A osteoporose é caracterizada pela perda óssea e pelo comprometimento da resistência do osso. Essa patologia afeta, também, os ossos da face e consequentemente interfere na atuação dos profissionais da odontologia. Assim sendo, o presente trabalho revisou a literatura acerca da relação entre osteoporose e odontologia. O levantamento dos dados se deu por consulta a livros e nas bases de dados Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS), PubMed e Scientific Eletronic Library Online (SciELO) e como Descritores em Ciência da Saúde (Decs) foram adotados os termos: "Odontologia", "Osteoporose" e "Saúde bucal". A osteoporose diminui a massa e aumenta a porosidade óssea na maxila e na mandíbula, podendo provocar até quatro vezes mais perda dentária. Os bifosfonatos, principal classe medicamentosa utilizada para o tratamento de osteoporose, estão associados à ocorrência de osteonecrose dos maxilares e ao aumento de tempo de tratamento ortodôntico. Assim, pode-se concluir que é imprescindível o conhecimento do cirurgião-dentista acerca da osteoporose para uma segura abordagem e execução de tratamento.
Osteoporosis is characterized by bone loss and compromised bone strength. This pathology also affects the bones of the face and consequently interferes with the work of dentists. Therefore, the present study reviewed the literature about the relationship between osteoporosis and dentistry. Data collection was carried out by consulting books and the databases Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS), PubMed and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) and as Medical Subjects Headings (MeSH) the terms adopted were: "Dentistry", "Osteoporosis" and "Oral health". Osteoporosis reduces bone mass and increases bone porosity in the maxilla and jaw, which can cause up to four times more tooth loss. Bisphosphonates, the main class of medications used to treat osteoporosis, are associated with the occurrence of osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ) and increase the time of orthodontic treatment. Thus, it can be concluded that the dentist's knowledge of osteoporosis is necessary for a safe approach and execution of treatment.
Osteoporose , Saúde Bucal , Odontologia , DifosfonatosRESUMO
Zoledronic acid is a widely used bisphosphonate for treating osteoporosis and hypercalcemia related to malignancy. It is also used to prevent bone loss induced by cancer treatment and bone metastases in various cancer types. Zoledronic acid is safe for most patients and is generally not associated with severe side effects. However, there have been reports of acute kidney impairment occurring after administration of intravenous zoledronic acid, mostly in patients with cancer (who received a high cumulative dose of this medication) or preexisting kidney impairment, and in patients with a history of nephrotoxic treatment. We report herein the cases of two patients without history of cancer, who developed dialysis-requiring acute kidney impairment after a single administration of intravenous zoledronic acid. None of the patients had previously used nephrotoxic medications, and one of them had a normal kidney function before zoledronic acid treatment. To the best of our knowledge, this report describes the first case of acute kidney impairment in a patient without risk factors. The findings of this report show that acute kidney impairment following intravenous zoledronic acid treatment can also occur in low-risk patients, highlighting the need for monitoring kidney function in all patients receiving this treatment.
Injúria Renal Aguda , Conservadores da Densidade Óssea , Difosfonatos , Imidazóis , Osteoporose , Diálise Renal , Ácido Zoledrônico , Humanos , Ácido Zoledrônico/administração & dosagem , Ácido Zoledrônico/uso terapêutico , Conservadores da Densidade Óssea/administração & dosagem , Conservadores da Densidade Óssea/efeitos adversos , Conservadores da Densidade Óssea/uso terapêutico , Injúria Renal Aguda/induzido quimicamente , Imidazóis/administração & dosagem , Imidazóis/efeitos adversos , Difosfonatos/administração & dosagem , Difosfonatos/efeitos adversos , Feminino , Osteoporose/tratamento farmacológico , Infusões Intravenosas , Idoso , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , MasculinoRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: For treatment of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw, one proposed approach is the use of a topical agent to block entry of these medications in oral soft tissues. We tested the ability of phosphonoformic acid (PFA), an inhibitor of bisphosphonate entry through certain sodium-dependent phosphate contransporters (SLC20A1, 20A2, 34A1-3) as well as Dynasore, a macropinocytosis inhibitor, for their abilities to prevent zoledronate-induced (ZOL) death in human gingival fibroblasts (HGFs). METHODOLOGY: MTT assay dose-response curves were performed to determine non-cytotoxic levels of both PFA and Dynasore. In the presence of 50 µM ZOL, optimized PFA and Dynasore doses were tested for their ability to restore HGF viability. To determine SLC expression in HGFs, total HGF RNA was subjected to quantitative real-time RT-PCR. Confocal fluorescence microscopy was employed to see if Dynasore inhibited macropinocytotic HGF entry of AF647-ZOL. Endosomal acidification in the presence of Dynasore was measured by live cell imaging utilizing LysoSensor Green DND-189. As a further test of Dynasore's ability to interfere with ZOL-containing endosomal maturation, perinuclear localization of mature endosomes containing AF647-ZOL or TRITC-dextran as a control were assessed via confocal fluorescence microscopy with CellProfiler™ software analysis of the resulting photomicrographs. RESULTS: 0.5 mM PFA did not rescue HGFs from ZOL-induced viability loss at 72 hours while 10 and 30 µM geranylgeraniol did partially rescue. HGFs did not express the SLC transporters as compared to the expression in positive control tissues. 10 µM Dynasore completely prevented ZOL-induced viability loss. In the presence of Dynasore, AF647-ZOL and FITC-dextran co-localized in endosomes. Endosomal acidification was inhibited by Dynasore and perinuclear localization of both TRITC-dextran- and AF647-ZOL-containing endosomes was inhibited by 30 µM Dynasore. CONCLUSION: Dynasore prevents ZOL-induced viability loss in HGFs by partially interfering with macropinocytosis and by inhibiting the endosomal maturation pathway thought to be needed for ZOL delivery to the cytoplasm.
Sobrevivência Celular , Difosfonatos , Endossomos , Fibroblastos , Gengiva , Hidrazonas , Imidazóis , Ácido Zoledrônico , Ácido Zoledrônico/farmacologia , Humanos , Fibroblastos/efeitos dos fármacos , Gengiva/efeitos dos fármacos , Gengiva/citologia , Difosfonatos/farmacologia , Imidazóis/farmacologia , Sobrevivência Celular/efeitos dos fármacos , Endossomos/efeitos dos fármacos , Hidrazonas/farmacologia , Células Cultivadas , Fatores de Tempo , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase em Tempo Real , Conservadores da Densidade Óssea/farmacologia , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Microscopia Confocal , Relação Dose-Resposta a Droga , Pinocitose/efeitos dos fármacosRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: The study aimed to evaluate digoxin, an RORγt inhibitor, in Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaws (MRONJ) in male rats treated with zoledronic acid (ZA). STUDY DESIGN: Forty male Wistar rats were divided into a negative control group (0.1 mL/kg saline), a positive control group (ZA, 0.20 mg/kg), and three test groups treated with ZA and digoxin at 1 (DG1), 2 (DG2), or 4 (DG4) mg/kg. These groups received treatment three times weekly. ZA was administered intravenously on days 0, 7, and 14, followed by extraction of the left lower first molar on day 42, a final ZA dose on day 49, and euthanasia on day 70. Analyses included radiographic, histomorphometric, and immunohistochemical evaluation of the mandibles, western blotting of gingiva, and mechanical tests on femurs. Statistical analysis was performed using ANOVA/Bonferroni tests (P < .05). RESULTS: Digoxin reduced radiolucency of MRONJ (P < .001), inflammatory cells, empty osteocyte lacunae (P < .001), apoptotic osteoclasts (P < .001), and Caspase-3-positive osteocytes (P = .021). ZA increased immunoreactivity for most markers except c-Fos, while digoxin reduced interleukin 17, TNF-α, IL-6, IL-2, FOXP3, c-Jun, NFκB (P < .001), TGF-ß (P = .009), RANKL (P = .035), and OPG (P = .034). Digoxin also reversed RORγt expression (P < .001), increased diarrhea scores (P = .028), renal and cardiac indexes (P < .001), and enhanced femur mechanical properties (P < .013). CONCLUSIONS: Digoxin attenuated MRONJ by inhibiting RORγt and reducing the Th17 response.
Osteonecrose da Arcada Osseodentária Associada a Difosfonatos , Digoxina , Difosfonatos , Membro 3 do Grupo F da Subfamília 1 de Receptores Nucleares , Ratos Wistar , Células Th17 , Ácido Zoledrônico , Animais , Digoxina/farmacologia , Masculino , Ratos , Células Th17/efeitos dos fármacos , Osteonecrose da Arcada Osseodentária Associada a Difosfonatos/patologia , Ácido Zoledrônico/farmacologia , Difosfonatos/farmacologia , Imidazóis/farmacologia , Western Blotting , Imuno-Histoquímica , Conservadores da Densidade Óssea/farmacologia , Modelos Animais de DoençasRESUMO
Bisphosphonates are widely used for the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis; however, they cause several long-term side effects, necessitating the investigation of local ways to improve osseointegration in compromised bone tissue. The purpose of this study was to evaluate peri-implant bone repair using implants functionalized with zoledronic acid alone (OVX ZOL group, n = 11), zoledronic acid + teriparatide (OVX ZOL + TERI group, n = 11), and zoledronic acid + ruterpy (OVX ZOL + TERPY group, n = 11) compared to the control group (OVX CONV, n = 11). Analyses included computer-assisted microtomography, qualitative histologic analysis, and real-time PCR analysis. Histologically, all functionalized surfaces improved peri-implant repair, with the OVX ZOL + TERI group standing out. Similar results were found in computerized microtomography analysis. In real-time PCR analysis, however, the OVX ZOL and OVX ZOL + TERPY groups showed better results for bone formation, with the OVX ZOL + TERPY group standing out, while there were no statistical differences between the OVX CONV and OVX ZOL + TERI groups for the genes studied at 28 postoperative days. Nevertheless, all functionalized groups showed a reduced rate of bone resorption. In short, all surface functionalization groups outperformed the control group, with overall better results for the OVX ZOL + TERI group.
Osteoporose , Ácido Zoledrônico , Animais , Ratos , Feminino , Ácido Zoledrônico/administração & dosagem , Ácido Zoledrônico/farmacologia , Osteoporose/tratamento farmacológico , Microtomografia por Raio-X , Osseointegração/efeitos dos fármacos , Conservadores da Densidade Óssea/administração & dosagem , Conservadores da Densidade Óssea/farmacologia , Conservadores da Densidade Óssea/uso terapêutico , Sistemas de Liberação de Medicamentos/métodos , Difosfonatos/administração & dosagem , Osteogênese/efeitos dos fármacosRESUMO
Introducción: Este trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo evaluar y determinar la efectividad del uso de plasma rico en fibrina (PRF) como tratamiento para las lesiones de osteonecrosis de los maxilares asociadas a medicamentos (MRONJ). Métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda en Epistemonikos, la mayor base de datos de revisiones sistemáticas en salud, la cual es mantenida mediante el cribado de múltiples fuentes de información, incluyendo MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane, entre otras. Extrajimos los datos desde las revisiones identificadas, analizamos los datos de los estudios primarios y preparamos una tabla de resumen de los resultados utilizando el método GRADE. Resultados y conclusiones: Se identificaron siete revisiones sistemáticas que en conjunto incluyeron 14 estudios primarios, de los cuales, solamente uno corresponde a un ensayo clínico aleatorizado, y el resto a estudios observacionales. No es seguro establecer con claridad si el uso de PRF mejora o contribuye a la resolución de lesiones de osteonecrosis de los maxilares asociados a medicamentos, debido a que el nivel de certeza de la evidencia es muy bajo.
Introduction: This research aims to evaluate and determine the effectiveness of using platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) as a treatment for medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaws (MRONJ). Methods: A search was conducted in Epistemonikos, the largest database of systematic reviews in health, maintained through the screening of multiple information sources, including MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane, among others. Data were extracted from the identified reviews, analyzed from the primary studies, and a summary of findings table was prepared using the GRADE method Results and conclusions: Seven systematic reviews were identified, which together included 14 primary studies, of which only one was a randomized clinical trial, and the rest were observational studies. It is unclear whether the use of PRF improves or contributes to the resolution of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaws due to the very low certainty of the evidence.
Humanos , Osteonecrose/induzido quimicamente , Osteonecrose/terapia , Osteonecrose da Arcada Osseodentária Associada a Difosfonatos/terapia , Fibrina Rica em Plaquetas , Difosfonatos/efeitos adversos , Anticorpos Monoclonais Humanizados/efeitos adversos , Revisões Sistemáticas como AssuntoRESUMO
PURPOSE: To evaluate collagen fibers during the bone repair process in critical defects created in the tibias of rats, treated with zoledronic acid (AZ) associated with low-level laser therapy (LLLT). METHODS: Ten rats were distributed according to treatment: group 1) saline solution; group 2) LLLT; group 3) AZ; group 4) AZ and LLLT. AZ was administered at the dose of 0.035 mg/kg at fortnightly intervals over eight weeks. Next, 2-mm bone defects were created in the tibias of all animals. The bone defects in groups 2 and 4 were irradiated LLLT in the immediate postoperative period. After periods 14 and 28 of application, the animals were euthanized, and birefringence analysis was performed. RESULTS: Approximately 90% of the total area was occupied by collagen fibers within the red color spectrum, this area being statistically larger in relation to the area occupied by collagen fibers within the green and yellow spectrum, in the four groups. Over the 14-day period, there was no statistically significant difference between the groups. In the 28-day period, group 2 (14.02 ± 15.9%) was superior in quantifying green birefringent fibers compared to group 1 (3.06 ± 3.24%), with p = 0.009. CONCLUSIONS: LLLT associated with ZA is effective in stimulating the neoformation of collagen fibers. The LLLT group without the association with ZA showed a greater amount of immature and less organized matrix over a period of 28 days.
Conservadores da Densidade Óssea , Colágeno , Difosfonatos , Imidazóis , Terapia com Luz de Baixa Intensidade , Ratos Wistar , Ácido Zoledrônico , Animais , Ácido Zoledrônico/farmacologia , Ácido Zoledrônico/uso terapêutico , Terapia com Luz de Baixa Intensidade/métodos , Imidazóis/farmacologia , Difosfonatos/farmacologia , Conservadores da Densidade Óssea/farmacologia , Conservadores da Densidade Óssea/uso terapêutico , Colágeno/efeitos dos fármacos , Colágeno/efeitos da radiação , Masculino , Tíbia/efeitos dos fármacos , Tíbia/efeitos da radiação , Tíbia/cirurgia , Regeneração Óssea/efeitos dos fármacos , Regeneração Óssea/efeitos da radiação , Fatores de Tempo , Ratos , Reprodutibilidade dos TestesRESUMO
Osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ) is a relatively rare side effect after prolonged use of bisphosphonates, which are drugs used to treat bone resorption in osteoporosis and certain cancers. This study introduces a novel ONJ model in rats by combining exposure to bisphosphonates, oral surgery, and bacterial inoculation. Potential ONJ preventive effects of polyguanidine (GuaDex) or antibiotics were evaluated. The study consisted of twenty-four male Wistar rats were divided into four groups. Groups 1 to 3 were given weekly doses of i.v. Zoledronic acid (ZA), four weeks before and two weeks after an osteotomy procedure on their left mandibular first molar. Group 4 was a negative control. Streptococcus gordonii bacteria were introduced into the osteotomy pulp chamber and via the food for seven days. On day eight, the rats were given different treatments. Group 1 was given a GuaDex injection into the osteotomy socket, Group 2 was given an intramuscular (i.m.) injection of clindamycin, Group 3 (positive control) was given an i.m. injection of saline, and Group 4 was given an i.m. injection of saline. Blood samples were taken two weeks after the osteotomy procedure, after which the rats were euthanized. Bone healing, bone mineral density, histology, and blood status were analyzed. The results showed that Group 1 (GuaDex) had no ONJ, extensive ongoing bone regeneration, active healing activity, vascularization, and no presence of bacteria. Group 2 (clindamycin) showed early stages of ONJ, avascular areas, and bacteria. Group 3 showed stages of ONJ, inflammatory infiltrates, defective healing, and bacterial presence, and Group 4 had normal healing activity and no bacterial presence. Conclusion: ZA treatment and bacterial inoculation after tooth extraction inhibited bone remodeling/healing and induced ONJ characteristic lesions in the rats. Only GuaDex apparently prevented ONJ development, stimulated bone remodeling, and provided an antimicrobial effect.
Osteonecrose da Arcada Osseodentária Associada a Difosfonatos , Ratos Wistar , Animais , Masculino , Osteonecrose da Arcada Osseodentária Associada a Difosfonatos/prevenção & controle , Osteonecrose da Arcada Osseodentária Associada a Difosfonatos/patologia , Ratos , Difosfonatos/farmacologia , Difosfonatos/efeitos adversos , Guanidinas/farmacologia , Guanidinas/uso terapêuticoRESUMO
Titanium (Ti) is widely utilized as an implant material; nonetheless, its integration with bone tissue faces limitations due to a patient's comorbidities. To address this challenge, we employed a strategic approach involving the growth of thin films by spin-coating and surface functionalization with etidronate (ETI), alendronate (ALE), and risedronate (RIS). Our methodology involved coating of Ti cp IV disks with thin films of TiO2, hydroxyapatite (HA), and their combinations (1:1 and 1:2 v/v), followed by surface functionalization with ETI, ALE, and RIS. Bisphosphonate-doped films were evaluated in terms of surface morphology and physical-chemical properties by techniques such as electron microscopy, confocal microscopy, and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The antibacterial potential of bisphosphonates alone or functionalized onto the Ti surface was tested against Staphylococcus aureus biofilms. Primary human bone mesenchymal stem cells were used to determine in vitro cell metabolism and mineralization. Although RIS alone did not demonstrate any antibacterial effect as verified by minimum inhibitory concentration assay, when Ti surfaces were functionalized with RIS, partial inhibition of Staphylococcus aureus growth was noted, probably because of the physical-chemical surface properties. Furthermore, samples comprising TiO2/HA (1:1 and 1:2 v/v) showcased an enhancement in the metabolism of nondifferentiated cells and can potentially enhance the differentiation of osteoblastic precursors. All samples demonstrated cell viability higher than 80%. Addition of hydroxyapatite and presence of bisphosphonates increase the metabolic activity and the mineralization of human bone mesenchymal cells. While these findings hold promise, it is necessary to conduct further studies to evaluate the system's performance in vivo and ensure its long-term safety. This research marks a significant stride toward optimizing the efficacy of titanium implants through tailored surface modifications.
Antibacterianos , Difosfonatos , Células-Tronco Mesenquimais , Testes de Sensibilidade Microbiana , Staphylococcus aureus , Propriedades de Superfície , Titânio , Titânio/química , Titânio/farmacologia , Humanos , Antibacterianos/farmacologia , Antibacterianos/química , Staphylococcus aureus/efeitos dos fármacos , Difosfonatos/química , Difosfonatos/farmacologia , Células-Tronco Mesenquimais/efeitos dos fármacos , Biofilmes/efeitos dos fármacos , Materiais Revestidos Biocompatíveis/química , Materiais Revestidos Biocompatíveis/farmacologia , Células Cultivadas , Durapatita/química , Durapatita/farmacologiaRESUMO
El objetivo de esta revisión sistemática consistió en la búsqueda de medidas preventivas y de tratamiento de osteonecrosis asociada a medicamentos y anticuerpos monoclonales para proponer un nuevo protocolo en caso de ser necesario. Esta revisión bibliográfica se realizó en PubMed/MedLine, Cochrane, SciELO y EBSCO; delimitando la búsqueda desde el 1 de enero de 2017 al 22 de septiembre de 2022. Se incluyeron un total de 8 artículos. A pesar de que se incluyó la mayor cantidad de evidencia certera se obtuvieron resultados no significativos, actualmente hay un protocolo de la Asociación Americana de Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial sin embargo se necesita más evidencia clínica.
The objective of this systematic review was to search for preventive and treatment measures for osteonecrosis associated with medications and monoclonal antibodies to propose a new protocol if necessary. This literature review was conducted in PubMed/MedLine, Cochrane, SciELO, and EBSCO; limiting the search from January 1, 2017 to September 22, 2022. A total of 8 articles were included. Although the greatest amount of accurate evidence was included, non-significant results were obtained. There is currently a protocol from the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, however, more clinical evidence is needed.
Humanos , Osteonecrose , Osteoporose/tratamento farmacológico , Teriparatida , Difosfonatos/efeitos adversos , Denosumab/efeitos adversos , Antibacterianos/uso terapêuticoRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) repairs bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ) modulated by the reduction of NF-kB protein in a murine model. METHODOLOGY: Male Wistar rats (N=30) were divided into the following groups (n=6/group): negative control (NC); experimental osteonecrosis (ONE); ONE + photosensitizer (PS); ONE + photobiomodulation (PBM); and ONE + aPDT. Over 8 weeks, ONE was induced by zoledronic acid 250 µg/kg injections, except in the NC group, which received sterile 0.9% saline, followed by extraction of the lower left first molar. Red light laser irradiation (wavelength ~660 nm, power 50 mW, energy of 2 J, energy dose of 66.67 J/cm2 for 40 s) was performed once a week for 4 weeks. Methylene blue 0.3% was used as PS. The animals were euthanized and examined macroscopically for the presence of exposed bone and epithelial repair and microscopically by histochemical (hematoxylin-eosin and Masson's trichrome staining) and immunohistochemical (anti-NF-kB) methods. Macroscopic and histomorphometric data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and Tukey's post-test (p<0.05). RESULTS: Mucosal repair, viable osteocytes, and NF-kB immunostaining were observed in the NC, ONE+PS, ONE+PBM, and ONE+aPDT groups. The ONE group showed no mucosal repair, showing empty lacunae and multifocal immunostaining for NF-kB. The ONE+PBM and ONE+aPDT groups had greater deposition of extracellular matrix and less necrotic bone tissue (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: PBM and aPDT treatments for BRONJ were effective for bone and epithelial repair, in addition to reducing inflammation mediated by the decrease of NF-kB protein in the irradiated regions.
Osteonecrose da Arcada Osseodentária Associada a Difosfonatos , Modelos Animais de Doenças , Imuno-Histoquímica , NF-kappa B , Fotoquimioterapia , Fármacos Fotossensibilizantes , Ratos Wistar , Animais , Masculino , Fotoquimioterapia/métodos , Osteonecrose da Arcada Osseodentária Associada a Difosfonatos/patologia , NF-kappa B/análise , Fármacos Fotossensibilizantes/farmacologia , Fatores de Tempo , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Ácido Zoledrônico/farmacologia , Resultado do Tratamento , Imidazóis/farmacologia , Difosfonatos/farmacologia , Terapia com Luz de Baixa Intensidade/métodos , Azul de Metileno/farmacologia , Azul de Metileno/uso terapêutico , Análise de Variância , Distribuição Aleatória , Conservadores da Densidade Óssea/farmacologiaRESUMO
PURPOSE: This systematic review aimed to determine the effects of maternal exposure to bisphosphonates (BPs) during pregnancy on neonatal outcomes. It aimed to disclosfe the impact of BPs on neonates and identify aspects that require further investigation. METHODS: A comprehensive search of PubMed, Science Direct, LILACS, EMBASE, and Web of Science was conducted until August 2022, with no time restrictions. The selection criteria included studies published in English that evaluated pregnant women who were exposed to BPs. RESULTS: From an initial pool of 2169 studies, 13 met the inclusion criteria for this systematic review. These studies collectively included 106 women (108 pregnancies) who were exposed to BPs either before orduring pregnancy. A summary of the key characteristics of the selected studies and the risk of bias assessment are provided. Exposure to BPs occurs at various stages of pregnancy, with different indications for BP treatment. The most frequently reported neonatal outcomes were spontaneous abortion, congenital malformations, hypocalcemia, preterm birth, and low birth weight. CONCLUSION: Although previous reports have linked BPs before or during pregnancy with adverse neonatal outcomes, these associations should be interpreted with caution. Given the complexity of these findings, further research is necessary to provide more definitive insights to guide clinical decisions regarding the use of BPs in pregnant women.
Conservadores da Densidade Óssea , Difosfonatos , Resultado da Gravidez , Humanos , Gravidez , Feminino , Difosfonatos/efeitos adversos , Difosfonatos/uso terapêutico , Difosfonatos/administração & dosagem , Recém-Nascido , Conservadores da Densidade Óssea/efeitos adversos , Conservadores da Densidade Óssea/uso terapêutico , Conservadores da Densidade Óssea/administração & dosagem , Aborto Espontâneo/induzido quimicamente , Aborto Espontâneo/epidemiologia , Complicações na Gravidez/tratamento farmacológico , Nascimento PrematuroRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: To map the current scientific landscape regarding the association/causality of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ) after tooth extraction under bisphosphonate (BF) therapy to identify knowledge gaps and guide future research. DATA: This review used the PCC strategy (P = Patient; C = Concept; C = Context). SOURCES: The MEDLINE/PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science/Clarivate Analytics, and gray literature databases were used. STUDY SELECTION: Searches were conducted by two independent reviewers until April 2024. Studies involving prior BF use and tooth extraction in humans or animals were included. Among the 176 studies, 73 (41.4 %) were in animals, and 103 (58.5 %) were in humans. Brazil led in animal studies (n = 14; 19.1 %), while Italy led in human studies (n = 14; 13.6 %). Zoledronic acid was the most cited BF (79.4 % in animals; 34.9 % in humans), with intravenous administration being most frequent (38.3 % in animals; 35.9 % in humans). The mandible was the main extraction site (n = 36 in animals; n = 41 in humans). In 91.7 % of the animal studies, sequelae compatible with osteonecrosis signs and symptoms were observed, with bone necrosis being most common (n = 39; 53.4 %). In humans, 93.2 % of studies presented 239 sequelae, with bone necrosis (n = 53; 22.1 %) being the most cited. The main location of sequelae was the mandible (n = 36 in animals; n = 41 in humans). CONCLUSIONS: Animal studies highlighted bone exposure, notably using murine models, with a significant Brazilian contribution. In human studies, bone necrosis was the main sequela of MRONJ, which has been reported by researchers in the Italy. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: These findings underscore the importance of careful consideration and monitoring of patients who have a history of bisphosphonate use and who are undergoing tooth extraction, highlighting the potential risk of MRONJ.
Osteonecrose da Arcada Osseodentária Associada a Difosfonatos , Conservadores da Densidade Óssea , Difosfonatos , Extração Dentária , Humanos , Osteonecrose da Arcada Osseodentária Associada a Difosfonatos/etiologia , Difosfonatos/efeitos adversos , Animais , Conservadores da Densidade Óssea/efeitos adversos , Ácido Zoledrônico/uso terapêutico , Ácido Zoledrônico/efeitos adversos , BrasilRESUMO
To investigate de effect of PAb gel on the bone tissue of rats submitted to Bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaws (BRONJ). Initially, 54 animals were submitted to BRONJ model by Zoledronic Acid (ZA) (0.1 mg/kg 3x/wk for 9 wk, ip), followed by the 1st upper left molar extraction at the 8th wk. After tooth removal, the animals were divided into 3 groups, ZA that received placebo gel or PAb gel that received 1% PAb gel, inside the dental alveolus. The control Group (CONTROL) received 0.1 mg/kg of 0.9% saline and then placebo gel. Three weeks after tooth extraction, the animals were euthanized, and maxillae were colleted for macroscopic, radiographic, histological and Raman spectomery assays. Additionally, GSK3b, beta-catenin, and Runx2 mRNA expressions were determined. Blood samples were collected for the analysis of Bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (BALP) levels. PAb gel improved mucosal healing, increased the number of viable osteocytes, while it reduced the number of empty lacunae, as well as the amount of bone sequestration. Furthermore, PAb gel positively influenced the number and functionality of osteoblasts by stimulating Wnt signaling, thereby inducing bone remodeling. Additionally, PAb gel contributed to improved bone quality, as evidenced by an increase in bone mineral content, a decrease in bone solubility, and an enhancement in the quality of collagen, particularly type I collagen. PAb gel mitigated bone necrosis by stimulating of bone remodeling through Wnt signaling and concurrently improved bone quality. PAb gel emerges as a promising pharmacological tool for aiding in BRONJ therapy or potentially preventing the development of BRONJ.
Agaricus , Osteonecrose da Arcada Osseodentária Associada a Difosfonatos , Conservadores da Densidade Óssea , Animais , Ratos , Osteonecrose da Arcada Osseodentária Associada a Difosfonatos/tratamento farmacológico , Osteonecrose da Arcada Osseodentária Associada a Difosfonatos/etiologia , Osteonecrose da Arcada Osseodentária Associada a Difosfonatos/patologia , Difosfonatos , Maxila/patologia , Extração Dentária , Via de Sinalização Wnt , Ácido ZoledrônicoRESUMO
Conservadores da Densidade Óssea , Osteonecrose , Osteoporose , Humanos , Difosfonatos , Arcada OsseodentáriaRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: To identify radiographic findings suggestive of drug-induced osteonecrosis and evaluate radiomorphometric patterns indicative of changes in bone mineral density in individuals transplanted for liver disorders using bisphosphonates. STUDY DESIGN: The study group included panoramic x-rays of liver transplant patients who are being monitored and who present a clinical status of osteoporosis and use bisphosphonates. The control group was made up of liver transplant patients who did not have osteoporosis. On panoramic radiographs, mental index (MI) and mandibular cortical index (MCI) and the presence of radiographic anomalies suggestive of osteonecrosis were evaluated. RESULTS: There were significant statistical results when comparing the groups in relation to the decrease in bone mineral density (BMD) with MCI-C3 (p = 0.036), however, there were none in relation to MI (p = 0.14). There were no valid statistical results when relating MCI (p = 0.94) and MI (p = 0.66) with reduced BMD and use of bisphosphonates. CONCLUSION: Liver transplant individuals using bisphosphonates present greater radiographic signs of bone sclerosis suggestive of a greater propensity to develop osteonecrosis of the jaw and an increased risk of presenting changes suggestive of reduced bone mineral density on panoramic radiographs when compared to liver transplant individuals not using bisphosphonates.
Conservadores da Densidade Óssea , Densidade Óssea , Difosfonatos , Transplante de Fígado , Radiografia Panorâmica , Humanos , Feminino , Masculino , Difosfonatos/efeitos adversos , Densidade Óssea/efeitos dos fármacos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Conservadores da Densidade Óssea/efeitos adversos , Osteoporose , Idoso , Adulto , Osteonecrose da Arcada Osseodentária Associada a Difosfonatos/diagnóstico por imagem , Estudos de Casos e ControlesRESUMO
This study compiles the main hypotheses involved in the etiopathogenesis of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ). A narrative review of the literature was performed. The etiopathogenesis of MRONJ is multifactorial and not fully understood. The main hypothesis considers the disturbance of bone turnover caused by anti-resorptive drugs. Bisphosphonates and denosumab inhibit osteoclast activity through different action mechanisms, accumulating bone microfracture. Other hypotheses also consider oral infection and inflammation, the antiangiogenic effect and soft tissue toxicity of bisphosphonates, and the inhibition of lymphangiogenesis. Knowledge of the current theories for MRONJ is necessary to define future studies and protocols to minimize the incidence of this severe condition.
Osteonecrose da Arcada Osseodentária Associada a Difosfonatos , Conservadores da Densidade Óssea , Humanos , Conservadores da Densidade Óssea/efeitos adversos , Osteonecrose da Arcada Osseodentária Associada a Difosfonatos/etiologia , Denosumab/efeitos adversos , Difosfonatos/efeitos adversos , Arcada OsseodentáriaRESUMO
BACKGROUND Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ) is a rare but serious reaction to anti-resorptive drugs (ARDs) in patients treated for osteoporosis and conditions related to cancer. Treatment for MRONJ consists of the use of non-operative therapies according to the evolution of the disease, which consist of the use of antimicrobial mouthwashes, systemic antibiotics, and operative therapies, such as debridement of necrotic bone, marginal or segmental resection, and bone reconstruction of the jaws in more advanced stages of the disease. CASE REPORT This is a case series of 11 female patients treated for MRONJ, with a mean age of 76.5 years. Patients with malignant diseases of the jaws or those undergoing head and neck radiotherapy were excluded. Nine patients were medicated for osteoporosis with oral bisphosphonates and denosumab, and 2 patients used zoledronate to treat metastatic breast cancer. MRONJ prevailed in the mandible, most patients were classified as stage 2, and the most frequent triggers were tooth extraction and prosthetic trauma. All patients initially underwent non-operative therapies and were operated according to MRONJ stage, but none required segmental resection. Adjuvant treatments were used in 5 patients, and mean treatment and follow-up periods were 5 and 18.3 months, respectively. There was complete resolution of disease in all patients, with only 1 relapse. CONCLUSIONS This case series suggests that it is possible to treat MRONJ with conservative therapies in the early stages of the disease and minimally invasive surgeries in more advanced stages of the disease, thus avoiding segmental jaw resections.
Osteonecrose da Arcada Osseodentária Associada a Difosfonatos , Conservadores da Densidade Óssea , Osteoporose , Humanos , Feminino , Idoso , Difosfonatos/efeitos adversos , Conservadores da Densidade Óssea/efeitos adversos , Osteonecrose da Arcada Osseodentária Associada a Difosfonatos/cirurgia , Osteonecrose da Arcada Osseodentária Associada a Difosfonatos/etiologia , Recidiva Local de Neoplasia/complicações , Osteoporose/induzido quimicamente , Osteoporose/complicações , Osteoporose/tratamento farmacológico , Arcada OsseodentáriaRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of ozone therapy in the preoperative (prevention) and/or postoperative (treatment) of MRONJ. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Forty male Wistar rats were caudally treated with zoledronic acid (ZOL) and to ozone therapy before extraction (prevention, POG), after extraction (treatment, TOG), or both (prevention and treatment, TPOG), and treated with saline (SAL). The animals received intramuscular fluorochrome (calcein and alizarin), and 28 days postoperatively, they were euthanized, and the tissues were subjected to microtomographic computed tomography (microCT), LASER confocal, and histomorphometric analyses. RESULTS: Micro-CT showed a higher bone volume fraction average in all groups than that in the ZOL group (P < 0.001), the ZOL group showed high porosity (P = 0.03), and trabecular separation was greater in the TOG group than in the POG group (P < 0.05). The mineral apposition rate of the POG group was high (20.46 ± 6.31) (P < 0.001), followed by the TOG group (20.32 ± 7.4). The TOG group presented the highest mean newly formed bone area (68.322 ± 25.296) compared with the ZOL group (P < 0.05), followed by the SAL group (66.039 ± 28.379) and ZOL groups (60.856 ± 28.425). CONCLUSIONS: Ozone therapy modulated alveolar bone repair in animals treated with ZOL, mainly after surgery trauma, leading to bone formation as healing tissue. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Osteonecrosis has been a challenge in dentistry, and owing to the lack of a consensus regarding therapy, studies presenting new therapies are important, and ozone has been one of the therapies explored empirically.