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Reg Environ Change ; 21(3): 81, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34426726


We report the emergence of a new production chain for commercial food that aims to maximize profit to the detriment of the environment and traditional communities in the Amazonian region. In addition, the combination of environmental impact and the raising of confined animals (including pigs and poultry), in locations where the animals may have contact with other diseases carries the danger of generating a new pandemic of worldwide proportions.

PhytoKeys ; 169: 75-98, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33354140


As deforestation and fire move forward over pristine vegetation in the Amazon, many species remain undiscovered and may be threatened with extinction before being described. Here, we describe two new species of Utricularia (Lentibulariaceae) collected during recent fieldwork in an area of white-sand vegetation in the eastern Amazon Basin named Campos do Ariramba. Further herbarium revision revealed that both species were first collected over 60 years ago in the same area, remaining unnamed until now. The new species, named U. ariramba sp. nov. and U. jaramacaru sp. nov., are placed in U. sect. Aranella and U. sect. Setiscapella, respectively. We provide full descriptions, illustrations, photographs, a distribution map, and taxonomic discussion for both species. Additionally, we provide a preliminary list of Lentibulariaceae from the Campos do Ariramba. Both new species are assessed as Vulnerable, however, yet known only from a few collections each, highlighting the urgency and importance of fieldwork and taxonomic revisions in the Amazon biogeographic region in order to provide essential data for the conservation of both known and still unknown biodiversity.

PhytoKeys ; (58): 21-48, 2016.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26884704


We provide and discuss a floristic survey of herbaceous and subshrubby aquatic and palustrine angiosperms of Viruá National Park (VNP). The VNP is located in the northern Amazon basin and displays phytophysiognomies distributed in a mosaic where these plants occur, as flooded forests, hydromorphic white-sand savannas, "buritizais" and waterbodies. After expeditions between February/2010 and January/2015 and the analysis of specimens from regional herbaria, we list 207 species of herbaceous and subshrubby aquatic and palustrine angiosperms for the VNP, distributed in 85 genera in 37 families. We recorded six new occurrences for Brazil, two for the northern Brazilian region and 21 for Roraima state. These new occurrences, added to the other species listed here, highlight the floristic similarity between the study site and the Guiana Shield, an adjacent phytogeographical unit and geologically related to the origin of white-sand savannas.

Resumo(Lista Florística de angiospermas herbáceas e subarbustivas aquáticas e palustres do Parque Nacional do Viruá, Roraima, Brasil) Esse estudo foi realizado objetivando a elaboração de uma lista florística das angiospermas herbáceas e subarbustivas aquáticas e palustres do Parque Nacional do Viruá (PNV). O PNV está localizado na região norte da Bacia Amazônica e apresenta fitofisionomias distribuídas em mosaico onde esse grupo de plantas ocorre, como florestas inundáveis, savanas sobre solos de areia branca hidromórficas, buritizais e corpos d'água. Após coletas entre Fevereiro/2010 e Janeiro/2015 e a análise de espécimes depositados em herbários regionais, foram listadas 207 espécies de angiospermas herbáceas e subarbustivas aquáticas e palustres no PNV, distribuídas em 85 gêneros e 37 famílias. Foram registradas seis novas ocorrências para o Brasil, duas para a região norte do Brasil e 21 para o estado de Roraima. Essas novas ocorrências, juntamente com as demais espécies listadas, evidenciam a similaridade florística entre a área de estudo e o Escudo das Guianas, uma unidade fitogeográfica adjacente e geologicamente relacionada com a origem das savanas sobre solos de areia branca.