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Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38673325


Most recent university campuses follow the North American model, built on city limits or countryside, with large separate buildings in open green spaces. Studies suggest that the prevalence and severity of mental health issues among university students has been increasing over the past decade in most countries. University services were created to face this growing problem, however individual-based interventions have limited effects on mental health and well-being of a large population. Our aim was to verify if and how the natural environment in campuses is focused on programs to cope with the issue of mental health and well-being among students. A systematic review of literature was undertaken with search in Scopus and LILACS with the keywords "green areas" AND "well-being" AND "Campus", following PRISMA guidelines. As a result, 32 articles were selected. Research on the topic is recent, mostly in the USA, Bulgaria, and China. Most studies used objective information on campuses' greenness and/or university students' perception. Mental health was usually measured by validated scores. Findings of all the studies indicated positive association between campus greenery and well-being of students. We conclude that there is a large potential for use of university campuses in programs and as sites for students' restoration and stress relief.

Saúde Mental , Estudantes , Universidades , Estudantes/psicologia , Humanos , Meio Ambiente
J Med Entomol ; 60(1): 218-223, 2023 01 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36305744


Forest fragments consist of important ecosystems for the maintenance of sand fly populations and Leishmania hosts. This study sought to identify the phlebotomine fauna and its infection by Leishmania spp. in forest fragments on the campus of the Federal University of Acre (UFAC), Western Amazon. Monthly collections with CDC traps were carried out from March 2020 to June 2021, in four forest fragments of UFAC. Male and female insects were processed and identified at species level. A sample of females was subjected to polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis to verify the presence Leishmania DNA. In total, 465 specimens were collected, of which 238 were males and 227 were females. The most frequent species were Nyssomyia antunesi (Coutinho, 1939) (47.3%), Trichophoromyia sp. (Mangabeira, 1942) (18.70%), and Ny. whitmani (Antunes & Coutinho, 1939) (8.81%). Molecular analysis detected the presence of Leishmania (Ross, 1903) DNA in a specimen of Ny. antunesi, and another one of Evandromyia walker (Newstead, 1914). The forest fragments of the university campus harbor a diverse sand fly fauna with the presence of Leishmania DNA in these insects, in addition to the presence of other species considered incriminated vectors of Leishmania parasites.

Leishmania , Phlebotomus , Psychodidae , Masculino , Feminino , Animais , Leishmania/genética , Psychodidae/parasitologia , Ecossistema , Universidades , Insetos Vetores/parasitologia , Florestas , Brasil
Eng. sanit. ambient ; Eng. sanit. ambient;22(5): 1005-1015, set.-out. 2017. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-891593


RESUMO O consumo racional de água é assunto de grande importância e abrangência atualmente, pois está diretamente ligado à qualidade de vida da sociedade e ao crescimento econômico das cidades. Nesse contexto, equipamentos hidrossanitários economizadores de água são opções existentes para a redução do consumo em edificações. Este trabalho teve o objetivo de quantificar o impacto da troca de equipamentos convencionais por economizadores no consumo de água em uma instituição de ensino superior. Além da troca dos equipamentos, procurou-se analisar a influência de outras variáveis, como temperatura diária e número de alunos. Para a realização da pesquisa foram instalados hidrômetros em um dos edifícios da instituição, de modo a medir o consumo isolado em bacias sanitárias, torneiras de lavatórios, torneiras de limpeza, mictórios e bebedouros. O estudo foi dividido em etapas, com leituras antes das intervenções e após a substituição dos equipamentos convencionais por equipamentos economizadores de água (torneiras de lavatório e válvulas de descarga) e o ajuste de vazão dos bebedouros. Para a análise estatística, utilizou-se um modelo de regressão linear múltipla que contou com o consumo como variável resposta e as trocas dos equipamentos, o número de alunos e a temperatura diária como variáveis explicativas. Os resultados obtidos revelam que a troca das torneiras foi significativa para o consumo total diário na edificação, com redução de 12,34%. Em análise individual dos equipamentos hidrossanitários, a troca apresentou-se significativa para a diminuição do consumo de água de cada tipo de equipamento.

ABSTRACT Water conservation is a matter of great importance. It is directly linked to the quality of life of society and the economic growth of cities. In this context, water saving plumbing fixtures are an option for reduction of consumption in buildings. This study aims to assess whether the replacement of ordinary plumbing fixtures with water saving ones in a University campus has an influence on water consumption. Besides the replacement of the plumbing fixtures, the influence of other variables such as temperature and number of students is analysed. Water meters were installed in one of the campus buildings in order to measure the isolated consumption in toilets, taps, urinals and drinking fountains. The study was divided in two stages: metering before the intervention and after the replacement of ordinary equipment with water saving devices (lavatory taps and toilets) and adjust of drinking fountains flow. For statistical analysis, a multiple linear regression model was used with consumption as the dependent variable and plumbing fixture replacement, number of students and daily temperature as the explanatory variables. The results show that the replacement of taps was significant for the total daily water consumption in the building, with 19.77% of reduction. According to an individual analysis of the plumbing fixtures, the replacement proved to be significant for the reduction of water consumption.

Biodivers Data J ; (4): e8184, 2016.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27226760


BACKGROUND: The Shiny Cowbird, Molothrus bonariensis Gmelin, 1789, is a brood parasite of hundreds of small-bodied birds that is native to South American lowlands. Within the last 100 years this species has been expanding its range throughout the Caribbean, towards North America, but has rarely been seen above 2,000 m asl. NEW INFORMATION: Here, we present records of Shiny Cowbirds in Quito, a city located 2,800 m above sea level that harbors a bird community typical of the Andean valleys. We found two juvenile individuals parasitizing two different pairs of Rufous-collared Sparrow (Zonotrichia capensis Müller, 1776). This report constitutes an altitudinal range expansion of reproductive populations of ca. 500m, which may have beenprompted by anthropogenic disturbance.

Rev. colomb. biotecnol ; 18(1): 49-56, ene.-jun. 2016. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-791231


En las universidades cubanas más del 65 % de los estudiantes son becarios y se presta especial atención a la gestión de las aguas domésticas generadas en las comunidades y residencias universitarias. Este trabajo presenta la remoción de la materia orgánica en las aguas domésticas de la comunidad universitaria Antonio Maceo de la Universidad de Oriente empleando, a escala de laboratorio, dos sistemas: reactor UASB y laguna anaerobia. Los sistemas anaerobios evaluados, alcanzaron una remoción de la DQO superior al 70 % y una disminución de las bacterias coliformes totales desde 72x10(5) NMP/100 mL hasta 16 NMP/100 mL. La clarificación con alumbre mejora las características estéticas del efluente. Cualquiera de las variantes (UASB o laguna anaerobia) pueden ser aplicadas para la remoción de la materia orgánica en las aguas domésticas de la comunidad universitaria.

At cubans universities over the 65 % of students are grant holders and special attention lends itself to the steps of domestic waters generated in communities and university permanences. This work presents the removal of the organic matter in the university community's domestic waters Antonio Maceo of the Universidad de Oriente utilizing, to scale of laboratory two systems: UASB reactor and anaerobic lagoon. The anaerobic systemsevaluated attained a superior COD removal to the 70 % and decrease of bacteria's total coliformes from 72x105 NMP/100 mL to 16 NMP/100 mL. The clarification with alum improves the esthetic characteristics of the outflow. Anyone of variants (UASB or anaerobic lagoon) can be applied for the removal of the organic matter in the university community's domestic waters.

Eng. sanit. ambient ; Eng. sanit. ambient;13(3): 271-277, jul.-set. 2008. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-493945


O presente trabalho caracterizou e avaliou a tratabilidade dos efluentes líquidos produzidos no campus da Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto. Os parâmetros físico-químicos mostraram que o efluente do campus possui uma característica típica a dos esgotos domésticos, com valores médios de DBO5 total, DQO total, NTK e P total de 300 mg.L-1, 670 mg.L-1, 56 mg.L-1 e 6 mg.L-1 respectivamente. Dos metais monitorados somente o Fe (0,847 mg/L), Al (0,355 mg/L) e Zn (0,389 mg/L) estavam presentes em maiores concentrações, mais ainda assim, tais concentrações eram inferiores aos va-lores considerados tóxicos para microrganismos. Os testes de biodegradabilidade mostraram que, a despeito da potencial presença de compostos orgânicos tóxicos, o efluente final pode ser biodegradado aerobiamente (97 por cento de eficiência, K1app = 1,73 d-1) e anaerobiamente (50 por cento de eficiência, AME = 0,0579 gDQO CH4/gSSV.d).

The aim of this study was to characterize and evaluate the tratability of wastewater produced in the campus of the Federal University of Ouro Preto (UFOP). The physical-chemical parameters showed the wastewater from the campus had characteristics of typical domestic wastewater, with average values of total BOD, total COD, Kjeldahl Nitrogen and total phosphorus of 300 mg.L-1, 670 mg.L-1, 56 mg.L-1 e 6 mg.L-1 respectively. Only the metals Fe (0,847 mg/L), Al (0,355 mg/L) and Zn (0,389 mg/L) were present in higher concentration, nonetheless, such concentrations were below the thresholds limits for microbial toxicity. The biodegradability tests showed that despite the potential presence of toxic organic compounds, the wastewater could be degraded aerobically (97 percent efficiency, K1app = 1,73 d-1) and anaerobically (50 percent efficiency, AME = 0,0579 gDQO CH4/gSSV.d).