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Front Psychol ; 15: 1346530, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39091707


Introduction: Pediatricians in training are a population at risk for anxiety and depression: they face long working hours, they are confronted with the suffering and death of a vulnerable population and may have personal characteristics that put them in danger. Nonetheless, few studies have looked at their prevalence and associated factors. We aimed to compare demographic, professional activities, adversities and perfectionism personality features between a group of pediatricians in training with depression and/or anxiety and a group of pediatricians in training without depression nor anxiety and, to identify the variables that increase the probabilities of depression and/or anxiety in pediatricians in training. Methods: Pediatric residents who voluntarily answered an online survey distributed via personal and institutional social media channels from October 2019 to April 2021, as part of a cross-sectional study with medical specialists and residents from Mexico were included. Demographic information, professional activities and adversities, perfectionism personality features (Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale), depression and anxiety (ICD-11 PHC) were evaluated. For comparison purposes Chi-square tests (χ2) and independent sample t-tests were used. A logistic regression analysis was used to identify those variables that increase the probabilities of depression and/or anxiety. Results: 934 pediatric residents answered the survey. 11.6% reported having depression and 20% anxiety. Being single, a history of anxious or depressive episodes, being the resident in charge of a patient who died, aggressions from colleagues and a high concern for errors were associated with current depression and/or anxiety. Discussion: Screening for depressive and anxious symptoms should be routinely performed from entry to the residency to favor early intervention. A shift from promoting perfectionism to a more compassionate training could serve a population facing so many adversities.

Iran J Psychiatry ; 19(2): 247-254, 2024 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38686311


Objective: Traditionally, perfectionism has been regarded as a commendable trait in the realm of sports and exercise. However, recent research has uncovered a paradoxical aspect of perfectionism in these domains. This umbrella review seeks to offer a comprehensive overview of the intricate role that perfectionism plays in sport and exercise performance. Method : As an umbrella review, we systematically explored three widely used scientific databases-PubMed, Scopus, and ISI-to identify relevant systematic reviewes and meta-analyses investigating the relationship between perfectionism and sports performance. Results: After careful evaluation, eight studies met our inclusion criteria and were included in the study. These eight eligible studies comprised five systematic reviews and three systematic review and meta-analysis publications. These publications have explored the correlation between perfectionism and sports performance in teenager and adult populations, as well as professional and amateur athletes. Most of the original articles included in these studies had a cross-sectional design and some of them were longitudinal research. All reviewed articles reported a significant correlation between perfectionism and sports performance, regardless of gender and age. In general, the main consensus of these studies is a moderate to high positive correlation between perfectionistic strivings and sports performance, as well as a moderate to high negative correlation between perfectionistic concerns and sports performance. Conclusion: In summary, perfectionism exhibits both positive and negative effects on athlete outcomes. Maladaptive perfectionism is linked to adverse consequences, while adaptive perfectionism can yield positive effects. Promisingly, psychological interventions such as mindfulness-based approaches and ACT-based interventions show potential in reducing perfectionism and enhancing athlete outcomes. Future research should delve deeper into the intricate relationship between perfectionism and athlete performance and continue to devise interventions that counteract the detrimental effects of perfectionistic tendencies.

Int J Psychiatry Med ; : 912174231199216, 2023 Aug 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37653426


OBJECTIVE: The present study examined among orthopedic residents the relationship between the presence of depressive or anxious symptoms and the degree of perfectionism, perceived work-related distress, and involvement in the care of patient(s) who died. METHOD: A cross-sectional online survey based on self-reported measures was used to collect the data from October 2019 to April 2021. RESULTS: The sample consisted of 642 orthopedic residents (50.6% response rate; 70.9% male; average age 29.8 years old). A total of 12.5 and 18.4% reported depressive or anxious symptoms, respectively. On a scale of 0-100, the mean score of perceived work-related distress was 51.9. A third (33.6%) reported being involved in the care of patient(s) who had died. Higher levels of perceived work-related distress and higher scores on the indecision of action/perfectionism dimension were associated with depressive and anxious symptoms. Being involved in the care of patient(s) who had died was associated with having anxious symptoms (OR = 1.79; 95%CI = 1.18-2.72). CONCLUSIONS: These results highlight the need for the systematic monitoring of the mental health status of orthopedic residents in Mexico, particularly those who report a high level of work-related distress or perfectionism or who have recently experienced the death of a patient.

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536535


(analítico) El modelo multidimensional del perfeccionismo ha sido estudiado exiguamente en población infantil debido a la falta de instrumentos que evalúen simultáneamente las tres dimensiones del constructo: autorientado, socialmente prescrito y orientado a otros. En países hispanohablantes solo recientemente ha sido posible operacionalizar estos aspectos, por lo cual se propuso comprobar la bondad de ajuste del modelo tridimensional, integrando factorialmente dos escalas de perfeccionismo infantil. Participaron 2249 menores completando las escalas de perfeccionismo autorientado y de perfeccionismo social, y medidas de arrogancia y depresión. Se observó un ajuste válido y confiable del modelo de tres factores, que incluyó parcelas y covariancias entre residuos. La validez se evidenció, además, mediante correlaciones positivas del perfeccionismo con la arrogancia y la depresión. Los hallazgos demuestran que el modelo multidimensional puede ser generalizable a población infantil.

(analytical) The multidimensional perfectionism model has had a limited application with children due to the lack of instruments that simultaneously assess the three dimensions of this construct: self-oriented, socially prescribed and other-oriented. In Spanish-speaking countries, it has only recently been possible to operationalize these aspects. This study tested the fit of the three-dimensional model by factorially integrating two child perfectionism scales. A total of 2249 children participated in the study, completing the Self-Oriented Perfectionism and Social Perfectionism scales, as well as measures of Arrogance and Depression. A valid and reliable fit for the three-factor model that included parcels and covariances between residuals was observed. Validity was further evidenced by positive correlations of perfectionism with arrogance and depression. These results demonstrate that the multidimensional model can be generalized to be applied with a child population.

(analítico) O modelo multidimensional do perfeccionismo tem sido pouco estudado em crianças devido à falta de instrumentos que avaliem simultaneamente as três dimensões do construto: autodirigido, socialmente prescrito, orientado para os outros. Nos países de língua espanhola, só recentemente foi possível operacionalizar esses aspectos, por isso foi proposto testar a adequação do modelo tridimensional integrando fatorialmente duas escalas de perfeccionismo infantil. Um total de 2249 menores participaram, completando as Escalas de Perfeccionismo Auto-Orientado e Perfeccionismo Social, e medidas de Arrogância e Depressão. Foi observado um ajuste válido e confiável do modelo de três fatores que incluiu parcelas e covariâncias entre os resíduos. A validade foi ainda evidenciada por correlações positivas de perfeccionismo com arrogância e depressão. Esses resultados demonstram que o modelo multidimensional pode ser generalizado para a população infantil.

Psicol. teor. prát ; 25(3): 15444, 10 jul. 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1451188


This study presents the Brazilian version of the Child-Adolescent Perfectionism Scale (CAPS), one of the most widely used instruments for assessing perfectionism in young people. The objective of this study was to present the adaptation and evidence of validity for the CAPS in Brazilian Portuguese. The study was conducted on 599 adolescents (Mean age = 15.46 SD = 1.15), 66% girls. We investigated CAPS's internal structure, measurement properties according to age and sex, and its relationship with other questionnaires. We found a good fit for a two-factor structure for the CAPS controlling for an acquiescent responding style. We found evidence of invariance across participants' sex and lack of bias (using a MIMIC approach) due to participant age. The CAPS scores were associated with personality traits and a measure of mental health. The CAPS can be used as a questionnaire to assess perfectionism in Brazilian adolescents.

O presente estudo apresenta a versão brasileira da Child-Adolescent Perfectionism Scale (Caps), um dos instrumentos mais utilizados para avaliação do perfeccionismo em adolescentes. O objetivo do presente estudo foi apresentar a adaptação e evidências de validade da Caps para o português brasileiro. O estudo foi realizado com uma amostra de 599 adolescentes (média de idade = 15,46 DP = 1,15), 66% meninas. Foi investigada a estrutura interna da Caps, e a relação da medida com idade e sexo, bem como sua associação com outros questionários. Foi encontrado um ajuste aceitável para uma estrutura de dois fatores para a Caps, controlando o estilo de resposta aquiescente. Foi encontrada evidência de invariância de medida entre o sexo dos participantes e ausência de viés (usando uma abordagem MIMIC) devido à idade dos participantes. Houve associação dos escores da Caps com traços de personalidade e uma medida de saúde mental. A Caps pode ser usada como um questionário para avaliar o perfeccionismo em adolescentes brasileiros

Este estudio presenta la versión brasileña de la Child-Adolescent Perfectionism Scale (CAPS), uno de los instrumentos más utilizados para la evaluación del perfeccionismo en jóvenes. El objetivo de este estudio fue presentar la adaptación y las pruebas de validez del CAPS en el portugués de Brasil. El estudio se realizó sobre una muestra de 599 adolescentes (Edad media = 15,46 DE = 1,15), 66% niñas. Se investigó la estruc-tura interna del CAPS, las propiedades de medida según edad y sexo, y su relación con otros cuestionarios. Encontramos un buen ajuste para una estructura de dos factores para el CAPS controlador el estilo de respuesta aquiescente. Encontramos evidencia de invariancia entre el sexo de los participantes y falta de sesgo (usando un enfoque MIMIC) debido a la edad de los participantes. Hubo una asociación de las pun-tuaciones CAPS con rasgos de personalidad y una medida de salud mental. El CAPS podría ser utilizado como cuestionario para evaluar el perfeccionismo en adolescentes brasileños

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adolescente , Perfeccionismo , Ajustamento Social , Brasil , Inquéritos e Questionários , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes
Cambios rev. méd ; 22(1): 897, 30 Junio 2023. tabs.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1451961


INTRODUCCIÓN. El síndrome del impostor es un trastorno caracterizado por la incapacidad del individuo para reconocer sus habilidades e interiorizar sus logros, lo cual impacta negativamente en la salud mental y desempeño académico-laboral. OBJETIVO. Identificar la prevalencia del síndrome del impostor y nivel de autoestima en estudiantes de una facultad de medicina del Ecuador. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS. Estudio transversal descriptivo, aplicado en los estudiantes de medicina de segundo a décimo nivel, de la facultad de medicina de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador en el periodo febrero a junio de 2022. Para el análisis estadístico se aplicaron frecuencias absolutas y relativas, tablas cruzadas, razón de prevalencia, chi cuadrado como contraste de hipótesis. RESULTADOS. La mayoría de estudiantes con síndrome de impostor fueron mujeres (74,2%); pertenecer al sexo femenino aumentó dos veces su probabilidad (Razón de prevalencia: 2,12; Índice de confianza: 95% 1,66-2,17; p: <0,001). Para el sexo masculino autopercibirse como perfeccionista incrementó dos veces la probabilidad (Razón de prevalencia: 2,3; Índice de confianza: 95% 1,53-3,46; p: < 0,001). La autoestima baja no se asoció a mayor probabilidad de desarrollar este síndrome. En contraste, no percibir apoyo social incrementó al doble su probabilidad (Razón de prevalencia: 1,72; Índice de confianza: 95% 1,16-2,55; p 0,007). DISCUSIÓN. Estudios previos muestran elevada prevalencia de este síndrome en estudiantes medicina, con predominio en mujeres. En concordancia con la literatura citada, no existió asociación entre nivel de carrera y síndrome del impostor; el perfeccionismo se asocia a mayor probabilidad de síndrome del impostor. CONCLUSIÓN. El síndrome del impostor es frecuente en estudiantes de medicina, existen factores determinantes que incrementan la probabilidad del síndrome como ser mujer, autopercibirse como perfeccionista en la población masculina y no percibir apoyo social, la importancia de su reconocimiento reside en la prevención del distrés psicológico y la deserción académica.

INTRODUCTION. Impostor syndrome is a disorder characterized by an individual's inability to recognize his or her abilities and internalize his or her accomplishments, which negatively impacts mental health and academic and occupational performance. OBJECTIVE. To identify the prevalence of impostor syndrome and level of self-esteem in students of a medical school in Ecuador. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Descriptive cross-sectional study, applied to medical students from second to tenth level, of the medical school of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador in the period January to June 2022. For the statistical analysis, absolute and relative frequencies, cross tables, prevalence ratio, chi-square and hypothesis testing were applied. RESULTS. The majority of students with impostor syndrome were female (74.2%); belonging to the female sex increased their probability twice (Prevalence ratio: 2.12; Confidence index: 95% 1.66-2.17; p: < 0.001). For the male sex, self-perceiving oneself as a perfectionist increased the probability twice (Prevalence ratio: 2.3; Confidence index: 95% 1.53-3.46; p: < 0.001). Low self-esteem was not associated with a higher probability of developing this syndrome. In contrast, not perceiving social support doubled its probability (Prevalence ratio: 1.72; Confidence index: 95% 1.16-2.55; p 0.007). DISCUSSION. Previous studies show a high prevalence of this syndrome in medical students, with a predominance in women. In agreement with the literature cited, there was no association between career level and impostor syndrome; perfectionism is associated with a higher probability of impostor syndrome. CONCLUSIONS. Impostor syndrome is frequent in medical students, there are determinant factors that increase the probability of the syndrome such as being a woman, self-perceived perfectionism in the male population and not perceiving social support, the importance of its recognition lies in the prevention of psychological distress and academic desertion.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Adulto Jovem , Autoimagem , Evasão Escolar/psicologia , Estudantes de Medicina , Saúde Mental , Insatisfação Corporal/psicologia , Angústia Psicológica , Prevalência , Sintomas Afetivos , Equador , Ansiedade de Desempenho
J Lesbian Stud ; 27(1): 89-106, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36484730


This article examined the association between body satisfaction and sexual identification among lesbian and bisexual women, since these factors help to understand the cultural background of the objectification of female bodies in Latin cultures. Women who identify as lesbian (N = 239) and bisexual (N = 60) completed demographic data and measures of self-esteem, physical appearance perfectionism, lesbian and bisexual identity difficulties, and body satisfaction. We performed a three-stage hierarchical multiple regression to explore how variables relate to body satisfaction. The results suggest that self-esteem plays a key role, explaining 20.4% of the variance in body satisfaction. We discussed the psychosocial and cultural aspects involved in the relationship between the variables, and social and aesthetic pressures on women's bodies. This study contributes to discussions on psychosocial aspects associated with body satisfaction among Brazilian lesbian and bisexual women.

Homossexualidade Feminina , Perfeccionismo , Aparência Física , Minorias Sexuais e de Gênero , Feminino , Humanos , Homossexualidade Feminina/psicologia , Brasil , Bissexualidade/psicologia , Satisfação Pessoal
Rev. chil. neuro-psiquiatr ; Rev. chil. neuro-psiquiatr;61(4)2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535640


Introducción: Existe una creciente evidencia investigativa sobre la relación entre el síndrome ortoréxico y el perfeccionismo. Objetivo: Se efectúa un análisis descriptivo interpretativo e integrador acerca de la relación entre el perfeccionismo con la ortorexia nerviosa, destacando los aspectos clínicos, etiopatogénicos y nosológicos. Método: Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica sobre la relación entre el síndrome ortoréxico y el perfeccionismo mediante las bases de datos Medline/PubMed, SciELO y textos especializados. Resultados: El término ortorexia se ha concebido como una fijación patológica hacia una alimentación equilibrada y saludable (Bratman, 1997), implicando restricciones dietéticas drásticas, con interferencia significativa en las relaciones sociales e insatisfacciones afectivas, que, además favorecen la conducta alimentaria desadaptativa. Etiopatogénicamente, existe controversia respecto a si es un mero estilo de vida, o puede incluirse definitivamente como un trastorno en los espectros alimentario u obsesivo-compulsivo. De hecho, posee similitudes, diferencias e incluso traslapes con ambas entidades psicopatológicas. Se destaca como rasgo relevante común, el perfeccionismo, orientado hacia sí mismo, hacía los demás, y socialmente prescrito, que favorece la tendencia a desarrollar conductas ortoréxicas elevadas. Conclusiones: El perfeccionismo surge como una característica sobresaliente, positivamente correlacionada con el síndrome ortoréxico, cuya presencia se superpone con los ámbitos, tanto alimentario (especialmente la anorexia nerviosa) como obsesivo-compulsivo.

Background: There is a growing research evidence on the relationship between orthorexic syndrome and perfectionism. Objective: An interpretive and integrative descriptive analysis on the relationship between perfectionism and orthorexia nervosa, highlighting the clinical, etiopathogenic and nosological aspects is carried through. Method: A bibliographic search on the relationship between orthorexic syndrome and perfectionism using the Medline/PubMed, SciELO and specialized text databases was carried out. Results: The term orthorexia has been conceived as a pathological fixation towards a balanced and healthy diet (Bratman, 1997), implying drastic dietary restrictions, with significant interference in social relationships and affective dissatisfactions, which also favor maladaptive eating behavior. From an etiopathogenic perspective, it is controversial if orthorexia nervosa is a mere lifestyle, or definitively must be included as a disorder in the eating or obsessive-compulsive spectrum. In fact, the orthorexic syndrome has similarities, differences and even overlaps with both psychopathological entities. Perfectionism stands out as a common relevant trait, oriented towards oneself, towards others, and socially prescribed, which favors a tendency to develop high orthorectic behaviors. Conclusions: Perfectionism emerges as an outstanding characteristic, positively correlated with the orthorexic syndrome, overlapping with both eating (especially anorexia nervosa) and obsessive-compulsive areas.

J. bras. psiquiatr ; J. bras. psiquiatr;72(3): 152-158, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1506620


ABSTRACT Objective: Perfectionist beliefs about emotions impact the experience and expression of emotions, being linked to increased levels of depression and anxiety. Given the influence of culture in the representation and expression of emotion, it is possible that beliefs vary across countries, but few empirical studies have been conducted on the theme. This study aims to compare Brazilian and British samples regarding their beliefs about emotional experience and expression. Methods: The current study compared a total of 960 Brazilian and British participants, with the samples having a similar profile in terms of age, gender and ethnicity. Participants answered online the Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD-7), Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), and Beliefs about Emotions Scale (BES). This study aims to compare Brazilian and British samples with regard to beliefs about emotional experience and expression. Results: Significant differences between samples were found for beliefs about emotions. As hypothesized, Brazilians scored lower on unhelpful beliefs about emotions, except for beliefs about experiencing negative feelings and emotional control. Differences in total BES scores remained even after the inclusion of depression and anxiety as covariates. Conclusions: Results suggest higher endorsement of perfectionist beliefs in a European versus a Latin American context, but highlight that this pattern depends on the specific beliefs being studied. These differences should be considered when working with people from different cultural backgrounds and developing cultural adaptations for clinical interventions and psychopathology models.

RESUMO Objetivo: Crenças perfeccionistas sobre emoções afetam a experiência e expressão de emoções, estando relacionadas a níveis aumentados de depressão e ansiedade. Dada a influência da cultura na representação e expressão de emoções, é possível que as crenças variem entre os países, mas poucos estudos empíricos foram realizados sobre o tema. Este estudo tem o objetivo de comparar amostras brasileiras e britânicas em relação às suas crenças sobre a experiência emocional e expressão. Métodos: O presente estudo comparou um total de 960 participantes brasileiros e britânicos, com as amostras tendo um perfil semelhante em termos de idade, gênero e etnia. Os participantes responderam on-line à Escala de Ansiedade Generalizada (GAD-7), ao Questionário de Saúde do Paciente (PHQ-9) e à Escala de Crenças sobre Emoções (BES). Resultados: Foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre as amostras em relação às crenças sobre emoções. Como hipotetizado, os brasileiros obtiveram pontuações mais baixas em crenças prejudiciais sobre emoções, exceto nas crenças sobre experienciar sentimentos negativos e controle emocional. As diferenças nos escores totais da BES permaneceram mesmo após a inclusão de depressão e ansiedade como covariáveis. Conclusões: Os resultados sugerem maior endosso de crenças perfeccionistas em um contexto europeu, em comparação com um contexto latino-americano, mas destacam que esse padrão depende das crenças específicas estudadas. Essas diferenças devem ser consideradas ao trabalhar com pessoas de diferentes origens culturais e no desenvolvimento de adaptações culturais para intervenções clínicas e modelos de psicopatologia.

Psicol. (Univ. Brasília, Online) ; 39(spe): e39nspe09, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1440772


Abstract The aim of the present study was to investigate validity evidence based on internal structure and the relationship with other variables of the Brazilian version of the Hewitt and Flett Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (H&F-MPS). To this end, a sample comprising 368 participants with a mean age of 31.17 years (SD=11,34), 74% female, answered the H&F-MPS perfectionism scale and instruments that measure personality and psychological inflexibility. Findings indicated a factor structure of three dimensions, like the original scale, good discriminative item parameters, highly satisfactory reliability indexes, and significant correlations of the hypothesized directions with Openness to Experiences, Neuroticism, and Conscientiousness factors from the personality measure, as well as with the psychological flexibility measure.

Resumo O objetivo do presente estudo foi levantar evidências de validade da estrutura interna e da relação com outras variáveis para a versão brasileira da Escala Multidimensional de Perfeccionismo de Hewitt e Flett (H&F-MPS). Para isso, uma amostra composta por 368 participantes com média de idade de 31,17 anos (DP = 11,34), sendo 74% do sexo feminino, respondeu à escala de perfeccionismo H&F-MPS e a instrumentos que mensuram a personalidade e a inflexibilidade psicológica. Os resultados apontaram uma estrutura fatorial com três dimensões semelhante à escala original, bons parâmetros de discriminação dos itens, índices muito satisfatórios de confiabilidade e correlações significativas na direção esperada com os fatores abertura à experiência, neuroticismo e conscienciosidade da medida de personalidade e com o instrumento de inflexibilidade psicológica.

Front Psychiatry ; 13: 908926, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35911249


Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and eating disorders (ED) share common causal factors and often represent similar entities. Studies on obsessive-compulsive disorders and eating disorders reveal a significant correlation between maladaptive perfectionism. The objective of this study is to evaluate the predictive variables of perfectionism in patients diagnosed with Anorexia Nervosa (AN), Bulimia Nervosa (BN) and OCD using a structural equation model (SEM). The sample consisted of 187 participants (60.9% women, 39.1% men) with a mean age of 26.68 (SD = 10.97). The findings reveal that the model is the same in all the disorders evaluated, achieving an adequate fit: χ2 = 7.95 (p = 0.000), RMSEA = 0.087 (95% confidence interval: 0.00 to 0.02), CFI = 0.991, TLI = 0.951 and with an overall predictive capacity of around 30% (CD = 0.318). It is recommended that future studies address the subtypes of disorders evaluated using longitudinal designs.

Rev. med. Chile ; 150(8): 1046-1053, ago. 2022. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431873


BACKGROUND: Both perfectionism and social anxiety have been described in patients with eating disorders (ED) and medical students. Academic stress also can increase the risk of developing ED. AIM: To analyze the dimensions of perfectionism, social anxiety, and academic stress associated with the risk of developing ED in female medical students. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale, the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale, the SISCO academic stress inventory and the Eating Attitudes Test-26, were applied to 163 female medical students from all levels of the career. The groups with and without risk of ED were compared according to these variables. Results: Twenty-four percent of respondents were at risk of ED. There were significant differences between scores of perfectionism, social anxiety, and academic stress between respondents with and without risk for ED. In general, there was a significant correlation among the variables. In a multivariate analysis, the predictors of ED risk were the perception of academic stress (Odds ratio (OR) 1.09; 95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.03-1.16) and personal standards in the context of perfectionism (OR 1.16; 95% CI 1.06-1.27). CONCLUSIONS: A substantial proportion of female medical students were at risk for ED. The risk of ED was determined mainly by academic stress and personal standards in the context of perfectionism. In this sample, social anxiety did not play a relevant role.

Humanos , Feminino , Estudantes de Medicina , Transtornos da Alimentação e da Ingestão de Alimentos , Perfeccionismo , Ansiedade
Aval. psicol ; 21(2): 163-174, abr.-jun. 2022. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1447461


O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar a estrutura interna da Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (FMPS) para adultos brasileiros, além de averiguar também a sua confiabilidade e estabilidade temporal. Participaram 1.222 indivíduos, com média de idade 26,57 anos (dp = 9,03), sendo que 618 participaram presencialmente e 604 por meio de coleta online. A escala foi reaplicada em 10% da amostra do grupo presencial para avaliar estabilidade temporal. Os resultados da análise fatorial confirmatória apontam que o modelo de seis dimensões, conforme proposta original dos autores da escala, apresentou os melhores índices de ajuste. A estrutura interna avaliada para os dois formatos de aplicação apresentou invariância estrutural, métrica e de configuração limítrofe, apontando para necessidade de ser mais bem investigada em estudos futuros. Tanto os índices de consistência interna quanto a estabilidade temporal são satisfatórios e corroboram os demais achados da literatura com a escala para outros idiomas. Conclui-se que a FMPS possui adequada validade de estrutura interna e confiabilidade para uso no Brasil.(AU)

The aim of this study was to examine the internal structure, reliability, and temporal stability of the Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (FMPS) for Brazilian adults. The sample included 1222 participants, with a mean age of 26.57 years (SD=9.03). Half of the sample completed the online version of the instrument, while the other half answered the paper-and-pencil version. To check temporal stability, the instrument was reapplied with 10% of the presential sample. The results from the confirmatory factorial analysis indicated that the original six-dimension model was the best fit for the scale. The internal structure evaluated for the two application formats showed only borderline structural, metric and configuration invariance, highlighting the need for future studies. Both the internal consistency and the temporal stability indices were satisfactory and corroborate the literature findings for the scale in other languages. In conclusion, the FMPS has adequate structural validity and reliability for use in the Brazilian context.(AU)

El objetivo del presente estudio fue investigar la estructura interna de la Frost Multidimenrsional Perfectionism Scale (FMPS) para adultos brasileños, además de averiguar también su confiabilidad y estabilidad temporal. Participaron 1.222 individuos, con media de edad 26,57 años (DS=9,03), siendo que 618 participaron presencialmente y 604 por medio de colecta online. La escala fue reaplicada en 10% de la muestra del grupo presencial para evaluar la estabilidad temporal. Los resultados del análisis factorial confirmatorio indicaron que el modelo de seis dimensiones, conforme la propuesta original de los autores de la escala, presentaron los mejores índices de ajuste. La estructura interna evaluada para los dos formatos de aplicación presentó invarianza estructural, métrica y de configuración limítrofe, apuntando para la necesidad de ser mejor investigada en estudios posteriores. Los índices de consistencia interna y estabilidad temporal son satisfactorios y corroboran los demás encontrados en la literatura con la escala para otros idiomas. Se concluye que la FMPS dispone de adecuada validez de estructura interna y confiabilidad para la utilización en Brasil.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Adulto Jovem , Perfeccionismo , Psicometria , Inquéritos e Questionários , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Análise Fatorial , Fatores Sociodemográficos
Percept Mot Skills ; 129(3): 851-868, 2022 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35416732


In this cross-sectional study, we investigated the predictive power of perfectionism on 413 Brazilian athletes' perceptions of team cohesion and conflict. Participants responded to the Sport Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale-2, the Youth Sport Environment Questionnaire, and the Group Conflict Questionnaire. In data analysis, we used Pearson correlations, multiple regression, latent profile analysis (LPA), and multiple analysis of variance. Regression analysis revealed that perfectionistic standards were positively associated with both task and social cohesion (p < .01), while doubts about action were negatively associated with task cohesion (p < .01). Furthermore, concern over mistakes, parental pressure, and doubts about action were positively associated with social conflict (p < .01), and concern over mistakes was positively associated with task conflict (p < .01). LPA revealed two profiles of perfectionism that we termed perfectionistic concerns and perfectionistic striving. Perfectionistic striving was positively correlated with social cohesion (p < .001), and perfectionistic concerns were positively correlated with both task conflict (p < .001) and social conflict (p < .001).

Perfeccionismo , Esportes , Adolescente , Atletas , Estudos Transversais , Humanos , Pais
Scand J Psychol ; 63(3): 165-172, 2022 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35075638


This study investigated the associations of multidimensional perfectionism with positive affect and negative outcomes (affect and Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder [OCPD] pathological traits) through network analysis. The sample consisted of 604 Brazilian adults aged 18-74 years. The network analysis showed that perfectionistic concerns (PC) is strongly and positively associated with negative outcomes, while perfectionistic strivings (PS) maintain positive associations with positive affect, but not negative affect. Negative affect seems to operate as a bridge between perfectionism and OCPD pathological traits, raising crucial questions about the antecedent and consequential role of affect for understanding perfectionism's development and the traits observed in individuals with OCPD. We discuss the limitations and strengths of the study.

Transtorno Obsessivo-Compulsivo , Perfeccionismo , Adulto , Transtorno da Personalidade Compulsiva , Humanos
Psico USF ; 27(1): 73-85, jan.-mar. 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1376037


The goals of this paper are the cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric properties evaluation of the Brazilian version of the Clinical Perfectionism Questionnaire (CPQ), a scale that measures the tendency of a person to pursue self-demanding standards and the subjective consequences provided by achieving them or not. The original instrument was translated to Portuguese and back-translated to English. The preliminary version was judged by one of the authors of the instrument and by Brazilian specialists, producing content validity indicators. The final version was applied to a sample of 250 Brazilian undergraduate students, aged from 18 to 60 years old (M=24.9, SD=8.63), mostly female (76%). In the Exploratory Factor Analysis, data have revealed a bidimensional structure, and the other psychometric properties, such as internal consistency and validity regarding other variables, have shown adequate to the instrument. Additional analyses of unidimensional congruence reinforced the multidimensionality of the measure (AU).

Os objetivos deste artigo são a adaptação transcultural e a avaliação das propriedades psicométricas da versão brasileira do Clinical Perfectionism Questionnaire (CPQ), escala que avalia a tendência de a pessoa perseguir elevados padrões de exigência autoimpostos e as consequências subjetivas decorrentes de alcançá-los ou não. O instrumento original foi traduzido para o português e retrotraduzido para o inglês. A versão preliminar foi julgada por um dos autores do instrumento e por especialistas brasileiros, gerando indicadores de validade de conteúdo. A versão final foi aplicada em uma amostra de 250 estudantes universitários brasileiros, com idades entre 18 e 60 anos (M = 24,9, DP = 8,63), majoritariamente do sexo feminino (76%). Na análise fatorial exploratória, os dados revelaram uma estrutura bidimensional, e as demais propriedades psicométricas, como consistência interna e validade em relação a outras variáveis, mostraram-se adequadas para o instrumento. Análises adicionais de congruência unidimensional reforçaram a multidimensionalidade da medida (AU).

Los objetivos de este artículo son la adaptación transcultural y la evaluación de las propiedades psicométricas de la versión brasileña del Clinical Perfectionism Questionnaire (CPQ), una escala que evalúa la tendencia de la persona a perseguir altos niveles de exigencia autoimpuestos y las consecuencias subjetivas resultantes de alcanzarlos o no. El instrumento original fue traducido al portugués y retrotraducido al inglés. La versión preliminar fue juzgada por uno de los autores del instrumento y por expertos brasileños, generando indicadores de validez de contenido. La versión final se aplicó a una muestra de 250 estudiantes universitarios brasileños, con edades comprendidas entre los 18 y los 60 años (M=24,9, DS=8,63), en su mayoría mujeres (76%). En el análisis factorial exploratorio, los datos revelaron una estructura bidimensional, y las demás propiedades psicométricas, como la consistencia interna y la validez en relación con otras variables, resultaron adecuadas para el instrumento. Análisis adicionales de congruencia unidimensional reforzaron la multidimensionalidad de la medida (AU).

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Personalidade , Psicometria , Perfeccionismo , Inquéritos e Questionários , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Análise Fatorial
Diversitas perspectiv. psicol ; 17(2): 75-84, jul.-dic. 2021. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1384704


Resumen Esta investigación presenta el caso clínico de un adulto que padece un trastorno de la personalidad obsesivo-compulsiva. El objetivo es presentar en detalle el procedimiento seguido en los consultorios de psicología de la Universidad de Ibagué mediante la integración de técnicas cognitivas y humanistas mostrando la eficacia y viabilidad de este tratamiento y su aplicación. Los resultados obtenidos, muestran mejorías relevantes como: mayor flexibilidad cognitiva, disminución de la activación fisiológica producto de la alteración emocional y ansiedad ante la falta de control, adquisición de habilidades para la solución de problemas, autocontrol emocional y de los pensamientos acerca de la percepción de sí mismo y de los demás. Se concluye que la formulación clínica cognitivo-humanista y el tratamiento ofrecido resultó pertinente y efectivo respecto a los objetivos terapéuticos perseguidos.

Abstract This research presents the clinical case of an adult with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. The objective is to present in detail the procedure followed in the psychology offices of the University of Ibague by integrating cognitive and humanistic techniques to demonstrate the effectiveness and feasibility of this treatment and its application. The results obtained show relevant improvements, such as greater cognitive flexibility, a decrease of physiological activation as a result of emotional alteration and anxiety in the face of lack of control, acquisition of problem-solving skills, emotional self-control, and control of thoughts about the perception of oneself and others. It is concluded that the cognitive-humanistic intervention and the treatment given were pertinent and effective for the therapeutic objectives pursued.

Colomb Med (Cali) ; 52(1): e2044342, 2021 Feb 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33911321


BACKGROUND: Through the culture of thinness, increasingly promoted in our society as a beauty canon, it is not surprising that the number of people affected by eating disorders is increasing. OBJECTIVE: This research aims to study the relationship between non-suicidal self-injuries and nuclear aspects of eating disorders specified along with this article. METHODS: The sample consisted of 60 women diagnosed with anorexia and bulimia. Questionnaires assessing impulsivity, body satisfaction, alexithymia, body attitude and self-esteem were administered. Participants with non-suicidal self-harm were compared with those without it, and participants with anorexia with and without self-harm and participants with bulimia with and without self-harm were compared. RESULTS: Differences were found in body dissatisfaction= 5.71; p ≤0.01), body attitudes= 4.80; p ≤0.02), self-esteem= 14.09; p ≤0.00) and impulsivity (t= 3.39; p ≤0.01) between participants with and without non-suicidal self-harm. CONCLUSIONS: These are key factors for the clinical area in the treatment of eating disorders to prevent the presence of self-harm, as it allows focusing the treatment target on those aspects such as dissatisfaction and impulsivity, which are key in the development of self-harm.

Bulimia Nervosa , Transtornos da Alimentação e da Ingestão de Alimentos , Bulimia Nervosa/epidemiologia , Transtornos da Alimentação e da Ingestão de Alimentos/epidemiologia , Feminino , Humanos , Autoimagem , Ideação Suicida , Inquéritos e Questionários
Av. psicol. latinoam ; 39(1): 1-16, ene.-abr. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1339253


Resumo O presente estudo objetivou conhecer o poder preditivo dos traços de personalidade, dos valores humanos e do perfeccionismo para com a procrastinação acadêmica, propondo um modelo explicativo. Participaram 348 universitários, a maioria do sexo feminino (58.4 %), com idade média de 22 anos (DP = 5.9). Estes, responderam a Escala de Procrastinação Acadêmica; a Escala de Quase Perfeição - Revisada; o Questionário dos Valores Básicos; o Inventário dos Cinco Grandes Fatores da Personalidade e perguntas demográficas. Baseado na regressão, propôs-se um modelo explicativo no qual a conscienciosidade predisse as dimensões de perfeccionismo (adaptativo e desadaptativo) e estas, por sua vez, predisseram a procrastinação acadêmica. Os resultados apontam para um ajuste satisfatório deste modelo que contribuem para o entendimento da procrastinação acadêmica.

Resumen Este estudio tuvo como objetivo comprender el poder predictivo de los rasgos de personalidad, los valores humanos y el perfeccionismo hacia la procrastinación académica, proponiendo un modelo explicativo. Participaron 348 estudiantes universitarios, la mayoría mujeres (58.4 %), con una edad media de 22 años (DE = 5.9). Estas respondieron a la Escala de Procrastinación Académica; la Escala de Casi Perfección - Revisada; el Cuestionario de Valores Básicos; el Inventario de los Cinco Grandes Factores de la Personalidad y preguntas demográficas. A partir de un análisis de regresión, se propuso un modelo explicativo en el que la escrupulosidad predijo las dimensiones del perfeccionismo (adaptativo y desadaptativo) y estas, a su vez, predijeron la procrastinación académica. Los resultados apuntan a un ajuste satisfactorio de este modelo que contribuye a la comprensión de la procrastinación académica.

Abstract The present study aimed at discerning the predictive power of personality traits, human values, and perfectionism towards academic procrastination, proposing an explanatory model. Participants were 348 undergraduates, most of them female (58.4 %), with a mean age of 22 years (SD = 5.9). They answered the Academic Procrastination Scale, the Almost Perfect Scale - Revised, the Basic Values Survey, the Big Five Inventory, and demographic questions. Based on regression analysis, an explanatory model was proposed where conscientiousness predicted the dimensions of perfectionism (adaptive and maladaptive) that in turn predicted academic procrastination. Results suggested a satisfactory fit of the model to the indices that contributes to the understanding of academic procrastination.

Humanos , Adulto Jovem , Procrastinação , Testes de Personalidade , Análise de Regressão , Perfeccionismo
Estud. pesqui. psicol. (Impr.) ; 21(1): 116-135, jan.-abr. 2021. tab, ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1355311


Na literatura, o perfeccionismo tem sido relacionado ao fenômeno do impostor. Contudo, são escassas as pesquisas que analisam conjuntamente estas relações. Esta pesquisa examina o potencial papel mediador da autoestima na relação entre as dimensões do perfeccionismo (adaptativo e desadaptativo) e o fenômeno impostor. Participaram da pesquisa 380 universitários, com idade média 24 anos (DP= 5,69; 18 a 55 anos), a maioria do sexo feminino (63%). Estes responderam a Escala de Quase Perfeição-Revisada, a Escala Clance de Fenômeno Impostor, a Escala de Autoestima e perguntas demográficas. Realizaram-se análises de correlação e regressão, tendo os resultados indicado que pessoas com maiores níveis de impostorismo apresentaram menos autoestima e mais perfeccionismo desadaptativo. Por sua vez, a autoestima se correlacionou positivamente com o perfeccionismo adaptativo e negativamente com o desadaptativo. Por meio de duas path analysis identificou-se que a autoestima mediou parcialmente a relação entre o perfeccionismo (desadaptativo e adaptativo) e o fenômeno do impostor, sendo maior o efeito no caso do perfeccionismo desadaptativo. Conclui-se que a autoestima é uma variável importante para a compreensão da relação entre o impostorismo e o perfeccionismo, reforçando que pessoas com mais autoestima e menos desadaptativamente perfeccionistas costumam vivenciar menos o fenômeno do impostor. (AU)

In the literature, perfectionism has been related to the impostor phenomenon However, there is scant research that analyze jointly this relationship. This study aimed to examine the potential mediating role of self-esteem in the relationship between dimensions of perfectionism (adaptive and maladaptive) and the impostor phenomenon. Participants were 380 undergraduate students, with a mean age of 24 years (SD = 5.69, 18-55 years), mostly females (63%). They answered the Almost Perfect Scale-Revised, Clance Impostor Phenomenon Scale, the Self-Esteem Scale, and demographic questions. Correlation and regression analysis were performed, with the results indicated that people with higher levels of impostorism had less self-esteem and more maladaptive perfectionism. On the other side, self-esteem correlated positively with adaptive perfectionism and negatively with the maladaptive one. Through two-path analysis, it was identified that self-esteem partially mediated the relationship between perfectionism (maladaptive and adaptive) and impostor feelings, being greater the effect in the case of maladaptive perfectionism. We concluded that self-esteem is an important variable for understanding the relationship between impostorism and perfectionism, reinforcing that people with more self-esteem and less maladaptive perfectionists usually experience less the impostor phenomenon. (AU)

En la literatura, el perfeccionismo se ha relacionado con el fenómeno del impostor. Sin embargo, hay poca investigación sobre los mecanismos subyacentes de esta relación. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo examinar el posible papel mediador de la autoestima en la relación entre las dimensiones del perfeccionismo (adaptativo y desadaptativo) y el fenómeno impostor. Participaron del estudio un total de 380 universitarios, con una edad media de 24 años (DE = 5.69, 18-55 años), la mayoría mujeres (63%). Estos respondieron a la Escala de Casi Perfección Revisada, la Escala Clance del Fenómeno Impostor, la Escala de Autoestima y preguntas demográficas. Se realizaron análisis de correlación y regresión, y los resultados indicaron que las personas con niveles más altos de impostorismo tenían menos autoestima y más perfeccionismo inadaptado. Mientras tanto, la autoestima se correlacionó positivamente con el perfeccionismo adaptativo y negativamente con el desadaptativo. Mediante análisis de dos vías se identificó que la autoestima mediaba parcialmente la relación entre el perfeccionismo (desadaptativo y adaptativo) y el fenómeno del impostor, siendo mayor el efecto en el caso del perfeccionismo desadaptativo. Se concluye que la autoestima es una variable importante para comprender la relación entre el impostorismo y el perfeccionismo, lo que refuerza que las personas con más autoestima y menos desadaptativamente perfeccionistas suelen experimentar menos el fenómeno del impostor. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Psicologia , Autoimagem , Perfeccionismo , Saúde Mental