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Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1574621


Pocos estudios en Sudamérica han examinado rasgos de personalidad que tuvieron impacto a nivel individual y social durante la pandemia. El objetivo del estudio fue identificar las variables centrales y asociaciones parciales en una red entre la tríada oscura, inteligencia emocional rasgo y distancia social durante la pandemia, y variables demográficas. Se hipotetizó a la edad como posible variable central en la red, y la relación negativa entre la tríada oscura con la distancia social y la inteligencia emocional rasgo, excepto el narcisismo. Se utilizó un muestreo no probabilístico donde participaron 311 adultos (M = 33.95 años, 65 % mujeres). Mediante encuestas en línea, se aplicaron las escalas Dirty Dozen Dark Triad, Trait Meta-Mood Scale y datos demográficos. La atención emocional fue clave al conectar la tríada oscura y la inteligencia emocional. Además, favoreció la adherencia a la distancia social, mientras lo inverso sucedió con el maquiavelismo. Los dominios de la tríada oscura e inteligencia emocional tuvieron asociación negativa, excepto por el narcisismo, que mostró una conexión positiva con la atención emocional. En síntesis, durante la pandemia, la evaluación de la atención a las emociones fue crucial para entender las motivaciones aversivas sociales y promover la adhesión al distanciamiento social. En contraste, debe investigarse más el maquiavelismo, que se asoció a los jóvenes, y no contribuyó a la normativa social de salud pública.

Poucos estudos na América do Sul examinaram os traços de personalidade que foram impactados a nível individual e social durante a pandemia. O objetivo do estudo foi identificar as variáveis centrais e associações parciais em uma rede entre a tríade sombria, o traço de inteligência emocional, o distanciamento social durante a pandemia e variáveis demográficas. As hipóteses foram de que a idade era uma possível variável central na rede, e de que havia uma relação negativa entre a tríade sombria e o distanciamento social e o traço de inteligência emocional, exceto para o narcisismo. Foi utilizado um método de amostragem não probabilístico, com a participação de 311 adultos (M = 33,95 anos, 65 % mulheres). Por meio de pesquisas online, foram aplicadas as escalas Dirty Dozen Dark Triad, Trait Meta-Mood Scale e dados demográficos. A atenção emocional foi fundamental ao conectar a tríade sombria e a inteligência emocional. Além disso, favoreceu a adesão ao distanciamento social, enquanto o inverso foi observado com o maquiavelismo. Os domínios da tríade sombria e da inteligência emocional tiveram associação negativa, exceto pelo narcisismo, que apresentou uma conexão positiva com a atenção emocional. Em resumo, durante a pandemia, a avaliação da atenção às emoções foi crucial para compreender as motivações sociais aversivas e promover a adesão ao distanciamento social. Em contraste, é necessário investigar mais o maquiavelismo, que se associou aos jovens, e não contribuiu para as normativas sociais de saúde pública.

Few studies in South America have examined personality traits that had an impact at an individual and social level during the pandemic. The aim of the study was to identify the most central variables and partial associations in a network among the dark triad, trait emotional intelligence, social distancing during the pandemic, and demographic variables. Age was hypothesized as a possible central variable in the network, and a negative relationship was found between the dark triad and social distancing and trait emotional intelligence, except for narcissism. A non-probabilistic sampling method was used, with 311 adults (M = 33.95 years, 65 % women). Online surveys as the Dirty Dozen Dark Triad, Trait Meta-Mood Scale, and demographic data were used. Emotional attention played a key role in linking the dark triad and emotional intelligence. Moreover, it favored adherence to social distancing, while the reverse was observed with Machiavellianism. Finally, dark triad and emotional intelligence domains showed a negative association, except for narcissism, which had a positive connection with emotional attention. In summary, during the pandemic, assessing emotional attention was crucial to comprehend social aversive motivations and promote adherence to social distancing. In contrast, Machiavellianism, associated with the youth, needs further investigation and did not contribute to public health social norms.

Front Psychol ; 13: 796057, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35465547


Recent research has shown that cultural, linguistic, and sociodemographic peculiarities influence the measurement of trait emotional intelligence (trait EI). Assessing trait EI in different populations fosters cross-cultural research and expands the construct's nomological network. In mental health, the trait EI of clinical populations has been scarcely researched. Accordingly, the present study examined the relationship between trait EI and key sociodemographic variables on Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue-SF) datasets with mental healthcare patients from three different Spanish-speaking countries. Collectively, these datasets comprised 528 participants, 23% from Chile (120), 28% from Peru (150), and 49% from Spain (258). The sociodemographic variables we used for trait EI comparisons were gender, age, educational level, civil status, and occupational status. Analyses involved Multigroup Exploratory Structural Equation Modelling (to test measurement invariance) and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). Our results revealed significant between-country differences in trait EI across the studied sociodemographic variables and interactions between these variables. Measurement invariance across the datasets was attained up to the scalar level regarding gender and education (i.e., strong invariance), although analyses on age, civil status, and occupation displayed non-invariance. The resultant psychometric evidence supports the suitability of the TEIQue-SF for the accurate cross-cultural assessment of trait EI in mental health settings. It also highlights the importance of incorporating trait EI into extant psychotherapeutic frameworks to enhance non-pharmacological treatment efficacy.