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Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 48(3): e071, 2024.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565250


RESUMO Introdução: A "feminização" da medicina é uma tendência nacional e mundial. Cada vez mais mulheres têm escolhido essa área como profissão, mudando a demografia médica brasileira e internacional. No entanto, ainda há algumas barreiras na formação e atuação em medicina, como a manutenção de estereótipos de gênero, o que pode ser observado na sub-representação de mulheres em áreas cirúrgicas. Ademais, desigualdade salarial, assédio, machismo, preconceito e discriminação de gênero são outros desafios enfrentados pelas médicas. Objetivo: O artigo analisou a compreensão de mulheres médicas sobre as relações de gênero e a possível influência na sua formação acadêmica. Método: Consistiu em um estudo qualitativo, sendo realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas, no período de novembro a dezembro de 2022, com 13 médicas que atuam profissionalmente no município de Marabá, no Pará. A amostra foi obtida por meio do método bola de neve, e, para a abordagem dos dados, utilizou-se a análise temática de conteúdo proposta por Laurence Bardin. Resultado: As entrevistas apontaram uma diversidade de compreensões acerca do conceito de gênero e demonstraram, de variadas formas, a interferência das relações de gênero na formação médica. As participantes narraram situações misóginas e machistas vivenciadas por elas, as quais, em sua maioria, evidenciavam a minimização das qualificações profissionais das mulheres. Além disso, o assédio foi algo bem evidenciado pelas colaboradoras, nove das 13 entrevistadas relataram episódios que envolviam comentários sobre aparência, convites, favores e contatos físicos, principalmente provenientes de professores e preceptores. Também foi pontuado que os estereótipos relacionados à escolha da especialidade são evidentes no meio médico, pois observam-se a predominância de mulheres em áreas da clínica médica, como dermatologia e pediatria, e o afastamento das especialidades cirúrgicas. Conclusão: Por meio dos relatos das participantes, foi observado o que médicas compreendem sobre o conceito de gênero, e revelou-se um contraste entre as suas percepções. Ademais, este trabalho abordou como, do ponto de vista de médicas, o gênero influencia na formação acadêmica das mais variadas formas, sendo retratada a qualidade de situações apresentadas pelas entrevistadas que evidenciam essa interferência.

ABSTRACT Introduction: The "feminization" of medicine is a national and worldwide phenomenon. Women have been increasingly choosing this field as a profession, changing the demographics of Brazilian and international medicine. However, there are still some barriers in medical education and practice, such as perpetual gender stereotypes, which can be observed in the underrepresentation of women in surgical fields. Furthermore, wage inequality, harassment, sexism, prejudice, and gender discrimination are other challenges faced by female physicians. Objective: The article analyzed the understanding of female physicians regarding gender relations and their potential influence on their academic formation. Method: This is a qualitative study that involved semi-structured interviews that were conducted from November to December 2022 with thirteen female physicians practicing professionally in the city of Marabá, in the state of Pará. The sample was obtained using the snowball method and the Thematic Content Analysis proposed by Laurence Bardin was used to process the data. Result: The interviews pointed to a diversity of understandings about the concept of gender and demonstrated, in various regards, the interference of gender relations in medical education. The participants narrated misogynistic and sexist situations they had experienced, most of which evidenced the belittling of women's professional qualifications. Additionally, harassment was clearly evident among the contributors, as nine out of the thirteen interviewees reported episodes involving comments about their appearance, invitations, favors, and physical contact, mainly from professors and preceptors. It was also noted that stereotypes related to specialty choice are evident in the medical field, as there is a predominance of women in clinical areas such as dermatology and pediatrics and a distancing from surgical specialties. Conclusion: The participants' reports revealed the physicians' understanding of the concept of gender, with contrasting views. In addition, this work addressed how, from the perspective of female physicians, gender influences academic training in various aspects, depicting the quality of situations presented by the interviewees that highlight this interference.

Salud ment ; Salud ment;45(4): 185-198, Jul.-Aug. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1410092


Abstract Introduction During COVID-19, health workers faced increased stress accentuated by gender roles, such as motherhood. Objective This study analyzed the characteristics of a group of physicians-mothers, its impact on mental health, and their experiences during this pandemic. Method Mixed methods study using an online survey to investigate sociodemographic, family, emotional, and professional aspects, in addition to the personal experience of 537 doctors-mothers during the first stage of COVID-19. Results Due to the pandemic, most of the participants changed their daily activities. The hours dedicated to professional work (HM = 5.08, p< .0001), childcare (HM = 3.74, p< .0001), and food planning and preparation (HM = -6.96, p< .0001) were increased, while the hours dedicated to physical exercise (MH = 8.67, p< .0001) and personal care (MH = 9.54, p< .0001) decreased. It has been pointed out that this pandemic has generated a lack of well-defined spaces, resulting in multitasking. Fear and guilt were two common words in the speeches of the participants. Fear of getting sick and dying, or fear of infecting their families. Guilt at feeling that they did not play a good role either as doctors or as mothers. Most common psychological symptoms were insomnia, sadness or discouragement, and constant worry or tension. Discussion and conclusion The pandemic evidenced and exacerbated both the disparities faced by these female doctors in the medical field, as well as the inequity in housework and home-care. The loss of boundaries between the public and the private showed the mothers-doctor struggling to reconcile their personal and professional life with substantial repercussions for their mental health.

Resumen Introducción Durante el COVID-19, los trabajadores de la salud enfrentaron mayor estrés, acentuado por los roles de género, como la maternidad. Objetivo Analizar las características de un grupo de madres médicas, su impacto en la salud mental, y sus experiencias durante esta pandemia. Método Estudio de métodos mixtos mediante una encuesta en línea que indagó aspectos familiares, emocionales, profesionales y la experiencia personal de 537 madres médicas durante la primera etapa del COVID-19. Resultados Por la pandemia, las participantes cambiaron sus actividades diarias. Asimismo, incrementaron el número de horas dedicadas al trabajo profesional (HM = 5.08, p< .0001), el cuidado de niños (HM = 3.74, p< .0001) y la planificación y preparación de alimentos (HM = -6.96, p< .0001). Disminuyeron las horas dedicadas al ejercicio físico (MH = 8.67, p< .0001) y al cuidado personal (MH = 9.54, p< .0001). Señalaron que esta pandemia generó una falta de espacios definidos, lo que favoreció el multitasking. Miedo y culpa fueron dos palabras habituales en los discursos de las participantes. También miedo a enfermarse y morir, o miedo a contagiar a sus familias. Culpabilidad por sentir que no desempeñaron un buen papel ni como médicas ni como madres. Los síntomas psicológicos más comunes fueron insomnio, tristeza y tensión constante. Discusión y conclusión La pandemia evidenció y exacerbó las disparidades que enfrentan estas doctoras en el campo de la medicina y la inequidad en las tareas del hogar. La pérdida de los límites entre lo público y lo privado mostró a las médicas madres conciliando su vida personal y profesional, con repercusiones sustanciales para su salud mental.

Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 38(3): 452-457, jul.-sep. 2021. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1357380


RESUMEN La equidad de género es un tema social que atraviesa diversas disciplinas. Dentro del campo de la medicina, ha sido claramente identificada la inequidad del rol de la mujer en las especialidades quirúrgicas. Limitada representatividad femenina en puestos de liderazgo de sociedades quirúrgicas o académicas, diferencias salariales en comparación con sus colegas varones y falta de programas de mentoría para llevar una carrera equilibrada son algunas de las dificultades que afrontan las mujeres que escogen una carrera quirúrgica. El presente artículo explora el estado de la mujer en la carrera quirúrgica en el Perú, las particulares limitaciones que afronta; también destaca la importancia de la participación femenina en cirugía y presenta algunas propuestas para mejorar el rol de la mujer en el campo quirúrgico.

ABSTRACT Gender equality is a social issue that affects various disciplines. Within the field of medicine, inequality regarding the role of women in surgical specialties has been clearly identified. Limited female representation in leadership positions regarding surgical or academic societies, salary differences when compared to their male colleagues, and lack of mentoring programs for a balanced career are some of the difficulties faced by women who pursue a surgical career. This article explores the status of women who pursue surgical careers in Peru and the specific limitations they face; it also highlights the importance of female participation in surgery and proposes some suggestions to improve the role of women in the surgical field.

Humanos , Feminino , Médicas , Salários e Benefícios , Mulheres , Equidade de Gênero , Cirurgia Geral , Saúde Pública , Medicina
Neuroradiol J ; : 19714009211026895, 2021 Jul 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34284683


BACKGROUND: Neurosurgery is historically a specialty with a wide male predominance. Interventional neuroradiology, considered in many countries to be a subspecialty of neurosurgery (but also radiology and neurology), has never been the setting for this discussion, but the even greater gender inequality of professionals working in this area is well known. AIMS: The initial objective of this research was to describe the personal and professional profile of the few women in Brazil who practise neurosurgery and interventional neuroradiology, and the difficulties they encountered throughout their careers just because they are women. However, the shocking stories they experienced led the team to expand searches around the world, obtaining data from some other countries, mainly in South America. Machismo, harassment, misogyny, discrimination and wage inequality go beyond borders. DISCUSSION: Current times do not allow these situations anymore, but which, according to the narrative descriptions of 28 interventional neuroradiology women interviewed, still occur very frequently. A more inclusive vision must be sought by interventional neuroradiology societies, and it is up to the leaders to take care of those who need more attention (which does not mean they are more fragile).

Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 37(1): 136-141, ene.-mar. 2020.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1101798


RESUMEN Hoy en día la cantidad de médicos y profesionales de salud que utilizan las redes sociales como vehículos principales para la comunicación está en aumento. Las redes sociales ofrecen nuevas formas de conec tarse, facilitan la comunicación casi instantánea sin límites geográficos y sirven de apoyo a estudiantes, médicos y profesionales de salud. Las redes sociales pueden permitir que las mujeres en el campo de la salud obtengan apoyo que de otro modo no tendrían. Este artículo describe el rol de las redes sociales para contribuir al empoderamiento de las mujeres en medicina y discute las oportunidades de utilizar las redes sociales como herramienta para acceder a mentoría y consejeros experimentados como modelos a seguir; el apoyo e interacción entre pares; y el acceso a información y educación continua.

ABSTRACT Today, the number of doctors and health professionals who use social networks as main venues for com munication is increasing. Social networks offer new ways to connect and can facilitate almost instanta neous communication without geographical boundaries and can support students, doctors and health professionals. Social networks can allow women in the health field to obtain support that they would not otherwise have. This article describes the role of social networks in contributing to the empowerment of women in medicine and discusses the opportunities to use social networks as a tool for: access to mento ring and experienced counselors as role models; peer support and interaction; and access to information and continuing education.

Feminino , Humanos , Rede Social , Empoderamento , Medicina
BMJ Open ; 9(4): e023811, 2019 05 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31048423


OBJECTIVE: In many countries an increase in the number of women in medicine is accompanied by gender inequality in various aspects of professional practice. Women in medical workforce usually earn less than their male counterparts. The aim of this study was to describe the gender wage difference and analyse the associated factors in relation to Brazil's physicians. PARTICIPANTS: 2400 physicians. SETTING: Nationwide, cross-sectional study conducted in 2014. METHODS: Data were collected via a telephone enquiry. Sociodemographic and work characteristics were considered factors, and monthly wages (only the monthly earnings based on a medical profession) were considered as the primary outcome. A hierarchical multiple regression model was used to study the factors related to wage differences between male and female physicians. The adjustment of different models was verified by indicators of residual deviance and the Akaike information criterion. Analysis of variance was used to verify the equality hypothesis subsequently among the different models. RESULTS: The probability of men receiving the highest monthly wage range is higher than women for all factors. Almost 80% of women are concentrated in the three lowest wage categories, while 51% of men are in the three highest categories. Among physicians working between 20 and 40 hours a week, only 2.7% of women reported receiving >US$10 762 per month, compared with 13% of men. After adjustment for work characteristics in the hierarchical multiple regression model, the gender variable estimations (ß) remained, with no significant modifications. The final effect of this full model suggests that the probability of men receiving the highest salary level (≥US$10 762) is 17.1%, and for women it is 4.1%. Results indicate that a significant gender wage difference exists in Brazil. CONCLUSION: The inequality between sexes persisted even after adjusting for working factors such as weekly workload, number of weekly on-call shifts, physician office work, length of practice and specialisation.

Médicos/economia , Salários e Benefícios/estatística & dados numéricos , Sexismo/economia , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Adulto , Brasil , Estudos Transversais , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Médicas/estatística & dados numéricos , Análise de Regressão , Salários e Benefícios/tendências , Fatores Sexuais