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Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(4): 595-602, Julio 5, 2024. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566018


Introducción. Colombia es un país que ha tenido el conflicto armado como parte de su historia. Durante más de 50 años, diferentes tipos de armas han sido empleados en la guerra interna. Desde el año 1999 hasta 2010, en el Hospital Militar Central, Bogotá, D.C., Colombia, se atendieron más de 15.000 personas heridas en combate. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir los abordajes quirúrgicos realizados para el tratamiento de lesiones generadas en combate militar, por el servicio de Cirugía general en el Hospital Militar Central, entre los años 2016 y 2021. Métodos. Se condujo un estudio observacional descriptivo de corte transversal, en donde se recolectó información de la base de datos del grupo de Trauma del Hospital Militar Central, sobre los pacientes con lesiones generadas en combate, atendidos por el servicio de cirugía general. Resultados. En total ingresaron 203 pacientes, 99 % de sexo masculino, 87 % pertenecientes al ejército. El departamento de donde más se recibieron heridos fue Arauca (20,7 %). Las armas de fuego de alta velocidad fueron los artefactos relacionados con las heridas en más de la mitad de los casos. Las intervenciones quirúrgicas más frecuentes fueron extracción de cuerpo extraño (28 %), exploración vascular (25,5 %) y toracostomía o toracoscopia (20,6 %). Conclusión. Los procedimientos quirúrgicos para el manejo del trauma militar siguen siendo variados con respecto a la ubicación y el abordaje, razón por la cual el conocimiento del cirujano general debe ser amplio, para estar capacitado para su manejo.

Introduction. Colombia is a country that has had armed conflict as part of its history. For more than 50 years, different types of weapons have been used in internal warfare. From 1999 to 2010, more than 15,000 people injured in combat were treated at the Central Military Hospital, Bogotá, D.C., Colombia. The objective of this study was to describe the surgical approaches carried out for the treatment of injuries generated in military combat, by the General Surgery service at the Central Military Hospital, between 2016 and 2021. Methods. A cross-sectional descriptive observational study was conducted, where information was collected from the database of the Trauma group of the Central Military Hospital on patients with injuries during combat treated by the General Surgery service. Results. A total of 203 patients were admitted, 99% were male, 87% belonged to the Army. The department from which the most wounded were received was Arauca (20.7%). High-velocity firearms were the injury-related weapons in more than half of the cases. The most common surgical interventions performed were foreign body extraction (28%), vascular exploration (25.5%), and thoracostomy or thoracoscopy (20.6%). Conclusion. Surgical procedures for the management of military trauma continue to be varied with respect to location and approach, which is why the general surgeon's knowledge must be extensive to be qualified for its management.

Humanos , Procedimentos Médicos e Cirúrgicos sem Sangue , Lesões Relacionadas à Guerra , Serviços de Saúde Militar , Ferimentos e Lesões , Guerras e Conflitos Armados
Confl Health ; 18(1): 25, 2024 Apr 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38566196


BACKGROUND: This study explores the impacts of attacks perpetrated in the context of armed conflict, to female health workers in three Colombian territories. METHODS: We conducted a document review of the reports and databases of the Colombian Truth Commission, 17 in-depth semi-structured interviews with experts on the national and regional armed conflict and the medical mission, and 26 female health workers who were victims of attacks. RESULTS: Experts and female health workers reported attacks to health activities, facilities, equipment, and personnel, including attacks to traditional doctors belonging to indigenous communities. The most frequent attacks were threats and retention of health personnel; theft of supplies and medicines; damage and use of infrastructure and means of transport for purposes other than health care; and hinderance of health service provision. The attacks occurred in a framework of structural violence that intersects with poverty, racism, and gender bias. The impacts of these attacks include gender-based violence, significant disruption of the lives of health workers, and physical, emotional, psychological, social, and economic effects on the victims and their families. The government response to protect victims and populations has been absent or insufficient. CONCLUSIONS: Attacks to health care were reported in all the studied territories obstructing adequate health care. Impacts of these attacks affect negatively the professional and personal life of the workers and are aggravated by structural violence and absent or little institutional response.

Esc. Anna Nery Rev. Enferm ; 28: e20230124, 2024. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem | ID: biblio-1569172


Resumo Objetivo analisar as circunstâncias nas quais a Maternidade de Natal funcionou como hospital militar (1941-1950). Método estudo qualitativo, histórico-social, elaborado a partir de fontes documentais e bibliográficas. Os dados foram organizados e analisados conforme a análise temática de conteúdo. Resultados o funcionamento da Maternidade de Natal requereu empenho, articulações e estratégias da Sociedade de Assistência Hospitalar quanto às dificuldades financeiras, cessão do prédio ao Ministério da Guerra, durante II Guerra Mundial, e por fim, a devolução e sua inauguração. Esse contexto transformou o cotidiano de Natal e, assim, o hospital militar cooperou com o curso de enfermeiras do hospital militar, criação da Cruz Vermelha - filial Rio Grande do Norte -, curso de voluntários para rapazes, estágio para médicos oficiais da Reserva do Exército e criação do centro de estudos. Conclusão e implicações para a prática o estudo contribui para a compreensão da assistência à mulher e da história do Rio Grande do Norte. Da idealização da Maternidade de Natal à atualidade, foi possível constatar a evolução do seu perfil, inicialmente assistencial, e hoje é centro de referência à saúde da mulher e da criança, do ensino e na formação profissional em saúde.

Resumen Objetivo analizar las circunstancias en que la Maternidade de Natal funcionó como hospital militar (1941-1950). Método estudio cualitativo, historia social, elaborado con fuentes documentales y bibliográficas. Los datos fueron organizados y analizados según el análisis de contenido temático. Resultados el funcionamiento de la Maternidade de Natal requirió compromiso, coordinación y estrategias de la Sociedad de Asistencia Hospitalaria frente a las dificultades financieras, la transferencia del edificio al Ministerio de la Guerra, durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, y finalmente, el regreso y su inauguración. Este contexto transformó la vida cotidiana de Natal y, así, el hospital militar colaboró ​​con el curso para enfermeros en el hospital militar, la creación de la Cruz Roja - filial Rio Grande do Norte -, el curso de voluntariado para niños, la pasantía para médicos oficiales de Reserva del Ejército y creación del centro de estudios. Conclusión e implicaciones para la práctica el estudio contribuye para la comprensión de la asistencia a las mujeres y la historia de Rio Grande do Norte. Desde la idealización de la Maternidade de Natal hasta la actualidad, se pudo observar la evolución de su perfil, inicialmente asistencial, y hoy es un centro de referencia en salud maternoinfantil, educación y formación profesional en salud.

Abstract Objective to analyze the circumstances in which the Maternidade de Natal functioned as a military hospital (1941-1950). Method a qualitative, social history study, elaborated with documentary and bibliographical sources. Data were organized and analyzed according to thematic content analysis. Results the Maternidade de Natal operation required commitment, coordination and strategies from the Hospital Assistance Society regarding financial difficulties, transfer of the building to the Ministry of War, during World War II, and finally, the return and its inauguration. This context transformed the daily life of Natal and, thus, the military hospital cooperated with the course for nurses at the military hospital, creation of the Red Cross - Rio Grande do Norte branch -, volunteer course for boys, internship for official Army Reserve physicians and creation of the study center. Conclusion and implications for practice the study contributes to the understanding of care for women and the history of Rio Grande do Norte. From the idealization of the Maternity de Natal to the present day, it was possible to observe the evolution of its profile, initially providing assistance, and today it is a reference center for women's and children's health, education and professional training in health.

Humanos , História do Século XX , Maternidades/história , Hospitais Militares/história , Pesquisa Qualitativa , II Guerra Mundial , Enfermagem Militar/história
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos;31: e2024022, 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557919


Resumen El presente trabajo utiliza los historiales clínicos de seis mujeres internadas en el Manicomio Nacional de Leganés, Madrid (España), en los que, además de las anotaciones médicas, existen cartas y otros documentos personales. El control sobre estas cartas no enviadas nos permite escuchar las denuncias sobre la institución, así como recuperar las voces de las internas y sus resistencias a ser tratadas como locas. Este análisis nos lleva a explorar la doble marginación: ser "mujeres" y "enfermas mentales" y nos aproxima a construir una historia desde el punto de vista del paciente. El marco temporal es el franquismo, régimen dictatorial que implantó un modelo hegemónico femenino dictado por una moral nacional-católica.

Abstract This article uses the medical records of six women admitted to the Manicomio Nacional de Leganés, Madrid (Spain), in which, in addition to medical notes, there are letters and other personal documents. These unsent letters allow us to read about their complaints towards the institution, as well as to recover the voices of the inmates and their resistance to being treated like insane people. This analysis leads us to explore the double marginalization: being "women" and being "mentally ill"; it also brings us closer to building a story from the patient's point of view. The time frame is Franco's dictatorship, during which the implementation of a national-Catholic system undoubtedly reinforced the female hegemonic model of the regime.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1565580


En 2006, el Gobierno mexicano desplegó las Fuerzas Armadas para combatir el crimen organizado en la llamada guerra contra el narcotráfico. Desde entonces, la sociedad civil ha sido víctima de asesinatos, desapariciones y torturas cometidos tanto por los grupos del crimen organizado como por las fuerzas federales y estatales que supuestamente se encuentran combatiendo a estos primeros. En este artículo se muestra el análisis del testimonio de una madre que se enfrentó a la destrucción parcial de los restos de su hijo; para ello, se utilizan tres aspectos fundamentales para guiar el estudio: la relación entre las somatizaciones y la reelaboración de la experiencia traumática de la destrucción parcial de los restos de un ser querido, la creación de zonas de silencio en torno a escenas brutales, y la función que cumple el testimonio en el proceso de simbolización de huellas traumáticas.

Resumos In 2006, the Mexican government deployed the armed forces to combat organized crime in the so-called "war against narcotrafficking". Since then, civilians have been victims o of murders, disappearances, and torture carried out both by cartels and by the federal and state forces who are supposedly fighting the former. This article presents the analysis of the narrative of a mother who faced the partial destruction of her son's remains, focusing on three fundamental aspects: the relationship between somatizations and the working trough of the traumatic experience of the destruction of a beloved's remains, the creation of zones of silence around brutal events, and the role that accounts play in the process of symbolization of traumatic traces.

En 2006, le gouvernement mexicain a déployé les forces armées pour combattre le crime organisé dans le cadre de la soi-disant guerre contre la drogue. Depuis lors, la société civile est victime d'assassinats, de disparitions et de tortures commis tant par les groupes du crime organisés que par les forces gouvernementales censées les combattre. Cet article analyse le témoignage d'une mère confrontée à la destruction partielle de la dépouille de son fils. Trois aspects fondamentaux guident l'étude: la relation entre les somatisations et la réélaboration de l'expérience traumatique, la création des zones de silence autour des scènes brutales et le rôle du témoignage dans le processus de symbolisation des traces traumatiques.

Em 2006, o governo mexicano mobilizou as forças armadas para combater o crime organizado na chamada guerra contra o narcotráfico. Desde então, a sociedade civil tem sido vítima de assassinatos, desaparecimentos e torturas cometidos tanto por grupos do crime organizado quanto por forças federais e estaduais que supostamente lutam contra eles. São três os aspetos fundamentais que orientam o estudo: a relação entre as somatizações e a reelaboração da experiência traumática da destruição dos restos mortais de uma pessoa amada, a criação de zonas de silêncio em torno das cenas brutais e o papel que o testemunho desempenha no processo de simbolização dos vestígios traumáticos.

World J Gastroenterol ; 29(45): 5953-5961, 2023 Dec 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38130999


BACKGROUND: Psychosocial and physical trauma are known risk factors for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), including in war veterans, whereas war exposure in civilians is unclear. Nicaragua experienced two wars, 1970-1990: The Sandinistas Revolution (1970s) and The Contra War (1980s). Our aim was to investigate the role of exposure to war trauma in the subsequent development of IBS in the context of an established health surveillance system (11000 households). AIM: To investigate in a civilian population the relationship between exposure to war trauma and events and the subsequent development of IBS in the context of an established public health and demographic surveillance system in western Nicaragua. METHODS: We conducted a nested population-based, cross-sectional study focused on functional gastrointestinal disorders based on Rome II criteria. 1617 adults were randomly selected. The Spanish Rome II Modular Questionnaire and Harvard Trauma Questionnaire were validated in Nicaragua. War exposure was assessed with 10 measures of direct and indirect war trauma and post-war effects. Multiple exposures were defined by ≥ 3 measures. RESULTS: The prevalence of IBS was 15.2% [Female (F) 17.1%, Male (M) 12.0%], war exposure 19.3% (F 9.3%, M 36.7%), and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) 5.6% (F 6.4%, M 4.3%). Significant associations with IBS in the civilian population were observed (adjusted by gender, age, socioeconomic status, education): physical and psychological abuse [adjusted odds ratio (aOR): 2.25; 95% confidence interval: 1.1-4.5], witnessed execution (aOR: 2.4; 1.1-5.2), family member death (aOR: 2.2; 1.2-4.2), and multiple exposures (aOR: 2.7; 1.4-5.1). PTSD was independently associated with IBS (aOR: 2.6; 1.2-5.7). CONCLUSION: An enduring association was observed in the Nicaragua civilian population between specific civil war-related events and subsequent IBS. Civilian populations in regions with extended armed conflict may warrant provider education and targeted interventions for patients.

Síndrome do Intestino Irritável , Transtornos de Estresse Pós-Traumáticos , Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Estudos Transversais , Síndrome do Intestino Irritável/epidemiologia , Síndrome do Intestino Irritável/etiologia , Nicarágua/epidemiologia , Prevalência , Fatores de Risco , Transtornos de Estresse Pós-Traumáticos/epidemiologia , Transtornos de Estresse Pós-Traumáticos/complicações , Transtornos de Estresse Pós-Traumáticos/psicologia , Inquéritos e Questionários
Rev. Asoc. Méd. Argent ; 136(4): 29-32, dic. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1553084


Francisco Javier Muñiz nació en Monte Grande en 1795 y se graduó de médico en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Buenos Aires en 1822. Además de la medicina y la paleontología, Muñiz se desempeñó como cirujano de guerra en la guerra con el Brasil y en la guerra de la Triple Alianza. En 1871, encontrándose jubilado, se ofrece como voluntario en la lucha contra la epidemia de fiebre amarilla que asoló a la ciudad de Buenos Aires provocando 14.467 muertos. Muñiz falleció el 8 de abril de 1871 en cumplimiento del deber, contagiado de fiebre amarilla. Médico, periodista, paleontólogo, descubridor de la vacuna nativa contra la viruela y realizador de apuntes de lingüística, Francisco Javier Muñiz, representa uno de los grandes ejemplos para la sociedad argentina. (AU)

Francisco Javier Muñiz was born in Monte Grande in 1795 and graduated as a physician from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Buenos Aires in 1822. In addition to medicine and paleontology, Muñiz served as a military surgeon in the War with Brazil and in the War of the Triple Alliance. In 1871, when he was retired, he volunteered to fight the yellow fever epidemic that devastated the city of Buenos Aires, causing 14,467 deaths. Muñiz died in the line of duty on April 8, 1871, infected with yellow fever. Doctor, journalist, paleontologist, discoverer of the native vaccine against smallpox and linguistic note-taker, Francisco Javier Muñiz is one of the great examples for Argentinian society. (AU)

História do Século XIX , Febre Amarela/história , Conflitos Armados/história , Cirurgiões/história , Paleontologia/história , Argentina , Médicos/história , Brasil , História da Medicina
Bioethics ; 2023 Nov 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37939202


This paper discusses children's right to play and its bioethical importance for children affected by war. Against the background of the current military conflicts, it analyses physical, psychological, and institutional factors that limit children's right to play in a situation involving armed conflict. Considering that the lack of institutional support of play for children affected by war constitutes a failure to fulfil our societal and political obligation under Article 31 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, this paper analyses the understanding of play adopted in this legal instrument. In line with the distinctions made in the Convention, it discusses the importance of play for children's life and survival, for their health and well-being, as well as for the recovery of trauma experienced by children affected by armed conflict. It thereby aims to contribute to the recognition and protection of this right on the grounds of bioethics and healthcare.

F1000Res ; 12: 701, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37829591


Background: Using an online questionnaire capturing the immediate economic and social effects of the Russia-Ukraine war. The study assesses the topics of more profound concern for university students and the variation of economic attitudes related to their socio-demographic variables. Methods: Three hundred eighty-five participants, between 18 and 22 years of age, 49% female, leads us to identify significant differences by sex and economic status related to the stock crash, inflation, corruption, and poverty perceptions. However, the effect size and sampling could be improved. Results: Kruskal-Wallis test confirms that the below-average economic status group feels more worried about higher inflation, while females tend to be more concerned about inflation, corruption, and poverty because of the conflict. Ordered logistic regression reveals that participants who express higher levels of concern regarding the impact of increased energy prices and poverty tend to exhibit greater overall worry. Conclusions: Even though convenience sampling imposes constraints to extrapolate the results broadly, the research constitutes a benchmark for similar studies among Latin American and Caribbean countries since economic expectations and economic knowledge from citizens, applied in their decisions, play an essential role in national development.

Pobreza , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Equador , Ucrânia , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Federação Russa
Confl Health ; 17(1): 51, 2023 Oct 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37875980


BACKGROUND: Colombia has experienced decades of conflict between the government and non-state actors. Attacks on healthcare have been a grave but regular facet of that violence. In response, the Misión Médica (MM) program was developed to support, protect, and defend healthcare. Sporadic violence continues, with many recent attacks perpetrated not by armed actors but by residents. Given the history of conflict and ongoing violence, we sought to capture the perspectives of both healthcare workers (HCWs) and community members (CMs) regarding the characteristics and impacts of attacks on health in Colombia to gain insight into how to better prevent violence and mitigate its impacts. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was conducted from January to March 2021 in seven departments in Colombia in regions that witnessed attacks on healthcare. Questionnaires were administered to HCWs and CMs via purposive sampling, probing their experiences with attacks on health with both closed and open-ended questions. The categorical responses were stratified by health worker vs. non-health worker and descriptively analyzed. Narrative responses were analyzed via a hybrid deductive/inductive thematic approach. RESULTS: Seventy-three individuals participated in the study (36 HCWs and 37 cm). Approximately 77% of HCWs believed that attacks on healthcare impacted health outcomes while 68% of CMs did not see a direct connection between violence against healthcare and poor health outcomes. Awareness of the MM program was significantly different between HCWs (83.3%) and CMs (37.8%). The survey responses explored the characteristics of attacks on health, compounded impacts of violence on the health system, personal impacts, and perspectives on mitigation efforts. CONCLUSIONS: The study demonstrates that: (1) attacks on healthcare are context-dependent and require a local lens for mitigation and management; (2) both HCWs and CMs have critical perspectives that must be considered, (3) the impacts of violence against healthcare are complex and compounded and (4) that awareness of the legal protections of the Geneva Conventions must be combined with education on the health impacts for robust protection strategies. Critically, Both CMs and HCWs experience fear and psychosocial ramifications of these attacks, suggesting the need for stronger protections and resources to support the health workforce and the local community.

Med Anthropol ; 42(7): 650-666, 2023 10 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37788325


In Putumayo, a jungle borderland in southern Colombia, thousands of farmers derive their livelihood from the cultivation and processing of coca leaf, exposing themselves to fertilizers, pesticides, and other toxic chemicals on a daily basis. In this article, we show how the coca growers' relationship with chemicals and the health risks to which they are exposed, are politically and institutionally structured. We discuss the specific impact of anti-narcotics policy in a broader context of deep inequalities and document the emergent and adaptive day-to-day attempts of the farmers to navigate the structural risk environment.

Coca , Cocaína , Humanos , Colômbia , Antropologia Médica , Agricultura
Salud mil ; 42(2): e701, 20230929. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1531723


Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial el gobierno de Uruguay intentó prepararse para una eventual defensa militar del territorio y la defensa de la población civil en caso de sufrir ataques aéreos. La Defensa Pasiva, fue la estructura gubernamental que junto a la voluntad en todas las clases sociales, funcionó en todo el territorio nacional con la finalidad de proteger a la población civil de los ataques aéreos y guerra química, generando un espíritu de solidaridad a través de su División Médica de Emergencia.

During the Second World War, the government of Uruguay tried to prepare for an eventual military defense of the territory and the defense of the civilian population in case of air raids. The Passive Defense was the governmental structure that, together with the will of every social class, operated throughout the national territory with the purpose of protecting the civilian population from air raids and chemical weapons, generating a spirit of solidarity through its Emergency Medical Division.

Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, o governo uruguaio tentou se preparar para uma eventual defesa militar do território e para a defesa da população civil em caso de ataques aéreos. A Defesa Passiva era a estrutura governamental que, juntamente com a vontade de todas as classes sociais, operava em todo o território nacional com o objetivo de proteger a população civil de ataques aéreos e da guerra química, gerando um espírito de solidariedade por meio de sua Divisão Médica de Emergência.

Humanos , II Guerra Mundial , Desastres/prevenção & controle , Emergências/história , Medicina Militar/história , Uruguai
Front Psychiatry ; 14: 1218298, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37547209


Sustainability may be at risk in a population that has altered health, according to Sustainable Development Goal 3 (SDG 3): Health and well-being. The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine could jeopardize SDG 3, specifically the mental health of the population. The present study sought to determine the association between severe anxiety, depression and stress in population of 13 Latin American countries according to fear about the war conflict. It was a cross-sectional, analytical and multicenter study. Anxiety, depression and stress were measured with the DASS-21 test (Cronbach's Alpha: 0.97) and fear due to an armed crisis with a questionnaire already validated in Latin America (Cronbach's Alpha: 0.92), which was also adjusted for sex, age, education level and country of residence. Descriptive and analytical statistics were obtained. Of the 2,626 respondents, the main fear was that weapons of mass destruction would be used. In the multivariate models, strong associations were found between fear of a possible world-scale armed conflict and having severe or very severe levels of anxiety (aPR: 1.97; 95% CI: 1.64-2.36; value of p <0.001), depression (aPR: 1.91; 95% CI: 1.54-2.36; value of p <0.001) or stress (aPR: 2.05; 95% CI: 1.63-2.57; value of p <0.001). Sustainability linked to SDG 3, specifically mental health, is affected by this type of significant events, given the possible global war crisis that could trigger major events, even more so if added to the deterioration already experienced by COVID-19 in the Latin American region, insecurity and constant political uncertainty.

Interdisciplinaria ; 40(2): 517-541, ago. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448508


Resumen Este estudio analiza los cambios estructurales experimentados por un equipo interprofesional que implementa un programa de intervención psicosocial dirigido a víctimas de la guerra en Colombia. Los equipos están compuestos por psicólogos, trabajadores sociales y facilitadores comunitarios que proporcionan atención a nivel individual, familiar y comunitario. Se aplicaron métodos de evaluación estructural para identificar cambios en la cohesión de las redes de reconocimiento entre profesionales, así como la preferencia para colaborar y el intercambio de información enviada y recibida. La recogida de información se produjo en dos series temporales -tiempo 1 (T1) y tiempo 2 (T2)- con un intervalo de tres meses. Se utilizó una estadística aplicada al análisis de datos relacionales para determinar los cambios en las redes en T1 y T2. En el período de referencia se incrementó la densidad en las redes de reconocimiento [. = 1.7105, (IC 95 %: -.0123 - .185), . < .0444] y de preferencia para trabajar [. = 2.0942, (IC 95 %: .005 - .1521), . < .0218]. Las redes de intercambio de información no experimentaron cambios significativos. Las regresiones múltiples a nivel diádico indican que la preferencia para trabajar e intercambiar información en T1, predicen el intercambio de información relativo tanto a peticiones de información recibidas como enviadas en T2. Se discuten los resultados para optimizar la implementación de programas de intervención psicosocial desarrolladas por equipos interprofesionales.

Abstract The study analyzes the structural changes experienced by an interprofessional team implementing a psychosocial intervention program for victims of war in Colombia. The program is called "PAPSIVI" (Programa de Atención Psicosocial y Salud Integral a Víctimas), which has been operating in Colombia since 2013, thanks to Law 1448 of 2011 to improve the quality of life and repair the damage of the victims of the armed conflict in Colombia. It only served people registered in the Single Registry of Victims (RUV), which had 9'165,126 records throughout the country until September 2021. This program follows a comprehensive and restorative approach that defines victims as protagonists of their own process of empowerment and positive change (Laplante and Holguin, 2006; Thompson, 1996). For this purpose, a multilevel intervention is carried out at the individual, family and community levels. The program is implemented by teams of professionals (psychologists, social workers and community facilitators) of varying sizes depending on the number of victims served in the municipalities. Psychologists provide individual psychological care and, to a lesser extent, family therapy is also offered to try to repair psychosocial damage from exposure to situations of violence (Oficina de Promoción Social, 2017). Social workers carry out community interventions to promote the associative fabric and social capital. Community promoters are facilitators and connect professionals with the potential beneficiaries of the intervention. The latter are very important, having themselves the status of victims, which increases the ecological validity of the intervention. Due to the characteristics of the implementation of this initiative, which takes into account the difficulties of the context (with situations of deprivation and vulnerability), as well as the particularities of the participants, it is valid to ask in this research what are the structural changes experienced by the teams of professionals who implement PAPSIVI. For this, structural evaluation methods were applied to identify changes in the cohesion of recognition networks among professionals, the preference to collaborate and the exchange of information sent and received. Data collection took place in two time series (T1 before - T2 after) with an interval of three months. Statistics applied to relational data analysis were used to determine changes in the networks at time T2. In the results it was found that in the baseline period the density in the recognition [t = 1.7105, (95 % CI: -.0123 - .185), p < .0444] and work preference [t = 2.0942, (95 % CI: .005 - .1521), p < .0218] networks increased. Information exchange networks did not experience significant changes. Multiple regressions at the dyadic level indicate that the preference for working and exchanging information at T1 predicts information exchange relative to both information requests received and sent at T2. It is concluded that the results shed light for: (a) optimize the design of psychosocial intervention teams; (b) improve their functioning by introducing horizontal organizational communication tools (among the members of each team), transversal (among the members of the teams implementing the program in different municipalities), and vertical (by promoting communication between professionals and program managers/responsible persons), and (c) achieve that changes in the structure of the teams serve as a diagnostic tool for functional problems of the team associated with the exchange of professional information and the referral of users. Ultimately, better integration of the teams leads to better psychosocial profiles of the users of programs such as PAPSIVI and allows them to better adapt their activities to the needs of the users, which improves the effectiveness of the intervention (Virto, 2021).

Int J Drug Policy ; 119: 104125, 2023 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37499305


BACKGROUND: Globally, the US-Mexico Border is one of the largest drug trafficking regions, with Ciudad Juarez (CJ) and El Paso (EP) making up the second-largest border crossing in the world. Border communities are places where the risk of drug use harm and infectious diseases such as HIV are augmented due to the confluence of factors operating across the physical, social, economic and policy environment. Although the two cities are economically, culturally, and socially intertwined, each has distinct criminal justice systems and policy practices aimed at curtailing substance use. Between 2008 and 2011, the CJ/EP region experienced an unprecedented level of violence that stemmed from the intersection of police militarization and drug cartel wars, which profoundly shaped every aspect of life. Little research has documented the impact of drug cartel wars on the drug use and health harms of people who inject drugs (PWID) living in CJ and EP. The purpose of the study is to understand the effect that the drug cartel war had on the drug use harms and HIV risk of PWID. METHODS: We conducted 40 in-depth interviews with people who inject drugs who resided in CJ or EP and had used heroin or crack cocaine in the last 30 days, and asked how police militarization and drug cartel war affected their daily lives. The risk environment framework informed the analysis and interpretation of findings. RESULTS: Findings indicated that the risk environment was profoundly altered as PWID residing in CJ experienced profound changes in their daily lives that promoted engagement in behaviors that increased drug use and health harms including HIV risk, exacerbated trauma, and prevented use of substance use treatment and harm reduction services. The risk environment was also altered in EP, where PWID experienced drug supply shortages, violent policing practices, and reduced availability of harm reduction services. Findings underscore the permeability of risk environments across geographical borders. CONCLUSION: The intersection of law enforcement militarization and drug cartel wars can be conceptualized as a 'big event' because it disrupts the drug market economy, leads to drug shortages, promotes entrance into the drug market economy by people who use drugs, reshapes drug use sites, and constrains the provision of harm reduction services. The stability of the harm reduction system in CJ was negatively impacted and limited the ability of individuals to reduce harm. Our findings show that drug cartel wars render the CJ/EP region extremely susceptible to drug use and health harms, while also creating vulnerability by severely restricting its ability to respond. Traditional recommendations to intervene to limit the impact of risk environments on the drug use harms of PWID need to be reconsidered in the context of drug cartel wars.

Usuários de Drogas , Infecções por HIV , Abuso de Substâncias por Via Intravenosa , Transtornos Relacionados ao Uso de Substâncias , Humanos , Polícia , Abuso de Substâncias por Via Intravenosa/epidemiologia , Infecções por HIV/epidemiologia , Infecções por HIV/prevenção & controle , México , Transtornos Relacionados ao Uso de Substâncias/epidemiologia , Violência
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521070


El presente artículo se encuentra enmarcado en un periodo histórico donde se ha derrotado una vez más la posibilidad de mantener la paz. El espectro del conflicto llegó a su punto máximo una guerra fratricida que nadie esperaba y peor aun cuando amenaza con un desenlace de consecuencias catastróficas para la humanidad; por tanto nos volvemos a preguntar ¿por qué la guerra? A quien o a que atribuimos la ruptura de la paz, es difícil comprender las posiciones humanas desde el psicoanálisis, o desde la filosofía de la paz hasta la vieja concepción geopolítica de la guerra. Los Estados a pesar de entender la paz, son llevados a la defensa de sus intereses aunque signifique su propia destrucción, luego el conflicto en su ciclo de la paz a la guerra no puede ser controlado. Actualmente la guerra entre Rusia y Ucrania no sólo promueve la preocupación y la reflexión, del por qué la guerra, sino que, debe llegar a posiciones consensuadas de la comunidad internacional que perpetúe la paz imperfecta.

This article is framed in a historical period where the possibility of maintaining peace has once again been defeated. The specter of conflict reached its peak with a fratricidal war that no one expected, and even worse when it threatens a catastrophic outcome for humanity; therefore we ask ourselves again, why war? It is difficult to understand human positions from psychoanalysis to the philosophy of peace to the old geopolitical conception of war, to whom or what we attribute the breakdown of peace. States, despite understanding peace, are led to defend their interests even if it means their own destruction, then the conflict in its cycle from peace to war cannot be controlled. Currently, the war between Russia and Ukraine not only promotes concern and reflection on the reasons for war, but it must also lead to agreed positions of the international community that perpetuate imperfect peace.

Este artigo está inserido em um período histórico em que a possibilidade de manter a paz foi mais uma vez derrotada. O espectro do conflito atingiu seu auge com uma guerra fratricida que ninguém esperava, e pior ainda quando ameaça um desfecho com consequências catastróficas para a humanidade; portanto, voltamos a perguntar: por que a guerra? É difícil entender as posições humanas do psicanálise à filosofia da paz à velha concepção geopolítica da guerra, a quem ou ao que atribuímos a ruptura da paz. Os Estados, apesar de entenderem a paz, são levados a defender seus interesses mesmo que isso signifique sua própria destruição, então o conflito em seu ciclo da paz à guerra não pode ser controlado. Atualmente, a guerra entre Rússia e Ucrânia não só promove a preocupação e a reflexão sobre as razões da guerra, mas também deve levar a posições consensuadas da comunidade internacional que perpetuem a paz imperfeita. politics.

BrJP ; 6(2): 185-193, Apr.-June 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1513773


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: In recent history, major catastrophes are followed by economic crisis, which are commonly succeeded by high levels of psychological stress related to financial hardships. The relationship between this financial stress (FS) and musculoskeletal pain (MP) is not elucidated. The aim of this systematic review was to critically evaluate the evidence of the relationship between these financial difficulties and MP. METHODS: A comprehensive search was conducted on the following databases: Medline, LILACS, Scielo and PsycINFO. Studies included were observational, among adults, measuring FS and its association with MP worsening or development, recruiting participants or data from any setting, and providing outcome data for at least one pain outcome measure. RESULTS: 445 potentially relevant citations was identified, which included 438 unique citations, 419 of which did not meet inclusion criteria. Final search included nine studies. The most frequent pain types reported were low back pain and neck pain. Descriptions of financial stress varied. Overall, exposure to financial stress was determined according to some difficulty in relation to afford necessities. All studies, except one, found significant associations between some type of MP and FS. CONCLUSION: This systematic review brought the available data on the relationship between FS and MP. It is possible to state that there is reasonable evidence of FS as a strong predictor for the onset of MP. It is necessary to be aware of this issue when dealing with pain patients during the current humanitarian crisis.

RESUMO JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Na história recente, grandes catástrofes são seguidas de crises econômicas, que comumente são acompanhadas por altos níveis de estresse psicológico relacionado a dificuldades financeiras. A relação entre esse estresse financeiro (EF) e a dor musculoesquelética (DME) não está elucidada. O objetivo desta revisão sistemática foi avaliar criticamente as evidências da relação entre tais dificuldades financeiras e a DME. MÉTODOS: Uma busca abrangente foi realizada nas seguintes bases de dados: Medline, LILACS, Scielo e PsycINFO. Os estudos incluídos foram observacionais, entre adultos, aferindo o EF e sua associação com a piora ou desenvolvimento de uma DME, recrutando participantes ou dados de qualquer ambiente, e fornecendo dados de resultado para ao menos uma medida de resultado de dor. RESULTADOS: Foram identificadas 445 citações potencialmente relevantes, que incluíram 438 citações únicas, 419 das quais não atenderam aos critérios de inclusão. A pesquisa final incluiu 9 estudos. Os tipos de dor mais frequentes relatados foram lombalgia e cervicalgia. Descrições de estresse financeiro variaram. No geral, a exposição ao estresse financeiro foi determinada de acordo com alguma dificuldade em relação às necessidades de pagamento. Todos os estudos, exceto um, encontraram associações significativas entre algum tipo de DME e EF. CONCLUSÃO: Este estudo trouxe os dados disponíveis sobre a relação entre EF e DME. É possível afirmar que há razoável evidência do EF como um forte preditor para o aparecimento de DME. É preciso estar ciente dessa questão ao lidar com pacientes com dor durante a atual crise humanitária.

J Health Soc Behav ; 64(3): 401-416, 2023 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37052319


Sociological research suggests that violent environments contribute to excess weight, a pressing health issue worldwide. However, this research has neglected extreme forms of violence, such as armed conflicts, a theoretically significant omission because armed conflict could reasonably lead to weight loss, not weight gain. I examine the weight-related, short-term consequences of the Mexican "War on Organized Crime." I combine body mass index (N = 3,341) and waist circumference (N = 3,509) measures from the Mexico Family Life Survey with a novel data set on aggressions, confrontations, and executions between 2009 and 2011 (CIDE-PPD database) and exploit variation in the timing of the outcome relative to violent events taking place in the same residential environment. I find a robust and large positive association between armed conflict events and weight gain in adults and suggestive evidence of the behavioral, emotional, and physiological/biochemical pathways connecting those variables.

Violência , Adulto , Humanos , México
Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 52(1)mar. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521990


En Cuba, el primer departamento de rayos X se inauguró en el año 1907 por Francisco Domínguez Roldán. Poco se divulga un contacto previo durante el siglo XIX, en la guerra hispano-norteamericana. Este artículo describe el uso de los rayos X en la guerra hispano-cubano-norteamericana y su importancia en la historia de la Radiología. Para esta contienda, la parte norteamericana preparó sus barcos hospitales. El ejército habilitó el Relief y el Missouri, mientras que la marina lo hizo con Solace. También se convirtieron en buques hospitales el Olivette y el Bay State. Todos contaban con equipos de rayos X. El capitán Borden publicó un libro en 1900 "El uso de los rayos Roentgen por el departamento médico de la armada estadounidense en la guerra con España (1898)" que marcó un antes y un después en el uso de los rayos X. Este fue un hecho trascendental para la historia de la Radiología y favoreció un avance considerable en la sanidad militar y civil.

In Cuba, the first X-ray department was set up in 1907 by Francisco Domínguez Roldán. Little is reported about a previous contact during the 19th century in the Spanish-Cuban-American war. This article describes the use of X-rays in the Spanish-Cuban-American war and its importance in the history of Radiology. For this war the American side prepared its hospital ships. The Army fitted out the Relief and the Missouri, while the Navy did it with the Solace. The Olivette and the Bay State also became hospital ships. All were equipped with X-ray equipment. Captain Borden published a book in 1900 "The Use of Roentgen Rays by the Medical Department of the U.S. Navy in the War with Spain (1898)" which marked a before and after in the use of X-rays. This was a transcendental fact for the history of Radiology and favored a considerable advance in military and civilian health.

Am J Surg ; 225(4): 787-792, 2023 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36220700


BACKGROUND: The Latin American military vascular trauma is virtually unknown. The aim of this study was to describe severe war vascular trauma during the last 20 years of the Colombian armed conflict, and to identify predictors of limb amputation. METHODS: Retrospective analysis of a follow-up cohort from 1999 to 2019 of patients with associated severe vascular injuries (ISS >15) in the Colombian armed conflict treated at the Hospital Militar Central. RESULTS: Out of 5948 patients, 243 had military vascular trauma with 430 vascular injuries. The most frequent trauma mechanisms were gunshot wounds (n = 153; 63%). The most common injured vessels were femoral. 24 (10%) patients required amputations. Mortality was 4.1%. Amputation was associated with arteriovenous lesions (RR 4.82, p = 0.025), compartment syndrome (RR 4.2, p = 0.007), arteriovenous femoropopliteal injuries (RR 3.5, p = 0.0026), multiple arterial injuries (RR 3.35, p = 0.0218), associated fractures (RR 3.1, p = 0.0032). CONCLUSIONS: Concomitant arteriovenous injuries in popliteal and femoropopliteal lesions, multiple arterial lesions, bone fractures, and compartment syndrome are associated with amputation in severe vascular injury.

Traumatismo Múltiplo , Lesões do Sistema Vascular , Ferimentos por Arma de Fogo , Humanos , Lesões do Sistema Vascular/epidemiologia , Lesões do Sistema Vascular/cirurgia , Ferimentos por Arma de Fogo/complicações , Ferimentos por Arma de Fogo/epidemiologia , Ferimentos por Arma de Fogo/cirurgia , Estudos Retrospectivos , Colômbia/epidemiologia , Salvamento de Membro , Conflitos Armados , Amputação Cirúrgica , Resultado do Tratamento