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Rev. arg. morfol ; 1(3): 20-24, 2011. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-708282


Objetivo: confirmar y documentar la presencia deuna rama de la arteria dorsal de la escápula (ó dorsalescapular) como un pedículo constante, de diámetroadecuado y fuente principal de irrigación del colgajo detrapecio inferior.Alrededor de 1980 se utilizó el colgajo de trapecio inferior para cubrir defectos de la región posterior ylateral de cuello, cuero cabelludo y calota craneana (1).Sin embargo su uso fue disminuyendo al publicarse laalta incidencia de necrosis del colgajo. Una de las causas de los fracasos fue el desacuerdo respecto a suaporte arterial principal: la arteria cervical transversa(transversa colli) o la arteria dorsal de la escápula -ADE-(2,3). Esto incentivó la investigación para definir su anatomía vascular, así como comprobar el origen y la frecuencia de un vaso arterial que irrigue el segmento caudal del trapecio.Materiales y Método. Se utilizaron 44 cadáveres formolizados al 10% y 1 cadáver fresco; adultos, 24femeninos y 21 masculinos en la Cátedra de Anatomía Normal, Fac. de Ciencias Médicas, Universidad Nacio-nal de Córdoba.Resultados. En 89 especímenes (98,9%) se identificó un pedículo que irriga la porción inferior del trapecio: la rama trapecial de la arteria dorsal de la escápula.Este vaso fue identificado, documentado y utilizado comopedículo principal en los angiogramas de piezas anató-micas y en las cirugías reconstructivas realizadas.Conclusiones. El tercio inferior del trapecio tieneun pedículo vascular constante que es la rama trapecialde la arteria dorsal de la escápula, la cual emerge en laregión paraescapular medial entre el músculo romboidesmenor y mayor. Se compara y discute la literatura con los hallazgos anatómicos de este trabajo realizado en Córdoba.

Objetive: corroborate y record the presence of onebranch of the dorsal scapular artery as a constant pediclewith appropiate diameter and as the major contributor tothe blood supply to the lower trapezius flap. Around 1980,the lower trapezius flap was used to cover defects in backand lateral neck regions, scalp and skull cap. However,its usage decreased when the high incidence of flap ne-crosis was published. One of the probable causes offailures was the disagreement as regards its principalarterial contribution: the transverse cervical artery or thedorsal scapular artery. This motivated research to defineits vascular anatomy, and confirm the origin and thefrequency of an arterial vessel which irrigates the trapeziuscaudal segment.Materials and Method we used for this study 44bodies fixed in 10% formaldehyde and 1 fresh cadaver.All were adults , 24 female and 21 male, and thedissections were perform in the Cátedra de AnatomíaNormal, Facultad de Cs Médicas, Universidad Nacionalde Córdoba .Results: in 89 specimens (98,9%) we found apedicle that contribute to the irrigation of the lowertrapezius: the trapecial branch of the dorsal scapular artery.This vessel was identified, recorded and used as mainpedicle in the anatomical specimen ́s angiograms andduring the reconstructive surgeriesConclusions: the lower third of the trapeziusmuscle have a constant vascular pedicle: the trapeziusbranch of the dorsal scapular artery, wich arise in themedial para-scapular area, between the rhomboideusminor and rhomboideus major. The internationalliterature was com pared and discussed with theanatomical findings of this work carried out in Córdoba.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Escápula/anormalidades , Escápula/irrigação sanguínea , Escápula/patologia , Trapézio/anatomia & histologia , Trapézio/patologia
Acta Ortop Mex ; 22(6): 402-4, 2008.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19280842


INTRODUCTION: Osteoarthritis of the trapeziometacarpal joint is one of the most common degenerative diseases of the hand for which a variety of surgical procedures have been developed. Arthroscopic techniques offer good results, although they have not been standardized. OBJECTIVE: To identify the main anatomical structures in relation to arthroscopy portals from the trapeziometacarpal joint and to determine their security area. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We conducted a transversal and descriptive study in which the anatomy was analyzed in seven cadaveric specimens. Fourteen thumbs were dissected after the arthroscopic portals were made. In all of the specimens the distance between the radial artery, the articular line and the arthroscopy portals was measured. RESULTS: The radial artery was found dorsal to the Extensor Pollicis Longus (EPL), 4-5 mm proximal to the dorsal arthroscopic portal, 4-8 mm to the articular line and 8-11 mm to the Extensor Pollicis Brevis (EPB). In two cases sensitive branches of the radial nerve were found through the dorsal portal. CONCLUSION: The anatomical evaluation defined a secure area for the dorsal portal between the EPL and the EPB. The proximal radial zone to the EPL must be avoided so that the dorsal branch of the radial nerve is not damaged.

Artroscopia , Articulações Carpometacarpais/anatomia & histologia , Trapézio/anatomia & histologia , Cadáver , Estudos Transversais , Humanos