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Rev. cuba. plantas med ; 17(2): 125-133, abr.-jun. 2012.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-629695


Introducción: el extracto acuoso seco que se obtiene a partir de la decocción de la corteza de algunas variedades de Mangifera indica L. es el principio activo de las formulaciones del Vimang®. Este producto de origen natural posee actividad antioxidante, antiinflamatoria, antimicrobiana, espasmolítica, analgésica y antipirética; su componente principal es mangiferina una xantona con varias actividades biológicas reportadas, por lo cual se seleccionó como marcador químico para llevar a cabo los estudios de estabilidad de la corteza y el control de calidad de las formulaciones desarrolladas del extracto de la corteza del árbol del mango, el cual se utiliza en Cuba como suplemento nutricional antioxidante para el tratamiento de diversas enfermedades crónicas. Objetivo: estudiar la influencia sobre las propiedades físico-químicas, microbiológicas y el contenido de mangiferina en la materia prima vegetal, de las condiciones de almacenamiento propuestas para la corteza de Mangifera indica L.Métodos: la corteza se trituró y envasó en bolsas de polietileno y fue almacenada durante 70 d con 2 condiciones de almacenamiento a temperatura 22 ± 1 °C y humedad relativa 55 ± 5por ciento. A la corteza se le determinó la presencia y el conteo total de microorganismos. A los extractos acuosos preparados con la corteza el pH, contenido de sólidos totales y mangiferina; este último por cromatografía líquida de alta resolución. Resultados: en la corteza se observó un rápido crecimiento microbiano y la presencia de microorganismos indeseables desde el inicio mismo del estudio. A los 31 d de almacenamiento en condiciones de temperatura y humedad se observó la aparición de Pseudomonas aeruginosa, un microorganismo patógeno. El contenido de sólidos totales y mangiferina en los extractos no varió significativamente durante el estudio, lo cual indica la ausencia de degradación química de los componentes de la corteza...

Introduction: the dry aqueous extract from the decoction of the bark of some selected Mangifera indica L. varieties is the active principle of some Vimang® formulations. This natural extract was reported to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, spasmolytic, analgesic and antipyretic properties. The main component is mangiferin, a xanthone c-glycosilated, with several reported biological actions. For this reason, mangiferin was chosen as chemical marker for the study of the chemical stability, and the quality control of the different formulations of mango tree bark, commercially used as antioxidant nutritional supplement to treat several chronic diseases. Objective: to study the influence of the suggested storage conditions for Mangifera indica L. bark on the physical, chemical and microbiological properties and the content of mangiferina in the vegeral raw material. Methods: the fresh bark material of Mangifera indica L was grounded and stored in polyethylene bags during 70 days under two storage conditions at 22 ± 1°C and 55 ± 5 percent relative humidity. Presence and total counting of micro-organisms was determined in the bark, whereas the pH value and the content of total solids and mangiferin were identified in the aqueous extract. The mangiferin was analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography. Results: there were observed rapid microbial growth and presence of unwanted micro-organisms from the beginning of the study. After 31 day-storage under specified temperature and humidity conditions, a pathogenic micro-organism called Pseudomonas aeruginosa emerged. The content of total solids and mangiferin in the aqueous extract did not significantly change during the study, which indicated the lack of chemical degradation in these components. The pH value of the aqueous extract decreased as a result of the emergence of fungi in the bark...

Estabilidade de Medicamentos , Mangifera/análise , Casca de Planta
Acta cient. venez ; 57(3): 120-124, 2006. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-537137


O experimento foi conduzido na base física da Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária do Estado do Rio Grande doNorte (EMPARN) em Açu-RN, com o objetivo de avaliar o comportamento de cultivares copas em função de diferentes portaenxertos. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos casualizados num esquema fatorial 3 x 4, correspondentes às cultivares de enxertos e porta-enxertos respectivamente, e três repetições. Como porta-enxertos foram utilizadas os cultivares Carabao e Manga d’água, provenientes do Instituto Agronômico de Campinas (IAC), e os cultivares Rosinha e Espada, obtidas da coleção da EMPARN. Os cultivares empregados como copas foram Tommy Atkins, Van Dyke e Keitt, oriundos da EMPARN. Semestralmente avaliaram-se os diâmetros dos porta-enxertos, enxertos e altura das plantas. O cultivar Manga d’água, como porta-enxerto, promoveu o menor crescimento às mangueiras e o cultivar Tommy Atkins, usado como enxerto, foi a que apresentou a maior altura.

The experiment was conducted at the physics structure of the Rio Grande do Norte State Farming ResearchCompany (EMPARN) in Açu-RN, with the objective of evaluate the behavior of grafts-holder cultivates in the plants formation of cultivates used as tops. The experimental design was randonizated blocks in the factorial outline 3 x 4, with 3 repetitions. The analyzed factors were four cultivates of grafts-holder and three cultivates of grafts. As grafts-holders were used the cultivates “Carabao” and “Manga d’agua”, originated at the Campinas Agrarian Institute, and the cultivates “Rosinha” and “Espada”, obtained from the EMPARN collection. The cultivates used as tops were Tommy Atkins, Van Dyke and Keitt, with the fork that were also obtained at EMPARN. In a period of six months was observed the diameters of the grafts-holder, grafts and hight of the plants. The Cultivar “Manga d’agua”, as a graft-holder, provided the smallest growing to the mango tree and the Cultivar Tommy Atkins, used as graft, was the one who presented the tallest hight.

Produção Agrícola , Mangifera/análise , Mangifera/classificação , Agricultura