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J Adolesc ; 93: 80-89, 2021 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34678621


INTRODUCTION: The heterogeneity of street-involved youth was examined using a person-centered approach. Youth were classified based on patterns of street involvement and the identified profiles compared to identify theoretically coherent and practically significant differences. METHODS: Participants were 111 street-involved youth aged 9 to 18 (M age = 14.15 years; 81.1% male, 91.1% non-white) from three Brazilian cities. Youth completed a life history interview and structured assessment. Latent class analysis was used to identify three profiles of youth based on reasons for going to the street and connections to major developmental contexts (street, family, institutions). Profile comparisons on psychosocial variables (e.g., age, life events) and adjustment indicators (e.g., drug use, life satisfaction) were conducted using multinomial logistic regression. RESULTS: The largest profile (48.6%) included youth drawn to the street by drug use or trafficking, who had moderate connections to street and family. Another group (40.5%) went to the street to escape family dysfunction, and the street represented their primary developmental context. These groups differed on some psychosocial indicators but had similar patterns of adjustment. The third group of youth (10.8%) had families with a history of street involvement and maintained strong ties to all three developmental contexts. These youth had generally better adjustment than their peers (e.g., less drug use, higher life satisfaction) but had higher levels of sexual risk related to the overrepresentation of girls. CONCLUSIONS: Street involvement is a multidetermined phenomenon that may expose young people to distinct conditions of vulnerability. Findings have implications for research, practice, and policy.

Jovens em Situação de Rua , Comportamento Sexual , Adolescente , Brasil , Cidades , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-694621


En un escenario caracterizado por profundas transformaciones sociales y económicas, se distingue una importante desigualdad en las oportunidades de acceso al estudio y al trabajo; y en las expectativas y formas de proyectarse al futuro, según el sector social y el circuito educativo de pertenencia. El presente trabajo intenta analizar de qué modo tanto los jóvenes vulnerables como los de elite producen representaciones sobre el estudio y el trabajo, elaboran sus anticipaciones de futuro y se piensan a sí mismos, en términos de autoeficacia. Asimismo, se busca establecer relaciones entre el nivel socio-educativo, la construcción de su identidad y las categorías mencionadas. Se trata de un estudio exploratorio, comparativo, abordado con una estrategia metodológica cualitativa, que utiliza la entrevista en profundidad como técnica de recolección de datos.

In a setting characterized by profound social and economic changes, there is a great inequality in the opportunities of access to study and work and in the expectations and ways of projecting the future, according to the social sector and the educational circuit of belonging. This paper attempts to analyze how both, vulnerable youth and upper-class youth produce the representations of study and work, develop their anticipations of the future and think of themselves in terms of self-efficacy. It also aims to establish relationships between the socio-educational level, the construction of identity and the above-mentioned categories. This is an exploratory and comparative study, tackled with a qualitative methodological approach, which uses in-depth interview as a technique for data collection.

Artigo em Espanhol | BINACIS | ID: bin-128458


En un escenario caracterizado por profundas transformaciones sociales y económicas, se distingue una importante desigualdad en las oportunidades de acceso al estudio y al trabajo; y en las expectativas y formas de proyectarse al futuro, según el sector social y el circuito educativo de pertenencia. El presente trabajo intenta analizar de qué modo tanto los jóvenes vulnerables como los de elite producen representaciones sobre el estudio y el trabajo, elaboran sus anticipaciones de futuro y se piensan a sí mismos, en términos de autoeficacia. Asimismo, se busca establecer relaciones entre el nivel socio-educativo, la construcción de su identidad y las categorías mencionadas. Se trata de un estudio exploratorio, comparativo, abordado con una estrategia metodológica cualitativa, que utiliza la entrevista en profundidad como técnica de recolección de datos.(AU)

In a setting characterized by profound social and economic changes, there is a great inequality in the opportunities of access to study and work and in the expectations and ways of projecting the future, according to the social sector and the educational circuit of belonging. This paper attempts to analyze how both, vulnerable youth and upper-class youth produce the representations of study and work, develop their anticipations of the future and think of themselves in terms of self-efficacy. It also aims to establish relationships between the socio-educational level, the construction of identity and the above-mentioned categories. This is an exploratory and comparative study, tackled with a qualitative methodological approach, which uses in-depth interview as a technique for data collection.(AU)

Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-662056


La Psicología de la Orientación ha resaltado la importancia de la interacción con el contexto en la construcción de la identidad en los jóvenes. En el presente artículo se presenta el Proyecto de investigación "Trayectorias, estrategias e inserciones en contextos significativos de jóvenes de sectores socialmente vulnerables. Los procesos subjetivos en juego" (Beca de Investigación UBACyT de tres años de duración). El proyecto tiene como objetivo estudiar la relación entre los proyectos de futuro de los jóvenes de sectores sociales vulnerables, sus representaciones y expectativas manifiestas y las estrategias y trayectorias de estudio y trabajo construidas así como las significaciones atribuidas a las mismas. En este artículo nos centraremos en los enfoques y perspectivas conceptuales que estudian cómo construyen sus proyectos, trayectorias y estrategias futuras los jóvenes de sectores sociales vulnerables, considerando sus inserciones significativas en diversos contextos. Estos jóvenes se encuentran en una situación de desventaja social, educativa y laboral que los exponen a mayores dificultades en la construcción de sus proyectos y en la posibilidad de ir implementando estrategias para poder sostenerlos. Estudiar trayectorias implica analizar la temporalidad de las experiencias vividas, sus historias sociales y biográficas, así como el significado que adquieren para estos jóvenes. Para ello y desde el aspecto metodológico, se describe el diseño que se utilizará en el desarrollo de la investigación, exploratorio y con un abordaje cualitativo y un enfoque basado en el estudio de casos a partir de entrevistas en profundidad.

The Psychology of Orientation has stressed the importance of interaction with the context for the construction of identity in young people. In this article we expose the research "Trajectories, Strategies and insertions in meaningful contexts of young people from socially vulnerable. Subjective processes involved (UBACyT grant three years). It aims to study the relationship between the future projects of young people from vulnerable social groups, their representations, their expectations, their strategies, and their study and working paths, as well as the meanings attributed to them. We will focus on the conceptual approaches that study how young people from vulnerable social groups build their projects, paths and future strategies, considering their significant insertions in different contexts. These young people are at a social, educational and employment disadvantage which exposes them to greater dificulties in the building of their projects and the possibilities of using strategies to support them. Studying the paths also involves analyzing the timing of their experiences, their social histories and biographies, and the meaning young people attribute to these experiences. Thus, considering the methodological aspect, we describe the research design as exploratory, with a qualitative approach, based on case studies from in depth interviews.