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Front Psychol ; 14: 1177720, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37533709


The so-called neurorights are emerging human rights, or rather reconfigurations of already existing human rights, seeking to address the impact of the possible misuse of neurotechnologies, which have the potential to become more invasive and harmful in the future if not regulated. The aim of specifying neurorights is to protect the dignity and autonomy of the individual in the face of neurotechnological advances. Recently, Chile proposed a Constitutional reform inspired by the neurorights, opening a debate. One of the proposed neurorights is fair and equitable access to cognitive enhancement, which will be the specific object of this perspective article. Starting from the legal proposal, we analyse and discuss some perspectives on cognitive enhancement, or "neuroenhancement", which could be considered as part of enhancement neurotechnologies, pointing out that pharmacological enhancers, or "smart drugs", might be considered as part of these enhancers. We present a classification of the different types of cognitive enhancements as it has been proposed in the literature, into which pharmacological cognitive enhancement can be included, concluding that there is currently no agreement amongst scholars and lawyers about the ethical consideration of pharmacological cognitive enhancement. We therefore argue that it is necessary for the legislator to explicitly address the issue in the proposed regulations, in order to take a clear position on the topic, as it has been done in the United Kingdom, where the pharmacological neuroenhancers have been explicitly excluded from the regulation. If pharmacological neuroenhancers are going to be considered neurotechnologies, then new law proposals should seek harmonization with the already existing legislation regulating pharmacological health and consumer rights (both globally, taking into account international drug laws, and locally, according to each country's internal regulations) and of course, with the whole system of fundamental rights. Finally, we briefly discuss the ethical problem of equitable access to this new type of neurotechnologies (as part of the neurorights) and leave the debate open for new insights from the scientific community on the possible consequences of including (or not) pharmacological neuroenhancers as neurotechnologies for cognitive enhancement in the framework of the ethical and legal debate.

Acta colomb. psicol ; 26(1): 151-165, Jan.-June 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1419875


Resumen Esta investigación tuvo por objetivo analizar la capacidad predictiva de la percepción de justicia distributiva y justicia de interacción en la disposición al cambio organizacional en trabajadores durante la pandemia por COVID-19. La población fue de 342 colaboradores de diversas organizaciones colombianas. El estudio se apoyó en un diseño predictivo transversal. Se utilizaron los instrumentos de justicia organizacional -adaptado a población colombiana- y cambio organizacional. Los resultados evidencian la existencia de la predicción del cambio organizacional como resultado de la percepción de justicia organizacional. De esta forma, las organizaciones se benefician en los procesos de cambio en los momentos en que exponen y dan certeza de los ajustes, afectaciones y decisiones a tomar por sus miembros, procurando que estos se transformen en agentes que acojan los cambios razonables y racionales que la institución procura. El contexto cambiante de la pandemia es una condición que limita la predicción de la justicia organizacional procedimental y el cambio organizacional en el nivel individual total.

Abstract The objective of the research was to analyze the predictive capacity of the perception of distributive justice and interaction justice in the willingness to organizational change in workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study was based on a predictive cross-sectional design, and the sample consisted of 342 workers from different Colombian organizations. The organizational justice (adapted to the Colombian population) and organizational change instruments were used. The results showed the existence of the prediction of organizational change due to the perception of organizational justice. In this way, organizations benefit in their change processes when they explain and give certainty to their members about the new adjustments, effects and decision making, ensuring that they become agents that welcome the reasonable and rational changes that the institution seeks. The changing context of the pandemic is a condition that limits the prediction of procedural organizational justice and organizational change at the total individual level.

Agora USB ; 22(1): 486-508, ene.-jun. 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1420009


Resumen El artículo se encarga de mostrar que los trabajos experimentales que tienen por objeto examinar principios de justicia distributiva en niños pueden ser leídos desde su relación con la variable demográfica género. Al efectuar esta lectura crítica desde una revisión temática se hace posible observar que los estudios, en términos generales, muestran hallazgos en tres direcciones: inexistencia de diferencias de género; diferencias no significativas y diferencias significativas. Estos resultados, sin embargo, se hallan directamente relacionados tanto con las edades de los participantes como con especificidades metodológicas de la experimentación. Con el objeto de dar cuenta de estos aspectos, el texto se ha dividido en tres partes: estudios de primera persona, trabajos de tercera persona y comparaciones culturales.

Abstract The article shows that experimental studies that aim to examine principles of distributive justice in children can be read from their relationship with the demographic variable gender. By making this critical reading from a thematic review, it is possible to observe that the studies, in general terms, show findings in three directions: no gender differences; non-significant differences; and significant differences. These results, however, are directly related both to participants' age and methodological specificities of the experimentation. In order to account for these aspects, the text is divided into three parts: first-person studies, third-person work, and cultural comparisons.

Psicol. esc. educ ; 26: e241290, 2022. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1406420


O objetivo do estudo é investigar a relação entre o julgamento da justiça de cotas e o nível de competência moral de estudantes e professores. Participaram da pesquisa 317 universitários e 15 docentes de um curso base para engenharias de uma Universidade Federal. Para coleta de dados foi utilizado um questionário estruturado composto por um dilema sobre cotas e oito argumentos relacionados à justiça e oito à injustiça das cotas. Aplicamos ainda o Teste de Competência Moral (MCT_xt), que considera aspectos afetivos e cognitivos do julgamento e remete ao escore de competência - C. Os resultados indicaram o baixo índice C dos participantes, conflito de interesse no julgamento da justiça das cotas e a questão racial como principal fator de discordância. Demonstraram ainda que entre os alunos não cotistas, quanto maior o índice C, mais consideravam as cotas injustas e entre os cotistas, quanto menor o escore C, maior a escolha pela justiça. Para julgamentos pautados na justiça por equidade, como no caso das ações afirmativas, seriam necessários níveis superiores de desenvolvimento moral. A educação tem um papel essencial no desenvolvimento da competência moral dos estudantes e em consequência, na promoção da sua participação na vida social, cívica e profissional.

El objetivo del estudio es investigar la relación entre el juzgamiento de la justicia de cotas y el nivel de competencia moral de estudiantes y profesores. Participaron de la investigación 317 universitarios y 15 docentes de un curso base para ingenieros de una Universidad Federal. Para recolecta de datos se ha utilizado un cuestionario estructurado compuesto por un dilema sobre cotas y ocho argumentos relacionados a la justicia y ocho a la injusticia de las cotas. Aplicamos aún la prueba de Competencia Moral (MCT_xt), que considera aspectos afectivos y cognitivos del juzgamiento y remete al escore de competencia - C. Los resultados indicaron el bajo índice C de los participantes, conflicto de interés en el juzgamiento de la justicia de las cotas y la cuestión racial como principal factor de discordancia. Demostraron aún que, entre los alumnos no cotizantes, cuanto mayor el índice C, más consideraban las cotas injustas y entre los cotizantes, cuanto menor el escore C, mayor la escoja por la justicia. Para juzgamientos pautados en la justicia por equidad, como en el caso de las acciones afirmativas, serían necesarios niveles superiores de desarrollo moral. La educación tiene un papel esencial en el desarrollo de la competencia moral de los estudiantes y, en consecuencia, en la promoción de su participación en la vida social, cívica y profesional.

The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between the fairness of quota judgment and the level of moral competency of students and professors. This work was conducted with 317 college students and 15 professors from a base course for engineering at a Public University. We use a structured questionnaire to collect data, composed of a dilemma of quotas and eight arguments related to justice and eight to injustice of quotas. We still apply the Moral Competence Test (MCT_xt), which considers affective and cognitive aspects of the judgment and gives rise to score - C. The results indicated the low C index of the participants, conflict of interest in the judgment of the fairness of quota and the racial issue as the main disagreement factor. Among non-quota students, the higher the C index, the more they considered quotas like unfairness and among quota students, the lower the C score, the greater the choice for fairness. For judgments based on equity, as in the case of affirmative actions, higher levels of moral development would be necessary. Education has an essential role in developing students' moral competence and, consequently, in promoting their participation in social, civic and professional life.

Relatos de Casos , Coleta de Dados , Desenvolvimento Moral , Crescimento e Desenvolvimento , Julgamento
Soc Justice Res ; 34(3): 317-341, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34720392


This article disentangles and explores some commonly made assumptions about egalitarian state-socialist ideologies. Based on the conceptual framework of the multiprinciple approach of justice, it presents the results of an in-depth analysis of (e)valuation patterns of distributive justice in Cuban state-socialism. The analysis mainly focuses on ideational conceptions of distributive justice (just rewards), but it also accounts for distribution outcomes and resulting (in)equalities (actual rewards). The results of the comparative case study of the Cuban framework of institutions and political leaders' views in two periods of time, the early 1960s and the 2010s, point to (e)valuation patterns that are generally labelled as egalitarian, such as the allocation rules of outcome equality and (non-functional) needs. However, contrary to common assumptions about egalitarian state-socialist ideologies, the results also point to several other patterns, including equity rules as well as functional and productivist allocation rules. I argue that many of these (e)valuation patterns, in their connection to the discursive storyline of the Cuban economic battle, are indeed compatible with egalitarian state-socialist ideology.

Fractal rev. psicol ; 32(2): 111-119, maio-ago. 2020. tab
Artigo em Português | Index Psicologia - Periódicos, LILACS | ID: biblio-1133939


Este trabalho problematiza os pressupostos ontológicos assumidos no debate bioético sobre a seleção e edição do genoma humano. Com vistas ao manejo de desordens genéticas, diferentes terapêuticas têm sido empregadas clínica e experimentalmente, desde a década de 1990. Entre as estratégias de tratamento destacam-se a seleção de embriões (mediante diagnóstico genético pré-implantação) e a terapia gênica (mediante edição genética). O desenvolvimento destas técnicas suscita discussões acerca de suas implicações éticas. O presente artigo postula que distintas concepções de humanidade podem ser identificadas nas discussões, as quais fundamentam posicionamentos acerca de intervenções sobre o genoma da espécie. O artigo busca analisar essas concepções, percorrendo três passos. Primeiramente, apresenta-se o contexto biomédico de aplicação da seleção e edição do genoma humano. Em seguida, são evidenciadas discussões sobre os aspectos éticos de tais intervenções. Por fim, explicitam-se diferentes concepções de humanidade que fundamentam as referidas discussões, de maneira a problematizá-las, tendo em vista a noção de justiça distributiva.(AU)

This study discusses the ontological assumptions assumed in the bioethical debate about human genetic selection and gene editing. With a view to managing genetic disorders, different therapies have been employed clinically and experimentally, since the 1990s. Among the treatment strategies, we find embryo selection (by means of pre-implantation genetic diagnosis) and gene therapy (by means of gene editing). The development of these techniques raises discussions about their ethical implications. This article postulates that different conceptions of humanity can be identified in these discussions, grounding ethical positions regarding genome interventions. The article seeks to analyze these conceptions, following three steps. First, the biomedical context of genetic selection and gene editing is presented. Then, discussions on the ethical aspects of these interventions are highlighted. Finally, different conceptions of humanity grounding these discussions are identified and analyzed, considering the notion of distributive justice.(AU)

Humanos , Seleção Genética , Genoma Humano , Temas Bioéticos
Neumol. pediátr. (En línea) ; 15(2): 358-361, mayo 2020.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1099686


The current CoVID-19 pandemic has changed the world. The role of bioethics is to help us prioritize our values and put them ahead of our personal interests. We have examples of pandemics throughout history, but these happened in completely different living conditions, and decisions were made based on different scenarios. Today, we are facing a society with diverse and especial needs, and advanced technologies that allow us to "save lives". At the same time, our health systems need to make crucial decisions such as who should get the last bed?, the last ventilator?, how to properly manage sensitive populations (e.g., the elderly, patients with chronic or unknown conditions). This is further exacerbated if we consider the limited hospital capacity and lack of basic sanitary resources that countries face. In absence of a definitive treatment and vaccine for this virus, studies that are not properly structured, from an ethics point of view, are being conducted, hence leading to a problematic situation. In this work, we aim to provide a broad overview of the bioethics situation we are facing around the world. It is important to note that at this time there are not sufficient articles of scientific validity available. Resources currently available mostly show experts' opinions on the problem. This is understandable given that the time we have to experiment and find a vaccine for CoVID-19 is rather limited. This pandemic has brought us to a completely new, global situation, and most of us do not have any prior experience with this type of scenarios. In the midst of all, we hope that this global crisis can lead us to a change in society, where we pursue equity and we become more empathetic human beings. This article summarizes the confrontation of the principles of bioethics with the current pandemic situation.

La pandemia de CoVID-19 ha cambiado al mundo. La bioética nos ayuda a ordenar y a colocar nuestros valores por sobre nuestros intereses. La historia nos relata pandemias, pero las condiciones de vida fueron completamente diferentes y las decisiones fueron tomadas en escenarios distintos. Actualmente nos vemos enfrentados a una sociedad con diversas necesidades especiales, una tecnología avanzada que permite "salvar vidas", esto sumado a la imperiosa necesidad de tomar decisiones por parte de los sistemas de salud que están sobrepasados por la situación epidemiológica actual. Así tener que ser parte de la decisión sobre a quién otorgar "la última cama ó "el último ventilador mecánico", además del adecuado manejo de ancianos, pacientes con enfermedades crónicas o sin un pronóstico conocido, se ha vuelto una realidad. Esto se ve vinculado a las deficiencias que afrontan los países en cuanto a la capacidad hospitalaria y de insumos sanitarios básicos. La situación de no tener un tratamiento, una vacuna y la realización de estudios que éticamente no están bien estructurados, llevan a un dilema difícil de resolver. En este artículo se resume el enfrentamiento de los principios de la bioética con la situación de la pandemia actual. Por eso es que decidimos hacer una revisión de lo que sucede a nivel mundial desde el punto de vista bioético, a pesar de que la bibliografía es de escaso contenido científico y se encuentra mayoritariamente como opinión de expertos. Esta pandemia es una condición nueva, no tenemos experiencias, solo esperamos que sirva para una reflexión que lleve a una sociedad más justa y a ser personas mas empáticas.

Humanos , Pneumonia Viral/epidemiologia , Bioética , Infecções por Coronavirus/epidemiologia , Betacoronavirus , Justiça Social , Pandemias
Salud trab. (Maracay) ; 27(2): 147-158, Dic. 2019. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LIVECS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1103189


Se tuvo como objetivo analizar sistemáticamente las publicaciones que abordan la relación entre la justicia organizacional y el síndrome de burnout en diferentes poblaciones laborales. La aproximación se efectuó a partir de una revisión sistemática de la literatura científica en Scopus, Pubmed, Cochrane; Science Direct y Lilacs de artículos observacionales que evaluaran la relación entre el constructo de justicia organizacional y la presencia de síndrome de burnout. Resultados: se incluyeron 21 artículos en la síntesis cualitativa que analizaban la relación directa entre la justicia organizacional y el síndrome de burnout. Con excepción de uno, todos los artículos analizados reportan una correlación negativa entre la percepción de justicia organizacional y la presencia del síndrome de burnout. Igualmente, se observó que todas las dimensiones de justicia se correlacionaron negativamente tanto con el síndrome visto en forma global o sus dimensiones, solamente el logro personal y el compromiso con el trabajo se relacionaron positivamente con la percepción de justicia. Conclusión: dada la consistente correlación negativa encontrada en los estudios analizados, es necesario dar más relevancia al papel de la justicia organizacional en la aparición o presencia del síndrome, igualmente este aspecto debe ser tenido en cuenta en la formulación de estrategias de intervención(AU)

Objective: To systematically analyse the literature addressing the relationship between organizational justice and burnout syndrome in different working populations. Methods: We conducted a systematic review of the scientific literature contained in Scopus, Pubmed, Cochrane; Science Direct and LILACS of observational studies evaluating the relationship between the organizational justice construct and the presence of burnout syndrome. Results: Twenty-one articles were included in the qualitative synthesis. All but one of the included articles reported a negative correlation between the perception of organizational justice and the presence of burnout syndrome. Likewise, all dimensions of justice were negatively correlated with burnout, both globally as well as with each of its dimensions. Only personal achievement and commitment to work were positively associated with the perception of justice. Conclusion: Given the consistent negative correlation found in the studies analyzed, it is necessary to give more importance to the role of organizational justice in the emergence or presence of the syndrome; this aspect should also be considered when formulating intervention strategies(AU)

Humanos , Justiça Social , Cultura Organizacional , Estresse Ocupacional , Esgotamento Psicológico , Publicações , PubMed , LILACS
Rev. colomb. psicol ; 28(1): 165-179, ene.-jun. 2019.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1013951


Resumen Las investigaciones sobre moral y justicia en psicología han tomado diferentes caminos conceptuales. Los psicólogos han atendido a situaciones cotidianas de intercambio entre personas para establecer cómo la justicia tiene que ver con el respeto al semejante y con la evitación de daño (Giraldo & Benítez, 2011). Estas aproximaciones adolecen de una serie de imprecisiones conceptuales. Procurando esclarecer los sentidos del concepto de justicia se exploran debates en disciplinas emparentadas. El artículo rescata las discusiones en filosofía moral y política que entienden la justicia en relación con espacios públicos y con las obligaciones que se demandan al Estado, como una manera de precisar nuevos caminos investigativos para la psicología moral. La justicia y las nociones de igualdad tienen un sentido propio cuando se refieren a espacios públicos y a consideraciones de derechos humanos. De manera relacionada se ofrece una perspectiva del desarrollo según las teorías del ciclo vital que postulan la sabiduría como el nivel más desarrollado de juicio moral.

Abstract Research on morality and justice in psychology has followed different conceptual paths. Psychologists have dealt with everyday situations of interaction among persons in order to establish that justice has to do with respect for fellow humans and avoidance of damage (Giraldo & Benítez, 2011). These approaches feature a series of conceptual inaccuracies. In an effort to clarify the meanings of the concept of justice, the article explores debates from related disciplines. It turns to discussions in moral and political philosophy that understand justice in relation to public spaces and obligations demanded from the State, as a way to open up new research paths for moral psychology. Justice and the notions of equality acquire a specific meaning when referred to public spaces and to considerations of human rights. In relation with this, it also provides a perspective of development according to life cycle theories, which establish wisdom as the most developed level of moral judgment.

Resumo Pesquisas sobre moral e justiça na psicologia tomaram caminhos conceituais diferentes. Os psicólogos têm atendido a situações cotidianas de intercâmbio entre pessoas para estabelecer como a justiça está relacionada ao respeito pelos semelhantes e à prevenção de danos (Giraldo & Benítez, 2011). Essas abordagens sofrem de uma série de precisões conceituais. Com o intuito de esclarecer os sentidos do conceito de justiça, os debates são explorados em disciplinas relacionadas. O artigo resgata as discussões em filosofia moral e política que entendem a justiça em relação aos espaços públicos e com as obrigações que são exigidas do Estado, como forma de especificar novos caminhos de estudo para a psicologia moral. A justiça e as noções de igualdade têm um sentido próprio quando se referem a espaços públicos e considerações de direitos humanos. De um modo relacionado, uma perspectiva de desenvolvimento é oferecida de acordo com as teorias do ciclo de vida, que postulam a sabedoria como o nível mais desenvolvido de julgamento moral.

Bioethics ; 33(6): 661-668, 2019 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31107563


CRISPR/Cas9 is quickly becoming one of the most influential biotechnologies of the last five years. Clinical trials will soon be underway to test whether CRISPR/Cas9 can edit away the genetic mutations that cause sickle cell disease (SCD). This article will present the background of CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing and SCD, highlighting research that supports the application of CRISPR/Cas9 to SCD. While much has been written on why SCD is a good biological candidate for CRISPR/Cas9, less has been written on the ethical implications of including SCD in CRISPR/Cas9 research. This article will argue that there is a strong case in favor of including SCD. Three benefits are achieving distributive justice in research, continuing to repair the negative relationship between patients with SCD and the health-care system, and benefit-sharing for those who do not directly participate in CRISPR/Cas9 research. Opponents will argue that SCD is a risky candidate, that researchers will not find willing participants, and that the burden of SCD is low. Of this set of arguments, the first gives pause. However, on balance, the case in favor of including SCD in CRISPR/Cas9 research is stronger than the case against. Ultimately, this article will show that the historic and sociopolitical injustices that impede progress in treating and curing SCD can be alleviated through biotechnology.

Anemia Falciforme/prevenção & controle , Proteína 9 Associada à CRISPR/genética , Sistemas CRISPR-Cas , Edição de Genes , Justiça Social , Anemia Falciforme/terapia , Pesquisa Biomédica , Etnicidade , Terapia Genética , Humanos
Estud. Psicol. (Campinas, Online) ; 35(2): 205-215, abr.-jun. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-953521


The objective of the present study was to investigate distributive judgments in hypothetical situations involving productive activities. The participants should divide produced cupcakes between two story characters. One of the characters was the participant him/herself. Three factors were analyzed: (1) mode of production: cooperative with the help of one person or alone using someone else's means of production; (2) purpose of production: sale or picnic; and (3) participants' perspective: give the cupcakes to or take from the other character. Their confidence on each judgment and how easily they made their judgments were other aspects analyzed. The sample consisted of 156 university students. The results showed that the three factors influenced the participants' distributive judgment, and mode of production had the most significant influence. These results were discussed based on recent research on cooperative behavior and cognitive mechanisms that affect the decision-making process in situations involving distributive justice.

O presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar julgamentos distributivos em situações hipotéticas envolvendo atividades produtivas. Os participantes deveriam dividir os bolinhos produzidos entre dois personagens, um dos quais identificado como o próprio participante. Foram analisados três fatores. (1) modo de produção: cooperativo com ajuda de uma pessoa ou sozinho, usando os meios de produção de outro; (2) finalidade da produção. venda ou piquenique; e (3) perspectiva do participante. dar os bolinhos para o outro ou pegar para si. Também foram medidas a facilidade e a confiança em cada julgamento. A amostra foi composta de 156 estudantes universitários. Os resultados indicaram que os três fatores influenciaram o julgamento distributivo dos participantes, sendo o modo de produção o mais relevante. Esses resultados foram discutidos à luz de pesquisas recentes sobre o comportamento cooperativo e os mecanismos cognitivos que influenciam o processo de tomada de decisão em questões envolvendo a justiça distributiva.

Humanos , Propriedade , Tomada de Decisões
Psychol. av. discip ; 12(1): 45-58, ene.-jun. 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-976714


Abstract The aim of this study was twofold: to analyze the possible relationships between employees' personality (as measured by core self-evaluations or CSE) and their feelings of work-family enrichment (WFE); and to examine whether distributive justice perceptions act as a mediator in such relationships. A cross-sectional survey was conducted to collect data from 386 employees in public and private organizations located in Argentina. Structural equation modelling was used to examine two integrative models that combined CSE, distributive justice, and WFE. Results reveal a good fit of the full mediation model (S-Bx2 = 3.18, GFI= .99, CFI= .99, RMSEA= .03), in which distributive justice perceptions fully mediated the relations between CSE and WFE (y = .13, IC= [-.03; .27]) and between CSE and FEW (y = .09, IC= [-.08; .25]). Findings are discussed in the light of its theoretical and practical implications. The study provides valuable information for organizational authorities and HR managers to focus their efforts on both the development of CSE traits and the creation of fair and equitable work environments.

Resumen El objetivo de este estudio fue doble: analizar las relaciones entre la personalidad de los empleados (operacionalizada como núcleo de autoevaluaciones, NAE) y el enriquecimiento trabajo-familia (ETF); y examinar si las percepciones de justicia distributiva desempeñan un rol mediador en tales relaciones. Se realizó una verificación empírica de corte transversal sobre 386 empleados de organizaciones públicas y privadas localizadas en Argentina. Análisis de ecuaciones estructurales indicaros un adecuado ajuste para un modelo de mediación total (S-Bx2 = 3.18, GFI= .99, CFI = .99, RMSEA= .03), en el que las percepciones de justicia distributiva median las relaciones del NAE con ETF (y = .13, IC= [-.03; .27]) y con EFT (y = .09, IC= [-.08; .25]). Se discuten los resultados a la luz de sus implicaciones prácticas. Este estudio proporciona información valiosa para que directivos organizacionales y gerentes de recursos humanos focalicen sus esfuerzos tanto en el desarrollo de los rasgos del NAE, como en la creación de ambientes de trabajo justos.

Papel (figurativo) , Justiça Social , Trabalho , Autoeficácia , Autoavaliação Diagnóstica , Personalidade , Família , Organizações , Estudos Transversais , Emoções , Meio Ambiente
J Environ Manage ; 213: 363-373, 2018 May 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29502021


A failure to address social concerns in biodiversity conservation can lead to feelings of injustice among some actors, and hence jeopardize conservation goals. The complex socio-cultural and political context of the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, Mexico, has historically led to multiple biodiversity conflicts. Our goal, in this case study, was to explore perceptions of justice held by local actors in relation to biodiversity conflicts. We then aimed to determine the following: 1) people's definitions of their feelings of justice; 2) the criteria used in this assessment; 3) variability in the criteria influencing them; and 4) implications for environmental management in the region and beyond. We worked with five focus groups, exploring three examples of biodiversity conflict around forest, water and jaguar management with a total of 41 ranchers, farmers and representatives of local producers. Our results demonstrated that people constructed their feelings of justice around four dimensions of justice: recognition (acknowledging individuals' rights, values, cultures and knowledge systems); ecological (fair and respectful treatment of the natural environment), procedural (fairness in processes of environmental management), distributive (fairness in the distribution of costs and benefits). We identified a list of criteria the participants used in their appraisal of justice and sources of variation such as the social scale of focus and participant role, and whom they perceived to be responsible for resource management. We propose a new framework that conceptualizes justice-as-recognition and ecological justice as forms of conditional justices, and procedural and distributive justices as forms of practical justice. Conditional justice allows us to define who is a legitimate source of justice norms and if nature should be integrated in the scope of justice; hence, conditional justice underpins other dimensions of justice. On the other hand, procedural and distributive address the daily practices of fair processes and distribution. We propose that the perception of justice is a neglected but important aspect to include in integrative approaches to managing biodiversity conflicts. Addressing demands of justice in environmental management will require us to consider more than the distribution of costs and benefits among actors. We also need to respect the plurality of fairness perspectives and to recognize the benefits of dialogical approaches to achieve more successful environmental management.

Biodiversidade , Emoções , Justiça Social , Humanos , México , Opinião Pública
J Med Ethics ; 44(6): 371-375, 2018 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29511042


This paper starts by establishing a prima facie case that disadvantaged groups or individuals are more likely to get a chronic disease and are in a disadvantaged position to adhere to chronic treatment despite access through Universal Health Coverage. However, the main aim of this paper is to explore the normative implications of this claim by examining two different but intertwined argumentative lines that might contribute to a better understanding of the ethical challenges faced by chronic disease health policy. The paper develops the argument that certain disadvantages which may predispose to illness might overlap with disadvantages that may hinder self-management, potentially becoming disadvantageous in handling chronic disease. If so, chronic diseases may be seen as disadvantages in themselves, describing a reproduction of disadvantage among the chronically ill and a vicious circle of disadvantage that could both predict and shed light on the catastrophic health outcomes among disadvantaged groups-or individuals-dealing with chronic disease.

Doença Crônica/terapia , Alocação de Recursos para a Atenção à Saúde/ética , Acessibilidade aos Serviços de Saúde/ética , Pesquisa sobre Serviços de Saúde/ética , Populações Vulneráveis/estatística & dados numéricos , Alocação de Recursos para a Atenção à Saúde/legislação & jurisprudência , Acessibilidade aos Serviços de Saúde/legislação & jurisprudência , Pesquisa sobre Serviços de Saúde/legislação & jurisprudência , Humanos , Ética Baseada em Princípios , Justiça Social
J Med Ethics ; 43(9): 613-617, 2017 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28235883


BACKGROUND: Situations of disaster that prompt international humanitarian responses are rife with ethical tensions. The 2010 Haiti earthquake caused great destruction and prompted a massive humanitarian response. The widespread needs experienced by the population and the scale of the response inevitably rendered priority-setting difficult, and gave rise to ethical challenges. PURPOSE: This paper presents four ethical questions identified in the analysis of a study on vulnerability and equity in the humanitarian response to the 2010 Haiti earthquake. METHODS: Using interpretive description methodology, the interdisciplinary research team analysed 24 semi-structured in-depth interviews conducted with expatriate and Haitian health workers and decision-makers involved in the response. RESULTS: Ethical questions identified through the analysis were: (1) How should limited resources be allocated in situations of widespread vulnerability and elevated needs? (2) At what point does it become ethically problematic to expend (considerable) resources to sustain expatriate disaster responders? (3) How ought rapid and reactive interventions be balanced with more deliberated and coordinated approaches? (4) What trade-offs are justified when interventions to address acute needs could contribute to long-term vulnerabilities? DISCUSSION: The questions arise in light of an immense gap between available resources and widespread and elevated needs. This gap is likely unavoidable in large-scale crises and may be a source of ethical distress for both local and international responders. The analysis of ethical questions associated with crisis response can advance discussions about how relief efforts can best be designed and implemented to minimise ethical distress and improve assistance to local populations.

Altruísmo , Atitude do Pessoal de Saúde , Desastres , Terremotos , Serviços Médicos de Emergência/ética , Socorro em Desastres/ética , Triagem/ética , Atenção à Saúde , Planejamento em Desastres , Socorristas , Haiti , Recursos em Saúde , Necessidades e Demandas de Serviços de Saúde , Humanos , Organizações , Alocação de Recursos , Inquéritos e Questionários
Arq. bras. psicol. (Rio J. 2003) ; 69(3): 150-166, 2017.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-910708


O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar e discutir como ocorre o desenvolvimento da justiça distributiva da infância para a adolescência, com ênfase na justiça igualitária. Responderam a uma entrevista estruturada que continha uma história sobre crianças que passavam fome e que poderiam ser alimentadas por um personagem fictício, o Sr. Pedro, 158 estudantes de escolas públicas e privadas, de 8 a 18 anos. As informações sobre as crianças variavam: em uma história, as crianças moravam na mesma cidade que a pessoa que podia ajudá-las; em outra, as crianças eram de um país distante; em outra, as crianças eram filhos de terroristas; e, na última, eram crianças que roubavam. Ao final de cada história, perguntou-se se as crianças deveriam receber os alimentos e o porquê. Os resultados demonstraram uma variação das respostas em função da faixa etária dos participantes e da situação-estímulo. Esses resultados foram discutidos, sobretudo, com base na visão epistemológica piagetiana

This study aims at analyzing and discussing how the development of distributive justice occurs from childhood to adolescence, emphasizing egalitarian justice. 158 students from public and private schools, aged between 8 and 18 years old, answered a structured interview containing a story about children who experienced starvation and were supposed to be fed by a fictional character, called Pedro. The information about the children varied: in one of the stories the children all lived in the same town as the person who should help them; in a second story the children lived in a different country; in a third story the children's parents were terrorists; in the last story the children were thieves. At the end of each story the interviewers asked whether the children should be fed and why. The results show the answers vary according to the age of the participants and the stimulus-situation. These results were discussed mainly on the basis of Piaget's epistemological view

El objetivo de este estudio fue verificar y discutir como ocurre el desarrollo de la justicia distributiva de la infancia a la adolescencia, con énfasis en la justicia igualitaria. 158 estudiantes de escuelas públicas y privadas, de 8 a 18 años respondieron a una entrevista estructurada que contenía una historia sobre niños que padecían hambre y que podrían ser alimentados por un personaje ficticio, el Sr. Pedro. Las informaciones sobre los niños variaban: en una historia, los niños vivían en la misma ciudad que la persona que podía ayudarlas; en otra, los niños eran de un país distante; y en la última, eran niños que robaban. Al final de cada historia, se preguntó si los niños deberían recibir los alimentos y el porqué. Los resultados demostraron una variación en las respuestas, en función de la franja etaria de los participantes y de la situación-estímulo. Esos resultados fueron discutidos con base sobre todo en la visión epistemológica piagetiana

Humanos , Criança , Adolescente , Adolescente , Criança , Equidade na Alocação de Recursos , Desenvolvimento Moral , Psicologia do Desenvolvimento
Acta bioeth ; 21(2): 227-236, nov. 2015.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-771577


The vast improvements in medical technology reviled the crucial role of social determinants of health for the etiology, prevalence and prognosis of diseases. This changed the content of the right to health concept from a demand of health services, to a claim of having access to all social determinants of health. Thus, the just allocation of scarce resources of health and social determinants of health became an issue of ethical theories. John Rawls developed a theory of justice. His theory suggests that the principles of justice should be determined by individuals in a hypothetic initial position. In the initial position, individuals agree on principles of justice. Rawls puts forth that the institutions of the society should be structured in compliance with these principles to reach a fair social system. Although Rawls did not justify right to health in his theory, the efforts to enlarge the theory to cover right to health flourished quite fast. In this paper first the basic components of Rawls theory is explained. Then the most outstanding approaches to enlarge his theory to cover right to health is introduced and discussed within the discourse of Rawls theory of justice.

Los grandes avances en tecnología médica desafían el papel crucial de los determinantes sociales de la salud en la etiología, prevalencia y prognosis de las enfermedades. Esto cambio el contenido del concepto de derecho a atención de salud desde la demanda de servicios de salud a la demanda por tener acceso a todos los determinantes sociales de la salud. Por lo tanto, la distribución de escasos recursos en salud y los determinantes sociales de la salud llegaron a ser tema de teorías éticas. John Rawls desarrolló una teoría de la justicia. Su teoría sugiere que los principios de justicia deberían ser determinados por los individuos desde una posición inicial hipotética. En la posición inicial, los individuos se ponen de acuerdo en principios de justicia. Rawls establece que las instituciones de la sociedad deberían estructurarse para cumplir con estos principios para poder alcanzar un sistema social justo. Aunque Rawls no justificó el derecho a la atención de salud en su teoría, se introduce y discute dentro del discurso de la teoría de justicia de Rawls, los esfuerzos para ampliar su teoría para cubrir el derecho a la atención de salud.

Os amplos aperfeiçoamentos da tecnologia médica deturparam o papel crucial das determinantes sociais para a etiologia, prevalência e prognóstico das doenças. Isto tem mudado o conteúdo do conceito do direito à saúde originado da demanda de serviços de saúde para a reclamação de acesso a todas determinantes sociais da saúde. Assim, a adequada alocação de escassos recursos para a saúde e as determinantes sociais de saúde tornam-se um tema de teorias éticas. John Rawls desenvolveu uma teoria de justiça. Sua teoria sugere que os princípios de justiça deveriam ser determinados pelos indivíduos numa situação hipoteticamente inicial. Na situação inicial, os individuos concordam sobre os princípios da justiça. Rawls coloca objetivamente que instituições sociais deveriam ser estruturadas em conformidade com estes princípios para alcançar o sistema de justiça social. Embora Rawls não tenha justificado o direito à saúde em sua teoria, os esforços para ampliar a teoria para envolver o direito à saúde floresceu rapidamente. Neste artigo primeiramente os componentes básicos da teoria de Rawls são explanados. Então, as mais importantes abordagens para ampliar esta teoria para alcançar o direito à saúde são introduzidas e discutidas dentro do discurso da teoria de Rawls sobre a justiça.

Teoria Ética , Direito à Saúde , Determinantes Sociais da Saúde , Justiça Social
Suma psicol ; 22(1): 19-27, ene.-jun. 2015. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-776369


This study aimed to investigate differences in the way children in Brazil and USA allocate resources and justify their decisions in a fictional situation. The sample was composed by 178 children of Brazilian parents: 98 Brazilian, living in Brazil, and 80 American children, who had low familiarity with Brazilian culture. Participants were requested to resolve a distributive dilemma during which characters with different personal attributes reunited to a picnic in a public park. The results showed that most children preferred equality or near-equality patterns of distribution to allocate the food among the characters of the dilemma. Preference for other patterns of distribution like equity and need was related to age and nationality. Also, children who used equality as justification for their distributions were more consistent (that is, they distributed the food using an allocation system who matched their justification) than children who used other types of justifications. Results are discussed in light of recent works on sharing and processes of socialization during childhood.

Este estudio trató de investigar las diferencias en el modo de distribución de los recursos por parte de los niños en Brasil y Estados Unidos, y en la justificación de sus decisiones en una situación ficticia. La muestra se compuso de 178 niños de padres brasileños: 98 niños brasileños que viven en Brasil, y 80 niños americanos, poco familiarizados con la cultura brasileña. Se solicitó a los participantes que resolvieran un dilema distributivo, durante el cual los personajes con diferentes atributos personales se reunían para hacer un picnic en un parque público. Los resultados reflejaron que la mayoría de los niños prefirieron patrones de distribución de igualdad o no igualdad para repartir la comida entre los personajes del dilema. La preferencia por otros patrones de distribución tales como la equidad y la necesidad guardó relación con la edad y la nacionalidad. También se observó más concordancia en los niños que utilizaron la igualdad como justificación de sus distribuciones (es decir, distribuyeron los alimentos utilizando el sistema de reparto que se correspondía con su justificación) que en los niños que utilizaron otros tipos de justificación. Los resultados se analizan a la luz de los trabajos recientes sobre la acción de repartir y los procesos de socialización durante la infancia.

Acta Bioeth ; 21(2): 227-236, 2015 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27340331


The vast improvements in medical technology reviled the crucial role of social determinants of health for the etiology, prevalence and prognosis of diseases. This changed the content of the right to health concept from a demand of health services, to a claim of having access to all social determinants of health. Thus, the just allocation of scarce resources of health and social determinants of health became an issue of ethical theories. John Rawls developed a theory of justice. His theory suggests that the principles of justice should be determined by individuals in a hypothetic initial position. In the initial position, individuals agree on principles of justice. Rawls puts forth that the institutions of the society should be structured in compliance with these principles to reach a fair social system. Although Rawls did not justify right to health in his theory, the efforts to enlarge the theory to cover right to health flourished quite fast. In this paper first the basic components of Rawls theory is explained. Then the most outstanding approaches to enlarge his theory to cover right to health is introduced and discussed within the discourse of Rawls theory of justice.

Bioethics ; 29(4): 262-73, 2015 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24117682


The problem of standard of care in clinical research concerns the level of treatment that investigators must provide to subjects in clinical trials. Commentators often formulate answers to this problem by appealing to two distinct types of obligations: professional obligations and natural duties. In this article, I investigate whether investigators also possess institutional obligations that are directly relevant to the problem of standard of care, that is, those obligations a person has because she occupies a particular institutional role. I examine two types of institutional contexts: (1) public research agencies - agencies or departments of states that fund or conduct clinical research in the public interest; and (2) private-for-profit corporations. I argue that investigators who are employed or have their research sponsored by the former have a distinctive institutional obligation to conduct their research in a way that is consistent with the state's duty of distributive justice to provide its citizens with access to basic health care, and its duty to aid citizens of lower income countries. By contrast, I argue that investigators who are employed or have their research sponsored by private-for-profit corporations do not possess this obligation nor any other institutional obligation that is directly relevant to the ethics of RCTs. My account of the institutional obligations of investigators aims to contribute to the development of a reasonable, distributive justice-based account of standard of care.

Setor Privado , Setor Público , Ensaios Clínicos Controlados Aleatórios como Assunto/economia , Ensaios Clínicos Controlados Aleatórios como Assunto/ética , Justiça Social , Responsabilidade Social , Padrão de Cuidado/ética , Pesquisa Biomédica/economia , Pesquisa Biomédica/ética , Bolívia , Combinação de Medicamentos , Ética Institucional , Ética em Pesquisa , Álcoois Graxos/administração & dosagem , Álcoois Graxos/economia , Humanos , Cooperação Internacional , Fosfatidilgliceróis/administração & dosagem , Fosfatidilgliceróis/economia , Proteínas/administração & dosagem , Proteínas/economia , Surfactantes Pulmonares/administração & dosagem , Surfactantes Pulmonares/economia , Pesquisadores/economia , Pesquisadores/ética , Apoio à Pesquisa como Assunto , Estados Unidos