetivo no afastamento do tecido traumatizado de novos traumas, protegeu os tecidos não lesionados e proporcionou qualidade de vida e segurança à paciente. Este relato reforça a importância da Odontologia na assistência do paciente crítico... (AU)

The objective of this work is to report a clinical case of treatment of traumatic lip ulcers using mouth guard in a patient admitted to an Intensive Care Unit. Female patient diagnosed with a neurodegenerative disease presented with an ulcerated lesion, of approximately 12 mm in the mucosa of the lower lip. The diagnosis was a traumatic ulcer resulting from involuntary muscle spasms in the face. The proposed treatment was the installation of a mouthguard made from a prefabricated EVA (ethyl vinyl acetate) rubber mold associated with topical corticosteroid medication on the lesion. After 5 days, complete healing oh the ulcer was observed, dispensing with the use of the intraoral device. In the following days of hospitalization, no new injuries were observed. The installed mouthguard proved to be effective in removing traumatized tissue from new traumas, protecting uninjured tissues and providing quality of life and safety to the patient. This report reinforces the importance of Dentistry in the care of critical patients... (AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Qualidade de Vida , Doenças Neurodegenerativas , Unidade Hospitalar de Odontologia , Unidades de Terapia Intensiva , Lábio/lesões , Protetores Bucais , Espasmo , Ferimentos e Lesões , Lábio , Mucosa
Rev. Cient. CRO-RJ (Online) ; 6(3): 30-37, set.-dez. 2021.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1378117


O procedimento de pulpectomia em dentes decíduos consiste na remoção total do tecido pulpar com inflamação irreversível ou com necrose, preparo químicomecânico e obturação com material reabsorvível, com o intuito de manter o dente o maior tempo possível na cavidade bucal, devolvendo função e saúde para o paciente infantil. Existem vários protocolos descritos na literatura, no entanto, não há consenso entre eles e poucos possuem acesso livre. Sendo assim, observa-se carência de um guia clínico e prático para nortear o cirurgião-dentista na realização desse procedimento durante o atendimento odontopediátrico. Portanto, o intuito deste trabalho é apresentar aos clínicos um protocolo de pulpectomia com altas frequências de sucesso clínico e radiográfico, baseado em evidências científicas, desenvolvido e aplicado pelo Grupo de Pesquisa de Endodontia em Odontopediatria da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (GEDOPED-UFRJ). O presente protocolo contempla indicações, contraindicações, tática operatória, materiais necessários e orientações para acompanhamento. Com esta publicação de maneira gratuita, de acesso livre e no idioma dominante do país, espera-se ampliar o alcance de odontopediatras e clínicos gerais que atendem crianças a um tratamento eficaz.

Pulpectomy in primary teeth consists of the complete removal of the irreversibly affected pulp or necrotic pulp tissue, chemical-mechanical preparation of the root dentin and filling root canals with a resorbable material, to keep the tooth as long as possible in the oral cavity, restoring function and health. There are several pulpectomy protocols described in the literature, however, there is no consensus among them and only few of them are open access. Therefore, there is a lack of clinical and practical guides to the practitioner in performing this procedure during pediatric dental care. The aim of this article is to present a clinically and radiographically successful pulpectomy protocol, based on scientific evidence, developed, and applied by the Research Group on Endodontics in Pediatric Dentistry at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. This protocol includes indications, contraindications, operative techniques, materials, and guidelines for follow-up appointments. With this open access publication in Portuguese, we hope to disseminate an effective treatment and expand the outreach of a pulpectomy technique protocol to pediatric dentists and clinicians who treat children.

Traumatismos Dentários , Medicina Esportiva , Atletas , Protetores Bucais
Artigo em Espanhol | CUMED | ID: cum-79448


Fundamento: el uso de protectores bucales durante la práctica deportiva es fundamental como medida preventiva de las lesiones por traumatismos dentomaxilofaciales en la adolescencia.Objetivo: explicar la importancia del uso de los protectores bucales al tener en cuenta sus características, tipos y funciones.Métodos: se realizó una revisión de la literatura procedente de bases de datos como CUMED, LILACS, MEDLINE, SCOPUS y PUBMED, sitios web, libros y revistas en Internet, de artículos publicados durante los últimos 20 años, sobre los tipos de protectores bucales y su importancia para la prevención de las lesiones por traumatismos dentomaxilofaciales. Se encontraron un total de 60 trabajos, de los cuales se seleccionaron 30, se tuvo en cuenta su actualidad, relevancia y pertinencia sobre el tema.Resultados: el protector bucal es un elemento básico en la prevención de las lesiones dentomaxilofaciales en la adolescencia. En la actualidad existen tres tipos: prefabricados, adaptables e individualizados. Su propósito es distribuir la fuerza de los impactos recibidos en una situación de contacto, disminuyendo la posibilidad de sobrecargas puntuales.Conclusiones: los protectores bucales individualizados son los más efectivos para la prevención de las lesiones traumáticas dentomaxilofaciales y su función más importante es estabilizar la mandíbula y minimizar el riesgo de la contusión y las lesiones cerebrales. Los estomatólogos recomiendan su uso obligatorio en la práctica de cualquier deporte, sea aficionado o profesional.[AU]

Esportes , Protetores Bucais , Odontologia , Traumatismos Dentários , Adolescente
Dent Traumatol ; 37(2): 215-222, 2021 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33217137


BACKGROUND/AIM: Little is known about the effect of dental trauma and mouthguards (MG) on teeth with ceramic laminate veneers (CLV). The aim was to evaluate the influence of CLV thickness and the presence of a MG with and without antagonist tooth contact on impact stresses during dental trauma. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twelve 2D-finite element models of a head with maxillary structures and upper incisors, six with and six without antagonist tooth, were created in three CLV conditions: sound incisor (no CLV), 0.3 mm CLV, and 1.0 mm CLV. These were evaluated with and without a 4.0-mm ethylene-vinyl acetate MG, with and without an antagonist tooth. An impact analysis was performed in which the head frontally hits a rigid surface at a speed of 1 m/s (3.6 km/h). The results were analyzed using Critical modified von Mises (MPa). The mean of the 10% highest modified von Mises stresses in each structure was collected. RESULTS: MG presence substantially reduced impact stresses in the CLV and tooth structures. The contact of the antagonist tooth promoted better stress distribution and reduced the stress levels in the traumatized tooth. Critical stress areas were found in the palatal enamel, incisal enamel, labial cervical area, and enamel under the CLV for all models without MG. In the models with MG, the stresses reduced significantly. Critical modified von Mises stress showed that sound or prepared enamel experienced more critical impact stresses than 0.3 or 1.0-mm thick CLV. CONCLUSIONS: The use of 4.0 mm EVA mouthguard reduced the impact stress levels in models with 0.3-mm CLV and 1.0-mm CLV, similar to a sound tooth. The contact of an antagonist tooth and the MG better distributed the stresses and reduced the impact stress in the traumatized tooth.

Protetores Bucais , Cerâmica , Esmalte Dentário , Análise do Estresse Dentário , Análise de Elementos Finitos , Incisivo , Estresse Mecânico
Dent Traumatol ; 37(2): 307-313, 2021 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33220143


BACKGROUND/AIMS: Cross-country mountain biking and field hockey are two Olympic sports that pose a potential risk for dentofacial trauma. However, mouthguard use is not mandatory in either of these sports and knowledge about tooth rescue among athletes is often neglected. The aim of this cross-sectional epidemiological survey was to evaluate the prevalence of sports-related dentofacial injuries, mouthguard use, and attitudes regarding tooth rescue among cross-country mountain biking and field hockey athletes participating at pre-Olympic competitions held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A convenience sample of 217 athletes from 33 countries participating in cross-country mountain biking (n = 82; mean age = 30.96 ± 8.52 years) and field hockey (n = 135; mean age = 19.72 ± 2.46 years) pre-Olympic competitions were examined clinically, and they answered a questionnaire regarding previous history of sports-related dentofacial injuries, attitudes toward mouthguard use, and tooth rescue. RESULTS: There were 120 (55.30%) males and 97 (44.70%) females who participated in the study. The prevalence of facial trauma was higher in mountain biking (54.88%) than in field hockey (26.66%, P < .001). Fracture was the most prevalent facial injury in mountain biking (80%), while laceration was the most prevalent in field hockey (30.55%). Extensive dental injuries occurred more often in mountain biking (47.37%) than in hockey (12.50%). The teeth most often affected were the maxillary central incisors in both mountain biking (57.89%) and field hockey (93.75%). Mouthguard use was more frequent among field hockey athletes (41.48%) than in mountain biking (1.22%, P < .001). The overall knowledge about tooth rescue was low, and most of the athletes in both sports did not know what to do in case of an avulsed tooth. CONCLUSIONS: Prevalence of dentofacial injuries among XCO-MTB and field hockey athletes participating at this pre-Olympic event was high. The majority of the athletes in this study did not use mouthguards and were unaware of recommendations in the case of an avulsed tooth.

Traumatismos em Atletas , Hóquei , Protetores Bucais , Traumatismos Dentários , Adolescente , Adulto , Atletas , Traumatismos em Atletas/epidemiologia , Traumatismos em Atletas/prevenção & controle , Brasil/epidemiologia , Estudos Transversais , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Traumatismos Dentários/epidemiologia , Traumatismos Dentários/prevenção & controle , Adulto Jovem