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Violence Against Women ; : 10778012231222489, 2024 Jan 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38166483


Research has examined the relationship between femicides, understood as the killing of any woman, and intimate partner violence (IPV). Additionally, women have been found to seek out formal help when they deem their experiences to be severe, yet many reasons prevent them from doing so; hindering our ability to interrupt the cycle of violence and further victimization. Using the Salvadoran 2017 Violence Against Women National Survey, this study examines the relationships between femicide attempts, IPV, and formal help-seeking. We find a significant positive relationship between experiencing a femicide attempt and IPV, and specific reasons for not seeking formal help.

Saúde Soc ; 33(1): e220120pt, 2024. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536865


Resumo A violência contra as mulheres em entornos domésticos e familiares tem raízes na desigualdade existente entre os gêneros. Estudos sobre autores de violência letal são necessários para uma compreensão ampliada do fenômeno. O objetivo do estudo é caracterizar os crimes dessa natureza e seus autores, mediante autópsias verbais realizadas com conhecidos e familiares de mulheres vítimas de homicídio na cidade de Campinas. No total, foram estudados 38 casos de homicídio feminino, dos quais 63,2% correspondem a feminicídios. A maioria dos responsáveis pelos crimes eram conhecidos (parceiros, cônjuges e namorados) nos casos de feminicídio, e desconhecidos (sujeitos cuja identidade foi ignorada) nos casos de homicídio feminino. As mortes ocorreram majoritariamente em entornos domésticos, sendo ocasionadas mediante o uso expressivo de violência e o emprego de objetos cortantes/perfurantes e armas de fogo. A fuga foi a conduta mais frequente depois da perpetração dos assassinatos. Os casos foram discutidos articulando intervenções voltadas para grupos reflexivos de masculinidade, centros de educação e reabilitação ou programas de recuperação, problematizando as dificuldades e ganhos no marco da Lei Maria da Penha.

Abstract Violence against women in domestic and family environments has its roots in the inequalities that exist between the genders. Studies on perpetrators of lethal violence are necessary for an expanded understanding of the phenomenon. This study aims to characterize the crimes of this nature and their perpetrators, with verbal autopsies carried out with acquaintances and relatives of women victims of homicide in Campinas. In total, we studied 38 cases of female homicide, of which 63.2% correspond to femicides. Most perpetrators were acquaintances (partners, spouses, and lovers) in the cases of feminicide, and not acquaintances (subjects whose identity was unknown) in the cases of female homicide. The deaths occurred mostly in domestic environments and were caused by the expressive use of violence and the use of sharp/perforating objects and firearms. Fleeing was the most frequent behavior after the perpetration of the murders. The cases are discussed articulating the interventions aimed at the reflexive groups of masculinities, educational and rehabilitation centers, or recovery programs, problematizing their difficulties and gains within the framework of Lei Maria da Penha.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Violência , Brasil , Violência Doméstica , Masculinidade , Violência de Gênero , Homicídio
J Forensic Leg Med ; 100: 102606, 2023 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37935088


Amid the pandemic of violence against women, it is imperative to identify the contributing factors to lethal forms of violence against them. Femicides are the result of the intersection of variables that increase women's vulnerability. This study seeks to estimate the risk factors associated with death due to femicide in Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil. We considered sociodemographic variables, employment, exposure to violence, and psychoactive substance use. Our analysis employed conditional logistic regression. Using a case-control study design, we paired femicide cases with female controls from the general population, matching them by age and human development index, with a ratio of four controls per case. We analyzed 24 femicide cases and 96 controls. Women in the femicide group had lower educational attainment and were more likely to originate from outside the state of São Paulo. They predominantly held informal jobs, had experienced physical violence from intimate partners within the last 30 days, and exhibited higher alcohol, crack, and antidepressant consumption. Women in the femicide group reported more exposure to threats compared to those in the control group. Two variables significantly explained the likelihood of being a femicide case: a history of intimate partner violence in the last 30 days (OR 73.3, 95% CI: 8.1 to 661.7) and originating from outside the state of São Paulo (OR 6.5, 95% CI: 1.7 to 25.2). In this text, we discuss the findings and methodological challenges encountered in researching lethal violence against women.

Violência por Parceiro Íntimo , Humanos , Feminino , Estudos de Casos e Controles , Brasil/epidemiologia , Violência , Escolaridade , Parceiros Sexuais , Homicídio
Rev. crim ; 65(3): 97-119, 20230910. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538080


La emergencia sanitaria ocasionada por la pandemia del virus SARS-CoV-2 produjo limitaciones y cambios en la movilidad que transformaron el comportamiento, tanto de la sociedad en general como de los actores criminales en particular, impactando en los índices delictivos. Esto llevó a pensar a algunos analistas en la posibilidad de un "efecto rebote en el delito", luego de terminar el resguardo derivado de la pandemia. El objetivo de este artículo es revisar el impacto de la pandemia y sus medidas de confinamiento sobre la violencia letal contra las mujeres en México y Colombia. Para ello, a través de un ejercicio de estadística descriptiva, se analiza la tendencia del comportamiento del homicidio en ambos países desagregado por género, focalizando el análisis en 2019, 2020 y 2021, años considerados como periodos pre pandemia, pandemia y pos pandemia. Los hallazgos demuestran la falta de evidencia de un aumento significativo en los delitos de homicidio, homicidios de mujeres y feminicidios en relación con el periodo pre pandemia. Los homicidios de mujeres y los feminicidios dan cuenta de una continuidad en la cadena de violencias que reciben las mujeres a lo largo de su vida.

The health emergency caused by the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic led to limitations and changes in mobility that transformed the behaviour of both society in general and criminal actors in particular, having an impact on crime rates. This led some analysts to consider the possibility of a "rebound effect on crime" after the end of the pandemic's safe haven. The aim of this article is to review the impact of the pandemic and its confinement measures on lethal violence against women in Mexico and Colombia. To do so, by means of a descriptive statistical exercise, we analyse the trend in homicide behaviour in both countries disaggregated by gender, focusing the analysis on 2019, 2020 and 2021, years considered as pre-pandemic, pandemic and post-pandemic periods. The findings demonstrate the lack of evidence of a significant increase in homicide, female homicide and femicide offences relative to the pre-pandemic period. Homicides of women and femicides show a continuity in the chain of violence against women throughout their lives.

A emergência de saúde causada pela pandemia de SARS-CoV-2 levou a limitações e mudanças na mobilidade que transformaram o comportamento da sociedade em geral e dos atores criminais em particular, com um impacto nas taxas de criminalidade. Isso levou alguns analistas a considerar a possibilidade de um "efeito rebote no crime" após o fim do refúgio seguro da pandemia. O objetivo deste artigo é analisar o impacto da pandemia e suas medidas de confinamento sobre a violência letal contra as mulheres no México e na Colômbia. Para isso, por meio de um exercício de estatística descritiva, analisamos a tendência do comportamento dos homicídios em ambos os países desagregados por gênero, concentrando a análise em 2019, 2020 e 2021, anos considerados como períodos pré-pandêmico, pandêmico e pós-pandêmico. Os resultados demonstram a falta de evidências de um aumento significativo nos crimes de homicídio, homicídio feminino e feminicídio em relação ao período pré-pandêmico. Os homicídios de mulheres e os feminicídios mostram uma continuidade na cadeia de violência contra as mulheres ao longo de suas vidas.

Humanos , COVID-19 , México , Quarentena , Colômbia , Violência contra a Mulher
Rev. baiana saúde pública ; 47(2): 309-312, 20230808.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1451899


O início do ano de 2020 foi marcado pelo surgimento da covid-19. Com o intuito de reduzir o número de casos da doença, algumas estratégias foram adotadas, como o isolamento social e a quarentena. Diante dessas medidas, muitas mulheres que já eram vítimas da violência ficaram sujeitas a conviver 24 horas por dia com seu parceiro agressor. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever os homicídios e a violência doméstica e familiar perpetrada contra a mulher antes e durante a pandemia da covid-19 no estado de Pernambuco. Realizaram-se três estudos: (1) estudo ecológico misto da violência contra a mulher, homicídios femininos e feminicídios antes da pandemia, no qual foi utilizado o método dos mínimos quadrados ordinários (regressão linear simples) para estimar retas de tendência. No período pré-pandêmico (2016-2019), ocorreram 33.289 notificações de violência contra a mulher, 1.038 homicídios femininos e 319 feminicídios. Foi constatado que, dos 184 municípios, 142 (76,8%) apresentaram tendência crescente na análise da taxa de violência contra mulher, com predomínio na mesorregião do Agreste; para os homicídios femininos e feminicídios, 83 (44,9%) e 113 (61,1%) dos municípios tiveram tendência estacionária, respectivamente. (2) Estudo transversal com abordagem quantitativa para discutir a violência doméstica contra a mulher durante os primeiros seis meses do ano de 2019 em comparação com o mesmo período do ano de 2020, que correspondeu ao período de distanciamento social mais rígido no estado. Nos estágios iniciais da pandemia da covid-19, foram registrados 19.496 casos de violência doméstica e familiar contra a mulher, com redução de 7,4% quando comparado ao mesmo período do ano de 2019 (21.064 registros). (3) Estudo ecológico de série temporal (2015-2020) do número e das taxas dos homicídios femininos nas mesorregiões do estado de Pernambuco. A análise temporal dos homicídios femininos mostrou tendência crescente das taxas de homicídios na mesorregião do Sertão e na faixa etária de 20-39 anos em 2020. Assim, a pandemia da covid-19 mostrou as vulnerabilidades já existentes na vida das mulheres, aumentando a situação de risco daquelas que vivam em situação de violência.

The year 2020 was marked by the emergence of COVID-19. To reduce the number of cases, preventive measures such as social distancing and quarantine were adopted, putting many women who were already victims of violence in the position of living with their partner 24 hours a day. This study described the homicides and domestic violence perpetrated against women before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in the state of Pernambuco. Three studies were conducted: 1) a mixed ecological study on violence against women, female homicides and feminicides before the pandemic, with trend lines estimated by ordinary least squares (simple linear regression). The pre-pandemic period (2016-2019) recorded 33,289 notifications of violence against women, 1,038 female homicides, and 319 feminicides. Of the 184 municipalities, 142 (76.8%) showed an increasing trend in the rate of violence against women, predominantly in the Agreste mesoregion; 83 (44.9%) and 113 (61.1%) municipalities showed a stationary trend for female homicides and feminicides, respectively; 2) a quantitative cross-sectional study discussing domestic violence against women during the first six months of 2019 compared to the same period in 2020 (period of stricter social distancing in the state). The early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic recorded 19,496 cases of domestic and family violence against women, a 7.4% reduction when compared with the same period in 2019 (21,064 records); 3) an ecological time series study (2015-2020) on the number and rates of female homicides in the Pernambuco mesoregions. Temporal analysis of female homicides showed an increasing rate trend in the Sertão mesoregion among the age group 20-39 years in 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic unveiled the already existing vulnerabilities in women's lives, increasing the risk situation of those already living in situations of violence.

El inicio del año 2020 estuvo marcado por el surgimiento de la COVID-19. Para reducir los contagios de esa enfermedad, se adoptaron algunas estrategias, como el aislamiento social y la cuarentena. Ante estas medidas, muchas mujeres que ya eran víctimas de violencia se vieron sometidas a convivir las 24 horas al día con su pareja agresora. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir los homicidios y la violencia doméstica y familiar perpetrados contra las mujeres antes y durante la pandemia de la COVID-19 en el estado de Pernambuco (Brasil). Se realizaron tres estudios: 1) Estudio ecológico mixto de violencia contra la mujer, homicidios femeninos y feminicidios antes de la pandemia, en el cual se utilizó el método de mínimos cuadrados ordinarios (regresión lineal simple) para estimar las líneas de tendencia. En el periodo prepandémico (2016-2019) hubo 33.289 notificaciones de violencia contra las mujeres, 1.038 homicidios femeninos y 319 feminicidios. Se encontró que, de los 184 municipios, 142 (76,8%) mostraron una tendencia creciente en el análisis de la tasa de violencia contra las mujeres, con predominio en la mesorregión de Agreste; para los homicidios femeninos y feminicidios 83 (44,9%) y 113 (61,1%) de los municipios, respectivamente, tuvieron una tendencia estacionaria. 2) Estudio transversal, con enfoque cuantitativo, para discutir la violencia doméstica contra las mujeres, durante los primeros seis meses del año 2019 en comparación con el mismo período del 2020, que correspondió al período de distanciamiento social más estricto en el estado. Se registraron 19.496 casos de violencia doméstica y familiar contra la mujer, con una reducción del 7,4% en comparación con el mismo período del año 2019 (21.064 registros). 3) Estudio ecológico de series temporales (2015-2020) del número y tasas de homicidios femeninos en las mesorregiones del estado de Pernambuco. El análisis temporal de los homicidios femeninos mostró una tendencia creciente de las tasas de homicidio en la mesorregión de Sertão y en el grupo de edad de entre 20-39 años en 2020. La pandemia de la COVID-19 expuso las vulnerabilidades ya existentes en la vida de las mujeres, aumentando la situación de riesgo de aquellas que ya vivían en situación de violencia.

Humanos , Feminino
Salud Colect ; 19: e4247, 2023 03 23.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37311137


The objective is to analyze the effect of multiple homicides on male and female life expectancy and to provide empirical evidence of the temporal and spatial associations between male and female homicide rates by age group during the period 2002-2020. Using data from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) and population projections from the National Population Council (CONAPO), mortality rates due to homicide from 2002-2020 were estimated for both men and women, and the adjacency of homicides of men and women was analyzed, along with the spatial proximity between multiple homicides of men and women, along with changes in life expectancy due to homicide. Individual homicides have caused the greatest decrease in life expectancy for both men and women. The negative impact of multiple homicides on both female and male life expectancy began to draw attention in 2008. By analyzing the murders of women adjacent to the homicides of one or more men questions are raised about whether these crimes are primarily the result of criminal violence, and to a lesser extent the role of gender.

El objetivo es analizar el efecto de los homicidios múltiples sobre la esperanza de vida para la población masculina y femenina y ofrecer algunas evidencias empíricas sobre la correspondencia temporal y espacial entre las tasas de homicidio de hombres y mujeres, según grupo de edad, durante el periodo 2002-2020. A partir de datos del Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI) y de las proyecciones de población del Consejo Nacional de Población (CONAPO), se estimaron las tasas de mortalidad por homicidios en hombres y mujeres entre 2002 y 2020, se analizó la adyacencia de homicidios de hombres y mujeres, la relación espacial entre homicidios múltiples de hombres y mujeres y los cambios en la esperanza de vida debida a homicidios. Los homicidios unipersonales han provocado la mayor pérdida de esperanza de vida de hombres y mujeres. El efecto negativo sobre la esperanza de vida femenina y masculina debida a homicidios múltiples comienza a ser visible a partir de 2008. La exploración de los homicidios de mujeres adyacentes al homicidio de uno o más hombres plantea la inquietud de si estos crímenes son un resultado preponderante de la violencia delincuencial y en menor medida por razones de género.

Criminosos , Homicídio , Feminino , Masculino , Humanos , México/epidemiologia , Academias e Institutos , Expectativa de Vida
Glob Soc Welf ; 10(2): 181-193, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37168736


Background: Violence against women is a public priority issue for epidemiological and public health sciences. Severe consequences of violence affect the quality of life of women victims. The objective of this study was to quantify the impact in the quality of life of the strengthening group in women victims of intimate partner violence who attend a reference violence center in Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil. Method: Quasi-experimental before and after the study was designed. The danger assessment and WHOQOL-BREF scales were applied at admission, after 3 and 6 months. Descriptive and statistical analysis of the variables was carried out to verify the difference between the measurements in the quality of life domains. Results: Seventy-eight victims of intimate partner violence participated in the study. The most prevalent violence was psychological (96.2%), physical (79.5%), and moral (67.7%). Three months after participating in the strengthening group, there was an improvement in the 4 domains of quality of life, significantly in the psychological (p=0.032) and physical (p=0.006) domains. More than half of the participants were classified at the extreme level of risk of femicide (51.3%). The study was stopped early because of the restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic. Conclusion: With the available data collected, the strengthening group proved to be a strategy that positively impacts the quality of life of women victims of intimate partner violence.

Violence Against Women ; : 10778012231174346, 2023 May 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37226520


Research on femicide news revealed discriminatory narratives against the victims in specific cases and social contexts. This article uses a quantitative approach to analyze the news content that serves to create social representations of victims and perpetrators. We propose a methodology based on examining independent elements in the descriptions, identifying extratextual patterns, and providing the data to compare the social representations of intimate partner violence (IPV), familiar, and non-IPV femicides. Three online news outlets were analyzed from July 2014 to December 2017, creating a corpus of 2,527 articles. The results revealed that it is more common to create negative representations of victims than negative representations of the perpetrators.

Hisp Health Care Int ; 21(3): 166-173, 2023 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36912115


Background. Femicides are an increasing social problem worldwide. In this study, we aim to describe the trend of femicides in the prepandemic decade and characterize the femicide victims and their perpetrators. Methods. We assessed the trend of femicides in Peru during 2010-2019 and performed a cross-sectional study to analyze the femicides reported in 2019 using open data. Results. We analyzed 166 femicides reported in 24/25 regions of Peru in 2019 and calculated a yearly incidence of 1.01 femicides per 100,000 women. This incidence level represents an increase of 38% compared to the mean annual incidence from 2010 to 2018 (0.74 femicides per 100,000 women). Most femicides occurred in urban areas (64%), through strangling/asphyxiation (25.9%), stabbing (23%), and shooting (16%). Most victims were mothers (61%) 30 years old or over (51%). Most perpetrators have had a partner history with their victims (69%), 30 years old or over (62%), employed (57%), and consumed enablers (51%). Our regression analysis observed that the victim's age was associated with the perpetrator's age and partner history. Conclusions. Femicides are endemic in Peru, and the main characteristics of the victims and their perpetrators offer opportunities for tackling this social problem in Peru and similar low- to middle-income countries.

Homicídio , Violência por Parceiro Íntimo , Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Peru/epidemiologia , Estudos Transversais , Mães
RECIIS (Online) ; 17(1): 94-111, jan.-marc. 2023.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1418676


O presente artigo tem como objetivo estudar as reportagens jornalísticas que noticiam casos de feminicídio seguido de suicídio, e analisar qual o papel da mídia na conscientização do público sobre as violências correlacionadas. Com muitos estigmas, o tema ainda é pouco abordado pelo jornalismo de forma esclarecedora e em formato de prestação de serviço, uma vez que ambos os assuntos ainda são tabus para a sociedade. Dessa forma, este estudo se propõe a ampliar o debate, a partir dos autores Durkheim, Blázquez e Christofoletti. A pesquisa também é pautada com dois manuais para jornalistas, o da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), sobre como falar do suicídio; e o da plataforma Universa UOL, sobre como abordar o feminicídio. Ao longo do trabalho, percebe-se que o jornalismo precisa refletir sobre seu papel na prevenção de casos como esses e a respeito de como exercê-lo

This article aims to study the journalistic reports that report cases of femicide followed by suicide, and to analyze the role of the media in raising the public awareness of correlated violence. With many stigmas, the subject is still little addressed by journalism in an enlightening way and in order to provide service, since both subjects are still taboo subjects for society. Thus, this study proposes to broaden the debate, based on the authors Durkheim, Blázquez and Christofoletti. The research is also guided by two manuals for journalists: that elaborated by the World Health Organization (WHO), on how to talk about suicide; and that presented by the Universa UOL platform, on how to approach femicide. Throughout the work, it is clear that journalism needs to reflect on its role in preventing cases like these and how to exercise it

Este artículo tiene como objetivo estudiar los reportajes periodísticos que divulgan casos de feminicidio seguido de suicidio, y analizar el papel de los medios de comunicación en la sensibilización de la población sobre la violencia correlacionada. Con muchos estigmas, el tema es aún poco abordado por el periodismo de manera esclarecedora y con el fin de prestar un servicio, ya que los dos temas siguen siendo tabúes para la sociedad. Así, este estudio propone ampliar el debate, apoyándose en los autores Durkheim, Blázquez y Christofoletti. La investigación también se guía por dos manuales para periodistas: el elaborado por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), sobre cómo hablar sobre el suicidio; y el presentado en la plataforma Universa UOL, sobre cómo abordar el feminicidio. A lo largo del trabajo, queda claro que el periodismo necesita reflexionar sobre su papel en la prevención de casos como estos y sobre cómo ejercerlo

Humanos , Suicídio , Notícias , Jornalismo , Homicídio , Conscientização , Violência , Teoria Ética , Mídias Sociais
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);28(1): 23-36, jan. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421135


Resumo A violência letal contra a mulher é um fenômeno complexo e multidimensional no qual interseccionam e confluem um amplo número de fatores para que aconteça um feminicídio em um momento e lugar específico. Identificaram-se os principais fatores que contribuíram na ocorrência de feminicídios na cidade de Campinas no período de janeiro de 2018 a dezembro de 2019. Foram feitas entrevistas com membros da família, amigos, vizinhos, testemunhas e agentes de saúde sobre 24 casos de feminicídio utilizando a técnica da autópsia verbal. As autópsias foram complementadas, quando possível, com informações veiculadas na mídia e informes de autópsia clínica. Para o processo de análise de dados, foram realizadas narrativas dos casos resgatando os aspectos mais importantes das autópsias verbais e organizando os fatores encontrados nos quatro níveis do modelo ecológico da violência utilizado pela Organização Mundial da Saúde: individual, relacional, comunitário e social. Estruturou-se a análise em categorias seguindo uma abordagem dedutiva. Partindo de casos particulares delimitados no tempo (2018 e 2019) e no espaço (a cidade de Campinas), espera-se compreender o fenômeno da violência letal contra as mulheres em sua dimensão mais ampla.

Abstract Lethal violence against women is a complex and multidimensional phenomenon in which a wide number of factors intersect and converge to make a femicide happen at a specific time and place. The main factors that contributed to the occurrence of femicides in the city of Campinas were identified from January 2018 to December 2019. Interviews were conducted with family members, friends, neighbors, witnesses, and health agents about 24 femicides using the verbal autopsy technique. The autopsies were supplemented, when possible, with information from the media and clinical autopsy reports. For the data analysis process, narratives of the cases were carried out, recovering the most important aspects of the verbal autopsies and organizing the factors found in the four levels of the ecological model of violence used by the World Health Organization: individual, relational, community, and social. The analysis was structured in categories following a deductive approach. Starting from particular cases delimited in time (2018 and 2019) and in space (municipality of Campinas) it is expected to understand the phenomenon of femicide in its broadest dimension.

J Lesbian Stud ; 27(2): 147-159, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35678332


This article explores the circulation of the terms lesbiana and queer (cuir) in Mexico City. More particularly, I discuss how de ambiente and la diversidad sexual, which capture the spirit of queer politics, predominated in the 1990s and early 2000s, to be surpassed by lesbiana in the 2010s, in lesbian communities. While the circulation of lesbiana parallels, permeates, and impregnates cuir genealogies too, I suggest here that its continuity, and stronger resurgence in the 2010s, relates to acute attention to structural violence in the region, particularly in the face of feminicides. At such moment young activists "twist" lesbiana genealogies to give place to new terms such as lesboterrorism. I pay particular attention to lesboterrorismo, a new theoretical formulation young activists developed in the midst of militarization, gore capitalism, and graphic violence against women's bodies. This paper is informed by ethnographic fieldwork I have conducted since 2000, including participant observation, 40 qualitative interviews with women participating in lesbian spaces in Mexico City, and the review of newspapers.

Homossexualidade Feminina , Minorias Sexuais e de Gênero , Humanos , Feminino , México , Comportamento Sexual , Identidade de Gênero
Salud colect ; 19: 4247-4247, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1442153


RESUMEN El objetivo es analizar el efecto de los homicidios múltiples sobre la esperanza de vida para la población masculina y femenina y ofrecer algunas evidencias empíricas sobre la correspondencia temporal y espacial entre las tasas de homicidio de hombres y mujeres, según grupo de edad, durante el periodo 2002-2020. A partir de datos del Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI) y de las proyecciones de población del Consejo Nacional de Población (CONAPO), se estimaron las tasas de mortalidad por homicidios en hombres y mujeres entre 2002 y 2020, se analizó la adyacencia de homicidios de hombres y mujeres, la relación espacial entre homicidios múltiples de hombres y mujeres y los cambios en la esperanza de vida debida a homicidios. Los homicidios unipersonales han provocado la mayor pérdida de esperanza de vida de hombres y mujeres. El efecto negativo sobre la esperanza de vida femenina y masculina debida a homicidios múltiples comienza a ser visible a partir de 2008. La exploración de los homicidios de mujeres adyacentes al homicidio de uno o más hombres plantea la inquietud de si estos crímenes son un resultado preponderante de la violencia delincuencial y en menor medida por razones de género.

ABSTRACT The objective is to analyze the effect of multiple homicides on male and female life expectancy and to provide empirical evidence of the temporal and spatial associations between male and female homicide rates by age group during the period 2002-2020. Using data from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) and population projections from the National Population Council (CONAPO), mortality rates due to homicide from 2002-2020 were estimated for both men and women, and the adjacency of homicides of men and women was analyzed, along with the spatial proximity between multiple homicides of men and women, along with changes in life expectancy due to homicide. Individual homicides have caused the greatest decrease in life expectancy for both men and women. The negative impact of multiple homicides on both female and male life expectancy began to draw attention in 2008. By analyzing the murders of women adjacent to the homicides of one or more men questions are raised about whether these crimes are primarily the result of criminal violence, and to a lesser extent the role of gender.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35805670


Experts and international organizations hypothesize that the number of cases of fatal intimate partner violence against women increased during the COVID-19 pandemic, primarily due to social distancing strategies and the implementation of lockdowns to reduce the spread of the virus. We described cases of attempted femicide and femicide in Chile before (January 2014 to February 2020) and during (March 2020 to June 2021) the pandemic. The attempted-femicide rate increased during the pandemic (incidence rate ratio: 1.22 [95% confidence interval: 1.04 to 1.43], p value: 0.016), while the rate of femicide cases remained unchanged. When a comparison between attempted-femicide and femicide cases was performed, being a foreigner, having an intimate partner relationship with a perpetrator aged 40 years or more, and the use of firearms during the assault were identified as factors associated independently with a higher probability of being a fatal victim in Chile. In conclusion, this study emphasizes that attempted femicide and femicide continued to occur frequently in family contexts both before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 , Violência por Parceiro Íntimo , COVID-19/epidemiologia , Chile/epidemiologia , Controle de Doenças Transmissíveis , Feminino , Homicídio , Humanos , Pandemias
BMC Womens Health ; 22(1): 260, 2022 06 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35761263


BACKGROUND: Gender-based violence is a major public health concern arising from the structural discrimination of women and girls. In 2014, Ecuador criminalized acts of femicide in response to a growing crisis across the region. As no epidemiological studies on the state of female homicides and femicides have been published, we estimated patterns of female homicides and femicides nationally and the burden through economic cost per years of life lost, between 2001 and 2017. METHODS: Using aggregated data from the National Institute of Census and Statistics and police records we estimated the annual mortality rates, cumulative incidence and prevalence odds ratios for female homicides and femicides, from 2001 to 2017. The impact of aggressions, assaults and violence on years of life lost due to premature mortality was estimated using the Human Capital method. RESULTS: Over the period, at least 3236 cases of female homicides and femicides were reported. The highest murder rate occurred in the province of Sucumbíos (6.5 per 100,000) and in the Putumayo canton (12.5 per 100,000). The most common way to murder their victims was using firearms (38%). The highest odds ratio was estimated for women aged between 25 and 29, at 4.5 (3.9-5.1), of primary school attainment at 17.2 (14.6-20.3) and of Afro-Ecuadoran descent 18.1 (10.5-30.9). Female homicide-related costs reached, on average, $35 million per year and more than $500 million lost from 2001 to 2017. CONCLUSIONS: The high rates, distribution and cost indicate that investments are urgently needed to address the structural causes and reduce the impact of female homicides and femicides in Ecuador; thereby protecting the livelihood and well-being of their women and girls.

Vítimas de Crime , Violência de Gênero , Adulto , Equador/epidemiologia , Feminino , Homicídio , Humanos , Violência
Violence Against Women ; 28(11): 2889-2908, 2022 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34860627


The Danger Assessment (DA) is a widely-used risk assessment instrument designed to help women understand their risk of femicide. Currently, no validated tool exists in Brazilian Portuguese. The purpose of this study was to conduct a cross-cultural adaptation of the DA for use in the Brazilian context as a precursor to validation and broader testing among women in Brazil. This study describes a community participatory approach for translation and cultural adaptation of the DA from European to Brazilian Portuguese that engages the target population in the process. Using a three-step process, a final version of the DA-Brazil instrument was developed.

Comparação Transcultural , Traduções , Brasil , Feminino , Humanos , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Medição de Risco , Inquéritos e Questionários
Violence Against Women ; 28(12-13): 3135-3153, 2022 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34870496


Case files can show how aggressors use different explanations to reduce the seriousness of their crime. We aimed to identify and categorize a 2016 Brazilian case file from a perpetrator of femicide, based on moral disengagement theory. Content analysis yielded 47 verbalized excerpts, with 70 disengagement occurrences. The most frequently used mechanisms throughout the aggressor's speeches consisted of moral justification and blaming the victim herself. Results indicated that he reduced the seriousness of the femicide and sought reduction of the consequences. We discuss how speeches in criminal cases can serve as a secondary source for producing data on violence.

Criminosos , Homicídio , Brasil , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Princípios Morais , Violência
J Pediatr Nurs ; 65: e15-e16, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34953666


Violence against women is a profound global injustice. It is a major obstacle to fulfilling the human rights of women and their children. Confined to their aggressors, women exposed to this violence have even greater difficulty in accessing support networks and care services. Furthermore, the economic impact of the pandemic, which disproportionately affected women, created additional barriers. In reality, however, femicide is forgotten, underestimated, and poorly prosecuted throughout the world. In this context, more than 100 children witnessed a murder or were at home when it took place. This form of indirect violence is vicarious, in which children are left out, anonymous, and invisible. The trauma generated potentiates mentalization difficulties, emotional dependence, and instability in future relationships, caused by pain and psychological suffering.

Homicídio , Violência , Adolescente , Criança , Feminino , Humanos
J Fam Violence ; 37(4): 547-557, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34493898


PURPOSE: The purpose of this mixed-methods triangulation study was to assess the face validity and comprehension of a femicide risk assessment tool, the Danger Assessment-Brazil (DA-Brazil) among women seeking care in a one stop center for abused women in Curitiba, Brazil. Our secondary aim was to assess professionals' perceptions of feasibility for using the DA-Brazil in the same setting. METHOD: Fifty-five women experiencing relationship violence completed the instrument and participated in cognitive interviews about their experience; professionals attending survivors were also interviewed. RESULTS: The vast majority of women described the DA-Brazil instrument as being easy to comprehend (n = 41, 73.2%). Nearly half of participants (n = 26, 46.4%) had some kind of question regarding the DA-Brazil calendar, a tool to visualize abuse frequency and severity. Queries aligned with five categories: recollection of dates, scale, relationship status, terminology, and discomfort. Professionals reported that the DA-Brazil instrument would support referral decision-making. CONCLUSION: The overall face validity and comprehension of the DA-Brazil appears to be high. The majority of challenges were around the calendar activity. Professional perceptions of the DA-Brazil suggest a high degree of feasibility for its use in Brazilian healthcare settings. In order for the DA-Brazil to effectively be administered with facilitated support there is a need for training on the best use of the instrument. Accurate assessment of femicide risk is critical in a country like Brazil with high rates of femicide. The DA-Brazil provides a valid assessment of femicide risk and has the potential to trigger early intervention for those at risk. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s10896-021-00313-1.

Textos contextos (Porto Alegre) ; 21(1): 42851, 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1390838


El feminicidio es el asesinato de una mujer ­ o niña ­ por el hecho de ser mujer, es decir por razones de género. El término expresa la violencia extrema que se manifiesta en este acto, muchas veces perpetrado con particular crueldad, precedido de maltratos, secuestro, tortura sexual y seguido de la exposición del cadáver en el espacio público. Este texto tiene como objetivo reflexionar respecto al funcionamiento de las Unidades de Análisis y Contexto para la investigación de feminicidios, ­ creadas en el marco de las Declaratorias de Alerta de Violencia de Género en México (art. 22, LGAMVLV) ­, para observar las características jurídico-normativas, técnicas y de recursos que tienen y deberían tener de acuerdo con las recomendaciones internacionales. Sostenemos que las unidades de inteligencia y de análisis de contextos son una herramienta para la investigación criminal, que pueden funcionar para comprener el feminicidio y las violencias interseccionales en el país. A través de un análisis descriptivo y documental, privilegiamos los informes oficiales de las Unidades de Análisis y Contexto sobre violencia contra las mujeres, analizamos los principales obstáculos para la implementación de dichas unidades, y desde la perspectiva de género y pertinencia cultural, la forma y estrategias en cómo se capta la información para distinguir entre homicidio y feminicidio, y mujeres indígenas y/o afromexicanas, en un contexto de violencias estructurales y del crimen organizado

Feminicídio é o assassinato de uma mulher ­ ou menina ­ pelo fato de ser mulher, ou seja, por razões de gênero. O termo expressa a extrema violência que se manifesta neste ato, muitas vezes perpetrado com particular crueldade, precedido de maus tratos, sequestro, tortura sexual e seguido da exposição do cadáver em espaço público. O objetivo deste texto é refletir sobre o funcionamento das unidades de análise e contexto, criadas no contexto das Declarações de Alerta de Gênero no México, para observar as características jurídico-normativas, técnicas e de recursos que elas têm ou deveriam ter segundo as recomendações internacionais. Sustentamos que as unidades de inteligência e análise de contexto são uma ferramenta de investigação criminal, que pode servir para compreender o feminicídio e a violência interseccional no país. Através de uma análise descritiva e documental, privilegiamos os relatórios oficiais das unidades de análise e contexto sobre a violência contra a mulher, analisamos os principais entraves à implementação das referidas unidades e, na perspectiva da relevância cultural e de gênero, a forma e as estratégias em como as informações são coletadas para distinguir entre homicídio e feminicídio e mulheres indígenas e/ou afro-mexicanas, em um contexto de violência estrutural e crime organizado

Femicide is the murder of a woman ­ or girl ­ due to the fact of being a woman, that is, for reasons of gender. The term expresses the extreme violence that is manifested in this act, often perpetrated with particular cruelty, preceded by mistreatment, kidnapping, sexual torture and followed by the exposition of the corpse in public space. Objective: This text aims to reflect on the functioning of the Analysis and Context Units that have been created in Mexico, to observe the legal-regulatory, technical and resource characteristics that they have and should have in accordance with international recommendations. We sustain that the intelligence and context analysis units are a tool for criminal investigation, which can work to understand intersectional violence in Mexico. Through a descriptive and documentary analysis, we privilege the official reports of the Analysis and Context Units on violence against women, we analyze, based on the main obstacles to the implementation of said units, from the perspective of gender and relevance culture, as well as the way and strategies in how information is collected to distinguish between homicide and femicide, and to identify indigenous and/or Afro-Mexican women, and in a context of other structural violence and organized crime

Política Pública , Violência contra a Mulher , Violência de Gênero