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Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;68(supl 2)set. 2020.
Artigo em Espanhol | SaludCR, LILACS | ID: biblio-1507610


Introducción: El tiburón punta blanca (Triaenodon obesus) es una especie de arrecife de aguas tropicales, no migratoria, que ha demostrado no tener una alta conectividad costera, como la observada para otras especies de tiburón, sin embargo posee la distribución más amplia de todas las demás especies de tiburón de arrecife del Indo-Pacífico. T. obesus, es una de las especies de tiburón más comunes en el Parque Nacional Isla del Coco (PNIC), y no presenta una estacionalidad marcada. En las bahías localizadas en el norte del PNIC, Bahía Chatham y Bahía Wafer, reside una saludable población del tiburón punta blanca de arrecife. A pesar de ser una especie abundante en las bahías Chatham y Wafer del PNIC, la información sobre su residencia resulta escaza. Objetivo: Conocer sobre el uso de hábitat y los movimientos del tiburón punta blanca de arrecife mejorará su manejo en el PNIC y en otros lugares del Pacífico Tropical Oriental. Para esto se realizó un estudio preliminar sobre la residencia en las bahías Chatham y Wafer del PNIC, utilizando telemetría acústica. Métodos: Se realizó una expedición de marcaje de tiburones al Parque Nacional Isla del Coco entre el 25 de noviembre al 5 de diciembre del 2014. Durante esta expedición se realizaron 2 giras nocturnas entre las 18:00 y las 22:00 a Bahía Chatham y Bahía Wafer y se marcaron 8 individuos de T. obesus con telemetría acústica y se instalaron dos receptores, uno en cada bahía. Resultados: Entre noviembre 2014 y diciembre 2015 los tiburones punta blanca marcados fueron detectados por los receptores instalados en las bahías en un total de 278 706 ocasiones. Los tiburones T. obesus marcados permanecieron largos periodos en las bahías Chatham y Wafer, El índice de Residencia (IR) medio de los T. obesus marcados fue de 0.97±0,03, reportando una tendencia en la baja del número total de detecciones durante las horas nocturnas. Los tiburones punta blanca de arrecife mostraron una alta fidelidad al sitio de marcaje, que se ve reflejado en los elevados índices de residencia reportados, particularmente altos en comparación con otras especies de tiburón de arrecife. Las detecciones de los tiburones en las bahías tienden a disminuir a partir de las 18:00 horas, cuando el tiburón punta blanca se vuelve activo para cazar en el arrecife. Conclusiones: En conclusión, los tiburones punta blanca poseen una alta residencia y fidelidad, lo cual confirma su bajo rango de hogar. El Área Marina Protegida de la Isla del Coco probablemente brinda una protección efectiva a la población del tiburón punta blanca de la pesca ilegal.

Introduction: The whitetip reef shark (Triaenodon obesus) is a non-migratory tropical reef species that has shown no high coastal connectivity, as observed for other shark species. At the same time, has the widest distribution of all Indo-Pacific reef shark species. Triaenodon obesus is one of the most common shark species at Isla del Coco National Park (PNIC) and it is present year-round. In the bays located in the north of the PNIC, Chatham Bay and Wafer Bay, there is a large population of whitetip reef sharks. Despite that, information about its residency is scarce. Objective: The aim of this initiative is to study the hábitat use and the movements of the whitetip reef sharks, in order to improve the management of its population at the Isla del Coco National Park and other áreas of Eastern Tropical Pacific. A preliminary study on the residency in the Chatham and Wafer bays of the PNIC was conducted, using acoustic telemetry. Methods: A shark tagging expedition was made to Isla del Coco National Park from November 25 to December 5, 2014. During this expedition, two night trips were made between 6:00 pm and 10:00 pm at Chatham Bay and Wafer Bay. Results: A total of 8 individuals of T. obesus were fitted with acoustic tags and two receivers were installed, one in each bay. Sharks were monitored between November 2014 and December 2015, the sharks were detected on 278 706 occasions. The sharks remained long periods in the Chatham and Wafer bays. Their average Residency Index (IR) was 0.97 ± 0.03, reporting less number of detections during the night hours. Detections of sharks in the bays tend to diminish after 18:00, when the whitetip shark becomes active to hunt on the reef. Conclusions: In conclusion, white tip sharks have a high residence and fidelity, which confirms their low home range. The Protected Marine Area of Isla del Coco probably provides effective protection to the white tip shark population for the illegal fisheries.

Animais , Tubarões , Distribuição Animal , Oceanos e Mares , Costa Rica
J Fish Biol ; 92(2): 537-542, 2018 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29431221


Occurrence of multiple whitetip reef sharks Triaenodon obesus in the Atlantic Ocean is reported for the first time from near a sunken ferry off the Paraná coast in south-eastern Brazil. This occurrence is hypothesized to have been caused by either a human introduction or a remarkably long oceanic displacement.

Distribuição Animal , Tubarões , Animais , Oceano Atlântico , Brasil , Humanos , Masculino
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;60(supl.3): 339-346, nov. 2012. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: lil-672100


Approximately 12 species of shark inhabit at Coco Island National Park (PNIC); some are migratory, such as the hammerhead shark (Sphyrna lewini) and whale shark (Rincodon typus), and others are resident, like the whitetip shark (Triaenodon obesus). The whitetip shark is a species related to coral reefs, it inhabits coastal environments and is nocturnal and, it is very common in tropical waters, but there are few studies worldwide. In fact, only short researches have been done about their behavior at PNIC. Therefore, this study aimed to give data about the abundance, size and population structure of the whitetip shark at Chatham Bay in Coco Island National Park, providing baseline information for monitoring its population which is also very vulnerable to climate change. In order to accomplish this aim, a mark-recapture method was used, as well as underwater visual counts to determine their relative abundance and visual recaptures at Chatham Bay. The most effective hours for tagging were between 18:00 and 22:00 (sunset), when the whitetip sharks were more active probably related to foraging behavior. In addition, the depth was a relevant factor for tagging, sharks were caught in shallow water (10.9±1.9m). This species prefers to feed in shallow water and this behavior is probably related to the distribution and occurrence of rock and coral reefs in Chatham Bay. Based on the results, whitetip shark do not have a defined spatial ontogenic segregation, since in the same sites both juveniles and adults were found. The study confirmed that whitetip shark use specific residence sites: during the tagging trips, different individuals were recaptured; and during the underwater counts, at least 32.76% of tagged sharks were observed. The average length of the tagged sharks was 101.8±12.1cm (130.0cm maximum and 71.0cm minimum). The relative abundance of the whitetip shark in Chatham Bay observed was estimated on 49.5±10.4 sharks/hour. Furthermore, using the recapture data obtained during the night tagging expeditions, a population of 408 (IC = 181-1050) sharks was estimated.

Doce especies de tiburones habitan las aguas del Parque Nacional Isla del Coco (PNIC) y uno de los más abundantes es el tiburón punta blanca de arrecife, Triaenodon obesus. El presente estudio determinó la abundancia, tallas y estructura de la población de esta especie en la zona de Bahía Chatham, PNIC. Se utilizó el método de marcaje y recaptura y se realizaron conteos subacuáticos visuales, con el fin de determinar su abundancia relativa y contabilizar recapturas visuales. Los tiburones punta blanca de Bahía Chatham no presentan segregación ontogénica espacial definida; pero si una alta fidelidad a los a sitios de residencia dentro de esta bahía. La longitud total promedio de los tiburones marcados fue de 101.8±12.1cm, con una longitud total máxima de 130.0cm y una mínima de 71.0cm. La mediana de las longitudes totales de los tiburones machos (103.5±21.33cm) y hembras (100.1±11.2cm) no difirieron significativamente (H = 1.78; p=0.1818). La abundancia relativa en Bahía Chatham, PNIC fue de 49.5±10.4 tiburones/h. El tamaño estimado de la población usando el método de de captura-recaptura fue de 408 (IC=181-1050).

Água Costeira/análise , Biodiversidade , Recifes de Corais , Peixes , Tubarões/classificação , Costa Rica
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;60(2): 735-743, June 2012. ilus, graf, mapas, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-657815


White-tip reef sharks are common inhabitants of the shallow waters surrounding the Galapagos Islands, where several known aggregation sites have become touristic attractions. With the aim to describe site fidelity and residency patterns of the white-tip reef sharks in a saltwater creek, we used the ultrasonic telemetry method. The study was undertaken in a saltwater channel South of Academy Bay, Santa Cruz Island, from May 2008-September 2009. A total of nine transmitters were attached to sharks and ultrasonic receivers were deployed at the inner and outside areas of the creek. From the total of fitted sharks, four lost their transmitters. The results obtained with the remaining sharks showed an elevated use of the inner area of the channel during the day, with more use of the external area during the night. However, none of the sharks were detected at the site every day, suggesting that they may have a number of preferred sites within their home range. More studies are needed to detail the home range and habitat use of this species, and to guide its protection level in the AcademyBay area. Rev. Biol. Trop. 60 (2): 735-743. Epub 2012 June 01.

Los tiburones punta blanca de arrecife son habitantes comunes de las aguas que rodean las Islas Galápagos, por lo que muchos de sus sitios de agregación se han convertido en atractivos turísticos. Con el objetivo de describir la fidelidad del sitio y los patrones de residencia de nueve tiburones desde mayo 2008-septiembre 2009, se utilizó telemetría ultrasónica en un canal de agua salada en el sur de Bahía Academia, Isla Santa Cruz. A pesar de que cuatro tiburones perdieron sus transmisores, los restantes tiburones monitoreados mostraron un uso elevado del interior del canal durante el día y del exterior durante la noche. Sin embargo, ninguno de los tiburones fue detectado en el sitio diariamente, lo cual sugiere que deben tener un número mayor de sitios preferidos dentro de su área de vida.

Animais , Comportamento Animal/fisiologia , Ecossistema , Tubarões/fisiologia , Equador , Dinâmica Populacional , Tubarões/classificação , Telemetria