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Movimento (Porto Alegre) ; 29: e29005, 2023. graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1506752


O objetivo do estudo foi investigar as experiências que contribuíram para a ascensão de uma treinadora brasileira de tênis no alto rendimento. Para isso, esta pesquisa descritiva de abordagem qualitativa foi orientada por meio de um estudo de caso único. No momento do estudo, Fernanda tinha 30 anos de idade e 12 anos de experiência como treinadora em nível nacional e internacional. Enquanto estratégias para a coleta dos dados, foram utilizados nesta ordem: a Rappaport timeline e a entrevista semiestruturada. A análise desses dados foi conduzida por meio das orientações da análise temática reflexiva. Os resultados versam pelos seguintes temas: (a) Influência, Conexão e Inspiração: Personagens Fundamentais; (b) Perfil Promissor e Acolhimento no Contexto; e (c) Desenvolvimento Enquanto Treinadora: Os Constantes Aprendizados e Questionamentos no Percurso. De modo geral, Fernanda teve uma trajetória orientada por relações de influência com personagens de seu contexto. Os momentos fora de sua zona de conforto contribuíram para a definição de estratégias que visem suprir as necessidades e avançar perante as barreiras identificadas.(AU)

This study aimed to identify and analyze the content developed in competitive Rhythmic Gymnastics (RG) sports initiation. We interviewed six coaches who worked in basic categories of medalist clubs in the 2019 Brazilian RG Championships. From the thematic analysis, five themes emerged: (1) Specialize versus Expand: factors that limit and contribute to physical-motor development in RG sports initiation; (2) Body positioning is a "rule" in RG; (3) Body difficulties: training to learn or training to compete?; (4) From an accessory element to an essential element: the valorization of RG's apparatus; (5) Within the rules and outside of training: The artistic component in RG. We suggest that the content must respect gymnasts' characteristics, their health, long-term training, and their integral development. As they are children, results would not be a priority at this stage, and the content should be established based on the RG's future vision.(AU)

El objetivo de este estudio ha sido identificar y analizar el contenido desarrollado en la iniciación deportiva competitiva de la Gimnasia Rítmica (GR). Entrevistamos a seis entrenadoras de las categorías de base de instituciones medallistas en al menos una categoría de los Campeonatos Brasileños de GR 2019. A través del análisis temático emergieron cinco temas: (1) Especializar versus ampliar: Factores que limitan y contribuyen al desarrollo físico-motor en la iniciación deportiva de la GR; (2) Posicionamiento corporal es "regla" en la GR; (3) Dificultades corporales: ¿entrenar para aprender o entrenar para competir?; (4) De elemento accesorio a elemento esencial: la valorización los aparatos de GR; (5) Dentro de las reglas y fuera del entrenamiento: el componente artístico en la GR. Sugerimos que el contenido respete las características, la salud, formación a largo plazo y desarrollo integral de las gimnastas. Al tratarse de niñas, los resultados no serían prioridad en esta etapa y el contenido debería apoyarse en la visión de futuro de la modalidad.(AU)

Humanos , Feminino
Sports Biomech ; : 1-18, 2022 Nov 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36373999


This study aimed to compare the changes in body composition and physical qualities of under 19's backs and forwards during the season (i.e. from pre-season [Pre-S] to end-season [End-S]). Twenty-seven male youth rugby union players (mean ± SD: age, Forwards [n = 11]: 17.5 ± 1.2 and Backs [n = 16]: 17.0 ± 0.9 years) participated in this study. Participants were tested twice (i.e. at Pre-S and End-S) and completed: anthropometric, body composition, countermovement and squat jumps, 30-m sprint, squat and bench press 1-repetition maximum (SQ-1RM and BP-1RM). Significant differences were observed between Pre-S and End-S for body mass (BM) and lean mass (LM), among both playing positions (p < 0.034; ES > 0.71), whereas all other variables remained unchanged. Regarding physical performance, backs and forwards showed greater SQ-1RM and BP-1RM, respectively (p < 0.043; ES>-0.69). Moreover, backs and forwards exhibited higher split times from 5 to 30 m (p: 0.013 to <0.001). Substantial increases were observed in BM and LM for backs and forwards, which may have negatively impacted acceleration (i.e. 5-m sprint time) and initial sprint momentum for both playing positions. Our findings highlight the importance of carefully balancing changes in BM and body composition, to avoiding the detrimental effects of these variations on sprint performance.

Percept Mot Skills ; 129(3): 851-868, 2022 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35416732


In this cross-sectional study, we investigated the predictive power of perfectionism on 413 Brazilian athletes' perceptions of team cohesion and conflict. Participants responded to the Sport Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale-2, the Youth Sport Environment Questionnaire, and the Group Conflict Questionnaire. In data analysis, we used Pearson correlations, multiple regression, latent profile analysis (LPA), and multiple analysis of variance. Regression analysis revealed that perfectionistic standards were positively associated with both task and social cohesion (p < .01), while doubts about action were negatively associated with task cohesion (p < .01). Furthermore, concern over mistakes, parental pressure, and doubts about action were positively associated with social conflict (p < .01), and concern over mistakes was positively associated with task conflict (p < .01). LPA revealed two profiles of perfectionism that we termed perfectionistic concerns and perfectionistic striving. Perfectionistic striving was positively correlated with social cohesion (p < .001), and perfectionistic concerns were positively correlated with both task conflict (p < .001) and social conflict (p < .001).

Perfeccionismo , Esportes , Adolescente , Atletas , Estudos Transversais , Humanos , Pais
Movimento (Porto Alegre) ; 28: e28080, 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1422176


O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar e analisar o conteúdo desenvolvido na iniciação esportiva competitiva da Ginástica Rítmica (GR). Entrevistamos seis treinadoras das categorias de base de instituições medalhistas em ao menos uma categoria dos Campeonatos Brasileiros de GR 2019. Por meio da análise temática, cinco temas emergiram: (1) Especializar versus Ampliar: fatores que limitam e contribuem para o desenvolvimento físico-motor na iniciação esportiva da GR; (2) O posicionamento corporal é "regra" na GR; (3) Dificuldades corporais: treinar para aprender ou treinar para competir?; (4) De elemento acessório a elemento essencial: a valorização dos aparelhos da GR; (5) Dentro das regras e fora dos treinos: O componente artístico na GR. Sugerimos que o conteúdo preze pelas características, saúde, formação em longo prazo e desenvolvimento integral das ginastas. Por tratar-se de crianças, os resultados não seriam prioritários nessa fase e o conteúdo deveria apoiar-se na visão de futuro da modalidade. (AU)

This study aimed to identify and analyze the content developed in competitive Rhythmic Gymnastics (RG) sports initiation. We interviewed six coaches who worked in basic categories of medalist clubs in the 2019 Brazilian RG Championships. From the thematic analysis, five themes emerged: (1) Specialize versus Expand: factors that limit and contribute to physical-motor development in RG sports initiation; (2) Body positioning is a "rule" in RG; (3) Body difficulties: training to learn or training to compete?; (4) From an accessory element to an essential element: the valorization of RG's apparatus; (5) Within the rules and outside of training: The artistic component in RG. We suggest that the content must respect gymnasts' characteristics, their health, long-term training, and their integral development. As they are children, results would not be a priority at this stage, and the content should be established based on the RG's future vision.(AU)

El objetivo de este estudio ha sido identificar y analizar el contenido desarrollado en la iniciación deportiva competitiva de la Gimnasia Rítmica (GR). Entrevistamos a seis entrenadoras de las categorías de base de instituciones medallistas en al menos una categoría de los Campeonatos Brasileños de GR 2019. A través del análisis temático emergieron cinco temas: (1) Especializar versus ampliar: Factores que limitan y contribuyen al desarrollo físico-motor en la iniciación deportiva de la GR; (2) Posicionamiento corporal es "regla" en la GR; (3) Dificultades corporales: ¿entrenar para aprender o entrenar para competir?; (4) De elemento accesorio a elemento esencial: la valorización los aparatos de GR; (5) Dentro de las reglas y fuera del entrenamiento: el componente artístico en la GR. Sugerimos que el contenido respete las características, la salud, formación a largo plazo y desarrollo integral de las gimnastas. Al tratarse de niñas, los resultados no serían prioridad en esta etapa y el contenido debería apoyarse en la visión de futuro de la modalidad.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto Jovem , Atletas
Pensar Prát. (Online) ; 24dez. 2021. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1363922


Objetivou-se avaliar a variabilidade do estado de humor de atletas juvenis de basquetebol durante uma competição estadual. Participaram 27 atletas de basquetebol, do mesmo clube, do sexo masculino, com idade entre 13 e 15 anos. Todos responderam a Escala de Humor de Brunel em seis jogos durante o campeonato. Os resultados demonstraram que os atletas investigados apresentaram, durante toda a competição, elevados escores de vigor e baixos escores de confusão mental e tensão. Quanto à variabilidade, os atletas não apresentaram variabilidade durante a competição, ou seja, mantiveram-se com níveis elevados de humor positivo. Pode-se concluir que essa amostra apresentou o perfil de humor denominado de iceberg, durante toda a competição (AU).

The objective was to evaluate the variability of the mood state of youth basketball athletes during a state competition. 27 male basketball players from the same club, aged between 13 and 15 years, participated. All responded to Brunel's Humor Scale in six games during the championship. The results showed that the athletes investigated had, throughout the competition, high scores of vigor, and lowered the scores of mental confusion and tension. As variability, the athletes did not show variability during the competition, that is, they maintained high levels of positive mood. It can be concluded that this sample presented the mood profile called iceberg, throughout the competition (AU).

El objetivo fue evaluar la variabilidad del estado de ánimo de los jóvenes deportistas de baloncesto durante una competición estatal. Participaron 27 jugadores de baloncesto masculinos del mismo club, con edades comprendidas entre 13 y 15 años. Todos respondieron a la escala de humor de Brunel en seis juegos durante el campeonato. Los resultados mostraron que los atletas investigados tenían, a lo largo de la competencia, puntuaciones altas de vigor y redujeron las puntuaciones de confusión y tensión mental. Como variabilidad, los atletas no mostraron variabilidad durante la competencia, es decir, mantuvieron altos niveles de ánimo positivo. Se puede concluir que esta muestra presentó el perfil de estado de ánimo denominado iceberg, durante toda la competencia (AU).

Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Basquetebol , Emoções , Atletas , Psicologia do Esporte
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1347974


Objetivou-se avaliar a variabilidade do estado de humor de atletas juvenis de basquetebol durante uma competição estadual. Participaram 27 atletas de basquetebol, do mesmo clube, do sexo mas-culino, com idade entre 13 e 15 anos. Todos responderam a Escala de Humor de Brunel em seis jogos durante o campeonato. Os resultados demonstraram que os atletas investigados apresentaram, durante toda a competição, elevados escores de vigor e baixos escores de confusão mental e tensão. Quanto à variabilidade, os atletas não apresentaram va-riabilidade durante a competição, ou seja, mantiveram-se com níveis ele-vados de humor positivo. Pode-se concluir que essa amostra apresentou o perfil de humor denominado de iceberg, durante toda a competição.

The objective was to evaluate the variability of the mood state of youth basketball athletes during a state competition. 27 male basketball players from the same club, aged between 13 and 15 years, participated. All responded to Brunel's Humor Scale in six games during the championship. The results showed that the athletes investigated had, throughout the competition, high scores of vigor, and lowered the scores of mental confusion and tension. As variability, the athletes did not show variability during the competition, that is, they maintained high levels of positive mood. It can be concluded that this sample presented the mood profile called iceberg, throughout the competition.

El objetivo fue evaluar la variabilidad del estado de ánimo de los jóvenes deportistas de baloncesto durante una competición estatal. Participaron 27 jugadores de baloncesto masculinos del mismo club, con edades comprendidas entre 13 y 15 años. Todos respondieron a la escala de humor de Brunel en seis juegos durante el campeonato. Los resultados mostraron que los atletas investigados tenían, a lo largo de la competencia, puntuaciones altas de vigor y redujeron las puntuaciones de confusión y tensión mental. Como variabilidad, los atletas no mostraron variabilidad durante la competencia, es decir, mantuvieron altos niveles de ánimo positivo. Se puede concluir que esta muestra presentó el perfil de estado de ánimo denominado iceberg, durante toda la competencia.

Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 14(4): 617-622, dic. 2020. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1134548


ABSTRACT: This study examined the salivary pH, salivary lactate, and salivary IL-1 β responses from a high-intensity intermittent running test, and the influence of hygiene oral status on these biomarkers in elite adolescent basketball players. Forty-six adolescent players participated. Saliva sampling was taken before and 3 min after a high-intensity exercise (Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test Level 1; Yo-Yo IR1). In order to quantify and classify the oral hygiene level, the athletes were submitted to a dental examination, and an adapted Simplified Oral Hygiene Index was applied. After the dental examination, the whole group was divided into good oral hygiene group (GHG) and poor oral hygiene group (PHG). The results of a two- way analysis of variance showed a significant interaction effect (P = 0.0003), group effect (P < 0.0001), and time effect (pre to post Yo-yo IR1; P < 0.0001) for salivary pH and for salivary lactate (interaction effect, P = 0.008; group effect, P < 0.000 1; time effect, P < 0.0001) with a lower salivary pH and a higher salivary lactate at pre and post-Yo-Yo IR1 for PHG, but no difference was observed for IL-1β. The data demonstrated that the high-intensity exercise led to a significant change in salivary pH and salivary lactate concentration of the basketball players, and that the oral hygiene status influenced these responses, with a greater change for those players showing a poor oral hygiene.

RESUMEN: Este estudio examinó las respuestas de pH salival, lactato salival e IL-1β salival de una prueba de carrera intermitente de alta intensidad, y la influencia del estado de higiene oral en los biomarcadores en jugadores adolescentes de baloncesto de élite. En el análisis participaron 46 jugadores adolescentes. Se tomó una muestra de saliva antes y 3 minutos después de un ejercicio de alta intensidad (Prueba de recuperación intermitente Yo-Yo Nivel 1; Yo-Yo IR1). Para cuantificar y clasificar el nivel de higiene oral, los atletas fueron sometidos a un examen dental y se aplicó un índice adaptado de higiene oral simplificado. Después del examen dental, el grupo se dividió en un grupo de buena higiene oral (GHG) y un grupo de mala higiene oral (PHG). Los resultados de un análisis de varianza mostraron un efecto de interacción significativo (P = 0.0003), efecto de grupo (P<0.0001) y efecto de tiempo (antes y después de Yo-yo IR1; P <0.0001) para el pH salival y para lactato salival (efecto de interacción, P = 0.008; efecto de grupo, P <0.0001; efecto de tiempo, P <0.0001) con pH salival más bajo y lactato salival más alto en IR1 pre y post YoY para PHG, pero no se observó una diferencia para IL-1β. Los datos demostraron que el ejercicio de alta intensidad genera un cambio significativo en el pH salival y el lactato de los jugadores de baloncesto, y que el estado de higiene oral influyó en estas respuestas, con un cambio mayor para aquellos jugadores que mostraron una mala higiene oral.

Humanos , Animais , Adolescente , Higiene Bucal/educação , Basquetebol , Saúde Bucal/educação , Higiene Bucal/estatística & dados numéricos , Saliva , Brasil , Ácido Láctico , Citosina , Teste de Esforço , Atletas , Microbiota , Boca/microbiologia
Podium (Pinar Río) ; 15(3): 484-493, sept.-dic. 2020. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1143458


Resumen En la búsqueda de una pertinencia en el contexto del perfeccionamiento de los componentes de la preparación física en los niveles del alto rendimiento para el volley de playa, es que se emprende esta investigación, que tiene como objetivo analizar elementos relacionados con el comportamiento del salto en los atletas juveniles de voleibol de playa de la Eide de Pinar del Río. Para ello, se tuvo en cuenta la utilización de métodos científicos, teóricos y empíricos, como la revisión documental y la medición, que garantizaron el cumplimiento de los objetivos propuestos. Los resultados obtenidos ofrecen una serie de datos importantes sobre las particularidades individuales y colectivas de los atletas estudiados, que propiciarán una valiosa información a los entrenadores que les permitirá direccionar el trabajo en el sentido de la programación del entrenamiento.

Resumo Na busca de uma pertinência no contexto do aperfeiçoamento dos componentes da preparação física nos niveles do alto rendimento para o voleibol de praia, es que se empreende esta investigação, que tiene como objectivo analisar elementos relacionados com o comportamento do salto nas atletas juvenis de vôlei de praia de la EIDE de Pinar del Río. Para além disso, é necessário ter em conta a utilização de métodos científicos, teóricos e empíricos, como a revisão documental e a meditação, que garantem o cumprimento dos objectivos de proteção do amianto. Os resultados obtidos permitiram a obtenção de uma série de dados importantes sobre as particularidades individuais e coletivas dos atletas estudados, que propiciará uma valiosa informação aos participantes que permitirão direcionar o trabajo no sentido do programa de entrada.

Abstract In the search for relevance in the context of improving the components of physical preparation at high performance levels for beach volleyball, this research is undertaken to analyse elements related to jumping behaviour in young beach volleyball athletes at the Eide in Pinar del Río. For this purpose, the use of scientific, theoretical and empirical methods was taken into account, such as document review and measurement, which guaranteed the fulfilment of the proposed objectives. The results obtained provide a series of important data on the individual and collective particularities of the athletes studied, which will provide valuable information to the coaches that will allow them to direct the work in the sense of training programming.

J Sports Sci ; 38(11-12): 1279-1285, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30724662


This study examined the age-specific development of vertical jump height, straight and change-of-direction (COD) speed, and COD deficit in one-hundred and eighty-two elite soccer players from different age-categories (U15, U17, U20, and Senior). All participants were players of two distinct clubs and were undertaking different training routines, as planned by their technical staff members. For this purpose, the soccer players performed: (1) squat and countermovement jumps; (2) a maximal 20-m linear sprint speed test, and (3) the Zigzag COD test. The magnitude-based inference approach and standardized differences were used to compare the age-groups. Sprint speed at longer distances (20-m) increased progressively across the age-ranges. In contrast, speed and acceleration performances at shorter distances (5-m) were better in U15 than in the other age-categories. The COD speed did not change throughout the younger categories but presented a meaningful decrease in the Senior category. Surprisingly, despite the progressive increase in volume and intensity of neuromuscular training from younger to older categories, the COD deficit presented a gradual increase across the age-groups. It is possible that simple modulation of the strength-power training program during the maturation process is not sufficient to produce faster adult players with enhanced ability to change direction. Therefore, coaches are strongly encouraged to implement specific COD training practices to tolerate braking at increasing running speeds and appropriate volume and intensity of soccer specific training throughout the players' specialization process.

Desempenho Atlético/fisiologia , Destreza Motora/fisiologia , Futebol/fisiologia , Aceleração , Adolescente , Adulto , Fatores Etários , Estudos Transversais , Teste de Esforço , Humanos , Masculino , Força Muscular/fisiologia , Treinamento Resistido , Corrida/fisiologia , Adulto Jovem
J Hum Kinet ; 65: 235-248, 2018 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30687435


The aims of this study were to compare the internal training load (ITL) in soccer players of two competitive age groups (under-15 [U-15] and under-19 [U-19]) during an 8-week preseason training period and compare the associated changes in physical performance measures. Eighteen U-15 and twelve U-19 players were monitored over an 8-week period during the preseason phase. The ITL was monitored using the session rating of perceived exertion (RPE) method. Before and after the preseason period, physical performance was assessed by best (RSAbest) and mean (RSAmean) times in a repeated sprint ability (RSA) test and peak velocity derived from the Carminatti test (PVT-CAR). Total weekly ITL increased with age (U-15: 13770 ± 874 AU vs. U-19: 33584 ± 2506 AU; p < 0.001). In addition, U-19 players perceived training sessions as heavier than U-15 players (6.1 ± 0.3 vs. 5.3 ± 0.3 AU, respectively; p < 0.001). After the preseason period, very likely to almost certainly positive changes were observed for all performance measures in both age groups. However, the U-15 group had possibly superior gains in RSAbest (+1.40%, 90%CL -0.29 to 3.05, with ES = 0.35) and likely higher effects in RSAmean (+1.89%, 90%CL 0.04 to 3.70, with ES = 0.53) and PVT-CAR (+2.71%, 90%CL 0.35 to 5.01, with ES = 0.37) compared to the U-19 group. In conclusion, our findings demonstrate that the U-19 group accumulate higher total weekly ITLs than the U-15 group during the preseason phase due to longer and heavier training sessions. However, the U-15 group obtained superior gains in soccer-specific physical abilities while accumulating half the total ITLs during lighter training sessions.

Front Physiol ; 8: 742, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29018362


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of loaded and unloaded plyometric training strategies on speed and power performance of elite young soccer players. Twenty-three under-17 male soccer players (age: 15.9 ± 1.2 years, height: 178.3 ± 8.1 cm, body-mass (BM): 68.1 ± 9.3 kg) from the same club took part in this study. The athletes were pair-matched in two training groups: loaded vertical and horizontal jumps using an haltere type handheld with a load of 8% of the athletes' body mass (LJ; n = 12) and unloaded vertical and horizontal plyometrics (UJ; n = 11). Sprinting speeds at 5-, 10-, and 20-m, mean propulsive power (MPP) relative to the players' BM in the jump squat exercise, and performance in the squat jump (SJ) and countermovement jump (CMJ) were assessed pre- and post-training period. During the experimental period, soccer players performed 12 plyometric training sessions across a 6-week preseason period. Magnitude based inferences and standardized differences were used for statistical analysis. A very likely increase in the vertical jumps was observed for the LJ group (99/01/00 and 98/02/00 for SJ and CMJ, respectively). In the UJ group a likely increase was observed for both vertical jumps (83/16/01 and 90/10/00, for SJ and CMJ, respectively). An almost certainly decrease in the sprinting velocities along the 20-m course were found in the LJ group (00/00/100 for all split distances tested). Meanwhile, in the UJ likely to very likely decreases were observed for all sprinting velocities tested (03/18/79, 01/13/86, and 00/04/96, for velocities in 5-, 10-, and 20-m, respectively). No meaningful differences were observed for the MPP in either training group (11/85/04 and 37/55/08 for LJ and UJ, respectively). In summary, under-17 professional soccer players increased jumping ability after a 6-week preseason training program, using loaded or unloaded jumps. Despite these positive adaptations, both plyometric strategies failed to produce worthwhile improvements in maximal speed and power performances, which is possible related to the interference of concurrent training effects. New training strategies should be developed to ensure adequate balance between power and endurance loads throughout short (and high-volume) soccer preseasons.

J Hum Kinet ; 56: 73-80, 2017 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28469745


Heart rate variability has been widely used to monitor athletes' cardiac autonomic control changes induced by training and competition, and recently shorter recording times have been sought to improve its practicality. The aim of this study was to test the agreement between the (ultra-short-term) natural log of the root-mean-square difference of successive normal RR intervals (lnRMSSD - measured in only 1 min post-1 min stabilization) and the criterion lnRMSSD (measured in the last 5 min out of 10 min of recording) in young female basketball players. Furthermore, the correlation between training induced delta change in the ultra-short-term lnRMSSD and the criterion lnRMSSD was calculated. Seventeen players were assessed at rest pre- and post-eight weeks of training. Trivial effect sizes (-0.03 in the pre- and 0.10 in the post- treatment) were found in the comparison between the ultra-short-term lnRMSSD (3.29 ± 0.45 and 3.49 ± 0.35 ms, in the pre- and post-, respectively) and the criterion lnRMSSD (3.30 ± 0.40 and 3.45 ± 0.41 ms, in the pre- and post-, respectively) (intraclass correlation coefficient = 0.95 and 0.93). In both cases, the response to training was significant, with Pearson's correlation of 0.82 between the delta changes of the ultra-short-term lnRMSSD and the criterion lnRMSSD. In conclusion, the lnRMSSD can be calculated within only 2 min of data acquisition (the 1st min discarded) in young female basketball players, with the ultra-short-term measure presenting similar sensitivity to training effects as the standard criterion measure.

J Hum Kinet ; 60: 113-121, 2017 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29339991


This study determined whether a multivariate profile more effectively discriminated selected than non-selected elite youth Brazilian soccer players. This examination was carried out on 66 youth soccer players (selected, n = 28, mean age 16.3 ± 0.1; non-selected, n = 38, mean age 16.7 ± 0.4) using objective instruments. Multivariate profiles were assessed through anthropometric characteristics, biological maturation, tactical-technical skills, and motor performance. The Student's t-test identified that selected players exhibited significantly higher values for height (t = 2.331, p = 0.02), lean body mass (t = 2.441, p = 0.01), and maturity offset (t = 4.559, p < 0.001), as well as performed better in declarative tactical knowledge (t = 10.484, p < 0.001), shooting (t = 2.188, p = 0.03), dribbling (t = 5.914, p < 0.001), speed - 30 m (t = 8.304, p < 0.001), countermovement jump (t = 2.718, p = 0.008), and peak power tests (t = 2.454, p = 0.01). Forward stepwise discriminant function analysis showed that declarative tactical knowledge, running speed -30 m, maturity offset, dribbling, height, and peak power correctly classified 97% of the selected players. These findings may have implications for a highly efficient selection process with objective measures of youth players in soccer clubs.

J Sports Sci ; 34(24): 2238-2245, 2016 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27687493


The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between the peak velocity derived from the Carminatti Test (T-CAR) (PVT-CAR) and physical match performance in young soccer players. Thirty-three youth soccer players were recruited from 2 non-professional clubs. Friendly matches and small-sided game were performed. Physical match demands were assessed using Global Positioning System (GPS) technology. On a separate occasion, the players were submitted to the T-CAR. Players were categorised into 3 groups based on their T-CAR performance: Low (PVT-CAR ≤ P33), Intermediate (P33 > PVT-CAR < P66) and High (PVT-CAR ≥ P66). The PVT-CAR (15.5 ± 0.7 km·h-1) was significantly related to high-intensity activities (HIA; r = 0.78, P < 0.001), high-intensity running (HIR; r = 0.66, P < 0.001), sprinting (r = 0.62, P < 0.001) and total distance (TD) covered (r = 0.47, P < 0.01) during friendly matches. The PVT-CAR was strongly correlated with the amount of HIA (r = 0.81, P < 0.001), HIR (r = 0.85, P < 0.001) and TD covered (r = 0.81, P < 0.001) during small-sided game. No significant correlation was observed between the PVT-CAR and distance of sprinting (r = 0.49, P = 0.067) during small-side game. Furthermore, players in the High group covered significantly more TD (10%) and did more HIA (42%), sprinting (31%) and HIR (25%) during friendly matches compared to the players classified as having Low performance on the T-CAR. These differences still remained after adjusting for chronological age (CA), maturity and body size. In conclusion, the current study gives empirical support to the ecological and construct validity of this novel field test (T-CAR) as an indicator of match-related physical performance in young soccer players during pubertal years.

Desempenho Atlético , Teste de Esforço , Corrida , Futebol , Adolescente , Sistemas de Informação Geográfica , Humanos , Masculino , Resistência Física , Aptidão Física