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Orinoquia ; 21(2): 38-45, jul.-dic. 2017. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1091527


Resumen En suelos del Valle del Sinú Medio de mediana fertilidad se evaluó, en un cultivo de maíz hibrido, el efecto de varias fuentes de abonos orgánicos, cuyos tratamientos fueron los siguientes: T1 (Bocashi), T2 (compost con volteos semanales sin microorganismos eficientes (EM), T3 (compost con volteos semanales con EM), T4 (compost con volteos quincenales sin EM), T5 (compost con volteos quincenales con EM), TR (testigo relativo, con NPK en dosis de 100-40-30 kg.ha-1), y T0 (testigo absoluto, sin aplicación de abono ni fertilizante). La dosis de abono utilizado fue de 2 t.ha-1. Las variables evaluadas fueron rendimiento de grano y crecimiento del cultivo, de las cuales se estimaron los índices fisiológicos (TCA o tasa de crecimiento absoluto, TCR o tasa de crecimiento relativo y TAN o tasa de asimilación neta); el diseño experimental usado fue de bloques completos al azar. Se obtuvo que los mayores rendimientos de grano correspondieron a la fertilización química (6.86 t. ha-1) y a la fertilización con Bocashi (6.40 t. ha-1) sin diferencias estadísticas significativas entre estos dos tratamientos. Por otro lado, no se encontraron diferencias estadísticas significativas en los parámetros fisiológicos evaluados como altura de planta, número de hojas, masa seca y área foliar. Para este experimento se concluye que el Bocashi puede sustituir la fertilización química bajo las condiciones edafoclimáticas del Valle del Sinú Medio

Abstrac In soils of Valle de Sinú Medio of medium fertility, the effect of several sources of organic fertilizers was evaluated in a hybrid corn crop, whose treatments were the following:: T1 (Bocashi), T2 (compost with weekly mixture without effective microorganisms EM-); T3(compost weekly mixture with EM); T4 (compost with fortnightly mixture without MS); T5 (compost with fortnightly mixture with MS), T6 at doses 2 t.ha-1 for all treatments with organic fertilizers and the absolute check (T0) received no fertilizers, while the relative check (TR) was fertilized with NPK doses of 100-40-30 kg.ha-1. The evaluated variables were grain yield and crop growth, of which the physiological indices were estimated (TCA or absolute growth rate, TCR or relative growth rate and TAN or net assimilation rate); the experimental design used was randomized complete blocks. It was found that the highest grain yield corresponded to chemical fertilization (6.86 t ha-1) and fertilization with Bocashi (6.40 t ha-1) without significant statistical differences between these two treatments. On the other hand, no significant statistical differences were found in the physiological parameters evaluated as plant height, number of leaves, dry mass and foliar area. For this experiment it is concluded that the Bocashi can substitute the chemical fertilization under the edaphoclimatic conditions of the Valley of the Middle Sinú.

Resumo Em solos de Valle del Sinu Medio de fertilidade média, foi availado o efeito de diversas fontes de fertilizantes orgânicos em uma cultura de milho híbrido, cujos tratamentos foram os seguintes: T1 (Bocashi), T2 (compost semanal misturando sem microrganismos eficazes EM), T3 (compost semanal misturando mais MS), T4 (compost quinsenal misturado sem MS), T5 (compost quinzenal misturado com MS), em doses 2 t ha-1 para todas as tratamentos e tratamento control (T0) sem nenhum fertilizante ou adubos orgânicos, enquanto a tratamento control relativo (TR) só fertilizado com NPK en doses 100-40-30 kg ha-1. As variáveis avaliadas foram rendimento de grãos e crescimento da cultura da milho, das quais foram estimados os índices fisiológicos (TCA ou taxa de crescimento absoluto, TCR ou taxa de crescimento relativo e TAN ou taxa de assimilação líquida), o delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos inteiramente casualizado. Verificou-se que os maiores rendimentos de grãos corresponderam à adubação química (6,86 t ha-1) e a adubação com Bocashi (6,40 t ha-1), sem diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os dois tratamentos. Por outro lado, não foram encontradas dife renças estatisticamente significantes nos parâmetros fisiológicos avaliados como altura de planta, número de folhas, massa seca e área foliar. Para este experimento conclui-se que o Bocashi pode substituir a adubação química sob as condições edafoclimáticas do Vale do Médio Sinú.

Front Plant Sci ; 6: 549, 2015.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26257756


Any improvement in agricultural systems that results in higher production should also reduce negative environmental impacts and enhance sustainability. The aim of this research was to investigate the effect of two different production systems, one open-field and the other shade-enclosure with four bocashi doses, in order to find the best environmental option in terms of yield, physiological and morphometric characteristics in one oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) cultivar. In this study a completely randomized block design was used with four replications and evaluated for photosynthetic and transpiration rate, stomatal conductance, chlorophyll, leaf area and temperature, aerial and roots fresh and dry biomass, fresh and dry yield. The results showed that oregano adapted best to the shade-enclosure with increase yield of fresh and dry leaf weight of 165% and 118%, respectively, when compared to open-field. Also, higher doses of bocashi improved yield in both environments but more so in shade-enclosure. Soil moisture retention was higher in shade-enclosure which was reflected in physiological variables for soil matric potential, transpiration, stomatal conductivity, photosynthesis being significantly higher in shade-enclosure compared to open-field, thus improving yield. It seems that oregano plants can be grown and perform better under shade-enclosure than open-field and bocashi is a suitable organic fertilizer.