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Environ Manage ; 74(3): 479-489, 2024 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39043877


This study examines the relationship between institutional trust from an individual and societal perspective and perceived corruption and climate attitudes of individuals in Latin America. To this end, multilevel modeling was used to test whether the attitudes of individuals from 285 regions of Latin America are influenced by these constructs. Based on the results, it was found that in contrast to studies in developed countries, where institutional trust is positively associated with pro-climate attitudes, in Latin America institutional trust acts as an inhibiting factor and is inversely related to climate attitudes. Furthermore, the perception of corruption in public institutions was also identified as a factor inhibiting collective action to combat climate change. Moderation analysis revealed that individuals' level of education significantly influences this relationship, with a notable difference in climate attitudes between individuals with low and high levels of trust, especially among those with less education. These findings highlight the importance of taking regional specificities into account when examining the relationship between institutional trust, perceptions of corruption, and climate attitudes, and underscore the need for public policies that promote transparency and accountability of institutions to foster effective collective action on climate change.

Atitude , Mudança Climática , Confiança , Humanos , América Latina , Países em Desenvolvimento , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto
Front Sociol ; 9: 1419737, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38912308


The objective of the article was to investigate the possible inducing factors that contributed to determine the frequency of social conflicts at the subnational level in Peru between 2016 and 2021, including income inequality, social exclusion, fiscal centralism, corruption and revocation of authorities, for which four regression models were built. Disaggregated official data from the 24 departments and the provinces of Lima and Callao were analyzed. Economic inequality was associated with the Gini coefficient. To establish the association between social conflict and the inducers, it was estimated using Spearman's Rho correlation coefficient. Statistical calculation was also employed to appreciate the collinearity between the inducers. The results showed that the revocation of subnational authorities determines 42.5% of social conflict. On the other hand, corruption and fiscal centralism determine 28.5% of the perception of suffering social exclusion. Inequality and social conflict determined 21.8% of the relevance of the execution and quality of public spending by the national government in the regions. Sixty percent of social conflicts in Peru are of an environmental nature. The population that has declared the greatest discrimination corresponds to Puno (28%). 55.6% of those surveyed consider corruption to be one of the country's main problems. Corruption and social exclusion have a negative impact on the effectiveness of economic results and promote social conflicts. Inefficient use of fiscal resources translates into low quality of services and diminished credibility of the national and subnational governments. This situation highlights the need to design public policies that reduce conflicts and promote adequate governance.

Rev. adm. pública (Online) ; 58(3): e20230149, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565205


Abstract This paper examines the causal effect of the levels of democracy in countries on the levels of corruption. Research shows that the levels of corruption in countries decrease when they reach higher levels of democracy. However, most of the evidence has been obtained through correlational or regression studies that do not make clear the causal connection between the variables. The research applied a robust estimator (IPWRA) to a database of 161 countries with average data from 2010-2019, assessing a causality model within the counterfactual framework. The results indicate that a causal relationship does exist; that is, a higher level of democracy in the countries reduces the levels of corruption.

Resumo Este artigo examina o efeito causal dos níveis de democracia dos países sobre seus níveis de corrupção. As pesquisas mostram que os níveis de corrupção nos países diminuem quando atingem níveis mais altos de democracia. No entanto, a maior parte da evidência foi obtida através de estudos correlacionais ou de regressão que não esclarecem a conexão causal entre as variáveis. O presente estudo utilizou dados médios de 161 países correspondentes ao período de 2010-2019 para estimar um modelo de causalidade usando um estimador robusto (IPWRA), seguindo o referencial teórico da análise contrafactual. Os resultados indicam que existe uma relação causal, ou seja, maiores níveis de democracia nos países resultam em reduções nos níveis de corrupção.

Resumen Este artículo examina el efecto causal de los niveles de democracia de los países sobre sus niveles de corrupción. Las investigaciones muestran que los niveles de corrupción en los países disminuyen cuando alcanzan niveles más altos de democracia. Sin embargo, la mayor parte de la evidencia se ha obtenido a través de estudios correlacionales o de regresión que no aclaran la conexión causal entre las variables. El presente estudio utilizó datos promedio de 161 países correspondientes al período 2010-2019 para estimar un modelo de causalidad mediante un estimador robusto (IPWRA), siguiendo el marco teórico del análisis contrafactual. Los resultados indican que sí existe una relación causal, es decir, mayores niveles de democracia en los países producen reducciones en los niveles de corrupción.

Política , Causalidade , Democracia , Corrupção
Front Sociol ; 8: 1219310, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37565075


Political doctrines determine the formation of territorial units or geopolitical models more adequate to generate public value in subnational organizations, with positive results in the HDI, productivity indicators and national competitiveness oriented to improve the quality of public service for citizens who participate in democratic electoral processes with identity and that promote a decentralized State that does not generate development obstacles as an effect of geographical limits by departments and regional governments with inequalities in natural resources and comparative advantages, but that projects integration, better economic performance, sustainability, and sustainability for regional and national development and as an alternative to achieve political stability in Peru. The aim of this article is to explore whether the contribution of natural regions and macro-regions to sustainable development is unequal. Information from official web pages. The disparity index, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey's analysis were used. The GDP per capita of the coastal departments is 64% higher than that of the Andes and 136% higher than those of the Amazon; the HDI of the coast exceeds those regions by 31 and 19%; 44% of the urban population residing in marginal neighborhoods are on the coast, 67% in the Andes and 69% in the Amazon. The percentage of corruption is highest on the coast, followed by the Amazon. At the regional macro level, the primacy in GDP per capita and the HDI moves to the south, although the superiority of the corruption index persists in the center, followed by the south; both significantly higher than the east and north. This fact would reveal the possibility of a regional macro development without Lima and through axes of various development nodes, feasible in the era of globalization.

Rev. crim ; 65(2): 159-170, 20230811. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1537784


This study aims to evaluate the feasibility of using the tax methodology for determining unjustified increases in assets in money laundering cases heard in the courts. It also seeks to identify the errors made by the Tax Authority with the purpose of ascertaining whether these errors could hinder the successful application of the methodology in investigations of money laundering cases. In order to achieve these objectives, a mixed research methodology was conducted that included the analysis of rulings issued during the years 2020 and 2021 by the Peruvian Tax Court and sentences issued by the judiciary. This was complemented by semi-structured interviews with experts from the public sector, academia and accounting with relevant experience on the subject. The study found that there are some practical issues in the application of the methodology that can be overcome and that do not represent an insurmountable constraint. The study also found that the tax methodology allows for a more effective clarification of asset imbalances, and concludes that, once implementation errors have been overcome, the tax methodology can be feasibly employed to the benefit of money laundering investigations.

Esta investigación tiene como objetivos evaluar la factibilidad de utilizar la metodología tributaria de determinación de incrementos patrimoniales no justificados en la investigación de desbalances patrimoniales de casos de lavado de dinero ventilados en la vía jurisdiccional e identificar los errores que ha cometido la Administración Tributaria, a fin de establecer si estos representan problemas que pudieran dificultar la aplicación de la metodología a la investigación de casos de lavado de dinero. Con el propósito de lograr estos objetivos se condujo una investigación mixta que incluyó el análisis de las resoluciones emitidas durante los años 2020 y 2021 por el Tribunal Fiscal y sentencias emitidas por el poder judicial. Esto se complementó con entrevistas semiestructuradas a expertos del sector público, la academia y peritos contables con experiencia relevante sobre el tema. La investigación encontró que existen algunos empirismos aplicativos que pueden ser superados y que no representan ninguna restricción que no pueda ser gestionada. Se halló también que la metodología tributaria permite esclarecer de manera más efectiva los desbalances patrimoniales. La investigación concluye que, superados los errores de ejecución, es factible utilizar con ventaja la metodología tributaria en las investigaciones de lavado de dinero.

O objetivo desta pesquisa é avaliar a viabilidade do uso da metodología tributária para determinar aumentos injustificados de patrimônio na investigação de desproporções patrimoniais em casos de lavagem de dinheiro julgados nos tribunais e identificar os erros cometidos pela Administração Tributária, a fim de estabelecer se estes representam problemas que poderiam dificultar a aplicação da metodologia na investigação de casos de lavagem de dinheiro. Para atingir esses objetivos, foi realizada uma pesquisa mista que incluiu a análise de decisões emitidas durante 2020 e 2021 pelo Tribunal Tributário e sentenças emitidas pelo judiciário. Isso foi complementado por entrevistas semiestruturadas com especialistas do setor público, acadêmicos e especialistas em contabilidade com experiência relevante no assunto. A pesquisa constatou que existem alguns empirismos de aplicação que podem ser superados e que não representam nenhuma restrição que não possa ser gerenciada. Também foi constatado que a metodología tributária permite um esclarecimento mais eficaz das desproporções patrimoniais. Na pesquisa, conclui-se que, uma vez superados os erros de implementação, é viável utilizar a metodologia tributária com vantagem nas investigações de lavagem de dinheiro.

Humanos , Peru , Comportamento Criminoso , Corrupção
Rev. adm. pública (Online) ; 57(4): e20220346, jul.-ago. 2023. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514883


Resumen La corrupción es un fenómeno complejo. Los diagnósticos empleados para justificar medidas anticorrupción usualmente tienden a desestimarla. En línea con el modelo de bote de basura (Cohen, March, & Olsen, 1972), donde las soluciones buscan problemas, en este caso, el problema de corrupción se caracteriza de forma que sea "atendible" con la política en cuestión. Esta situación tiene graves consecuencias. Entre ellas, que la política implementada sea falible. El artículo revisa el fenómeno de la falibilidad de las políticas anticorrupción. Argumentamos que cuando la política anticorrupción se diseña sin tomar en cuenta que el tipo de corrupción que enfrenta es parte de un sistema más amplio de corrupción sistémica, esta tiene altas probabilidades de fracasar. Trazamos nuestro argumento a lo largo de una serie de implicaciones que se desprenden del marco de consolidación de la corrupción (Corruption Consolidation Framework - CCF) (Meza & Pérez-Chiqués, 2021). Apoyados en el CCF derivamos una serie de implicaciones con la intención de reorientar la discusión y futuras líneas de investigación en torno a entender y atender el fenómeno de la corrupción sistémica.

Resumo A corrupção é um fenômeno complexo. Os diagnósticos usados ​​para justificar medidas anticorrupção costumam descartá-la. Em consonância com o modelo da lata de lixo (Cohen, March, & Olsen, 1972), onde as soluções procuram os problemas, neste caso, o problema da corrupção é caracterizado de tal forma que é "endereçável" com a política em questão. Esta situação tem consequências graves. Entre eles, que a política implementada é falível. O artigo revisa o fenômeno da falibilidade das políticas anticorrupção. Argumentamos que quando a política anticorrupção é desenhada sem levar em conta que o tipo de corrupção com a qual ela lida faz parte de um sistema mais amplo de corrupção sistêmica, ela tem uma alta probabilidade de falhar. Traçamos nosso argumento por meio de uma série de implicações que emergem do quadro de consolidação da corrupção (Corruption Consolidation Framework - CCF) (Meza & Pérez-Chiqués, 2021). Com o apoio do CCF, extraímos uma série de implicações com a intenção de reorientar a discussão e futuras linhas de pesquisa em torno da compreensão e abordagem do fenômeno da corrupção sistêmica.

Abstract The diagnoses made to justify anticorruption measures tend to minimize the complexity of the phenomenon of corruption. In line with the garbage can model (Cohen, March, & Olsen, 1972), where solutions look for problems, the corruption problem is characterized as something "addressable" by the anticorruption policy, which brings serious consequences, such as the implementation of a fallible policy. The article reviews the phenomenon of the fallibility of anticorruption policies. We argue that anticorruption policies are likely to fail when they are designed without recognizing that the type of corruption faced is embedded in a wider scheme of systemic corruption. We trace our argument along a series of implications that emerge from the Corruption Consolidation Framework (CCF) (Meza & Pérez-Chiqués, 2021). Supported by the CCF, we derive a series of implications to reorient the discussion and future lines of research around understanding and addressing the phenomenon of systemic corruption.

Política , Governo Local
Psychol. av. discip ; 17(1)jun. 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535035


The purpose of the article is to identify individual factors affecting and the factors of the institutions associated with the occurrence of corrupt conduct. Corruption has been studied in several disciplines; its causes vary from structural issues in the political and economic spheres to decline of individual morality and cultural differences (Julián & Bonavía, 2017). According to Bautista (2015), there have been attempts to fight corruption from outside the individual level. External controls, audits and monitoring systems have been created to this end. However, few initiatives aim to rectify the issue at the individual level of education, perceptions, beliefs and values. When ethical values are promoted, they enhance integrity and dignity in individual behavior, generating honest behavior, oriented toward fulfillment of duty. Conversely, when values are weakened or absent, anti-values and corrupt practices appear immediately. This is a qualitative study, and information was collected through interviews. It adopted a systematic design, characterized by open, axial, and selective coding. Eleven interviews were conducted with legal professionals specializing in the investigation of financial crimes, who have identified the factors involved in corruption and fraud. The information was analyzed using the ATLAS TI 6.5 software. The results showed that lack of control was the most important factor that led to corruption in entities, and in second place is the power of senior executives. On the other hand, ambition, greed, and acceptance of corrupt conduct were the most common factors in the individual sphere. Identifying the factors associated with corruption is relevant for proposing preventive measures.

El propósito del artículo es identificar los factores individuales e institucionales asociados con la ocurrencia de conductas corruptas. La corrupción ha sido estudiada en varias disciplinas; sus causas van desde problemas estructurales en el ámbito político y económico hasta el declive de la moralidad individual y las diferencias culturales (Julián & Bonavía, 2017). Según Bautista (2015), ha habido intentos de combatir la corrupción desde fuera del ámbito individual. Para ello se han creado controles externos, auditorías y sistemas de seguimiento. Sin embargo, pocas iniciativas apuntan a rectificar el problema a nivel individual (educación, percepciones, creencias y valores). Cuando se promueven los valores éticos, se potencia la integridad y dignidad en el comportamiento individual. Por el contrario, cuando los valores están debilitados o ausentes, los antivalores y las prácticas corruptas aparecen de inmediato. Este es un estudio cualitativo, la información se recolectó a través de entrevistas, adoptando un diseño sistemático, caracterizado por una codificación abierta, axial y selectiva. Se realizaron once entrevistas a profesionales del derecho especialistas delitos financieros, quienes han identificaron los factores que intervienen en la corrupción. La información se analizó mediante el software ATLAS TI 6.5. Los resultados mostraron que la falta de control es el factor más relevante que conduce a la corrupción en las entidades, y en segundo lugar se encuentra el poder de los altos ejecutivos. Por otro lado, la ambición, la codicia y la aceptación de conductas corruptas fueron los factores más comunes en el ámbito individual. Identificar los factores asociados con la corrupción permite proponer medidas preventivas.

Disasters ; 47(4): 1118-1137, 2023 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37096657


Disaster corruption is a vexing problem, damaging state legitimacy and exacerbating human suffering. Mexico has a history of both major disasters and persistently high levels of corruption. A magnitude 7.1 earthquake in 2017 provided an opportunity to study change over time in expectations and tolerance of corruption in disaster relief. Twenty years earlier, Mexico City residents expected, on average, essentially three out of 10 hypothetical trucks loaded with humanitarian assistance to be lost to corruption but expressed near zero tolerance of such conduct. By 2018-19, Mexico City residents expected more than one-half of all relief, six out of 10 trucks, to be stolen, and could tolerate three out of 10 trucks being pilfered. Similar results were found at the national level. Hence, Mexicans appear to be giving up on the state. Addressing corruption in disaster risk reduction and humanitarian relief specifically might provide a template for improving public trust across other state institutions.

Planejamento em Desastres , Desastres , Terremotos , Humanos , México , Motivação
Rev. adm. pública (Online) ; 57(1): 0-126, jan.-fev. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431419


Resumen La corrupción es un fenómeno con consecuencias desastrosas para el bienestar económico, social y político de nuestras sociedades. En particular, la contratación pública es vulnerable debido al elevado valor económico de sus transacciones. La presente investigación analiza el rol que las tecnologías de información pueden jugar en la lucha anticorrupción. Desarrollamos un caso basado en datos abiertos de contrataciones públicas en Costa Rica, con la finalidad de identificar los conceptos principales asociados al sistema de información subyacente. El caso muestra el potencial de las herramientas tecnológicas de análisis de redes sociales para contrarrestar la complejidad de las redes de corrupción. Asimismo, se evidencia la necesidad de disponer de un ecosistema rico en datos anticorrupción, preferiblemente en formato abierto.

Resumo: A corrupção é um fenômeno com consequências desastrosas para o bem-estar econômico, social e político das nossas sociedades. Em particular, a contratação pública é um fator altamente vulnerável devido ao alto valor econômico de suas transações. A pesquisa analisa o papel que as tecnologias da informação podem desempenhar no combate à corrupção. Além disso, desenvolvemos um caso baseado em dados abertos sobre compras públicas na Costa Rica, a fim de identificar os principais conceitos associados ao sistema de informação subjacente. O caso mostra o potencial das ferramentas tecnológicas de análise de redes sociais para ir de encontro a complexidade das redes de corrupção. Mostra também a necessidade de um ecossistema diversificado e sustentável de dados anticorrupção - preferencialmente em formato aberto.

Abstract Corruption has disastrous consequences for the well-being of societies. In particular, public procurement is a highly vulnerable factor due to the high value of its transactions. This research analyzes the role that information technologies can play in the fight against corruption. We developed a case based on open data on public procurement in Costa Rica to identify the main concepts associated with the underlying information system. The case shows the potential of technological tools for social network analysis to counter the complexity of corruption networks. It also shows the need for a rich ecosystem of anti-corruption data - preferably in an open format.

Administração Pública , Tecnologia da Informação , Corrupção
Rev. adm. pública (Online) ; 57(3): e2022-0261, 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449366


Abstract This research conducts a case study on Odebrecht, a heavy construction company, to answer the question of how an individual rationalizes crime in a corrupt organization? The study is based on the concepts of a corrupt organization, the continuum of destructiveness, moral disengagement, and rationalization. We analyze four books, artifacts on Odebrecht's culture and videos on 49 executives that collaborated in the Car Wash corruption probe. The results describe the paths employees undertake in the organization by acquiring its internal set of values, beliefs, and assumptions. These paths lead to the rationalization of corruption. This case study shows that the continuum of destructiveness starts when employees encounter unethical behavior in the organization and that their rationalization mechanism changes with time in the corrupt culture. At any point, executives can quit or blow the whistle; however, with time, it becomes more challenging to exercise either of the options. By applying and refining the continuum, this research provides an understanding of how moral disengagement and rationalization to help employees to progress in the continuum in a corrupt culture.

Resumen Esta investigación realiza un estudio de caso de la empresa de construcción pesada Odebrecht para responder a la pregunta: ¿Cómo un individuo racionaliza el crimen en una organización corrupta? Este estudio se basa en los conceptos de organización corrupta, continuo de destructividad, desvinculación moral y racionalización. Analizamos cuatro libros que son artefactos de la cultura Odebrecht y videos de 49 ejecutivos que colaboraron en la investigación "Lava Jato". Los resultados describen los caminos que toman los empleados dentro de la organización, adquiriendo sus sistemas de valores, creencias y suposiciones. Estos caminos conducen a la racionalización de la corrupción. Este estudio de caso muestra que el continuo de destructividad comienza cuando los empleados encuentran un comportamiento poco ético dentro de la organización y que los mecanismos de racionalización cambian con el tiempo dentro de la cultura corrupta. Los ejecutivos pueden renunciar o denunciar en cualquier momento, sin embargo, con el tiempo se vuelve difícil ejercer cualquiera de estas opciones. Al aplicar y refinar el continuo, esta investigación proporciona una idea de cómo la desconexión moral y la racionalización alientan a los empleados a ascender en el continuo.

Resumo Esta pesquisa conduz um estudo de caso de uma empresa de construção pesada Odebrecht para responder à questão: Como um indivíduo racionaliza o crime em uma organização corrupta? Este estudo é baseado nos conceitos de organização corrupta, contínuo da destrutividade, desengajamento moral e racionalização. Nós analisamos quatro livros que são artefatos da cultura da Odebrecht e vídeos de 49 executivos que colaboraram na investigação da Lava Jato. Os resultados descrevem os caminhos que os funcionários trilham dentro da organização, adquirindo seus sistemas de valores, crenças e pressupostos. Estes caminhos levam a racionalização da corrupção. Este estudo de caso mostra que o contínuo da destrutividade começa quando empregados encontram comportamentos antiéticos dentro da organização e que os mecanismos de racionalização se modificam com o tempo dentro da cultura corrupta. A qualquer momento executivos podem pedir demissão ou denunciar; no entanto, com o tempo se torna difícil exercer qualquer uma dessas opções. Ao aplicar e refinar o contínuo, esta pesquisa prove um entendimento sobre como desengajamento moral e racionalização incentivam funcionários a seguir adiante no contínuo.

Racionalização , Cultura Organizacional , Corrupção
Rev. psicol. polit ; 22(55): 573-586, dez. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1450366


A corrupção se configura como um importante problema no Brasil, embora seja entendido como um "crime sem vítimas". Frente à importância do tema, o presente estudo buscou avaliar a influência da categoria social de uma vítima de corrupção na relação entre crenças no mundo justo e intenção de corrupção. A amostra foi composta por 127 estudantes universitários de cursos relacionados às áreas de gestão e negócios. Os participantes responderam a medidas de CMJ, intenção de corrupção e informaram dados sociodemográficos. Verificou-se que, quando uma vítima de corrupção é alguém distante do indivíduo, a intenção de corrupção é maior se comparado a uma condição em que a vítima é próxima. Adicionalmente, verificou-se que o efeito da CMJ na corrupção foi restrito quando da avaliação de uma vítima próxima. Os resultados indicam a importância de articular variáveis grupais (distância social) e pessoais (CMJ) no estudo da corrupção.

Corruption is a major problem in Brazil, although it is understood as a "victimless crime". Given the importance of the topic, this study aimed to assess the influence of the social category of a corruption victim on the relationship between beliefs in a just world and the intention of corruption. The sample consisted of 127 university students from courses related to the areas of management and business. Participants responded to measurements of BJW, the intention of corruption and reported sociodemographic data. It was found that, when a victim of corruption is someone distant from the individual, the intention of corruption is greater compared to a condition in which the victim is close. Additionally, it was found that the effect of BJW on corruption was restricted when assessing a close victim. The results indicate the importance of articulating group (social distance) and personal variables (BJW) in the study of corruption.

La corrupción es un problema importante en Brasil, aunque se entiende como un "crimen sin víctimas". Dada la importancia de la temática, el presente estudio buscó evaluar la influencia de la categoría social de una víctima de corrupción en relación a las creencias del mundo justo (CMJ) y la intención a la corrupción. La muestra consistió en 127 estudiantes universitarios de grados de gestión y negocios. Los participantes respondieron a las escalas de CMJ, intención de corrupción y reportaron datos sociodemográficos. Se ha encontrado que cuando una víctima de corrupción está lejos del individuo, la intención de corrupción es mayor en comparación a una condición en la cual la víctima está cerca. Además, se descubrió que el efecto de CMJ sobre la corrupción estaba restringido al evaluar a una víctima cercana. Los resultados indican la importancia de articular las variables grupales (distancia social) y personales (CMJ) en el estudio de la corrupción.

Med Leg J ; 90(4): 206-211, 2022 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36124417


As the Covid-19 pandemic crisis raged in Latin America, numerous acts of corruption affected containment strategies and weakened institutional systems. A systematic review was conducted during the first wave of contagion in 2020 to analyse the relationship between corruption and Covid-19 in Latin American countries, highlighting its components and the institutions involved. Following the PRISMA guidelines, scientific databases and prepublications were searched using the terms (((SARS-CoV-2) OR (Covid-19)) AND ((Corruption [Mesh]) AND (Latin America))). Seventy-two studies were included in the initial search, 36 in MEDLINE/PubMed, 20 in Scielo, and 11 prepublications. Of the 25 eligible studies, none met the required standard for inclusion. Although corruption is endemic in Latin America, its levels and impact during the first wave of Covid-19 contagion have not been quantified.

COVID-19 , Humanos , SARS-CoV-2 , Pandemias , América Latina/epidemiologia
Front Res Metr Anal ; 7: 898818, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35910707


Central America science production on biodiversity topics is important in planning future adaptive and conservation policies in a climate-related risk region that is considered a biodiversity hotspot but has the lowest Human Development Index of Latin America. Science production on biodiversity is related to geo-referenced species occurrence records, but the accessibility depends on political frameworks and science funding. This paper aims at foregrounding how the democratic shifts throughout the years have had an impact on science production on biodiversity research, and species records. For this exploration we developed a novel systematic scientometric analysis of science production on biodiversity topics, we used Bio-Dem (open-source software of biodiversity records and socio-political variables) and briefly analyzed the history-from 1980 to 2020-of Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama. With a data set of 16,304 documents, our analysis shows the significant discrepancies between the low science production of Central American Northern countries (Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua), the prolific production from the Southern (Costa Rica and Panama), and how this relates to democratic stability. Scientific production tends to be more abundant when democratic conditions are guaranteed. The state capture phenomenon and colonial-rooted interactions worldwide have an effect on the conditions under which science is being produced in Central America. Democracy, science production, funding, and conservation are core elements that go hand in hand, and that need to be nourished in a region that struggles with the protection of life and extractive activities in a climate change scenario.

Rev Panam Salud Publica ; 46: e10, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35355691


Objective: To describe the relation between corruption indicators and statistics on noncommunicable diseases and their risk factors by continent. Methods: An ecological study was conducted to examine the relation of the GINI coefficient, the Country Policy and Institutional Assessment (CPIA), and the Corruption Perception Index (CPI) with noncommunicable diseases, using the Spearman's rank correlation test. Results: There is a moderate and positive correlation between Corruption Perception Index and cause of death due to noncommunicable diseases and risk factors for these diseases (r = 0.532), prevalence of schizophrenia (r = 0.526), bipolar disorder (r = 0.520), and eating disorders (r = 0.677). There is a moderate negative association between the GINI index and cause of death due to noncommunicable diseases (r = -0.571) and smoking prevalence (r = -0.502), and between the Corruption Perception Index and mortality caused by cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, or chronic respiratory diseases between the exact ages of 30 and 70 years (r = -0.577) and malnutrition prevalence (r = -0.602). Conclusions: This study indicates a correlation between corruption and noncommunicable diseases and their risk factors. This suggests that the high prevalence of noncommunicable diseases and risk factors could be related with political practices that negatively impact the population. Further research should study the weight of these associations, to take action on the way corruption is impacting on the health of societies.

Antibiotics (Basel) ; 11(2)2022 Feb 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35203815


This work aims to explain the behavior of the multi-drug resistance (MDR) percentage of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Europe, through multivariate statistical analysis and machine learning validation, using data from the European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System, the World Health Organization, and the World Bank. We ran a multidimensional data panel regression analysis and used machine learning techniques to validate a pooling panel data case. The results of our analysis showed that the most important variables explaining the MDR phenomena across European countries are governance variables, such as corruption control and the rule of law. The models proposed in this study showed the complexity of the antibiotic drugs resistance problem. The efforts controlling MDR P. aeruginosa, as a well-known Healthcare-Associated Infection (HCAI), should be focused on solving national governance problems that impact resource distribution, in addition to individual guidelines, such as promoting the appropriate use of antibiotics.

J Res Adolesc ; 32(4): 1515-1529, 2022 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35040225


In the present research, we examine how sociocultural beliefs facilitate more positive and tolerant evaluations toward corruption. Ninety-six adolescents from 6th grade (M = 11.9 years), 11th grade (M = 16.6 years), and college (M = 20.5 years), from Colombia-a country with high levels of corruption-evaluated how morally right and acceptable were bribery and nepotism across a baseline condition without sociocultural information, and three experimental conditions including sociocultural beliefs about illegality, institutional illegitimacy, and survival. Results suggest that compared to the baseline, the sociocultural beliefs in the three experimental conditions lead to more positive and tolerant evaluations, and less severity and more acceptability towards corruption in different degrees. Implications for moral reasoning about corruption are discussed.

Princípios Morais , Adolescente , Humanos , Colômbia
Data Brief ; 40: 107768, 2022 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35028345


This data article describes a dataset of corruption approach and possible variables related, and this dataset was created by integrating eight different systems of Brazilian federal government and Federal District. We present real data from civil servants and militaries to comply with GDPR legislation, the attributes that could identify a person were removed, making the data anonymized.

Psocial (Ciudad AutoÌün. B. Aires) ; 8(1): 8-8, ene. 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1406449


Abstract The present study explores the beliefs and attitudes towards corruption of a group of middle-class and university-educated young people in the cities of Lima and Callao (n=22). A qualitative study was developed through in-depth interviews with a guide that inquired about three central themes (1) the conceptions about corruption, (2) the characteristics attributed to corruption and (3) the intention to become involved in acts of corruption. The results are contrasted with the definitions that from various organizations and from the social sciences have been developed on the subject. Specifically, participants identify three general conceptions of corruption. The structural conception of corruption defines it as a phenomenon rooted in institutions and normalized in society. The cultural definition presents corruption as a phenomenon with a historical foundation that influences people's identity, and the definition of direct corruption, which includes the daily manifestations of acts of corruption. The representation of the phenomenon is mostly negative, however there are some reasons when its presence is considered legitimate or necessary. Finally, the discussion shows how corruption erodes trust and affects life in society through the damage caused to the public sphere.

Resumen El presente estudio explora las creencias y actitudes hacia la corrupción de un grupo de jóvenes de clase media y educación superior universitaria de las ciudades de Lima y Callao (n=22). Se desarrolló un estudio cualitativo a través de entrevistas en profundidad con una guía que indagaba por tres temas centrales (1) las concepciones sobre la corrupción, (2) las características atribuidas a la corrupción y (3) la intención de involucrarse en actos de corrupción. Los resultados se contrastan con las definiciones que diversos organismos y desde las ciencias sociales se han desarrollado sobre el tema, identificándose tres concepciones generales sobre la corrupción. La concepción estructural de la corrupción la definen como un fenómeno arraigado en las instituciones y normalizado. La definición cultural presenta la corrupción como un fenómeno con un fundamento histórico que influye en la identidad de las personas y la definición de la corrupción directa, que comprende las manifestaciones cotidianas de los actos de corrupción. Aunque la representación del fenómeno es mayoritariamente negativa, se observan algunas razones sobre las cuales se considera legítima o necesaria su presencia. Finalmente, a lo largo de la discusión se aprecia cómo la corrupción erosiona la confianza y afecta la vida en sociedad a través del daño que se produce a lo público.

Heliyon ; 8(12): e12328, 2022 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36593824


This study assesses the impact of exchange rate volatility on economic growth using a panel of 194 countries for the period 1995-2019. We resort to dynamic panel data models considering the exchange rate volatility estimated based on GARCH models as an explanatory variable, along with some control variables such as the level of economic openness and financial development, investment, government spending, and the expected level of education. Countries are grouped according to the level of corruption of the governments. The estimates from both Difference and System Generalized Method of Moments are obtained. The results consistently show a significant negative effect of exchange rate volatility on economic growth, which diminishes as the financial system develops. An important finding is that the effect of volatility is lower in high-corruption countries, which could be because they are used to dealing with the economic instability associated with low levels of governance and incorporate it as part of their costs.