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Can Vet J ; 65(10): 1028-1033, 2024 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39355694


This case series describes spontaneous resolution of systolic anterior motion of the mitral valve, cessation of a dynamic left ventricular outflow tract obstruction, and reverse cardiac remodeling in 4 young cats. Following initial presentation with or without congestive heart failure, subsequent rechecks documented resolution of systolic anterior motion of the mitral valve and normalization of left heart dimensions. Those cats originally presented with congestive heart failure were successfully weaned off diuretic medications. Atenolol was prescribed to all 4 cats, and all remained on oral atenolol through the final recheck. There was no documented recurrence of progressive heart disease and heart failure in any of the cats. Consideration is given to transient myocardial thickening, spontaneous resolution of mitral valve dysplasia, and response to beta-1 adrenergic antagonism as possible underlying mechanisms. Key clinical message: When presented with young cats with hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy, veterinarians should consider multiple differential diagnoses, as lifespan in these cases may be longer than typically expected for cats with primary hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, even with concurrent congestive heart failure.

Résolution d'une obstruction dynamique de la voie d'éjection du ventricule gauche et d'une hypertrophie réversible du ventricule gauche chez 4 chatsCette série de cas décrit la résolution spontanée du mouvement antérieur systolique de la valve mitrale, la cessation d'une obstruction dynamique de la voie d'éjection du ventricule gauche et le remodelage cardiaque inverse chez 4 jeunes chats. Après une présentation initiale avec ou sans insuffisance cardiaque congestive, des vérifications ultérieures ont documenté la résolution du mouvement antérieur systolique de la valve mitrale et la normalisation des dimensions du cœur gauche. Les chats initialement présentés avec une insuffisance cardiaque congestive ont été sevrés avec succès des médicaments diurétiques. De l'aténolol a été prescrit aux 4 chats, et tous sont restés sous aténolol oral jusqu'au dernier contrôle. Aucune récidive de maladie cardiaque progressive et d'insuffisance cardiaque n'a été documentée chez aucun des chats. L'épaississement transitoire du myocarde, la résolution spontanée de la dysplasie de la valve mitrale et la réponse à l'antagonisme bêta-1 adrénergique sont pris en compte comme mécanismes sous-jacents possibles.Message clinique clé :Lorsqu'ils sont confrontés à de jeunes chats atteints de cardiomyopathie hypertrophique obstructive, les vétérinaires doivent envisager plusieurs diagnostics différentiels, car la durée de vie dans ces cas peut être plus longue que celle généralement attendue pour les chats atteints de cardiomyopathie hypertrophique primaire, même en cas d'insuffisance cardiaque congestive concomitante.(Traduit par Dr Serge Messier).

Doenças do Gato , Hipertrofia Ventricular Esquerda , Obstrução do Fluxo Ventricular Externo , Animais , Gatos , Doenças do Gato/tratamento farmacológico , Obstrução do Fluxo Ventricular Externo/veterinária , Obstrução do Fluxo Ventricular Externo/tratamento farmacológico , Masculino , Feminino , Hipertrofia Ventricular Esquerda/veterinária , Hipertrofia Ventricular Esquerda/tratamento farmacológico , Atenolol/uso terapêutico , Cardiomiopatia Hipertrófica/veterinária , Cardiomiopatia Hipertrófica/tratamento farmacológico , Cardiomiopatia Hipertrófica/complicações , Insuficiência Cardíaca/veterinária , Insuficiência Cardíaca/tratamento farmacológico , Obstrução da Via de Saída Ventricular Esquerda
Can Vet J ; 65(10): 999-1005, 2024 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39355692


In this case, porcine small intestinal submucosa (pSIS) was used to repair a large congenital diaphragmatic hernia in a kitten. The pSIS was moistened in saline, folded in half, and sutured to the remnant of the right hemidiaphragm. The animal was determined to be doing well clinically and radiographically 12 wk after procedure. At 8.5 mo of age, the kitten was spayed, and the diaphragm was inspected, revealing a thin, semitransparent membrane at the central region of the previous pSIS graft. Serial thoracic radiographs may be an effective way to reach a diagnosis of a diaphragmatic hernia if not clearly identifiable on initial radiographs. Surgeons should be prepared to use alternative techniques to close large diaphragmatic defects. Porcine SIS was demonstrated to be a strong, easy-to-use, readily available, and effective technique to close a large defect in the diaphragm with excellent results in the short and medium terms. When hernia repair is employed in juvenile animals, reassessment of the diaphragmatic repair should be considered if future abdominal surgeries, such as ovariohysterectomies, are necessary. A functional 8-ply pSIS should be considered in cats and dogs as it has a lower complication and graft failure rate. Key clinical message: When serial radiographs fail to diagnose a diaphragmatic hernia when one is highly suspected, other modalities, such as ultrasonography or other contrast modalities, should be considered. A functional 8-ply pSIS should be considered to reconstruct the diaphragm, particularly in growing animals, as it is an effective graft with low complication and graft failure rates.

Greffe de biomatériau de sous-muqueuse intestinale porcine pour la réparation d'une hernie pleuropéritonéale congénitale chez un chatonDans ce cas, la sous-muqueuse intestinale porcine (pSIS) a été utilisée pour réparer une grande hernie diaphragmatique congénitale chez un chaton. La pSIS a été humidifiée dans une solution saline, pliée en deux et suturée au reste de l'hémidiaphragme droit. L'animal s'est avéré se porter bien cliniquement et radiographiquement 12 semaines après l'intervention. À l'âge de 8,5 mois, le chaton a été stérilisé et le diaphragme a été inspecté, révélant une fine membrane semi-transparente dans la région centrale de la greffe pSIS précédente. Des radiographies thoraciques en série peuvent être un moyen efficace de poser un diagnostic d'hernie diaphragmatique si elle n'est pas clairement identifiable sur les radiographies initiales. Les chirurgiens doivent être prêts à utiliser des techniques alternatives pour fermer les gros défauts diaphragmatiques. La SIS porcine s'est avérée être une technique solide, facile à utiliser, facilement disponible et efficace pour fermer un gros défaut du diaphragme avec d'excellents résultats à court et moyen terme. Lorsque la réparation d'une hernie est utilisée chez les animaux juvéniles, une réévaluation de la réparation diaphragmatique doit être envisagée si de futures chirurgies abdominales, telles que des ovariohystérectomies, sont nécessaires. Une pSIS fonctionnelle à 8 plis doit être envisagée chez les chats et les chiens car elle présente un taux de complications et d'échec de greffe plus faible.Message clinique clé :Lorsque les radiographies en série ne permettent pas de diagnostiquer une hernie diaphragmatique alors qu'elle est fortement suspectée, d'autres modalités, telles que l'échographie ou d'autres modalités de contraste, doivent être envisagées. Une pSIS fonctionnelle à 8 plis doit être envisagée pour reconstruire le diaphragme, en particulier chez les animaux en croissance, car il s'agit d'une greffe efficace avec un faible taux de complications et d'échec de greffe.(Traduit par Dr Serge Messier).

Doenças do Gato , Hérnias Diafragmáticas Congênitas , Intestino Delgado , Animais , Suínos , Gatos , Doenças do Gato/cirurgia , Doenças do Gato/congênito , Hérnias Diafragmáticas Congênitas/cirurgia , Hérnias Diafragmáticas Congênitas/veterinária , Intestino Delgado/transplante , Mucosa Intestinal/transplante , Mucosa Intestinal/cirurgia , Feminino , Materiais Biocompatíveis/uso terapêutico , Herniorrafia/veterinária , Masculino
Can Vet J ; 65(10): 1034-1040, 2024 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39355693


An 8-year-old neutered male Bengal cat was referred because of a 1-year history of progressive and relapsing generalized muscle weakness and muscle atrophy. Before referral, the cat was treated with immunosuppressive doses of oral prednisolone, intermittently for 6 mo, and had responded well when the immunosuppressive dose was maintained. Generalized paresis, diffuse muscle atrophy, and diminished spinal reflexes were present in all limbs, consistent with a generalized lower motor neuron disease. Histopathologic evaluation of muscle biopsies confirmed a pattern of muscle fiber atrophy consistent with chronic and severe denervation. No specific abnormalities were identified in the nerve biopsy or within intramuscular nerve branches. A presumptive antemortem diagnosis of an adult-onset motor neuron degeneration resembling amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or spinal muscle atrophy was suspected. However, given the response to immunosuppressive doses of corticosteroids, an autoimmune process or other degenerative process could not be definitively excluded. Key clinical message: In this case, an adult cat had a chronic, progressive history of lower motor neuron weakness and absent spinal reflexes; biopsies revealed a neurogenic pattern of muscle fiber atrophy and histologically normal peripheral nerve and intramuscular nerve branches. Although reports of motor neuron disease are rare in the veterinary literature, this case report highlights the importance of muscle and nerve biopsies that lead to a presumptive diagnosis of motor neuron degeneration.

Dégénérescence présumée des neurones moteurs chez un chat adulteUn chat Bengal mâle castré de 8 ans a été référé en raison d'un an d'antécédents de faiblesse musculaire généralisée progressive et récidivante et d'atrophie musculaire. Avant le transfert, le chat a été traité avec des doses immunosuppressives de prednisolone orale, par intermittence pendant 6 mois, et a bien répondu lorsque la dose immunosuppressive a été maintenue. Une parésie généralisée, une atrophie musculaire diffuse et des réflexes spinaux diminués étaient présents dans tous les membres, compatibles avec une maladie généralisée des neurones moteurs inférieurs. L'évaluation histopathologique des biopsies musculaires a confirmé un schéma d'atrophie des fibres musculaires compatible avec une dénervation chronique et sévère. Aucune anomalie spécifique n'a été identifiée dans la biopsie nerveuse ou dans les branches nerveuses intramusculaires. Un diagnostic antemortem présomptif d'une dégénérescence des neurones moteurs d'apparition adulte ressemblant à la sclérose latérale amyotrophique (SLA) ou à une atrophie musculaire spinale a été suspecté. Cependant, compte tenu de la réponse aux doses immunosuppressives de corticostéroïdes, un processus auto-immun ou un autre processus dégénératif ne pouvait être définitivement exclu.Message clinique clé :Dans ce cas, un chat adulte avait des antécédents chroniques et progressifs de faiblesse des neurones moteurs inférieurs et d'absence de réflexes spinaux; les biopsies ont révélé un schéma neurogène d'atrophie des fibres musculaires et des branches nerveuses périphériques et intramusculaires histologiquement normales. Bien que les rapports de maladie des neurones moteurs soient rares dans la littérature vétérinaire, ce rapport de cas souligne l'importance des biopsies musculaires et nerveuses qui conduisent à un diagnostic présomptif de dégénérescence des neurones moteurs.(Traduit par Dr Serge Messier).

Doenças do Gato , Doença dos Neurônios Motores , Gatos , Masculino , Animais , Doenças do Gato/patologia , Doenças do Gato/diagnóstico , Doenças do Gato/tratamento farmacológico , Doença dos Neurônios Motores/veterinária , Doença dos Neurônios Motores/patologia , Doença dos Neurônios Motores/diagnóstico , Prednisolona/uso terapêutico , Imunossupressores/uso terapêutico , Neurônios Motores/patologia , Atrofia Muscular/veterinária , Atrofia Muscular/patologia , Músculo Esquelético/patologia
BMC Vet Res ; 20(1): 442, 2024 Oct 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39354457


BACKGROUND: The majority of primary, intraocular tumors in cats originate from the uvea and include feline diffuse iris melanoma, lymphoma, and iridociliary epithelial adenoma or adenocarcinoma. In this case report, we describe for the first time the clinical, histological, and immunohistochemical findings of a rare myxoid intraocular neoplasm arising from the ciliary body in a cat. CASE PRESENTATION: A 14-year-old, female, spayed domestic shorthaired cat was presented for evaluation of discolouration of the right eye. Upon examination, a clear to light whitish-tan, bubble-shaped intraocular mass adherent to the inferior ciliary body and extending into the anterior chamber was noted. Within five weeks, the tumor was significantly larger and the eye had developed secondary glaucoma so was enucleated. Light microscopic examination of the globe revealed a multinodular, hypocellular neoplasm arising from the ciliary body composed of interwoven spindle cells embedded in abundant amounts of a lightly basophilic myxoid matrix. Neoplastic cells exhibited strong immunoreactivity for cytokeratin while also showing moderate to strong immunoreactivity to vimentin. A diagnosis was therefore made of an unusual intraocular myxoid epithelioid sarcoma arising from the ciliary body. CONCLUSIONS: Although apparently exceedingly rare, epithelioid myxosarcoma should be included as a differential diagnosis for intraocular tumors in cats and they represent a clinical, histologic, and immunohistochemical diagnostic challenge. Early surgical intervention should be considered to prevent local invasion and ascension to the brain.

Doenças do Gato , Corpo Ciliar , Neoplasias Uveais , Animais , Gatos , Feminino , Corpo Ciliar/patologia , Doenças do Gato/patologia , Doenças do Gato/diagnóstico , Doenças do Gato/cirurgia , Neoplasias Uveais/veterinária , Neoplasias Uveais/patologia , Neoplasias Uveais/diagnóstico , Sarcoma/veterinária , Sarcoma/patologia , Sarcoma/diagnóstico , Mixossarcoma/veterinária , Mixossarcoma/patologia , Mixossarcoma/diagnóstico
BMC Vet Res ; 20(1): 443, 2024 Oct 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39354518


BACKGROUND: Small-bore wire-guided thoracostomy tubes (SBWGTT) are commonly used in cats to manage pleural disease and generally have a low complication rate. Our study aimed to explore the correlation between recumbency of cats, placement method, and the occurrence of insertional complications to identify risk factors during SBWGTT placement. In this experimental cadaveric study, SBWGTT placement using a modified Seldinger technique was conducted in 24 feline cadavers. Cats, euthanized for reasons unrelated to the study, were randomly assigned to pleural effusion (EFF; n = 12) and pneumothorax (PNEU; n = 12) groups. Each cadaver was intubated and ventilated with a peak inspiratory pressure (PIP) of 10 mmHg, and sterile saline or air was instilled into the thorax over a 5 mm thoracoscopic trocar in the fourth intercostal space (ICS). Instillation was stopped when the lateral thoracic wall to lung distance (TWLD) reached 10 to 12 mm, measured with ultrasound in the favorable position. Sternal recumbency was the favorable position for the EFF group, and lateral recumbency for the PNEU group. Following the placement of the first SBWGTT in each group, the cadavers were positioned unfavorably (lateral recumbency for EFF group, sternal recumbency for PNEU group), and a second drain was introduced contralaterally. A bilateral 8th ICS thoracotomy was then performed to visually assess intrathoracic structures and drain integrity. A binary logistic regression mixed model was conducted to determine interaction between the induced condition and body position. RESULTS: A total of 48 SBWGTTs were placed, with complications observed in 33.3% (8/24) of cases. Five of these were major complications consisting of lung lacerations. Complications were more common in the unfavorable position, accounting for 75% of cases, although this result was not statistically significant. The odds of complication rates were > 70% in the unfavorable position and decreased with an increase in TWLD (< 30%). CONCLUSION: Complications associated with SBWGTT placement are influenced by recumbency, although the data did not reach statistical significance. Placing cats in lateral recumbency for pneumothorax treatment and sternal recumbency for pleural effusion treatment may reduce insertional complications.

Cadáver , Derrame Pleural , Pneumotórax , Toracostomia , Animais , Gatos , Toracostomia/instrumentação , Toracostomia/veterinária , Toracostomia/métodos , Derrame Pleural/veterinária , Derrame Pleural/prevenção & controle , Pneumotórax/veterinária , Pneumotórax/etiologia , Pneumotórax/prevenção & controle , Tubos Torácicos/veterinária , Doenças do Gato/cirurgia , Feminino , Masculino
BMC Vet Res ; 20(1): 445, 2024 Oct 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39358726


The enteric protozoan parasites Giardia duodenalis and Cryptosporidium spp. are common cause of diarrhea in pet dogs and cats, affecting primarily young animals. This comparative study evaluates the diagnostic performance of conventional and molecular methods for the detection of G. duodenalis and Cryptosporidium spp. infection in dogs and cats.The compared diagnostic assays included merthiolate-iodine-formalin (MIF) method, lateral flow immunochromatography rapid test (ICT) and real-time PCR; using direct immunofluorescence assay (DFA) as golden standard. The study included the analysis of 328 fecal samples from different dog (n = 225) and cat (n = 103) populations.According to DFA, the overall prevalence of G. duodenalis was 24.4% (80/328, 95% CI: 19.8-29.4), varying from 11.6% (12/103, 95% CI: 6.2-19.5) in cats to 30.2% (68/225, 95% CI: 24.3-36.7) in dogs. The overall prevalence of Cryptosporidium spp. was 4.0% (13/328, 95% CI: 2.1-6.7), varying from 2.9% (3/103, 95% CI: 0.6-8.3) in cats to 4.4% (10/225, 95% CI: 2.1-8.0) in dogs. MIF was only used for the detection of G. duodenalis, which was identified by this method in 22.7% of dogs and 7.8% of cats, respectively. DFA was the most sensitive technique for detecting G. duodenalis in samples from dogs and cats (p-value: < 0.001), followed by real-time PCR. Identification of Cryptosporidium infections was most effectively accomplished by the combination of DFA and PCR technique (p-value: < 0.001). In addition, epidemiological (sex, age, origin) and clinical (fecal consistency) variables were collected to assess their potential associations with an increased likelihood of infection by G. duodenalis and/or Cryptosporidium spp. Breeder dogs were more likely to harbor G. duodenalis infection (p-value: 0.004), whereas female cats were significantly more infected with Cryptosporidium (p-value: 0.003).In conclusion, DFA (alone or in combination with PCR) has been identified as the most accurate and cost-effective method for detecting G. duodenalis and Cryptosporidium spp. in fecal samples from pet dogs and cats. This highlights their importance in both veterinary and clinical settings for enabling prompt treatment and preventing potential transmission to humans.

Doenças do Gato , Criptosporidiose , Cryptosporidium , Doenças do Cão , Fezes , Giardia lamblia , Giardíase , Gatos , Animais , Cães , Doenças do Cão/epidemiologia , Doenças do Cão/parasitologia , Doenças do Cão/diagnóstico , Doenças do Gato/parasitologia , Doenças do Gato/epidemiologia , Doenças do Gato/diagnóstico , Fezes/parasitologia , Giardíase/veterinária , Giardíase/epidemiologia , Giardíase/diagnóstico , Giardia lamblia/isolamento & purificação , Criptosporidiose/epidemiologia , Criptosporidiose/diagnóstico , Cryptosporidium/isolamento & purificação , Técnica Direta de Fluorescência para Anticorpo/veterinária , Feminino , Masculino , Sensibilidade e Especificidade , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase em Tempo Real/veterinária , Prevalência
Bull Math Biol ; 86(11): 133, 2024 Oct 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39354170


The kinetics of intravenous (IV) fluid therapy and how it affects the movement of fluids within humans and animals is an ongoing research topic. Clinical researchers have in the past used a mathematical model adopted from pharmacokinetics that attempts to mimic these kinetics. This linear model is based on the ideas that the body tries to maintain fluid levels in various compartments at some baseline targets and that fluid movement between compartments is driven by differences between the actual volumes and the targets. Here a nonlinear pressure-based model is introduced, where the driving force of fluid movement out of the blood stream is the pressure differences, both hydrostatic and oncotic, between the capillaries and the interstitial space. This model is, like the linear model, a coarse representation of fluid movement on the whole body scale, but, unlike the linear model, it is based on some of the body's biophysical processes. The abilities of both models to fit data from experiments on both awake and anesthetized cats was analyzed. The pressure-based model fit the data better than the linear model in all but one case, and was deemed statistically significantly better in a third of the cases.

Hidratação , Conceitos Matemáticos , Modelos Biológicos , Animais , Cinética , Gatos , Hidratação/métodos , Modelos Lineares , Pressão , Dinâmica não Linear , Humanos , Pressão Hidrostática , Infusões Intravenosas , Simulação por Computador
Urolithiasis ; 52(1): 130, 2024 Sep 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39271505


Cat calcium oxalate monohydrate kidney stone matrix proteome showed great similarity to human calcium oxalate monohydrate stone matrix proteome, but inference of mechanistic similarity was limited by the absence of cat urine proteomic data. In this study, urine proteome distributions were measured by the same methods in 7 healthy cats for comparison to both the published human urine and cat calcium oxalate stone matrix proteomes to assess for similar enrichment patterns in both species. Furthermore, proteomic distributions were determined in cat struvite stone matrix to test for similarity to calcium oxalate monohydrate stone matrix and urine proteomes. Cat urine proteins demonstrated a similar distribution of abundance as a function of isoelectric points or net charge to human urine samples, and consequently the similarly altered patterns of protein distributions seen in calcium oxalate monohydrate stone matrix seen from both cat and human stones likely derives from the same preferential adsorption mechanism. Furthermore, the fact that protein abundance patterns seen in cat struvite stone matrix samples differ from both urine and calcium oxalate monohydrate stone matrix proteomes in systematic ways suggests that a combination of protein-protein and protein crystal interactions underly the formation of the crystal aggregates that comprise stones.

Oxalato de Cálcio , Cálculos Renais , Proteoma , Gatos , Oxalato de Cálcio/urina , Oxalato de Cálcio/análise , Proteoma/análise , Humanos , Animais , Cálculos Renais/urina , Cálculos Renais/química , Proteômica/métodos , Estruvita
Elife ; 132024 Sep 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39259595


Carnivores play key roles in maintaining ecosystem structure and function as well as ecological processes. Understanding how sympatric species coexist in natural ecosystems is a central research topic in community ecology and biodiversity conservation. In this study, we explored intra- and interspecific niche partitioning along spatial, temporal, and dietary niche partitioning between apex carnivores (wolf Canis lupus, snow leopard Panthera uncia, Eurasian lynx Lynx lynx) and mesocarnivores (Pallas's cat Otocolobus manul, red fox Vulpes vulpes, Tibetan fox Vulpes ferrilata) in Qilian Mountain National Park, China, using camera trapping data and DNA metabarcoding sequencing data. Our study showed that apex carnivore species had more overlap temporally (coefficients of interspecific overlap ranging from 0.661 to 0.900) or trophically (Pianka's index ranging from 0.458 to 0.892), mesocarnivore species had high dietary overlap with each other (Pianka's index ranging from 0.945 to 0.997), and apex carnivore and mesocarnivore species had high temporal overlap (coefficients of interspecific overlap ranging from 0.497 to 0.855). Large dietary overlap was observed between wolf and snow leopard (Pianka's index = 0.892) and Pallas's cat and Tibetan fox (Pianka's index = 0.997), suggesting the potential for increased resource competition for these species pairs. We concluded that spatial niche partitioning is likely to key driver in facilitating the coexistence of apex carnivore species, while spatial and temporal niche partitioning likely facilitate the coexistence of mesocarnivore species, and spatial and dietary niche partitioning facilitate the coexistence between apex and mesocarnivore species. Our findings consider partitioning across temporal, spatial, and dietary dimensions while examining diverse coexistence patterns of carnivore species in Qilian Mountain National Park, China. These findings will contribute substantially to current understanding of carnivore guilds and effective conservation management in fragile alpine ecosystems.

Ecossistema , Raposas , Animais , China , Raposas/fisiologia , Parques Recreativos , Gatos , Lobos/fisiologia , Carnívoros/fisiologia , Dieta , Lynx/fisiologia , Análise Espaço-Temporal , Panthera/fisiologia , Biodiversidade
Parasite ; 31: 53, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39240136


BACKGROUND: Clonorchis sinensis is a zoonotic liver fluke that inhabits the bile ducts of the human liver for prolonged periods, leading to cholangiocarcinoma. Recent research indicates associations between altered biliary microbiota and bile duct disorders. However, the impacts of C. sinensis infection on bile duct epithelium and subsequent effects on biliary microbiota remain unknown. METHODS: Feline bile duct samples were collected from both uninfected and C. sinensis-infected cats. Histopathological examination was performed to assess epithelial changes, fibrosis, mucin and cell proliferation using hematoxylin-eosin staining and immunohistochemistry. Additionally, biliary microbiota composition was analyzed through 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Statistical analyses were conducted to compare the microbial diversity and relative abundance between infected and uninfected samples. RESULTS: Histopathological analysis of infected feline bile ducts revealed prominent epithelial hyperplasia characterized by increased cell proliferation. Moreover, periductal fibrosis and collagen fibrosis were observed in infected samples compared to uninfected controls. Biliary microbial richness decreased with disease progression compared to uninfected controls. Streptococcus abundance positively correlated with disease severity, dominating communities in cancer samples. Predictive functional analysis suggested that C. sinensis may promote bile duct lesions by increasing microbial genes for carbohydrate metabolism, replication, and repair. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides comprehensive insights into the pathological effects of C. sinensis infection on feline bile duct epithelium and its influence on biliary microbiota composition. These novel findings provide insight into C. sinensis pathogenesis and could inform therapeutic development against human clonorchiasis. Further research is warranted to elucidate the underlying mechanisms driving these changes and their implications for host-parasite interactions.

Title: L'infection par Clonorchis sinensis induit des changements pathologiques dans l'épithélium des voies biliaires félines et modifie la composition du microbiote biliaire. Abstract: Contexte : Clonorchis sinensis est une douve zoonotique du foie qui habite les voies biliaires du foie humain pendant des périodes prolongées, conduisant au cholangiocarcinome. Des recherches récentes indiquent des associations entre une altération du microbiote biliaire et des pathologies des voies biliaires. Cependant, les impacts de l'infection par C. sinensis sur l'épithélium des voies biliaires et les effets ultérieurs sur le microbiote biliaire restent inconnus. Méthodes : Des échantillons de voies biliaires félines ont été prélevés sur des chats non infectés et infectés par C. sinensis. Un examen histopathologique a été réalisé pour évaluer les modifications épithéliales, la fibrose, la mucine et la prolifération cellulaire à l'aide de la coloration à l'hématoxyline-éosine et de l'immunohistochimie. De plus, la composition du microbiote biliaire a été analysée par séquençage du gène de l'ARNr 16S. Des analyses statistiques ont été menées pour comparer la diversité microbienne et l'abondance relative entre les échantillons infectés et non infectés. Résultats : L'analyse histopathologique des voies biliaires félines infectées a révélé une hyperplasie épithéliale importante caractérisée par une prolifération cellulaire accrue. De plus, une fibrose péricanalaire et une fibrose du collagène ont été observées dans les échantillons infectés par rapport aux témoins non infectés. La richesse microbienne biliaire diminue avec la progression de la maladie par rapport aux témoins non infectés. L'abondance des streptocoques est positivement corrélée à la gravité de la maladie, dominant les communautés dans les échantillons avec cancer. L'analyse fonctionnelle prédictive suggère que C. sinensis pourrait favoriser les lésions des voies biliaires en augmentant les gènes microbiens pour le métabolisme des glucides, la réplication et la réparation. Conclusions : Cette étude fournit des informations complètes sur les effets pathologiques de l'infection à C. sinensis sur l'épithélium des voies biliaires félines et son influence sur la composition du microbiote biliaire. Ces nouvelles découvertes donnent un aperçu sur la pathogenèse de C. sinensis et pourraient éclairer le développement thérapeutique contre la clonorchiase humaine. Des recherches supplémentaires sont nécessaires pour élucider les mécanismes sous-jacents à l'origine de ces changements et leurs implications sur les interactions hôte-parasite.

Ductos Biliares , Doenças do Gato , Clonorquíase , Clonorchis sinensis , Microbiota , RNA Ribossômico 16S , Animais , Gatos , Clonorquíase/parasitologia , Clonorquíase/veterinária , Clonorchis sinensis/fisiologia , Ductos Biliares/parasitologia , Ductos Biliares/patologia , Doenças do Gato/parasitologia , Doenças do Gato/microbiologia , RNA Ribossômico 16S/genética , Epitélio/microbiologia , Epitélio/patologia , Fibrose , Proliferação de Células , Masculino
Antimicrob Resist Infect Control ; 13(1): 107, 2024 Sep 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39304920


INTRODUCTION: The global increase of multidrug-resistant organisms (MDROs) is one of the most urgent public health threats affecting both humans and animals. The One Health concept emphasizes the interconnectedness of human, animal and environmental health and highlights the need for integrated approaches to combat antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Although the sharing of environments and antimicrobial agents between companion animals and humans poses a risk for MDRO transmission, companion animals have been studied to a lesser extent than livestock animals. This study therefore used core genome multilocus sequence typing (cgMLST) to investigate the genetic relationships and putative transmission of MDROs between humans and pets. METHODS: This descriptive integrated typing study included 252 human isolates, 53 dog isolates and 10 cat isolates collected from 2019 to 2022 at the Charité University Hospital in Berlin, Germany. CgMLST was performed to characterize methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, vancomycin-resistant enterococci and multidrug-resistant gram-negative bacteria. The genetic diversity of the MDROs of the different host populations was determined and compared based on sequence type and core genome complex type. RESULTS: Within this study the majority of samples from pets and humans was genetically distinct. However, for some isolates, the number of allelic differences identified by cgMLST was low. Two cases of putative household transmission or shared source of VR E. faecium and MDR E. coli between humans and pets were documented. CONCLUSIONS: The interaction between humans and their pets appears to play a minor role in the spread of the MDROs studied. However, further research is needed. This study emphasizes the importance of comprehensive molecular surveillance and a multidisciplinary One Health approach to understand and contain the spread of MDROs in human and animal populations. TRIAL REGISTRATION: The study is registered with the German Clinical Trials Register (DRKS00030009).

Farmacorresistência Bacteriana Múltipla , Staphylococcus aureus Resistente à Meticilina , Tipagem de Sequências Multilocus , Animais de Estimação , Humanos , Animais , Cães , Farmacorresistência Bacteriana Múltipla/genética , Gatos , Animais de Estimação/microbiologia , Staphylococcus aureus Resistente à Meticilina/genética , Staphylococcus aureus Resistente à Meticilina/efeitos dos fármacos , Staphylococcus aureus Resistente à Meticilina/classificação , Antibacterianos/farmacologia , Genoma Bacteriano , Enterococos Resistentes à Vancomicina/genética , Alemanha , Testes de Sensibilidade Microbiana , Variação Genética , Saúde Única
Vet Clin Pathol ; 53(3): 369-373, 2024 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39313773


A feline cutaneous melanocytic tumor in a 1-year-old cat is reported. The cytologic, histologic, and immunohistochemical characteristics of the pediatric feline cutaneous melanocytoma are included. A solitary, black-colored nodule on the head was histologically diagnosed as the epithelioid type of melanocytoma. Immunohistochemically, the neoplastic melanocytes demonstrated immunoreactivity to the S100 and MelanA antibodies but not to the PNL2 antibody. Despite high mitotic counts (17/10HPFs) and a Ki67 index (33%) suggesting malignant melanoma, the patient exhibited a favorable 5-month outcome. The mitotic activity of the neoplastic cells may not provide a reliable prediction for feline melanocytic tumors.

Doenças do Gato , Melanoma , Neoplasias Cutâneas , Gatos , Animais , Doenças do Gato/patologia , Doenças do Gato/diagnóstico , Neoplasias Cutâneas/veterinária , Neoplasias Cutâneas/patologia , Neoplasias Cutâneas/diagnóstico , Melanoma/veterinária , Melanoma/patologia , Melanoma/diagnóstico , Melanócitos/patologia , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Masculino , Feminino
Neuroimage ; 299: 120826, 2024 Oct 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39244076


Skull stripping is a fundamental preprocessing step in modern neuroimaging analyses that consists of removing non-brain voxels from structural images. When performed entirely manually, this laborious step can be rate-limiting for analyses, with the potential to influence the population size chosen. This emphasizes the need for a fully- or semi-automated masking procedure to decrease man-hours without an associated decline in accuracy. These algorithms are plentiful in human neuroimaging but are relatively lacking for the plethora of animal species used in research. Unfortunately, software designed for humans cannot be easily transformed for animal use due to the high amount of tailoring required to accurately account for the considerable degree of variation within the highly folded human cortex. As most animals have a relatively less complex cerebral morphology, intersubject variability is consequently decreased, presenting the possibility to simply warp the brain mask of a template image into subject space for the purpose of skull stripping. This study presents the use of the Cat Automated Registration-based Skull Stripper (CARSS) tool on feline structural images. Validation metrics revealed that this method was able to perform on par with manual raters on >90 % of scans tested, and that its consistency across multiple runs was superior to that of masking performed by two independent raters. Additionally, CARSS outperformed three well-known skull stripping programs on the validation dataset. Despite a handful of manual interventions required, the presented tool reduced the man-hours required to skull strip 60 feline images over tenfold when compared to a fully manual approach, proving to be invaluable for feline neuroimaging studies, particularly those with large population sizes.

Neuroimagem , Crânio , Gatos , Animais , Crânio/diagnóstico por imagem , Crânio/anatomia & histologia , Neuroimagem/métodos , Algoritmos , Processamento de Imagem Assistida por Computador/métodos , Imageamento por Ressonância Magnética/métodos , Encéfalo/diagnóstico por imagem , Encéfalo/cirurgia , Masculino , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes
Sci Rep ; 14(1): 21846, 2024 09 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39300247


Hair cortisol concentrations (HCC) are measured to assess long-term HPA-axis activity and may represent a valuable non-invasive tool to evaluate chronic stress in cats. This study investigated combing as a novel, low-stress method for HCC assessment, as well as possible associations between HCC and cat characteristics in 167 owned cats. Hair was sampled at veterinary clinics through clipping and/or combing the cat, or at home by the owner combing the cat. A questionnaire was sent to cat owners, including inquiries about the cat's sex, health status, and exposure to stress. HCC was quantified using a commercial cortisol assay kit. Despite variations within and between sampling methods, Spearman's correlation and Bland-Altman plots revealed a moderate correlation between clipped and combed samples (rs = 0.61, LOA -5.51 ± 22.54). In multiple linear regression, variations in HCC were observed based on sex, health status and cat group size. No associations were found between HCC and stress as assessed by owners. Despite study limitations and remaining uncertainty regarding factors influencing HCC, combing presents a convenient approach for evaluating long-term HPA-axis activity in clinical settings. The association between health and HCC suggests alterations in cortisol levels that are related to disease processes and stress-inducing events associated with the disease.

Cabelo , Nível de Saúde , Hidrocortisona , Animais , Hidrocortisona/metabolismo , Hidrocortisona/análise , Gatos , Cabelo/química , Cabelo/metabolismo , Feminino , Masculino , Estresse Psicológico/metabolismo , Estresse Fisiológico , Humanos
Open Vet J ; 14(8): 2092-2096, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39308721


Background: Lower lip avulsion is a separation between the lip and the associated soft tissue from the mandible. The degree of these types of injuries varies and heavily affects the outcome of the case. Case Description: This study reported an extensive lower lip avulsion managed by surgery and stem cell metabolite preparation. A one year and nine month-old domestic cats was referred for lower lip avulsion surgery to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital Airlangga University. Owing to the limited amount of tissue, immediate successful results cannot be achieved after the first surgery. Furthermore, tissue necrosis and lack of physical restraint to the cat at home contributed to the delayed union between the soft tissue and mandible, resulting in repeated surgery. Stem cell metabolites preparation was applied at the surgical site and was incorporated into the therapy to support tissue growth. Conclusion: The combination of surgical treatment and stem cell metabolite preparation resulted in good wound healing in the present case.

Lábio , Animais , Gatos/lesões , Lábio/cirurgia , Lábio/lesões , Masculino , Cicatrização , Células-Tronco , Lesões dos Tecidos Moles/veterinária , Lesões dos Tecidos Moles/cirurgia , Doenças do Gato/cirurgia
Open Vet J ; 14(8): 2100-2115, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39308736


Background: Fractures of the talus are relatively infrequently reported in small animals. Furthermore, talar neck fracture in cats seems to be very rare. This case report aims to consider the diagnosis, treatment, and a 7-month follow-up of a cat with a Hawkins type 3 talar fracture treated with a type 1b external skeletal fixator (ESF). Emphasizing on the complexity of the injury, considering treatment options and complications, and comparing them to previous reports on cats and humans. Case Description: A 4.5-year-old mixed-breed cat was diagnosed with a Hawkins type 3 talar fracture. Additionally, there were considerations related to the collateral support of the hock joint. The fracture fragment, i.e., the talar body and parts of the neck, was reduced with pointed reduction forceps through a small medial insition. The fracture was then stabilized with a trans articular type 1b ESF. Based on radiographic fracture assessment, de-staging of the frame was done 8 weeks postoperatively. While complete frame removal was at 12 weeks postoperatively. Seven months after the fracture, the cat was minimally lame when walking, and there was a reduced range of motion in the hock joint compared to the contralateral joint. Conclusion: Based on this case and the four previous cases with talar neck fractures, we cannot conclude, but ESF seems to be a good solution, especially when considering the possibility of disruption to the collateral support of the hock joint in this case.

Fraturas Ósseas , Tálus , Gatos/lesões , Animais , Tálus/lesões , Tálus/cirurgia , Fraturas Ósseas/veterinária , Fraturas Ósseas/cirurgia , Masculino , Fixadores Externos/veterinária , Fixação de Fratura/veterinária
J Am Anim Hosp Assoc ; 60(5): 219-222, 2024 Sep 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39235777


A 7 yr old castrated male domestic shorthair presented for assessment of a chronic left head tilt, losses of balance, and positional nystagmus. A computed tomographic scan of the head revealed several fragments of a metallic foreign body in the left tympanic cavity. The foreign material was removed under endoscopic assistance through a minimally invasive ventral bulla osteotomy. No complications were noted during the immediate postoperative period. Follow-up 5 mo after surgery revealed complete resolution of the neurological signs with no evidence of recurrence. Foreign bodies associated with middle ear infection have not been previously reported in the cat. They should now be included in the differential diagnosis of vestibular disease. Endoscopic-assisted foreign body removal in the middle ear seems to be a safe and efficient way to retrieve small foreign bodies in bullae in cats.

Doenças do Gato , Corpos Estranhos , Osteotomia , Animais , Masculino , Gatos , Corpos Estranhos/veterinária , Corpos Estranhos/cirurgia , Osteotomia/veterinária , Osteotomia/métodos , Doenças do Gato/cirurgia , Ferimentos por Arma de Fogo/veterinária , Ferimentos por Arma de Fogo/cirurgia , Cirurgia Vídeoassistida/veterinária , Orelha Média/cirurgia
J Am Anim Hosp Assoc ; 60(5): 193-197, 2024 Sep 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39235780


A 10 yr old spayed female ragdoll cat presented with sudden onset of sneezing, nasal discharge, and stertor. There was no improvement in clinical signs despite treatment with antibiotics, feline interferon, and nebulization. A computed tomography (CT) scan revealed findings consistent with chronic rhinitis, and a tissue biopsy obtained by rhinoscopy led to a histopathologic diagnosis of sinonasal aspergillosis. Polymerase chain reaction amplification identified the causative agent as Aspergillus udagawae. Oral itraconazole therapy was initiated. However, the cat's clinical signs progressed to include left exophthalmos, nictitating membrane protrusion, and lacrimation. A second CT scan revealed a soft-tissue attenuating structure extending into the left retrobulbar space, confirming progression to sino-orbital aspergillosis (SOA). The oral medication was changed to posaconazole and continued for 5 mo, resulting in resolution of the clinical signs. The cat has remained asymptomatic over 24 mo since initial diagnosis. This case represents the first successful treatment of feline SOA caused by A udagawae infection with posaconazole. A udagawae is the second most common cause of SOA and is known to be intractable because of its low susceptibility to antifungal agents and poor response to topical clotrimazole. Posaconazole may be a valuable treatment option for SOA caused by A udagawae.

Antifúngicos , Aspergilose , Aspergillus , Doenças do Gato , Triazóis , Gatos , Doenças do Gato/tratamento farmacológico , Doenças do Gato/microbiologia , Animais , Feminino , Aspergilose/veterinária , Aspergilose/tratamento farmacológico , Antifúngicos/uso terapêutico , Triazóis/uso terapêutico , Triazóis/administração & dosagem , Aspergillus/efeitos dos fármacos , Aspergillus/isolamento & purificação , Administração Oral , Doenças Orbitárias/veterinária , Doenças Orbitárias/tratamento farmacológico
J Feline Med Surg ; 26(9): 1098612X241276916, 2024 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39254308


PRACTICAL RELEVANCE: Cats are great pretenders; they often hide illness until they are critical. This makes patients of this species challenging to assess and manage in the emergency setting where quick and stress-free diagnosis and treatment are necessary. Veterinary point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) is a rapid, evidence-based, non-invasive, repeatable, cage-side ultrasonographic examination designed to answer clinically driven questions without compromising feline wellbeing. Integrating feline friendly POCUS as an extension of the physical examination to streamline diagnostic and therapeutic interventions, thereby limiting stress and improving overall patient care, is advocated by the authors of this article. EQUIPMENT: Given the multitude of ultrasound machines and probes available that are portable, meaning they can be moved around the clinic and used patient-side, it should be possible for most practitioners to integrate POCUS into daily practice. The authors' preferred equipment for feline POCUS is a microconvex probe and a portable machine with a fixed pre-set. This set-up allows the clinician to complete all POCUS (abdominal, lung and pleural space, and heart) without needing to move the patient, change probes or restrain the patient in a particular position, ultimately saving time, personnel and cost while maintaining patient comfort and safety. AIM: This review aims to serve as a valuable resource for veterinarians seeking to improve their feline patient care through the judicious utilisation of POCUS. In this article, the complex challenges posed by cats are addressed, and the different POCUS techniques, applications and clinical recommendations are discussed. EVIDENCE BASE: This review draws on the published literature, as well as the authors' own collective experience when providing recommendations.

Doenças do Gato , Sistemas Automatizados de Assistência Junto ao Leito , Ultrassonografia , Medicina Veterinária , Gatos , Animais , Ultrassonografia/veterinária , Doenças do Gato/diagnóstico , Medicina Veterinária/métodos
Vet Clin Pathol ; 53(3): 325-342, 2024 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39284777


BACKGROUND: Regression describes the relationship of results from two analyzers, and the generated equation can be used to harmonize results. Point-of-care (POC) analyzers cannot be calibrated by the end user, so regression offers an opportunity for calculated harmonization. Harmonization (uniformity) of laboratory results facilitates the use of common reference intervals and medical decision thresholds. OBJECTIVE: Our aims were to characterize the relationship of results for multiple biochemistry analytes on a POC and a commercial laboratory analyzer (CL) with three regression techniques and to use regression equations to harmonize the POC results with those of the CL. Harmonized results were assessed by recognized quality goals. We used harmonized results to assess the regression techniques. METHODS: After analyzer imprecision assessments, paired clinical samples were assessed with one dataset to calculate regression parameters that were applied to a second dataset. Three regression techniques were performed, and each was used to harmonize the POC results with those from the CL. POC results were assessed for bias and the number of results reaching quality goals before and after harmonization. RESULTS: All regression techniques could be used to harmonize most analytes so that 95% of results were within ASVCP TEa guidelines. Harmonization could be further improved with alternate regression techniques or exclusions. CONCLUSIONS: Regression offers a means to harmonize POC and CL analyzers. Further work is needed to assess how few samples can reliably be used and to assess likely species differences. No regression technique reliably describes the relationship between methods when correlation is poor.

Análise Química do Sangue , Sistemas Automatizados de Assistência Junto ao Leito , Animais , Gatos/sangue , Sistemas Automatizados de Assistência Junto ao Leito/normas , Análise de Regressão , Análise Química do Sangue/veterinária , Análise Química do Sangue/instrumentação , Análise Química do Sangue/normas , Valores de Referência