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Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 39(3): 1-13, jul.set.2024. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1572466


Introdução: A taxa de mortalidade em pacientes queimados diminuiu significativamente, tornando importante avaliar outros desfechos, como o tempo de internação, que aumenta a morbidade física e psicológica, o risco de infecção hospitalar e os custos financeiros. O objetivo deste estudo é analisar a relevância de vários fatores no tempo de internação na Unidade de Queimados. Método: Foram incluídos neste estudo 711 pacientes admitidos entre 2011 e 2020 na Unidade de Queimados do Hospital de São José, Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Central, Lisboa, Portugal. Os dados coletados foram analisados utilizando o PSPP para Windows. Resultados: Os pacientes eram predominantemente do sexo masculino, com idade média de 54 anos. O tempo médio de permanência hospitalar foi de 29 dias. Os fatores que prolongaram a estadia hospitalar foram relacionados à gravidade da queimadura, ao número de cirurgias e ao tempo decorrido até a primeira cirurgia, valores laboratoriais alterados tanto no perfil hematológico quanto químico durante a hospitalização, e a presença e o número de infecções documentadas. Conclusão: Existem fatores potencialmente modificáveis que infiuenciam o tempo de permanência hospitalar. Nosso estudo nos permite concluir que o tempo decorrido até a primeira intervenção cirúrgica e a presença e o número de infecções documentadas prolongam significativamente esse desfecho, e ênfase deve ser dada à implementação de medidas que favoreçam a intervenção cirúrgica precoce e o controle rigoroso de infecções.

Introduction: Burn patients' mortality rate has decreased significantly, making it important to evaluate other outcomes, such as length-of-stay, which increases physical and psychological morbidity, risk of nosocomial infection, and financial costs. The objective of this study is to analyze the relevance of several factors in the Burn Unit length-of-stay. Material and Methods: 711 patients were included in this study, admitted between 2011 and 2020 to the Burn Unit at São José Hospital, Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Central, Lisbon, Portugal. Collected data was analyzed using PSPP for Windows. Results: Patients included in the study were predominantly males, with a mean age of 54 years. The mean length of stay was 29 days. The factors that prolonged in-hospital stay were those related to the severity of the burn, the number of surgeries and the time elapsed until the first one, altered laboratory values in both hematologic and chemistry profile during the hospitalization, and the presence and number of documented infections. Conclusion: There are potentially modifiable factors that influence length-of-stay. Our study allows us to conclude that the time elapsed until the first surgical intervention and the presence and number of documented infections significantly prolong this outcome, and emphasis should be given to the implementation of measures that favor early surgical intervention and strict infection control.

Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 39(3): 1-6, jul.set.2024. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1572468


Introdução: Atualmente, a aplicação de triancinolona intralesional com a excisão cirúrgica é considerada o tratamento mais satisfatório para queloides, com baixa taxa de recorrência. Método: Realizado estudo de casos contemplando cirurgias reparadoras de pacientes com queloides em lóbulos de orelhas bilateralmente, operados pelo mesmo cirurgião plástico no período de julho de 2018 a janeiro de 2021 no Hospital Regional de Sobradinho em Brasília-DF. Ressecou-se parcialmente a cicatriz queloideana (intralesional), deixando margens de queloide na ferida operatória e comparou-se com a resposta após ressecção total (justalesional) de uma outra cicatriz em um mesmo paciente. Foi realizada aplicação de triancinolona no pré-operatório, com total de 4 aplicações a intervalos de 4 semanas entre cada sessão e no pós-operatório imediato, mantendo aplicação a cada 30 dias por 6 meses. Nenhum paciente havia realizado tratamentos prévios para queloides. As cicatrizes foram avaliadas no pós-operatório pelo cirurgião principal por um período de 12 meses. Resultados: Quatro de 11 pacientes tiveram algum tipo de recidiva, totalizando 36% de recidiva em nosso trabalho. A excisão total do queloide (orelha esquerda) teve mais recidivas do que o lado contralateral em que foi deixada margem de 1mm de queloide na cicatriz (orelha direita). Conclusão: No presente estudo observamos que, quando associada ao tratamento com triancinolona no pré, intra e pós-operatório, a excisão parcial do queloide apresentou menores taxas de recidiva local quando comparada à excisão total do queloide.

Introduction: Currently, the application of intralesional triamcinolone with surgical excision is considered the most satisfactory treatment for keloids, with a low recurrence rate. Method: A case study was carried out covering reconstructive surgeries for patients with bilateral earlobe keloids, operated by the same plastic surgeon from July 2018 to January 2021 at the Hospital Regional de Sobradinho in Brasília-DF. The keloid scar (intralesional) was partially resected, leaving keloid margins in the surgical wound, and compared with the response after total resection (juxtalesional) of another scar in the same patient. Triamcinolone was applied preoperatively, with a total of 4 applications at intervals of 4 weeks between each session and in the immediate postoperative period, maintaining application every 30 days for 6 months. No patient had undergone previous treatments for keloids. Scars were evaluated postoperatively by the primary surgeon over a period of 12 months. Results: Four of 11 patients had some type of recurrence, totaling 36% of recurrence in our study. Total excision of the keloid (left ear) had more recurrences than the contralateral side where a 1mm margin of keloid was left in the scar (right ear). Conclusion: In the present study, we observed that when associated with treatment with triamcinolone pre-, intra-, and postoperatively, partial excision of the keloid presented lower rates of local recurrence when compared to total excision of the keloid.

Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 39(3): 1-9, jul.set.2024. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1572494


Introdução: A obesidade pode acarretar consequências físicas, psicológicas e sociais. A cirurgia bariátrica tem o potencial de melhorar a condição biopsicossocial do paciente. No entanto, o excesso de pele após uma perda de peso rápida e significativa pode causar sofrimento psicológico. A cirurgia plástica, como o único procedimento capaz de remover o excesso de pele, tem o potencial de aperfeiçoar a autoimagem. Além disso, ela pode incentivar o controle do peso. Este estudo investigou, por meio de uma revisão de escopo, se a avaliação psicológica básica, realizada durante a triagem pelo cirurgião plástico, é capaz de identificar o sofrimento psicológico em pacientes que desejam se submeter a cirurgia plástica após a bariátrica. Método: Foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico, abrangendo artigos publicados entre 2013 e 2023, nos idiomas português, inglês e espanhol, nas Bases de dados MEDLINE, Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS) e Embase. Resultados: Na estratégia de busca, 48 artigos atenderam os critérios de inclusão e 18 artigos foram mencionados neste estudo. Conclusão: A avaliação psicológica realizada na triagem do cirurgião plástico permite identificar o sofrimento decorrente do excesso de pele pós-cirurgia bariátrica e o sofrimento psicológico prévio. Isso facilita a decisão médica sobre encaminhar ou não o paciente para avaliação psicológica especializada. Essa abordagem amplia a compreensão do paciente sobre a relação entre corpo e mente.

Introduction: Obesity can have physical, psychological, and social consequences. Bariatric surgery has the potential to improve the patient's biopsychosocial condition. However, excess skin after rapid and significant weight loss can cause psychological distress. Plastic surgery, as the only procedure capable of removing excess skin, has the potential to improve self-image. Additionally, it can encourage weight control. This study investigated, through a scoping review, whether the basic psychological assessment, carried out during screening by the plastic surgeon, is capable of identifying psychological distress in patients who wish to undergo plastic surgery after bariatric surgery. Method: A bibliographic survey was carried out, covering articles published between 2013 and 2023, in Portuguese, English, and Spanish, in the MEDLINE, Virtual Health Library (VHL), and Embase databases. Results: In the search strategy, 48 articles met the inclusion criteria, and 18 articles were mentioned in this study. Conclusion: The psychological assessment carried out during plastic surgeon screening allows the identification of suffering resulting from excess skin after bariatric surgery and previous psychological suffering. This facilitates the medical decision about whether or not to refer the patient for specialized psychological evaluation. This approach broadens the patient's understanding of the relationship between body and mind.

Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 39(3): 1-5, jul.set.2024. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1572470


Introdução: O estudo explora a cirurgia de contorno corporal em pacientes submetidos a cirurgias bariátricas. Nos últimos anos, esse tipo de intervenção cirúrgica ganhou destaque devido ao aumento na busca por procedimentos reparadores após significativa perda de peso. O texto enfatiza a importância da flancoplastia, técnica que visa melhorar o contorno corporal. Métodos: Foi realizada revisão da literatura para elucidação da anatomia da gordura profunda da fáscia toracolombar, e feito um paralelo com a técnica de flancoplastia utilizada em nosso serviço em pacientes pós-bariátricos submetidos a abdominoplastia 360° ou 270° no Hospital Daher Lago Sul, em Brasília- DF. Resultados: A lipoaspiração profunda dos flancos, muitas vezes necessária em cirurgias de contorno corporal, pode não ser suficiente para retirar a gordura profunda à fáscia toracolombar e durante esse procedimento observa-se risco aumentado de lesões retroperitoneais. No entanto, a flancoplastia, que envolve a ressecção da gordura profunda à fáscia toracolombar, demonstrou proporcionar resultados satisfatórios e minimizar esses riscos. Conclusão: O estudo enfoca a importância do conhecimento anatômico preciso, destacando a relevância da flancoplastia como uma técnica valiosa para melhorar os resultados estéticos e reduzir complicações em pacientes pós-bariátricos, complementando a cirurgia bariátrica e melhorando a qualidade de vida do paciente.

Introduction: The study explores body contouring surgery in patients undergoing bariatric surgery. In recent years, this type of surgical intervention has gained prominence due to the increase in the search for reparative procedures after significant weight loss. The text emphasizes the importance of flankplasty, a technique that aims to improve body contour. Methods: A literature review was carried out to elucidate the anatomy of the deep fat of the thoracolumbar fascia, and a parallel was made with the flankplasty technique used in our service in post-bariatric patients undergoing 360° or 270° abdominoplasty at Daher Lago Sul Hospital, in Brasília-DF. Results: Deep liposuction of the flanks, often necessary in body contouring surgeries, may not be sufficient to remove fat deep into the thoracolumbar fascia and during this procedure, there is an increased risk of retroperitoneal injuries. However, flankplasty, which involves resection of fat deep into the thoracolumbar fascia, has been shown to provide satisfactory results and minimize these risks. Conclusion: The study focuses on the importance of precise anatomical knowledge, highlighting the relevance of flankplasty as a valuable technique to improve aesthetic results and reduce complications in post-bariatric patients, complementing bariatric surgery and improving the patient's quality of life.

Aesthetic Plast Surg ; 2024 Aug 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39103642


INTRODUCTION: As part of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, we present an analysis of our global aesthetic statistics, fulfilling the role of a worldwide organization of plastic surgeons with a clear mission to disseminate aesthetic education worldwide, promote patient safety, protect high ethical standards, and communicate. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A retrospective analysis of the ISAPS Global Aesthetic Statistics was conducted annually from 2010 to 2023. The design and analysis of each survey was carefully developed and validated by Industry Insights, Inc. prior to distribution. Participants were recruited using an anonymous online questionnaire that focused primarily on the number of surgical and nonsurgical procedures performed in the previous year, as well as questions related to surgeon demographics and the prevalence of medical tourism. ISAPS invited all physicians in their data base who were board-certified plastic surgeons or equivalent and suggested National Societies to encourage their members to participate. RESULTS: The latest survey reported a global increase in 3.4%, including 34.9 million surgical and nonsurgical aesthetic procedures performed by plastic surgeons in 2023. More than 15.8 million surgical procedures and more than 19.1 million nonsurgical procedures were performed worldwide. During the past decade, a steady increase in aesthetic procedures has been observed, which has been more pronounced since 2021. In the last 4 years, the overall increase in procedures was 40%. SURGICAL PROCEDURES: The top five surgical procedures were liposuction, breast augmentation, eyelid surgery, abdominoplasty, and rhinoplasty. This trend has been stable for 14 years, with the exception of 2022, when breast lift surgery temporarily replaced rhinoplasty. FACE AND HEAD PROCEDURES: These procedures continue to be the most popular. This group included brow lift, ear surgery, eyelid surgery, facelift, facial bone contouring, facial fat grafting, lip augmentation or frontal surgery, neck lift, and rhinoplasty. BODY AND EXTREMITIES PROCEDURES: This group included abdominoplasty, buttock augmentation, buttock lift, liposuction, lower body lift, thigh lift, arm lift, upper body lift, labiaplasty, and vaginal rejuvenation. Over the past 14 years, body and extremity procedures have increased, with more than 5.1 million procedures in 2023 compared to 2.6 million in 2009. NONSURGICAL PROCEDURES: The five most popular nonsurgical procedures are botulinum toxin, hyaluronic acid, hair removal, chemical peels, and nonsurgical fat reduction. In 2022, chemical peels will replace nonsurgical skin tightening in the top five. MALE AESTHETIC SURGERY: Procedures performed on men continue to grow, with minimally invasive procedures dominating. The most recent survey reported that they represented 14.5% of the total. The top five surgical procedures were eyelid surgery, gynecomastia, liposuction, rhinoplasty, and facial fat grafting. The most popular nonsurgical procedures for men were botulinum toxin, hyaluronic acid, hair removal, nonsurgical skin tightening, and nonsurgical fat reduction. This trend has held steady for more than a decade. DISCUSSION: This study analyzes the most recent data and experience of board-certified aesthetic plastic surgeons in surgical and nonsurgical procedures worldwide over 14 years and provides insight into future trends. More than 60 years have passed since the introduction of liposuction, being one of the most performed aesthetic procedures worldwide over the past 14 years and currently number one procedure performed by plastic surgeons. New trends and technologies have evolved over the years, however, plastic surgeons must be cautious, as history has shown that risks increase when new technologies are introduced. With the popularity of liposuction, other body contouring procedures began to gain interest, and in 2015, gluteal lipoinjections were added to the ISAPS global aesthetic statistics and with them complications arise. In 2018 and 2019, the major patient safety societies, ISAPS, ASERF, ASPS, and ASAPS, began a systematic educational campaign to inform their members about the inherent risks of performing gluteal fat transfer surgery and what techniques or equipment can be used to minimize risks. Another procedure added to the ISAPS statistics in 2010 was vaginal aesthetic surgery. With the new trend of vaginal aesthetics, many believed that they were just changing the appearance of the area, but today it is clear that they are here for much more, to truly empower women with their sexuality. Breast augmentation showed a decline for the first-time last year. However, breast augmentation and liposuction have been the most performed procedures by plastic surgeons worldwide for more than a decade. On the other hand, implant removal has been the fastest growing procedure since 2015, with an overall increase in 46.3% over the past 5 years. In relation to male aesthetic surgery, the number of men undergoing aesthetic procedures has remained stable in recent years at around 14%. Male aesthetics is certainly a growing trend, and our practices should be more inclusive. Another prominent field is regenerative medicine. In relation to plastic surgery, regenerative surgery strategies often involve adipose tissue with stem cells and preadipocytes, alone or in combination with scaffolds. In terms of prevention, regenerative medicine aims to improve the quality of the skin by improving our outcomes and would make it possible to avoid the need for facelifts in the future. Finally, given the increasing popularity of medical procedures abroad ("medical tourism") and the fact that safety regulations and guidelines vary widely from place to place, we encourage patients to choose a board-certified, specialized, trained and experienced plastic surgeon for their procedure and an accredited surgical facility to ensure the procedure in done under the highest patient safety standards. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the obvious cultural and social differences from country to country that make certain procedures more desirable in some geographic areas and less so in other parts of the world, the results of this study show a significant overall increase in all surgical and nonsurgical procedures aimed at improving the aesthetic appearance of the body during14 years. As plastic surgeons, we are open to new possibilities in aesthetic procedures and are responsible for patient safety protocols and procedures. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE III: This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors .

J Esthet Restor Dent ; 2024 Aug 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39138953


OBJECTIVE: This updated version of a systematic review (SR) originally published in 2009 evaluated the effect of smoking on the clinical outcomes achieved with root coverage (RC) procedures in the treatment of gingival recession (GR) defects. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This SR includes randomized controlled trials, controlled clinical trials, and case series with a minimum follow-up of 6 months. Eligible studies involved GR defects without interproximal tissue loss submitted to RC procedures, as well as outcome measures from smokers (i.e., those smoking 10 or more cigarettes per day at baseline) and nonsmokers, recorded separately. Three electronic databases were searched up to March 31, 2024. Random effects meta-analyses were conducted thoroughly. RESULTS: A total of 12 studies reporting on 181 smokers and 162 nonsmokers, submitted to different RC procedures, were included. Half of these trials were originally included in the 2009 SR, whereas the other half (six studies) were included in this update. Nonsmokers experienced greater reductions in GR and gains in clinical attachment level compared to smokers. Pooled estimates comparing smokers and nonsmokers who received coronally advanced flap (CAF) alone and subepithelial connective tissue graft (SCTG) + CAF showed that nonsmokers achieved greater mean root coverage (MRC) in both treatments. Significant differences in MRC of 10.85% (95% CI, 1.92 to 19.77) and 22.04 (95% CI, 14.25 to 29.83), favoring nonsmokers, were identified for CAF and SCTG + CAF, respectively. Similarly, nonsmokers treated with SCTG + CAF displayed superior number of sites exhibiting complete root coverage (CRF) when compared with smokers (risk ratio, 4.12; 95% CI, 1.73 to 9.80). CONCLUSIONS: Smoking negatively impacts the outcomes of RC procedures, particularly those achieved by SCTG-based procedures. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Smoking was linked to poorer RC outcomes. These outcomes highlight the critical need to integrate smoking cessation into periodontal treatment plans.

J Surg Educ ; 81(9): 1320-1330, 2024 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39034224


OBJECTIVES: Using Texas STAR (seeking transparency in application to residency), we aimed to 1) examine predictors of matching success in integrated plastic surgery residency programs and 2) assess the reliability of the tool. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: A retrospective analysis of self-reported nationwide data of plastic surgery residency applicants between 2021 and 2023 across 146 participating medical schools were included. A comparison analysis was performed between matched and unmatched applicants using chi-squared tests, t-tests, and logistic regression models. NRMP data and literature were referenced to determine reliability. RESULTS: Of the 209 plastic surgery resident applications, 147 matched (70.3%) and 62 went unmatched (29.7%). Average United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) Step 1 and 2 scores were 248 and 257, respectively. Between matched and unmatched cohorts, no significant differences were observed in Alpha Omega Alpha (AOA) status, Gold Humanism Honor Society (GHHS) status, mean number of research experiences/presentations, volunteer experiences, leadership positions, and programs applied. Significant predictors of matching included taking a research year (OR 2.07, CI 0.99-4.34, p= 0.052), 8+ peer-reviewed publications (OR 2.29, CI 1.22-4.30, p = 0.009), geographic connection (p = 0.02), and 13+ interviews attended (OR 2.94, CI 1.56 -5.51, p < 0.001). These findings are consistent with current literature and the NRMP. Upon analysis of the qualitative free text responses on general recommendations for prospective applicants by users, subinternships, connections, interviews, research, letter of recommendation quality, home advantage, and mentorship were prominent themes of advice provided by both matched and unmatched cohorts. CONCLUSIONS: Texas STAR is a resourceful and reliable tool. We conclude that a research year and geographic connections are strong predictors of matching in plastic surgery. However, more factors (e.g., applicants' home medical school, number of sub internships, and number of mentors) should be considered to make a well-informed decision on determining their own competitiveness, away rotations and residency programs.

Internato e Residência , Critérios de Admissão Escolar , Cirurgia Plástica , Humanos , Estudos Retrospectivos , Cirurgia Plástica/educação , Masculino , Feminino , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Bases de Dados Factuais , Seleção de Pessoal/métodos , Estados Unidos , Adulto , Texas , Educação de Pós-Graduação em Medicina/métodos
J Tissue Viability ; 2024 Jun 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38918146


AIM: Genital burns are rare injuries. Reconstruction of penile skin defects should consider cosmetic and functional outcomes. Skin grafts can develop scar contractures and carry hair follicles, causing unwanted results. These downsides remain unsolved issues. This work aimed to describe a new foreskin advancement flap method for completely reconstructing penile shaft skin defects in severely burned patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: From 2021 to 2023, four patients with third-degree burns in the genital area were enrolled in this investigation. We describe a series of cases with deep burns to the penile shaft and surrounding area that needed debridement and reconstruction using a novel technique called "reverse circumcision," which consists of tangential excision of the penis and a foreskin advancement flap without longitudinal cuts with less morbidity, preservation of function, and a better aesthetic appearance. The patients had an average follow-up of nine months. RESULTS: The reverse circumcision technique was established for patients with severe burns in the genital area. The four patients were satisfied with the postoperative results and the aesthetic results of the procedure without reporting any complications. No scarring or contractures were observed on the glans or penile shaft after surgery. CONCLUSIONS: Compared with other flap methods, the use of a reverse circumcision foreskin advancement flap was more straightforward, feasible, and effective. In adults, the foreskin tissue completely covers the penile shaft skin defect. It is a viable reconstructive surgical technique that is easily reproducible and has excellent aesthetic and functional results. For this surgical technique, tissue transfers, bulky regional flaps, or skin grafts were not needed.

Aesthetic Plast Surg ; 2024 Jun 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38913201


Background The quest to identify parameters deemed optimal for breast aesthetics holds paramount significance in both aesthetic and reconstructive surgery. The definition of ideal breast beauty, however, is subject to cultural variations and diverse standards, necessitating a detailed understanding. Objective This study delves into the perspectives of the Brazilian population regarding the aesthetics of the female breast. Methods A selection of images portraying variations in the distribution of upper and lower pole ratios across four distinct proportion models (35:65, 45:55, 50:50, and 55:45) was presented to participants. Through a meticulously crafted questionnaire administered via Google Forms, respondents were tasked with identifying the images they deemed most beautiful and attractive. Comprehensive demographic data of the study participants were gathered and subsequently correlated with their group-specific opinions. Results A total of 3744 questionnaire responses were collected 228 of which were from plastic surgeons/residents. The average age was 35 years, with 55.3% being women. Notably, breasts featuring a ratio of 45:55 emerged as the consensus choice for the epitome of beauty, garnering preference from 73% of the general population, 68% of women, 78% of men, and an equal 78% of plastic surgeons. This preference was consistent across all regions of the country. Conclusion Breasts with a ratio of 45:55 were universally deemed the most aesthetically pleasing. Similarly, breasts with a 50:50 ratio of breast tissue emerged as the next preferred choice. These insights contribute valuable perspectives on aesthetic considerations in breast surgery within the unique cultural context of Brazil.Level of Evidence IV This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors .

Odontol. vital ; (40): 5-17, ene.-jun. 2024. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1564843


RESUMEN Introducción: A lo largo de los años se ha propuesto una notable variedad de protocolos quirúrgicos periodontales, cuyo enfoque pasó de la simple resolución de defectos de tejidos blandos a la realización de procedimientos predecibles y mínimamente invasivos. Inicialmente se usaba el injerto gingival libre. Posteriormente se han probado diversas técnicas, incluidas aquellas con sustitutos de tejidos blandos, como membranas tipo Alloderm. Hoy en día se considera el gold standard el injerto de tejido conectivo subepitelial asociado al colgajo de avance coronal. Por último, se ha examinado la técnica Pinhole, con mayor preservación de tejido y resultado más estético. Objetivos: El objetivo de esta revisión fue la comparación de técnicas actualizadas para el tratamiento de recesiones múltiples en maxilar superior e inferior. El resultado del procedimiento se evaluó en términos de cobertura radicular completa, reducción de la recesión, ganancia en altura y volumen, resultado estético, dolor postoperatorio y morbilidad del lecho donante y receptor del paciente. Material y métodos: Se realizaron búsquedas electrónicas y manuales para recopilar estudios de boca dividida, ensayos clínicos controlados aleatorios, series de casos, estudios piloto, libros de periodoncia, estudios de casos, revisiones sistemáticas y metanálisis, incluyendo los defectos de recesiónes gingivales múltiples, en maxilar y mandibular, de las cuatro clases de Miller, debido a su extensa evidencia. Resultados: Se incluyeron treinta y cuatro publicaciones y se extrajeron datos sobre el resultado de las técnicas quirúrgicas de dieciocho artículos. La evaluación clínica analizó la cantidad de cobertura radicular completa, la reducción de la recesión y la ganancia de altura y volumen, mientras que la perspectiva del paciente se expresó en términos de satisfacción estética y posibles complicaciones postoperatorias. Los procedimientos de los últimos diez años mostraron mejores resultados en todos los factores mencionados anteriormente. Conclusión: La predictibilidad y la estabilidad del tratamiento a largo plazo representan los factores que guían el proceso de elección de la técnica y que añaden valor a los procedimientos más actualizados. Se observaron progresos tanto a nivel estético, al reducir las discrepancias entre el área intervenida y el tejido circundante, como a nivel postoperatorio, al aminorar las molestias del paciente. Los desafíos propios de esta rama pronto podrían encontrar respuesta gracias a su rápida evolución, la cual permite concebir más avances.

ABSTRACT Background: Along the years, a remarkable variety of periodontal surgical protocols has been proposed, the focus of which has shifted from the mere resolution of a soft tissue defect to the performance of predictable and minimally invasive procedures. Initially, the free gingival graft was used. Subsequently, many different techniques were experimented, including those using soft tissue substitutes, such as the Alloderm membrane. Nowadays, the association of the connective tissue graft with the coronally advanced flap is considered the gold standard. Finally, the Pinhole technique, being a more conservative method in terms of tissue preservation and aesthetic outcome, was proposed. Objectives: The aim of this review was the comparison of the updated techniques for the treatment of multiple periodontal recessions, affecting both maxilla and mandible. The procedure outcome was assessed in terms of complete root coverage, recession reduction, gain in height and volume, aesthetic outcome, patient's post-operative pain and morbidity of donor and recipient sites. Material and methods: Electronic and hand searches were performed to collect split- mouth studies, randomized controlled clinical trials, case series, pilot studies, periodontal books, case studies, systematic reviews and meta-analysis, including maxillary and mandibular multiple gingival recession defects of all four Miller's classes, for its extensive evidence. Results: Thirty-four publications were included and data regarding the surgical techniques outcome were extracted from eighteen articles. The clinical evaluation analyzed the amount of complete root coverage, recession reduction and gain in height and volume, while the patient's perspective was expressed in terms of aesthetic satisfaction and possible postoperative complications. Procedures in the last ten years showed better results in all the above-mentioned factors. Conclusion: Procedural predictability and long-lasting treatment stability embody the factors driving the technique election process and adding value to more updated procedures. Progress was observed both at an aesthetic level, by reducing the discrepancias between the surgical region and the surrounding tissue, and at a postoperative level, by reducing patient discomfort. The challenges inherent to this branch could soon find answers thanks to its prompt evolution, which allows for further advances to be conceived.

Humanos , Retração Gengival/terapia , Mandíbula , Doenças Periodontais , Transplante de Tecidos
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 39(2): 1-7, abr.jun.2024. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1561939


Introdução: Com o passar dos anos e o proporcional crescimento das mídia sociais, focado principalmente no culto ao corpo e à perfeição, a procura por cirurgias plásticas vem aumentando de forma avassaladora, despertando um interminável desejo pela mudança corporal, na maioria das vezes com promessas "irreais" de alguns profissionais. Método: Pesquisa composta por 62 pacientes dos sexos feminino e masculino, com idade entre 22 e 61 anos, residentes no estado de São Paulo, que já se submeteram a um procedimento de cirurgia plástica e/ou ainda passarão por procedimentos de cirurgia plástica e cosmiatria, que responderam ao questionário "A influência das mídias sociais na cirurgia plástica". Resultados: Os resultados demonstram que a mídia exerce um importante papel na escolha do cirurgião plástico, principalmente quando o sucesso dos procedimentos de cirurgia plástica e cosmiatria é demonstrado através de fotos de antes e depois. Conclusão: A cirurgia plástica é uma especialidade médica que desempenha um papel fundamental na transformação estética e psicológica de muitos indivíduos, no entanto, é importante ressaltar a necessidade de uma abordagem ética, com o objetivo de garantir o bem-estar dos pacientes e a excelência na prática médica.

Introduction: Over the years and with the proportional growth of social media, focused mainly on the cult of the body and perfection, the demand for plastic surgeries has increased overwhelmingly, awakening an endless desire for body change, most of the time with "unrealistic" promises" from some professionals. Method: Research consisting of 62 female and male patients, aged between 22 and 61 years, residing in the state of São Paulo, who have already undergone a plastic surgery procedure and/or will undergo plastic surgery and cosmiatry procedures, who responded to the questionnaire "The influence of social media on plastic surgery". Results: The results demonstrate that the media plays an important role in choosing a plastic surgeon, especially when the success of plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery procedures is demonstrated through before and after photos. Conclusion: Plastic surgery is a medical specialty that plays a fundamental role in the aesthetic and psychological transformation of many individuals, however, it is important to highlight the need for an ethical approach, to guarantee patients' well-being and excellence in medical practice.

Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 39(2): 1-5, abr.jun.2024. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1561946


A doença de Madelung é caracterizada pelo acúmulo simétrico e difuso de tecido adiposo com crescimento tumoral lento e progressivo. Neste relato de caso, um paciente portador dessa síndrome foi atendido no Hospital das Clínicas, em Recife, PE, com o objetivo de realizar uma redução do conteúdo lipomatoso através de lipectomia. O paciente apresentava volumosas massas de tecido adiposo elástico ao redor do pescoço e região supraclavicular e a proposta terapêutica consistiu em uma cirurgia em dois tempos, com lipoaspiração e lipectomia cervical anterior, seguida de lipoaspiração e lipectomia cervical posterior. Antes da cirurgia, foi solicitado um parecer cardiológico, que indicou um risco intermediário, mas não contraindicou o procedimento. Após 4 dias da cirurgia, o paciente apresentou equimoses e edema periférico na ferida operatória cervical, porém estava assintomático. As técnicas de lipectomia e lipoaspiração são consideradas os métodos de tratamento mais eficazes para a doença de Madelung. No entanto, a escolha da cirurgia deve ser baseada em uma avaliação abrangente da gravidade da doença, localização da massa e expectativas do paciente, uma vez que ambas as técnicas possuem vantagens e desvantagens.

Madelung's disease is characterized by the symmetric and diffuse accumulation of adipose tissue with slow and progressive tumor growth. In this case report, a patient with this syndrome was treated at Hospital das Clínicas, in Recife, PE, to reduce the lipomatous content through a lipectomy. The patient presented large masses of elastic adipose tissue around the neck and supraclavicular region and the therapeutic proposal consisted of a two-stage surgery, with liposuction and anterior cervical lipectomy, followed by liposuction and posterior cervical lipectomy. Before surgery, a cardiological opinion was requested, which indicated an intermediate risk but did not contraindicate the procedure. Four days after surgery, the patient presented bruises and peripheral edema in the cervical surgical wound but was asymptomatic. Lipectomy and liposuction techniques are considered the most effective treatment methods for Madelung disease. However, the choice of surgery should be based on a comprehensive assessment of the severity of the disease, location of the mass, and patient expectations, as both techniques have advantages and disadvantages.

Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 39(2): 1-5, abr.jun.2024. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556481


Introdução: A reconstrução mamária pós-tratamento cirúrgico do câncer de mama (um dos principais cânceres que acometem as mulheres) tem sido progressivamente mais indicada, haja vista o benefício da recuperação psicológica e da qualidade de vida, seja utilizando implantes e/ou tecidos autólogos. O presente trabalho visa demonstrar a experiência da equipe, discutir técnicas operatórias e complicações em relação aos dados da literatura mundial, além de verificar a aplicabilidade da técnica na prática clínica da equipe. Método: Estudo observacional retrospectivo desenvolvido em hospital universitário em Juiz de Fora a partir da revisão de prontuários de pacientes submetidas a mastectomia com reconstrução mamária entre 2010 e 2020. Resultados: Das 860 mamas abordadas, 84% foram imediatas à cirurgia oncológica e 16% foram tardias; o principal acesso ao tecido mamário foi a incisão de Stewart, seguido de incisões inframamárias estendidas, periareolares e T invertido; quanto às técnicas reconstrutoras, destaca-se 35% dos casos com retalho com músculo grande dorsal, 25% com prótese pré-peitoral, 20% com retalho miocutâneo transverso do músculo reto abdominal e 10% com retalho muscular local. As complicações mais incidentes foram deiscência de sítio cirúrgico, seguida de necrose cutânea, seroma, infecção de sítio cirúrgico e hematoma, além de outros menos comuns como dor crônica e ruptura de prótese após mamografia. Conclusão: A reconstrução mamária pós-mastectomia é indispensável para a recuperação física e emocional da mulher, sendo as técnicas utilizadas nos últimos dez anos consistentes, confiáveis, de baixa morbidade e com ótimos resultados estéticos quando bem indicadas.

Introduction: Breast reconstruction after surgical treatment for breast cancer (one of the main cancers that affect women) has been progressively more recommended, given the benefits of psychological recovery and quality of life, whether using implants and/or autologous tissues. The present work aims to demonstrate the team's experience, and discuss operative techniques and complications concerning data from the world literature, in addition to verifying the applicability of the technique in the team's clinical practice. Method: Retrospective observational study developed at a university hospital in Juiz de Fora based on a review of medical records of patients who underwent mastectomy with breast reconstruction between 2010 and 2020. Results: Of the 860 breasts treated, 84% underwent immediate oncological surgery and 16% were late; the main access to the breast tissue was the Stewart incision, followed by extended inframammary, periareolar, and inverted T incisions; regarding reconstructive techniques, 35% of cases used a latissimus dorsi muscle flap, 25% used a prepectoral prosthesis, 20% used a transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap and 10% used a local muscle flap. The most common complications were surgical site dehiscence, followed by skin necrosis, seroma, surgical site infection, and hematoma, in addition to other less common complications such as chronic pain and prosthesis rupture after mammography. Conclusion: Postmastectomy breast reconstruction is essential for a woman's physical and emotional recovery, with the techniques used in the last ten years being consistent, reliable, with low morbidity, and with excellent aesthetic results when correctly indicated.

Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 39(2): 1-9, abr.jun.2024. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556491


Introdução: Defeitos na região superior do dorso geralmente são de difícil tratamento, especialmente nos casos de exposição de vértebras, meninge ou material de síntese. O fechamento primário com retalho muscular ou musculocutâneo é a melhor escolha, mas a área doadora para tratar grandes defeitos pode requerer enxertia. A preservação da artéria dorsal da escápula parece assegurar um território cutâneo maior do que o do retalho musculocutâneo do trapézio clássico baseado apenas na artéria cervical transversa. Método: Foi concebida uma ampla ilha triangular de pele sobre o músculo trapézio baseado na artéria dorsal da escápula com transferência por movimento pendular e um procedimento tipo V-Y em cinco pacientes após a extirpação de tumores malignos. Resultados: Os defeitos e as áreas doadoras foram fechados primariamente com total viabilidade dos retalhos e não foram observadas complicações além da ocorrência de seroma. Conclusão: O retalho musculocutâneo do trapézio baseado na artéria dorsal da escápula oferece segurança no tratamento de exposição óssea na região superior do dorso.

Introduction: Defects in the upper region of the back are generally difficult to treat, especially in cases of exposure of vertebrae, meninges, or synthetic material. Primary closure with a muscular or musculocutaneous flap is the best choice, but the donor area to treat large defects may require grafting. Preservation of the dorsal artery of the scapula appears to ensure a larger cutaneous territory than that of the classic trapezius musculocutaneous flap based only on the transverse cervical artery. Method: A wide triangular island of skin was designed over the trapezius muscle based on the dorsal scapular artery with pendulum transfer and a V-Y type procedure in five patients after the extirpation of malignant tumors. Results: The defects and donor areas were closed primarily with full viability of the flaps and no complications were observed other than the occurrence of seroma. Conclusion: The trapezius musculocutaneous flap based on the dorsal artery of the scapula offers safety in the treatment of bone exposure in the upper back region.

Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 39(2): 1-7, abr.jun.2024. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556494


Introdução: A autoestima é definida pelo valor que as pessoas dão a si mesmas. É um componente avaliativo do autoconhecimento. A cirurgia plástica tem sido uma alternativa para as pessoas melhorarem a visão de si mesmas, sentindo-se mais confiantes e satisfeitas com seus aspectos corporais. Dessa forma, com a elevação da autoestima nessas pessoas, a cirurgia é capaz de interferir de forma positiva não somente na autoavaliação corporal, mas também na dimensão psicossocial. Método: Foi realizado um estudo observacional descritivo e analítico longitudinal prospectivo no qual foi avaliado o impacto da cirurgia plástica na autoestima e nos relacionamentos pessoais e profissionais. Aplicamos um questionário sociodemográfico, a Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg, além do Questionário de Qualidade de Vida da OMS abreviado (WHOQOL-bref) em pacientes no pré-operatório e que serão submetidos a cirurgia plástica com, pelo menos, 3 meses de pós-operatório, graduando, desta forma, a melhora ou não da autoestima e qualidade de vida. Resultados: Participaram da pesquisa 52 pacientes, sendo 48 mulheres (92,3%), apresentando idade média de 37±11 anos. Através da aplicação da Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg, pudemos notar uma evolução da autoestima, em que os pacientes apresentaram uma média de 29,87±2,10 pontos no escore do período pré-operatório, passando para 34,92±1,84 pontos no período pós-operatório. (p<0,001). Já no WHOQOL-bref, foi obtida uma melhora da autoestima através dos escores dos 4 domínios. Conclusão: Através deste estudo, foi evidenciado um aumento da autoestima e qualidade de vida.

Introduction: Self-esteem is defined by the value people place on themselves. It is an evaluative component of self-knowledge. Plastic surgery has been an alternative for people to improve their vision of themselves, feeling more confident and satisfied with their body aspects. Therefore, by increasing self-esteem in these people, surgery is capable of positively interfering not only with body self-assessment but also in the psychosocial dimension. Method: A prospective longitudinal descriptive and analytical observational study was carried out in which the impact of plastic surgery on self-esteem and personal and professional relationships was assessed. We applied a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, in addition to the abbreviated WHO Quality of Life Questionnaire (WHOQOL-bref) in patients in the preoperative period and who will undergo plastic surgery at least 3 months after surgery. surgery, thus determining whether or not self-esteem and quality of life improve. Results: 52 patients participated in the research, 48 of whom were women (92.3%), with a mean age of 37±11 years. Through the application of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, we were able to notice an evolution in self-esteem, in which patients presented an average of 29.87±2.10 points in the preoperative period score, rising to 34.92±1.84 points in the postoperative period (p<0.001). In the WHOQOL-bref, an improvement in self-esteem was obtained through the scores of the 4 domains. Conclusion: Through this study, an increase in self-esteem and quality of life was evidenced.

Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 39(2): 1-10, abr.jun.2024. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556495


Introdução: A hipertrofia de pequenos lábios combinada com capuz clitoriano redundante é uma queixa comum entre mulheres que procuram cirurgia plástica genital cosmética por queixas funcionais, psicológicas e estéticas. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever a técnica boomerang, um tratamento cirúrgico da hipertrofia labial que se estende a todo o capuz clitoriano. Método: Foi conduzido um estudo retrospectivo, de caráter analítico, para avaliar os prontuários médicos de 48 pacientes consecutivas submetidas a cirurgia estética genital feminina entre julho de 2017 e julho de 2021. Todos os procedimentos cirúrgicos foram realizados pela mesma cirurgiã. A técnica utilizada nas pacientes consistiu na ressecção longitudinal dos excessos de pequenos lábios vaginais associado à ressecção de capô clitoriano em forma de boomerang e à clitoropexia. Resultados: A idade média das pacientes submetidas a cirurgia foi de 36,25 anos (intervalo 18-59 anos), entre as quais 94,44% apresentaram queixas estéticas associadas ou não a queixas funcionais, e 5,56% apresentaram somente queixas funcionais. Duas pacientes apresentaram hematomas nos grandes lábios no pós-operatório imediato, e uma paciente teve deiscência de sutura nos pequenos lábios. Conclusão: A técnica boomerang é reprodutível e proporciona benefícios estéticos e/ou funcionais na genitália feminina.

Introduction: Hypertrophy of the labia minora combined with a redundant clitoral hood is a common complaint among women seeking aesthetic genital cosmetic surgery for functional, psychological, and aesthetic complaints. The objective of this study was to describe the boomerang technique, a surgical treatment for labial hypertrophy that extends to the entire clitoral hood. Method: A retrospective, analytical study was conducted to evaluate the medical records of forty-eight consecutive patients who underwent female genital cosmetic surgery between July 2017 and July 2021. The same surgeon performed all surgical procedures. The technique used in the patients consisted of longitudinal resection of excess small vaginal lips associated with resection of the boomerang-shaped clitoral hood associated with clitoroplasty. Results: The average age of patients undergoing surgery was 36.25 years (range 18-59 years), among whom 94.44% had aesthetic complaints associated or not with functional complaints, and 5.56% had only functional complaints. Two patients had bruises on the labia majora in the immediate postoperative period, and one patient had suture dehiscence on the labia minora. Conclusion: The boomerang technique is reproducible and provides aesthetic and/or functional benefits to the female genitalia.

Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 39(2): 1-7, abr.jun.2024. ilus
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556497


Introdução: Este estudo tem o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da compressão intermitente imediata sobre anastomoses arteriais microcirúrgicas em comparação com compressão fixa e com utilização isolada de irrigação com soro fisiológico e heparina em laboratório experimental. Método: 12 ratos Wistar foram aleatoriamente divididos em três grupos para terem suas artérias femorais seccionas e anastomosadas de forma término-terminal, para comparação de patência com 30 minutos e 7 dias. Grupo I: foi realizada compressão intermitente imediata sobre a anastomose por 60 segundos; grupo II: uma compressão fixa foi mantida imediatamente após a anastomose, também por 60 segundos; grupo III, após o término da anastomose, não foi feita nenhuma intervenção adicional. Além da avaliação da patência, os animais foram pesados e medidos os diâmetros arteriais operados. Resultados: 24 artérias femorais foram abordadas. As médias de peso inicial dos ratos dos grupos I, II e III foram, respectivamente, de 243,8g, 254,6g e 260,4g, enquanto as finais foram de 264,4g, 281g e 282,1g (p<0,001). O diâmetro médio das artérias abordadas foi, respectivamente, de 0,89mm, 0,88mm e 0,90mm, e os tempos de anastomoses em minutos, de 25,6, 24,5 e 24,5, respectivamente; As patências finais após 7 dias foram, respectivamente, de 62,5% (p=0,07), 25% (p=0,48) e 50% (p=0,13). Conclusão: A compressão intermitente imediata pode ser realizada ao término de anastomoses arteriais microcirúrgicos sem prejuízo na patência final do procedimento.

Introduction: This study aims to evaluate the effect of immediate intermittent compression on microsurgical arterial anastomoses in comparison with fixed compression and only observation in an experimental laboratory. Methods: The two femoral arteries of twelve male Wistar rats were sectioned and reanastomosed to compare patency at 30 minutes and 7 days. Group I: immediate intermittent compression was performed over the anastomosis for 60 s; group II: a fixed compression was maintained immediately after the anastomosis for 60 s; group III: after completion of the anastomosis, no additional intervention was performed. In addition to the patency assessment, the animals were weighed and the operated arterial diameters were measured. Results: Twenty-four femoral arteries were examined. Initial average weights of the rats in groups I, II, and III were 243.8g, 254.6g, and 260.4g, respectively, while the final weights were 264.4g, 281g, and 282.1g (p<0.001), respectively; mean diameter of the approached arteries was 0.89, 0.88, and 0.90mm, respectively, and the anastomoses (time in minutes) were 25.6, 24.5, and 24.5, respectively; final patencies after 7 days were 62.5% (p=0.07), 25% (p=0.48), and 50% (p=0.13), respectively. Conclusion: Immediate intermittent compression can be performed at the end of microsurgical arterial anastomoses without affecting the final patency of the procedure.

Odontol. vital ; jun. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564838


Introducción: A lo largo de los años se ha propuesto una notable variedad de protocolos quirúrgicos periodontales, cuyo enfoque pasó de la simple resolución de defectos de tejidos blandos a la realización de procedimientos predecibles y mínimamente invasivos. Inicialmente se usaba el injerto gingival libre. Posteriormente se han probado diversas técnicas, incluidas aquellas con sustitutos de tejidos blandos, como membranas tipo Alloderm. Hoy en día se considera el gold standard el injerto de tejido conectivo subepitelial asociado al colgajo de avance coronal. Por último, se ha examinado la técnica Pinhole, con mayor preservación de tejido y resultado más estético. Objetivos: El objetivo de esta revisión fue la comparación de técnicas actualizadas para el tratamiento de recesiones múltiples en maxilar superior e inferior. El resultado del procedimiento se evaluó en términos de cobertura radicular completa, reducción de la recesión, ganancia en altura y volumen, resultado estético, dolor postoperatorio y morbilidad del lecho donante y receptor del paciente. Material y métodos: Se realizaron búsquedas electrónicas y manuales para recopilar estudios de boca dividida, ensayos clínicos controlados aleatorios, series de casos, estudios piloto, libros de periodoncia, estudios de casos, revisiones sistemáticas y metanálisis, incluyendo los defectos de recesiónes gingivales múltiples, en maxilar y mandibular, de las cuatro clases de Miller, debido a su extensa evidencia. Resultados: Se incluyeron treinta y cuatro publicaciones y se extrajeron datos sobre el resultado de las técnicas quirúrgicas de dieciocho artículos. La evaluación clínica analizó la cantidad de cobertura radicular completa, la reducción de la recesión y la ganancia de altura y volumen, mientras que la perspectiva del paciente se expresó en términos de satisfacción estética y posibles complicaciones postoperatorias. Los procedimientos de los últimos diez años mostraron mejores resultados en todos los factores mencionados anteriormente. Conclusión: La predictibilidad y la estabilidad del tratamiento a largo plazo representan los factores que guían el proceso de elección de la técnica y que añaden valor a los procedimientos más actualizados. Se observaron progresos tanto a nivel estético, al reducir las discrepancias entre el área intervenida y el tejido circundante, como a nivel postoperatorio, al aminorar las molestias del paciente. Los desafíos propios de esta rama pronto podrían encontrar respuesta gracias a su rápida evolución, la cual permite concebir más avances.

Background: Along the years, a remarkable variety of periodontal surgical protocols has been proposed, the focus of which has shifted from the mere resolution of a soft tissue defect to the performance of predictable and minimally invasive procedures. Initially, the free gingival graft was used. Subsequently, many different techniques were experimented, including those using soft tissue substitutes, such as the Alloderm membrane. Nowadays, the association of the connective tissue graft with the coronally advanced flap is considered the gold standard. Finally, the Pinhole technique, being a more conservative method in terms of tissue preservation and aesthetic outcome, was proposed. Objectives: The aim of this review was the comparison of the updated techniques for the treatment of multiple periodontal recessions, affecting both maxilla and mandible. The procedure outcome was assessed in terms of complete root coverage, recession reduction, gain in height and volume, aesthetic outcome, patient's post-operative pain and morbidity of donor and recipient sites. Material and methods: Electronic and hand searches were performed to collect split- mouth studies, randomized controlled clinical trials, case series, pilot studies, periodontal books, case studies, systematic reviews and meta-analysis, including maxillary and mandibular multiple gingival recession defects of all four Miller's classes, for its extensive evidence. Results: Thirty-four publications were included and data regarding the surgical techniques outcome were extracted from eighteen articles. The clinical evaluation analyzed the amount of complete root coverage, recession reduction and gain in height and volume, while the patient's perspective was expressed in terms of aesthetic satisfaction and possible postoperative complications. Procedures in the last ten years showed better results in all the above-mentioned factors. Conclusion: Procedural predictability and long-lasting treatment stability embody the factors driving the technique election process and adding value to more updated procedures. Progress was observed both at an aesthetic level, by reducing the discrepancias between the surgical region and the surrounding tissue, and at a postoperative level, by reducing patient discomfort. The challenges inherent to this branch could soon find answers thanks to its prompt evolution, which allows for further advances to be conceived.

Aesthetic Plast Surg ; 2024 May 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38714538


BACKGROUND: The facial aging process entails alterations in the volume, shape, and texture of all skin layers over time. Calcium hydroxyapatite (CaHA) is a well-established safe skin filler with unique properties to resolve some skin alterations by stimulating neocollagenesis. The vectoral-lift (V-lift) technique targets the global repositioning of facial structures by addressing distinct anatomical injection planes. It includes deep facial augmentation with Radiesse PlusTM to retain ligament restructuring and superficial subcutaneous enhancement with diluted Radiesse DuoTM. Herein, we present cases that illustrate the use of this approach. METHODS: This pilot study enrolled 36 participants (33 women and three men; ages 37-68 years) in a Brazilian clinical setting, and all patients underwent a single treatment. Photographs were taken at rest, in frontal and oblique views, before injection, and 90 days after treatment. RESULTS: Treatment resulted in elevation of the upper and middle face, notable improvements in the infraorbital hollow, and adjustment of the mean facial volume. CONCLUSIONS: The V-lift technique is a three-dimensional pan-facial treatment that relies on ligament support and face vectoring to obtain a lifting effect and facial contour restoration. It encompasses deep facial augmentation involving the use of Radiesse PlusTM for restructuring and retaining ligaments and Radiesse DuoTM for superficial subcutaneous enhancement. This approach targets a global repositioning of the facial structures by addressing distinct anatomical injection planes. It achieves a repositioning of the overall facial anatomy without requiring a substantial volumetric expansion. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE IV: This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors .

Arch Cardiol Mex ; 2024 Apr 30.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38687993


Objectives: Ebstein anomaly is a congenital defect characterized by a lack of delamination and apical displacement of the tricuspid valve, tricuspid insufficiency, right atrial enlargement, and ventricular dysfunction. To analyze the results and evolution of the different surgical strategies, data were collected from 45 patients operated on during 1990-2018. Twenty-six patients were included with a median age at initial surgery of 11.3 years (range: 13 days-18.6 years). Method: Procedures were plastic 10 patients (38%), cone technique reconstruction 11 (42%), and replacement 5 (19%). Additional interventions were required in 7 patients: cavo-pulmonary anastomosis 4 and Cox-maze 4. Nine patients (34.6%) required reoperation due to severe tricuspid insufficiency. Six had previous plastic, two bioprothesis, and one, cone. Results: Overall mortality was 11.5% (3)at a median of 10.1 years post-surgery (range: 5.7-10.12) associated with arrhythmias (p = 0.05), right (p = 0.008), left (p = 0.0001) ventricular dysfunction and reoperations (p = 0.03). None were previous conus. Median follow-up was 6.5 years (range: 1-29.1). Ninety-one-point-six percent were in functional class I/II and 79.2% in sinus rhythm. Conclusions: The results of the different classic techniques were similar, although not free of complications and reoperations. Cone reconstruction proved to be effective, with low surgical mortality, less need for reoperations, and durability in the medium term.

Objetivos: La anomalía de Ebstein es un defecto congénito caracterizado por falta de deslaminación y desplazamiento apical de la válvula tricúspide, insuficiencia tricúspidea, agrandamiento auricular derecho y disfunción ventricular. Con el propósito de analizar los resultados y evolución de las distintas estrategias quirúrgicas se recolectaron datos de 45 operados durante 1990-2018. Se incluyeron 26 pacientes con una edad mediana en la cirugía inicial de 11.3 años (rango: 13 días-18.6 años). Método: Los procedimientos fueron plastia 10 pacientes (38%), reconstrucción con técnica del cono 11 (42%) y reemplazo 5 (19%). Requirieron intervenciones adicionales 7 pacientes: anastomosis cavo-pulmonar 4 y Cox-maze 4. El 34.6% (9) requirió reoperación por insuficiencia tricúspidea importante. Presentaban plastia previa seis, bioprótesis dos y cono, uno. Resultados: La mortalidad global fue del 11.5% (3 pacientes) a una media de 10.1 años posquirúrgicos (rango: 5.7-10.12) asociada a arritmias (p = 0.05), disfunción ventricular derecha (p = 0.008), izquierda (p = 0.0001) y reoperaciones (p = 0.03). Ninguno fue cono previo. La mediana de seguimiento fue de 6.5 años (rango: 1-29.1). El 91.6% se encontraban en clase funcional I/II y el 79.2% en ritmo sinusal. Conclusiones: Los resultados de las diferentes técnicas clásicas fueron similares aunque no exentas de complicaciones y reoperaciones. La reconstrucción del cono resultó ser efectiva, de baja mortalidad quirúrgica, menor requerimiento de reoperaciones y duradera en el mediano plazo.