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Public Health Rev ; 45: 1606343, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39113824


Objectives: Identify, through a systematic review, the main domains and methods to support health technology assessment of Medical Devices (MD) from the perspective of technological incorporation into healthcare systems. Methods: Performed structured searches in MEDLINE, Embase, BVS, Cochrane Library, and Web of Science for full studies published between 2017 and May 2023. Selection, extraction, and quality assessment were performed by two blinded reviewers, and discrepancies were resolved by a third reviewer. Results: A total of 5,790 studies were retrieved, of which 41 were included. We grouped the identified criteria into eight domains for the evaluations. Conclusion: Overall, studies discuss the need to establish specific methods for conducting HTA in MD. Due to the wide diversity of MD types, a single methodological guideline may not encompass all the specificities and intrinsic characteristics of the plurality of MD. Studies suggest using clustering criteria through technological characterization as a strategy to make the process as standardized as possible.

Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 23(3): 410-436, mayo 2024. ilus, tab, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538165


In the indigenous peoples Tu'un savi and Mé'pháá of the mountain region of guerrero, allopathic medicine and traditional herbal medicine are used, due to this, we consider that dialogues of knowledge should be established between the practitioners of both medicines. We collaborated with 46 individuals to discuss the forms of using medicinal species, preparing treatments, and using allopathic medicine. Through semi-structured and in-depthinterviews, 121 plant species were recorded, with which more than 40 diseases are treated, which are distributed in the digestive, muscular, respiratory, and urinary systems:chronic-degenerative and cultural diseases. The dialogue of knowledge between specialists in traditional medicine and allopathic doctors could contribute to the development of their own health project, with which a regional ethnodevelopment plan could be created.

En los pueblos indígenas Tu'un savi y Mé'pháá de la montaña de Guerrero se utiliza la medicina alopática y la medicina tradicional herbolaria, debido a ello, consideramos que deberían establecerse diálogos de saberes entre los practicantes de ambas medicinas. Se trabajó con 46 colaboradores, con los cuales se dialogó acerca de las formas de uso de las especies medicinales, preparación de los tratamientos y utilización de l a medicina alopática. A través de entrevistas semiestructuradas y a profundidad se registraron 121 especies de plantas, con las que se tratan más de 40 enfermedades, las cuales están distribuidas en los sistemas digestivo, respiratorio y urinario; también se atienden enfermedades crónico - degenerativas y culturales. El diálogo de saberes entre especialistas de la medicina tradicional y médicos alópatas podría contribuir a la elaboración de un proyecto de salud propio, con el cual se podría crear un plan de e tnodesarrollo regional

Humanos , Povos Indígenas , Medicina Tradicional , Plantas Medicinais , Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde/etnologia , México
Physis (Rio J.) ; 34: e34050, 2024.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569388


Resumo O artigo tem como objetivo refletir sobre a importância da formação humana em perspectiva hermenêutica-dialógica para a prática dos profissionais da saúde, para sua formação e para a promoção de saúde. Nesse sentido, forma coro com produções que se posicionam favoravelmente à compreensão de que a prática, a formação e a promoção da saúde devem estar ancoradas também no paradigma das humanidades médicas. Metodologicamente, trata-se de revisão bibliográfica ancorada no trabalho hermenêutico com textos clássicos do filósofo alemão Hans-Georg Gadamer sobre a saúde e com literatura secundária sobre o tema. Divide-se em três partes. Na primeira, analisa a medicina e algumas de suas concepções sobre saúde e doença ao longo da história, observando as transformações sofridas na passagem de ciência médica mais ampla, fundada na religião e na espiritualidade, para a predominância do paradigma técnico-científico. Na segunda, são realizadas delimitações sobre alguns conceitos essenciais para a compreensão da importância da formação humana para o profissional da saúde. Na parte final, é investigada uma ideia de formação humana sustentada pela perspectiva hermenêutica-dialógica. Conclui afirmando a importância de que o saber técnico especializado na área da saúde se deixe ancorar pelo saber prático, de cunho ético-formativo, alicerçado na noção hermenêutica de diálogo.

Abstract The article aims to reflect on the importance of human education in a hermeneutic-dialogical perspective for the practice of health professionals, their training and health promotion. In this sense, it forms a chorus with productions favorable to the understanding that practice, training, and health promotion must also be anchored in the paradigm of the medical humanities. Methodologically, it is a literature review anchored in a hermeneutical work with classic texts by the German philosopher Hans-Georg Gadamer on health and secondary literature on the subject. It is divided into three parts. The first analyzes medicine and some of its conceptions about health and disease throughout history, observing the transformations from a broader medical science, founded on religion and spirituality, to the predominance of the technical-scientific paradigm. In the second, delimitations are carried out on some essential concepts for understanding the importance of human education for the health professional. In the final part, an idea of human education supported by the hermeneutic-dialogical perspective is investigated. It concludes by affirming the importance that the specialized technical knowledge in the health area should be anchored by practical knowledge, of an ethical-formative nature, based on the hermeneutic notion of dialogue.

Psicol. conoc. Soc ; 13(3)dic. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529235


Tomando como insumo la etnografía realizada con objeto de la escritura de la tesis, pero realizando el recorte que demanda un artículo, me centraré en reconstruir tres puntos que dan cuenta de aspectos vinculados a la dimensión comunicativa, y que resultan ejemplos paradigmáticos de dimensiones constitutivas del vínculo entre cooperativistas y acompañantes, los cuales nos permiten advertir las huellas institucionales de la cárcel y la universidad en el modo de trabajo conjunto con la intención de advertir cómo se articulan, potencian o complejizan la relación en el marco de la experiencia extensionista. Asimismo, en las reuniones de producción los saberes jerarquizados se invertían en relación a los días de reunión general, y también el rol de lxs sujetxs. Lxs cooperativistas detentaban cierta autoridad en estos días, marcándose una asimetría en torno al saber que se construía de modo situacional y contextual - los días de producción primaban los saberes en torno a la tela, a diferencia de los días de reunión general, en los que primaba la palabra-, lo cual nos permite entender que los conocimientos que se ponen a dialogar deben ser comprendidos en vínculo con sus condiciones de enunciación y según el contexto. Son las diferencias las que se constituyen en punto de contacto y que deben hacerse inteligibles para el diálogo y trabajo con otrxs, las cuales pueden ser entendidas como saberes prácticos que se entrelazan con otros saberes en la experiencia, o en el "mientras tanto" se buscan otros diálogos de saberes conceptuales.

Tomando como aporte a etnografia realizada para a redação da tese, mas fazendo o recorte que um artigo exige, vou me concentrar em reconstruir três pontos que dão conta de aspectos relacionados à dimensão comunicativa, e que são exemplos paradigmáticos de dimensões constitutivas do vínculo entre cooperados e acompanhantes, que permitem perceber os traços institucionais da prisão e da universidade no modo de trabalho conjunto com a intenção de perceber como a relação se articula, se fortalece ou se complexifica no âmbito da experiência de extensão. Da mesma forma, nas reuniões de produção, os saberes hierarquizados se inverteram em relação aos dias da assembléia geral, e também o papel dos sujeitos. Os cooperados detinham certa autoridade nesses dias, marcando uma assimetria em torno do conhecimento que se construía de forma situacional e contextual - os dias de produção eram dominados pelo conhecimento sobre o tecido, ao contrário dos dias da reunião geral, quando a palavra prevalecia -, o que nos permite compreender que os saberes que se colocam em diálogo devem ser entendidos em conexão com suas condições de enunciação e de acordo com o contexto. São as diferenças que constituem o ponto de contato e que devem ser tornadas inteligíveis para o diálogo e o trabalho com os outros, que podem ser entendidas como saberes práticos que se entrelaçam com outros saberes na experiência, ou no "enquanto" buscam outros diálogos de conhecimento conceitual.

Taking as input the ethnography carried out for the purpose of writing the thesis, but making the cut that an article demands, I will focus on reconstructing three points that account for aspects related to the communicative dimension, and that are paradigmatic examples of dimensions constitutive of the link between cooperative members and companions, which allow us to notice the institutional traces of the prison and the university in the way of joint work with the intention of noticing how the relationship is articulated, strengthened or made more complex within the framework of the extension experience. Likewise, in the production meetings, the hierarchical knowledge was inverted in relation to the days of the general meeting, and also the role of the subjects. The cooperative members held a certain authority in these days, marking an asymmetry around the knowledge that was built in a situational and contextual way - the days of production prevailed the knowledge around the fabric, unlike the days of general meeting, in which the word prevailed-, which allows us to understand that the knowledge that is put into dialogue must be understood in connection with its conditions of enunciation and according to the context. It is the differences that constitute the point of contact and that must be made intelligible for dialogue and work with others, which can be understood as practical knowledge that is intertwined with other knowledge in experience, or in the "meanwhile" They look for other dialogues of conceptual knowledge.

Tempo psicanál ; 54(2): 381-394, jul.-dez. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1450554


Este artigo trata da relação dinâmica da unicidade mãe-bebê, que vivencia todos os cuidados maternos e experiencia múltiplas sensações ofertadas pela preocupação materna primária. O momento inicial de ambiência satisfatória se distingue dos demais, pelo abandono quase total do narcisismo materno, em função da identificação com o bebê, tornando-se, assim, uma mãe suficientemente boa. Neste trabalho, a percepção do corpo e das vivências corporais se relacionam à constituição do psiquismo na fase primária infantil. As experiências do corpo, neste universo de sensações, e o desenvolvimento emocional se fundam à abordagem do diálogo tônico nas tensões emocionais. A teoria de Winnicott, que pinça o cuidado materno sempre que perceptualmente o bebê é pinçado, seja na capacidade perceptual auditiva ou visual, particulariza uma vivência de unidade, com uma dependência absoluta do bebê pelos cuidados da mãe. Estes primados são condições essenciais para os estados de tensão e relaxamento tônicos, em momentos alternados de necessidade e satisfação. Os estados de excitação e tranquilidade do bebê são expressos pela tensão tônica e este tipo de linguagem corporal é especialmente vivenciado pelo infante durante a maternagem, sendo um facilitador da personalização desse sujeito que já existe no mundo.

This article deals with the dynamic relationship of the mother-baby unity, which experiences all maternal care and experiences multiple sensations offered by the primary maternal concern. The initial moment of satisfactory ambience is distinguished from the others by the almost total abandonment of maternal narcissism due to identification with the baby, thus making a mother good enough. In this work, the perception of the body and bodily experiences are related to the constitution of the psyche at this stage. The body's experiences in this universe of sensations and the emotional development at this stage are based on the approach of tonic dialogue in emotional tensions. Winnicott's theory that grasps maternal care whenever the baby is perceptually grasped, whether in the auditory or visual perceptual capacity, we have there, an experience of unity, with an almost absolute dependence of the baby on the mother's care. These cares are essential conditions for tonic states of tension and relaxation, in alternating moments of need and satisfaction. The baby's states of excitement and tranquility are expressed by tonic tension and this type of body language is especially experienced by the infant during motherhood, being a facilitator of the personalization of this subject that already exists in the world.

Rev. adm. pública (Online) ; 56(4): 465-487, July-Aug. 2022. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407058


Resumen Pese a su extensa trayectoria y presencia mundial, no son frecuentes los estudios sobre los consejos económicos y sociales (CES). Así pues, se pretende revisar la literatura científica existente sobre estas instituciones, a efectos de identificar los principales núcleos temáticos, acuerdos y discrepancias, como así también detectar las lagunas investigativas y esbozar líneas de investigación futuras. Basándose en la aplicación del Protocolo PRISMA, se han detectado tres núcleos temáticos emergentes sobre los CES: los factores que explican su creación; los factores que inciden en su eficacia (y condicionan su éxito), y los criterios que son utilizados para evaluar su eficacia (relacionados con el éxito o el fracaso de estas instituciones). En suma, se ofrece la primera síntesis cualitativa de la literatura internacional sobre la temática de los CES, centrada en su eficacia y evaluación, de gran utilidad para la intervención y el estudio futuros sobre estas instituciones, especialmente las de nueva creación.

Resumo Apesar de sua extensa trajetória e presença global, os estudos sobre Conselhos Econômicos e Sociais (CES) não são frequentes. Assim, o objetivo é revisar a literatura científica existente sobre esta instituição a fim de identificar os principais núcleos temáticos, acordos e discrepâncias, bem como para detectar lacunas de pesquisa e delinear linhas de pesquisa futura. Com base na aplicação do Protocolo PRISMA, três núcleos temáticos emergentes sobre os CES foram detectados: os fatores que explicam sua criação; os fatores que afetam sua eficácia (e condicionam seu sucesso), e os critérios usados para avaliar sua eficácia (relacionados ao sucesso ou fracasso dessas instituições). Em suma, esta é a primeira síntese qualitativa da literatura internacional sobre o tema dos CES, focalizando sua eficácia e avaliação, o que é muito útil para futuras intervenções e estudos destas instituições, especialmente as recém-criadas.

Abstract Despite its widespread trajectory and global presence, studies on Economic and Social Councils (ESCs) are not frequent. Thus, this study aims to review the existing scientific literature on this institution to identify the main thematic nuclei, agreements, and discrepancies, and detect research gaps and outline future research lines. Based on the application of the PRISMA Protocol, three emerging thematic nuclei on ESCs have been detected: the factors that explain their creation; the factors that influence their effectiveness (and condition their success), and the criteria used to evaluate their effectiveness (related to these institutions' success or failure). In short, this is the first qualitative synthesis of the international literature on ESCs, focusing on their effectiveness and evaluation. It offers elements for future intervention and studies on these institutions, especially those newly created.

Organizações , Eficácia , Comitês Consultivos
Saúde Soc ; 31(1): e190728, 2022. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1361138


Resumen En este trabajo se presenta una reflexión sobre una experiencia educativa con comunidades ubicadas en el casco urbano del municipio de Turbo (Colombia), que no tienen acceso al agua potable. Los participantes son 18 líderes comunitarios, 149 familias de tres barrios y profesionales de dentro y fuera de la región. Este proceso tuvo como objetivo el fortalecimiento de las prácticas del uso cotidiano y conservación del agua en las comunidades, y es respuesta a una investigación previa que analizó algunos retos que enfrentan las personas para acceder a fuentes de agua suficientes y adecuadas para suplir sus necesidades. En esta experiencia se privilegia el diálogo como posibilidad para el reconocimiento de las condiciones de acceso al agua potable y la construcción de acciones para la gestión y defensa del derecho al agua.

Abstract This paper presents a reflection on an educational experience with communities located in the urban area of the municipality of Turbo (Colombia), which do not have access to potable water. The participants are eighteen community leaders, one hundred and forty-nine families from three neighborhoods and professionals from inside and outside the territory. The main objective was to strengthen the practices of daily use and conservation of water in the communities. This process is related to a previous research that analyzed the challenges faced by people to access to sufficient and adequate water sources to meet their needs, among others. In this experience, dialogue was the possibility to recognize the conditions to have access to potable water, and to define collective actions for the management and defense of the right to water.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Água Potável , Qualidade da Água , Direito das Águas , Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde , Educação em Saúde
Gerais (Univ. Fed. Juiz Fora) ; 14(2): 1-24, maio-ago. 2021.
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1286601


O Programa Bolsa Família (PBF) divide opiniões no cenário brasileiro contemporâneo em debates permeados de argumentos abstratos, generalizantes e sentimentos intensos. Neste estudo, busca-se compreender o processo de produção de sentidos em uma facilitação de diálogos, a partir da metodologia do Projeto de Conversações Públicas (PCP), em um encontro entre 10 pessoas com opiniões polarizadas sobre o PBF. A transcrição da audiogravação do encontro foi analisada a partir da perspectiva construcionista social. Os repertórios interpretativos, discursos e posicionamentos relacionados às opiniões a favor e contra o PBF e o feedback dos participantes sobre o encontro foram ressaltados e discutidos.

The Bolsa Família Program (PBF) divides opinions in the contemporary Brazilian scenario into debates permeated by abstract arguments, generalizations and intense feelings. This study seeks to understand the process of producing meanings in dialogue facilitation, based on the methodology of the Public Conversation Project (PCP), in a meeting between 10 people with polarized opinions about the PBF. The transcription of the audio recording of the meeting was analyzed from the social constructionist perspective. The interpretative repertoires, discourses and positions related to the opinions for and against the PBF and the participants' feedback on the meeting were highlighted and discussed.

Programas Sociais , Pobreza , Psicologia , Política Pública , Economia , Projetos
Am J Psychoanal ; 81(3): 301-325, 2021 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34282259


Mind is multi-levelled displaying an eons-long prehistory, while as Freud well knew civilization is new and frail: in biological evolution Thanatos long antecedes Eros. Complex intraspecies interchanges in higher animals proceeding by analogic communication give a firm place to Freudian Dingvorstellungen. Self-recognition and reflective thought come exceedingly late, in apes, requiring affectionate baby-mother mirroring. Deriving from inquiry on ego-dystonic neuroses, psychoanalysis must in the Age of Media deal with ego-syntonic pathologies sporting a demise of self-observation and self-reflection: borderline, autistic and autistoid disturbances. The 'epidemy of autism' offers fertile ground for very early psychoanalytic intervention, here briefly illustrated clinically. But on the other side, adolescent and post-adolescent disturbances cover a range going from autistoid retraction to more and more defiant if not violent protagonistic self-begettings, often propelled by overriding feelings of victimhood: filio-parental violence is the offshoot. Postmodernist ideologies accompany and fuel such trends.

Psicanálise , Terapia Psicanalítica , Adolescente , Ego , Teoria Freudiana , Humanos , Transtornos Neuróticos , Teoria Psicanalítica , Violência
J Health Organ Manag ; ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print)2021 Jul 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34255441


PURPOSE: Healthcare providers' perceptions of management's effectiveness in achieving safety culture improvements are low, and there is little information in the literature on the subject. Objective: The overall aim of this study was to examine the patient safety culture within an interprofessional team - physicians, nurses, nurse technicians, speech therapist, psychologist, social worker, administrative support - practicing in an advanced neurology and neurosurgery center in Southern Brazil. DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The authors applied the safety attitudes questionnaire (SAQ) in a mixed methods study, with a quan→QUAL sequential explanatory approach. FINDINGS: In the quantitative phase, the authors found a negative safety climate through the SAQ. In the qualitative phase, the approach enabled participants to identify specific safety problems. For that, participants proposed improvements that were directly and quickly implemented in the workplace during the study. The joint analysis of the quantitative and qualitative data inferred that the information and reflections of the focus group participants supported and validated the SAQ statistical analysis results. This integrated approach illustrated the importance of various safety culture aspects as a multifaceted phenomenon related to healthcare quality. ORIGINALITY/VALUE: This study provides explanations for why management is associated negatively with safety climate in healthcare institutions. In addition, the study provides a novel contribution adding value to mixed methods research methodology.

Cultura Organizacional , Projetos de Pesquisa , Atitude do Pessoal de Saúde , Humanos , Segurança do Paciente , Gestão da Segurança , Inquéritos e Questionários
Psicol. teor. prát ; 22(3): 208-229, Sep.-Dec. 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1125464


Restorative Justice (JR) involves ethical, philosophical and political principles in understanding human conflicts in different contexts. Considering the importance and scarcity of studies related to the training processes of facilitators in restorative practices, the objective of this study was to understand the meanings produced about participation in these formations. Representatives of each social group enrolled in a training in restorative practices were interviewed. From the thematic analysis of the interviews, the analytical axes "for what," "who" and "how" were created. The results showed that the participants had changes in the quality of listening, communication, and understanding of conflict and punishment. However, the participants were unsure of facilitating restorative circles, which demonstrates the need for more practical exercises. Building the group's conversational context can help align expectations and decrease anxiety levels and dropout rates during the training process.

A Justiça Restaurativa (JR) envolve princípios éticos, filosóficos e políticos na compreensão dos conflitos humanos em diferentes contextos. Considerando a importância e escassez de estudos referentes a processos formativos de facilitadores em práticas restaurativas, o objetivo deste estudo foi compreender os sentidos produzidos sobre a participação nessas formações. Entrevistaram-se representantes de cada grupo social inscrito em uma capacitação de práticas restaurativas. A partir da análise temática das entrevistas, foram criados os eixos analíticos "para que", "quem" e "como". Os resultados mostraram que os participantes tiveram mudanças na qualidade da escuta, da comunicação e do entendimento de conflito e punição. Entretanto, os participantes se mostraram inseguros para facilitar os círculos restaurativos, o que demonstra a necessidade de mais exercícios práticos. Realizar a construção do contexto conversacional do grupo pode colaborar para alinhar expectativas e diminuir os níveis de ansiedade e taxa de abandono no decorrer do processo formativo.

La Justicia Restaurativa (JR) involucra principios éticos, filosóficos y políticos en la comprensión de los conflictos humanos en diferentes contextos. Teniendo en cuenta la importancia y la escasez de los estudios relacionados con los procesos de capacitación de los facilitadores en las prácticas restaurativas, el objetivo de este estudio fue comprender los sentidos producidos sobre la participación en estas formaciones. Se entrevistó a representantes de cada grupo social inscrito en una capacitación en prácticas restaurativas. A partir del análisis temático de las entrevistas, se crearon los ejes analíticos "para qué", "quién" y "cómo". Los resultados mostraron que los participantes tuvieron cambios en la calidad de la escucha, la comunicación y la comprensión del conflicto y el castigo. Sin embargo, los participantes no estaban seguros de facilitar los círculos restaurativos, lo que demuestra la necesidad de ejercicios más prácticos. Construir el contexto conversacional del grupo puede ayudar a alinear las expectativas y disminuir los niveles de ansiedad y las tasas de abandono durante el proceso de capacitación.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Facilitação Social , Justiça Social , Comunicação , Tutoria
Agora USB ; 20(2): 204-218, jul.-dic. 2020.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1152764


Resumen En este artículo se presentan las narrativas emergentes en torno al conflicto armado y la reconciliación social, resultantes de un proceso de diálogo entre distintos actores sociales, incluidas víctimas y excombatientes, llevado a cabo en Samaná (Caldas). El diseño metodológico utilizó la herramienta de Diálogo Público para cumplir simultáneamente propósitos de investigación y acción, y el análisis del discurso para identificar las posiciones discursivas de los participantes frente al conflicto y sus actores, y comprender los movimientos que los enunciados evidencian a partir de la experiencia en el diálogo. Los hallazgos revelan una narrativa de polarización en la que predominan los estereotipos al comienzo del diálogo y una transformación hacia una narrativa de reconocimiento del otro, lo que permite concluir que el diálogo, como práctica colectiva, promueve la reconciliación social.

Abstract This article presents emerging narratives around armed conflict and social reconciliation, resulting from a process of dialogue among different social actors, by including victims and ex-combatants, carried out, in Samaná, Caldas. The methodological design used the Public Dialogue tool to simultaneously fulfill research and action purposes and discourse analysis in order to identify the discursive positions of participants regarding conflict and their actors, and to understand the movements that statements demonstrate from experience in dialogue. The findings reveal a polariza tion narrative in which stereotypes predominate at the beginning of dialogue and a transformation towards a narrative of recognition of the other, which makes it possible to conclude that dialogue, as a collective practice, promotes social reconciliation.

J Ethnobiol Ethnomed ; 16(1): 42, 2020 Jul 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32690045


BACKGROUND: Home gardens (HGs) are hotspots of in situ agrobiodiversity conservation. We conducted a case study in Tabasco, México, on HG owners' knowledge of HG ecological, economical and socio-cultural multifunctionality and how it relates to agrobiodiversity as measured by species richness and diversity. The term multifunctionality knowledge refers to owners' knowledge on how HGs contribute to ecological processes, family economy, as well as human relations and local culture. We hypothesized a positive correlation between owners' multifunctionality knowledge and their HGs' agrobiodiversity. METHODS: We inventoried all perennial species in 20 HGs, determined observed species richness, calculated Shannon diversity indexes and analysed species composition using non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS). Based on literature, semi-structured interviews and a dialogue of knowledge with HG owners, we catalogued the locally recognized functions in the ecological, economic and socio-cultural dimensions. We determined the score of knowledge on each function in the three dimensions on explicit scales based on the interviews and observed management. We determined Spearman rs correlations of HGs' observed species richness, Shannon diversity index (H) and of HGs' scores on NMDS-axis and multifunctionality knowledge scores. We dialogued on the results and implications for agrobiodiversity conservation at workshops of HG owners, researchers and local organizations. RESULTS: HG agrobiodiversity and owners' multifunctionality knowledge in the study area showed large variation. Average richness was 59.6 perennial species, varying from 21 to 107 species, and total observed richness was 280 species. A total of 38 functions was distinguished, with 14, 12 and 12 functions in the ecological, economic and socio-cultural dimensions. Total multifunctionality knowledge scores varied from 64.1 to 106.6, with an average of 87.2. Socio-cultural functionality knowledge scores were the highest, followed by scores in the ecological and economic dimensions. Species richness and Shannon H were significantly correlated with ecological functionality knowledge (rs = 0.68 and P < 0.001 in both cases), and species richness was also correlated with economic functionality knowledge (rs = 0.47, P = 0.03). Species composition scores on the first and second axes of NMDS was significantly correlated with knowledge of ecological multifunctionality, with rs = 0.49 resp-0.49 and P = 0.03 in both cases. Other functionality knowledge scores showed no correlation with NMDS scores. Dialogue in workshops confirmed the interwovenness of multifunctionality knowledge and agrobiodiversity. CONCLUSION: The rich agrobiodiversity of home gardens cherished by rural families in Tabasco relates with the knowledge about HG functionality in the ecological and economic dimensions. Also, species composition relates with ecological functionality knowledge. The socio-cultural functionality knowledge, which includes many elements beyond the individual HG, is not correlated with agrobiodiversity, but had the highest scores. Our results show that multifunctionality knowledge provides many opportunities for the participative conception and planning of policies and actions necessary to conserve agrobiodiversity.

Biodiversidade , Jardins , Conhecimento , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Etnobotânica , Jardinagem , Humanos , México
J Biomed Inform ; 107: 103461, 2020 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32504669


BACKGROUND: People have insufficient knowledge and many misconceptions about the blood donation process, which hampers donors recruitment. Therefore, novel strategies and resources are needed to provide information and improve these circumstances. OBJECTIVE: We aimed at an interactive conversational agent to explain about blood donation. METHODS: We used the Dialogflow framework to develop a conversational agent and deployed it publicly. Afterward, we conducted an assessment of user experience (UX) with 50 participants who interacted with the agent. We analyzed participants' opinions, the different UX scales, and their association with participants' demographic variables. RESULTS: The conversational agent is available on the Google Assistant platform in Brazil. It is capable of responding to utterances related to 30 common questions and concerns about donating blood. The user can interact and explore freely and in any order by typing, speaking and selecting interface elements. The agent responds by speaking and displaying visual information, some multimedia content, and suggestions for continuing the dialogue. It enables a conversational sequence in which knowledge is imparted to the user in stages as the dialogue evolves. The overall UX assessed was very satisfactory, and people with specific demographic characteristics were more likely to have better UX. All participants had positive opinions and attitudes towards the conversational agent. CONCLUSIONS: A conversational agent is a creative and captivating strategy of imparting knowledge and engage people regarding blood donation. The findings reaffirm the potential of using this technology for information outreach, especially for socially relevant purposes.

Doadores de Sangue , Comunicação , Brasil , Humanos , Multimídia
Integr Psychol Behav Sci ; 54(4): 833-849, 2020 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32557116


The purpose of this article was exploring the role of discursive and non-discursive symbolization - specifically gestures - in the negotiation of differences in couples´ interactions. Five married heterosexual couples were invited to hold a conversation about an unsolved problem in their relationship. A videographic analysis was carried out to explore gestures in dialogical sequences and Microgenetic Semiotic Analysis (ASM) was conducted. The results showed that gestures complemented verbal signs as semiotic devices in the regulation of meaning construction and differences in negotiation, displaying strategies for facing and avoiding conflict, as well as resources for undergoing tension dealing with personal objectives and emotional difficulties; Its role is discussed as preparation of the verbal communicative expression, as devices for self-regulation and access to tension relief. Further, the discussion addresses their function as paths for encounter, mutuality and closeness.

Emoções , Gestos , Humanos
Investig. desar. ; 28(1): 6-35, ene.-jun. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1250131


RESUMEN Este artículo aborda el proceso de generación de diálogo, debate y reflexión sobre Violencias Basadas en Género (VBG) en adolescentes del municipio de San Juan Nepomuceno (Bolívar), en el marco de la realización de un piloto de la estrategia de edu-entretenimiento y Movilización Social "Revelados desde todas las posiciones", implementada en varios municipios de Colombia. A través de grupos focales, entrevistas y la técnica de Most Significant Change se identificaron, entre otros hallazgos, las distintas formas como se expresa la VBG en la población adolescente y joven, así como la importancia de la articulación de los talleres para profundizar conocimientos, con el teatro como catalizador de emociones, así como con la producción de televisión como escenario de participación para trabajar en torno a la VBG. Estos hallazgos enriquecen la evidencia previa en torno a cómo la Comunicación para el Cambio Social y de Comportamiento y particular el edu-entretenimiento y la movilización social pueden aportar desde el diálogo, el debate y la reflexión a la prevención y disminución de las VBG en la población adolescente y joven.

ABSTRACT This article examines the process of generating dialogue, debate, and reflection on Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in adolescents in the municipality of San Juan Nepomuceno (Bolívar), within the framework of the realization of an edutainment and social mobilization pilot strategy named "Revealed from all positions," implemented in several municipalities in Colombia. Focus groups, interviews, and the Most Significant Change technique were used in this study to identify the different ways in which GBV is being expressed among the adolescent and young population. Among other findings, the study identified the importance of articulating workshops to deepen knowledge by using theater as a catalyst for emotions and television production as a setting to promote participation to work around GBV. These findings enrich the previous evidence regarding how Communication for Social and Behavioral Change, particularly education, entertainment, and social mobilization, can contribute through dialogue, debate, and reflection to prevent and reduce GBV in adolescents and the young population.

Humanos , Educação , População , Emoções
Rev. bras. educ. espec ; 26(2): 299-312, abr.-jun. 2020. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1137396


RESUMO: O desenvolvimento escolar do aluno surdo depende de seu domínio de uma língua de sinais. Todavia, uma língua de sinais não é cotidianamente desenvolvida no ambiente familiar; assim, esse domínio precisa ser alcançado no espaço escolar, no qual se espera que o aluno surdo tenha pares em sua língua e possa interagir por meio dela. Contudo, o ambiente escolar tem pouca tradição de trabalhar com o desenvolvimento de língua oral/língua de sinais, focalizando atividades com língua escrita como meta. Sobre o aluno surdo, pouco se discute acerca do desenvolvimento da língua de sinais no espaço escolar. O professor bilíngue foca seu trabalho no ensino da língua majoritária como segunda língua na modalidade escrita, trabalhando com a língua de sinais, sem uma proposta clara de desenvolvimento dessa língua. Debates sobre práticas para aprimoramento da oralidade para o desenvolvimento do sujeito ouvinte indicaram a oportunidade de refletir sobre esses aspectos em relação aos alunos surdos. O foco deste artigo está, então, no debate desse tema, visando a formação de professores para aprimoramento dos usos da língua de sinais no espaço escolar.

ABSTRACT: The academic development of the deaf student depends on his/her mastery of a sign language. However, a sign language is not developed daily in the family environment; thus, this domain needs to be achieved in the school space, in which it is expected that the deaf student has peers in his/her language and can interact through it. All the same, the school environment has little tradition of working with the development of oral/sign language, focusing on activities with written language as a goal. Regarding the deaf student, little is discussed about the development of sign language in the school space. The bilingual teacher focuses his/her work on teaching the majority language as a second language in the written modality, working with sign language, without a clear proposal for the development of that language. Debates on practices to improve orality for the development of the hearing subject indicated the opportunity to reflect on these aspects in relation to deaf students. The focus of this paper is, therefore, on the debate on this theme, aiming at the training of teachers to improve the uses of sign language in the school space.

RESUMEN: El desarrollo escolar del alumno sordo depende de su dominio de la lengua de signos. Sin embargo, habitualmente, la lengua de signos no se adquiere en el entorno familiar; así, su dominio debe lograrse en el espacio escolar, en el que se espera que el alumno sordo tenga pares en esta lengua y pueda interactuar por medio de ella. Sin embargo, el contexto escolar cuenta con poca tradición de trabajo en el desarrollo de la lengua oral / de signos, focalizándose en actividades con la lengua escrita como meta. Con respecto al estudiante sordo, hay pocos estudios en los que se analice cómo tiene lugar el desarrollo de la lengua de signos en el espacio escolar. El docente bilingüe centra su trabajo en la enseñanza de la lengua mayoritaria como segunda lengua en la modalidad escrita, trabaja con la lengua de signos, pero no siempre sabe cómo promover el desarrollo de esta. La discusión sobre la relevancia de las prácticas para mejorar el desarrollo de la oralidad en los alumnos oyentes nos ofrece la oportunidad de reflexionar sobre estos aspectos en relación con los aprendices sordos. El objetivo de este artículo es, por lo tanto, la discusión sobre este tema para capacitar a los docentes respecto a la mejora de los usos de la lengua de signos en el espacio escolar.

BMC Med Res Methodol ; 20(1): 125, 2020 05 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32429974


BACKGROUND: Effective health care requires services that are responsive to local needs and contexts. Achieving this in indigenous settings implies communication between traditional and conventional medicine perspectives. Adequate interaction is especially relevant for maternal health because cultural practices have a notable role during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. Our work with indigenous communities in the Mexican state of Guerrero used fuzzy cognitive mapping to identify actionable factors for maternal health from the perspective of traditional midwives. METHODS: We worked with twenty-nine indigenous women and men whose communities recognized them as traditional midwives. A group session for each ethnicity explored risks and protective factors for maternal health among the Me'phaa and Nancue ñomndaa midwives. Participants mapped factors associated with maternal health and weighted the influence of each factor on others. Transitive closure summarized the overall influence of each node with all other factors in the map. Using categories set in discussions with the midwives, the authors condensed the relationships with thematic analysis. The composite map combined categories in the Me'phaa and the Nancue ñomndaa maps. RESULTS: Traditional midwives in this setting attend to pregnant women's physical, mental, and spiritual conditions and the corresponding conditions of their offspring and family. The maps described a complex web of cultural interpretations of disease - "frío" (cold or coldness of the womb), "espanto" (fright), and "coraje" (anger) - abandonment of traditional practices of self-care, women's mental health, and gender violence as influential risk factors. Protective factors included increased male involvement in maternal health (having a caring, working, and loving husband), receiving support from traditional healers, following protective rituals, and better nutrition. CONCLUSIONS: The maps offer a visual language to present and to discuss indigenous knowledge and to incorporate participant voices into research and decision making. Factors with higher perceived influence in the eyes of the indigenous groups could be a starting point for additional research. Contrasting these maps with other stakeholder views can inform theories of change and support co-design of culturally appropriate interventions.

Serviços de Saúde Materna , Tocologia , Cognição , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Saúde Materna , México , Parto , Gravidez
Sci Total Environ ; 720: 137508, 2020 Jun 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32145620


Vital for human consumption, water is a scarce resource, particularly in the arid environments of Patagonia. In this study we analysed local perspectives and the use of different water sources, based on two case studies in rural communities of Mapuche and Creole ancestry inhabiting extra-Andean Patagonia in Chubut, Argentina. Water quality was evaluated using an ethnolimnological, interdisciplinary approach, taking into account local perspectives and scientific contributions. In addition, we analysed appropriation strategies, management and local organoleptic characteristics. The work was based on semi-structured interviews, tours guided by informants, and physicochemical and microbiological analysis of water sources. It was found that 92% of local inhabitants mainly used superficial and subterranean sources of water for consumption, among which stood out: river, streams, springs, wells, and boreholes. Differences were observed between local and scientific perspectives in terms of water quality (chemical and microbiological). Most water sources used by inhabitants presented water of deficient quality for human consumption (61%), whereas locals considered the water to be fresh, delicious, and transparent. Nevertheless, some points of agreement were found in terms of organoleptic characteristics (e.g., odour, colour) and physicochemical parameters in certain water sources. In general, locals do not recognise the deterioration of their water supply, but the importance of organoleptic characteristics in local perception should be highlighted. These aspects speak of a need to promote opportunities for dialogue, and implement effective health measures, taking local perspectives into account.

Qualidade da Água , Abastecimento de Água , Argentina , Odorantes , Rios