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Int J Gynaecol Obstet ; 83 Suppl 2: S23-S29, 2003 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29645207


OBJECTIVES: To assess short-term side effects, long-term risks and efficacy of quinacrine sterilization (QS) in Chile. METHODS: Review experience of 2,592 cases sterilized with 2 or 3 transcervical insertions of 252 mg quinacrine as pellets since 1977; review the Chilean pre-clinical experience and epidemiological studies on cervical, endometrial and other cancers. RESULTS: Among 2,592 women who underwent QS, the total number of pregnancies was 119 (4.6%); 59 (49.5%) were carried to term with no birth defects related to QS. Nine cases were ectopic pregnancies. The ectopic pregnancy risk per 1,000 woman-years was 0.41, similar to that for surgical sterilization. The cumulative life-table pregnancy rates per 100 women at 10 years varied from 5.2 to 6.9. Mild and transient side effects were reported in 13.5% of quinacrine intrauterine insertions and pelvic inflammatory disease was diagnosed in 4 cases (0.15%). Long-term follow-up of quinacrine-sterilized patients shows no increased risk of cervical, endometrial or other cancer. CONCLUSIONS: QS efficacy at 10 years is comparable to widely accepted tubal clip and single point bipolar electrocoagulation laparoscopic procedures. QS has a low risk of serious, immediate side effects. No long-term risks have been identified after 25 years of use.