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Rev. Bras. Med. Fam. Comunidade (Online) ; 19(46): e-3975, 20241804.
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1572109


Introdução: O dispositivo intrauterino (DIU) é uma das estratégias contraceptivas mais eficazes. Porém, apesar de ser amplamente distribuído pelo Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), há baixa adesão ao método. São constatadas diversas barreiras para esse quadro, tais como desconhecimento acerca do dispositivo, além da reduzida oferta para inserção do contraceptivo por parte das Equipes de Saúde da Família (eSF). Tendo em vista que a ampliação do acesso ao DIU pode contribuir para a diminuição das gravidezes não planejadas, bem como para a autonomia e para o empoderamento das mulheres, algumas estratégias foram desenvolvidas por uma eSF para facilitar o acesso ao DIU. Objetivo: Refletir a respeito do impacto da incorporação de estratégias de educação em saúde para divulgar o método dentro da própria equipe, de sua área de cobertura e da diminuição de barreiras para a inserção, na ampliação do acesso ao DIU, no quantitativo de dispositivos inseridos, no número de gestações não planejadas e na possibilidade de aumento do empoderamento feminino. Métodos: Os dados coletados foram extraídos das informações presentes em planilhas e relatórios produzidos pela própria eSF. Utilizou-se da estatística descritiva para apresentar e analisar os dados obtidos, a partir de ferramentas de formulação de gráficos e tabelas. Resultados: Após mudança no processo de trabalho, visando ao acesso ampliado à inserção do DIU, observou-se um aumento no quantitativo do procedimento assim como na percentagem de gravidezes desejadas. Conclusões: O DIU surge como um instrumento para possibilitar o exercício dos direitos sexuais e reprodutivos e para alavancar atitudes emancipatórias das mulheres. Quanto menos barreiras as mulheres encontram para a inserção do DIU, maior é a escolha por este método, sendo a inserção por demanda espontânea, ou seja, no momento em que a mulher procura a eSF para fazê-la. Nesse sentido, as atividades de educação continuada tornam-se potentes ferramentas para possibilitar maior acesso ao método. Fazem-se necessários estudos de longa duração para que essas hipóteses sejam avaliadas, todavia, parece haver uma ligação positiva entre essas duas variáveis.

Introduction: Intrauterine device (IUD) is one of the most effective contraceptive strategies. Despite being widely distributed by the Brazilian Unified Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde ­ SUS), there is low adherence to the method. There are several barriers to this situation, such as lack of knowledge about the device, in addition to the reduced offer for contraceptive insertion by primary health care providers. Given that increased access to the IUD can contribute to reducing unplanned pregnancies, as well as empowering women, some strategies have been developed by a primary health care team to facilitate access to IUDs. Objective: This research reflected on the impact of incorporating health education strategies to disseminate the method and reduction of barriers to insertion, broadening IUD access, the number of devices inserted, the number of unplanned pregnancy and the possibility of increased female empowerment. Methods: Data were extracted from information present in spreadsheets and reports produced by the team itself. Descriptive statistics were used to present and analyze the data obtained, using tools for formulating graphics and tables. Results: After changing the work process to expanded access to IUD insertion, an increase in the number of procedures and the percentage of planned pregnancies was observed. Conclusions: The IUD appears as an instrument to enable the exercise of sexual and reproductive rights and to leverage women's emancipatory attitudes. The fewer barriers women encounter when inserting an IUD, the greater the choice for this method, with insertion being on spontaneous demand and continuing education activities, powerful tools to enable greater access to it. Long-term studies are necessary for these hypotheses to be evaluated, however, there appears to be a positive link between these two variables.

Introducción: El dispositivo intrauterino (DIU) es una de las estrategias anticonceptivas más efectivas. Sin embargo, a pesar de su amplia distribución a través del Sistema Único de Salud, existe una baja adhesión a este método. Se han identificado diversas barreras para esta situación, como el desconocimiento sobre el dispositivo y la oferta limitada de su inserción por parte de los equipos de salud familiar (eSF). Con el objetivo de ampliar el acceso al DIU y reducir los embarazos no deseados, así como promover la autonomía y empoderamiento de las mujeres, algunos equipos de eSF han desarrollado estrategias para facilitar su acceso. Objetivo: Reflexionar sobre el impacto de la incorporación de estrategias de educación en salud para difundir el método dentro del propio equipo y su área de cobertura, así como la eliminación de barreras para la inserción, en la ampliación del acceso al DIU, en la cantidad de dispositivos insertados, en el número de embarazos no planeados y en la posibilidad de aumentar el empoderamiento femenino. Métodos: Los datos recopilados se extrajeron de las hojas de cálculo e informes producidos por el propio eSF. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva para presentar y analizar los datos obtenidos mediante herramientas de creación de gráficos y tablas. Resultados: Después de un cambio en el proceso de trabajo destinado a ampliar el acceso a la inserción del DIU, se observó un aumento en la cantidad de procedimientos realizados. También se registró un aumento en el porcentaje de embarazos deseados. Conclusiones: El DIU se presenta como una herramienta que permite el ejercicio de los derechos sexuales y reproductivos y promueve actitudes emancipatorias en las mujeres. Cuantas menos barreras encuentren las mujeres para la inserción del DIU, mayor será la elección de este método, con la inserción a demanda, es decir, cuando la mujer lo solicita al eSF, y las actividades de educación continua como poderosas herramientas para facilitar un mayor acceso. Se necesitan estudios a largo plazo para evaluar estas hipótesis, aunque parece existir una relación positiva entre estas dos variables.

Humanos , Anticoncepção , Saúde da Mulher , Planejamento Familiar , Dispositivos Intrauterinos
Rev. Enferm. UERJ (Online) ; 32: e79100, jan. -dez. 2024.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol, Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556445


Objetivo: conhecer as representações sociais sobre o planejamento reprodutivo entre mulheres em gravidez não planejada na Estratégia Saúde da Família. Método: estudo qualitativo, orientado pela Teoria das Representações Sociais, realizado com 15 gestantes, entre abril e maio de 2019. Utilizou-se a entrevista semiestruturada. Os dados foram organizados por meio do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo, com auxílio do software DSCsoft©. Protocolo de pesquisa aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa. Resultados: as representações sociais das mulheres em gravidez não planejada evidenciadas pelo Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo foram representadas por oito ideias centrais, a saber: "eu não me preveni, nem ele", "nós nos prevenimos", "eu comprava", "pegava no posto", "construir uma família", "ter esse acesso", "estou por fora" e "eu sei que é disponível". Conclusão: as representações sociais nos discursos das mulheres em gravidez não planejada estavam pautadas no desconhecimento acerca do planejamento reprodutivo, dos anticoncepcionais disponíveis e seu uso correto.

Objective: to understand the social representations of reproductive planning among women with unplanned pregnancies in the Family Health Strategy. Method: qualitative study, guided by the Theory of Social Representations, carried out with 15 pregnant women between April and May 2019. Semi-structured interviews were used. The data was organized using the Discourse of the Collective Subject, with the aid of DSCsoft© software. Research protocol approved by the Research Ethics Committee. Results: the social representations of women with unplanned pregnancies as evidenced by the Collective Subject Discourse were represented by eight central ideas, namely: "I didn't prevent myself, nor did he", "we prevented ourselves", "I would buy it", "I would get it at the health center", "build a family", "have this access", "I am not aware" and "I know it is available". Conclusion: the social representations in the women's speeches about unplanned pregnancies were based on a lack of knowledge about reproductive planning, the contraceptives available and their correct use.

Objetivo: conocer las representaciones sociales sobre la planificación reproductiva de las mujeres con embarazo no planificado en la Estrategia Salud de la Familia. Método: estudio cualitativo, basado en la Teoría de las Representaciones Sociales, realizado con 15 mujeres embarazadas, entre abril y mayo de 2019. Se utilizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas. Los datos fueron organizados mediante el Discurso del Sujeto Colectivo, con ayuda del software DSCsoft©. El protocolo de investigación fue aprobado por el Comité de Ética en Investigación. Resultados: las representaciones sociales de las mujeres con embarazo no planificado reveladas por el Discurso del Sujeto Colectivo fueron representadas por ocho ideas centrales, a saber: "yo no me cuidé y él tampoco", "nos cuidamos", "yo los compraba", "los buscaba en el centro de salud", "construir una familia", "tener acceso", "no participo" y "sé que está disponible". Conclusión: las representaciones sociales en los discursos de las mujeres con embarazo no planificado se basaron en la falta de conocimiento sobre la planificación reproductiva, en los anticonceptivos disponibles y su uso correcto.

Rev. Enferm. UERJ (Online) ; 32: e81243, jan. -dez. 2024.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol, Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556462


Objetivo: analisar os fatores intervenientes na gerência do cuidado de enfermagem à criança hospitalizada com cardiopatia reumática. Método: estudo descritivo-exploratório com abordagem qualitativa, que utilizou a Teoria Fundamentada em Dados e o Interacionismo Simbólico, respectivamente, como referencial metodológico e teórico. A coleta de dados foi realizada em uma instituição especializada em atendimento cardiológico, no munícipio do Rio de Janeiro. Foram entrevistados 19 profissionais de enfermagem através de um roteiro semiestruturado. Resultado: emergiram os seguintes fatores intervenientes na prática da gerência do cuidado: condição socioeconômica da família, comportamento da criança, condições de trabalho, comunicação ineficaz, educação permanente, trabalho em equipe e experiência profissional. Conclusão: os resultados apontam para a necessidade de proposição de estratégias de ação e interação que facilitem a prática gerencial de cuidado à criança com cardiopatia reumática e sua família face aos fatores intervenientes identificados.

Objective: to analyze the factors involved in the management of nursing care for children hospitalized with rheumatic heart disease. Method: this is a descriptive-exploratory study with a qualitative approach, which used Data-Based Theory and Symbolic Interactionism, respectively, as methodological, and theoretical references. Data was collected in an institution specializing in cardiac care in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Nineteen nursing professionals were interviewed using a semi-structured script. Result: the following intervening factors in the practice of care management emerged: the family's socioeconomic status, the child's behavior, working conditions, ineffective communication, continuing education, teamwork, and professional experience. Conclusion: the results point to the need to propose strategies for action and interaction that facilitate management practice in caring for children with rheumatic heart disease and their families, given the intervening factors identified.

Objetivo: analizar los factores que intervienen en la gestión del cuidado de enfermería al niño hospitalizado con cardiopatía reumática. Método: estudio descriptivo-exploratorio con enfoque cualitativo, cuyos marcos metodológico y teórico fueron la Teoría Fundamentada y el Interaccionismo Simbólico, respectivamente. La recolección de datos se realizó en una institución especializada en atención cardiológica, en la ciudad de Río de Janeiro. Fueron entrevistados 19 profesionales de enfermería mediante un cuestionario semiestructurado. Resultado: surgieron los siguientes factores intervinientes en la práctica de la gestión del cuidado: condición socioeconómica de la familia, comportamiento del niño, condiciones de trabajo, comunicación ineficaz, educación continua, trabajo en equipo y experiencia profesional. Conclusión: los resultados indican que es necesario proponer estrategias de acción e interacción que faciliten la práctica de la gestión del cuidado al niño con cardiopatía reumática y a sus familiares, con respecto a los factores intervinientes identificados.

Skin Appendage Disord ; 10(4): 312-320, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39108555


Introduction: 3D biomodels represent a cutting-edge advancement in medical imaging technology. The incorporation of 3D technologies in dermatology through the acquisition of onychological images, 3D reconstruction, and development of customized equipment to assist in surgeries demonstrated reduction in operating times and improved surgical outcomes. Additionally, the use of 3D printing in surgical simulation provided a safe environment for training and education. This article explores the application of 3D biomodels in dermatology, focusing on three clinical cases involving nail tumors. Case Presentation: In case 1, a glomus tumor was visualized in 3D, guiding the creation of a personalized surgical device. The minimally invasive surgery, facilitated by the biomodel, resulted in successful tumor removal. Case 2, featuring a subungual keratoacanthoma, utilized 3D biomodels for conservative surgery planning, anatomical comprehension, and patient communication. Case 3 involved a longitudinal groove, where biomodels aided in precise lesion localization and surgical planning. Conclusion: The integration of virtual and physical anatomical biomodels proves valuable in surgical dermatology, contributing to enhanced treatment quality, patient safety, and medical education.

PeerJ Comput Sci ; 10: e2209, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39145222


Background: Autonomous driving is a growing research area that brings benefits in science, economy, and society. Although there are several studies in this area, currently there is no a fully autonomous vehicle, particularly, for off-road navigation. Autonomous vehicle (AV) navigation is a complex process based on application of multiple technologies and algorithms for data acquisition, management and understanding. Particularly, a self-driving assistance system supports key functionalities such as sensing and terrain perception, real time vehicle mapping and localization, path prediction and actuation, communication and safety measures, among others. Methods: In this work, an original approach for vehicle autonomous driving in off-road environments that combines semantic segmentation of video frames and subsequent real-time route planning is proposed. To check the relevance of the proposal, a modular framework for assistive driving in off-road scenarios oriented to resource-constrained devices has been designed. In the scene perception module, a deep neural network is used to segment Red-Green-Blue (RGB) images obtained from camera. The second traversability module fuses Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) point clouds with the results of segmentation to create a binary occupancy grid map to provide scene understanding during autonomous navigation. Finally, the last module, based on the Rapidly-exploring Random Tree (RRT) algorithm, predicts a path. The Freiburg Forest Dataset (FFD) and RELLIS-3D dataset were used to assess the performance of the proposed approach. The theoretical contributions of this article consist of the original approach for image semantic segmentation fitted to off-road driving scenarios, as well as adapting the shortest route searching A* and RRT algorithms to AV path planning. Results: The reported results are very promising and show several advantages compared to previously reported solutions. The segmentation precision achieves 85.9% for FFD and 79.5% for RELLIS-3D including the most frequent semantic classes. While compared to other approaches, the proposed approach is faster regarding computational time for path planning.

Rev Esp Salud Publica ; 982024 Jul 03.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39162613


Projects and construction management in healthcare facilities are usually assigned to architectural firms and engineering companies with previous experience. However, there is no evaluation system to ensure their level of competence in the healthcare sector. In the past, this was also the case for clinicians when they were self-appointed specialists without any supervision. Currently, the Specialised Health Training (SHT) programme in Spain is the only official specialisation pathway and consists of a period that combines training and paid healthcare practice. Similarly, but from Argentina, hospital residencies in architecture have been carried out for specialised postgraduate training. The aim of this article was to show the experience in Argentina and to propose the extension of the SHT in Spain. Our proposal consists of a programme of residencies in architecture and engineering to be developed in healthcare centres. We believe that this initiative has great potential to address health from its multiple disciplines and to reinforce the maturity of a National Health System in constant change.

Los proyectos y la dirección de obras en los centros sanitarios se suelen asignar a estudios de arquitectura y empresas de ingeniería con experiencia previa. Sin embargo, no hay un sistema de evaluación que asegure su nivel de competencia en el sector sanitario. Antiguamente, esta situación también se daba en los profesionales clínicos, cuando se autotitulaban especialistas sin ningún tipo de supervisión. En la actualidad, el programa de Formación Sanitaria Especializada (FSE) en España es la única vía de especialización oficial y consiste en un periodo que aúna formación y práctica asistencial remunerada. De manera similar, pero desde Argentina, se llevan realizando unas residencias hospitalarias de arquitectura para la formación especializada de posgrado. El objetivo de este artículo fue mostrar la experiencia en Argentina y proponer la ampliación de la FSE en España. Nuestra propuesta consiste en un programa de residencias en arquitectura e ingeniería a desarrollar en centros sanitarios. Consideramos que esta iniciativa tiene un gran potencial para abordar la salud desde sus múltiples disciplinas y reforzar la madurez de un Sistema Nacional de Salud en constante cambio.

Engenharia , Espanha , Engenharia/educação , Humanos , Argentina , Especialização
Heliyon ; 10(14): e34833, 2024 Jul 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39148974


Objective: To investigate if individual and contextual socioeconomic factors are associated with contraceptive use in Brazilian women from 18 to 49 years old, stratified by parity. Methods: Cross-sectional, population-based study that analyzed data from 16,879 women from 18 to 49 years old, respondents of the 2013 National Health Survey. Individual factors such as reproductive history, access to health services, and sociodemographic characteristics were considered; and as contextual factors, Human Development Index (HDI), Sociodemographic Index (SDI) Primary Health Care Coverage (PHC coverage) and Average Monthly Income were included. Multilevel logistic regression models were estimated, stratified by parity, with women being level 1 and States and Federal District of level 2 units. Results: Nulliparous women had lower prevalence of contraceptive use (77.9 %) when compared with primiparous and multiparous (88.7 %), as well as greater variability in the chance of using contraception (ICC = 2.1 vs. ICC = 1.1, respectively). Women who lived in States with higher levels of HDI, average monthly income and SDI were more likely to use contraception. The greater PHC coverage was positively associated with the use of contraceptives for primiparous/multiparous women and negatively for the nulliparous. Furthermore, higher education increased the chances of using contraception, both for nulliparous and primiparous/multiparous women. Conclusions: The high contraceptive coverage in Brazil hides important inequities in access, highlighting contextual characteristics associated with the use of contraceptives, in addition to individual factors. The lower prevalence and chance of using contraceptives for nulliparous women with greater social vulnerability reveal inequity and priority in public policies. Implications for practice: The need to improve access to contraception is highlighted, considering both the individual and contextual vulnerabilities of women, which implies ensuring timely and qualified access to contraceptive methods, especially for young and nulliparous women who are more socially vulnerable.

Front Public Health ; 12: 1392894, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39100951


The Preparedness and Resilience for Emerging Threats (PRET) initiative takes an innovative mode-of-transmission approach to pandemic planning by advocating for integrated preparedness and response systems and capacities for groups of pathogens with common transmission pathways. The World Health Organization (WHO) launched this initiative in 2023 with the publication of PRET Module 1 addressing respiratory pathogens. Exercise PanPRET-1 is a customizable tabletop simulation exercise (TTX) package developed to complement PRET Module 1. The exercise scenario focuses on strengthening capacities for multisectoral coordination, risk communication and community engagement, and the triggers for operational decision-making. This article reports on the experiences of the first four countries to implement Exercise PanPRET-1: Cook Islands, Costa Rica, Lebanon and Mongolia. Exercise outcomes demonstrated that PanPRET-1 can be an effective tool for testing pandemic plans in a multisectoral forum and identifying opportunities to improve preparedness and response in key domains. In quantitative evaluations in Cook Islands, Costa Rica and Mongolia, high proportions of exercise participants indicated that multiple aspects of the exercise were well-designed and were beneficial for improving health emergency preparedness. Exercise participants in Lebanon provided qualitative feedback indicating that they found the exercise to be beneficial. Conducting a TTX and monitoring the implementation of action plans based on exercise findings facilitates a country-owned whole-of-society vision for pandemic planning. Countries are encouraged to incorporate TTX such as Exercise PanPRET-1 into a continuous cycle of activity to improve pandemic preparedness.

Pandemias , Humanos , Líbano/epidemiologia , Costa Rica/epidemiologia , Pandemias/prevenção & controle , Mongólia/epidemiologia , Treinamento por Simulação , Planejamento em Desastres , Infecções Respiratórias/prevenção & controle , Infecções Respiratórias/epidemiologia , COVID-19/epidemiologia , COVID-19/prevenção & controle
Rev. Ocup. Hum. (En línea) ; 24(2): 147-160, jul - dic 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1566965


Lucía Vivanco Muñoz es terapeuta ocupacional, egresada de la Universidad de Chile en 1983 y una de las primeras en incursionar en la Terapia Ocupacional social y comunitaria en Chile. En esta entrevista, realizada por su colega Débora Grandón, analiza el desarrollo de la Terapia Ocupacional social y comunitaria a través de su incursión, a finales de la década de 1980 y durante los años 90, en áreas no tradicionales de la Terapia Ocupacional, como el acompañamiento a personas viviendo con VIH-SIDA, la desinstitucionalización de niñeces vulneradas y la reinserción en sus familias y comunidades. También, colaboró en el diseño de políticas públicas para la superación de la pobreza desde el Estado chileno y en otros países, en su rol de consultora para el Banco Mundial. Actualmente, es académica de la Escuela de Terapia Ocupacional en la Universidad de Santiago de Chile -USACH. Esta experiencia como iniciadora de áreas de práctica hoy instituidas en el ejercicio de la profesión tiene un relevante valor histórico y constituye un aporte significativo al desarrollo de estos campos y a la formación de nuevas generaciones.

Lucía Vivanco Muñoz is an occupational therapist who graduated from the University of Chile in 1983 and is one of the pioneers in the development of a social and community Occupational Therapy in Chile. In this interview, conducted by her colleague Débora Grandón, she analyzes the development of a social and community Occupational Therapy throughout her involvement at the end of the 1980s and during the 1990s in non-traditional areas such as accompanying people living with HIV/AIDS, the deinstitutionalization of vulnerable children, and their reintegration into their families and communities. She also participated in designing public policies for overcoming poverty within the Chilean government and other countries in her role as a consultant for the World Bank. She is currently an academic at the School of Occupatio-nal Therapy at the University of Santiago de Chile -USACH. This experience as an initiator of areas of practice established today in the exercise of the profession has a relevant historical value and constitutes a significant contribution to the development of these fields and the training of new generations

Lucía Vivanco Muñoz é terapeuta ocupacional, formada pela Universidade do Chile em 1983, e uma das primeiras a se aventurar na Terapia Ocupacional social e comunitária no Chile. Nesta entrevista, conduzida por sua colega Débora Grandón, se analisa o desenvolvimento da Terapia Ocupacional social e comunitária por meio de sua incursão no final dos anos 80 e durante os anos 90, em áreas não tradicionais da Terapia Ocupacional, como o acompanhamento de pessoas vivendo com HIV-AIDS, a desinstitucionalização de crianças em situação de vulnerabilidade e a reintegração em suas famílias e comunidades. Além disso, colaborou no desenho de políticas públicas para a superação da pobreza no Estado chileno e em outros países, atuando como consultora para o Banco Mundial. Atualmente, é professora na Escola de Terapia Ocupacional da Universidade de Santiago do Chile - USACH. A experiência da professora como pioneira em áreas de prática, hoje instituídas no exercício da profissão, tem um valor histórico relevante e constitui uma contribuição significativa para o desenvolvimento desses campos e para a formação de novas gerações

Humanos , Apoio Social , História , HIV
Lancet Reg Health Am ; 37: 100834, 2024 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39070073


On the sidelines of the 75th Session of the Regional Committee of the World Health Organization for the Americas, the Republic of Ecuador hosted an event to expand on National Surgical, Obstetric, and Anaesthesia Plans (NSOAPs). NSOAPs are policy frameworks that offer governments a pathway to incorporate surgical planning into their overall health strategies. In Latin America, Ecuador became the first country to lead the development of an NSOAP and is fostering regional efforts for other Latin American countries to have sustainable surgical strengthening plans. Brazil is a prominent candidate for enrolling in an NSOAP process to enhance its public health system's functionality. An NSOAP in Brazil can help mitigate social disparities, promote greater efficiency in allocating existing resources, and optimise public health system financing. This process can also encourage the creation of resources and distinct NSOAP vocabulary in Portuguese to facilitate the development of NSOAPs in other Portuguese-speaking and low- and middle-income countries. In this viewpoint, we explore why an NSOAP can benefit Brazil's surgical system, national features that enable surgical policymaking, and how multiple stakeholder engagement can contribute to the country's planning, validation, and implementation of an NSOAP.

Cir Cir ; 92(4): 426-436, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39079248


OBJECTIVE: To share our experience in creating precise anatomical models using available open-source software. METHODS: An affordable method is presented, where from a DICOM format of a computed tomography, a segmentation of the region of interest is achieved. The image is then processed for surface improvement and the DICOM format is converted to STL. Error correction is achieved and the model is optimized to be printed by stereolithography with a desktop 3D printer. RESULTS: Precise measurements of the dimensions of the DICOM file (CT), the STL file, and the printed model (3D) were carried out. For the C6 vertebra, the dimensions of the horizontal axis were 55.3 mm (CT), 55.337 mm (STL), and 55.3183 mm (3D). The dimensions of the vertebral body were 14.2 mm (CT), 14.551 mm (STL), and 14.8159 mm (3D). The length of the spinous process was 18.2 mm (CT), 18.283 mm (STL), and 18.2266 mm (3D), while its width was 8.5 mm (CT), 8.3644 mm (STL), and 8.3226 mm (3D). For the C7 vertebra, the dimensions of the horizontal axis were 58.6 mm (CT), 58.739 mm (STL), and 58.7144 mm (3D). The dimensions of the vertebral body were 14 mm (CT), 14.0255 mm (STL), and 14.2312 mm (3D). The length of the spinous process was 18.7 mm (CT), 18.79 mm (STL), and 18.6458 mm (3D), and its width was 8.9 mm (CT), 8.988 mm (STL), and 8.9760 mm (3D). CONCLUSION: The printing of a 3D model of bone tissue using this algorithm is a viable, useful option with high precision.

OBJETIVO: Compartir nuestra experiencia para crear modelos anatómicos precisos utilizando software con licencia abierta disponibles. MÉTODOS: Se presenta un método asequible, en donde a partir de un formato DICOM de una tomografía computarizada se logra una segmentación de la región de interés. Posteriormente se procesa la imagen para una mejora de superficie y se realiza la conversión de formato DICOM a STL. Se logra la corrección de errores y se optimiza el modelo para luego ser impreso por medio de estereolitografía con una impresora 3D de escritorio. RESULTADOS: Se efectuaron mediciones precisas de las dimensiones del archivo DICOM (TC), del archivo STL y del modelo impreso (3D). Para la vértebra C6, las dimensiones del eje horizontal fueron 55.3 mm (TC), 55.337 mm (STL) y 55.3183 mm (3D). Las dimensiones del cuerpo vertebral fueron 14.2 mm (TC), 14.551 mm (STL) y 14.8159 mm (3D). La longitud de la apófisis espinosa fue de 18.2 mm (TC), 18.283 mm (STL) y 18.2266 mm (3D), mientras que su ancho fue de 8.5 mm (TC), 8.3644 mm (STL) y 8.3226 mm (3D). Para la vértebra C7, las dimensiones del eje horizontal fueron 58.6 mm (TC), 58.739 mm (STL) y 58.7144 mm (3D). Las dimensiones del cuerpo vertebral fueron 14 mm (TC), 14.0255 mm (STL) y 14.2312 mm (3D). La longitud de la apófisis espinosa fue de 18.7 mm (TC), 18.79 mm (STL) y 18.6458 mm (3D), y su ancho fue de 8.9 mm (TC), 8.988 mm (STL) y 8.9760 mm (3D). CONCLUSIÓN: La impresión de un modelo en 3D de tejido óseo mediante este algoritmo resulta una opción viable, útil y con una alta precisión.

Modelos Anatômicos , Impressão Tridimensional , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X , Humanos , Software , Imageamento Tridimensional/métodos , Estereolitografia , Vértebras Cervicais/diagnóstico por imagem , Vértebras Cervicais/anatomia & histologia
Dent J (Basel) ; 12(7)2024 Jun 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39056980


This clinical report presents a technique to reconstruct extensively resected mandibles using a combination of autologous bone grafts and additive manufacturing techniques. Mandibular defects, often arising from trauma, tumors, or congenital anomalies, can severely impact both function and aesthetics. Conventional reconstruction methods have their limitations, often resulting in suboptimal outcomes. In these reports, we detail clinical cases where patients with different mandibular defects underwent reconstructive surgery. In each instance, autologous grafts were harvested to ensure the restoration of native bone tissue, while advanced virtual planning techniques were employed for precise graft design and dental implant placement. The patients experienced substantial improvements in masticatory function, speech, and facial aesthetics. Utilizing autologous grafts minimized the risk of rejection and complications associated with foreign materials. The integration of virtual planning precision allowed customized solutions, reducing surgical duration and optimizing implant positioning. These 2 cases underscores the potential of combining autologous grafts with virtual planning precision and dental implants produced by additive manufacturing for mandible reconstruction.

Int Arch Allergy Immunol ; : 1-9, 2024 Jul 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38964293


INTRODUCTION: Hereditary angioedema (HAE) is a rare genetic disease characterized by submucosal and subcutaneous edema with high morbidity and possibility of mortality. This study presents the sociodemographic characteristics of a large Brazilian family with HAE. METHODS: Descriptive cross-sectional study with patients from two family branches coming from the same city and HAE diagnosis was carried out. Clinical, laboratory, and treatment data of patients have been collected. Genetic testing was performed on some individuals. Correlation tests and comparisons between variables were applied using IBM SPSS Statistics® 2.0 program. RESULTS: We provide a detailed characterization of two families affected by HAE due to C1-INH deficiency, residing in a small town in southern Brazil. These families harbor an identified mutation in the SERPING1 gene (c.1104del, p.Asp369ThrfsTer2). The mean age at HAE diagnosis was 16.7 (±14.0) years, with the mean onset of symptoms at 6.0 (±6.1) years of age. A correlation was observed between patients' current age and age at HAE diagnosis, with older patients being diagnosed later than younger individuals (p < 0.0001). On average, there were 16.8 emergency visits in the past year (±24.8), and 53.5% of patients reported at least one lifetime hospitalization. Notably, treatment modalities often diverged from consensus recommendations regarding optimal prophylaxis and management of HAE attacks. CONCLUSIONS: This study describes one of the largest known families with HAE in Brazil and highlights the significant impact of unfavorable social conditions on disease control.

Palliat Med Rep ; 5(1): 261-268, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39044763


Objectives: This study aimed to assess the agreement between established tools, such as the Palliative Performance Scale (PPS) and Brazilian version of the Supportive and Palliative Care Indicators Tool (SPICT-BR), and the subjective assessment of palliative care (PC) need using the Surprise Question (SQ) administered by resident physicians. This assessment was conducted among hospitalized patients, with and without cancer, to determine the efficacy of these tools in indicating the need for PC. Methods: A six-month cross-sectional study in 2019 of medical records of patients hospitalized in a single center in IAMSPE-Brazil. The SPICT-BR and PPS were applied to the medical record data, and the SQ was posed to each resident physician. Comparisons for categorical data were made using the chi-square test, with p < 0.05 considered statistically significant. Results: Of 203 patients evaluated, 57.6% were male and 81.2% were older adults (≥60 years). The mean age was 67.40 ± 9.72 years. Chronic disease was nonneoplastic in 78.32% of patients, and 56.65% had not been hospitalized in the preceding year. The PPS score was <70% in 69.4% of patients, and 51.2% met at least one SPICT-BR criterion. Among patients with cancer, 40.9% had over two positive SPICT-BR criteria; 97.5% of these patients received NO responses to SQ by residents (p < 0.0001). Similarly, 90.6% of patients with one SPICT-BR criterion received NO responses to SQ, with no significant difference between groups. Conclusion: The SQ proved to be a valuable tool for PC indication, particularly when administered by untrained professionals. Consistent with SPICT-BR findings, our study highlights the SQ's role in facilitating early identification of patients in need of PC.

Foods ; 13(14)2024 Jul 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39063253


Plant-based milk has gained considerable attention; however, its high nutritional variation highlights the need for improved formulation designs to enhance its quality. This study aimed to nutritionally compare cow milk with plant-based milk produced from hazelnuts (H), Brazil nuts (BN), cashew nuts (CN), soybeans (S), and sunflower seeds (SS), and to perform physicochemical and technological characterization. The plant-based milk produced with isolated grains showed a nutritional composition inferior to that of cow milk in almost all evaluated parameters, protein content (up to 1.1 g 100 g-1), lipids (up to 2.7 g 100 g-1), color parameters, minerals, and especially calcium (up to 62.4 mg L-1), which were originally high in cow milk (up to 1030 mg L-1). However, the plant-based milk designed using a blend composition was able to promote nutritional enhancement in terms of minerals, especially iron (Fe) and magnesium (Mg), high-quality lipids (up to 3.6 g 100 g-1), and carbohydrates (3.4 g 100 g-1 using CN, BN, and S). The protein content was 1.3% compared to 5.7 in cow milk, and the caloric value of plant-based milk remained 32.8 at 52.1 kcal, similar to cow milk. Satisfactory aspects were observed regarding the shelf life, especially related to microbiological stability during the 11 d of storage at 4 °C. For the designed plant-based milk to be equivalent to cow milk, further exploration for optimizing the blends used to achieve better combinations is required. Furthermore, analyzing possible fortification and preservation methods to increase shelf life and meet the nutritional and sensory needs of the public would be interesting.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39063513


Background: Prior research indicates that engagement with nature is associated with mental well-being; however, the impact of accessibility to urban green spaces (UGS) with suitable infrastructure for visitation and physical activities, like leisure or recreation, remains underexplored, particularly in developing countries. Purpose: This study delves into whether merely having green space in the neighborhood is sufficient to impact residents' mental health in Brazilian metropolitan regions. Method: Utilizing a cross-sectional survey, data were collected from 2136 participants. The analyzed variables included the intensity, duration, and frequency of nature engagement, suitability of UGS for visitation and physical activities, and mental well-being indicators measured by the DASS-21 scale. Multivariate statistical analyses and multiple regression models were employed to verify hypothetical relationships. Results and conclusions: Higher intensity, duration, and frequency of nature engagement in UGS were significantly associated with lower depression, anxiety, and stress scores. Notably, having urban UGS in the neighborhood alone was not enough to reduce mental health issues. Practical implications: The findings point out the need for urban planning policies that prioritize the development of high-quality, accessible green spaces to maximize mental well-being benefits. These insights could inform city designs that foster healthier urban environments. Future directions: Longitudinal studies are needed to establish causality between nature engagement and mental health improvements. Further research should incorporate objective measures of nature engagement and explore more aspects of green space quality, such as biodiversity and amenities.

Planejamento de Cidades , Saúde Mental , Humanos , Estudos Transversais , Brasil , Feminino , Adulto , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Cidades , Parques Recreativos/estatística & dados numéricos , Adulto Jovem , Características de Residência , Características da Vizinhança , Planejamento Ambiental , Adolescente
Womens Health Rep (New Rochelle) ; 5(1): 460-472, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39035133


Background: In Brazil, where approximately 48.7 million women are of reproductive age, understanding contraceptive practices is essential for addressing public health challenges. This study evaluated into the knowledge, usage, and perceptions of contraceptive methods among Brazilian women, highlighting the influence of socioeconomic and demographic factors on their choices. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional survey with a representative sample of 2000 Brazilian women aged 18-49 years. The questionnaire collected detailed information on their awareness, preferences, and utilization of various contraceptive methods, alongside demographic and socioeconomic data. Results: Oral contraceptives, condoms, injectables, and intrauterine devices (IUDs) were the most recognized methods. Younger women demonstrated greater awareness of modern methods. Socioeconomic disparities were evident, with lower-income women displaying limited knowledge about condoms and IUDs but a higher usage for injectable contraceptives. Oral contraceptives were the most used method, with higher use in the South, and lower in the Central-West and Northeast regions. Satisfaction with current contraceptive methods was high (87.5%), closely associated with personal responsibility in method choice. Although the majority self-financed their contraceptives (63.1%), a significant portion of lower-income women (27.7%) relied on public health care. Physicians' recommendations predominantly influenced contraceptive choice (53.9%), with younger women also guided by other influences. Conclusions: Persistent disparities in contraceptive awareness and access highlight the need for educational initiatives and policy interventions. Health care providers play a vital role in facilitating informed contraceptive choices, enhancing the chances of satisfaction with the method.

Saúde debate ; 48(141): e8947, abr.-jun. 2024. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565839


RESUMO A sindemia da covid-19 afetou desproporcionalmente populações mais vulneráveis do ponto de vista social, como pessoas de baixa renda, populações indígenas e ribeirinhas. No estado do Amazonas, onde a geografia única e as disparidades sociais apresentam desafios significativos para o acesso e a equidade em saúde, os Determinantes Sociais da Saúde (DSS) desempenham um papel crucial. Este artigo analisa se e como os DSS foram considerados durante o planejamento de testes para a covid-19 no Amazonas. Para tal análise, realizou-se um estudo de caso qualitativo por meio de análise documental e entrevistas semiestruturadas com atores-chave envolvidos no planejamento e na implementação da testagem. Os documentos oficiais foram sistematizados usando TIDieR-PHP. Os dados foram analisados empregando a ferramenta REFLEX-ISS. Os DSS não foram considerados no planejamento de testes no Amazonas. Não houve consenso entre os entrevistados sobre a importância de considerar os DSS no planejamento da intervenção. Os testes foram restritos a pacientes com sintomas graves e a algumas categorias de trabalhadores em serviços considerados essenciais. Faz-se necessário, aos gestores de políticas de saúde, conhecimento sobre a importância de considerar os DSS no planejamento em intervenções populacionais para realizar uma política equânime.

ABSTRACT The COVID-19 syndemic has disproportionately affected socially vulnerable populations, such as low-income individuals, Indigenous peoples, and riverine communities. Social Determinants of Health (SDH) have played a crucial role in the state of Amazonas, where unique geography and social disparities pose significant challenges to health access and equity. This article examines whether and how SDH were considered during COVID-19 testing planning in Amazonas. For this analysis, we conducted a qualitative case study through document analysis and semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders involved in testing planning and implementation. Official documents were systematized using TIDieR-PHP, and data were analyzed using the REFLEX-ISS tool. SDH were not considered in testing planning in Amazonas. The respondents could not all agree on the importance of considering SDH in intervention planning. Testing was limited to patients with severe symptoms and specific categories of essential workers. Health policymakers need to understand the relevance of considering SDH in planning population interventions to ensure equitable policy implementation.

Saúde debate ; 48(141): e8865, abr.-jun. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565847


RESUMO As Práticas Corporais e Atividades Físicas (PCAF) têm sido incorporadas no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), tendo o Programa Academia da Saúde como principal expoente. Contudo, ainda não foi investigado o planejamento, que expressa as responsabilidades dos gestores quanto à saúde da população, para efetivação dessas práticas como políticas públicas de saúde. Assim, o presente artigo teve o objetivo de analisar a formulação e o desenvolvimento da agenda de promoção das PCAF a partir dos instrumentos de planejamento do âmbito federal do SUS - Plano Nacional de Saúde, Programação Anual de Saúde e Relatório Anual de Gestão, de 2004 a 2023. Por meio de estudo de caráter analítico-descritivo, pautado em pesquisa documental, foi realizada a busca de termos como: (in)atividade física; fisicamente ativo; exercício físico; práticas corporais; entre outros. A formulação e o desenvolvimento da referida agenda estiveram principalmente relacionados com o enfrentamento das doenças crônicas não transmissíveis, e houve importante disparidade entre o que foi planejado e o executado, em desfavor da expansão do Academia da Saúde. Com o resgate histórico da agenda das PCAF no SUS apresentado, são permitidos debates e iniciativas com vistas a efetivá-las enquanto política pública de saúde.

ABSTRACT Body Practices and Physical Activities (BPPA) have been incorporated into the Unified Health System (SUS), with the Health Academy Program as its main exponent. However, planning, which expresses the responsibilities of managers regarding the population's health, has not yet been investigated to make these practices effective as public health policies. Thus, the aim of this article was to analyze the formulation and development of the agenda for BPPA promotion from the planning instruments of the federal level of the SUS - National Health Plan, Annual Health Programming, and Annual Management Report, from 2004 to 2023. Through an analytical-descriptive study based on documentary research, a search was carried out for terms such as: physical (in)activity; physically active; physical exercise; body practices; among others. The formulation and development of the BPPA promotion agenda were mainly related to facing chronic noncommunicable diseases, and there was an important disparity between what was planned and what was executed, to the detriment of the expansion of Health Academy. With the historic rescue of the BPPA agenda presented in the SUS, debates and initiatives are allowed with a view to making them effective as a public health policy.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535343


Introducción: La esclerosis lateral amiotrófica (ELA) es la forma más común de enfermedad degenerativa de motoneurona en la edad adulta y es considerada una enfermedad terminal. Por lo mismo, el accionar del fonoaudiólogo debe considerar el respeto a los principios bioéticos básicos para garantizar una asistencia adecuada. Objetivo: Conocer aquellas consideraciones bioéticas relacionadas al manejo y estudio de personas con ELA para luego brindar una aproximación hacia el quehacer fonoaudiológico. Método: Se efectuó una búsqueda bibliográfica en las bases de datos PubMed, Scopus y SciELO. Se filtraron artículos publicados desde 2000 hasta junio de 2023 y fueron seleccionados aquellos que abordaban algún componente bioético en población con ELA. Resultados: Aspectos relacionados al uso del consentimiento informado y a la toma de decisiones compartidas destacaron como elementos esenciales para apoyar la autonomía de las personas. Conclusión: Una correcta comunicación y una toma de decisiones compartida son claves para respetar la autonomía de las personas. A su vez, la estandarización de procedimientos mediante la investigación clínica permitirá aportar al cumplimiento de los principios bioéticos de beneficencia y no maleficencia, indispensables para la práctica profesional.

Introduction: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is the most common form of degenerative motor neuron disease in adulthood and is considered a terminal disease. For this reason, the actions of the speech therapist must consider respect for basic bioethical principles to guarantee adequate assistance. Objective: To know those bioethical considerations related to the management and study of people with ALS to then provide an approach to speech therapy. Methodology: A bibliographic search was carried out in the PubMed, Scopus, and SciELO databases. Articles published from 2000 to June 2023 were filtered and those that addressed a bioethical component in the population with ALS were selected. Results: Aspects related to the use of informed consent and shared decision-making stood out as essential elements to support people's autonomy. Conclusion: Proper communication and shared decision-making are key to respecting people's autonomy. In turn, the standardization of procedures through clinical research will contribute to compliance with the bioethical principles of beneficence and non-maleficence, essential for professional practice.